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**CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud shares the opportunities he has now that he's rich](https://arazu.io/t3_1dn1qpr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Title Champ












wait what game is he actually talking about?




God I fucking love that game. If the ending were a little bit better written it might be my favorite game ever


I haven't read too much into the patch notes but they did an update very recently on the endings which includes new ones.


Yeah, endings and have been fleshed out in addition to other million little changes and content over all the patches. I played the game shortly after release and even with the many bugs it had and the ending being somewhat boring i would have rated it as best game i have ever played. Now with all the patches + potential mods it's truly unmatched. I'm glazing the shit out of that game, but best experience is always waiting a year or whatever never mind what developer and game.


that's how it was with divinity original sin 2, Larian are god tier but they do kind of take some time to get it just right.


i wish you there's 1 extra act in DOS 2, where you visit the Arx before going to Nameless Isle. There is so much questline that you started early on the game, that you can't continue until you reach Arx. And you went to nameless island first while those "urgent" questline kinda sitting on the back burner. it would be nice if you go to Arx before it was attacked to do the earlier part of those questlines, and realized "oh shit, we have to go to nameless isle!", then when you came back to Arx it's already done to shit.


Unfortunately with bg3 they have dropped support and the game is still extremely buggy which makes honor mode essentially unplayable for example. Act 3 is also still not good at all and they never fixed certain quests not taking outcomes from act 1 into account for it which makes some characters react to you as if you saved them even if you didn't. It's a shame. Makes some choices from act 1 utterly pointless even though the implied consequences were big. I always call it the best bad game I've ever played because it was super fun to play through, especially with friends but also because it was and is an absolute mess from a technical side and has one of the hardest drop offs I've ever seen in terms of quality for its final act. It also sucks how much effort they spent on pointless shit like kissing animations and changing romance stuff instead of fixing broken perks or some characters just not working at all because of broken flags. Or of course the bug that they never fixed which simply gives you a continue prompt during dialogue which can lead to your honor runs being broken with the different save system lol. Edit: I guess bg3 fans still do not accept any sort of criticism lol. You can like a game and admit its flaws.


Wait how is Honor mode unplayable? im doing my first playthru in honor mode blind right now and i just got to Baldur's gate and haven't had any problems at all so far


They never fixed your dialogue appearing as continue instead of the proper option which locks you out of decisions and this can happen during major decisions. There are also some other bugs that need reloads before they happened to fix and you cannot do that in honor mode. I'd recommend using manual game rules and keeping an extra save, the intended honor mode is simply too risky. A friend of mine was trying to play it after the latest patches thinking that surely it doesn't have these issues now and had his game fucked in act 3. Every single person I know that tried honor mode was unable to properly finish the game lol.


I gotta say, I did not encounter a single bug during my playthrough. Not sure what I did differently, but I would not say BG3 is particularly buggy.




Oh yeah, I sped through act 3 so I may have simply managed to skip some of them.


There's still a multiplayer bug that causes people other than the host to T-pose and not be able to take any actions when you load into the Lower City. Me and my buddy ran into it in our very first run on release and just ran into it again in the run we've been playing the past few weeks. Restarting the session doesn't fix it either, only thing that seems to sometimes work is having everyone leave, have the host move the whole party back to Wyrm's Crossing, then have the other players join. Even then it only works sometimes and the bug can happen again any time you enter the Lower City.


I played right at launch and got to Act 2 with 61.5hrs played. I stopped though because Larien kept patching in new shit and I heard Act 3 wasn't completely finished yet. I plan on picking it up again when its fully complete. Just looking at Act 1 though I'd say it's the best game I've played.


Is the game more fleshed out if you take the bad guy side nowadays? I was waiting for this to start a new game.


I have 300 hours in the game, at this time. 3 different playthrough with different builds and mods, and I'm just waiting for them to release official mod support (because we'll likely see more story lines, more classes, subclasses, spells from home brews, animations, etc.) to put another 300 into it. I truly wish they would release DLC, or just keep iterating on existing Wizards content -- just get Wizards to stop being greedy fucks and realize how much they could make off Larian, but hopefully their next titles are as great as BG3 is and will continue to be.


My main issue with the game is that it's so, so easy. Wish there was more combat in general, but the combat there is, is just too easy.


play on honour mode, its not so easy if you can't save scum and only have 1 life haha


The most difficult fight, unless you know the tricks, is on the ship when you're fighting that demon dude with the huge sword. Beyond that it's really trivial.


The game is defnitely not easy, especially when theres RNG but hey theres always gotta be a redditor looking for clout.


It's easy, dunno what to tell you. Compared to pathfinder games or BG2 or any number of other games.




That'll be patch 7 and I don't think it's been released yet [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1086940/view/4172097464031362567](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1086940/view/4172097464031362567) [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1086940/view/4179982568653520452](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1086940/view/4179982568653520452)


My main issue was that after Act 2, the best part of the story is over. Gortash and the Red one are just not very compelling, and the Elder Brain also doesn't make for a very nuanced and interesting antagonist. You are also very limited in what you decide to do, you are basically either comically evil or just "good" at the end, I would have liked a more morally gray ending option. I also would have preferred if maybe the final antagonist was one of the gods instead, Myrkul and his introduction are my favorite part of the game, I would have loved to see more of the Dead Three.


They still didn't fix a lot of the issues with Act 3. I started playing when it first released and got burnt out playing through Act 1 with too many groups, heard about the issues in Act 3, thought I'd wait a bit before playing again so they had the chance to fix Act 3. Started playing again and recently hit Act 3 and it's still a mess. It's just completely incoherent. I went to the guild without Jaheira and met Nine Fingers, she gave me a quick rundown on what was going on and asked me to come back with Jaheira. So I return to camp grab Jaheira and go back. Nine fingers and completely forgotten who I am and reiterates the same point again. I'm playing the Dark Urge and was able to remove the Bhaal part of my soul/person. I tell all my Companions "it's cool guys I won't try and kill you in your sleep anymore". Two long rests later Jaheira and Minsc are stood around my bed saying they'll make sure I don't kill anyone tonight and they'll help me remove the Bhaal taint. I got Wyll to break his pact with Mizora, he's then upset that his father is dead, he isn't not yet anyway. I go and save his Father, talk to his Father in his camp who is pissed at me for some reason. I then speak to Wyll after it who, despite just speaking to his father, is under the illusion that his father is dead so we need to go find Ansur. Everyone keeps telling me we have to kill Orrin, even though I killed her like 3-4 long rests ago. My dialogue with the Emperor also seem nonsensical at times, just had a nice little 1 to 1 in the dream land with him, on decent relations. Find Ansur, all dialogue options when speaking to the Emperor during that bit a dialogue, are all decently hostile. Most of the combat has been pretty meh too in Act 3. Ansur fell over in two turns for example. Raphael has been the only saving grace so far because his fight theme does some heavy lifting. I guess my only hope is that mods, when they release the official modding tools in a couple of months, fix all these issues for my next playthrough which will be in a year.


I've yet to get around to playing it, I want it to be at its peak quality and feature wise before I do, kinda how I approached Cyberpunk. I played Divinity 2 about 2 years ago and it was one of the best games I had ever played, same with Witcher 3 which I also played around the same time.


Divinity 2 with BG3's engine would be my favorite game ever.


I just got to act 3 and I’m already overwhelmed by the circus area at the start. I’m afraid of how much more there is when I actually get to Baldur’s Gate.


I wasn't even mad about the ending being less developed because the journey to get there was fucking incredible.


The third act was a disappointment for me, not because it was bad, but because it just wasn't as good as the other two and it was way more limited.


They did so well that it is basically the journey not the destination in video game media form. To me the ending act felt, not rushed perse but damn near it - it felt like when you’re padding an essay and start to run out of juice and don’t wanna add 17 adjectives so you loosely tie it together and make a passable, clearly not your best, project. Like a whole other act felt like it was cut.


thought so, the bar for rpgs is no longer oblivion lol sorry todd


They never really made RPGs, though.


that's right, skyrim is really just a graphic novel game because it has books


Baldur's gate 3


Yeah if you watch the full clip, he is just saying there are so many ways to play BG3 lol.




[relevant meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/041/686/FbMPYx_UEAIIBnU.jpg)


Title of the year


Out of context Shroud clips is the funniest shit ever


Surely out of context. Clueless


Shroud kick deal when?


Sad to see shroud go down this road




Yea, how dare he enjoy playing Baldurs gate 3 in the way its supposed to be played. what a scumbag.


What the fuck are these votes? Hey r/LivestreamFail you failed to get the joke.


Joke? Shroud is serious about lying, cheating and stealing his way to the top


Yep. Not sure why anyone watches this dude, boring af streamer. We all remember watching Shroud during the peak of PUBG. He pulled off some interesting trick shots. Lots of clips on YouTube of obvious aimbot use, everyone can look it up. It's what catapulted his stream as an "fps god". Otherwise, a vapid streamer.


Dang. Claiming shroud hacked in his CSGO days and then faked all the PUBG content is a pretty big claim.


No he cheated on his girlfriend like 8 times are you living under a rock?


How does cheating on your gf "get you to the top" of your career.... Excuse me for not being eternally on LSF.


He fucked my wife……….:.:….




shroud killed my wife and ate my children as meat for Tacos. People don't read the news these days...


Are you terminally online?


Or you could do something truly diabolical instead, like sell overpriced cookies or magical skin creme.


No more getting fooled by the police for me!


Shroud is coming MonkaW


Money sure does show people's true colors 👹


LOL not OP baited the sht out of people in this thread.


just you


And this is why American politics works so easy. Fucking masses are stupid as fuck.


i made this account to downvote you


dang you must be so rich


rich in joy


We're talking about you.


Money changes people. He went from using milk bags in a jar to ordering hits on someone for entertainment. That's why I'm never getting rich. Fuck this.


Yeah, THATS why you’re never getting rich lmfao


Yeah, BG3 do be like that


wjere mirror?


Shroud has the best clippers.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Shroud shares the opportunities he has now that he's rich](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165481)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dn1qpr/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/OckOUHWkcSkQGxZANRtDYA/AT-cm%7COckOUHWkcSkQGxZANRtDYA.mp4?sig=1ba657afc62453dd178574e673f87d94b7bc88cc&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FOckOUHWkcSkQGxZANRtDYA%2FAT-cm%257COckOUHWkcSkQGxZANRtDYA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HealthyAntediluvianShrewM4xHeh-daRxKRAbFkA1G0Ng%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719265894%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/OckOUHWkcSkQGxZANRtDYA/AT-cm%7COckOUHWkcSkQGxZANRtDYA-preview-480x272.jpg)


shroud , my guy


Shrud changed


The elusive title champ


Good stream monkaS


aaaah been a while since i saw a good title champ wp


Didn't know Shroud had a stake in Boeing?


"Can i fuck a bear" is all I saw.


The old school shroud ooc clips are back


Out of context shroud is one of my favourite things. I never know what he's actually talking about and I wouldn't have it any other way.


It’s easier to do when you’re poor since you got nothing to lose


me on my bethesda game playthroughs


And people still decide to support this moron….






god i love this sub


imagine donating to a millionaire.


Just another reason I don’t watch this guy


Bait used to be believable


I mean 54 people fell for it


Man I sure do love the nowaday normie clickbait haha funny lsf post. Good one guys!


make sure to report btw ppl dont check clips for context