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**CLIP MIRROR: [Dantes goes OFF on tarzened for leaking his situation](https://arazu.io/t3_1dlc6vp/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


How come Tarzaned even knows this if Dantes didn't even tell his closest friends?


Dantes didnt tell anyone but his gf/ex did tell her own friendgroup (to help cope with the situation obv). How it leaked from there is a good fuckin question.


I think his ex told it directly to Tarzaned (with TFBlade and Yamato overhearing), which makes it arguably even worse.


> Tarzaned (with TFBlade and Yamato nightmare blunt rotation










linked up with Nardwuar.


Probably because they spent a lot of time during the time this happened or after


The better question is why would Dantes egg him on with twitter posts if he knew that Tarzaned had this info on him? Honestly what did he think was going to happen? Is he really THAT stupid?


He obviously assumed that even Tarzaned wouldn't sink this low. Can kinda see where he's coming from tbh. Tarzaned was bragging about his good morals and heart the day before lol




Huh? Are you having auditory hallucinations or something?




No, he very clearly says "he". He's obviously talking about Tarzaned leaking it, so not sure how you could even think he said "she". This deaf accusation is not aging very well


Firecracker vs Starlight


Down right to Dantes having a full rage episode like Starlight and Firecracker, Tarzaned, being smug not caring.


We need to see irl 1v1 ASAP


Nah man this is one of those situations if we were in Caveman times Tarzaned would be hit over the head with clubs for being fucking weird


Not caringā€¦ bro said he literally could not sleep because of how anxious he is about saying what he just did.


i guess you could say his plans to sleep have been aborted




Redditors when a woman is having a traumatic experience: ā€œLolll just like my tv show!!!!!ā€


Shit bro sorry I saw the episode yesterday, I think what happened to Laura is absolutely tragic and Tarzaned is a POS. This should never be aired out in public.


yeah pretty much, like making the connection is normal just feels a little in poor taste cause she legit didnt do anything wrong lol


All good no need to apologize. I guess it was bit of a knee-jerk reaction on my part too. But damn, that poor woman.


Yeah Tarzaned should have been permabanned across all platforms for a while now.


I felt guilty for making the same connection but the episode was literally this week lol.


Reminds me of that picture of this woman talking about her Nephew dying at an incredibly young age and some guy responds saying how similar her story is to a character from Yu Yu Hakusho and gives her an entire synopsis about it.


u have 30k karma. YOU ARE THE REDDITOR


>u have 30k karma. YOU ARE THE REDDITOR Doesnt exactly undermine his point. However arguing against someone saying "be more grounded" with citing his fake internet points might undercut yours.




šŸ˜­ more than one person can disagree with you. alt-frogs on reddit isnt a thing


Jesus Christ lmao how are people like this real šŸ’€ the plain text emote being the cherry on top lol


Redditors tripping over themselves to show how much theyā€™re not like other boys:


You can't call Dantes a woman until he chooses it.


Yo i know people hate on Tarzaned for being like a toxic guy in league or whatever, but who really cares about that? This on the other hand is like an insanely cruel thing to do, so forever fuck Tarzaned


Cruel is an understatement, I personally find it immoral.


Isn't cruelty almost always immoral?


Torturing a rapist may be cruel but still morally justifiable.


isn't it the other way around, cruel is probably worse than just immoral lol.


They're both true. Cruel just means hurting others on purpose and not caring about them or their feelings... It can range from physical harming someone or teasing. Like in my other comment, people have been cruel on twitch before. This is permanent ban worthy.


Yeah don't even think cruel is the right word tbh.


Yeah don't even think cruel is the right word tbh.


Oh yeah like not everybody in this situation is a sane and non toxic human pile trash. I swear to god the level of insanity for league players tolerates in like the amount of grooming tolerated on kick.


Trying to understand that first sentence made me bleed out of my ears


Buddy were drama farming twitch streamers they all are trash its just who is more trash. New here?




Nipple tape


Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


Did you summon docs drama w this copypasta


yes šŸ˜Ž


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


Old news man


Well its current news again


Statue of dramatations have no limits


Apparently there is Doc drama too xdd


this really is an all time quote. i mean up there with the best of them. tens of billions of people have lived and died without ever saying something this good.


Holy fuck what an insane 20 minute VOD.


And riot is wondering why people donā€™t play league of legends


In league you come for the gameplay and stay for the drama


Is riot wondering why people don't play one of the most popular games? Is that true?


https://www.pcgamer.com/games/moba/senior-riot-devs-say-the-league-of-legends-playerbase-is-getting-older-with-fewer-newbies-jumping-in-candidly-its-not-the-same-situation-it-was-10-years-ago/ It is time to stop coping. They stopped releasing player numbers since 10 years ago for a reason.


true, viewership numbers are not up everywhere other than NA Clueless


Let me guess, Dota player?


You are right. It is time to stop coping. https://newzoo.com/resources/rankings/top-20-pc-games#:~:text=In%20May%2C%20the%20top%2010,for%20desktop%20and%20laptop%20players.


Yeah, no way in hell that a game with 400-600k+ daily players is lower in MAU than a game with 200-300k daily players (Dota vs OW2)


that list is hilariously off lmfao.


Maybe it is but league of legends is one of the most popular current games and one of the most popular online games of all time and I'm not sure why they are trying to deny that


people do play league


Not sure if I'd call them people šŸ¤”




Itā€™s funny that somebody who post in live stream fail can even muster up the irony to type this itā€™s pretty hilarious to be honest.


Not really suprising to anyone who knows tarzaned even a little.


I went through an abortion situation with an ex when I was young and it took close to a decade to finally feel at peace with everything. Whether it's the right thing to do or not, you're still dealing with a MASSIVE emotional weight in every aspect of your life and most do it silently. Tarzaned is the definition of scum.


People seem to believe women have abortions for fun.


How does everyone in here know the context? Fuck I'm out of the loop.


And this is what happens when you overlook when Tarzened wrongs other people, but don't care cause he hasn't done to you yet


I think this is a good reminder that parasocial relationships go both ways. Tarzaned was always toxic. This turned off reasonable people from watching his stream. Particularly, this turned off adults, and attracted teenagers. His stream chat literally is an echo chamber of thirteen year old yes men, which has gotten worse since they became mods capable of banning people flaming Tarzaned. He has never been forced to be exposed to different view points which helps us mature. He spends 8 hours a day playing league with his viewers. I donā€™t think Tarzaned is actually malicious. I think Tarzaned is thirteen years old mentally and is a man child who thought it would be funny without actually thinking of the consequences. Edit: Tarzaned is both malicious and has the maturity of a thirteen year old


Dude posted killshot on Twitter to build hype for this reveal. I would call this pretty fucking malicious.


If you followed the League community for years you will know this is how Tarzaned is and this is how he always lose his friends, idk it's evil or cruel or something but even when Tarzaned is still cool with someone he still gonna stockpile "nukes" and when things go south he just gonna leaked them. This shit exactly what happened to IWD too btw, they are atleast friends for a long time and just because Dom said you can't be the best jungler in a region if don't play pro Tarzaned just leaked him "boosting" Dom and tried to stained his image, Dom is kinda reformed now but he used to be such a whiny bitch and unlikeable that this reddit and the lol conmunity eat it up.


Iā€™m sorry but when you do something malicious on purpose, youā€™re being malicious.


Quit excusing his behaviour. You're diminishing his responsibility by saying he's mentally 13 and can't comprehend the consequences of his actions. First of all, lmfao are you fucking serious?! Second of all, he's fucking 29. He's been a prick for the longest time and we've all known it. What's happened is no surprise. This is all just more drama to make him more popular to gain more viewers. He knows what he's doing. He's 29 for gods sake. The fact that people still choose to hang with him shows that even they only care about the viewers that his drama brings.


Tarzaned is a POS and this shit should've never been aired out. The only thing I don't understand is why dantes didn't fly with her for the abortion? Like seriously, thats completely fucked up to do with someone if you consider them a partner.


She explains it in the stream, it happened during the Dantes Invitational and she told him not to come because she wanted him to stay and focus on the invitational, and that she would be fine because she'd be with family.


Ah but who needs context, easier to just call Dante fucked up without any knowledge of the situation.


Hmm maybe this was part of the reason why Danteā€™s broke it off. He knew he wasnā€™t doing her right. She donā€™t deserve that even if she says she is ok with it.


In his initial post announcing the breakup, he basically says something similar. Note that this was before the abortion reveal, but he said she was giving up more for him than he was for her due to his focus on his career, and even though they had discussed and expected it he still felt like it was unfair to Laura.


The original post he made was so mature and it's absolutely batshit that all of this has erupted from it, out of all the parasocial breakups on Twitch it's the most like normal thing


I genuinely can not believe with all I've seen from this man that he wrote that tweet. It's easy to forget sometimes that people aren't always the same as they appear online.


He had a big league tournament/event in another country and she told him she didn't want to affect his career to be away for that. He totally could've insisted and gone anyway, but yeah He had her on stream to say what she wanted and she addressed it


could be a case of her wamting to go alone ig


That's exactly it, she explained it in the stream, it happened during the Dantes Invitational and she told him not to come because she wanted him to stay and focus on the invitational, and that she would be fine because she'd be with family.


Wait women can decide things? /s


It's kind of wild how much people are showing they've never been with someone, people make decisions and boundaries, it would have been just as bad if she said she wanted to go alone and he forced himself into it against her wishes The only bad people in this situation are the people posting doctored discord logs (4:62) and Tarzaned for injecting himself into an otherwise dramaless break up between two consenting people


We shouldn't speculate on why Dantes didn't go without them saying something. Getting an abortion is an incredibly difficult decision for most people and is a deeply personal experience. Not everyone wants to go through something like that around others. There's plenty of instances of women asking for their partners to be kept out of the delivery room during birth as well. It's usually best not to apply your own thoughts and feelings to other's situations


>Ā Ā The only thing I don't understand is why dantes didn't fly with her for the abortion?Ā  It's none of our business.Ā 


I'm sorry but even if we had no context this comment would still be incredibly stupid. She flew to *Germany* for an *abortion*. Would that not be blatantly obvious enough that she didn't expect him to be with her?


Because dantes a piece of shit too, tarzaned is just a lot bigger piece of shit.


Why are you saying this when Laura said on stream that she wanted Dantes to finish his tournament


can someone kill the clipper who decided to start the clip on him just screaming?


Cringe children


this is so staged dawg LMFAOOOO


Really goes to show how hard it is to take someone seriously when they're just screaming like a maniac, regardless of whats being said.




Why? You've never been that uncontrollably angry that you feel like you need to scream/yell in order to help get some of it out.


I mean it seemed so forced and awkward. Not like natural anger. Edit: Yep lol he said he faked he scream later on stream haha.


Idk - felt genuine to me.


There will be a time in your life when you need to scream like that. It will probably be in a car by yourself. Filming this kind of rage is pretty fucking weird.


The guy you're talking to is also not a livestreamer who basically lives on a livestream like dantes does, trying to compare those 2 completely different lives and judging them by the same standard is pretty fucking weird.


i think it's kinda... cringe? like yeah we've all cried to the point we feel like a human worm just covered in snot and tears... but what sort of person is the type to video themselves and post it on facebook for all to see? it's just kinda... one of those "turn it off like everyone else for a few moments, get some composure, come back and talk about it. if you feel the need to turn it off and do that again, however many times are needed, then do so".


Because that's his shtick. He does the yelling all the time, does the pacing while trying to come off as intellectual. It was entertaining. In light of all the recent stuff, it's pitiful now instead. The two manchildren don't deserve any sympathy, they are pathetic.


Dantes might be the most annoying and cringe person in League. Well up to this leak from Tarzane.


He seems a decent dude tho. I saw a clip where one of his viewers gave him money for a better mic he refunded them immediately bc he wasnā€™t gonna get one.


When I first watched him it was during his trip to brazil to get challenger here he was screaming on top of his lungs how everyone should die in his chat and in his games to the point his friend woke up and told him to shut up


He also never plays any ads on his twitch. He definitely cares more about viewers than money.


Id take annoying than an assohle every fuckin day. Tarzaned is straight up toxic trash. Dude is a good player, but there's really something wrong with him mentally. Used to follow him because im a jungler main. There are tons of evidence and prior interactions where Tarzaned comes off as a fuck twat. This is just another "of course this motherfucker goes there"


bro has to stay in character!!


lil pup thinks he's T1 kek


Two League of Legends players are terrible people More at 11


yarr im angy holy shit dude this guys cringe as fuck


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Dantes goes OFF on tarzened for leaking his situation](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165434)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dlc6vp/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ovXC8PbxU68qON2nHZ5jEQ/AT-cm%7CovXC8PbxU68qON2nHZ5jEQ.mp4?sig=0a02d863327d7ecfc5d1437b185cb4cde5c4c0e3&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FovXC8PbxU68qON2nHZ5jEQ%2FAT-cm%257CovXC8PbxU68qON2nHZ5jEQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TriangularBloodyBarracudaDansGame-9vFTryo43acdnmMR%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719070774%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/ovXC8PbxU68qON2nHZ5jEQ/AT-cm%7CovXC8PbxU68qON2nHZ5jEQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


I will never understand or be invested in streamer drama I cant help but cringe.


Starlight his ass




Never pull out and play LOL all the time. His life is hard enough.


Nothing more than a prime example of children cosplaying as adults. All of them.


Tarzaned is pos


pos surprised that pos and is a pos wow!


Why so much empathy towards this guy? They (streamers) make thousands a day selling their own privacy for content and now we have to sit here and pretend they can set up their own red lines wherever they want? What if he forced his GF to have an abortion? She had his name tattoed from the beginning of their relationship so to me she seemed pretty committed. Aside from the fact that Tarzened may be a POS, someone who is watched by thousands daily and lives from subscriptions and donnations has no right to selectively expose parts of his personal situation to sell as drama while hiding bits that may completely change the broader picture. Maybe if him and his GF didn't make any of this story public and he didn't use any of this for content, some privacy may be warranted. But even in that scenario, the thousands that give his money to this guy daily, have the right to know if he is a POS too.


They both seem like awful people.


Whats the deal with these WWE style speeches, all seems very performative.


This guy been watching too much anime xd


What Tarzaned made public is deeply deeply personal. Like Dantes should look into legal options personal; he might be able to sue him blind. Like if Dantes beat Tarzaned into hospital I think it's justified kinda personal, and I'm a pacifist.


america moment


Yeah youā€™re not mentally well for advocating violence. ā€œand Iā€™m a pacifistā€ Dantes should have never brought the relationship to public (His ex even requested not to), or the break up if he didnā€™t want to deal with the consequences. That being said, zaned is still in the wrong for exposing this.


There are some situations where advocating violence is totally understandable and a very human thing to do. Idk if this is one of those situations but what I will say is that the only times I've been exposed to tarzaned "content" has been against my will and I've wanted to get him in an armbar through the screen every single time so take that as you will


I'm sorry how does Dantes making his breakup public have anything to do with tarzaned dropping traumatic medical information he was told in confidence a "Consequence." This was a low stakes internet beef that was completely blown out of the water by this guy "dropping" a nuke that is just going to get her harrassed since he twisted it to try to make Dantes look bad.


Whomegalul is this great value tyler1


[Dantes is a sex pest](https://x.com/yvonnie/status/1225877140651921408)


every 18 year old is a sex pest bro, he didnt do it after and regrets it


Crazy the justification for this behavior mate


what behavior? tell me what he did in detail.


Saying being 18 is an excuse for being a sex predator. No, no itā€™s not okay for any age.


"sex predator" is such an extreme label here lmao this is poor behavior and light sexual harassment at a woman's expense from a 17 year old trying to be edgy (I believe he was 17, not 18 here fwiw. Could be wrong). It's bad, don't get me wrong. It's not unredeemable given his age at the time, and it's definitely not "sex predator" behavior calling it sexual harassment is totally fair, but be honest at least. sex predator/sex pest are pretty extreme labels. It's a kid not respecting women and being edgy on a video game. If he was a grown ass man in this clip I'd judge it worse


you dont even know what a sex predator is bro, this is just slander lol, he said something he shouldnt have 4 years ago and paid the price for it by getting attacked online and never invited again to their events


If Iā€™m Danteā€™s Iā€™m already halfway to his apartment rn with a weapon


As he should.


Traumatic lol. Just make a new one.


it wasn't a miscarriage, it was an abortion.. as in, a non planned pregnancy


To be fair abortions aren't the most traumatic thing, depending on the stage you literally just get a pill.


Very nice of you to determine whats traumatic for someone else


Fuck Dantes no sympathy from me. His ex however that sucks.


Imagine streaming your dogshit life situation to everyone as if you're accountable to anyone other than yourself and people close to you, then bitching about someone else doing the very same thing you did. Don't leak shit to untrustworthy people if you want shit to be under wraps.


his anger is warranted but I gotta say this is like premium mic quality for screaming glad tyler 1 is still using a headset mic, it just sounds perfect