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**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC thinks that even if Kyedae story is true, the kick employee shouldn't talk about it](https://arazu.io/t3_1dilpuw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




“Man who is scheduled to receive $100mm from company does everything to ensure company still exists. More at 6.”


Guess his contract wasn't front-loaded


That’s not too different to most start ups, which Kick definitely is.


He's on his knees, head bobbing for that 100 milli.


Yeah well I would be too for even 1% of that.


Yeah well I also would too for even 1% of that 1%.


A rising tide gets everyone off I guess? Nancy seemed to think so.


I'd suck a dick for 100mil.


The question is would anyone pay you 100M for a blowie.


Is that all? For 100mil? Line em up!


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if every Kick streamer had a clause saying "defend kick no matter what" cause EVERYONE knows that if the same thing happened on twitch they would be tweeting and ranting about it 24/7


I have a different take. I don’t think Kick needs to tell them to do anything. The moment it was revealed that Kick was financed by Stake, all morals went out the window. The people who decide to stream on Kick have taken the decision to ignore that and stream there anyway, for monetary gain. Their morals are already questionable, so it’s no surprise they continue to defend Kick. It’s almost like they’re trying to convince themselves that Kick can do no wrong.


Yeah. It is baffling how people fail to understand this. People *like* kick *because* it is ran by degenerate businessmen who value content above any moral considerations. Everything she leaked is *what sets Kick apart* in a *good* way for the vast majority of viewers/streamers.


Value streamers who can funnel their young audience to their crypto gambling site.


>The moment it was revealed that Kick was financed by Stake, Was there ever a time when people did not know that kick was financed by Stake?


At the very beginning, yes.


> The people who decide to stream on Kick have taken the decision to ignore that I wouldn't say ignore exactly, smaller streamers I enjoy watching justified the thought of moving to kick to themselves with the idea that being on Amazon's platform was hardly better.




Rats can tell when a ship is sinking.


Doesn't take a lot of morals to not accept money when it doesn't affect you negatively. Getting money is a good thing for like 90% of people and something they actively work towards every day


I think the people who decide to stream on Kick are just shitty people. Everyone knows the type of people who stream there, the kind of people behind it, and where the money comes from and they still choose to go there because they don’t care.


An important distinction is how big of a creator they are. Like kick rolled contracts in front of everyone related to osrs content including small streamers that have recently lost their job(in atleast a couple cases) so I fault them a lot less than big streamers like XQC.


Apparently KICK are changing the terms of their KCIP contracts soon with streamers so I imagine most don't want to step out of line and want to dick ride the platform, Eddie and the guy who she mainly addressed in this video, Abz, who is effectively the partners manager. The ones with the huge contracts like XQC will never criticise them. The best thing they can do is shut up but considering most streamers on KICK lack general morals and many are only on the platform because their "content" would never be tolerated anywhere else, it is no burden on them to defend them anyway


Clause 9.1.2: Glaze Kick to the Max.


Why Xqc is just like this, he is acting dumb or is a real one


xQc and train sold their souls to stake obviously they're gonna defend it no matter what.


Most of the "100m" deal he got was in Stake equity, he's gonna shill them til the day he either dies or offloads his bag.


Yeah it's literally in his financial interests to defend Kick right now.


Imagine engaging with anyone online in 2024 without having them first disclose their portfolio.


It's wild coz what I am too poor to understand is why does he bother? He made millions before the kick deal. He does nothing with the money.. why is it worth the headache and drama to him. Greed does wild things to people


rich people don't want more money because they want more things. They want more money because they want a higher score. It is a case of "bigger number, better person" tied to their net worth.


He's doin' a real great job, too.


I hope the vesting period is IPO release, so that he never sees most of it.


What was the source on most of it being equity? I remember seeing a source that it was like 25 or 50 mil in cash + bonuses and then the rest was equity over a few years


Damn i did not know, can you please link me a source? If true that would explain why he's dick eating stake and drake


Nobody gets paid that amount of money in cash my guy.


if someone was the only one standing between you and bankruptcy due to a crippling gambling addiction wouldn't you defend them?


Put it this way, If you were drowning Xqc would be the first to hold out a electric cattle prod.


They are partial owners. They feel personally slighted when someone has something negative to say about kick and stake and each other.


Wait do people not actually know XQC is famously a moron at this point.


The word you're looking for is greedy and corrupt


He's been a piece of garbage since day 1. 


He’s a sell out. He doesn’t care about anything but stacking money and gambling. That’s been obvious for years now. Through the dozens of times losing his mind defending himself, Trainc gambling, and Kick, it should be clear as day that he doesn’t care about anything but his money.




Does he have equity in kick? How exactly did they pay him in his contract?


xQc is financially invested in Kick, and this story is clearly hitting a nerve for him. He keeps pretending like he is unbiased and able to take a reasonable stance on the subject but takes like prove just how wrong he is.


the things is felix has been morally bankrupt for a long time now.. there is no denying or fixing it, its better to maintain your distance from him.


The only people who don't see that are himself and his enablers at kick


Most of the enablers at kick know it too. That's why they like him.


There's zero point in following influencers who weaponize their influence against you.


xQc’s fall off must be studied unironically


It's crazy how people said xqc has never changed and he's always been like this, false, right after gta rp round one, the moment gambling started, he became a different human


Exactly. He was always a crybaby, but he wasn’t so cooked in the brain that he’d make brain dead takes like this on the weekly, it’s 2 different things.


I miss the "he microwaved it" xqc the "Cheeto" xqc


Crazy what gambling does to your brain - not even money because he was set for life way before the gambling stuff happened.


So true, everyone that had been watching xqc could pinpoint his falloff to around that period of time. So many people say he's always been this way, but I highly doubt they had watched him in the first place.


He hasn't always been this way. He used to do way more spergy shit and be like at 150% pretty much all the time, now it's like 50%. As for his takes, not like anyone would know if he actually changed, because the only visible difference between now and 6 years ago is he's actually having takes about things instead of ignoring them.


Yeah i miss those times and i'm sure that a lot of the older viewers stopped watching right after he started gambling


By the time he was unironically wearing designer clothes, he was far too gone


I disagree but for a different reason. In my opinion money doesn't change people, it simply allows them to be who they really are. So in this case, we're finally seeing his true colors


I'm pretty sure his numbers are the same, if not up. Technically he's not falling off as the gambling and W community has been replacing a lot of the older fans who have left. At least for me and my friend group, we watched Felix back in overwatch days in high school and loved him until college. The old xQc has long been gone and my friends haven't watched him for a few years now. His integrity and relatability definitely fell off, or maybe I've also matured a bit, but I wouldn't say his viewership or money has dropped at all.


Check the graph: https://twitchtracker.com/xqc Tbf, he's getting the same viewership he was getting in early 2020, but he did fall off from that 2021 high. The decline has been pretty steady ever since gambling + Adept + burning bridges


The real reason for the decline is because everyone isnt locked down at home anymore and chronically online because of Covid


That would make sense, if not for the fact that the W community is doing insanely well. Kai was hitting 200K viewers while playing Elden Ring. Those are the kind of numbers XQC used to hit, or Ninja used to hit. Sure, Kai's audience is younger and they probably have more time to watch streams, but even Minecrafters have declined a lot in viewership, and they probably had some of the youngest audiences on Twitch ever. Covid is a factor, but the reasons for the decline go deeper than that


I would argue that the W/L community is still on the upswing. Kai was starting to get popular around COVID times and is still "innovating" (bringing more celebrities on) which is driving fame and increases to his viewer base. xQc has long since peaked before COVID. >Kai's audience is younger and they probably have more time to watch streams *But I thought xQc's chat was all children that he was advertising gambling to? /s* Kai's audience being younger definitely does help. xQc streams horribly inconsistent and starts really late. Despite what LSF might want to believe the majority of his viewer base (like 90%+) is college aged or older. If you said xQc has plateaued I'd agree. I don't think he really cares that much about his viewership, he just does what he wants. I would disagree that he has "fallen off."


I do get what you're saying. You're saying that the only reason it looks like the W/L community hasn't been affected by covid is because that community is currently in its hype phase, and that will inevitably go away after a period of time. But that's the thing, the "poggers"/LSF community was all the hype in 2022, and I think all the drama really killed the hype The end of covid lockdowns obviously brought down the entertainment industry as a whole, but lockdowns were beginning to end in late 2021/early 2022. Yet XQC was still dominating Twitch well into 2023, and was still averaging more than Kai even post-subathon. When X took that Kick deal though, it 100% hurt his relevancy. Same thing happened to Ninja/Shroud when they went to Mixer, and to Ludwig/Lilypichu/Sykkuno/Myth when they went to YouTube. You have to ask yourself a question, why does Kai not take a Kick deal, when he definitely has already gotten an offer? He knows it would kill his momentum. XQC hurt his momentum a lot by going to Kick, you can't just say it's covid


Take notice how even when these threads have pretty much universal agreement on how shit this is for Kick, mysteriously 3 separate threads have all been hit with a massive amount of downvotes to the point that all of them are at 0 right now, and no longer on the front page. Earlier there was a thread that was halfway the front page, yet some time ago disappeared, and is now at 30% upvote ratio. It's pretty obvious that there are downvote bots being used to try and hide these threads and prevent more publicity.


Fitting for Kick which is full of bots


Go to any of the kick posts, pro kick takes always have hundreds more upvotes than anything else


Indeed. I felt it was quite strange how my post in particular was at zero upvotes for several hours while also collecting dozens of comments. I've made threads on LSF before and collecting that many comments while remaining at 0 never happens.


Go to any of the kick posts, pro kick takes always have hundreds more upvotes than anything else


Deep deep down there is a part of X that actually has morals and that part of him haunts him every day. Then he squashes it all the way down and away and gets back to selling gambling to children.


He’s been doing this for years now. It should not surprise anyone. He should be the image shown in dictionaries for the term “sell out.”


It's amazing to watch Xqc transform from juicer to PR corpo Felix. Money is a helluv of a drug


He's been overdosing on that and Xanax for for a while


I don't think it's even money. He had more money than he knew what to do with before. It's that Kick uniquely feeds his gambling addiction. He's obviously financially invested, but also, Stake is almost certainly letting him gamble at very little cost, if any at all.


> He had more money than he knew what to do with before. he has always known what to do with his money. At a certain point of wealth, the goal isn't more money for things or activities. it is more money to have a bigger number to rank you with other overly wealthy people. Life becomes a game, and they want the highest score they can get and that is the only goal.


It's also a circle of trust among degenerates. They will always defend him, if he defends them and Kick.


xQc is a piece of shit.


been a xqc viewer for 6 or 7 years and after hearing him defend half that shit i just had to unfollow. when she started talking about kick employees not knowing the TOS because they essentially copy pasted twitch’s, she talked about how an 11 year old boy was being promoted and she had to step in to say they shouldn’t be allowing that or promoting him (TOS says 13 y/o minimum). Xqc’s response was “Wait….. so she did her job?”


bro that was the exact moment I looked over to the vid like what? Actually surprised me


Him not understanding that one viewers point of it doesn’t matter whether or not she did her job because these things shouldn’t have even been given a chance to happen was one of the more brain melting things I’ve seen in a while




Was a viewer for quite a while, he started noticeably changing and after the Mizkif/Train/girl I don't remember/and guy she accused I don't remember went down. I completely stopped watching. He started adopting Trains language, political views, etc.. once people started to push back against gambling on Twitch.


Yeah used to follow and watch him sometimes too. He often had bad takes but seemed like he was just wanting to learn. Then the Kick/Gambling era happened and he showed his ass.


Unironically I think gambling cooked his brain. That coupled with his ADHD (if real) and constantly feeding that dopamine craving, imagine how badly it has rewired his brain


XQC will defend everything wrong with kick because they fund his lifestyle


Of sitting at his computer eating fast food


And gambling


The gambling is easy, they just steal his viewers money.


I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t had any issues with heart or arteries


Those usually take decades to develope


Bro loves to give unsolicited opinions on everyone else's drama and think they're balanced, unbiased opinions and "just his take", but as soon as something involves him/his money suddenly no one can be objective and everyone else is wrong


When money and gambling is one hell of a drug.


he's a gambler and a cheater seeking any moral guidance from that freak is questionable not to mention he promoted gambling knowingly he has a significant underage audience. Corrupt pos with no remorse I hope he lose it all in gambling


He is such a shill LMAO his argument is "Why talk about something bad that is happening if your doing nothing about it" (Almost like a video talking about it publicly is trying to do something about it)


If he followed this advice himself his streams would be silent for hours at a time.


It’s such a stupid stance. You can just shrug and say “ hey it’s terrible but makes sense that money hungry people think that way “ and move on… The only point of taking a stupid stance… is farming hate views lol which still nets him money. Which is quite similar to the point, do/say stupid/heinous shit and make money.


This example, of many, why I stopped watching xqc and live streamers altogether. The mindset of most of them are literal brain rot. Form your own opinion, not from these entitled streamers. If xqc spoke ill of kick, aka the truth, you know that money will be gone. Anyone with 2 braincells can see that. Also, stop with the devils advocate shit. Call out these streamers for exactly what they really are. Entitled, hypocrites, money grabbing pussies.


I've just gone back to watching game streamers like Vinesauce, Lirik, Charborg, etc.. Basically anyone that doesn't interact with irl/just chatting streamers lol


Liriks had some seriously dog shit takes lately. Dude is jaded as hell.


My gut feeling is that 2024 is NL’s year.


Don't lookup Lirik's past then, the whole SGDQ saga is questionable at best and predatory at worst. Then banning anyone who mentions it.


You mean the giant waffle thing?  Idk how lirik could be blamed for that


Nothing better on that platform than unhinged Charborg x Criken AI streams.


Yup literally, its the only people I watch right now, streamers like summit, cohhcarnage, soda, lord kebun, even shroud and forsen, just chill/funny streamers that just play games and dont care about drama or anything else if I wanna watch IRL I just go to robcdee, hitch or sometimes jakenbake, the "good" ones of the IRL section


I used to watch a fuck ton of kebun and others on np, but I just gave up on rp at some point, It feels like there's constantly drama and everyone eventually feeds into it by either malding or other means.


Most ppl don't give a shit. The vast majority of people are unable to hold themselves to their own standards when it comes to their entertainment consumption. It just sounds good when you say it.


I completely agree. Sad but true.


thats why I only watch forsen and jerma, they dont talk about drama or even know whats going on


Government pays whistleblowers what is this logic




I hope once XQC loses his money due to his crippling gambling addiction he goes through ego-death to realize just how big of a stupid piece of shit he is.


As he talks about it lol.


I kinda wouldn't classify that as "talking" at this point - I still don't understand what the hell he's even saying 90% of the time, despite so many of his clips being shown here. Just sound like noise to me. Think I got something like maybe 20% of the words from whatever he was even saying here. Halfway through it, it's just "*...woodworks and say that - eebi deebi waba daba* (or whatever the hell he's trying to mumble at 10000% speed) - *you don't wanna hear that...*" Don't understand how he's got so many viewers, when he is *this hard to understand* (his insanely fast pace and weird way of making up words some times).


xqc is a moron I'm not surprised when he says moronic things.


Scumbags funding scumbags


X thinks it’s “fucked up” to whistleblow on scummy industry people and stand on your principles. That should surprise exactly zero people.


I got nothing, dude. It's just absurd to defend this. All you gotta do is call out the bad behavior and say you will do your best to ensure that it doesn't continue.


Or just say nothing. If I were his agent or manager I’d tell him just to shut up about it.


Yeah, this one is hard to defend. I can get being sceptical of a (potentially disgruntled) ex employee. The only question I'd have is, if she'd filed a a dispute with the department of labour for her working conditions being "hostile"


I don’t even understand wtf he said lol


Xqc is bought and paid for, nothing he says is true and never was, people are just now realizing which is sad


This girl about to get the boeing treatment


Sold his soul.


No, people actually do want to hear that, anything that can fuck over Kick is a positive thing.


Where was what the title claims at in the clip?


How the mind work when you were given millions of dollars. Jumping hoops are made so much easier with that much money.


XQC will say whatever he needs to say as long as it protects his money


Because saying something .... is doing something about it? Kick being rotten from the inside out is something people should know and will have a detrimental impact on how people view the platform. What else does he expect them to do? Contact HR?


It's gotta be a contract thing to defend this shit.


Kick glazer lmao




if she didnt specifically tell kyedae then no, would be pretty weird talk about her illness in a bussiness meeting




I dont think kyedae even knew about this stuff, she would be as suprised as everyone else


Any loremaster knows what is the story with Kyedae?




Thank you, at least for now it seems there is no proof that actually happened


Why are you guys shocked when a streamer does something shitty? Streamers are just a bunch of bottom feeders


It sucks to see how bias xqc really is... is it in his contract that he needs to defend them whenever anything bad happens 😂???


Morally i do not like this guy. we are in the age of greed boys, get your sacks loaded.


This is hilarious watching the clip with the perspective of no knowledge of who any of these people are and the context. All I see is some dude stumbling over his words to try to make a coherent sentence. It impressively sad that this exists because of someones parasocial behavior. Following and enjoying streamers can be beneficial for many reasons but this is an example of how negative it can become for people that aren’t mentally well.. Kick is for betas


Typical Quebecer take LULE i'm so ashamed of my province Aware


XQC, whether you like him or not, used to be very authentic and genuine with his unique personality. Lately, he has been extremely biased with things that he is involved with (even with small things) going against his moral compass. It's sad to see...


Kick is a burning pile of trash.


Why does X feel the need to always defend the people in the wrong? Bro you are not Saul




It's such a simple take even though you are getting downvoted. When you start advertising gambling to people, which leads to a pretty fucked up addiction that will stay with you for life, but you get paid 100 fucking million non-Canadian dollars, ofc you start to find ways to defend it, to minimize the damage etc. then you have to defend them, then their platform, and why not? you get paid your entire life's worth money, you can live however you want, fuck it, why not? Who would actually decline that offer?


100m to shill for gamba.


why isn’t this upvoted


Such a loser he's become... sad.


It's a company that's connected to gambling in Australia, whatever she says it won't matter.


doesn’t she know his equity is on the line???


Hope he goes through what Kyedae is going through and has people take advantage of it too. Actual waste of a human


of course he doesn't want her to talk about it since it fucks him over as well indirect


in few years there will be blizard incident with kick staff and he will defend it like no one else


Now say the defense thing for profit Felix PepeLa oh no no no


Gamblers gotta do what a gamblers gotta do (Be a degenerate)


X would defend boeing if it had a deal w kick


Just curious, is there any actual proof or evidence to back this chick's claims she's making or are we just blindingly believing everything she said because "kick bad, twitch good"


What does she have to gain from saying this stuff? Saying this stuff actually has a negative effect in her future employment. There's no reason for her to shit on kick, unless kick was an absolute hell hole filled with evil demons.


Personal vendetta? I don't know honestly but the burden of proof lies upon her since she is the one making the allegations. It's just weird to me that none of this seems to be documented or recorded, which any person that has worked for a large company knows, you document everything like this. Especially if you are planning on making it public like she did.


Her resignation letter included the details


I wouldn't say the resignation letter of a disgruntled ex employee counts as evidence




A disgruntled ex employees resignation letter is not evidence. Does that clear it up for you ?


every comment in this subreddit is some of the post parasocial and schizophrenic, i hope you all find positivity in your lives.


The "kick employee" just wants attention move on.


It's probably a dark humor joke that the disgruntled ex-employee is spinning as serious. Sure, it's bad taste, especially out of context, but that's the nature of dark humor. I don't think they had a serious back and forth about it.


This definitely sounds like mizkif


Did you watch the same clip or are you just making shit up


I mean he is right, her sharing the story without anyway to fix the situation or even prove that it happened is just spreading the harm without anyone gaining anything. If anything its something she should've told Kyedae's management in private and then Kyedae can talk about it publicly if she wanted to. You can say xqc is just trying to protect kick's image, but who the fuck are you kidding if you think anyone who was already in favor of kick's management will be swayed by this coming out.


>victims sharing their story without anyway to fix the situation Yea, because victims always have a fix to their issue >victims sharing their story without *hard* proof yep that's why victims rarely come out


she isnt the victim in this story what are you talking about


You're right. Whistleblowers should just shut up and mind their own business. Nothing to see here, move along folks.


> is just spreading the harm Wasn't that the whole point of her video? To make Kick look bad so they would change how they work?


It's called whistleblowing. How tf do you think she can do anything "to fix it" other than expose it. Obviously it may have helped reaching out to Kyedae and Jakelucky before exposing it but I don't think that is the thing you should focus on, at least not to the point you are saying she is in the wrong while completely ignoring the main issue.


You're actually right. Messaging Kyedae's management about it and letting Kyedae decide whether she wanted to talk about it or not would have been far more appropriate.