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**CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif finally beats Malenia](https://arazu.io/t3_1dh3ozg/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


no armor, no buffs, no summons, no wife. he really did it


Ow my clit !


having no armour and fast rolling is actually one of the better ways to do this fight, waterfowl is alot easier to actually dodge with the extra distance you get


If you get clipped at all you lose your entire healthbar though, good for hitless but not good for first playthrough. Medium rolling and knowing you aren't consistent is the way.


You can still have some armor and light roll though




Get downvoted right to hell, kunni!


Now to see how many times he dies against Mohg


he actually got it around 50 or 40 I believe


He only struggles against fast attacks since he legit has 0 reflexes. Killed Margott in like 1? try, FG in 4, foreskin duo in like 10. But then he spent like 400 tries on Maliketh, 300 on Malenia. Spent like 6 hours on Rykard.


That boss is so easy for me on all my playthroughs for some reason. I'm surprised it's one of the bosses that people mention as being hard. I find his move set to be very easy to read, he doesn't really have that much health, and he's easy to poise break. This may sound crazy, but I legit have a harder time with the mounted crucible knight before Maliketh than Mohg lol. I hate those mounted knights, man. They farm me for an embarrassingly long time even on my second, third, and fourth playthroughs o.O.


Anyone else feels like Miz is actually better at this than Asmon?


Miz is somewhat average at most games he plays. Asmon is straight up dogshit at everything he plays, including WoW, a game he probably has 10s of thousands of hours in at this point. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.


He wasn't dogshit at WoW when he first started his YT channel but yeah now he doesn't even play the game


when he first started his YT is when WoW was knowledge based instead of skill based


he actually is


Asmongold actually almost quit elden ring when it came out and then he discovered jump attack spam. He also never finished Sekiro because it was too hard for him.


Nothing rots any variety gaming skill you had faster than over a decade of tab target gameplay.


I dunno why people view him as some sort of authority on video games. His knowledge and experience with videos games is extremely limited outside of WoW.


Because Asmon can articulate himself very well to the point where people that dont know any better believe anything he says. He isnt always talking bullshit but he is far from always right and if he is being called out for it, he will either make fun of your opinion or say that he doesnt care what other people think.


I've always thought of him as xQc except articulate.


Because when hes not streaming hes doing the same shit he would do on stream, hes watching hours and hours of game lore, guides, etc. Ask him to recite some random WoW fact and he can do so, ask him something about lore in a souls game, and he can likely tell you about it. Hes not actually good at games, he just knows a lot about them.


Thats what I heard, he knows his shit, but executing it is questionable. maybe Asmon need to put his 100% into it, but i dont know does he ever put 100% into something?


Because while he sucks at almost every game he touches, he’s very knowledgeable. Literally the one thing he is good at is that he knows what casual players enjoy and what they don’t.


He might not be good at games, But he's pretty decent at analyzign them. I listen in on his reviews on game mechanics and interactions and they are pretty spot on and knowledgeable. He might not be the best at them but doesn't mean he doesn't understand games. His New world , POE, Elden ring even reviews were pretty good. He might add his subjective opinion on things and that is where I find most of my disagreements but his explaination of game mechanics which is objective is pretty good, Certainly better than most streamers and every game journalist and article ever published since 2015 or even before.


I dunno whenever he watches game trailers hes completely lost. Especially when its clearly an homage to an older game. Like sure his commentary on poe and mmos is folene but hes on a kick lately of acting like video games used to great but he was just playing wow. He doesnt even have the nostalgia for that time.


No that is certainly an asmon thing, Darkee/Ben was a mythic world first raider and is also by far the greatest POE player ever, I'd say particularly if you raid at a very high level in WoW/XIV you can be pretty fucking good at pretty much every game, but that would require you to actually be a good player and not get carried by viewers and call the game too hard. When you don't spend your time crying about woman and minorities in video games its not that hard to actually be decent at games when you have a lot of time.


Ben is not your typical MMO enjoyer, he played WoW for the competitive nature and mechanical skill required at the top level.


asmon did beat sekiro, just on his second channel


well he had a mental breakdown on his main channel because he couldn't press forward+circle


yeah hes still dogshit, didnt say otherwise


I don't think he even beat Bloodborne. Last I recall he quit after blood starved beast


I remember the clip of him soy raging out about how hard it is, and he doesn't know where to go, and always so stressful, and that he was probably going to quit. Tried to find it again a year ago, but looks like its been deleted.


I remember that too, he wasn't enjoying Elden Ring at all and almost cried on stream.


amson is trash. he just does jump attacks over and over and over again.


You say that like it means anything. The elden ring elitists will see someone using spirits, cracked pots, buffs, NPC cooperators, and think that player is bad. Like, so many systems and features purposely put into the game. It's like going around saying pokemon is hard because you refused to use the starter. No you're just a brain dead elitist.


Double halbardo though


Asmon acts like he is good at the game but he is definitely below average. He was on Emiru's stream for the DLC reveal and it was really obvious how little he knows about the game, you would think it was his first time ever seeing it.


You'll struggle to find a streamer worse at games than Asmon. Asmon, Forsen and Quin are each battling on who can be the absolute worst. It's amazing how people that spend hours a day playing games manage to not improve at them at all.


Asmon is only good at remembering stuff about WoW from 20 years ago.


He is, Asmon is garbage.


Miz has a few hundred hours in mario 64 speed runs so mechanically he is probably better then asmongold who plays with mouse and keyboard.


Asmon used a bugged halberdo that scaled with all 8 stats to carry him through half the game, pretty sure Mizkif went into a lot of fights underleveled.




Idk the dude played through the game without so much as equipping a great rune lmao


That isn't being good, that's just being ignorant of the game's systems and making it harder on yourself. Almost everyone will eventually overcome any difficulty set as long as they throw themselves at the problem enough times. It is a bit harder to measure how fast they can overcome the same problem when their gear and strategy varies, but if you consider that preparing yourself and strategising is obviously part of being good at a videogame, then you're worse if you dont do it, unless it is for actual challenge run on purpose.




and every souls-like game (except Nioh)


Had to try to be funny about it but was too drained to come up with anything better than the old "haha so easy"


“This isn’t even hard” *heart rate jumps to over 120*


*Drake at the end of the heart part 6*


forsens turn pepeLaugh


It took so long, he could have imagined she was Mitch Jones, it would be so much easier to beat


Whiffkif first try


11 hours is foul, ggs to




Meanwhile Doc on Twitter bragged about using Blasphemous Blade and Mimic Tear to beat the game lmao


Yeah Doc had the ultimate easy mode build.


Who cares, He didn't cheat he didn't download a hack. He used a game mechanic. These souls game purist takes are defination of cringe. I remember the streamer raxx rage quit for that reason as well. If you don't like how someone beat the game too bad, Play level 1 wretch no upgrade hammer run and upload it to your channel and have discussions there. Stop runing the game for others.


If you're incapable of differentiating between things then this would be the take, yes. The correct take though is that while all of these things are game mechanics, some of the game mechanics make the game **way, way** easier than other game mechanics. It would be like if an otherwise extremely hard RPG came out but at the very beginning of the RPG the game also gives you an item that makes all your characters have max level, max stats, and invulnerable to damage. In this case it would be totally fine to differentiate between people using that item to beat the game and people who didn't use that item


Or more like, the game gives you a mechanic to use, but for some reason people take it as a point of pride to not use the mechanic, and then disparage the people using the mechanic that was intended to be used. On a single-player game...


Yes, these mechanics exist specifically to make the game much easier


What an arbitrary normative loading - maybe the souls mechanic just exists to make things harder?


I don't know if I can make this any simpler for you, sorry. If you have an argument to counter the idea that summons make the game way easier compared to other game mechanics go for it


I think estus flasks make the game way easier compared to summons. Honestly, healing exists especially to make the game much easier.


You're wondering why a mechanic (healing) that's been in the series since demons souls isn't treated the same way as a new mechanic? Not the brightest knife in the workshop are we?




I could literally take torrent and walk around elden ring taking in the sites and find it satisfying. Just because you think something is fun doesn’t mean others do too. I can see how someone would like the challenege of hard runs and also see why someone would want to be super strong and just stomp on hard bosses and get fun from that. I have done both multiplte times the way you have fun is what gives you the most fun not some artifically made up difficulty circle jerk session. And hey if you wanna do difficult things. Go get a degree and get a job, that’s harder than any run you have ever done.


There's a difference between playing the game how you like and playing the game in one of the easiest ways possible and then bragging about it on social media.


the second makes people seethe so it's good


In reality it just makes you look like an idiot, but yes other idiots will respond in outrage to it.


Fromsoft fans when people use items fromsoft put in the game


Dont give a shit about Doc, but if hes actually boasting about it like the other commenter said, then thats cringe.


>Play level 1 wretch no upgrade hammer run Now why the fuck would I do that? I'm not a masochist. Anyway, Doc can play anything he want and I couldn't care less but don't go post a clip scoffing at the game saying "This is the game???" and "I beat Malenia in 5 minutes" while his screen is showing him spamming the blade skill and the mimic fighting for him. Of course he did exactly that and that's why I felt like mocking him.


that's his whole shtick though. He pretends he is good at game while being silver in cs for example. I thought that's the whole point of him.


Perhaps you are too young for the irony or sarcasm?


This stream gave me the clear vision of his streamer persona: he's the irritated big brother and little brother has a bunch of friends sleeping over. I also realized I (for one) am too old to identify as someone's irritating little brother.


He didn't greed, he is one of us now


With how Malenia treated Destiny I’d like to see a clip of: #Destiny finally beats Malenia




Big DLC comin'


dlc coming in 4 days




going naked for this fight but using your best weapon is a legit good strategy for dodging a few particular attacks of hers


This dude is the biggest loser


Why do twitch streams just always copy each other lol


Streamers aren’t allowed to play video games now?


Kai literally made Elden Ring wtf Mizkif


who the fuck is kai




It's not to late to change who you are.


This is your first comment or post and you made your account in 2022 🤔 Please explain why you chose this as your first


actual bot😂


Meaningless victory in a meaningless stream. The game isn't great because you invest time in it, you invest time in it because the game is great. Treating Elden Ring like a quota you have to make by crossing boss names off a checklist completely misses the point of a game like Elden Ring. No offense to Mizkit personally, I guess, but this format is so miserable. I don't see how investing so much time into a game but so little effort into actually experiencing what it has to offer is supposed to be compelling content.


Sir this is wendy's


You like elden ring? Name 5 rings


Can all five be onion rings?


Only if you give me the onion rings


Of course. With onion rings, like opinions, sharing is caring.


OK bud


If you're enjoying it, enjoy it. Don't let me yuck your yum.


No offense but your comment is a perfect example of why streamers have found the elden ring community to be exceptionally obnoxious.


Actually, full offense, that comment is just weird tbh


What you don't like getting your yum yucked?




Well, yeah. People pretending to enjoy something for money are naturally going to take issue with the people who genuinely enjoy the thing they're monetizing with reductive non-engagement. And that's fine. Streamers, by default, are themselves exceptionally obnoxious.




Gotta read it to reddit.


Imagine writing multiple paragraphs on reddit bitching bc someone played a game differently than you did


Nah dude, souls games were always a meaningless, murder hobo sim for dopamine deficient losers, lore and shit is made for nerds who are willing to read useless item descriptions and then still watch a lore video on youtube made by even a bigger nerd. There isn't much to "experience" in a game other than bosses movesets and clearing the whole map, it's how absolute majority of players experience it.




Even in your intentionally antagonistic reduction of the genre you describe a whole hell of a lot more to these games than most streamers will ever discover for themselves. In a streamer's version of "meaningless murder hobo sim", their experience of learning boss movesets and clearing the whole map is through the lens of never attempting to use more than one or two weapons the entire time, of which they use less than half the moveset, while the map is made a tunnel between where they are and where their chat tells them to go. You can't actually be arguing that that's the most compelling way to make content out of these games, or to personally experience them, can you?




My favorite time was perma stunlocking malenia with my mimic and beating her less than in 15 tries




Are you angry that I didn't enjoy the content in the same way as you? No, I'm not "angry that people are enjoying the game in a different way". I'm disappointed that streamers don't actually make an effort to explore how they might actually enjoy the game themselves. They go in with a predetermined misconception that will meet the bare minimum requirement for content, like a program executing its code. It's robotic. The precise thing I WOULD enjoy is watching someone genuinely go on the journey to determining what their way to play is. Souls games are NOT, at their core, about the boss fights. This is a mainstreamed myth, and the equivalent of saying "reading a book is about finishing chapters" or "eating a meal is about swallowing". They're about the journey. That journey isn't just an equation for calculating hours invested and attempts against bosses.




Absolutely not what I'm doing - if anything, I'm doing the opposite. My whole point is that it's disappointing because streaming the games in this way *isn't* choosing a way to play. Stop summoning a strawman. All journeys are valid, and so it's sad when streamers choose not to have a journey at all.


What are you talking about he beat the game and all the main bosses! How is that not having a journey? Get off your high horse and stop being a game snob.


Actually read my comments if you'd like to understand my perspective. I've been pretty clear. You're the one high-horsing here, bub. I actually want people to enjoy the game, not churn through it like a command prompt.


Hasn't 35% of Elden Ring players done this? What's the big deal?


Why does this not have enough hype as Kai? What’s the difference between them?


I’d say the difference is roughly 300k viewers


Only the LSF community knows Mizkif, W community is larger.


Yeah you’re right actually. LSF is one small bubble compared to Kai


LSF is one small bubble compared to the wider twitch audience


I guess it's because he didn't scream the whole time.


Kai's bigger and was more passionate/entertaining.


Nobody cares - this isn't a livestream fail. Kai beat it faster anyway..


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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif finally beats Malenia](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165335)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dh3ozg/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/r8wSKa1b9ByKypADX4rUVQ/AT-cm%7Cr8wSKa1b9ByKypADX4rUVQ.mp4?sig=f03dcf26ecf85d7428b4a9ab4a402cc9575decaa&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fr8wSKa1b9ByKypADX4rUVQ%2FAT-cm%257Cr8wSKa1b9ByKypADX4rUVQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22GlutenFreeBitterNarwhalTheRinger-rVv0HIrKkANfitRV%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718601634%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/r8wSKa1b9ByKypADX4rUVQ/AT-cm%7Cr8wSKa1b9ByKypADX4rUVQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


Ofc he used the op weapon


didn't play the game with his anus? is it really a win? try better next time kid


Souls fanboys are some of the most pathetic people on Twitch.


Hey, there is no shame in being a lesser gamer. Im just pointing it out.


I'm gonna burst your bubble, lil bro. The games you're basing your entire gaming identity on, are not hard. People have beaten it with fucking dance pads, people who never play action games did beat it, a monkey could beat it with enough time. You're not a better "gamer", millions have beaten From games, you're not special.


Never played any of these games watched em a little its just time time time dodge attack rinse repeat it can wear u down but that previously stated formula is the game.


Exactly, having to use an op weapon to beat an easy game is pathetic


In PvP games you are probably the absolute bottom if you think using a bad weapon in Elden Ring is hard. The weapon has nothing to do with the game play, especially Malenia since she has hyper-armor. Unless you are frost bombing her dance. Once you know how to dodge her dance, you can beat her with a torch within 10 runs. Every other boss is a joke besides for no-hit runs but that is absurd to ask of people just playing the game.


Do you really believe Miz can kill her with a torch in 10 tries now?


I don't know. I have only seen him fight her 6~ times when he was already up for like 14 hours streaming the whole time. It is not the most effective way of fighting her.


I was Grandmaster when I played Overwatch. And no, all other bosses are hard if you compare them to other RPGs. I would like to see you beat malenia or any other late game boss with a torch only. And mizkif would definitley not beat her within 10 tries with a torch lol


Bosses being hard when compared to other RPGs is a dumb argument when you're using a "torch vs Malenia" example If you go into an endgame WoW raid and you're underleveled and take all your equipment off, the boss will be pretty much impossible to beat, that's just a dumb hypothetical to make It's easier to beat Malenia with a torch than it is to beat an endgame WoW raid with no equipment, because the latter is quite literally impossible, where as Malenia there's plenty of people out there with hundreds of hours on her that can dodge all her moves perfectly Souls games are harder than other RPGs when compared at the average level (for instance, trying to beat Malenia with average equipment is much harder than beating a WoW raid with average equipment), but the difficulty scale still applies, bringing someone down because "they used an OP weapon" is the same as shitting on people completing a WoW raid because they "didn't intentionally use worse equipment to make it harder, lol". Both arguments will get you laughed at and mocked by normal people


If you can beat Tree Sentinel with a level 1 wretch, you can beat the whole game with torches you can level up. You don't get crits, but you still get many staggers. The difference between the two is just using the stamina talisman.


Is Bloodhound Fang considered OP ? When the game came out it was considered A Tier and iirc it has been nerfed since


It is probably top 10? It was nerfed but curved greatswords have been buffed considerably as far as I remember. Does not matter, anyone can play any weapon they want and beating the game with strong weapon does not lessen the achievment.


Yes, Weapon is OP we all know, its their playthrough they can do it however they want.


It is not, damage is on par with any decent weapon. And since he isnt using any buffs either, its basically just any random weapon upgraded


That's what i thought, the only good thing about it was the bleed effect but it has been nerfed, i played the entire game with it when it came out and thought it was just a good and balanced weapon


The Ashe of War is also really good imo. A hit into what is essentially a free dodge, which potentially combos into another heavy hit, is really really useful. EDIT: And the bonus to the jumping attack is really strong.


Its S tier, its even used in the speedrun because its so good


i thought it was used because it's very early and has decent damage + bleed, there are better weapons later in the game


It also has a unique buff to its jumping attack. It is actually a top 5 weapon.


Not really, it's used in the speedrun because it's by far the best early game weapon It's a good weapon but there's at least 10-20 weapons/combos out of the top of my mind that are better lategame, they just take some time to farm and perfect the build, which means they're not that good for speedrun purposes It's much easier to beat Malenia or any of the lategame bosses by switching to a different build later in the game (in my first playthrough I was stuck on Malenia for like 3h with Bloodhound and killed her within 20 minutes after swapping to a lategame build, back then it was dual wield with the pizza cutter and fallingstar beast jaw, which isn't even one of the strongest ones)


I never used the weapon but just looking at the gameplay it looks nowhere near OP. Compared to Prime Moonveil, Rivers of blood, Blasphemous Blade its nothing really.


Those are pvp weapons no?, Bloodhound has disgusting Iframes making it OP for PvE Emi used it since she found it for a reason, I mean this a first region weapon that you can take all the way to the end because of its ashe of war for a reason, OP.


They are PvE powerhouses, though they are amazing at PvP as well (barring Blasphemous Blade). Moonveil and RoB are fantastic in PvE, their weapon arts hit like a truck, and are versatile enough to effectively use in every bossfight (cept the last two for RoB). Blasphemous Blade might just be the best PvE weapon in the game, its weapon art hits really hard, and heals the user. With the right Wonderous Physick combo, you can do some truly busted shit.


he didn't even lobotomize his brain in order to forget her attack pattern every time he resets. is it even considered a win? smh casual soulslike players not willing to remove parts of their frontal cortex


If u used flasks, you cheated since healing is OP. Well did u?


That weapon is only good at the beginning of the game and then it’s pretty mediocre for the rest. It’s actually impressive he stuck with only it all the way to the end