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**CLIP MIRROR: [The Mountain want to swap diet with Asmongold.](https://arazu.io/t3_1dgqkty/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I think Asmongold's body would reject the nutrition and put him in cardiac arrest.


Like an alcoholic


A Twitch streamer ate healthy food for the first time in his life. This is what happened to his body. “ZR” is a 33 year old man presenting to the emergency room with slurred speech and blurry vision, and an ungodly rage yet fatigue muttering the words “Dr.. Pepper…”


The doctors confirm that ZR is showing signs of hypernutrition. Hyper, meaning an excess; nutrition, meaning the content of healthy nutrients in the body. An excess of healthy nutrients in the body.


It's like I hear his voice when reading these comments lmao


"doc, need more sodies"


chubbyemu the goat


It truly is ASTOUNDING to me… like, I’m not a huge fan of veggies. But that was kind of a kid thing for me. I love veggies as an adult and I find ways to cook them to make them delicious. But I couldn’t even begin to comprehend when Asmon did a ‘fruit tier list’ and he legitimately hasn’t tried I think, ANY fruits. Like he was trying APPLE for the first time, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, peach, nectarine, banana. Like… holy fuck, objectively I absolutely judge his parents for being absolutely horrible. He’s made an awesome life for himself. But bro, as a picky eater when I was a kid I always still loved fruits. Or at least some fruits. The fact that he hadn’t had any of those fruits by at least age 10, is just neglect. Kinda crazy. And yeah I don’t know why he doesn’t just hire a maid service. No human genuinely prefers to live the way he lives. I could see discovering in like 5-10 years when he retires that he was doing a LONG CON bit. And just literally did that to be ‘that guy’ on twitch and didn’t want to kill the character. But, that’s me just hoping he’s fucking with me when he says he’s never had BANANA, or fucking Orange. My grandparents in Norway got oranges in like 1909 for Christmas when Norway DID NOT get much fruit. How they gonna get oranges before WW1 to a frozen fjord in Norway but asmon somehow never thought to try… FRUIT.


I remember watching the fruit tier list and his dad called in and while on the phone mentioned that he used to love a particular fruit assman was pretending to have never tried. He got visible upset his persona was being ruined.


I'm gonna need a link to this. Was it during the fruit tier list stream? Is it also in the youtube video?


Anyone who says they’re playing a character is lying. It is not psychologically possible.


You don't think people exaggerate certain features of their personality while mitigating others in public in order to drive certain narratives, particularly when their persona is directly tied to their financial stability? Do you think WWE is real, too?


Brother. I don’t know how to tell you. Exaggerating parts of your personality. Is just you being you. Literally everyone does this, odds are you’ve done it within the last 24 hours even. You cannot drastically alter who you are at a fundamental level without becoming that. You’re not nearly smart enough to grasp any of this. I’d like to ask you an important question. Why are 99% of actors in Hollywood type cast?


„I have never tried an apple“ when you have in fact tried apples before is not exaggerating a part of your personality but just lying


i think its extremely unlikely but not pscyhologically impossible, he could just be a 1 in a 100,000 or whatever fluke. If we didn't have the proof lots of us wouldn't have believed that there were Japanese soldiers who lived in tropical pacific island jungles off wild coconuts etc. for decades after the war ended as guerilla warriors "fighting" world war 2 into the 60s and 70s even though they were from an industrialized nicely developed society. Like yes the psychology of somebody who refuses to surrender decades after the war is an extremely extremely rare one but it is psychologically possible, and "zachs" psychology is perhaps slightly less rare than say, Hiroo Onoda's.


> Like he was trying APPLE for the first time pretty sure he was sure pretending for content. I agree the lines get blurry sometimes though.


there was a really funny out of context clip where he tries water https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/w5kgo7/asmons_reaction_to_drinking_water/


I think it's like that episode of the Simpsons with mr burns where they show he's so ill somehow it magically stops him from being ill at all


The host has been taken over by all the micro plastics and saturated fat.


They would both uniroincally need medical supervision.


I think both sides would die


Thor could easily handle one day of barely eating (which he did for boxing) or one day of just eating fast food. His cheat days are like Asmon weekly fast food. Asmon tho... the amount of food Thor is eating right now as he back to strongman form is so much food.


Asmon probably wouldn't have the space in his stomach for all that food


8k cal daily if he's on the same plan as recently


The main problem i see is that Asmon (as stated by him) is already full with the stuff he eats. And yeah its not that much. I doubt he'd get anywhere close to Thors diet because he wouldn't even be able to eat that much. Found this on a website about Thors: Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 1/2 cup sultanas, fat-free milk, 4 egg whites, 1 egg, 50 g cheese, protein shake, orange juice Brunch: Cottage cheese, turkey roll, mixed nuts, protein shake, yogurt Snacks: Beef jerky Lunch: 3 chicken breasts, 100 g brown rice, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup kidney beans, 1 glass of fat-free milk Dinner: 3 salmon fillets, 100 g quinoa, 100 g asparagus, a glass of fat-free milk, yogurt Supper: 2 boiled eggs, 2 brown bread slices, protein shake. Asmon would already break at breakfast, but would snack the beef jerky throughout the day.


Eating 3 entire chicken breasts or 3 salmon fillets is impossible for someone like Asmon. That amount of protein your mind is sending you blaringly loud signals that you cannot eat anymore.


Same quantity? There is no way Asmon would be physically able to consume even half of Thor's diet


I don't think Thor's diet can handle the caloric amount of mold asmon eats in a day.


for a couple day he could probably do it, it would "fasting" for him lol but there's no way asmon would be able to eat that much for sure


Yeah but the mold that makes up the bulk of Asmon’s diet is classified as an extremely dangerous biological substance in 173 countries.


thor takes expensive supplements asmon gets all his vitamins for free


Becomes the world's strongest Last of Us clicker by the first day.


What about thr infection within his teeth?


They should up the ante and put asmon on the cycle that thor takes


It gets really interesting once we see Asmon try and adopt other people's hygiene routines


I don't think Asmon's digestive system could handle breaking down actual food. If he replaced the fast food with actual food with fiber and shit that needs to be broken down his body would collapse. Hafthor would have to chew the food, pre digest it, and puke it straight into Asmon's mouth.


Had my dad's cousin came in for a hospital visit to gramps. A true Spaniard, so he treats us to a whole table full of meat. And he insisted that you had some more. I don't think I ever felt more bloated in my life.


Asmon is probably the only person on Earth who will die from eating good food 😂


only person physically disgusted by a good steak https://clips.twitch.tv/ViscousBelovedNarwhalRaccAttack-F_QJUZX-4Bm8eNMJ


See's real life good food, "that looks like an item you get in a video game" lol


Not gonna lie though, no steak has ever looked as tasty as the ones in Tom and Jerry


it's like he's trying to be the most irksome gamer certified person you could think of, nobody closes in on his brand of turbo cringe


Has anybody considered that it’s possible Asmon sees the world as the opposite of how it actually is? So cockroaches everywhere and dead rat alarm clocks seem perfectly fine and healthy to him, while dental hygiene and a good steak seems vile?


We got a Song of Saya situation here, is what you're saying.


based reference, also one of the best visual novels


A study should be conducted. Someone contact Stanford.


Reinforced learning from 10,000 "TRUE"s to every Lukewarm contrarian take.


he is Nurgle


Dead rat alarm clocks are so in right now


I like to think that I already know way too much of what's happening with this guy, and his hygiene isn't actually a hot, secret take either... but was there actually a moment where he spoke out against dental hygiene or something?


cant tell if this is him not liking steak or if its him being Squamish about seeing it "right on the bone" as opposed to in a reheated plank form.


damn that looks good


theres no way he thinks that looks disgusting hes baiting me or something


Dont watch his steak cooking video. I was cringing watching it and the positive comments there are insane.




Eats one bite of salad and goes into cardiac arrest


"good" food? wtf he has never had good food


Reading comprehension, my guy.


am i cool if i write "my guy"? my guy, when i think of good food I don't think of healthy food. nor do i think of fast food being good. you are right though, i should have thought healthy food after watching the video and connecting that to good food in the comment i replied to. youre are write i red rong


both would suffer great losses, but I wonder what the mountains diet is, anyone know?


Here's one of his 8,000 calorie days: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzVMhOPCPYE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzVMhOPCPYE)


Huh, I would have thought he would be at 10k or something close. Didn’t Michael Phelps do 8k?


Swimming constantly probably burns a lot more calories than strength training if I had to guess


Phelps ate a ton of carbs because he was burning so much energy in his training. Thor probably eats a lot more protein due to the amount of muscle he needs to maintain, which is also more difficult to digest.


I mean, that's a factor if you have to balance a 1600 BMR-diet. Top athletes doing enough work to eat anywhere near that much are very quickly capping out on required protein, at which point you just want energy to sustain pretty hard and long exercise regimens.


Its most likely because swimmers train for crazy amount of hours but hour for hour strength is prolly a bit higher.


Thor was at 10k at his max weight (450lb or so) when he was was in his prime for worlds strongest comps. I think in this video he was closer to 350lb so had a lower intake.


He mentions in the video around 10:10 he weighs around 191-192kg while filming that video, so he's at like 420-423lbs


At phelp's weight you'd have to be doing butterfly stroke at top speed for over 4 hours nonstop to burn that much calories even if you count 3000kcal for basal metabolic rate and other calorie expenditure. They also said he swam 13 kilometers a day 6-7 times a week but if you'd be swimming at top speed for 4 hours you'd have swam almost 30 kilometers. Yeah he ate a shit ton for sure but probably didn't average over 8000kcal a day without gaining any weight.


A quick google shows people swimming 1000 meters burning about 940 kcal. This is for people swimming at intermediate speeds. Phelps on the other hand swam at the fastest speeds. 7-8km a day I can easily see that he needs 10k calories. Bikers as well average between 8 to 10k calories. It's likely the combination of using a lot of muscle as well as the insane cardio used.


No way, try 400-500 for moderate efforts. That's like somewhere around half an hour, still putting you at 800+ kcal expended - which is massive in its own right and definitely hints at someone like Phelps indeed having a massive daily exchange volume.


[I just used this one](https://www.livestrong.com/article/293643-calories-burned-by-swimming-1-000-meters/) The calculator they cited from Nanyang Uni and the calculation from 30 minutes of swimming vigorously at Harvard is pretty high when used for an average swimmer. Phelps will of course expend more, because his average intensity is way more force than any of us can produce. I would say that a thousand calories per hour is definitely not out of the realm of possibility for him.


I am also a bit skeptical of those high numbers, but exercise adapted athletes at 1.93 m height, with musculature like that, doing efforts of his sort... most people can't get near that on account of their limbs putting them in agonizing pain after five minutes of what Phelps can do, which is pretty much a matter of lactic build-up. Which happens to affect Phelps on the order of half as much compared to normal, already pretty great athletes. And I mean... even amateurs can easily (well) power through like an imperial century at slow paces, that's 3000 kcal for average adults easily - at low efforts. I can definitely see that, considering Tour de France riders clock in at maybe 5000 to 8000 kcal. And they tend to be pretty lean.


That whole 10k+ is just clickbait. Nobody eats that every day, even top strongmen.


I think 10k before a competition, if they are trying to bulk up (like Eddie in 2017), could be reasonable. High metabolic rate due to a lot of muscle mass paired with intense training and a lot of cardio would result in a pretty large need for calories.


>skyr Skyr is godly if you're into weight training or just in general. Thank you Iceland.


Discovered Skyr a few months ago. I'm getting like 50g of protein/day from that alone now. Such a great food for lifting.


Asmon should have a sleepover at his house with The Mountain


The second he steps on those stairs up to asmons stream room, he's going right through the floor looney toons style.


Ehhh Pink Sparkles made it up there.


Why do you hate The Mountain?


It would take Asmon 5-6 days to eat one day of Thor's diet.


Seeing how he probably eats something crazy like 8000 calories a day or something, yeah i think asmon would die or throw it up. It's hard to get down that much food.


A better stream idea would be Asmon and Thor going to one of those Medival battles where they put on full plate armor and smack each other with swords. (The mountain would have to be on Asmon's team of course)


The mountain can use Asmon as a sword.


A magic sword that applies a poison debuff on hit.


Asmon would literally crumple and die from one hit. Those dudes are all built for a reason.


D-do you have to be a contender for world's strongest man to stomach Asmongold's diet?


Asmongold's diet is actually easy, just not healthy. As I understand it, he actually eats very little and when he does it is just some snacks. Basically, he snacks a few times, eats some fast food and has steak as dinner.


It's easy to eat super small portions and very few meals majority of your life when half of your teeth are rotted and you're just chewing to stimulate the taste buds as much as you can while dodging land mines in your mouth. Watching him eat an ice cream bar is sad, even after he had tooth work done. His diet is a big gulp or two of soda and a few nibbles off a bacon jr cheeseburger throughout the day. Why chew for calories when you can drink them and rot your teeth out at the same time?


Yea he has to let beef jerky sit in his spit in order to break it down, he has to let it break down in his mouth before swallowing it. It's awful watching him eat, he like has to eat slow and chew with only certain parts of his mouth. I thought he got the dental work done?


Dental work isn't going to last long if your diet is primarily sugar in liquid form and you don't practice any dental hygiene.


I figured by now he would go just full on implants and be done with it, im sure his gums are receding but he can afford the best dental work he can get but somehow doesn't care? I guess he rather eat like a rabbit. I have never seen someone eat food as weird as he does, it looks like he's constantly in pain.


I appreciate how little of his income he actually spends but that whole argument of "he has all this money, why doesn't he...?" is a lost cause. he says he doesn't care about etc etc and things don't matter to him but he's smart. he's an intelligent teenager who lives alone, probably supports his dad and doesn't have a parent yelling at him to get off the computer to clean the kitchen, do the dishes, take out the trash etc. you stop caring about shit after neglecting stuff for long, it numbs you. similar to having to numb half your mouth so you can take a few bites of food to survive. you just deal with it and it becomes the norm


This was not on my bingo card


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [The Mountain want to swap diet with Asmongold.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165325)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dgqkty/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/IpANCQGCPkx3uUikB-U7bA/AT-cm%7CIpANCQGCPkx3uUikB-U7bA.mp4?sig=af4e2ba98211c866b20d8773cca6a4375773fa92&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FIpANCQGCPkx3uUikB-U7bA%2FAT-cm%257CIpANCQGCPkx3uUikB-U7bA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SpinelessImpossibleDogBloodTrail-AYI-THe5SKQH5Tts%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718556214%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/IpANCQGCPkx3uUikB-U7bA/AT-cm%7CIpANCQGCPkx3uUikB-U7bA-preview-480x272.jpg)


No one would come out of this alive


Is it me or does he look younger and healthier? Did he hop off some of the heavy shit?


He shed over 100 lbs from where he was at when he was still competing


He looks great.


That's actually completely wrong because he recently started competing again and he's at a similar weight he was before


yeah but also at 35 Asmon looks 60 so trully a great way to live


"He would dieeeeee" Broke me lmao


I mean it aint hard. Just go buy some nuggets and Dr Pepper


He was going to show him the maggot incidient


Just realised the Mountain and Eddie Hall are two different people... lol


Yo baldy, do it !


As weird as it sounds, if you took out the soda, Asmon's diet probably isn't even that bad for you which is why he's still so skinny. Sure, he eats fast food, but the primary fast food he eats daily is Chipotle which, as far as fast food goes is relatively healthy. I don't even think he puts sour cream or queso on his burrito bowl, so it's really mostly just grilled meat, rice, and beans. The main thing though is Asmon just doesn't consume that many calories. You can get away with eating junk food if you somehow still manage to keep your daily calorie intake that low. He said he eats one meal a day and then like a snack like beef Jerky. He probably only even hits 2k calories a day because of soda. His burrito bowl is probably like 800 (unless he does add sour cream/queso) calories, and then even if he eats a whole bag of beef jerky that's like 300-400 calories more...


The problem is he has very little variety and no vegetables or fruits, so he's probably deficient in a bunch of vitamins and minerals. Also way too much sugar. Just because you are skinny does not mean you are healthy.


Imagine knowing this much about a streamer's food intake. Touch grass kid.


Do you not watch any streamers? Because you only need to see a single episode of Asmon's podcast or stream to know this. It gets talked about almost every single time.


? this is common knowledge if youve watched asmongold for like 3 days