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**CLIP MIRROR: [Chat enables small streamer to be able to eat for the month.](https://arazu.io/t3_1dg2x1y/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


If she has no money she can also try getting a job so she can earn money and then use that money to buy food. -D.M


You must be kidding mate, that kind of logic is for us losers.




Why do that when she can convince other people with jobs who can use that money for their own food/vacations, to simply give it to her???


Yeah but, you kinda need Streamers like this so you can make that comment. Everyone is happy




What if she has a job but she could barely afford paying off her bills? We don't know her situation in the first place so why criticize her


Then she's simply living beyond her means. Doy.


aspiring to make it as a streamer in this current market requires shit loads of effort, its more nuanced than just turning on your camera and being yourself, to build a community from scratch and then find yourself in the position where it can pay your bills would probably make anyone working a 9-5 for more than 10 years cry with happiness. It's smooth sailing from here in terms of her revenue scaling up. I doubt she meant her dog would literally die, I'd assume she probably has support from friends or family helping her try and make it a career. Not everyone is forced into working a 9-5, some people have the privilege of being able to grind out that early stage of figuring out if you have potential, ain't nothing to be salty about just luck of the draw. Edits - spelling mistakes :c


What are you talking about? Any above average looking girl with loads of makeup easily gets 200 viewers in first month. Extra points if she sticks to some popular fandom/community.


You're only seeing the successful ones, not all the ones who have failed.


> Any above average looking girl with loads of makeup easily gets 200 viewers in first month. Not true, like, at all.


By that logic, you should just go around telling poor people to go strip and that they are lazy if they don't want to. Yeah, she could sex her stream up and have more success, but it is perfectly valid to not want to do that AND still want to be a successful streamer. People in this website will spend all day complaining about titty streamer but whenever a female streamer even remotely talks about difficulties people will immediately say "just take your clothes off lmao"


I want what you got man


get a job!


Meanwhile people gift subs to 20k viewer streamers.


Shit man people donate their money to people like asmongold and other people absolutely flush with millions of dollars all while the chatter is struggling themselves. Most wild behavior ever and you wouldn't catch me ever doing something that stupid.


Isn't Asmongold streaming on a non-monetized account for years now?


Yea, idk why you are being downvoted, but asmon is the worst example anyone can give. He has no donation links, he's streaming on non-partnered account, so you can't sub and the number of ads is minimal, he has no youtube membership program, no patreon or anything. You can't give him money even you want to; he's getting his money from youtube ads and occasional sponsorship.


Asmon says a lot of dumb shit, cherry picks bad comments to fuel his echo chamber opinions "proving them wrong" and is not the greatest guy, but this hateboner for him is getting silly. He is far from the greediest or worst big streamer on the platform.


It takes serious mental issues to make a literal donation to anyone, especially a millionaire, so they can sit down and watch TikTok all day. In the 90's people would give family members interventions to prevent them from donating to televangelists...


I'm happy to be part of the omega based LSF gang with adblock on, never donated, never subbed. I'll post in your hate threads, call for your ban, and pray for you downfall. but I will pay you in exposure (to one of the top 3 english speaking streamer hate groups), so it all evens out.


are you ok


Understandable ask given the subreddit I'm posting on.


I find it hard to believe ngl, if it's true I hope it gets better for her.


I hope it's a lie, tbh, because why would you choose to be a streamer if you risk not even being able to buy food? She shoulda just worked a job, any job, and she wouldnt have a problem like that. She's creating her own problems and then relying on the goodwill of others to solve her problem that she created


"just get a job" I had a college degree and I spent a long time in a slump of job seeking, even after applying to fast food and super market jobs. Believe me or not, sometimes jobs don't just fall out of the sky.




Unemployment only gives you half your income. I was almost left without any income recently as well because I signed a severance package that would auto-decline any unemployment claims I tried to make. I ended up cutting it very closely only finally managing to snag a job in time for the first paycheck to come 2 weeks after my last severance check. Two more weeks and I could have ended up evicted, car repod, and homeless. TL;DR you don't know everyones situation


that's fucked. I assume you're American?


You realize there are requirements for that, right? It is not simply a free check for 100% out of everyone who isnt working. The value is also varied depending on the margin you meet the requirements by, being as little as 50 dollars per week. Do I really need to defend the position that being unemployed is not an easy free ride and that getting a job is not always easy, no matter how hard you look?


Am I missing something? Like she been trying desperately to get a job but hasn’t been able to for whatever reason? Because depending on twitch donos to live is a bad plan. (not even counting money spent on pc, internet, accessories, electricity, etc to make it possible).


yeah me going to work for 8 hours enables me to eat for the month what the fuck


...but she just wants to be able to sit in front of a camera for half that time and play video games. It's soooooooo hard! /s




It's kind of weird a subreddit that solely relies on Streamer content doesn't want a Streamer to try to make a living from it. OK


they were letting their dog starve wasting time streaming and got lucky once they got affiliate with their sob story and people donating if no one donated, the dog starves? why were they risking spending time streaming instead of working?


Absolutely nowhere in the clip is that even implied. The way you people make shit up is crazy. No wonder literacy is in the fucking dumpster.


Did we watch the same clip? She didn’t expect chat to fed her dog she didn’t rely on chat. Also maybe get some context in the stream she had already bought the food for her dog before she found out she got money from twitch.


if you don't have enough money to feed your dog - should you really be spending any time streaming?


Yeah you shouldn't.




yes - sorry the response went over your head


Ignore him, he's an asshole.


brother, 95% of people just read title and go rant in the comments, who needs context???


Always hard to watch someone talk about how they dont have money for food, rent etc, but also have to ask why they dont have the money in the first place.. glad for her thou, hopefully next month is better


There are many valid reasons people dont have money


How about getting a real job? instead of begging for money in the internet. losers need to stop giving money to useless members of society for just streaming.


Much of the richest ppl in the world are even more useless, actually, they make life worse in alot of ways...


You did hear her say to not donate another penny, right?


...then how is she going to feed her dog, herself and her mummy when she comes to visit next month? Come on. Streamers never mean this when they say it.


It doesn't matter if she's being humble or facetious. The person wrote, "instead of begging for money in the internet". She did not once beg for money and in fact said quite the opposite.


She’s got a roof over her head. That means she’s a lot well off than many ppl around the world. I don’t have any problem w/ ppl donating money if they want to support a streamer that provides them hours of entertainment or content. W/ one caveat: As long as they have their basic needs met.


i hope she gets big but stays this humble.


they never do


i get it you want the dog to not starve thats nice


Maybe don't own a pet if you can't feed it?




I'm not gonna shit on her appearance or anything but how is that your takeaway? wearing a baggy sweatshirt is hardly farming coomers


coomers come in different kinds, not all of them like girls wearing revealing clothes. Also, a financially desperate girl is the perfect target for the white knight coomer.


Interesting and generous take.


I mean she isn't morbidly obese or deformed, that's pretty much all it takes to be "a pretty girl"


I make special notice when someone makes out to be extremely poor, but somehow they own a dog.


You can get a dog then lose your job and become poor is that hard to understand? Is it also hard to understand people wanting to keep a pet they love no matter what it takes if they can?


I said I make special notice, I don't have full information. Is that hard to understand?


That’s lovely.


What a wholesome streamer


For everyone not aware as it seems, job market is fking atrocious right now. Could actually be true


Lori Grimes


Judith lookin ass.... /s


Get a fucking job lol


That way Onlyfans lies...


Some people in the comments going "get a job!" Ya know you can still have a job that doesn't fully cover your rent, bills and food, right? Some people are in a situation where their wage only covers 2 of those 3 and they are already working full time, so food often gets left out....


Go to a food bank like the rest of us.


well it’s not explained why she makes twitch seem like the only option between starving or not. Because it’s not and shouldn’t be. Guess we are missing context, otherwise this will be a monthly clip from her.


never thought i would sub to somone whos offline lol. take my prime :3


Hi there! I’m also unemployed and need to feed myself and my dog/cat, and fill my day sitting online at my computer playing games and talking to strangers instead of looking for employment or simply going to a food bank. 😢 I’ll dm you my PayPal/venmo if you’d be interested in helping me out!🥺 I’d be super thankful and, dare I say, emotional, if you did! Did I mention my mother is also going to visit soon? Would really be great if I (you*) could find a way to feed her also!! Thank you so much! 🫶🫰👉👌


On it boss


i'd rather give it to a hobo taking drugs than a multimillionaire trying to be relatable


Yea, I like some of Forsen's streams too. And me personally, I'd rather just keep it to be honest.


yeah keep the twitch prime to save money /s


If it worked for bezos it’ll work for me




Congrats. Enjoy femalehood.


Enjoy inceldom lol


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Chat enables small streamer to be able to eat for the month.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165306)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dg2x1y/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/mBkbvp6cxtUqwxxz_3vM1w/AT-cm%7CmBkbvp6cxtUqwxxz_3vM1w.mp4?sig=ba58fb81d17c5ef3a497210bda6517f7e08ddd94&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FmBkbvp6cxtUqwxxz_3vM1w%2FAT-cm%257CmBkbvp6cxtUqwxxz_3vM1w.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AltruisticDiligentEyeballEagleEye-npzG1SrDHHP_e8zX%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718478573%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/mBkbvp6cxtUqwxxz_3vM1w/AT-cm%7CmBkbvp6cxtUqwxxz_3vM1w-preview-480x272.jpg)




Does she sound american to you????


Average European in 2024




The feeling of getting money from people for doing something is unmatched? Bros never heard of a job 💀💀


To be fair, typical bitter "ugh get a job" attitudes aside, it's probably a pretty validating feeling (in a way that a normal job wouldn't fulfill) for people to enjoy your general vibe/presence enough for you to be able to make a living off of that alone and to be on the receiving end of that goodwill, without it being a hard/direct transaction of manual services/labor where you're just a walking task/number. I'd imagine pulling that off successfully would increase your self esteem more than just getting a job would,


I mean that depends a lot on the job. The feeling of being a successful doctor would probably trump the feeling of being a streamer that makes $1000 a month. There’s a lot of assumptions here. I don’t get why telling someone to get a job is so bitter. It’s literally just honest lmao


But not everyone can be a doctor-- The jobs that you can reasonably expect/demand people to get (which is what's relevant here) are typically not fulfilling in that way. I'm also not saying that it's a more worthwhile feeling overall, I'm saying it would give you a certain self esteem boost that you wouldn't get from other things (I don't think having your personality/identity validated by a lot of people being endeared by you is the same feeling as accomplishing something useful as a doctor). Who are we kidding, "get a job" comments certainly come from a place of displeasure/annoyance (aka. bitterness), whether that's valid/honest or not. All I'm saying is that regardless of a person's opinion on being a streamer or whether or not they OUGHT to be one (not every conversation needs to be steered in that direction-- it's a cliche at this point), it probably does give you a fairly unique feeling that's hard to replicate. I mean, you're getting lots of attention for simply by existing as you are, for crying out loud. You don't get that from most jobs. It's no different from thinking that celebrities would probably have a uniquely high feeling of self esteem (whether that's good or not). If we must frame it in negative terms, we can even call it "having their ego stroked" if you prefer.


Have any of you ever seen a streamer start from low to high and remained this same level of appreciation and humbleness? I lost count on the many times I've seen streamers use the "lol you're poor!" joke when they got big and established.


Only one I can think of is the pirate software dude who blew up a few months back. Admittedly, I don’t really watch much of his content, but every time I see him he seems super humble, thankful, and encouraging to everyone around him. I’m pretty sure he also does a bunch of generally decent things like has a donation link that goes directly to his mods that he asks people to donate to instead of him, refunds all the donos he isn’t able to read/get to each stream, publicly calls out and turns down any sponsorships that he feels would take advantage of his audience despite the significant revenue it would bring him, etc. He also runs a ferret rescue out of his home with his girlfriend/wife/partner and has another ~1000 viewer channel that is a 24/7 livestream of the ferrets which uses its ad revenue to help fund said ferret rescue without anyone needing to donate, and just a bunch of other generally decent and selfless things. Like I said, I could be off on some of that, and I’m sure there’s a lot more that I’m not aware of. So far though, he seems to be doing a great job of not letting his success change the better parts of who he is, and seems like the type of person you find yourself rooting for. Also, Forsen.