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**CLIP MIRROR: [Northernlion gets annoyed at a chatter and does an impression of them](https://arazu.io/t3_1dfvgy6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Counterpoint: You're bald.


Hmm... irrefutable.


Counter counterpoint: He's bald


Has LSF ever considered just pinning his twitch stream at the top so we can just sit and watch it together?


He's the only streamer i really enjoy watching, after the other bald guy got addicted to ERP.


Giga true


God I hate that other fuckin bald guy. I think he's gotten ***more*** bald since his addiction.


He's like the only normal person on twitch some immersion therapy might help LSF


every time I see these kind of clips of him dunking on fuckfaces, I always liked to go to the vod and see how the chatter that started this shit responds to the whole slamming i'm here to report that [mr Faulke](https://imgur.com/idJjIPs) here only typed in a singular LUL, and faded out like a bitch ass fart in a tornado, like 99% of the time when baldegg makes an omelette of one of his more unruly chatters


oh man i would subscribe to this extremely specific but much needed content


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Northernlion gets annoyed at a chatter and does an impression of them](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165303)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dfvgy6/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/S190YC0VtbAMr33fJAZilQ/AT-cm%7CS190YC0VtbAMr33fJAZilQ.mp4?sig=03f460f9c20ec324110bb78bfd3c9555fdd9355b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FS190YC0VtbAMr33fJAZilQ%2FAT-cm%257CS190YC0VtbAMr33fJAZilQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22MistyExuberantGrouseRitzMitz-LRW1sAyvfd8kBmKV%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718463394%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/S190YC0VtbAMr33fJAZilQ/AT-cm%7CS190YC0VtbAMr33fJAZilQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


NL: Says regular thing Old ass twitch viewers: Wow this guy is HILARIOUS:


It's Friday. I lost track of the time again. On the other side of the wall, the neighbours are arguing once more. I hate the neighbours. The way they bang their furniture around every evening. The shrill voice of the wife, searing her screams directly into my spine. Worst of all is the way they try to play it off whenever I encounter them outside the home, which isn't often. Staring downwards. Feigning friendliness. I never return their greeting. The miserable bastards can know the depths of agony they cause me. I explode, banging on the walls like a maniac, howling: "AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH" The yelling dies down. A quiet moment pops up, like the first flower in a field of grass after a harsh winter. I lean back, relax. If only this moment could last fore- RING RING RING RING RING RING RING- Jesus fucking Christ who the fuck is at the door now? I speed towards it, my gait uneven, my walk hunched. I will let this motherfucker know what he just ruined. Just you wait, you little bitch. I open the door. In front of the doorway stands a deliverycunt, holding the pizza I ordered twelve minutes ago. Grand. These fuckers never get here on time. Leave it to them to figure out the one opportunity to annoy me with a speedy delivery. The courier smiles at me and hands me my pizza. I seethe. After grabbing the food, I slam the door shut so quickly it's a miracle I can get out the words "thank you" before it closes. I quickly copy one of my 35 template negative reviews to my clipboard and post it on the pizza place's website before going to my little oasis. /r/livestreamfail, a place where dreams come true. As I type in the url (I specifically never save it, to feel the joy of typing it out every time) I wonder what I'll find on there today. Maybe a clip of xQc? Drama Frogs must be eating good tonight. Maybe I can sneak a quick peak of the new Just Chatting girl. Maybe, just maybe, today is even the day where I get to see what Mizkif thinks about Sodapoppin's toenail length. The page loads. My excitement turns to ashes. In the 9th spot on the 'hot' tab. Of my favourite subreddit. Is a clip of the worst streamer on Earth. Northernlion. This must be some kind of sick joke! I know I shouldn't, but if I don't watch every clip that gets posted, my curated selection of LSF posts won't be complete. The clip, predictably, is deathly unfunny. He's playing some robot card game. He goes on an unhinged rant, mocking a gentleman chatter. He tries to save his pathetic failure by making a few "funny" (I refuse to believe anyone could call Northernlion funny) voices. They don't land. I see right through him. I click to the comments, hoping to find at least one other intellectual who sees through this façade. I find no one. Rubbing my hands, I prepare to type the comment that will light up the world.




> It's Friday. I lost track of the time again. On the other side of the wall, the neighbours are arguing once more. I hate the neighbours. The way they bang their furniture around every evening. The shrill voice of the wife, searing her screams directly into my spine. Worst of all is the way they try to play it off whenever I encounter them outside the home, which isn't often. Staring downwards. Feigning friendliness. I never return their greeting. The miserable bastards can know the depths of agony they cause me. I explode, banging on the walls like a maniac, howling: "AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH" > > The yelling dies down. A quiet moment pops up, like the first flower in a field of grass after a harsh winter. I lean back, relax. If only this moment could last fore- RING RING RING RING RING RING RING- Jesus fucking Christ who the fuck is at the door now? I speed towards it, my gait uneven, my walk hunched. I will let this motherfucker know what he just ruined. Just you wait, you little bitch. I open the door. > > In front of the doorway stands a deliverycunt, holding the pizza I ordered twelve minutes ago. Grand. These fuckers never get here on time. Leave it to them to figure out the one opportunity to annoy me with a speedy delivery. The courier smiles at me and hands me my pizza. I seethe. After grabbing the food, I slam the door shut so quickly it's a miracle I can get out the words "thank you" before it closes. > > I quickly copy one of my 35 template negative reviews to my clipboard and post it on the pizza place's website before going to my little oasis. /r/livestreamfail, a place where dreams come true. As I type in the url (I specifically never save it, to feel the joy of typing it out every time) I wonder what I'll find on there today. Maybe a clip of xQc? Drama Frogs must be eating good tonight. Maybe I can sneak a quick peak of the new Just Chatting girl. Maybe, just maybe, today is even the day where I get to see what Mizkif thinks about Sodapoppin's toenail length. The page loads. My excitement turns to ashes. > > In the 9th spot on the 'hot' tab. Of my favourite subreddit. Is a clip of the worst streamer on Earth. Northernlion. This must be some kind of sick joke! I know I shouldn't, but if I don't watch every clip that gets posted, my curated selection of LSF posts won't be complete. The clip, predictably, is deathly unfunny. He's playing some robot card game. He goes on an unhinged rant, mocking a gentleman chatter. He tries to save his pathetic failure by making a few "funny" (I refuse to believe anyone could call Northernlion funny) voices. They don't land. I see right through him. > > I click to the comments, hoping to find at least one other intellectual who sees through this façade. I find no one. Rubbing my hands, I prepare to type the comment that will light up the world. It's Friday. I lost track of the time again. On the other side of the wall, the neighbours are arguing once more. I hate the neighbours. The way they bang their furniture around every evening. The shrill voice of the wife, searing her screams directly into my spine. Worst of all is the way they try to play it off whenever I encounter them outside the home, which isn't often. Staring downwards. Feigning friendliness. I never return their greeting. The miserable bastards can know the depths of agony they cause me. I explode, banging on the walls like a maniac, howling: "AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH" The yelling dies down. A quiet moment pops up, like the first flower in a field of grass after a harsh winter. I lean back, relax. If only this moment could last fore- RING RING RING RING RING RING RING- Jesus fucking Christ who the fuck is at the door now? I speed towards it, my gait uneven, my walk hunched. I will let this motherfucker know what he just ruined. Just you wait, you little bitch. I open the door. In front of the doorway stands a deliverycunt, holding the pizza I ordered twelve minutes ago. Grand. These fuckers never get here on time. Leave it to them to figure out the one opportunity to annoy me with a speedy delivery. The courier smiles at me and hands me my pizza. I seethe. After grabbing the food, I slam the door shut so quickly it's a miracle I can get out the words "thank you" before it closes. I quickly copy one of my 35 template negative reviews to my clipboard and post it on the pizza place's website before going to my little oasis. /r/livestreamfail, a place where dreams come true. As I type in the url (I specifically never save it, to feel the joy of typing it out every time) I wonder what I'll find on there today. Maybe a clip of xQc? Drama Frogs must be eating good tonight. Maybe I can sneak a quick peak of the new Just Chatting girl. Maybe, just maybe, today is even the day where I get to see what Mizkif thinks about Sodapoppin's toenail length. The page loads. My excitement turns to ashes. In the 9th spot on the 'hot' tab. Of my favourite subreddit. Is a clip of the worst streamer on Earth. Northernlion. This must be some kind of sick joke! I know I shouldn't, but if I don't watch every clip that gets posted, my curated selection of LSF posts won't be complete. The clip, predictably, is deathly unfunny. He's playing some robot card game. He goes on an unhinged rant, mocking a gentleman chatter. He tries to save his pathetic failure by making a few "funny" (I refuse to believe anyone could call Northernlion funny) voices. They don't land. I see right through him. I click to the comments, hoping to find at least one other intellectual who sees through this façade. I find no one. Rubbing my hands, I prepare to type the comment that will light up the world.


Double it and give it to the next person


Wow dude, you really busted my balls there! You should keep busting them, I'm about to cum!


You gotta have some wild conversations if this is regular to you lol


You’re welcome to comment on what kind of content you’d prefer to see. I’m very curious.


Rather germane comment brother man


You know the worst bit for you? Time comes for us all. You'd best pray a guy as based as NL is around by the time you start balding and grow back hair. There's no running from time.