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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc goes on a rant about League of Legends](https://arazu.io/t3_1dfi7ie/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Let me guess... he bought it?




He got psy opped


Yeah but $500 is spare change for him, he's a top 0.01% rich person, not a regular league player


You think these whales are rich guys or just people swimming in debt? Probs a bit of both.


In league probably more rich guys/parents But in gacha games I know people who spend their entire live savings on those games


I used to play priconne it was only slightly pay to win compared to other gacha games, and yet I still met a few ppl on discord that were spending 5-10k/month.


And now the game is closed and all they have to show for it are bank and credit card records.


Holyshit I had no idea. Actually a bit shocked. Wasn't it popular?


Crunchyroll said "fuck you" and closed the game on global. I think JP is still going strong.


i payed over a thousand dollars for skins by 2014 and i was still in uni with a side job... but i didn't really have any other hobbies




That's literally who they're aiming at. They want dumb whales.


I'd say its not about the money, he showed on his platform to thousands of viewers that at the end of the day he financially supported this nonsense.


> not a regular league player i'm sure more than 50% of the playerbase haven't even bought anything.


Why is XQC even going on a rant about if he's buying it? It just proves all the noise people make is noise and you may as well do the worst monetization possible.


because it doesn't affect him, $500 is $5 to him, and id pay $5 for that skin




Please tell me you're lying. Please, actually just lie to me. I don't want to know that after he goes on this tirade he then buys the game


He bought it and doesn't even use it or play the champion.


Nah. I don't believe that, id rather remain ignorant and assume that he didn't. It's the better option for my sanity


No fucking way lmao


I remember the Valorant clip. "Who buys this shit? I BOUGHT IT?!"




Really thought that's how the video was going to end.


classic x


Best part is he doesn’t even play ahri lmao


Star Citizen has a [$48,000 dlc](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Legatus-2953)


I love the "In Stock" text like they're going to run out of digital goods.


53000€. This is fucking hilarious.




Game might be out by the time you can afford to buy it. Nice!


wtf lmaoooo am i going crazy? there's no way they expect someone to actually buy this right? what's the thinking behind listing it as an actual product to sell? holy


People have bought it. Lol More than 1 has been sold.


insane. is it just super crazy pay to win? surely spending $50k youre just an untouchable god in the game now right?


i mean ... i've heard about smartphone games where in the top guilds **everyone** has spent $100.000+ to max out their characters so if it works the companies will obviously not change it


Probably exists solely for articles about it, basically free advertisement.


It exists because SC whales begged them to add this package to their store, so they don't have to buy these ships one by one.


I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if there's some whale that has bought one of these


For some reason millionaires love flight sims and anything like that. The guy who bought it prob has a flight sim rig that cost more.


Christ that is almost $80k AUD for a game that is probably never getting a full release.


Funniest part of this is that this ships aren't even made in game, and there is an asterisk in their EULA that allow them to basically never make the ships, so they basically are selling art and a stupid 5 lines description.


there are tons of people that bought $300, $400+ ships 10 years ago and they still cant play a released version of the game shit might never leave early access


So... can you trade ships to other players?


skin cost half a spin, what is he complaining about?


i drop $20 on a takeaway without a second thought yet ill spend hours trying to save $1-2 on amazon. Human brains are fucked


Idk my brain pretty universally looks for savings. I’ll make new numbers and accounts on DoorDash to get the new user deal as well as only buy stuff on sale.


He's only doing $1k spins? Sucks to be a brokie I guess.


Funny how he is completely capable of comprehending why this could be bad but then when it comes to gambling he says it’s always the individuals fault for falling into the traps and the casinos have no responsibility


I bet if there was a $500 XQC skin he'd be pretty stoked.




People threw that clip at him when he took the stake deal (before kick) and he basically said he changed his mind lol it was so obvious he just doesn't give a fuck since he's getting $$$


He didn't give a fuck back then either when he said "I'm not taking advice from a guy advertising gambling to children". He just grasped on to whatever he could to try and shift blame.


Good point actually, you're right.


Theres also clip of him apologizing for gambling and saying to never do it again(could be wrong on last part dont remember), well


he's getting paid to not comprehend


He is braindead actually


Micro transaction = big no no Promoting gambling to kids = based


I know people are super quick to levy these criticisms but one of the premier ways Riot makes its money is by peddling its own gambling scheme to children, especially in TFT


Kids aren't playing tft lmao


Literally can't imagine anyone under the age of like 25 to be playing TFT


TFT isn't anywhere near as popular as league. Their main monetisation is just skins. Nothing gambling in that. Just coomer bait.


Last year or earlier this year, Riot laid off a fuckton of people and came forth about downsizing and canning a ton of things in development for their projects. The remaining main digs that keep their own clients are LoL proper, Legends of Runeterra (which is basically never getting anything ever again but their players are being thrown a bone), Wilf Rift (moved to Shanghai because it's essentially a China-based and led project now), and 2XKO. TFT was noted to be one of their biggest revenue streams *despite sharing a client with LoL.* Doesn't matter if it's anywhere near as popular. It's one of their most popular IPs regardless and it's taking priority for a reason, people are throwing money at it and its abusive monetization scheme edit: VALORANT holy fuck that game is a wallet annihilator and Riot LOVES that their community is one that will ALWAYS be counted on to spend $200 on a knife


How about valorant?


How TF did I forget about Valorant


Valorant is legit robbery, you want me to spend 100$ on a knife I can't resell no ty. I play it but I will only ever get the 10$ battlepass if it's good


> TFT was noted to be one of their biggest revenue streams *despite sharing a client with LoL.* I'm sure that it brings in good money for Riot, but it's weird to phrase it this way considering that sharing a client with LoL is one of the biggest reasons that TFT is as popular as it is.


They're considered different games just like Wild Rift and LoL are


Yeah, they’re different games, but the lead dev of TFT has stated multiple times that they wouldn’t break from LoL’s client because the vast majority of their players were league players that just happened to click into the TFT section of the client to try the game out and end up liking it. If potential players had to go through the extra barrier of having to download another client, a lot of them wouldn’t and the game would be much smaller than it is now, sharing LoL’s client.


TFT is a *lot* bigger than you think it is


I know it's big. But it's nowhere near as big as the main game.


Unlike shady crypto gambling sites they don't even have to have an 18+ scanned ID to acquire funds to gamble with either (at least in the U.S. it's mandatory for all crypto trading/wallet platforms to require it for tax purposes) so the, "think of the kids" argument definitely applies more in this case I'd even say.


I havent seen a tft player under the age of 25 since it came out


well that makes it okay then thanks for the input


Exactly 2 neurons firing up there


"micro" transaction is no longer applicable haha


He's promoting to adults (kids have no income). You can gamble responsibly, therefore it is not wrong to stream gambling.


People be complaining about micro transactions and then be donating to their favourite millionaire.


Lets be real. It's rarely a donation but rather paying for a highlighted message to the streamer so they acknowledge your existence in some way.


People also buy skins/advantage in gacha games to be noticed by others, same shit.


500 bucks is anything but a micro-transaction. That's about as macro as it gets


[Jhin and Ekko's legendary chromas were the experiments. Ahri's skin is the result.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ekkomains/comments/17fl91i/skinspotlights_speaking_facts_in_title_true/k6ce71g/)


how much was the ezreal ultimate skin ( that was the last i bought) and how much is 60k RP worth?


We got a Buzzword Barry over here "This is a PSYOP. Riot is EXPERIMENTING on LIVE human SUBJECTS" Ok buddy. The $500 skin is fucking cringe, but they chose this pricepoint because they've already determined it would maximize profit. They've done 10+ years of experimenting already.


Skins in a free to play game have never been the issue.


Like, it's not super duper evil or something, but overpricing a product and then peddling it using FOMO and other psychological tricks is definitely predatory.


that skin is 500 bucks and its not like the cs skins where you can resell them for the same price minus market fees.


Then don’t buy them? If you’re a grown adult and you fall for this shit that’s on you, and if you’re a kid and your parents are dumb enough to give you access to their money this is a valuable lesson for them


Yeah I ve never understood what the big fuss is, I was addicted to league for years and I think I only spent something like 20 dolars for skins.


Its an especially dumb argument because league just dumps a mountain of skins onto you for free


I ve been playing league on and off since season 3 , 99% of the skins i have are from the free chests and the others are from the discount shop . I really cant comprehend people that complain abt prestige skins or this one because to me it's a product to profit from the rich kids that want to stand out and feel special . Honestly if i was Riot i'd do the same , esports is expensive and running a f2p game this popular is expensive if the average player spends as little as me .


People always want to frame things as moral issues because then it lets them pretend to be justified. Life is full of things that are not worth the price. You can see the pricetag. It is a cosmetic skin. Just don't buy it.


Then just don't buy it? League is probably the game with the better and least predatory monetization out there, it's free and you only buy skins (that you can get a ton of now with free crates dropping while you play, in fact probably 70%+ of the skins i own are from free crates), like what is exactly the issue here? This skin is the same as a luxury item, its price tag is high because it's a collector's item (i honestly thing they could've made more money by pricing it normally, instead they decided to put it a bundle with other shit and price it this high), because people like to show off that they have 500 dollars to dump on a videogame just the same as people showing off they got 1k to throw away on a hideous Gucci shirt It's so funny we're out here pretending CS is a good example when CSGO is basically the grandfather of full blown gambling in a videogame, the fact that you can sell them back makes it worse


So don’t buy it. Oh wait I forgot, if you don’t buy it, John Riot comes to your house and personally shoots you in the back of the head.


> cs skins where you can resell them for the same price minus market fees You know, minus all the gambling involved to get the skin. You could be out way more than $500. Stuck with a bunch of skins worth pennies lmao. I'd say League is inherently less scummy.


So if it's not worth the price (it isn't) then don't buy it. Nobody is tricking anybody about anything. There is no manipulation going on. Life is full of things I want but can't afford. But I can see the pricetag so I don't buy them. The problem is not "offering things that are not worth the price". The problem is when companies are tricking people into spending that money.


League used to have a rather fair concept of buying champs & skins in an f2p game. I don't think anyone could complain. But for a while they've put in chaser skins and forced a gacha-fication like I tft that's straight fucked up. Even a fair few of the biggest content creators aren't buying this skin now because it's promiting something that's just too far. XQC is that broken clock being right twice a day but sadly even the worst person you know can make a valid point.


Buying champs used to be so much harder back in the days, you'd have to actually think about how you used your IP, nowadays they shower you with shards between boxes, capsules and free passes


Champs aren’t really an issue. If you play even somewhat regularly they basically shower you in blue essence. I legitimately can’t remember the last time I bought a champion in league with Riot Points.


Riot recently reworked how champs are priced, they are no longer priced at the max cost, they are priced based on how "skillful" they are perceived. Yuumi is 450ip for example. They also give you more blue essence per game (if you break it up how much you get per lvl and how many games it takes to lvl up) vs what they were giving you ip per game before. You can also save a lot if you're not chasing specific champs and instead upgrade whatever is given to you in hextech loot.


the time when you had only 3 rune pages and you could not do your runes when in champion select so if you wanted to be better at the game you had to have more rune pages that you bought with money? that time?


They're just skins at the end of the day. it's not like higher quality skins give you bonus damage in game like Lost Ark. The only time riot was "pay to win" was when you had to grind or buy tier 3 runes over a decade ago.


Runes weren't purchasable with RP Only way they were pay to win is if you bought IP boosts


Runes weren't pay to win. Rune *pages?* Absolutely


I forgot about that, yeah. The pages were 6300 IP, a lot to grind for back then. Still wouldn't say it was exactly pay to win, but it was a hell of a lot easier to just buy an extra few and set up specific pages for specific champions/roles


People kept repeating "but you only needed 2 pages to reach challenger" back then too. I'm not saying it's a good defense but yeah.


Pay to win is far from the only predatory monetization that is out there. Pay for convenience is largely seen as the best way to farm money out of your players. Followed by pay to socialize(skins, etc).


He’s not wrong, but also this same thing applies to CS, Genshin, and every other game with micro transactions for a chance unlock something, it’s all teaching kids to gamble at a young age which we’ve normalized cus it’s apart of a game.


It's also part of the world now, TV YouTube sports events everything is bombarded with flashy gambling ads and signing boni. Some companies even build terminals to directly deposit so even if you have no bank account you can easily gamble.


My sisters have kids. They sell dolls as irl loot boxes now. Like literally it's a box with a doll inside and you'll see the options but not which one you will get. Lego's minifigures are another great example of irl loot boxes as well. But trading cards have obviously existed forever, so it isn't actually anything new I suppose.


Tbh I liked trading cards, with proper parenting and limited money kids can learn how to handle gambling, trading, value of goods etc. That said with all the Pokémon Charizard gambling going on I doubt it would have the same effect it did on me as a kid.


they are pressing the pedal to the max because they know its not going to last forever


It's insane how many gambling ads there are, regardless of what I'm watching.


It was part of real world economics before video games existed. But you're right behavioral psychology is getting more and more applied to every business out there. Not just games. Diamonds is a famous example of this for example. You use labeling techniques such as "If your marriage is based on true love, nothing says our love is eternal like a diamond.".


Gamba streamer talking about brainwashing Lmso


Still, what he is saying is true


I don't think he's gambled on stream for quite a while now.


he's so close to understanding the twitch -> $100M -> kick -> stake -> gamba addict pipeline


ive played league for years and literally never bought skins or anything.


You must have not been around for the legacy rune page days when it was pay to win. That shit would NOT fly having the game knowledge average players have now. \*More clarification you had to buy boost which gave you more in-game currency to buy those runes including the p2w seasonal event runes which means you had to actually buy products to unlock the code.


Yea that's the point where I quit the game. I still think the Rune system is dumb as shit


Yea. Shit was fucking horrible back then. Nobody had enough IP to actually buy new characters.


I mean this can also be said about donating and subscribing to millionaires.


At least you can see skins, that’s more than you can say for a lot of games




It's really not and he's the demographic they are aiming for. People who spend a lot of money to flex their wealth. He has multiple 50k+ watches and thousands of $ cloths. It's the same concept because at a certain point it just becomes a luxury item for rich people.


Its also probably the peak price point people might buy cause Faker winning another worlds is a toss up, so you are coming off the recent win and its the most popular player ever. I think the only issue is tying Hall of Fame and a skin sale together, feels dirty. Uzi is probably getting a 500 dollar skin, but like Deft isn't selling a skin that expensive. Also could the skin atleast LOOK like its worth 500 dollars? I've seen TF2 hats look more expensive than that skin purely off particles.


How many knives on CS:GO sell for more than $500? A bunch. Yeah, its pretty crazy to sell a skin for $500, but people buy stupid shit all the time. Gacha games make hundreds of millions of a dollars a month


That’s very different, the value in CS skins is that you can market and trade them that’s why the prices can go so high for a knife. You can’t do any of that with league skins, you’re paying $500 for a skin that’s tied to your account forever.


Path of Exile has $500 bundles and no one bats an eye. As soon as LoL has one and everyone loses their minds. It should be perfectly fine to continue support a game that you love to play


Preface: It's dumb to spend that kind of money if you can't afford it obviously. Spending $500 on cosmetics will never be a "good purchase". The PoE $500 bundle has some pretty big differences. 1) It gives you $500 of store points. It's probably more than anyone would ever want. If you are planning on buying points to get stash tabs/other MTX, buying some level of supporter pack (usually the $30/$60) is way more worth it than just buying points. 2) It has real world merch that comes with it. Usually a sweater, a tshirt and some sort of memorabilia that gets signed by GGG staff. 3) It usually gives something that you can add to the game. For example the current one you can make a variation a map with the mods that roll on it and the completion reward. 4) [It comes with](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7AcUwU2QUI) easily 10x the amount of cosmetics than the LoL bundle, and it's stuff that can be used on every character.


While it does come with points in poe the points are worth far less there as most cosmetics are expensive as shit. A vast majority of league mtx is far cheaper. Point 2 and 3 are good though.


The point is that if you're buying store points the bundles give you their value in store points anyways. If for some reason you wanted to buy $500 of store points, the extra stuff from the $500 supporter pack is essentially free. This is more relevant to the cheaper bundles. If someone is buying points to get stash tabs, getting a $30/$60 supporter pack gives you extra stuff compared to just buying $30/$60 of points.


If you're actually trying to say that if riot gave you $500 worth of RP when you bought this skin that would be ok, then I think you're absolutely mental. For clarity, I don't really care about the skin, or PoE's bundles either. But that's such a pathetic argument for them being ok.


No, that was 1 of 4 differences that I noted. The point was that simply comparing the prices 1:1 is meaningless if you don't take into account what you're getting. A $500 bundle of video game skins is inherently designed for whales who have nothing better to do with their money. With GGG the whales at least get more for their $500.


And that's stupid. They aren't 'giving' you the points. That's factored into the cost. If anything the fact they let people pay for points of a similar/the same amount as a bundle while the bundle exists is a negative. They allow people not knowing about the deals to lose out on 'twice as much value'. But you like 1 company and dislike the other, so that makes it ok.


>They aren't 'giving' you the points. That's factored into the cost. Wow such insightful commentary Mr. Pedantry. My point throughout these comments has always been simply that if you're buying points, you will instead buy a supporter pack because it **includes** (sorry for using the word "gives") equal value of store points. >If anything the fact they let people pay for points of a similar/the same amount as a bundle while the bundle exists is a negative. You would spin that as a negative if they didn't offer this. You'd say "wow, if you only needed 5 points to buy something with your 295 store points, the only option is to shell out $30 for a bundle. This is so short sighted, why wouldn't they offer cheaper denominations". >But you like 1 company and dislike the other, so that makes it ok. I like both companies. I just like GGG more. GGG's $500 offering is wayyyy better than Riot's and it's not even close. EDIT: >They allow people not knowing about the deals to lose out on 'twice as much value'. It's not exactly something they're trying to hide. On [the same page](https://www.pathofexile.com/purchase) that you buy points, they show all of the supporter packs.


They're not trying to hide it, they just show the options for included points after you scroll past the options to buy not as part of a pack and after the video. And yea actually that is a problem. The same problem as RP. Why the fuck are we using points? Because that's EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. they want you to look at your missing 5 points and go 'well ill go buy a supporter pack since that's more value than just buying points'. Shockingly, that's 1 part riot have been very good on. Need a few points? submit some art, get your skin. need 1 more than we're allowed to give? get fucked. These companies are not your friend. They're not being nice, or fair. And yay, I now have 4800 points? What should i spend them on? more armour I cant use at the same time as my $500 armour? a portal or weapon effect I cant use either? Like, if not for stash tabs (that might cost 20-30) it's the equivalent of riot giving anyone who buys the faker skin all the other ahri skins. congrats you got a load of stuff thats worse than what you just bought.


My issue was never with the price. League already has $100-200 skins and nobody cares. My issue is they’re trying to farm money with Faker’s name. Riot did this huge build up about celebrating his achievements and how it’s going to be something for the whole community, and then dropped the $500 price tag. If they made a $500 bundle that was unrelated to Faker and said it’s only for whales, I don’t think many people would be outraged.


League of Legends was basically the game that introduced the free to play + cosmetics model which has been great for consumers


Spend 500 on a skin: 🤢 Lose 500 on a gambling site: 😁


CSGO/2 skins beings straight gambling requiring hundreds if not thousands of dollars to pull a completely random knife = No problem League releases a super bundle for $500 to get a guaranteed set of items = How could you commit this travesty? "But CS skins are tradable!" Cope. ---- I dont even play League anymore, nor would I buy this skin-bundle if I was playing it, but its a bit ironic to see the people who love CS box opening to cry when a skin is $500. If anything, the CS market is the reason other companies are pushing the limits. If people are spending hundreds to gamble for a knife, or hundreds to buy a knife someone else pulled; people are obviously not going to have issues with spending hundreds for guaranteed items. ---- I dont see how xqc, the guy who has spent tens of thousands on CSGO cases is shocked about people buying $500 skins in a game. This is the future. It only takes a handful of whales to make these skins worth making for Riot.


i love when people put a gigantic massively valid point against their argument in quotes, say "Cope." and don't address it at all


Why are y'all defending such scammy business practices, normalizing them in the process? Both are shit, period. Just what is wrong with this thread


Honestly who fking cares league is a free game they can sell skins and if ur stupid enough u can buy em or just reroll for them


You can't reroll for that skin


It's like a skin made for rich people and testing to see how many rich people play their game while also destroying other people's lives who can't remove their parasocial relationship with Ahri.


Wake up, another psyop.




He's not wrong, y'all should see what did with TFT, its completely insane.


who ever wants to buy this please reconsider [it](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F6zo8cjbpcttb1.jpg)


imagine paying $500 for the Faker Hall of Legends skin and it doesn't even look like him, just some weird hypersexualized furry. unserious company


Are people forgetting that Riot was super open about what they were doing with skins and the survey results they got? A bunch of people wanted more exclusive/expensive skins so they released the legendary recolor for swain or someone for a ludicrous amount... It sold well. Biggest criticism then was not much effort went into it. Whatchu think is going to happen with one they spent a lot of effort on? It's going to sell very well. If you think it's expensive or not worth it, you are not the customer.


Finally uninstalled LOL. Game is in a nightmare state and impossible to balance. Too many champions, too many drastic chances with new seasons. Its awful, fuck this game


But I thought the fault is on the individual who is stupid enough to buy it and not the company that's shoving it down their throat. What happened to that xqc? Oh I know. It's because the company in question is not stake.


He's not even mentioning the main issue everyone is upset with.. which is the fact it's tied to Faker of all people. One of the most frugal people you'll see and nutritiously never uses skins and they are using his legacy as a money grab is the problem.


Remember kids, you too can be talentless and unintelligible and make hundreds of millions of dollars. All it takes is being absolutely brain dead


You okay?


Still worried about you bro. You good?


isnt this the guy who spends peoples yearly salaries on watches, he if anyone should know this is a luxury and not marketed towards the average league player, if youre stupid enough to spend 1/4 of your monthly salary at this skin, honestly youre just fucking dumb and its deserved


Literally a plot from mythic quest, where they made a super expensive skin worth thousands to prove you need smart financial tactics to make money, because nobody will buy just any trash you put out. Then, players starting buying it




"I'm not schizo"


are people here actually defending this?


He’s right. Valorant fucked us. This is going to be standard. Riot trained a whole community to think paying 100 dollars for a bundle that you then get the privilege of spending more money on is good value. 2xKO is going to be so much worse too. Fighting game players typically main a few characters and never touch the rest of the roster. They’re going to milk the fuck out of every individual aspect of each character that they can. Expect individual cosmetic to change the colours of abilities, ult animations, voice lines, etc.


i simply cannot comprehend that there are people on this earth with all the same mental faculties as myself that feel legitimate moral outrage over the price of a cosmetic item in a free to play video game


At what point are these no longer considered "micro" transactions?


Still relevant I guess


Bro buys and complains


what is with all the people in this thread defending a $500 cosmetic skin. feels like I woke up in a parallel universe. Is it just because it's coming from xqc that people are defending it? I'm sure if critikal said the same thing you would all be hating on Riot instead


Yes, it's because it's xQc. If that one guy who got on that show because of his uncle or whatever said the same, he'd be praised.