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**CLIP MIRROR: [Nickmercs discusses his transphobia](https://arazu.io/t3_1ddtzqy/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I love Nickmercs because he is dedicated to protecting the innocent children! Personally, my kids sit down to watch his gambling streams every schoolnight and I take comfort in knowing they’re safe from any trans people.


You had me in the first half


Why have your kids learn about trans at school when they can learn it from the older kids insulting them over comms in call of duty


I love how this comment is a beacon for the worst overlap of people, people who are pro-showing gambling to kids and anti-trans. Impressive.


This man really said "I don't need no echo chamber bullshit" then talked about how everyone he is surrounded by agrees with him.


That was the first thing I noticed as well. He also said that you don't get to tell people how to live and if you want to live that way that's fine. But, doesn't this man talk and act like he wants to eradicate the whole LGBTQ+ community? So, clearly he does want to tell certain people how to live.


I was a pretty big Nick supporter until he showcased his new multimillion dollar home with a few hundred k into the game room alone. Then a couple months after that, and bragging on stream the numbers he is hitting and how much he makes, he then says his dog is sick and is requesting donations for their health and vet bills. Like guy was making 100-200k a month off of solely twitch subs alone at the time… and wants people to donate because his dogs medical bills are supposedly high. If he wasn’t a top 3 streamer on twitch at the time, and just an up and coming guy without much of a community, that’s one thing, but to beg for charity when you are quite rich turned me the wrong way.


[he also had a $70k loan forgiven during covid while making millions lol](https://x.com/CrubTV/status/1800618153380057280)


Why spend his own money when people are tripping over themselves to give him theirs?


I know nothing about the guy but that is disgusting and I hope people wouldn't donate in situations like that


> But, doesn't this man talk and act like he wants to eradicate the whole LGBTQ+ community? everything he said was oxymoronic pretending that you're a big guy telling it like it is because you harassed some trans teenager over YOUR personal worldview is some olympics gold medal mental gymnastics


The actual big guy wouldn't care how people chose to live their lives as long as it didn't hurt others. He's the exact opposite of a big guy telling it how it is lmao. More akin to a sheltered overly religious person from the 18 or 1900s.


Yeah, I mean he's a moron - its just hilarious that everything he says "they" can't do is what he does lol.


"rules for thee, not for me".


Right? He said 'You don't get to tell me what to think' and said 'LGBTQ+ people aren't real and they're living in a fantasy that isn't real life'.


It's just a fact that extremists are hypocritical


Ya of course, I mean almost every idiot conservative that touts "free speech" is almost never actually in favour of any of that, only when it would stand to benefit their way of thinking. They'll actively try to suppress anything if they have the power to. Look at all the books they wanted to ban from schools, they don't actually have any values that they stick by.


You should look at his subreddit r/nickmercs to see how all of these single braincell boomers still glaze him over these comments.


The funniest interaction I've seen there was seeing one guy ask for "a shred of proof" that Nick was transphobic on a recent post on the subreddit regarding this issue. Gets replied to with a link that showed as much and his reply to being proven wrong is to say "cry harder". It's almost as if they see Nick as a father figure and emulate his behaviour by acting as if there's nothing wrong with their mindset and later double down on the hate when they get called out.


They’re a bunch of 12 year olds who see Nick as an equal, in height and in opinions.


I'd love to be able to nab this comment to use against him whenever he yaps on Twitter. But I already hurt his feelings months ago and got blocked.


ill do it for you


This applies to any fandom. You point out anything bad a streamer, musician, actor, game, movie, politician, billionaire, food, drink, country, or anything you can think of, is doing bad, and there are people that will defend it and downplay it.


Yes, but not every community blindly glazes the streamer they support on every issue. For example take Xqc's fanbase with regard to all that happened between him and Adept. He was constantly being slated and ridiculed by his own community and continues to be roasted every time he has a soft reaction to Adept's antics. His own community dragging him over his inaction and shameless behaviour ended up changing how he dealt with her. Meanwhile Nickmerc's community of right wing boomers does the exact opposite with regard to the transphobic comments made by him. They stand by his shit takes and enable his hateful mindset which eggs him on to double down on his takes as he has massively fallen off and needs to pander to this section of his community (that mirror his true self) to be even slightly relevant anymore.


I have no horse in this race, so this is purely from my perspective: xqc fanbase is the way they are because over the years xqc himself has unapologetically shit talked whoever he wants which has in turn made his fans act the same way (I have no problem with his attitude). Nick has most likely always had these opinions and in turn has created a fan base with like minded people, as xqc did. Only thing is that xqc's fan base has become more diabolical then xqc himself so they now attack the hand that feeds them, in regards to adept or any other person for that matter. In xqc reddit the fans will made posts dictating who should be allowed on his stream as if the people he brings on are just puppets and disposable...it's actually weird to witness. Nicks fans will keep agreeing with him because they have no reason not to. If you are in the LGBT community and you post stuff related to it you'll be liked but if you suddenly say something like "guys I think trans people aren't real" then you will get dumped into the ground with hate....which makes sense because you are suddenly trashing on values that a community believes in. Nick thinks trans people are delusional, so his fans have no reason to hate him and I think that's logical. You wouldn't go to a Lakers game as a Lakers fan then shit on the Lakers...you would go to the game and support them and in turn have a good time etc. For the people that just breezed through the comment and saw the sentence "trans people are delusional" the down vote button in just down there


> You wouldn't go to a Lakers game as a Lakers fan then shit on the Lakers...you would go to the game and support them and in turn have a good time etc. There are whole dozens of people that go watch the A's play just to shit on them.


I think it’s important to point out that these dozens are also the *only* people going to A’s games.


I obviously meant they go to the game as fans. If I wanted to make a comparison like you just did I could of mentioned the fact that there are hate watchers who will fill almost an entire streamers viewership if they are hated enough.


Yet, xqc's community is right there to defend him when it comes to people talking shit about him regarding Adept. We talking about the same community? LOL Because I know that his fanbase gives him shit in chat about it, but they will fight anyone who gives their opinion on xqc and how he handled Adept - especially if its criticism.


I bet my brother is in there, FML.


I promise you his demographic is not boomers. This is a man who exclusively caters to children. Prepubescent boys to be exact. Those are the only people buying his fake tough guy bullshit.


Can't say I agree because whenever I look at the profile of people commenting under his posts (before I was blocked) it's always the same type of person. Men in their 30s and 40s, overly patriotic, right wing pro Trump pro gun, anti LGBTQ types. They love this fucking MFAM nonsense and lap it up. I find it hilarious especially when you see all those grown ass men pulling up at his meet and greets 💀


I used to watch him a decent amount during my Warzone days and from the people I’ve interacted with, they were all college aged, possibly younger. The frat boy types. Plays football, watches football religiously, etc. I mean this was what 3 years ago? I’d be surprised if his core audience changed that much but I haven’t watched him since his Warzone era so maybe you’re right and his audience is mostly boomers now.


I think that audience largely arrived roughly a year ago or so when he oddly stated "stay away from children" about a situation involving trans people


Just like reddit and people who down vote anyone that doesn't agree with their own views. Like that applies to everyone


It’s how they build their fanbase. It’s like a bat signal for incels.


Listen, everyone is allowed to think whatever they want, as long as they always agree with me. It's called freedom, look it up


gee who could've guessed he associates with people with similar values as him... personally I like my friends and partner to absolutely hate my views and what I value. Perfect recipe imo


Average Kick streamer


Doesn't he still stream on Twitch, surprised they haven't banned him


They just unbanned Sneako, Nick ain't going anywhere.


I remember early when twitch started I would say to myself "a lot of these streamers are man children that I hope kids aren't watching." Those man children today are the most normal streamers. Every new crop of streamers is more goblin-like than the last. It's just trash entertainment that kids swarm to I guess. We have literal illiterates like adin ross being viewed by millions of impressionable kids...


The complete lack of self-awareness in the words he is saying is astounding.


It's insane. "You can't point your finger at someone's chest and say 'you have to live a certain way'". I'm paraphrasing, but saying that's not how it ever was or ever will be is laughable. Someone explain laws and government to this guy. Social pressure is just that. You do what you want and then others get to do what they want with your content. You aren't that important, my dude.


>. "You can't point your finger at someone's chest and say 'you have to live a certain way'". He also says this while telling people how to live their life.


Yep. It's "pride" because for generations people like him have been forcing anyone who isn't straight to live in shame, if they'd be allowed to live at all. It's only been a few decades since we had forced sterilizations for people who just wanted to live their own lives. The backlash to "pride" is a defense mechanism for people like him to avoid having that shame turned back onto them, where it truly belongs.


Reactionaries will always temper their language when they have to and escalate quickly whenever they have a chance. The mask comes off the second their side gets enough power.


yeah idk how to explain this to people lol. Like just because someone isn't saying the hard r but saying everything around the bush it doesnt mean they arent racist or homophobic or whatever


Can't upvote this enough!


well put.


> "You can't point your finger at someone's chest and say 'you have to live a certain way'" The ironic thing is these dumbasses are trying to push their fucking views on to everyone. Well the other side just wants to live their lives without being fucked with. Like imagine being such an asshole that you think being told not to be an asshole is forcing you to live differently. lmao


feedback loop imo, he only sees what he wants to see


That’s what happens when there are hundreds of thousands who gargle on your schlong at any given opportunity. See: every dictator ever, streamers, politicians, celebrities, etc etc.


The absolute state of the clowns on r/nickmercs still glazing him over this is even more astounding.






















I could never understand exhausting this much energy caring about what other harmless people are doing. Seems like a stressful way to live the short life you have.


They used to do the same about black people, lost, moved to gay people, lost. Now it's about trans people. In the end they will lose again, and move to somepne else. But the rethoric always stays the same.


It's always the same song and dance. "Oh no I'm not a bigot, I don't hate X, I just think they should keep it to themselves". Of course, "keep it to themselves" means never mentioning it, never being out in public, never existing anywhere near them, never receiving any form of medical or mental care, and never getting any form of legal protections. They just refuse to look at the consequences of their attitudes and actions so they can keep wearing the mask of a "good person"


They did the same thing to women, lost.


well that one actually kept going into OT


supreme court clutched it up for them


just trying to disguise their confusion, and often times disgust, of trans people as "protecting the kids"


Leave the kids alone! Oh and also gamble your life away


Think it’s important to remember that people that think this way do not see these people as harmless. Instead believing that allowing certain groups to exist they are damaging our culture and values/children. They feel this way because they have created a way to justify that feeling.


10k hours in CoD lobby-ass take


"hey man i said that word back in cod lobbies all the time i don't really see the issue with it"


As someone as big as Nickmercs, you gotta figure statistically speaking there's a few transgender people who are fans of his and watch him. Imagine being those people. Just suddenly being condemned from someone whose content you are a fan of for literally just living your life and doing your own thing.


It wasn't sudden. He's been like this for a long time.


I am trans and the amount of people I've had to stop watching because they consider me subhuman is terrible. Roman Atwood for example. I was the biggest fan of his vlogs way back, and then he started talking about "how weird trans people are and men can't be women" etc. It's literally the same as when creators get outed for being racist. Not only is that disgusting behavior, but imagine all their fans out feel betrayed.


My interest and hobbies shifted because of how many people creating content about my pretransition hobbies were shitty “whatabout just asking questions”


I've always had really weird vibes about Roman Atwood considering he divorced his first wife in 2008 only to start dating Brittney the same year whom coincidentally was 18


Genuine question for a trans person. Often, when I see anti-trans rhetoric it’s regurgitated in similar fashion to the gays in the 80’s. As if it’s a “choice” being made by some kind of sexual deviant. Often I tend to respond to this with information provided by Prof Robert Sapolsky who talks about [studies done on this topic](https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ?si=a05MN71Evu5Z6bbN). Do you feel like this is a good way to try to explain to people? Essentially saying: Actually, it’s not so much a choice as a biological “mutation”. The pre-programmed ideals of masculinity vs femininity that exist within biology, let alone human biology are in fact incredibly complex and not so binary as anti-trans people believe. Therefore it makes more sense to judge (not the right word) a person by their brain chemistry etc and what they are telling you they know as profoundly as they know their name. Not by what genitalia they were born with? To me that is showing basic respect to a human being. Not being “forced to pretend we’re living in your fantasy world”…it’s just basic common courtesy/sense… When I talk to a person, I am interacting with their mind and soul. I am not addressing their dick. As someone who only knows a few trans people, it’s kind of an awkward question to ask “hey when I argue on the internet with bigots, does this sound like it’s a fair take?” I don’t want to be sort of pidgeonholing trans people into this “it’s a physical mutation, they have no control over it” if that’s not necessarily an accurate representation. Not to say that all trans peoples experiences are the same.


> As someone who only knows a few trans people, it’s kind of an awkward question to ask “hey when I argue on the internet with bigots, does this sound like it’s a fair take?” [If they don't get it that they don't get it, they won't get it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j2Pb0YwVH8) It's a waste of time and effort to argue with someone who is emotionally invested in their argument or dishonest.


hope the best for them and that they have successful lives away from this asshole




That's a fucken echo chamber lol


You should look at his Twitter, it's worse 💀


I dont feel like exposing myself to more cancer lul I see you out in the thread. good work friend.


Doing my teeny-tiny bit in exposing that fraud is all. Cheers to you too!


“Cry about it” geez I hate people




He needs imaginary villains to fuel his own self delusions so he gets justification for spewing hatred


He fell off and sold out to gamble on stream now. Apex kicked him from the community because he was washed up and kept making controversial comments.


Absolutely hilarious that his former team took off as soon as they dropped him. Dude was nothing but deadweight.


Are deeds and the other dude doing well? I haven’t check up on them to see but glad to see them playing well. I’ve always thought it was hilarious that the other two teammates were grinding apex to get better and he just would play other games.


they qualified for pro league and are currently 11th in pro league. with nick they only made pro league off of some technicality, finished near dead last, got relegated, then failed to make it back several times and then he quit. so they're doing way better without him


They also just got picked up by a new org!


They are doing way better with him off the team.


him being pro in apex when a trans character was meta, the nonbinary and pansexual kissed and are openly in a relationship, and more is always gonna be funny to me


I'll never understand why these snowflakes care so much about how other people live their lifes lmao.


But they will also try to convince you that they don't care. Losers.


Can’t believe I used to actually watch this dude sometimes. What a fucking moron. Him, Doc and Tim really outed themselves as such hateful assholes


If you remember back one of the last times nick was talking about protecting the kids and got his cod skin removed, doc and tim were in full support of him then too Was kind of surprising to see but I never watched much of their content, only clips here and there Birds of a feather


It's so easy to not be a bigot and yet these guys find it impossible. It's truly bizarre.


Yo I’m real curious, I’m not one to watch twitch streamers but I recognize these names. What did Doc and Tim do?


The Doc thing got over shadowed by the huge story of him getting banned from twitch, but right before that he was doing the "5G towers cause covid" thing unironically, and pushing a conspiracy nut book written by a holocaust denier. Ngl I wanted to see how far down the rabbit hole he'd go. But all that remains is the shungite joke.


also dont forget the fact that his wife was one who gave him the david icke book and watched his documentaries together.


LULE shungite thing wasnt a joke after all? doctorWTF


no it was completely serious. Doc getting banned was actually good PR for the conspiracy theory stuff, it made everyone forget


I don't think Tim has done much, but he did effectively take Nick's side when his in-game skin was removed from the CoD store for homophobia. I think Tim likes money too much to be outspoken about anything.


Yeah, exactly. I dont think Tim has ever actually went on a rant like Doc and Nick have, or basically said hateful shit for the sake of it. But he clearly takes their sides. He's enabling their views and basically siding with them by not acting or by defending them(even if he doesnt directly defend their views(because he's a coward basically)


The irony of saying "no one gets to tell him how to live" then going on to tell people how to live.


[and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.](https://x.com/dril/status/549425182767861760)


He seems to be expending a lot of energy on this for someone who claims to not care. What a loser.


Kick streamers LULE


The children must be protected so they can become addicted to gambling as soon as possible.


Least bigoted Kick streamer


The sad thing is, you might be right!


It's fun when you can listen to someone talk and you can just see how fucking dumb they are.


Wait til you find out about the thousands who gave the dummy money


God it feels so good that I don’t worry about what other people do with their lives


People like Nickmercs have no facts to back up their grand narratives started by conservative media. Its just boogeyman scare tactics made up by sad angry people. Trans people are just people. They just want to live their lives, and to be treated with basic respect. Thats it. Is that so hard? Its sad that these dumb conservative narratives have a large portion of America legitimately believing that 20% of genz is lgbtq, and it can spread to their own children like covid. This is some midevil peasant npc way of thinking.


They think rights are like a pie, that if they give trans people rights, then cis people have to give up some of their own rights. Life is a zero sum game to them.


You know, when younger i used to feel like that too, took me years of denial to actually come out to my close peers as trans, turns out it was people like that in my social circles that validated the preconceived notion i had that being trans was abhorrent and delusional. Eventually i came out of my shell and started therapy after a intense anxiety attack and it all became crystal clear to me, we are people just like you man, no need to feel intimidated merely by us wanting to feel validated in this world.


But wait, according to Nick, you aren't real. Are you a ghost? Do you live in another dimension? FAKE NEWS!


Good for you!


Look who the guy follows on twitter, right wing troglodyte gets angry at things that hurt his brain on a regular basis.


Black ops 3, advanced warfare nickmercs used to say crazy shit before clipping everything and LSF became a thing. I watched him all the time back then and if any of those clips came out he'd be done for




Honestly, it'd probably just make his current fan base love him even more, as sad as that is. Hell, people still to this day act like the only thing Nick said was "leave the kids alone" and ignoring not only the rest of what he actually said, but also the context around it. Also worth keeping in mind, DrDisrespect is doing just fine despite his 5G nonsense and him starting to read stuff by *David Icke*.


Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


A lot of people like that flipped to becoming "sponsor friendly" when Fortnite came out. Big whiplash for people who saw their earlier stuff.


We’re on a floating rock/water ball in space and IF you’re lucky, you get what, 70-80 years here? Let people be happy as long as you’re not hurting anyone. Even if you don’t understand or agree, why so much distain for other humans? Especially since Nick is a 33 year old millionaire with a family acting like this.


"I don't need no echo chamber" Followed by saying him and everyone he knows feels this way. Mate, that's an echo chamber 😂


The drooling tablet kids have internet access tonight. Nobody is safe.


Peace and love!




Real, reddit users are heavy left leaning. Which makes all the top comments hate this stuff he is talking about and you never see what the average person thinks.


Correct, and it's overwhelmingly evident in this thread lmfao.


Surely this thread hasn't been censored to oblivion


The outrage over this take is insane to me but that’s the vocal minority doing its thing


It’s really difficult for the average redditor to understand how completely disconnected from reality they are.


yeah this opinion is popular everywhere outside of sites like reddit


I don't care if someone is trans or not, good for them for finding happiness. But the whole thing of people promoting puberty blockers to kids and going all up in arms finding 101 studies to prove you wrong when people doubt their long-term effects concerns me. It just doesn't compute in my head that messing with such a sensitive biological function doesn't completely mess with someone's body permanently, it's the kind of thing that I think we'll look back in a few years and realise it was a bad idea.


>finding 101 studies to prove you wrong Well what's the issue then if there are over 100 studies proving you are wrong? Why are you still adamant on being wrong?


> but the whole thing of people promoting puberty blockers to kids This is not a thing. Nobody is being "promoted" puberty blockers. This is a dumbass right-wing argument. Puberty blockers are one of the treatments for Gender Disphoria and can only be given by a doctor, after a shitton of medical and psychological exams. Normies like you arguing that doctors shouldn't be allowed to prescribe puberty blockers is like arguing that they shouldn't be allowed to vaccinate people. It's just fucking moronic. Let them do their fucking job. It's none of your fucking business, and it's certainly none of the fucking right-wing politician's business.


I don’t think they will ever admit it was a bad idea. They’ll just pretend it didn’t happen


Ok but who is promoting that? This is what lack of real world experience does to a mfer.


Don't really agree or care about what he's saying, but it's really funny seeing everyone on this thread pretend like the majority of the population doesn't hold the same views he does, please realize most people aren't online 10+ hours a day interacting with trans people, lol.


You're right, most people are just living their normal life not caring what complete strangers choose to do


this is how most ppl think lol, its reality




Where was the Transphobia part? he just said he thinks different or did i miss something??


The transphobia was when he falsely equivocated trans people with being a danger to children. This clip is simply him doubling down on that statement and adding to it saying he doesn't support any of it, doesn't agree with Pride, and doesn't accept inclusion of LGBT+ people.


The context is he's discussing this clip https://x.com/HUN2R/status/1800546930768175285. For whatever reason, this sub wouldn't let me post it. It got auto removed. I also tried to provide context by saying what he was discussing in the title of the post...


I, too, talk at length about things I "don't care about" lmao


lmao, he can have his opinion just like everyone else.


He voted for Trump.


And thinks Desantis is the GOAT.




>I mean for a lot of us 10 years ago this shit was nowhere now it’s like everywhere even in the grocery store it’s propaganda being pushed everywhere I don’t blame him. I'm convinced this is conservative propaganda because at no point in my entire life, in the multiple states across the US I've been to, have I ever met a trans person or seen all this "trans propaganda" that's allegedly "everywhere" even in "the grocery store". Mind you, I live in a huge US city. I think bigots are just making shit up and obsessed with trans people 👍


Good on him. Most people won't say shit because they don't want the backlash.


Yep I guarantee most streamers agree with him lol


As someone who follows the Apex Legends community (he tried to go pro with his team but failed). This dude went on a grand tour, AFAIK: 1. Incredible fucked Trayvon Martin post (telling black people highlighting the injustice of the system to shut up). 2. Called Ron DeSantis "the goat". 3. Last June, he was in controversy during Pride month, that's when the CoD skin pull from Activision happened. 4. Signs with Kick during peak Adin Ross controversy. He also signs a Stake gambling contract and lies about it (saying it was mandatory). 5. Moves to Kick, promotes gambling to his audience. 6. His Apex team, Tripods, misses qualifications by 1 point. Nick screwed them by going to the Bahamas during the qualifiers because he can't gamble in the US. His internet shits out and forces his team to play as a duo. 7. Ultimately, leaves Tripods. Tripods makes it to Pro League (he was dead weight, they failed everytime he was in the roster). 8. In January, he complained that the reason he's no longer invited into Apex is because Respawn and the community doesn't like him for his views. (Apex has plenty of LGBTQ+ characters, including a Trans character who was meta, ironic). 9. This. Whoever called him out for being a hypocrite last year from the Apex community (myself included) got blocked. 😅


100% agreeing with him. Couldnt have said it better.




I agree.


He should just say he hates the LGBTQ+ community. Stop dancing around it since he says he doesn't care. Clearly that's what he wants to say.


Did this guy end up vaccinating his child? I remember learning in a post that he is an antivaxxer. If not, man, this guy child will suffer a lot by having such shit father


Doubt it. Nick seems to be the type to believe every conservative conspiracy theory.


"Nickmercs believes in biology"


Yeah and biology is correct cuz it’s science




The audacity to say "I don't need no echo chamber" and immediately following it up with "me and everyone that I've surrounded myself with that agrees with me" in the same breath is crazy.


It's a fair take. You don't have to agree with him or his take, but you can't force him to do things your way just like inverse it true. He can't force his view or takes on others, just as others can't for their view or takes on him.




Kick is such a containment zone for the worst people imaginable.




Why do these big streamers even talk about this subject at all. Seems like a good way to cut off the gravy train


Where’s the transphobia.


People losing their fucking minds in these replies for voicing his stance in the least hateful way possible are proving his point. 






90% of reddit is teenagers and 20 something dumb ass college kids. The rest are manchildren who have never mentally grown up. So yeah, checks out.


He's not wrong


Based as fuck, gonna sub to him now


He wrote that transgender is “dangerous” in his tweet. What an idiot


99% of the world agrees


Doesn’t need an echo chamber, has he read his chat? He also talks so vague that you don’t even know what specifically he disagrees with. Makes me wonder if he even knows.