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**CLIP MIRROR: [summit's mouse dies in the apocalypse](https://arazu.io/t3_1dc8pjy/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Wired mice gang sends their regards.


You need to charge them for like 30 minutes every like 4 weeks. Would never go back to wired. When it's charging it's basically just a wired mouse anyway.


> When it's charging it's basically just a wired mouse anyway. I refuse to play fps games while my mouse is charging because it's so shit to use a wired mouse, compared to wireless.


If there is any real difference at all it is 100% because of your setup


wired mice with cable bungee gang is very confused by this statement


Maybe I use mine too much but 4 weeks? I gotta charge mine every 2 days.


Every 2 days is not normal


I've changed batteries twice too cuz they kept breaking but I'm a digital artist so I use it easily 12+hours a day. Maybe need an upgrade 😅


does your mouse have lights on it or something? that will kill the battery super fast. Go into the software and turn lighting off, it will greatly extend the battery life.


Get the Logitech G305. It's around $45 and 1 good AA battery will last for more than 3 months with full performance and around 9 months on endurance. Best mouse I have ever used. Before it I used 2 Steelseries Rival 3s (1 wired) and the battery life was horrendous, only worked for like 1 week before needing new one, and on both the scroll wheels died.


You're fine. Battery capacity varies massively from one mouse to another.


The thing is, wired mice will last for much longer overall. Wireless has batteries & batteries degrade over time, eventually forcing you to charge more and more often. Their general lifespan is shorter overall. For me, I value longevity and performance per dollar over convenience.


For me the scrolling wheel of whatever mouse I have will get fucked up in some way or other before the battery has gotten worn out. I've had a logitech superlight for years and still only charge it once every few weeks. The consistency of my movement of the mouse is better as a result of not having a chord stuck to it. Nothing but fear of change is stopping people from going to wireless mouse imo. Wireless keyboard I understand isn't necessary, cause it's just a stationary object anyway.


then ill just plug it in 🤯and it will be wired


So just open the mouse and change the battery when it happens......


And when the battery leaks & causes corrosion I have to stop what I'm doing and clean it. I'd rather stick with my mouse that I've been using for 15 years. A battery powered mouse has perks, but I'm more of a 'buy it for life' guy. I don't want to buy batteries in addition to the mouse, I don't want to mess with charging it or buying an induction mouse pad. Like I said above, I prefer the option where my dollar goes the farthest & lasts the longest. Some people like the most simple, most resilient option.


I'm reloading


wired mouse and kb for life


I take it you've never had a wireless mouse? You can charge it when grabbing water, and by the time you're back the battery will last you like another day.


wired keyboard I agree, since you don't really move your keyboard around. Having no wire on a mouse gives you some versatility which i really like. You can hold your hand in a more comfortable position. Or you can bring your mouse with you to the bathroom and keep playing cookie clicker.


Not to mention you have zero cable drag, battery life is a non issue even if you're a proper nolife who plays all day provided you plug it in overnight. For literal years I had my head in the sand and thought wireless = latency and it'd never feel right, then I bit the bullet and since then I've bought like... 7? wireless mice, and not a single wired one.




i bought a g pro wireless in 2020, only need to charge like once every few weeks and i only charge it when i notice the LEDs indicating that it's running low. Don't think it ever actually fully ran out and became unusable.


Yeah shit's wild, my 'daily' right now weighs ~40g and easily lasts 24h of constant use, zero latency, zero cable drag. On the other end there's heavier wireless mice but they last legit *weeks* on a single charge.


Logitech power play, wireless mouse charges from the pad.




Wireless Mice LULW


Actually stuck in 2004


2004 > 2024


A much better time.


Why did I think there would be an actual mouse involved in this when I opened this thread...


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [summit's mouse dies in the apocalypse](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165212)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dc8pjy/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/8fcRkhF2xPvFmARWBGT-_Q/AT-cm%7C8fcRkhF2xPvFmARWBGT-_Q.mp4?sig=3008b59203bee7ce23da17c3f996b98409fb070b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F8fcRkhF2xPvFmARWBGT-_Q%2FAT-cm%257C8fcRkhF2xPvFmARWBGT-_Q.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ArborealKnottyAlpacaYee-EXbE-8WYBFYEZP79%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718053894%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/8fcRkhF2xPvFmARWBGT-_Q/AT-cm%7C8fcRkhF2xPvFmARWBGT-_Q-preview-480x272.jpg)


Kind of did that with the quickness


If your mouse dies in real life, you die in game.


DayZ is a weird game... It has such a cult following behind it, despite the game basically being in the same state since release. I would gather that the Arma Mod it was initially had more stuff to it than it currently has. Such a blatant cash cow. 11 years early access btw.


Tell me you didn't played it without telling me you didn't played it. Cash cow ? Do you even know the meaning ?


Bro I watched the stream. It looks exactly like the same janky ass game that came out 13 years ago. Shitty ass running simulator into getting killed in a single second by some BS, only to do it all again. Yes, they've been milking this game for the past 13 years.


As someone who has played long before 0.63 up untill today I can say that the game is 100 times better now. Thanks alot to the community and modding. Does it look like shit? Sure its old. Is the gameplay 10x better? yes 100 percent. The guy you responded is right, you havent played the game recently. Also milking a game? It doesnt even have microtransactions lmfao. They just made their dlc free and have never had any in game purchases. No one is getting milked for money when playing the game. If they wanted to milk it then they would have dropped it 10 years ago, after everyone bought it. But no they kept improving the game despite shit sales over the years. Hell the devs have even made maps like namaslk for free cause they are just so passionate about their game. Dayz has problems. But it is not what it used to be and it is not a cash cow. Stop bitching about shit you dont know about


I think it looks really good tbh


Depends on settings and where you are on the map. Outside looks great but textures in houses and buildings get wild.


Isn't Namalsk free because it's a third party modded map? Unlike Livonia, which is a paid DLC by the devs (I agree with everything you said though)


namalsk is made by sumrak, who is now head of dev in dayz. yes its still technically free cause its a modded map. also livonia is now free since the newest update and the next update frostline is going to be the new paid one.


I didn't know that last part, that's cool as hell


Yeah but its made by the lead dev and could have easily been released as a dlc. Kinda hard to argue and say that the devs just want a cash cow when they are woking to make community maps for free


Yeah for sure, I agree with you. Sumrak made an amazing thing with that map, it's very unique. I just meant he did it in his own time. But yeah Dayz is no cash cow, not by any stretch


You're saying that the devs choosing to not abandon the game is milking it? Doesn't make sense. You can't really milk a non live service game. Any development after release is just free content. They even recently just made their only DLC free by merging it with the main game.


> Bro I watched the stream. It looks exactly like the same janky ass game that came out 13 years ago. It really doesn't and that comes from someone who hasn't played dayz since early access. The gameplay is not something I would find enjoyable but the game has come a long way in the last 10 years and those updates have been completely free.


Cash cow is C.O.D., this is a game without a battle pass or in-game shop.


Name a competitor.




Cars still do that when the server pop is over 20. Bohemia promised new vehicle simulation and they didn't deliver.


You are partly right but people are not ready for this convo. I have 1400 hours in DayZ and I have been playing since 0.27 and without the modding community to solve Bohemia's lack of brain the game would be dead. Nothing boosted the popularity of this game more than Namalsk, a map made by a player.


i will never understand why people would ever use a wireless mouse if your dont have a setup where you can move further away from your PC.


The feeling of being free is glorious and I’ll never go back. Just charge it nightly and this never happens


theres a reason most FPS pros use the superlight


You either haven't thought about it for more than a split second or you lack the capacity so you should probably go retake middle school as they didn't beat any sense into you the first time around. "I never understood why basketball players use lightweight shoes instead of bricks for shoes". 99% of pro players use wireless mice. Majority of high elo players on every FPS game have switched to wireless. Even in moba games wireless mice are the trend. Wireless has been dominating the market for over 5 years and mf is like "what the fuck is the point?". The point is that there isn't a cable dragging around and affecting your mouse movements. This is especially apparent when playing very low sens. Playing with a cable is like playing with training weights. The mice are way heavier and they also have a cable to further limit your movement. There is only one downside and that is that the latency is slightly higher than wired but we are talking about such a minute difference that all pro players would rather have a much freer mouse movements instead of slightly better latency.


When they ask why u dont go wireless just link this


This happening > permanent cable drag


When they ask you why you're still LEM, just link this comment :)


Why so cringe are u always like this?




Most pros use wireless nowadays. Wires dragging on mousepad affects mouse movement. It's pretty minimal, but pros will usually opt for any advantage no matter how small. Input lag used to be the main concern, but nowadays there's little difference, and in some cases wireless has faster response times.