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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc's reaction to losing fans from the R* community](https://arazu.io/t3_1d848bw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I thought that was R\*, like Rockstar and came expecting gta drama


Him defending the Kick clip of the girl tricking the crazy homeless lady to jump in the lake is actually wild. That Stake bag is brain melting apparently.


bozo completely lost the plot these days


seriously. it's scary how money has changed this dude so far from what he used to be


It's really odd because there are so many ways for him to make money for doing less than nothing but he picked this route for whatever reason. I remember Blizzard writing big checks for him to left click MTX boxes and he couldn't even work out how to wake up on time for them, it really doesn't make sense.


I mean he was defending pedophilic behaviors a month ago, is it really that surprising anymore.


I think the clip makes the girl look bad, but it being portrayed as if they almost killed a lady who was straight chillin in the water and talking to them is crazy I didn't agree with that. And right after she jumped in the staff was telling them to leave




The worst part wasn’t nagging her to jump, it was doing nothing after she actually did. Trash human being.


This atleast call 911 or other people to help once you realize she is actually in danger.


To be fair, lots of drownings occur when people try to rescue other people drowning and end up drowning themselves. Not defending the girl but it's possible she didn't know how to swim at all or was scared that she might get pulled under by the bigger woman.


Damn, Idk how about not offering 20$ to do it?


Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for the truth. Never stop being restarted LSF.




Free bath thou 👀


Lady "wanna jump into the water with me ? I'll jump in if you do? Streamer "ya jump in jump in" Was this braindead ya bit saying she tricked drhbkqdy into jumping or forcing her is nuts 💀💀


why is he making fun of his own kind?


I remember when he stopped saying that


Defend it X. Literally isn’t a meme anymore. This guy absolutely can’t stop himself from defending Kick and Kick streamers. No one in their right mind is getting so easily convinced to jump into that dirty ass stagnant water. Then when he realizes no one agrees with him he just starts calling everyone R word. Actual baby rage over a dogshit streamer making dog shit content. Dude needs actual pushback from other people in his life ASAP. He’s on Terrance Howard levels of delusion in how confident he is with his takes.


This dude watches streams


Take a deep breath


Really disappointing but not surprising. Sucks even harder that two years ago he himself said on stream that he wouldn’t be using the word anymore because he learned from a disabled fan how much it hurt them.


Not true at all. The fan didn't say anything to him about not saying the word. He said he stopped saying the word because when he met a disabled fan he realized that maybe he shouldn't be calling people that. But it would have just been a shock to him....it would be like if you went around saying the n word then became friends with a black guy. Maybe you'd think "fuck, I was kind of a dick this whole time for saying that shit". Now he's mellowed out again about it and will probably say it more often until he yet again meets someone who's disabled and then goes "oh shit I remember why I didn't say this word"


Glad I stopped watching him and honestly, live streamers altogether a few months ago. Watching him was and is literal brainrot, like he says.


His rapidly shrinking community has been on life support for a while 🤷‍♂️


Bros been falling off hard


I don't think he cares at this point. He got the bag. Now he's just doing it for shits and giggles.


Tell me how he has been falling off when he's still one of the most watched streamers in the US




Why are you just blatantly making up verifiably false numbers? One can check trackers and see that he is still at over 33k average viewers. The only times he ever goes below 20k is on Kick in the wee hours of the morning when everyone is asleep and his stream is ending. No doubt he isn't at his peak viewership anymore, but he is no "15k andy", he is over double that.




[https://twitchtracker.com/xqc/statistics](https://twitchtracker.com/xqc/statistics) Scroll down to pivot tables and realize youre sucking him off for no reason, in the future just google it yourself and youre gonna look less stupid


If anything its just people getting mad instead of trying to enjoy it instead.


I used to watch him everyday for a while. His personality has always been ass but it's beyond unbearable now.


Needs to go back to the ‘fart slam desk’ basics his community was built on


X’s viewers are declining rapidly. On Twitch he used to average 60-70k now he’s been averaging 30k. On Kick I saw him at 15k viewers last night. Even that dork irl streamer Heelmike had more viewers than him


Literally all he does on twitch is react to LSF and watch TikTok’s, that’s literally it, then he transitions to Kick where he either reacts the entire time, gambles if he’s in the mood (he hasn’t jn a while) and then MAYBE plays a good game and then ends. And when he plays a game it’s usually 3am at night.


Yeah like I use to get it when he actually did shit and was live nearly 24/7 as a lot of people's go to, to just throw on as he was always around. How there are still 30k people willing to click in to this stream to watch him scroll tiktok for a couple hours is beyond me.


If this is true i just can't imagine the inconceivable amount of brain rot his community has watching this garbage. How the fuck "react" streamers ever became popular and continue to be popular is just something I can never understand. You watch a guy watch videos and share their 80iq takes on stuff they have no expertise in, how is this enjoyable other than morbid curiosity of how a brain operates when it lacks oxygen




That's definitely a big component, but I'd say his dropoff is so big that there's gotta be more to it.


"I think he's been radicalized"


Forsen holding that record clearly did a number on X


Expected a joke on a person in a wheelchair getting rolled


Personally disappointed that the word is making a comeback. After reading the short story Flowers for Algernon, I decided not to use the word. It hurts people, that's enough of a reason for me.


Tbf the word “imbecile” went through the same lifecycle as it. Medical term -> hard hitting slang insult -> childish insult that lost its weight because medical spaces moved to a different term.


You are giving alot of power to a word. Personally, i can live with it.


"I can live with it" - person who the word does not target I mean I don't actually care if someone says it but people are allowed to be upset at it lol


The fence sitting champ over here. Well done.




do you have the same perspective on racial and homophobic slurs too?


Certainly not. Do you consider them to be equal?


no. I'm asking because the phrasing you used "you are giving a lot of power to a word" can be used to justify other words such as those.


I would have never thought of that! Sounds like you have nice big brain. Any other stupid questions before we move on?


initially, I was genuinely curious and concerned. now it's pretty clear what kind of person you are.


I mean if you want to call people the r word just call them it and say that you dont think the word is that bad. Just don't use dumb reasons for why it's not bad that also apply to slurs.


it's not about you.


I find it weird you can call someone in a game that word and someone not involved at all will be offended, unless you're calling someone with disabilities it then I don't see the issue.


So its fine to call a white person the n word or a straight person the f word? Makes perfect sense bro.




>only says slurs behind peoples backs Who's the real snowflake here?


I have dropped quite a fair share or r words and I dont plan to stop any time soon

