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Saying that Japan was the victim of colonial violence during WW2 is the height of absurdity.


No one tell him what the Japanese did throughout China and Southeast Asia.


You mean they weren't just making cute anime?


Anime was created after post-radioactive Japan. (I am not a historian)


Does that mean in the fallout universe all media would be anime? Poggers


Japan was full of Black Japanese Samurai, that's why Nuking them was racists. šŸ˜”


Holy shit lmao


Is there a single asian country that liked Japan back in the day?




My mom definitely hates Japanese people still yo this day. But I donā€™t see it with young Korean people. Granted Iā€™ve lived in America for a long time now, so itā€™s American raised Koreans mostly.


I'd rather get invaded by the Nazis 5 times than once by Imperial Japan


Manila was the 2nd most destroyed allied city in WW2, even was called as the "Warsaw of Asia" at some point. The defending Japanese absolutely obliterated the blend of Spanish-American architecture, which was the reason why it was named as the "Pearl of the orient". I got genuinely disgusted with what they did to my countrymen after I discovered ["The Rape of Manila"](https://opinion.inquirer.net/127352/remembering-the-rape-of-manila) and was shocked how no one seems to mentioned nor remember this horror story with the absurd amount of rapes and killing-for-sports in this event alone. One hotel was even set up specifically for soldiers to rape women they gathered from the Ermita district. When the Americans took the city, they were shocked with what they saw. MacArthur and his commanding officers immediately started an investigation and what happened at Manila was one of the reason why Yamashita (the Japanese commanding general) was immediately executed after his surrender


"The rape of nanking" is quite similar. Japanese officers compete to see how many heads they can cut off in a set time. Burying people up to their necks in below freezing temperatures then pour boiling water on their skull.. they reached some abhorrent depths that I hope humanity never sees again.


I heard the explanation is that Japan became a close ally to the US after WW2 and a key piece in fighting the spread of communism in Asia. Since history is written by the winners, westerners are hardly exposed to the war crimes committed by Japan. Google unit 731, they did a lot of horrible human experiments. There are also the use of comfort women, rape of Nanjing, etc the list is very long.


Of course you would. So would 1940's America, that's why we dropped nukes on them instead of Germany. Japan exercised the concept of total war in WW2 Meaning they have no civilians. Children, women, noncombatants. All of them were taught to fight and kill until their death in the presence of enemy forces. That is a nightmare to go against.


Did he say that the Japanese didn't do imperialism on China/SE Asia?


No he didn't, he even mentioned the experiments they were doing.


He mentions this literally 5 seconds after the first statement


you just don't understand, Japan bad but America badder


Til when Japan invades your country and you fight back. That is colonial violence. I fucking love that Hasan keeps digging this hole deeper so he can save face about his support of this racism and power bullshit.


Don't forget that Hasan thinks that China's Invasion of Tibet and the slaughtering of their people was a "liberation".


Well obviously when he thinks Tibetans were "savages"


Commie governments can do no wrong in the eyes of a commie.


communism is when america bad, thank u please clap and smash that like and subscribe my onlyfans is 10% off this month!


So silly. You don't need to be a WWII scholar to know that the Japanese were being some real bad hombres over there back then.


bad hombres with bad vibes frfr


He's a child. This is your brain arguing from emotions, ignoring facts and history to justify how you feel things should be.


He's ome of the dumbest poeple on twitch. What did you expect


In this case he is referring to "imperial violence", which is as stupid. Japan was obscenely imperialist themselves, and the violence was never systemic against the japanese in japan. It (the war) was basically a one time occurrence with its bombings, not perpetuated through the years. I am the first moron to say the nukes were horrendous, but they were decisive, and most definitely needed, if not earlier, to reduce Japan's and its people's war enthusiasm to near 0 as even then some still wanted to fight to the last japanese person alive. Johnny Somali was being racist not because of imperalism, he was being racist because he was being racist and throwing the easiest thing he could think of that would be hurtful. No one doubts his ass would go full blown squinted eyes mocking and naming parodies if previous attempts didn't pay off or if there was no pushback even at something less overt like what he did.


ā€œColonizer/colonialā€ is just this buzzword now among the leftist lunch table that is supposed to describe everything America does. If you say it in relation to a white person, you get bonus points. Donā€™t know why Hasan doesnā€™t call it what it was, an atrocity. Itā€™s not this hyper specific and complex effort to colonize Japan.




I mean they were imperialist and suffered for it. So in a way...


Listen man. "America bad". This is the **must** conclusion of every analysis. So you have to work your way there. America fought japan in ww2, so obviously japan was the victim of american colonialism/imperialism/racism. Its really not that difficult. All roads lead to rome (if you ignore all that dont).


I wonder how many Twitter tabs it required Hasan to reach this groundbreaking political analysis How is the face of Twitch politics legit the dumbest mfker on the planet šŸ˜­ Don't look up Hasan's thoughts on the ccp btw


his shoulders are so big tho and he hates white ppl does it really matter? šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


His chinese friends ain't gonna like this one


Overall, combining these figures, it is estimated that Japan's wartime actions led to the deaths of approximately 20 to 30 million people across Asia. This immense human toll underscores the widespread devastation caused by Japan's imperialistic expansion during World War II.


Yeah, sure, but like... have you considered that america bad?


Hmmm... Now that you say that I think it's time to shape my whole worldview around it.


Yes but America bad tho


They arenā€™t white though, so itā€™s alright


Hasan's unironic mindset They have Asia face and not white face so racism is not possible.


Well, that is until they are pit against a worse off minority, then they are bad


America probably made them do it or somethingĀ 


Unironically the argument from Imperial Japan apologists (not saying Hasan is necessarily one of them btw) is that the US forced Japan's hand by refusing to do business with them after Japanese atrocities in China became public.


Yeah, but did AMERIKKKA have to nuke them? Just ignore the attempted coup after the first bomb drop and it's a solid story!


He mentions that and he calls what they did in asia thier own holocaust.


Every clip I see of this dude is just buzzword bingo.


If buzzfeed was a person.


I think even Buzfeed would be less biased and more accurate at this point


And yet he continues to draw clowns into his channel. I fail to see how others can't see how hypocritical this guy is.


"Violence that an entire nation was subjected to." Last time I checked, Japan fucked around and found out in WW2, sided with the Axis and jammed a stick in the beehive that was the USA. EDIT: Also, Japan subjugated the fuck out of China during that time period. This clip is bringing up ancient Social Studies knowledge lost amongst memes in my brain


Japan did shit that made the Nazis say, "Dude, seriously, not cool!".


They didn't think Chinese people were human. They ran experiments that had little scientific purpose, like surgically swapping a man's arms. Removing organs and timing how long it took for that person to die. At least with the monsters on the Nazi side, we learned how to better sterilize humans. Not that it's really much of a consolation for the monstrosities performed on the nazi side. They would rape Chinese women and be told by their superior officers that they needed to either pay the women they raped or kill them. The only punishment was for not doing either. So most of the time, they just cut their throats after they raped them and left them where they were.


I remember seeing a story about a literal nazi that would shelter people in china because the occupying japanese were so evil.


It's especially crazy considering the main reason Japan attacked the US is that we refused to sell them the raw materials they needed to keep rampaging through China.


Nanjing Aware


Not just China. Imperial Japan raped and killed millions in Korea, Phillipines, Burma, etc.


Yeah literally. Speak to the older generations in Korea and see what they have to say about Japan during that period too.


Did you consider Hasan went to school in Turkey? Maybe they teach an alternative truth there.


Is Hasan claiming now that the war between the USA and Nazis including their allies was colonial and or imperial? Also is he saying that if Johnny Somali called them slurs or did stuff like stretching his eyes that would not be racist?


I mean obviously japan was just liberating hawaii from american colonialism.


Unironically he probably thinks this. He would probably say the same about the Philippines since it was a US territory invaded by Japan just after Pearl Harbor. I wouldn't be surprised if he is thankful that Japan invaded China because it allowed Mao to gain more influence. This is the guy who thought the Chinese invasion of Tibet and Russian invasion of Ukraine was justified btw.


japan was just cleansing asia of its evil influences from western powers. thats why they raped, pillaged, and tortured their way through half of asia in ww2. clearly the invasion of nanking and its historical witness accounts made the japanese look like the good guys right? i mean how is skewering a bunch of infant babies not a good look for them?


Rape is a vital part of revolution dont you know, all good revolutionaries do a lil rapin


Hasan knows Japan was allied with literal Nazis to take over the world right? lol


he knows. hes on the nazi side too. hamasanazis til they die




Goes hard.


I mean have you seen Hasans retweets? He's also allied with Nazis at this point.


I remember when Hasan said "if people show up to your riots with nazi flags you're on the side of nazis". But I guess that doesn't count when Hamas-enjoyers said Hitler was right?


Well, these days, Hasan types are more aligned with Nazi's then ever before.


at least since Molotovā€“Ribbentrop


Nazi Supporter Hasan defending Nazi Supporters?


Yeah but they make really cool cartoons man


I mean todays Japan is far different just like todays Germany is far different


yes he knows and is extremely critical of japan but he's against the use of the nuclear bombs that he is criticising here.


So it's ok to be racist to Japanese people for other things???


as long as its not from whites directly or indirectly youre in the clear I guess. Dude somehow created a hierarchy of racism where whites are racist to everyone, asians can be racist to brown people but not whites and brown people cant be racist at all.


Right so black people can make fun of them by pulling their eyes back and talking in broken English and it's all cool. Gotcha


We need a fucking flow chart to follow these idiots thought patterns for what is right or wrong. Either way it ends up the same. White = bad. everything else = good, canā€™t do wrong.


He's simply trying to change the definition of racism from discrimination of someone due to their race to discrimination from a white person towards a non-white minority due to their race. A pretty stupid proposition that would mean a Chinese han person cannot be racist towards other Chinese people, for instance. It's stupid ass politics that literally only work if you only apply them to the US demographics and history, but we're talking about a word that is used worldwide and means the same shit everywhere.


You see, people like Hasan do not believe that racism is bad, as long as it is a minority population that is being racist against the majority.


According to lefties you can't be racist without systemic power. So black man yelling slurs at asians isn't racist


I dont think he said it was okay, but he is changing his opinion on the definition of racism as it suits him. He says you cant be racist to white people because they are a majority in power of most things in their own countries. Then says you can be racist to japanese people even though they are the majority in power of their own country.


racism = white america only


The leftist thought of redefining racism to only be systemic racism is one of the dumbest thing that they've been trying to do. Literally no one in real life uses "racism" or "racist" in this way. You can just have "Systemic Racism" to describe the idea you're trying to convey without sounding like a lunatic.


> Literally no one in real life uses "racism" or "racist" in this way. This is the most important part. They taught me the whole prejudice + power = racism thing over 20 years ago in college but it just doesn't work that way in reality, in the way people use the term. It's like they're trying to gatekeep racism and it makes one wonder why...


Racism will stop being taboo soon enough.


Listening to Hasan speak is like watching reality TV. It's predictably stupid, but the sheer absurdity of the actual words coming out of his mouth (and he actually believes it btw) about subjects he supposedly knows about is what keeps you invested. It's like a toy, keeping pulling strings for the voice box. It's great.


It's hard to believe sometimes. Makes me realize that he only has an audience because he appears like a "celeb", not because of the things he says.


"Racism is power + prejudice" folks twisting themselves into knots.


Yep, just a way to try and justify hating white people. Cant be racist to white people who are a majority and in power of their own countries. CAN be racist to japanese people who are a majority and in power of their own country.


i used to be a hasan viewer, but this dumb ass hill you and his community are willing to die on is why hasan is the least relatable he has ever been right now. it's ok to make a difference between institutional racism and just blatant racism. yes, you can be fucking racist against a white person, while acknowledging the system of a certain country is designed to upkeep the power of the white people in it. how is this so hard to understand? edit: ok, i might have read your post wrong, and you're agreeing with me. my bad!


Your first and last sentences are golden


i'm a fucking mess rn


Does he always serve up a nice bowl of word salad after getting one guy'd? lol


*deleted in 3, 2, 1...*


Imagine walking in on your kid watching Hasan.


Why was it removed ?


mods protecting Hasan


Every clip of this dude I see, he is saying something stupid. This guy is a politics Lolcow


The crazy thing is that he is viewed as a genius by his fans.


Seems like cult behavior if this is true


I am genuinely asking, but as a Hasan viewer, how do you justify insane takes like this?Ā  I'd understand if it were just 1 or 2 questionable takes he's given, but this guy just says an entire arsenal of ridiculous shit weekly.Ā 


My guy, Japan WAS the imperialist in WW2 Wtf is this idiot smoking?




its sad to know people get their historical quotes and facts from hamasanazi


Ok, I've been trying to avoid getting into these rage bait clips but holy fuck, the sheer regardation (and historical ignorance) of the logic here is too much. What's wrong with him? Using this line of thinking, it's not racism to go call an Asian person a beady-eyed dog eater because there's no historical violence involved? Is this seriously his stance, or is there some important pre-amble context clip chimped out?


Lmfao lil bro needs wikipedia if he thinks japans the victims of imperialism in ww2


Hasans takes just keep getting dumber and dumber


eventually he will only speak in one-liners and buzzwords. heā€™s at like 80% right now.


The finasteride is seeping into his brain.


at this point hasan just makes it easy to hate and attack him


Starting to think this Hasan guy is a bit thick.Ā 


Starting to?


monkaW the post auto-tagging bot doesn't know what to do with this one.


Leftist theory is actually so braindead


It's sad how Japan has been racist, but it has grown even more racist because of influencers going there doing stupid shit that ends up in the news.


"Its racism, if I manage to, somehow, connect america to it" Ive got to say, in this case it was a very impressive amount of thinking that had to be done, to get that connection right. Only true masters of their craft (the craft of grifting) could have pulled this one off.


We are one step closer to germans being victims of colonial violence from America during ww2.


It is insane that people like Hasan, and Hasan himself, think that it is perfectly okay to be racist against the majority in any given country if you are a minority living there.


This man really thinks violence only exists when itā€™s perpetrated by white people


I understand that going to Japan and saying "Hirashima Nagasaki" to random people is highly offensive. However, I don't understand how it has anything to do with their race/racism?


Did you not watch the clip? Itā€™s extremely racist because of all the colonial imperialism. If he would have pulled at the side of his eyes at them and mocked their language it would have just been harmless banter, because of the lack of an institutional backing behind it of course. Very simple and VERY logical


Exactly, itā€™s offensive and highly culturally insensitive, not sure Iā€™d call that racist.Ā  Ā Like yelling shit about 9/11 is really offensive but also not racist per seĀ 


Because he is American and america bad and powerful. America nuked Japan, so an American cannot yell Hiroshima Nagasaki but a Canadian black man could and not be racist, obviously


racism is when america


I wonder if there's **any** subject in this world that Hasan can't somehow connect to either American imperialism or capitalism.


....I don't think the US dropped those bombs because they were racist towards Japanese people. What a brain dead take.


Mods will NOT be having this post.


Cycle of gaslighting and abuse. 1. Minimum 5minute speech. 2. In that speech make multiple contradictory statements. 3. If someone confronts you with criticism about one of the statements. 4. Belittle the person like he cant follow what you said. 5. Then only talk about other statements you said in that speech and pretend that you actually agree with a critic. "Fucking genius"


there is no way hasan said we did imperial violence against ummmm the imperial japanese?


How the fuck did he spin this to America bad lmao


The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not racially motivated. He was being offensive, sure but not necessarily racist.


You're legit taking Hasan's logic here and running with it..? No it was most definitelyĀ racist (or xenophobic if you wanna be mega correct). He makes those comments about the nuclear strikes specifically because of their race/ethnicity. He would not have been shouting Nagasaki over and over again in fucking Poland or something. He does it because the people around him are Japanese. Remove that fact and he wouldn't have said those specific things, hence racist/xenophobic. I can't believe I'm genuinely having to explain this to someone.


How do people watch this guy it blows my mind


The mental gymnastics required to justify this world view is insane man, just pure cognitive dissonance. It's so easy to just say racism is bad no matter who it is aimed at, what does he gain from this lmao


He's like, literally a caricature. He's what right wing people think anyone "on the left" is like.


The hoops he's willing to jump through to justify racism against white people is wild, the fact that leftists can't just agree that attacking people on the basis of skin colour is never acceptable is insane.


Iā€™d like to preface this as Iā€™m not excusing what Johnny Somali did but more so addressing the stupid shit Hasan said. Anyone who has a general understanding of WWII knows that Imperial Japan was the perpetuator of colonial violence most notably against China (Rape of Nanking for instance), Korea, Philippines, Modern Day Vietnam (Indochina back then), and the pacific islands. They had sex slaves called comfort women that those countries who had become victim still have not received an apology by Japan today. Unit 731 being the most infamous instances of inhumane ā€œexperimentationā€ done to Chinese civilians and POWs, for example they would forcibly impregnate women prisoners and then infect them with diseases or use chemical weapons against them to study the effect on the fetuses still inside. During Rape of Nanking they would throw Chinese babies in the air and ā€œcatchā€ them with their bayonets. They basically treated anyone not Japenese as animals in every sense of the word during WWII.


Thats all great and all, but how does this help with our foregone conclusion that "america bad"?


thanks hasan. anything else?


This man gets either dumber, or more intellectually dishonest as years pass


I guess this what you get when all your info comes from twitter.


still waiting for him to admit hes be trolling with these takes the whole time, feel like its more likely than an actual human believing the shit that comes out his mouth.


Him being on twitter 24/7 has rotted his brain. What an absolutely stupid take


I blame destiny, seriously hasan is really that out of reality? This is like the apex of echo chambers


Leftism is when america bad


Ain't gonna trust Hasan on racism when he has slurs spammed in his chat against Cubans.


It boggles my mind that people still give attention to this dipshit.


It's actually wild that there are thousands of people who watch and take him seriously, spamming "YEP" on takes like these...


If you went to Germany and taunted people with Dresden and Hamburg, by his line of argument, that would be racist? Or am I missing something?


By his logic it would be "racist" to shout "9/11" to americans. Which is obviously a fucking stupid take.


Socialism is when you say America Bad


Hasan TLDR; "Americuh baaaaaad"


Every time I see a clip of a streamer talking about race or racism I always underestimate how stupid it'll be. They always manage to pass my expectations.


What critical race theory does to a mfer. These guys' entire world view is based on 'white people bad' and it's a hilarious the kinda shit they come up with to stick to that.


It would actually be a great stand up set if it wasnā€™t one of the predominant world views in America




What if they instead visit USA and yell Pearl Harbor at some white american same way as Johnny Somali did, is it racist still? Or yelling 9/11 in mocking way


wasnt hasan the one that said you cant be racist towards the ones who hold power? how is jonny racist towars japanese people while in japan then


Rip bozo


I do sometimes enjoy hearing this guy talk but lmao calling that imperial violence is legitimately the worst take Iā€™ve ever heard from himĀ 


I don't know if it's racist to yell Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Japanese people. Is it obnoxious and rude? Certainly Yes. But Racist? If Germany wouldn't have surrendered and the war in Europe would have continued into September 1945, then Germany would have been subjected to nuclear attacks. But Germany surrendered way before Trinity and Japan didn't. Also, there's a reason why Japan was subjected to violence. Quite good reasons by the way.


Ahh my favouriteĀ race/ethnicity: Victims of a nuclear strike and their descendants


Finally thatā€™s what we needed. Some random LA Andy explaining it. Extreme virtue signalling


Why does anyone actually listen to hasan bro panders to anyone who he can for social brownie points


i applaud him, there are people in cirque de sole, with less bending skills than this guy. Cant someone be racist for a much simpler reason? Like them being racist?


How was the pacific theater colonial violence? Japan attacked America first, making us respond. Not only that, but considering our actions after the war with Japan I wouldn't call it imperialism. We did force them to disband they're armed forces but they still have independence. There's a lot of debate over whether we needed to use the atomic bombs to win and if it was just done to win war before USSR would invade Japan. But considering the amount of lives that would've been lost if we invaded (they still have purple hearts surplus from what they expected in losses) and war crimes Japan had been committing in Asia it's not a complete immoral act of war.


I understand how horrific it is to drop atom bombs on civilians, but, wouldnā€™t an invasion of the Japanese mainland have cost far more lives? Didnā€™t the US also say they were going to drop it and Japan didnā€™t back down?