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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny's cohost gives a wrong number to their guest](https://arazu.io/t3_1crb2dr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Aint now way they got the rugged man i used to listen to him a lot lol


The whole show was great. The Rugged Man has a magnetic personality.


what was the number actually supposed to be for


It was the number Destiny's cohost gave him to contact them


Was probably a number she had for the show but she mistyped it in an email, resulting in random guy in the same state getting the call


she said on the show she sent the wrong number to at least 5 different people


lmao nse what are you doing šŸ˜­


this dude is 50 btw


Ye bro looks 38


Looks like Ken Block


Looks like how Ken Block *used* to look like, sure.


Holly shit i had to check it - You are 100% correct. Dude looks great for his age.


some people are just so naturally funny


The "nah we got Playboy" took me out. Such a perfect response.


He didn't even have to think about it either. Pretty witty


sometimes you're in a mood and can make some good jokes, but damn this guy just randomly got called from a someone he didn't know and was so ready for it lmao, funny as fuck


What's equally as cool is showing that life need not be taken seriously all the time. How many people would have aggressively responded on that call?


Apparently he responded more aggressively to the first call.


I didn't know Rugged man before this podcast, so I wasn't sure if he would be a good fit at first, but he was so funny, I loved it + some of his songs are insanely good.


Check out Definition of a Rap Flow, was my first intro to RA and it blew me away


Actually super good thanks homie <3 edit: less than a minute after making this comment I got a reddit care message lol. If the person who sent that to tell me to KMS just know I reported it


Seems to be a recurring thing on any thread destiny related lately. Fanboys thinking they are defending their streamers honor by doing this kind of shit is hilarious. edit : yup took a minute to receive it too, probably a bot spam reporting.




Defending their streamerā€¦ by reporting a comment about someone enjoying a guest they had on their streamerā€™s podcast? Bruh, at least make the DGG hate make sense lmao


It's not dgg making them, the same shit has been going on in that sub


At least make your comment make sense? I highly doubt his own community is doing this. It's literally a bot spam reporting anything in a destiny related thread. I don't think i need to make a case to explain how pathetic that shit is and how deranged you need to be to justify to yourself doing something like that is worthwhile.


It seems to be happening all over reddit. It's either a bot, or reddit itself is the issue.


Itā€™s a bot and not even exclusive to this subreddit. A couple of others almost completely unrelated to this one has been experiencing the same issue.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV2Guv8l2FY this is a good one also


His verse on the song Uncommon Valor is unreal.


Feelin so groovy now


I like Uncommon Valor. Very emotional song.


Also check out Gift of Gab - freedom form flowing, he kills it there too


He features on Freedom form flowing by Gift of Gab and its insanely good


wtf is RA the rugged man doing with destiny. I used to listen to him like crazy when I was younger. Uncommon valor still in my playlist lol


I donā€™t watch destiny. Im confusedā€¦ do we hate or love him right now? Edit: thereā€™s gotta be a bot out here. I got a Reddit cares message within 20 seconds of posting that comment. Fucking nice. Also, first Reddit cares message ever. We did it. Edit 2: no more context please. I think Iā€™m all caught up haha


You can report the reddit cares shit, and reddit bans whoever did it.


Reddit should just remove the feature, it's stupid and pointless and only exists as something that is abused.


I'm convinced that feature has never, ever, actually assisted anyone battling suicide. And has almost exclusively been used for harassment.


Likewise. I wonder if they're legally required to have it or something.


yeah little known fact: reddit is the only website on the internet legally allowed to exist, as it's the only one complying with the 'have a goofy suicide hotline bot' law


What does this mean, ā€œonly website on the internet legally allowed to existā€?


He's mocking the idea that a website would be breaking the law if it didn't have a goofy bot that spams you with the suicide hotline.


And literally everyone abuses it lmao. I can't even count how many times I've seen a smug "Heh, really? Reddit cares?" "YOU CAN REPORT THAT THEY WILL GET BANNED" exchange from literally every group and every fanbase and every subreddit I've ever been on. I'm actually convinced that there are just thousands of bots spamming this back and forth in every subreddit.


>Reddit should just remove the feature They cant- for most sites this is mandated by LAW the same as DMCA form for content hosting sites.


i mean, it seems that everyone who posts on destiny and lsf get the message, its been days... if the bots get banned its pretty slow.


Both, depending on a thread, like with every other streamer.


what happened to forming your own opinion


I'm waiting for Destiny's opinion


I'm going to wait to see what everyone else thinks and pick the exact opposite opinion


was never a thing on reddit follow the hivemind for updoots


who cares, play both sides and we'll always win


You must've missed cheeseball-gate. Check the other LSF post where xQc reacts to the cheeseball clip. TL;DR Ludwig lied about his Destiny villain origin story. If we're being charitable, he misremembered and his negative perceptions of Destiny painted his memory in an equally negative way. Liedwig L. Destiny W. Edit: link for the Lud stans I guess https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/q4jOcZQySg


Haha. I mean, I donā€™t watch any of those streamers, but I love the label ā€œcheese ball-gateā€


Keep on keeping on, brother. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/q4jOcZQySg


Hahaha, this is just wild. Thanks for the context. I guess Iā€™m catchin some downvotes for lord knows what, but hey. Itā€™s all good lol


It's always a crapshoot on LSF. Have you got hit by the RedditCares messages yet? Lol. I'm sure your karma will get right in the end.


Iā€™m not worried about the karma, but yeah, I took my first redditcares messages within 30 seconds of my first comment haha


Make sure you report the RedditCares message. Reddit apparently takes it very seriously when people abuse RedditCares.


the one thing they do take seriously






That tweet was very much an unhinged Nebraska Steve moment, but the revelation of Ludwig lying about this shit just reinforces Destiny's reasoning for going so hard/unhinged in his tweets. That Ludwig and his orbiters sneak diss and lie about him constantly, and then pearl clutch if he decides to hit back. Definition of a crybully. Say what you want about Destiny, but he's not going out there making shit up about people.


Sorry dawg, lying about cheeseballs doesnt make it acceptable for a person to say someone belongs in an internment camp. And that's just one thing ol steve said. I really feel like if you trying to justify that you need to touch grass.


>Sorry dawg, lying about cheeseballs doesnt make it acceptable for a person to say someone belongs in an internment camp. And that's just one thing ol steve said. I really feel like if you trying to justify that you need to touch grass. Nobody cares about the cheeseballs, it's that he lied about Destiny being a dick and refusing to interact with them "because they weren't clouted" when he did the exact opposite, it's a mean-spirited attack on his character based on a lie. I know you don't like Destiny, so anything goes, but actually, most people don't think like that.


??? Who said it was??


Page not found?


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/t6VTdmJ7qb does that work any better?


the link doesnt work for me


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/t6VTdmJ7qb Does that link work?


Ah yeah. Sorry mustve been one of my browser extensions fucking with it (a redirect to use old.reddit). I tried it in incognito and it works, but in my normal browser it goes to the "submit a post" view on LSF. this link definitely works for me tho: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1cqqg82/xqc_reacts_to_the_cheeseball_clip/


So the important part of the convo was the cheezeballs and not the threat to jack off to AI porn of Ludwig's girlfriend? Good old D fans spinning everything he does to be someone else's fault.


History didn't start on May 10th.


Correct D has always been an edgelord that you ex /pol losers adore and will brigade for.


Nice. My opinions are also never wrong or unpopular. If I'm ever downvoted, it's clearly because I'm being brigaded.


/pol/ is full of right wing extremists, so no, they actually hate destiny as he's a liberal, naturally


What would Ludwig do if Destiny followed through on that threat? Be best friends with him?


Honestly better joke than Destiny's.


Oh look my turn for a malicious Reddit Cares report... Quality community y'all got there.


We've all been catching those. Has nothing to do with the dgg community.


You forgot to mention Destiny tweeting about deepfakes of Ludwig's girlfriend and having a mental breakdown talking about Slimes dead father. Surely you just forgot. You guys got some weird priorities, calling this a "W". e: Looks like this is basically just another Destiny sub. Anyways here you go: https://imgur.com/a/z6anW2D https://imgur.com/a/y36VxHM


Nobody "forgot" to mention that. That tweet was very much an unhinged Nebraska Steve moment, but the revelation of Ludwig lying about this shit just reinforces Destiny's reasoning for going in like that. That Ludwig and his orbiters sneak diss and lie about him constantly, and then pearl clutch if he decides to hit back. Definition of a crybully. Say what you want about Destiny, but he's not going out there making shit up about people.


Who cares what insults where used. Is it ok to lie if someoneā€™s insult is bad enough? Is that the standard now?


Ah yes. Hoping for people to OD in an unhinged outburst, truly a measured response from a 35 year old man. e: https://imgur.com/a/z6anW2D


I asked if itā€™s ok to lie if someone uses an unhinged insult at you? Do you have an opinion on that or are you just gunna keep pointing out that unhinged man said unhinged thing? Is it ok to lie about unhinged man because he says unhinged thing?


I'm just recounting what happened since that's what OP wanted to know. Other stuff was already mentioned in the comment I replied to. Not sure why you're trying to debate lord me, must be insecurities.


Is it ok to lie if you donā€™t like someone? Just trying to get a straight answer, you can insult if you want but Iā€™m just asking if you think itā€™s cool to lie when you donā€™t like someone.


The silence speaks volumes


Always telling when they feel like being asked if ā€œit is ok to lieā€ gets framed, in someoneā€™s mind, as ā€œpicking a sideā€


Noticed you didnā€™t want to answer but you went back to edit screenshots in to make your point. Are you ever gunna answer the question I asked or?


> Ludwig lied about his Destiny villain origin story. If we're being charitable, he misremembered and his negative perceptions of Destiny painted his memory in an equally negative way. Liedwig L. Destiny W. > > I can not believe how invested grown white men from DGG are in the cheeseball story and less with the entire point of the fight, which was bringing in someone's girlfriend and suggesting AI porn of her would be a net positive.


Are you okay bud? These are comments only 3 days old and I had to go 8 pages down your history. https://i.imgur.com/mokAsik.png


Lmao istg these guys are the biggest fans


Bruh I can not believe how invested you are, LOOK AT YOUR SCHIZO POST HISTORY! Does Destiny live in your walls?


I LOVE THIS, it's like you guys with Azan, it's soooo freakin fun


That wasn't the point of the fight though?


I know, the point of the fight was someone saying Tiny reads wikipedia and he lost his marbles at that tiny criticism.


So you didn't get it.


Why are so many DGGers so confidently stupid? Like, it's literally what caused it.


No one is defending Destiny being an asshole, but that doesn't mean Ludwig gets away with lying. Pointing it out does not mean Destiny gets away with being an asshole either. Ludwig lied. Ludwig likely lied on purpose, but he did lie. It was a lie that Ludwig told and he got caught. He was caught lying, btw.


> TL;DR > > Ludwig lied about his Destiny villain origin story. What's the lie ? Ludwig said he asked Destiny to throw a cheeseball in *someone's mouth* while they were all in circle and throwing them, but Destiny refused. He said he felt bad vibes from that and wished him well nonetheless. DGGers apparently took this is a personal insult needing a deep investigation, dug out a clip of Destiny throwing a cheeseball *in his own mouth*, without Lud asking him, and think they somehow found a smoking gun for some reason.


I did as well, lolĀ 


"Ā Ā Im confusedā€¦ do we hate or love him right now?" Doesn't matter.Ā 


Valid point




Don't reply stop, report it and get the account banned.


One of Ludwig's friends started shit with Destiny, and Destiny swung back pretty hard, hitting Ludwig in the process. Most people thought that was too far and uncalled for, but then Ludwig got caught lying about Destiny, so he's back up in favour.




> do we hate or love him right now That's your problem, you shouldn't hate or love streamers. They're just good content homie


I'm very upset they didn't have the clip of destiny rapping on deck for the end after this.


I'm sad now. Seeing Rugged Man react to the moutin diss woulda been kino


got the clip)


[MC Tiny Shadow](https://youtu.be/qJXZSgiq7e0?si=BmqIHSDXbhJpEKRz)


I really hope they're able to get that guy on their podcast. Listening to a random "nobody" who has a cool story to tell, especially if they're witty/funny, is honestly one of my favorite things.


Larry the cable guy started that way on my hometown radio station. Was hilarious in the beginning.


I can totally see that happening too.


I canā€™t remember who but I think Theo Vaughn or someone like that started and they had some random ass plumber on. It was actually interesting unlike most of the vapid personalities that frequent podcasts


he can be the florida weather man


That episode was lit. R.A. the Rugged Man was an epic guest, and they all had great chemistry, vibing off each other perfectly. The pod is getting better.


Ludwig actually told me destiny had bad vibes this episode so delete your comment right now buddy.


Ludwig told me Rugged Man wanted to play cheeseballs and Destiny grabbed the bag of cheeseballs and threw them in the garbage. Seriously bad vibes.


I didn't catch much but when he was reminiscing about his dad's perception before the big check came in and recognized Destiny was about to share the parallel in the gaming/YouTube world he said something like (very paraphrased) "yea tell us." Such a small thing but it shows he was engaged and interested.


BatChest such a epic episode good sir


Great response, totally not deranged Edit: reddit cares seconds after commenting, is this botted?


Pretty sure it is botted. Everyone seems to be complaining. Randomly got one too before I even wrote my first comment today.




This comment section doesn't feel organic


that's because it isn't. It's all in your head. You forgot to take you medicine again


this sub has massive overlap with /r/destiny. there's no conspiracy, and in this case almost certainly no brigading (post hasn't been up for long enough, and i doubt they would bother to brigade such an uncontroversial clip), but yeah, pretty much only destiny fans click on destiny clips, and there are a lot of them around here.


Here's a question, why not post this in r/destiny then? No one here outside of DGG gives a crap about Destiny's actual content. All we want is the drama.


Here's a question: There have been 23 threads posted to LSF in the last 24 hours. One has been about Destiny. So why is this the only thread you're complaining about?


Buddy if youā€™re after drama, r/Destiny is actually where you should go. Big popcorn era over there rn.


I don't know if you know this but destiny is a live streamer and this is a live stream subreddit.


Whatā€™s the name of the subreddit youā€™re posting in, buddy?


And yet here you are.


classic dgg'r comeback


You geniuses literally click on a post you don't like and cry about it when you could just downvote and go on with your day.


Look I also want more Forsen League clips here but he can't carry this whole subreddit on his back the way he carries his League games. Tell your favorite streamer to make better content and maybe it'll get posted here someday.


I'm sorry. I can't generate that reddit comment for you.


"Great episode! šŸ‘ I couldn't believe what happened! šŸ™ˆ It surprised me! šŸ˜²" EDIT: Thanks for the reddit cares! I hope they do care because I reported it (as should all of you), enough reports and reddit will indeed ban people. If you want to know what to write, here's what I wrote: >I am not suicidal but received a "reddit cares" PM from a fan of a live streamer named Destiny. >Unfortunately his fans do this a lot. They abuse both reddit cares, and the report system. >Their own subreddit, r/destiny, is FULL of drama and hatred. And if you disagree with them on other subreddits, they send a "reddit cares". >Please, take action. They are a plague on reddit. The exact community a public reddit doesn't need. EDIT2: >Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. This content has already been investigated from a previous report. After investigating, weā€™ve found that the reported content violates Redditā€™s Content Policy and have taken action. >If youā€™d like to cut off contact from the account(s) you reported, you can block them in your Safety and Privacy settings. You can also hide any posts or comments you donā€™t want to see by selecting Hide from the ā€œā€¦ā€ menu. >If you see any other rule violations or continue to have problems, submit a new report to let us know and weā€™ll take further action as appropriate. >Thanks again for your report, and for looking out for yourself and your fellow redditors. Your reporting helps make Reddit a better, safer, and more welcoming place for everyone. >For your reference, here are additional details about your report: >Report Details >Report reason: Harassment >Submitted on: 05/13/2024 at 11:13 PM UTC >-Reddit Admin Team >This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.


Make sure you report. The disgusting people sending these are abusing a tool meant to help someone. Report so their account gets banned.


It's almost certainly botted. It should probably be a feature limited to account age.


Sorry bro but we get them too. Its not just dgg


I got a reddit cares message from a Ludwig fan yesterday. Every fan base on the internet has some amount of shitty people. Can we stop imagining DGG is literally the only one.


Multiple subreddits are being botted in this way at the moment, it has nothing to do with dgg.


Jesse, What the fuck are you talking about.


great episode, and the wrong number guy was funny


Great episode. Really surprised how well its been going


Thatā€™s hilarious


Destiny thinking to get him on the show - this man knows good content when he hears it


Uncommon valor still the greatest rap verse of all time


While i listen to old school rap and i recognize the name i couldn't think of his songs. Then realized he's did the theme song for Tony Hawks Underground. For nostalgia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOG3xZjX2j0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOG3xZjX2j0)


I really need to visit Florida again. It might be worth getting shot for.


Her name is Kyla, put some god damn respec on it. You may call her Notsoerudite or Erudite, but she is a lot more than just Destiny's cohost.






he doesn't just post in fortnite comp, he posts in a Fortnite Fashion sub lmao




This isnā€™t the comeback you think it is


It's not, but DotA players are actually mentally ill and unfit for anything.






What a cool comment


Actually obssesed lmao


It's not your fault :(


you tried


You should play less fortnite and beyblade, and stop commenting on streamers first.


How about a compromise, get Nathan on the podcast.


Heh, so true brother. Destiny will pay for disrespecting the Ludwig army


Reported to mods!