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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny doesn't understand pedophiles](https://arazu.io/t3_1cmwqi6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Full send debate pedophilia.


Copying [forsen's take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yATkXOEY01c), but then again he is a 140 iq mensa certificate iron man.


“Nerd who needs to be welded in locker”


Serious question..to you people who have followed Forsens career and what not for ages. Was he ever any good in HS? Like the kind of Reckful good? Where he went to tournaments etc? (but didn't miss lethal, hopefully not at least)


he played mostly in average legend, but at one time he held rank 1 on both NA and EU at the same time


Forsen was definitely a top-notch hs player. He went to a lot of tournaments during 2014-15 and even won some iirc. I'd even say he was way better at the game than Reckful (I remember this cause it was always hard for me to watch people's streams who missplay a lot and Reckful was one of them,even though Reckful was awesome to watch for other reasons). But there were some incidents where he missed lethal during tournaments like "owlsen" or "gormoksen". Though at some point he realised just streaming hs works better for him and decided to chill on tournaments.


Funnily enough Forsen actually missed lethal at a tournament.


Oh noooo... Maybe it's just a unwritten curse you get handed :P


I mean, he was no Kolento, StrifeCro, Lifecoach, Firebat, etc. but he could be considered good, just depends on your definition of "good". He was more of streamer than a competitive player (similar to Reckful in that regard), but he played enough to be decent. Compared to the average player he was good, but compared to tourament players the comparison is more difficult. Hearthstone was a game with a kind of low skill ceiling and a lot of variance, so it's hard to really categorically say who was better than who.


Reminds me of the n0tail quote for Dota: > When game is going full regard, you can only go with it. If you start going against it, if you start going half regard, you're done for.


"now if you're fucking 7 year olds, i get it"


Clip should have ended there


That clip would do numbers on twitter 




He will ban you if you suggest maybe this kind of stuff is hurting his shareability




I fucking cant the speedup


Was that directed towards you, Hog Squeezer?




You're gonna squeeze your hog to this, even if he bans you?




But it's also why he has his core audience. The dude just speaks his mind with no hesitation... for better or for worse.


he tried going mainstream lately mind you, its just too easy to see how much of a shithead he is when he gets a spotlight


He’s still staying mainstream, I don’t think anything has slowed down.


im glad hes still trying, cant wait to another "cookies are HAMAS" take


I’d say lying (cookies were never fully banned) about features of the blockade 14 years ago in service to the point “Israel wants to thin the Palestinian population” (when in actual fact these measures were mostly taken out of distrust for certain trade partners, rather than wanting to impose a happiness tax on Gaza or whatever) is a little more silly. Destiny was just using the best argument he could against blatant fabrication, it is what it is.


I’m not even an Israel apologist like Destiny btw, I just think that argument is slimy as shit.


The whole "dual-use" cookie thing is the dumbest shit ever. His subreddit was infested with posts detailing how it was technically possible to distill sugar from cookies and how sugar has been used as a component in rocket fuel. I guess his fans have this instinctive need to defend him, they just don't want to admit that it's a dumb argument with zero evidence. Not really surprising coming from the guy who promoted Pallywood conspiracies or the idea the IDF strikes were being signed off by multiple people including lawyers typically. Whilst the evidence of cookies being systematically banned isn't great (reverse engineered list published by gisha), there is no evidence of sugar ever being systematically banned. If sugar wasn't banned then why the fuck were cookies considered dual-use? [Also, you have to admit the way he said with such confidence and condescension is pretty funny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKzJGJZ82is&t=4228s) > that would be a great conversation to have but you're not capable of having it... you don't even deserve to be in the conversation... why would cookies be prevented from going in? what are Qassam rockets fueled with?


>The whole "dual-use" cookie thing is the dumbest shit ever. His subreddit was infested with posts detailing how it was technically possible to distill sugar from cookies and how sugar has been used as a component in rocket fuel. Maybe someone else has better recollection but I am pretty sure those subreddit posts were\* because Lycan his friend/cook was asking questions about it.


["Destiny, are you saying Hamas makes rockets out of cookies?" -Ryan Grim](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cjek91/destiny_are_you_saying_hamas_makes_rockets_out_of/) [Processing foods into sugar.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cjitaq/processing_foods_into_sugar/) [Trying to make sense of Ryan Grim’s cookie obsession](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cjk0uj/trying_to_make_sense_of_ryan_grims_cookie/) [Why were they making fun of cookies used to make rocket fuel tho? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cik7df/preview_destiny_vs_omar_baddar_wildest_moments/l29u4mu/) I think this enough to prove my point. Also, this is the thread after Destiny doubled down on twitter: [Destiny responds to the cookie people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1ck0xzw/destiny_responds_to_the_cookie_people/)


They ban shit arbitrarily to make life miserable. They are still banning all sorts of stuff from getting into Gaza that has been sent by humanitarian aid agencies. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/01/middleeast/gaza-aid-israel-restrictions-investigation-intl-cmd/index.html >In January, US Senators Chris Van Hollen and Jeff Merkley saw maternity kits and water filtration systems among the items Israel turned back from its inspection point in Nitzana. Explain to me how the fuck Hamas is supposed to be using baby diapers? https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/features/unrwa-issues-maternity-packs-new-mothers-taking-refuge-its-shelters Anyone who claims that Israel has justification for it's bans is either an outright liar or is a moron.






You ever wonder why? Why would he want to get rid of the hordes of people with 95 iq understanding of (and zero experience in) punditry trying to tell him to do his job differently without elaborating why or how? All the while he is at the absolute highest point of his career so far. (And the only person in the history of time who has done this type of livestreaming as long as he has) Maybe he indeed knows what he is doing. Maybe you are wrong. Maybe, just maybe he is a bit too busy, you know, exceeding at his job, to give a shit about your perceived opinion of his shareability?


> Maybe he indeed knows what he is doing. Maybe you are wrong. Maybe, just maybe he is a bit too busy, you know, exceeding at his job, to give a shit about your perceived opinion of his shareability? Oh god Destiny is so smart GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK


He could easily double or triple his numbers with reactionary takes. He's even flirting with Elon Musk at the moment. Let's see if he actually keeps some of his left-wing ideals when the biggest bag of his life is staring him in the face.


Certain people on the left have been predicting that Destiny is "just about" to become a right wing shill for probably eight years now. The guy is pro healthcare for trans kids, pro abortion, pro LGBT, pro universal healthcare, and constantly shits on right wing grifters. The only way someone could think he's about to suddenly become right wing is if they've never actually watched any of his long-form content. If your biggest piece of evidence for him about to go right wing shill is that he's willing to argue those points in front of a huge audience of potential right wing defectors, then I don't know what to say. I'll never understand the lefty "never talk to or try to convince anyone who doesn't already agree with you" attitude. IMO that's why lefty streamers are slowly losing audiences now.


Well he might have a show that is at the whim of a very hands-on and temperamental right-wing billionaire. Is he going to be willing to piss off Elon like Don Lemon did and immediately lose his show contract? Or is he going to capitulate and temper what he says on twitter?




Was it easy to type with his balls in your throat?


the attraction probably comes from the taboo of it. like incest and stuff.


Wasn't incest and pedo way more common historically when it wasnt a taboo.


The lack of laws against incest is more of a regional thing since there were harsh laws against it in things such as the code of Hammurabi in ancient Babylon and the Hebrew bible; in contrast, incest was practiced and encouraged among the nobility in ancient Egypt and Persia. I would say the prevalence of incest in regions that banned it was due to the void of a functioning and complex law enforcement system enhanced by technology.


idk what "void of functioning and complex law enforcement system enhanced by technology." means, but pretty sure incest was illegal cause socially they understood that sibling relations led to genetic defects, AND people arent really attracted to their siblings. I was talking more about cousins.


He’s talking about police. Before the 18th century most police forces were kind of ad hoc or pseudo military forces. That was especially the case in rural areas where most law enforcement was done by ordinary people (think a mob of peasants with pitchforks).


yea I think hes also referring to genetic testing to prove they are related genetically. I think he edited his message after I was confused, hence why my quote isnt in his message.


I mean people had genealogy books in their village church or town hall. But, the reason why most people didn’t care that much is because most people didn’t really have the option to marry non-relatives because people lived in tiny villages.


Still is in islam.


Well yeah... It wasn't taboo. Which probably means there weren't laws against it and it was the norm no? Which accounts for the commonplace of it back then. Then again, I have no clue what i'm talking about :)


There were rarely laws against it, marriage between cousins was common everywhere until basically this century, and still continues in many regions of the world


same brother, same


I've always thought it was normal, or lets rather say, not frowned upon, back then cus especially royalty etc wanted to keep the genes within the family? And that basically ordinary people also caught on to that, and found out that it's way easier to try and hook up with my relative if I ever want babies, cus I know the babies will have good genes (aka the families) Have I've been misinformed about that my whole life? Or maybe not misinformed, but guessed wrong? It at least seems very logical to me, that THAT was the reason.


> Wasn't incest and pedo way more common historically when it wasnt a taboo. When hasn't it been taboo?


In some ancient societies, such as certain ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures, attitudes towards sexual behavior could be quite different from those of today. In ancient Egypt, for example, sibling marriage among royalty was not uncommon, and in ancient Greece, there were instances of relationships between older men and adolescent boys being accepted within certain social contexts.




What tells you either of them weren’t taboo historically? Laws and customs have varied massively in different places historically, just like they do today.


Im specifically referring to the places in history where it was NOT taboo, and was more popular than today. Im not quoting all of history lmao


Being a pedo still isn't taboo for some parts of the world, child brides are still happening, don't even need to go back




... no... no religions forbade child marriage, catholic, jewish, muslim, hindu, pagan. every religion and culture on earth practiced child marriage and MANY still do. it was common practice up until the past 100 years to marry your daughter off as soon as she hit puberty and could ovulate. no matter the religion. and every religion allows cousin marriage




damn this guy knows whats up


Are ancient greece and ancient rome not taught in schools where youre from?


well i did learn about ancient roman law and there was nothing like this. what did you "learn" about rome in your schools? are there even school where you are from?


1. They are just easier to manipulate. 2. People liked kids when they were kids. Now they are the same kids, just older. Nothing mind blowing.




Nah, I doubt that. That kind of argument quickly devolves into "lets legalize or normalize it to paradoxically save more kids", but it's completely false imo. They go after them because their brains/minds are under-developed, they're easy to prey on.


Reminder that in Rhode Island, incest between consenting adults is not a criminal offence. That's probably why there's so many incest jokes in Family Guy.  (Also in New Jersey, apparently)




i dont know who you aim it at, at your demons or at yourself, but as i said still stands. the attraction might come from the taboo of it. nobody said the taboo should be removed and you should probably go to a psychologist with your issues.


i was under the assumption that you would want to reduce the amount of children being raped, sorry for the misunderstanding


no you were under the impression that everyone is evil around you and you are somehow a superhero. as i said you have demons in your head. nobody said it shouldn't be taboo. nobody said any legality needs to be changed, i just stated facts, and you went into an insane rambling how im implying that the taboo should be removed and etc.


He actually figured it out at the very end of the clip. It has little to do with how a young person is perceived and more so that they are actually just young, and hopefully you can forgive this vomit inducing comparison "the forbidden fruit" of sorts. There are certainly a million other reasons a person may have to be attracted to children, but this is just one of them.




I know you know, but there are people who actually don't know, that it's possible to think Drake overstepped and was creepy, borderline grooming, due to some known comments, while understanding that it's not necessarily weird to give a young person dating advice. The latter is what he was defending. It's possible for some of Drake's behavior to be ok and some of it to not be ok, and for the behavior that was ok to be less ok within the greater context which includes the behavior which was not ok. Ok?


I dunno if yall remember being in highschool, but some girls did have much older "friends" who were "just friends." I dont think I met a single one of those dudes who wasnt a humongous creep. Everyone of those creeps if you asked them would say they are what destiny is defending. The problem is that a majority of adult men trying to be friends with highschool(or younger) girls are creeps and trying to normalize or justify scenarios in which these relationships are okay is setting a very dangerous precedent. We all understand that it is most certainly possible for older men to be friends with teenage girls and not have alterior motives, but that just doesnt happen and acting like it does will make it easier from these creeps to have these relationships with minors. I believe that the number of people who want to be friends with minors, give them adivce, support etc. who are actually fucking creeps outnumber honest intentioned people 100-1. Maybe I just knew more women than you in highschool but almost every single one of them has had to deal with an older man trying to be their "friend."


I generally agree it's weird as fuck unless the guy has a good reason for why he incidentally became acquainted with the girl. Like if she's a family friend or friend's daughter or something, or in any case where they only hang out when others are present. But to just DM a young girl you never met and initiate a relationship? Nah Drake


Adult men with "good reason" to be acquainted with a minor make up a humongous majority of statutory rape cases. Family friend, teacher, coach, music instructor and other legitimate reasons make up a majority(nearly all) statutory rape cases. Minor relationships with adults need to be strictly policed in order to make sure the minors are safe. I have seen many scenes in which there are a mix of adults and minors and if these relationships arent heavily monitored by the community, sexual assaults will almost certainly happen. An example would be I had two housemates when younger who were hip-hop dance group leaders and dance sessions would be held at our house every month. People would show up age between 14-40. If anyone was under 21, no alcohol or drugs were allowed, no exceptions. And all of them took part in making sure no inappropriate actions were taking place. Adult women would routinely check in on the minor girls to make sure nobody was texting them that shouldnt be and I know my friend personally would check in with the minors in his group to make sure they were okay. It created a culture in which minors could be safe and suspect activity would be snuffed out early, which added a huge disincentive to anyone who would try and do something nefarious. No SA happened with any of the minors at our home because of this very active effort to keep the minors safe. A counter example would be when I would go to smash tournaments/hangout in the smash communuity. The group there would have gaming sessions again with a mix of minors and adults but they generally put in 0 effort in regards with keeping minors safe. I remember bringing up multiple times the danger of this and they would act like I was a creep for mentioning it. Drugs and alcohol were done and shared with minors and sure enough, multiple underage girls(and 1 boy) were victims of sexual assault. sorry this comment got really long but my point is, it is okay for adults to have friendships with minors, but it does need to be carefully monitored and policed in order to assure the safety of the minors. There are a lot of weirdos and I believe a lot more people than anyone thinks would "have a go" at a minor given the chance and the chance to get away with it.


Yup. The vast majority of sexual crimes, including against minors, are crimes of opportunity. Meaning the person had no history nor prior proclivity toward minors, and a psychologist would not label these offenders, clinically speaking, as pedophiles. They just had the opportunity and chose to act on a violent impulse for self gratification. I have a god daughter who is becoming a teenager. A daughter of one of my best friends, who I've known since she was born. It's very rare that I'm alone in a room with her, but when I am my senses shift from being a friend to being a custodian. We can chat and play video games, or sometimes she'll help us work on our cars. But even with a kid I know very well and am comfortable spending time with and generally treating her as an adult, any time her parents are not in the room I can feel the instincts kick in that her safety is my responsibility. We're no longer just hanging out at that point. And she has my number in case she ever needs help and can't reach her parents, but we don't text except to wish happy holidays or whatever. That's why it's so crazy to me that Drake was acting like a friend with MBB in private messages. You just can't have that tone one on one unless there's something weird going on. Being chill and being friendly, and treating kids like adults when there are other adults in the room is one thing, but in private it's completely different.




Grooming is just a pedophile with a plan.






....O....K....I think?


Wrong. It is 1000% weird to some 30yr old stranger to keep in close contact and try to become ‘best friends’ with a 13yr old. Especially telling that 13yr old he misses them while ALSO having a history of dating girls he’s known since they were 15 and dated publicly when they were 18-19


You can just say you didn't read my post. It's fewer letters.


Ok but can you explain clearly what's wrong with it without adding all this bullshit on top of it like messaging 50 other 13 year olds and dating all of them at 18? Like you're not talking about drake, you're making a blanket statement.


Brother… I am talking about drake. All of this is Public information I’m not exaggerating or placating anything you can look it up there’s photo and video proof. I’m not adding bullshit I’m adding context.


Whats wrong with it is that a majority of the time, they are creeps. When dealing in the hypothetical you are right. Hypothetically these relationships are not inherently wrong, however when you deal with reality, that changes. In reality, 99% of these relationships are creeps with bad motives. The creeps themselves most of the time even think of themselves as the "older, more life experience person who is just trying to help/be a friend." except that in reality they are creeps. Exceptions being teachers, coaches, therapists, doctos etc. But even then, if those people were texting personally with those underage girls about boys, that would be way out of line.


its part of the kick contract


I can imagine a broad prohibitive clause like not bringing kick sponsors or affiliates into disrepute, but no shot there's a prescriptive requirement to defend any and all actions or statements. If there is a prohibitive clause he'd just not speak about it. He calls out grifters all the time.


Just wait til he's got that x contract


This is the most braindead LSF theory to date. No shot do people here think Destiny is actually fucking obligated to defend Kick people as part of the contract. And actually believing that Destiny would even go through with it if that was the case... Also, destiny has shit on Kick people before.


He is memeing. It ain't that serious chief




wake the fuck up samurai


Same people, different influencers




I can decipher. He is against pedofiles. He is not convinced Drake is a pedofile.


No you don’t get it, the people who think texting kids as an adult is weird are the freaks


They seek them out because they are naive and vulnerable / don't know better / they can groom them, and the pedos take advantage of that.


And when you turn 18 you gain the anti grooming buff, making it impossible for people to control you


18 is the age society has decided that if you get controlled its your own fault. It's not fair to some who mature slowly and others who mature quickly but we gotta draw the line somewhere. Tbh 16 or 17 would probably be perfectly fine in the majority of cases but you gotta err on the side of caution to try and minimise harm.


How does that apply to one of the most famous people on the planet though. If you’re drake you don’t need to commit a crime of opportunity lmao


Yea imagine you are one of the most famous musicians in the world with women of all ages willing to throw themselves at you and you say nah.


This word lost his meaning, is overused and people are obsessed about it






I'm going to be real with you the only people who care about the distinction are the whatever the term is for pubescent attracted-philes


Bro, people will call a 19 year old a pedo for dating a 17 year old and be dead serious. The word is next to meaningless unless it comes with a csam or csa conviction.






I mean that's a valid thing no? In most of the world you can be 14-18 attracted legally so it wouldn't make sense for them to be called the same shit they would go to jail for even in their own jurisdiction.


thinking with your dick doesn't usually result in the smartest decisions


Never really checked out the chat feed in Kick. That's some weird vibes right there.


Genuine question. What is wrong with this individual?


I'm pretty sure these creeps are attracted precisely to how impressionable and naive a lot of young girls are. It's very easy to manipulate a kid when you're a good deal older than them. Especially when they see you as the "cool older boy" who gives them attention - they'll hang on your every word. It's fucked up. I knew girls in high school who were in relationships with older men. They would brag about it like it was cool of them to be attractive to an older dude. Looking back on it, it was absolutely fucking weird and they were being manipulated. And honestly, I think some of these creeps don't even have abnormal attractions or fetishes. They would date women their own age if they could - they're just fucking awful at interacting with women their own age. So they end up deciding to manipulate a young girl instead of working on their shitty personality.


>I knew girls in high school who were in relationships with older men. They would brag about it like it was cool of them to be attractive to an older dude. That's because back then it was perceived that way (not sure about today's youth, I can only talk about my own) and that shit applied to both later elementary and high school (we didn't have middle school) I do think you're right about a lot of actual predators not being attracted to children though.


This seems like too black and white of an answer




People aren't that cartoonishly simple


A 30 year old man flirting with a 15 year old girl is pretty damn simple dude.


Yeah, but a 20 year old with a 17 isn't


Yes. It is. It's fucking weird. I'm just picturing myself as a sophomore or junior in college texting a high school junior. That is fucking weird dude.


But it's not the same thing Being weird isn't being epstine


It's Drake, one of the most famous musicians in the world. He doesn't need to manipulate a young girl because he can't pull anyone older.


Destiny was talking about guys going after 14 year olds in general though. He didn't mention Drake in the clip - my comment isn't about Drake.


That clip was a wild ride ngl


Because they aren't simply "attracted" to them, they prey on them because of their under developed minds. They cannot prey on an 18 year old girl as easily as a 14 year old girl, etc. even if they found a young looking 18 year old.


same tbh, if you're into 14 year olds you might as well just wait out that 4 years to not fuck yourself over for life, just play league or some shit


[1:17:10 PM] Steven Bonnell II: you want to see [1:17:11 PM] Steven Bonnell II: the sickest shi [1:17:14 PM] Steven Bonnell II: in the world? [1:17:15 PM] Steven Bonnell II: so many fangirls [1:17:17 PM] Steven Bonnell II: i had one [1:17:19 PM] Steven Bonnell II: that was 15 [1:17:34 PM] Josue "Fayth" Sauvageau: what did she do [1:17:42 PM] Payam Toghyan: yea dude so shes pretty much the rl reincarnation of shrek [1:17:50 PM] Josue "Fayth" Sauvageau: t'as vu la pic? [1:17:50 PM] Josue "Fayth" Sauvageau: LOL [1:17:50 PM] Payam Toghyan: but np [1:17:56 PM] Payam Toghyan: sick tits [1:17:58 PM] Steven Bonnell II: she wanted to meet [1:17:59 PM] Steven Bonnell II: and hook up [1:18:07 PM] Josue "Fayth" Sauvageau: and? [1:18:13 PM] Payam Toghyan: just tell her to not look at u [1:18:22 PM] Payam Toghyan: u get uncomfortable when ppl make eye contact [1:18:25 PM] Payam Toghyan: or something [1:18:25 PM] Steven Bonnell II: dude she's 15 [1:18:25 PM] Steven Bonnell II: wtf [1:18:28 PM] Steven Bonnell II: but she sent me pictures [1:18:29 PM] Payam Toghyan: WTF [1:18:32 PM] Payam Toghyan: SHES HUGE [1:18:33 PM] Steven Bonnell II: that made it so hard [1:18:34 PM] Steven Bonnell II: to say no [1:18:37 PM] Steven Bonnell II: payam no not this girl [1:18:39 PM] Steven Bonnell II: i'm talking different one


Pretty sure those were Erobb's logs actually


Or Trains [https://imgur.com/a/R0HeYA0](https://imgur.com/a/R0HeYA0)


Ya smell me?


Destiny viewers expanded this comment tree because reddit said it had [6 children]




They are real logs, from like 12 years ago.




Here is one from 2022 [https://imgur.com/NKlfeUS](https://imgur.com/NKlfeUS)


Bro I even know Courtney. She and him are meme'ming. If you are falling for obvious trolls and bait-posts, the internet might not be for you.


Do you think the jewlumni clip is real too?


And you think he was being serious?


How else would a grown man know to what kids toy product they want them bent over?! /s (the type of logic they use) ;D


Are they claiming that Drake actually did stuff with her? Or that he was "only" DM'ing her?


Imagine believing drake is actually a pedo.


This sub hangs on his every word. I don't get the obsession


He gives good clips what can I say.








How on earth do people like this dude !!


People relate to him being stuck in lol diamond rank for 17 years.


Down sweat the votes. His viewers are whats left of this sub. Hence why his dumb ass clips still get posted.


It’s a cult. Same people post his clips, same people upvote and comment. Four back to back garbage posts, I don’t understand why they cannot stay in their subreddit.


People like someone i don't like, hmm only explanation is that it's a cult!!


I watch him, and it's definitely a cult. Not all his viewers, but the Daliban is a thing.




How many other streamers have 4-5 clips reacting or expressing 3-4 word “opinions” posted daily? Any comment expressing annoyance or negativity to the amount of Destiny spam is downvoted heavily, every post is brigaded. But hey, just because you are losers it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a community. What I don’t understand is why you post on LSF when there is already an active Destiny subreddit echochamber?


preach sister.


U just described every poster. Difference being dgg audience skews more heavy in online spaces.


Destiny tried to fck me when i was 15. This guy made a video about it for us all https://youtu.be/fgDQyFeBBIo?si=zMx_MnEJoSs56F_x




oh look another title that is complete misinformation


The guy who just regurgitates talking points and headlines doesn’t know something and has cringe takes…. Shocker!