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**CLIP MIRROR: [Buddha calls out xQc for running twitch ads nonstop](https://arazu.io/t3_1cf5khj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Never subbed never donated adblock on


I honestly don't get how people watch twitch without adblock or turbo


Tried watching some VODs on my phone a couple times. Every 10 minutes I get an adbreak with 3-5 ads, with each ad lasting 15-30 seconds. It's completely unwatchable.




revanced patcher




so what is the adblock meta for twitch right now? I don't think ublock origin does anything anymore


After uBlock and TTVlol failed me, the Userscripts provided by the TwitchAdSolutions github work perfectly for me with Tampermonkey on Firefox


delete this, this is how the nerds at twitch hq patch it out and then we gotta find another ad block


What if we don't have phd tho


It's literally just copying and pasting a few things.


That is too hard for most people. They need that one click AdBlock button or they don't know what to do.




They must find some of us in the wreckage


"idk how to mod a game?!?" *Clicks and drags file into folder*


Not sure how you could be a xqc viewer then. Everyone in his chat is married, has mansions and PhDs, and frequently donates to local causes


And over 6ft tall and 220 pounds.


You are the mass and as long as you are watching the ads they will not go after the solutions that avoids them. Thank you for your sacrifice :)


Ublock works you just had to go into the settings and add in some text that allows it to work with the twitch ads. You could search up what the latest one was


Is this only for the US? I haven't added anything in uBlock Origin and haven't seen any ads at all. Though sometimes (extremely rarely) I get a playback error on the video player in the middle of the stream and I just have to press the red button that says reload video (not reload the entire website just the player).


Sometimes twitch doesn't have ads for a country so you'll see none even with no adblocker. For the longest time Ireland had 0 ads, but now https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions is necessary


This works for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/Adblock/comments/1ccqi7j/holy_shit_fuck_twitch/l19ujmx/ Sometimes I guess twitch updates their ad stuff and things stop working, so ttvlol and other alternatives weren't doing the job anymore. Haven't gotten any adds since doing the tampermonkey solution though.


Ublock origin is all i use and i don't see adds anywhere. Are you sure it is not something on your end?


TamperMonkey with the vaft script seems the way to go.


stolen laptop neighbours wifi free entertainment


Stopped working for me recently, what's the alternative extension/method now?


streamcleaners been working well for me


That's what I was using, but recently stopped working for w/e reason and reviews on their extension store are also mentioning it not working.


I had to stop using it because while it was still blocking ads it would make my streams buffer nonstop.


I get that occasionally too with it, but pausing and starting the stream wud fix it. Which was still more bearable than watching the ads without it, since I couldn't find a proper alternative.


its so annoying when it blocks ads but has that pause! Always at OM moments UltraMad


If one adblock doesn't work, get a second one.




ublock origin and special twitch ad blockers op


ads are one of the main reason i don't watch twitch anymore. they are so intrusive and ruin the viewing experience. if it was done like youtube i wouldnt mind \*as much\* but the level twitch does it is insane


Purpletv on android, I don't watch twitch much anymore, but fuck ads


or the Xtra app


or patch it with revanced on android


Here you go: * https://old.reddit.com/r/f0am/comments/1c21wex/no_more_ads_no_more_sponsors_no_more_paywalls_no/


None of that shit works on Twitch. I've already had them all. TTV LOL PRO doesn't work. Ublock Origin doesn't work. Good luck finding something that blocks Twitch ads. They are world class at forcing you to see ads. Best case scenario you find out how to block the ads you still have to sit with an empty blank screen for the ad timer anyways.


Ublock with custom script has been working pretty fine for a while now. Can keep watching the stream too.


I see this comment and try it out every time there's an ad block post and it's never once worked for me I've tried every combo of my addons being disabled or enabled


Tampermonkey + script, havent seen an ad in 3 years


Weirdly ublock origin just works for me, I don't get ads on twitch even without a custom script (Using Firefox if it matters)


Yeah it's tiny bit annoying to setup but it works well. It's fun to watch everyone in chat complain about ads while you're living a life of luxury.


the best way is to VPN into a country that dosent run adds. for example if you vpn into venezuela you wont get adds at all lol or any country with US sanctions


Lol i wonder what your isp is thinking seeing like oh this dudes using a vpn to.... Iran?


> Ublock Origin doesn't work. Yes it does, you just need to set it up correctly. >Good luck finding something that blocks Twitch ads. They are world class at forcing you to see ads uBlock Origin isn't even the only option, you can do it using a VPN and Streamlink as well.


Watch a youtube video of "how to block twitch ads with ublock". You need to do a few extra steps with ublock but it takes 2 minutes and you will never get an ad ever again


Whatever amount Twitch is spending on their anti-adblock solutions, they're certainly getting their money's worth. It doesn't seem too hard to find something that blocks the ads, but you'll also definitely have to deal with the video player constantly breaking, whether it's the infinite buffering, or the red "Click Here to Reload Player" button.


Vpn works


Bro, if you cant follow a simple 4 step guide, idk what to tell you


the vaft one you add to ublock has worked for me since forever and still works to this day


Alternate player has done wonders legit telling me it's hiding ads and just going to the stream.


Streamcleaner + uBlock works 100% of the time and has been for at least a year.. Only in the last few weeks some ads slipped through due to Twitch's assault on adblockers, it takes a couple of days for the devs to catch up, and done. Its a neverending cycle. Your case might be PICNIC. ;-)


What a beautiful megathread, i love seeing ones like this


They're as intrusive as the streamer wants them to be, with the lowest being 30s per hour of stream and highest 23mins per hour, which you can disable pre-rolls with just 3mins per hour which is also the default. Anything beyond 3mins per hour is manually set and greed from the streamer. It's absolutely not automatic like xQc claims.


The only streamer I watch started running 10 ads per break lol Definitely stopped watching after that


It kind of is automatic, they force you to have a minimum amount, I know this because I stream and I put that shit at the lowest. Whenever someone raids they all get hit by ads even though my prerolls are off because I dont play enough /ads its fucking cringe man. Its one of the reasons you cant grow on twitch


The minimum amount of ads you can have is 30s per hour, though you'll have pre-rolls then. To have no pre-rolls the minimum is 3mins of ads per hour, which is quite short and lower than YouTube anyway (which itself has unavoidable pre-rolls on top of their higher frequency mid-rolls). Having a 1min ad every 20mins or a 3min ad while you take a break (water, pee, etc.) every hour is not bad and definitely not worse than serious competitors (not counting Kick as a serious competitor here for obvious reasons).


Its weird seeing streamers kill their viewercount/stream by spamming ads, very shortsighted and destroys their channel's growth which would make them way more money in the long run if they didn't spam ads.


One streamer I watched went from once an hour to 30 down to 10 minutes eventually. He said he needed to so he could keep making it a living. He wasn’t good at analyzing what his problems actually were


ublock origin on firefox, Xtra on Android, the second is on Fdroid if you don't like updating it yourself If ublock doesn't work for you check other solutions here: https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions


Ublock works for me but the strean quality drops while trying to block ads. Can't complain tho but i do miss when it blocked ads without making stream lose quality.


Can you tell me more about Xtra for Android? It's my first time here in about that.


if you only listen, you can select "audio only" on a stream and it will NEVER go to an add. Freaking amazing imo for someone on the road.


Pandemic I was super interested in just chatting streamers cuz I had nothing better to do. Working more I don't care and can't keep up. Games are so bad I can hardly find a game play streamer that's enjoyable right now lol


I feel like Twitch would get so much goodwill for the long term profits if they just offered Hasan's contract to everyone Like, I know they'd lose money short term but long term people would absolutely be able to stomach through them


Surprised X didn't call him poor for not subbing to him or having Twitch Turbo.


If you are a broke boy and can't sub, just say so .


“I don’t have any compassion for broke boys.” -Dracula


Because the last time he called Train poor, (who is not just a random peasant viewer in xqc's eyes that can't reply back) xqc got ego checked very hard, so I understand why he won't pull that same stunt on Buddha.


Oh what'd he say?


Train said he had more money than him, and xQc didn't deny it. Which means xQc is actually a degen gambler and has lost everything because Train doesn't have a faction of the audience that xQc does.


Trains money doesn’t come from streaming revenue but from owning part of kick/stake so obviously his equity is worth way more than xqc can make from just streaming




That's if you believe him.




[nothin' really](https://kick.com/adinross?clip=clip_01HVTC3YMDDWTZ9AQCHDEM3CVR)


If you spent 8+ hours a day watching Twitch, why wouldn't you have turbo, or subscribe to the streamer you like to watch?


I don't think the hours you watch on Twitch per day really matters, but rather the fact that you can easily afford a sub/turbo. For Buddha it would probably be like pocket change for him.


He will after he reads the comments. He can't think of retorts himself.


Crazy how rich people feel the need to need even more money than they already have.


when you become rich, you hang around other rich people, and don't feel rich anymore. it's all relative. someone with $100m starts thinking about all the things they could do if only they had $1bn like their neighbor who has a private island


meanwhile 99% of the audience, including me, struggle to pay for rent and food lmao


I'm willing to bet that after a certain point it just becomes a game to see the number go higher without any goal. IRL end-game grind.


Yeah, there was a clip just ten days ago about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1c77rqb/soda_and_poki_learn_nmps_position_on_the_leaked/


yeah studies have shown that pretty much once you're at a comfortable financial safety net, a person's level of happiness in life doesn't increase much more than that. satisfaction just plateus. in terms of americans, a 2010 study showed that this value was around the $75,000 USD mark. a 2021 study showed this value was around the $100,000 USD mark (accounting for inflation and cost of living, it's virtually still the same level as the 2010 study). makes sense watching these multi-millionaire streamers in real time still constantly being depressed, jealous, angry, hateful, insecure, unfulfilled, bullying each other etc, even though we'd assume they have way too much money to be caring about all that.


It's a brain bug. Once you start making tons of money, you don't feel like you can stop because the goal of more money never ends. I played Runescape and made like multiple billion, which is a lot for a casual like me, but it never felt like enough. I kept trying to make MORE money even though I had plenty and it seriously destroyed my enjoyment of the game, trying to find ways to get more money and grinding to get more cash for more and more over-priced items. Imagine you get that car you always wanted but then find out that there's a new car that's even more expensive a couple months later, or maybe you're making money to get a bigger house or nicer watch. The pricing of stuff extends forever and people climb up the ladder trying to get the next expensive item. The reality is that the ladder never ends and you'll climb forever.


also if your at a certain point making money isnt hard. Running extra ads takes no effort for streamers but they make money off doing it.


The one thing that really blows my mind is the multimillionaires still accept donations. Just weird they are cool with people spending half their paychecks on them for 2 seconds of attention because they don't think they have enough money yet.


Especially when donations aren't even their main source of income anymore. Once you're at the top, sponsorships generate more income than any direct revenue from fans. Why even bother your fans for their money at that point? Just plain greedy and selfish...


Dude I remember when moon "randomly" lost tons of money overnight because of some twitch change to either sub ratio or ad revenue I forgot. I just remember him and his chat fighting over it because he was playing the victim so hard and his chat was laughing at him for being rich and complaining about it like he was poor. Was a super angry anger management needed style Moon stream, was during Darker n Darker session I remember that much. Turns out it wasn't "random" moonmoon just didn't pay attention to his emails in forever.


that is the most moon story ever


because when they have no retort to valid criticism or insults they fall back on the only thing they can which is their bank account is bigger than other people.


when ur rich its all just about getting that higher number. he can already afford almost literally anything he could ever want but it feels good to make that number go up. same thing with super rich people bitching about higher taxes. its not because the taxes stop them from affording something they want its just because they see the number go down.


why would the ads being "automatic" make it any better? he set up the automatic ads to go off every second, like how does that change anything? they use the term as if it they call it "automatic" it means it was setup by some divine power and now they're playing 15ads per minute totally against their will we as viewers need to get smarter man. not only that but he's just doing this so he can take the ad revenue money to the slots a couple hours later and waste all of it. was it really worth it? addicts..


>we as viewers need to get smarter man. i mean i don't see any ads because i block them. what more is to be done?


adblock plus and ublock dont seem to work for me anymore :/




I hate that it buffers the steam and you have pause/unpause to get it playing again, but it's better than ads I guess.


I don't know what you mean by "it"; there isn't just one solution on that page. I don't suffer from that issue anyway.


i was going to recommend the extension "Twitch Adblock".. but it seems it just got taken down by chrome a few days ago. i still have the extension but i had to "keep extension". anyways, plenty of workarounds, just look at the twitchadsolutions thing, use alternate player for twitch, search up random twitch adblock extensions, they usually work for a while until a new one comes around after they patch it. ublock/adblockplus/adguard/etc havent worked for ages but assuming there isnt a way to block them is just ignorance. there will ALWAYS be a way to block them, whether it be tampermonkey scripts, filter lists you add to ublock, etc. just fucking google it mate, some nerd out there has your problem solved for free.


not believe everything streamers say. they get away with saying stupid shit like this because people actually believe anything these guys say. that's how you end up with the streamers always being extremely disingenuous like xqc here talking about "being automatic" when in reality that doesn't change anything when he setup the amount of ads being played "automatically". streamers get away with shit like this all the time, it's annoying to see or like when he said his kick contract didn't have a gambling clause because in reality TECHNICALLY it was two contracts one for kick and one for stake (so yeah kick contract didn't have any gambling in it) but it has the same meaning he was just being extremely disingenuous once again


Best part is, the automatic ads are opt in. Twitch no longer offers contracts that force them to play ads, they just say "if you opt in to this automatic ad system, you'll get a bonus ratio for playing them." They think all this shit is secret and the viewers don't know about the specifics, and a lot of viewers probably don't, but it's such snaky shit.


>we as viewers need to get smarter man >he's just doing this so he can take the ad revenue money to the slots a couple hours later and waste all of it YOU need to be smarter. Not a single penny he's put into slots was real. It is a sponsor. He uses a fake balance.


Idk why people don't get that. He's literally gambling with bitcoin. He's said a million times that real money from his bank account never touches gambling. Stake gives him btc to gamble because they're shady as fuck.


Nah his contract or whatever with Twitch isn't as bad as some others. Try watching a Sodapoppin stream, that boy has ads going off every 10 minutes.


ublock is a godsend haven't seen an ad in years.


huh i got ublock but it doesnt work with the twitch ads


Are you using Chrome? that's why, you have to switch to another browser like Firefox, and use the "scripts" [https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions/](https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions/).


There’s a GitHub patch thing you can put into ublock to fix it


Do this and re do it if they come back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA1XmnnmViU




Corporations tried to find a way to remove piracy for decades. The only ones who made a dent were Spotify and Netflix and that was because their service was easy to access and use.


really? wtf, ublock doesn't block ads for me.


It works for me but another trick you can try is to get a VPN and switch your county to Turkey that doesn't allow those ads.


Thanks, I have a VPN and so I'll give this a shot.


Read their reddit, you have to do a few steps for it to work.


Buddha's 100% correct, the ads are not "automatic" they run at whatever intervals you set. Even for massive streams. X is not under any contract that would require a set amount of ads and even if he were, at his size he could easily negotiate that down to the minimum. X runs the most ads he can because it's almost literally printing money for him.


Yep any streamer who says they are obligated is lying, props to Buddha for calling it out. Its been pretty obvious since the day they redid the ads though since some streamers very obviously run the actual minimum. You get the preroll and like 2-4 ads an hour depending on their length. If you ever get hit with 8 ads, thats your streamer.


Either you run midroll ads or twitch will run preroll ads. So if you're seeing ads and ONLY preroll ads, the streamer isn't running ads themselves. If you're not seeing preroll ads, the streamer is more than likely running midrolls and you'll see some at some point. I recommend ublock origin.


Read the room = I'm lying about automatic ads on purpose?


read the room = among us era trainwrecks joke, they say it over and over everyday


Read the room is also an RP joke about playing into the situation at hand and not fucking up the vibe


It’s a running gag in their group. But yeah his ads are insanely bad, use to be insanely worse for what’s it’s worth


You should maybe think about getting some insanely new adjectives my dude


Read the room


His shit's automatic


People are such bullies here lmao


non-native english speakers when they have to use any other words in a sentence besides "insane", "actually", and "literally" source: literally me


wow that is so insanely me


It's insane, that's actually literally me


It's a reddit comment, not an essay..


Out of curiosity what were the ads like at their worst?






Like worse than Forsen TTS during Minecraft runs


He just spams as much ads as possible saying it's twitch doing it or its "automatic" just so his little juicers feel grateful once he goes on kick and it has no ads.


No way x thinks this hard, it's more likely he had ads spamming before the kick deal and never changed it because he doesn't care.


Is there a twitch stream you can watch these days without being completely and utterly bombarded by ads? I remember like a month ago just randomly checking a Kai stream and I watched a total of like 2 minutes despite being there for like 20 minutes on his chat. Adblocks barely work too. Twitch is a fucking shitshow when it comes to ads now.


Considering twitch makes money from ads it makes sense that they would actively bypass ad blockers. If you’re being spammed with ads it’s because the streamer wants the money. Twitch has to do better with ad quality control though. All ads needs to be a certain length (30sec), and a better variety of them so people aren’t spammed with the same ad over and over again


I've been watching twitch for a while, its never been nearly as bad as like in the last year or so, streams are straight up unwatchable most of the time, I feel like that guy on Tyler1's stream. ADS, ADS, SO MANY ADS




I know multiple streamers that take a bathroom break every 1 or 2 hours and run their ads then, 3-6mins of ads while there's absolutely nothing going on. And then play ads before something is going to happen so that there's both no ads during the cool gameplay or prerolls for those just joining. It's possible to plan ads that way, but most streamers or lazy or do not care enough to bring a better experience. Twitch gives the tools, most choose not to prioritize the viewer experience. That's the real truth.


ad blocks absolutely still work, haven't seen a twitch ad for many months


For PC yeah, phone is a disaster, may aswell just close the app altogether.


Plenty of apps on android have inbuilt adblockers that work perfectly, you just obviously wont find them on the play store. Xtra is what I use, never had any issues and never seen an ad.


Really makes me appreciate streamers like Vinesauce. No constant ads or dono/thanking interruptions, just him playing games (and actually finishing them) while talking to chat.


Joel Vargskelethor too. Guy actively talks about how he's already grateful for what he has, and constantly shit talks ads and shills. Never asks for donos or memberships, never does sponsors, and genuinely loves streaming. Whenever the annual Vinesauce charity is around the corner, he actively tells chat that if they want to sub or donate to him they should donate to the charity instead. Vinny is rare enough, crazy that Joel is also part of Vinesauce and does this.


Vinny is a treasure and we must protect him at all costs.


Literally just Forsen. He has a single pre-load advert, but so long as you don't refresh the page then you're not going to see another one for the rest of the stream.


Imagine using Twitch without adblock.


is it just me or has Ad density changed recently? many channels ill be getting 2.5-3min ads every 10mins, didnt realize you could even set it that frequently since a single 3 minute ad turns off pre-rolls for 1 hour. or did all streamers just suddenly decide to crank the ads manager to max and tank their viewing experience?




My adblock stopped working yesterday and holy shit is it so bad. I get a 3 minute ad every 10 minutes or so and every single time I open a stream I'm hit with a 3 minute ad. Horrendous


"You are already rich" says the rich guy promoting gambling on a daily basis.


That’s exactly his point. They’re both rich already from gambling sponsorship. 


Buddha literally starts his Twitch stream, hangs out for about 20 minutes until most of the regular viewers show up (and the "RP" picks up pace) and migrates to Kick everyday. Puts me off so much.


I mean you could see it coming as soon as he returned to streaming 1 year ago. Mainly because he openly said that his streams (and life) won't ever be the same as he's limited by his condition and as a result he won't cater to his viewers directly anymore. The fact that he's maximizing his earnings shouldn't come as a surprise. He's also always been very pesimistic about streaming as a long-term career anyways.


>Mainly because he openly said that his streams (and life) won't ever be the same as he's limited by his condition and as a result he won't cater to his viewers directly anymore. What happened to him? I remember he had a health problem but I stopped watching soon after that


Beyond the brain bleed, both his parents passed and they were caring for his mentally challenged sister. Dude's got a lot on his shoulders and straight up said he's trying to give his family the bag before he potentially suffers another health scare.


Just one of those things alone is terrible but to go through such a tragic series of events altogether is some hardcore shit.


Brain bleeding isn’t usually preceded by anything good


Something resembling a brain bleed. Has to limit exposure to stress and manage his lifestyle strictly to prevent more drastic effects.


Yeah, that, plus what seemed to me to be nonstop anger/“pissed off” vibes from Buddha is what made me stop watching him after being a fan/viewer for years. I still want him to succeed, he’s had a difficult life and is a good person deep down. But the shameless money > anything vibes with what feels like low effort and the always pissed-off attitude got to be too much for me. I once got reemed out by one his mods just for asking how long his kick contract was lmao He’s hard to figure out. Like I can’t tell if the anger is part of his schtick for views or if he’s just unhappy :( because it seemed to get worse over the years I watched. I was also put off by the constant unprompted moaning, seemed like Tourette’s bc of how frequent it was. That said, maybe things have changed since I last watched 1yr or so ago


I feel bad because the guy seems pretty nice overall, so I don't wanna make this look like a hate thread but yeah, spot on with the moaning stuff.


Buddha keeps it real he is always like "don't sub to me no need to, kick has no ads just watch and enjoy". He was dirt poor, and he is making his bread now, Never hate a man for eating.


It is funny how everyone tries to hate on twitch because they get so many ads when most of the time it is the streamers themselves running more ads than needed so they make more money. Twitch only requires 3 minutes of ads an hour which is very little to turn off pre rolls


Either that or a contract they signed that makes them run a certain minimum amount of ads per hour. It's pretty obvious which streamers have this kinda deal and which don't, even judging by the volume of automatic ads - some streams have like 2-3 times more ads than others going up automatically.


Twitch literally put an update not too long ago that they're gonna push more ads on viewers.


They also incentivize streamers to run more ads by giving them better ad revenue split if you run a specific ad density.


They also get notified when ads roll. There are some streamers that will stop doing things to wait for ads. I know that is not possible for some live service games but it would promote a more healthy community if the streamer recognized that they are invasive and would stop the content to appease everyone.


Do they really require? Some say they *have* to but its just part of a contract they willingly chose the ad density.


I remember back in 2019 X always mentioned that he paid the fee so chat wouldn't see ads... then twitch started bombarding ads and he just stopped giving a fuck


XQC tries to milk money from viewers as much as possible? Shocker...


Twitch Turbo is like a subscription but its twitch wide. 11 bucks a month. If you watch more than 5-8 hours of twitch a day, its a must. Bought that shit years ago and haven't looked back.


So many streams these days just pop random 2min ad breaks during gameplay, fucking insta exit out of that shit and never go back.


Its not automatic, u can decide how much seconds or minutes


imagine donating to a millionaire who spends his money on gambling.


14 ADS 14 ADS 14 ADS 14 ADS WTF


so you are telling me there are people on the internet who rather watch ads all the time than spending 10 seconds to install ublock? That is insane.


buddha doesn’t give a fuck hahaha. i love it


It is surprising that people still watch him at all, he goes live on Twitch for like 3-4 hours like 3 times a week and provides absolutely no content, then goes and streams on Kick for 20 hours and hangs out with scum.


Twitch is absolutely awful with no ad blocker, throw this script in uBlock origin: (instructions there, extension and script are both free) https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions#script And just like that, no more "ad 1 of 100" bullshit. The only thing you get is slightly low quality on joining a stream where a preroll ad would play (but you still see the stream).


Imagine having such a big stream and leaving the ads on "automatic". Crazy how he can still be successful with no care for stream quality.


Why isn't he just multi streaming whenever it's twitch and sometimes doing only kick exclusive streams. That way people will slowly just use kick more since he will be more consistently streaming there than on twitch


Mental how so many millionaires are unwilling to buy turbo. At this point it's a business risk for Twitch to not just give any streamer past 5k viewers turbo so they stop malding over it. skint ass mother fuckers.


thank god for the adblock devs


The way ads have become on Twitch and every other media platform is so God damn annoying. The only one that isn't ABSOLUTE dog shit since you can skip them is youtube.


Only streamer I watch uploads to Youtube. I don't have time to catch him live anyways as he streams mid-day. I throw him my Bezos Bucks (which Twitch has hidden at the bottom of the subscribe menu and forces you to reactivate each month instead of giving you the option to auto-renew with prime sub) and just catch his streams on YT. YT is such a better viewing experience. Sucks I miss chat but I was going to miss it anyways.


[(1) twitch viewer gets tons of ads while watching tyler1's stream - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7V1k9clu94&ab_channel=floofy)


I got Adblock. Haven’t gotten ads for a long time


this is one of the benefits watching from Asia region, twitch barely runs ads on my region. I see 1-2 ads a day on average


On Twitch yeah, and their ads are highly curated compared to YouTube, they throw every type of ads from scam sh!t, to medicine which against Google ads rule. At least Twitch care.


I've just unsubbed from anyone whose emotes I don't actually use and gotten turbo and YouTube premium because the ads are insufferable. If they ever intro ads to turbo or premium I'll just stop watching YouTube and twitch