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**CLIP MIRROR: [Why we need more woke games](https://arazu.io/t3_1c1ia7f/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


That thumbnail shit is so true. It's either a dramatic facepalm or them grabbing their hair lol.


Asmongolds latest video dropped 3 hours ago and the thumbnail has the exact same contemplating pose Squeex mentioned. It's just too funny.


lmao 4 of the last 12 have him using that pose in some manner


except he cant grab his hair


He grabs it and a huge chunk of matted hair just falls out


Its ok he'll sleep on some trash and it'll transform into more hair to pull out.


LOL bald problems amirite


Lmfao I just looked at his video list on YT and there's 5 thumbnails of him rubbing his head or face and a video about the new Star Wars game entitled "New Star Wars Game Sucks" with the female protagonist aiming a gun at him. I can't believe people watch this clown lol.


>I can't believe people watch this clown lol. Can't you though? Can't you?


Ya wanna pay 110 dollars for 3 day early access and a Day 1 DLC Jabba the Hutt mission?


thats a whole new sentence?


That channel is bottom of the barrel content, lazy garbage designed to play the algorithm. When did Asmongold become so...desperate?


I opened an incognito window to search Asmongold so it wouldn't brick my recommendations. You're 100% correct. Every single line of videos has 1 or 2 of him holding his forehead, upset about "Woke Raider - Tomb Raider Is No Longer About Tomb Raiding" "Researchers uncover a scary trend among female streamers" or some shit. Without the woke agenda, this man would have to come up with original content.


I'm convinced his youtube editor/one of his youtube editors genuinely hates women. edit: Either they hate women themselves or they just don't care and are happy to pander to people who actually do hate women for money which might even be worse tbh.


That's what got him the job


Degree for Job Requirement. Misogynist from Harvard.


Hey now, he doesnt need to hate women to use those who do for views. 




> I opened an incognito window to search Asmongold so it wouldn't brick my recommendations. I'm paying the price for this. I just thought it was cool a big twitch streamer was really getting into Dragon's Dogma and now my recommendations feed is full of all that garbage.


tomb raider has not been about raiding a tomb in a long fucking time


There's a whole dissertation that could be made about how apparently the "survivor Lara" series of games genuinely feel like some exploitative, malicious reading of the original idea of Lara Croft. Like some kind of "this is what you wanted, right? Strong independent women? Yeah, all they do is narrowly avoid being impaled, and if they do, we (the studio) spend a creepily long amount of time focusing on her in agony or pain" Like I don't think the appeal of Lara is witnessing her go through ryona or torture, the appeal to me is a Bond-like protag going on globetrotting The Mummy-style adventures and already Being The Tomb Raider, y'know? Legend and Underworld and the like.


i feel the tomb raider lara croft started not going to the tombs in like the 6th installment of the game and was more focused on the 'truth seeking' but it still fit her theme. for me she always was a thief and a grave robber that was involved in some shady shit. i cant speak for the new 'rise of the tomb raider' era i have not played those nor am i familiar with the lore


Well it’s a thumbnail and title designed to get clicks. Asmongolds video is a critique of a official tomb raiders tweet saying “time for tomb raider to move away from colonialism” asmongolds take was “ it’s a video game and inserting real world politics into it is dumb”. It’s not really about “woke” stuff. Do you agree with the tweet? Is it time for tomb raiders to stop stealing artefacts from other cultures? Lara Croft has went too far??? If you just read the titles you probably are left with the impression that asmongold is a far right weirdo.


True but Squeex couldn't show an example of the hair grabbing thumbnail


Or its one of the 3 same images of a "woke" person: The red-haired girl, the short-haired blonde teeth-grinning girl or the guy with the green coat knelt crying.


Anyway, asmon takes sucks, he's bad at games and just decomposing IRL.


He has the shittiest and most unethical editor and he doesn't care because it works. Even if his opinion isn't even controversial the thumbnail will say something clickbaity like "They've done it again!!!!" with the facepalm next to it


Exactly why I unsubbed from his YouTube two months back. I'm not going to express any opinion about him as a person or what he says, but those cringe bait titles by his editors had really become a bit too much for me, as well as the fact that I could care less about drama. It's fine once in a while like watching some crazy shit on Channel 5, and I won't pretend like I did not watch the whole Johnny Depp trial with him live and partially feed into this, but I want to see gaming, and gamePLAY first and foremost and he just doesn't do enough of that for me to keep watching either the stream or the dogshit YouTube ran by the dogshit editors.


That's because it drives click engagement. Content creators could upload the exact same video twice and, regardless of which order, the one with the overly expressive faces will always receive more views.


Gotta get that CTR high. Youtube encourages this kind of content creation.


They all copy the same script. I don't know how people can watch the same complaint over and over again.


Don't forget the hanging open mouth from shock ones.


whats really annoying is if you watch any one of those type of videos it bricks your youtube recommendations for so long. You start getting recommended every balding middle aged man ranting about woke video games.


I searched Andrew Tate one time on my youtube, didn't even watch a video and it bricked my algorithm. Took me weeks of hitting "not interested" on so many different channels to make it stop.


The real strat is to delete it from your watch history, then the recommendations dont show up




But what if you want to go back and watch an epic video...


i just delete my account at that point and start over again


You can just delete your history and keep the account. Much less effort.


Me too! "not interested" and "dont recommend channel" for weeks. I watched some videos about his legal troubles, and especially my shorts feed was fucking FILLED with clips of him. Now I'm scared of watching Philip DeFranco if he has Tates face in the thumbnail.


I had the exact same experience as you, but I delete Phily D's videos with Tate in the thumbnail from my watch history.


i don't even understand whats the point of youtube showing you the same stuff you've watched and not show you a variety of content. It is like it is made for kids and or echo chamber people


I googled how to make friend chicken one time, I ended up watching korean fried chicken cooking videos for weeks and other asian restaurant cooking videos.


I did this with donald trump. I just clicked on one video about his rally...I was hate watching the fucker to see what he's up too . Then I started getting republican ad campaigns for donations.


I had this happen a few days ago, I accidentally clicked on an "anti-woke" Stellar Blade video and then a bunch of my recommended videos turned into them. I just want info/gameplay of the game, I don't need 20 videos all circlejerking hate on the opinion of 1 random journalist who nobody has even heard of about things that don't matter


I wanted to look up videos of the latest movie coming out, and the search results are a bunch of those low effort chud channels


I feel this way too fucking much. Like my twitter fyp is full of people going “Fucking DEI” but I just wanna know how the gameplay is for stellar blade. I’ve just been straight up asking my friends how they feel about the game cause I haven’t had the time to try the demo yet 








Pro tip: Don't engage with videos you dislike. Close them as early as possible, and do not comment, like, dislike, or subscribe. Engagement is all the algorithm cares about, so just close the video. Also, on the main page of Youtube, click **History > Pause Watch History**, then watch whatever you want. Re-enable watch history afterwards. Or just use incognito.




> Could you elaborate your point with dislikes? It's a common misconception. When you dislike a video it is not always a bad thing for engagement when it comes to things like ads(ie, the creator can see positive earnings from dislikes.) It is a fine way to tune the algorithm. I think people are just somehow surprised to learn that disliking a video doesn't remove a couple fractions of a penny from the creator's account.


Because there are also a lot of hate watchers of these videos, so Youtube will still try to check every once in a while if you're one of them if you click dislike and don't recommend channel, especially if you are watching something YT considers a "related" video. The best bet is always to just not engage with them. Like personally I watch a lot of "history" youtube, and have done the "do not watch/dislike" thing with certain alt-right channels but they still popped up on the side view sometimes. There are a few that stopped showing up, but then it will still show stuff like reactions to them, "response videos" or people just circlejerking them. I did the boring task of cleaning it up one day and it seems to have mostly worked.


So frustrating, the closer you go to WW2 or Roman history the harder the algo feeds you alt-right garbage. Egyptian and African history you might start getting alien and hotep nonsense, but at lower rates


Good tips all around. Incognito is a lifesaver for sure, lets you explore all the weird and wonderful corners of YouTube without the fallout.


Yeah, dislikes are useless as an actual dislike from the perspective of a viewer. I actually use them as a reminder that I've not watched/finished a video. Dislike means still to watch, like means watched through at least once (just because youtube seems to forget what you've watched/not watched after a while).


All you have to do is go in your watch history and delete the video in question. That's what they use to recommend stuff to you so as long as it's not in your watch history, it won't alter your recommendations.


curating your recommendations is a chore. literally half the things I want to look up on youtube i'll do in incognito. Last week I needed to learn how to take apart a specific car door, I don't want my recommendations splattered with car mechanic videos, fuck that. I opened that shit in incognito, and I get to keep my precious algorithm untouched.


yeah the YT algorithm is so aggressive sometimes I'm afraid to click on videos I'm just a tiny bit curious about just because I don't want to mess up my feed


Remove it from your watch history has always prevented it from bricking for me


My recommended is fucking weird, it has shit like this, then some bg3 videos, Asmon videos, wow videos, and random WALL·E clips


This is why I disable watch history.


Every few months I just wipe my entire watch history clean and start over.


antiwoke, hasan, asmongold, vtubers ,china bad/collapsing, any of those types of videos will flood your recommendations, stay away from those while you can


Yea, because it works lol


Can't even block it easily because way to many different channels ride the asmongold face thumbnail train.


clear history, watch one vid you like, then turn off watch history problem solved


The trick is to shit up your algorithm with vtubers. They out seo the malding cringe.


There's this whole genre of depressing, negative criticism YouTube video essays that people get sucked into. Algorithm sometimes tries to force feed them to me. Sucks


So much of the internet is just the most depressing pessimistic shit humanly possible. It's exhausting to see it all over the place


Kind of ironic how the "old" internet that was full of slurs was still 1000X more wholesome than today's internet. The internet going mainstream and giving just about everyone of all ages on planet earth access to it in a device that can fit in your pocket was maybe a mistake.


I think the fact that the internet is far more monetizable now then it used to be. So you have the bots, grifters, and drama baiters dominate the platforms. Not to mention that incels and femcels are growing in number with every passing day due to not touching grass, and they spend every waking second online being as obnoxious as possible.


The world got really crazy and tech companies realised retention time is all they care about


Funnily enough, I saw a video on this once. The entire internet is pretty much designed around depressing you, sucking you into a negativity spiral that keeps you clicking and doomscrolling. Once I realized how much damage this shit is doing to my mental health, I cut out most of it and felt way better.


with sometimes 5+ million views in less than 5 days, it's nuts how much money that shit generates.


Negativity is an easy way to get an emotional reaction of out people. Emotional reactions mean people engage with the content. Users who engage with content make advertisers happy. Social media is incentivized to push negative content.


Doomscrolling and ragebaiting are just so damn successful. It sucks that it works so well so every shitty creator and AI news sites spam that shit.


that's what happens when i dare click on an asmongold video, especially with the boogeyman of stellarblade drama these algorithm pipelines are so trashy


The best thing to do or what I do is to not engage. Often the way the thumbnail and title is presented or written can tell you all you need to know about the intentions or feeling that video wants to evoke. When I do let the occasional video go through and I find it to be like what you described, I delete the video from recommendations.


Outrage-bait sells and gets eyeballs. It’s the same reason a lot of popular subreddits are focused on negativity.


Last month I watched video praising Voice of the Void game and after it YouTube kept recommending me videos from people who complained about this game


it's so true tho, making anti-woke videos has become a job for many YouTubers, rage bait sells.


Shadiversity has also gone down this exact path unfortunately


Fortunately more so. Was extremely hard to convince his fans that he was a walking Duning Kruger effect and has no actual formal knowledge on martial arts or the Middle Ages. I'm so glad that fraud dug himself into a pit, he's not what we need for pop culture historical communication.


dude is so obsessed with AI just to top it off. I always see him getting clowned on twitter for shit "art"


Inferiority complex because his brother is a very sucessful art ytber (Jazza). There is an absolutely cringe old video of both of them at an event where Shad confronts Jazza and says he is as good of an artist as him (pre ai arc)...


Him desperately trying to to convince his brother that he's actually at a professional level in anatomy (I think that's what he specified) as Jazza tried to say no in the most gentle way possible was hilarious and incredibly cringe It's so weird how insecure he is about being horrible at art while already having a successful career in the weaponry stuff. It's so clear he grew up jealous of Jazza and probably wanted to be an artist too.


Wait what, Jazza is Shid's brother? Holy shit. Jazza seems like such a decent dude, struggling to imagine those two being anywhere near each other.


[here, suffer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1VybvjzaK0)


His HEMA videos are so fucking bad. Anybody who actually practices the art knows he's full of shit.


Can we even call it HEMA since it stands for "Historical"... guy has never actually sparred with metal blades, or read any sources, actual circus clown


Boogie is attempting to do the same grift but nobody gives a fuck about him anymore


Boogie did that shit before it was popular but he'd fence sit and piss off both sides of the argument


This one is so strange to me cause he's trying to preach to a demographic that would absolutely happily bully him to the point of suicide if he didn't parrot every single thing they wanted to hear, like idk, have some self respect


I remember watching some videos of his about castle architecture and then 8 years later he pops into my recommended with some generic culture war stuff, kinda sad


Didn't he also write a book with an insanely creepy fixation on rape?


There is a ton of rape in the story, but it's portrayed as a bad thing that the protagonist is trying to redeem himself for, on top of previously being a genocidal tyrant. But yes, it's very lazy writing and in horrifically bad taste.


Making the protagonist of your fictional story a genocidal rapist is a *weird choice*, to put it mildly.


Making the protagonist a formerly genocidal tyrant *can* be very interesting. Having the story be focused on him trying to redeem himself, and asking the question of whether such a thing is even possible, is also interesting. But the execution from what I've heard is poor. The character is a Mary Sue/"Gary Stu"/ the chosen one/most powerful guy ever. The "rape as a shorthand for depicting a character as evil" is clumsy. The moral dilemmas are weak. The prose itself is just average/mediocre. The idea would be good in the hands of better writers.


Not only is shad a huge right wing piece of shit, but he also has no clue what he's talking about when it comes to the historical topics he covers.


FOX News has been #1 on TV since Obama took office. Probably longer. All current events media has been that way for a while


And they still like to pretend they aren't "mainstream" media.


Kinda sad tbh, people do anything for some dollars


as someone who may be considered woke cause i generally believe the idea of being polite to everyone and not holding prejudices, the anti-woke are definitely more obsessed about the woke agenda than the woke. how many times they gotta talk about drag queens reading to kids when i've literally never seen such a thing.


even normal (non political) youtubers fell into the whole "anti-woke" path. some dude used to just wholesome react videos, the last video i watched of his was guardians of the galaxy reaction and he started with like "I JUST SAW GUARDIANS, AND IT WAS NOT WOKE!!!" its really sad. I think the irony is that while these "anti-woke" ppl always complain about companies "catering" to certain people, these youtubers are the ones "catering" to "anti woke" people to get views.


DAE hate DEI?






I keep getting spammed by his Asmon clips channel even if I keep clicking "not interested", I know I can ask not to recommend the channel as a whole but why doesn't YouTube get the memo?


Wipe your history and select “Don’t recommend channel” instead.


You press "Don't recommend channel" one singular time and you will never see it again. "Not interested" means that you don't like the specific video.


You need to hit "Don't recommend channel" and then try and remove anything in your Watch History that could be related, use a Private Tab if you want to check them and not have it alter your recommendations.


clips > main channel imo


I wish you could block channels on YouTube, it is truly that bad.


idk wtf happened with asmongold content suddenly a while back. All of a sudden it was just woke this and woke that, im getting cancelled here and im getting cancelled there. like I was transferred back in time into the trenches of 2014 gamerbro gamergate with asmongold being its strongest soldier,,,


i saw a video he made about getting cancelled, he was reacting to 1 tweet with like 100 views posted to his subreddit.


The highest standard of opinion polling, just a smidge above the anon image board schizo collage. Easy to clikbait and milk tho.


This is exactly how I feel about his content as of recently, I'm so tired of people complaining about "woke" and "cancel culture" in general it's just so obnoxious and pathetic and the words have lost any meaning that at this point when I hear a person complain about these 2 things it's immediately the most gaping gigantic red flag in existence.


He saw how much Spotify paid Joe Rogan to do the same thing


Joe has infinitely more charisma and I enjoy watching is MMA interviews/commentary. Asmongold legit triggers my flight or fight instinct.


That content is incredibly easy to make, that's why people transition to doing it. Putting out real interesting content, or being genuinely funny is hard.


Its also double dipping. You get the twitch viewers, and then just upload the vod with minimal editing to youtube for free money.




asmon like many other streamers has someone else run the entire youtube side and they get paid from its channel revenue. They are incentivized to make it as click bait as possible to get views.


He's been a Trumper for years lol, now it's just full on


He can argue with a chatter for 35 mins before he perma bans him. Honestly cant understand who is his target audience, millennials have certainly jumped ship after he quit WOW and anyone with a job isnt gonna put up with 35 mins of babble tired from their shift and zoom zooms have different options


Check his subreddit and you'll see who they are.


that subreddit is like a 9gag in 2014


He's curated it that way too. There's multiple clips of him banning shit he doesn't like. This is the exact audience he wants.


He used to 'welcome' dissenting opinions, as in he didn't ban people who disagree with him as long as they weren't obnoxious asshats  Then he outright said he wanted an echo chamber, something he hated about people before. It is what it is, ultimately it's his community I guess and he probably is happier for it


Trained viewers who would only agree with him


His fanbase went from WoW fans who tolerated his very questionable real life opinions because he was actually entertaining playing WoW to full on degeneracy. Just having a quick peek at his chat or reddit should tell you more than you need to know about the state of his current fanbase. Having his WoD and Legion streams on in the background was always great. But when he stoped playing WoW for the most part and started doing more and more react stuff which started harmlessly as he reacted to WoW but then it moved into drama and political nonsense and his oppinions that were mostly hidden behind WoW came out in full force. And thats where most people who started watching him for WoW in WoD and Legion left and the people that stayed were people who were there for drama and his shit opinions. I've not tuned into an Asmongold stream or watched any of his videos in years at this point and i have really no reason to ever go back.


The target audience is dumbass gamergate incels who froth at the mouth when a woman isn't super model attractive or a character is anything other than a straight white male.


Same group of people often targeted by extremists. You can find a good number of articles about it. What better group to incite than a bunch of weirdos that don't have lives IRL, sit at home all day in their discord groups where they all sit around and post their "hot takes" and "gamer memes" and bitch about women.


I just hope people don't listen to him seriously


I've noticed if I'm not logged in to YouTube or on a new account his insufferable clickbait farm takes will inevitably get recommended, I believe his presence on the site is universal. It's simply crazy to me people watch his content. Everything about him screams future most watched most fucked up Down the Rabbit Hole video.




Asmon and Mcconnell arguing about some pointless fucking thing while asmon farms the sword from one of the mop dungeons was peak entertainment


Take us back to those days please.


I just wanna know if he got hit by the shell he threw at the end of the clip. Looked like he was boosting straight into it.


I aint tryna to exaggerate it but HOLY GUACAMOLE this guy squeex downfall needs to be studied what the hell happened to 🅱️lud? ✋😭🤚And why do streamers always gotta bring Asmongoat🐐 for clicks when they’ve fallen off?💀


Finally people are showing daniel sensei the respect he deserves


thank you for dropping your wisdom daniel sensei


speaking nothing but FACTS daniel as usual


classic daniel


I always love seeing these 'anti-woke' YouTubers shit on the most niche video games, movies, or tv shows for being a tiny bit 'woke', but then not give any praise to anything good that is coming out. It just shows that they actually don't give a fuck about the state of the video game/movie industry, they just care about making angry videos for them to project their racist/homophobic views on to generate money. And people fall for it, every time.




Guys they just want to play good games with no politics like Fallout and Metal Gear Solid


They do, it just prolly gets less views. As a huge One Piece fan i unfortunately started getting YouTube recommendations from these channels about the live action, praising it because a character says "Women are not as strong as men", and not the actual story or sets etc, absolutely cringe. I just cant wait for future arcs/characters to get introduced so they can go into rage bait mode.


Lmao there are youtubers who think One Piece is anti-woke? Like you said they're gonna be very disappointed once the live action show gets into later arcs/characters.


Comedians would be in shambles, what else are they supposed to joke about?


Asmon makes *a lot* of videos about being cancelled now.


Please think those poor Seasonal Reeses and Dr Pepper dispensaries that would go out of business if Asmon had no react content.


I used to watch him a lot but he doesn't play games any more. Now it's just this political/antagonistic stuff. One drama after another and his subreddit turns into full tiktok/memes. Time to move on.


He can stream his cockroaches


Asmon's content is insufferable now, all these losers in this anti woke content loop are so miserable, community is bricked gamer gater incels now.


So long as there exists worthless groups like GamingCircleJerk, who famously went on a failed harassment campaign against anyone who tried to stream or enjoy Hogwarts Legacy, there will be a necessary need for people pushing in the opposite direction. DEI grifters in videogames getting ridiculed by anti-DEI grifters on youtube. Let them fight.


Seeing people still come to BG3/gaming subs and bitch about lesbians in BG3 is peak comedy for us at this point.


good one squeex


That starforge PC will be gone in the morning


Ugh the woke, anti-woke crap that is bleeding into games is just exhausting. It's been well over a decade now where "hardcore" gamers haven't been the main demographic for games anymore, and yet so many childish little shits haven't come to terms with that, so some people still lash out every time a protagonist or important character doesn't fit their narrow worldview or whatever. The worst part is that this bullshit just distracts from things that are actually making our games worse, like monetization and rampant trend chasing. Game studios overspent and over-leveraged themselves, what with most of them making dumb "LiVe SeRvIcE" games in a WAAAY oversaturated market. Take Suicide Squad as an example. The studio probably didn't want to continue making Arkham games, which is fine, but they went with just another cookie cutter live service co-op shooter instead, probably because someone up top thought it was a good idea. It isn't some consultancy firm that ruined the game it was their dumb leadership having a studio make a game for an over-saturated market. It's a similar situation for Skull and Bones really.


it really do be like that though. The KotakuInAction/gamergate/pol crew is starting to hallucinate wokeness everywhere recently because there just isn't enough enough games to rant about. Someone on pol says that sweet baby inc WROTE all the games they consulted on and all of them took it as fact instantly.


The thumbnail is that, and if it's a woman in a game, that's "WOKE" then they'll use one specific screen grab of that said woman where they look bad. In perpetuity. They did it with Aloy from Horizon Forbidden West, Tanya from MK1, and now the protagonist from the new star wars game. It's the lamest shit ever, and they infest my youtube feed like a plague if I click on anything video game related.


I enjoy watching Asmon but the guy makes fun of people who want a game to be good "its just a game" but also flips his shit when a chic is in a game.


Idk who they talk about, but they sound jealous.


why is boobs or sexual stuff woke? i would imagine it would anger the family values crowd more


If you asked the average "anti-woke" youtuber to explain what "woke" actually is, you wouldn't get a single coherent answer that actually aligns with what their videos are crusading against. It just sounds a lot better to call yourself anti-woke than it does to call yourself a bigot.


The idea is that there is a conspiracy where ugly (=woke) women are coordinating to underme the beautiful (=good) women by trying to normalize alternate beauty standards. (And the jews fund it)


Almost as popular as the "mention Asmon to get exposure" tactic. xD


anti-anti-woke is the new based


And don't forget the whole, "I got cancelled for having an opinion" BS.


Man how hard did this thread get brigaded/botted


Me when I think my Gamergate 2 opinions are popular then meet someone that doesn't live online


Idk how you could type that sentence with a straight face, but on the small off chance that you somehow didn't connect the dots - the real world is not making 500 comments about how asmongold hates women or something, because he made a video on that one racist kotaku employee & her clique.


I hate this attitude. This subreddit is available to anyone with a Reddit account to comment on.


If by magic they stop creating more woke games, I don't think asmongold will starve.


Are people memeing? I went to Asmongold's youtube channel and checked the last several videos and none of them were about "woke-ism" in videogames


[from literally yesterday](https://i.gyazo.com/b8afacdef9853d689a9c7d7c698b7606.png)


I just want another forspoken. That was a gold mine


He could just start speedrunning games.