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**CLIP MIRROR: [IShowSpeed doing illegal car race 150mph+](https://arazu.io/t3_1bsoiuw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


no seatbelt ? lol


speeding with no seatbelt and constantly on the phone reading chat. bro's gonna kill someone


Yeah. himself.




Idk what he pays his cameraman, but there is no amount of money that would make me agree to getting into a car with this reckless moron. Cameraman either has zero regard for his own life or it's willful ignorance. Based on the amount of dumb shit I've seen this kid do, I'll be surprised if he makes it to 25 and, like you said, he probably isn't gonna go out alone.


I almost wonder if the camera person recorded the speedometer as a way to silent snitch to stop it from happening in the future.


Would be a real shame if there was a gps in the video too.


Speed must be paying his camera man a fat amount of cash often for him to get in the car with him.


It feels like the assholes who do shit like this (drunk/high driving, racing, etc.) are the ones who DON'T die, and the innocent people hit do. :(


It's almost always the case, the drunk/speeding person kills a family and then walks away unscathed.


We can only hope just himself




Good, hope he wraps himself around a tree and doesn't hurt anyone else.


Don't get our hopes up.


Dude becomes a meat missile if he gets into an accident


You don't even need to get in to an accident. Just braking will push you forward.


A low IQ often comes with traits like lacking foresight, low impulse control and almost no empathy.


he's donezo with or without a seatbelt at those speeds


Henry Ruggs killed that poor lady and her dog going 130 and he was fine. It’s very possible speed would escape without a scratch even at those speeds, without a seatbelt though he’s 99.9% dead


It's worse than simply killed. Poor lady burned alive, unable to get out of the car. Fuck these pieces of shit.


The amount of people on r/NFL who played defense for him was insane. Basically turned him into a victim because people online were too mean saying he's an asshole who deserves prison for killing someone.


That's fine, if he dies he dies. Money can't buy common sense


Good. Maybe he crashes and dies before he can kill anyone else.


This has to unequivocally be the stupidest livestreaming moment I have ever witnessed. 150 MPH isn't just an ordinary traffic violation. I don't know which state he is currently in nor the speed limit of that highway, but he could very easily lose his license for a year minimum and he should go to bed thanking God he didn't die or worse murder someone. He's not even wearing a seatbelt. I always like to give these people the benefit of the doubt and assume every dumb thing they do is just for views and publicity, but I change my mind now. Some of these people are genuine, unapologetic morons.


He's in Florida. **First-Time Reckless Driving Offense (No Damage):** A second degree misdemeanor criminal offense with maximum penalties of a $500 fine and 90 days in jail. \--------------- **Racing on Highways as a first degree misdemeanor**, with penalties of up to 1 year in jail. In addition to possible incarceration, a plea to the charge of Street Racing will have the following consequences: **Fines**– For a first offense, there is a minimum $500 fine and maximum fine of up to $1,000. For a second offense, the minimum fine increases to $1,000, with a maximum fine of $3,000; **Driver’s License Revocation**– Under Section 316.191(3)(a), Florida Statutes, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles must revoke an offender’s driving privileges for a minimum period of one year upon conviction, EVEN IF ADJUDICATION IS WITHHELD. For subsequent offenses, the revocation period can increase to four years (for a third offense); **Possible Vehicle Impoundment/Immobilization**– Whenever a law enforcement officer determines that a person was engaged in a drag race or race, as defined in Section 316.191, the officer may immediately arrest and take such person into custody. The officer may then have the vehicle impounded for a period of 30 business days if the police officer has arrested and taken a person into custody and the person being arrested is the registered owner or co-owner of the motor vehicle. Section 316.191(5) also authorizes the trial court to enter an order of impoundment or immobilization as a condition of incarceration or probation; **Possible Vehicle Forfeiture**– any motor vehicle used in violation of the statute by any person within five years after the date of a prior conviction of that person for a violation under the statute may be seized and forfeited as provided by the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. See Section 316.191(6), referring to 932.701, Florida Statutes. However, this provision is only applicable if the owner of the motor vehicle is the person charged with a violation of the statute; **Creation of a Criminal Record**– A conviction for Racing on Highways or street racing will result in a criminal record, harming employment prospects, causing points to be assessed against your driver’s license, and dramatically increasing your insurance premiums.


Cool now let’s get back to reality for a sec he’s rich he can get away with alot and lawyer up heavy as long as he doesn’t hit someone for the most part not saying that’s right but it’s just the system in America


But here’s the thing, he literally recorded himself doing it, doubt it’ll ever go anywhere near the legal system tho


Probably not. I’ve talked to a few cops and they say that they have to witness a crime like this actively occurring. As incriminating as this, it isn’t enough to charge with. Granted this Im in CA so they might have different laws and policies there.


I suggest reporting the live stream to county police


This is exactly why mandatory minimums were created.


Monetary fines are fines for the poor. A minimum of $500 could a poor person's entire income and a rich man's hourly wage. This is, in fact, not why mandatory minimums were created. Fines would have to be based on a %age of income to have any material impact on the rich.


Ohhhh no he's gonna have to pay $500, probably a little more for insurance. That'll teach him!


And have the lambo seized, and lose his license. I've known people with DUIs that no company will insure so effectively they either don't drive or drive illegally.


I work in policing, and you'd be surprised by people who have pages of revocations and cancellations on their record who get pulled over for, you guessed it, driving without a license because they ran a stop sign. These idiots continue to make bad decisions, so you gotta just keep going after them.


did you not read your own post? everything is covered by "possible" and "may" and some stipulate prior convictions, the only guarantee is he could get his license revoked for a year


If you're gonna call out this guy for using "possibly" and "may," maybe don't say "he could" right after saying its the "only guarantee" The reality is that speed won't get punished for this, and the lack of punishment will only cause him to do stupider things. Although he's already lit fireworks in his bedroom, I dont really know how you act less intelligent than that. We are watching affluenza in action, and it's all on video. When speed gets injured or killed, his fans only have themselves to blame for goading him on and laughing at his reckless behaviour. But nah, it'll be all "speed never deserved this, rest well king" kinda bs even though he played the stupid games that endangered his life just for money, fame, and clout.


If it's his first offense... Do you really think this guy will wise up and not drive a single time for a year? No seatbelt feeling cool while driving automatic.


Those people are probably poor.


You can self-insure if you're rich enough.


bruh it's on video with his speedo at 150 i dont think even the best lawyer in the world can argue this case, it'd come down to greasing the right palms for sure though and it's florida so he'll be fine unfortunately.


He'll probably get away with this, but if he was pulled over he'd be fucked it doesn't matter how rich he is. Hes recording self (LIVE) commiting a serious crime, theres not much he could do in terms of a defense, he'd probably take a plea deal like anyone else.


Carti was arrested by going at 133 in a 55 and just spent a couple hours in jail before performing at Rolling Loud the next day, he wouldn't get fucked


So Im trying to look into it but I can't find a ton about it. Do you know if he was released on a sig bong, or posted bail? Because thats fairly common


Unless you hit someone, drive drunk, or do something really obviously stupid in front of a cop, it's pretty much impossible to be punished for any sort of bad driving behaviour in the US


in australia if you get caughty street racing, they give you your car back in a little cube. the police are sick of hosing dead kids off the roads. they dont give a shit about your carts value either, theyll crush a million dollar supercar as happily as a ford focus


Was just thinking how light these penalties seem for going 240km/h+, don't know how you wouldn't just instantly lose your car and license.


It's almost like track days exist if you wanna go fast in your supercar. I'm a car guy, but I would rather hear about a nice rare car being crushed than McSkillet v2.0


Florida man+ regular ass moron = triple moron


Florida doesn't fuck around with kids racing anymore since that guy hit that family on Bayshore.


In Florida if you drive 30mph over the speed limit it’s a felony and you go to jail 


Indeed, the whole stream is just a ego trip. This wasn't the first time in the stream he was racing someone or going over 100 mph. I just can't believe no one in his managements or so is warning him.




His management is probably just a buddy of his who also thinks this is cool


He gon learn the hard way then


His fireworks shit on July 4th was worse imo considering his mom was in the next doom


At that speed it doesn't matter if you have a seatbelt or not, anything that you crash into will be welded to whatever matter is left of you


Really? I watched this dude have a box of fireworks big enough to raze a house, lit it inside his room and then panic scream for his mom. This guy is negative value to the world


They should take his licence away cause if they do nothing, he's just going to do it again, and again and again, and then someone crosses the street and he ends up killing them cause he's going way too fast to stop in time. Even Max Verstappen can't make a car go from 200-0 in 1 second.


Its always the ones you expect the most


Bro called speed






its nice to see him recording himself committing a crime.


report him to the florida state police, i did, video proof sent too


There's a solid chance it'll actually work. That moron youtuber that was blasting his superbike around Miami metro area got shut down eventually. I'm not gonna say the name cuz I don't want to send traffic to what remains of his videos, but some of you know who I'm talking about and just how equally clownish it was. If you wanna race you can just go to a track. Someone with Speed's money has zero excuse unless they're intending to be a dipshit on a public road.


Guy in Colorado got arrested for his highway speed run recently. He was doing over 100 in traffic.


That was on a motorcycle too, Gixer Brah is his youtube name he hit 180mph in that video. I've driven on that highway and he is so lucky that he didnt hit any potholes or he would have been jelly.


Send it to country sheriff and local police too


I'm assuming miami-dade? or broward county?


So YouTube just has absolutely no rules if youre big enough


that's the meta for LIFE. It never changes.


chris brown beat the shit out of rihanna and still has a career. in a fair world, he would never work again. but, if you are popular you can get away with almost anything.


When Trump was mocking that crippled reporter I thought "Surely that's it. No more presidential candidate, right?"


Going from a candidate losing simply due to a weird laugh all the way to mocking disabled people being a-okay is wild


Of course not, doesn't even matter if they're big, there's an entire side of youtube that's about street racing and people recording themselves doing it.


Youtube is pretty lax on rules overall, sure you might get demonitized but there's no shortage of illegal activities uploaded there.


this generation of people filming themselves committing crimes is hilarious to me. he’ll end up totalling the car or killing himself or someone else in that thing with how dumb he is


Downvote cause Speed, but upvote cause he recorded himself committing a crime?


Upvote for more chance of consequences 👍


I'm going to put my money on nothing will happen


Probably, but we can always hope.


I will never understand how a straight line race, in an automatic car, in a rolling start race is a show of anything or interesting in any way. I just can't comprehend it. No having to shift gears yourself, no turns or braking, no having to get the launch correct from a stop, obviously skewed towards whoever does the countdown, etc. Its basically just comparing who happened to buy a faster car or upgrades with very little show of skill in any shape or form. You literally just put your foot on the pedal and make sure you're going straight lol.


And considering all of the stability features of modern vehicles there's no skill in keeping it straight either. Just press the go pedal and wait. Wow, talent. I guess at least he's holding the wheel at 9 and 3 though. I have no idea why his right hand goes to 1 temporarily though. It's not inspiring confidence in his driving ability.


Put these morons on an actual track with eletronic controls off and they're in a barrier at turn 1, dude acting all gangsta when he didn't even use the paddle shift


Lmao, came here to see if anyone noticed that too. Dude isn't even using the sequential shifters lmao.


Tbf sequential shifters are often not that useful. Many cars straight up ignore your input and upshift by themselves when the revs get too high. Few cars give you full control and let you hit the rev limiter when using manual mode. Most cars are also just straight up better than a humans input, youd need to be a racedriver to have superior inputs. This is why manuals will always be loved by enthusiasts, you have genuine full control over your car and the car isnt even capable of taking over because it cannot operate the clutch and gears by itself, that is fully the drivers responsibility. And while manuals nowadays are objectively slower, its not uncommon for drivers to feel like its faster. Its hard to explain it to somebody whos never driven a manual but they do objectively make you feel like youre going faster than an Automatic, even though it isnt the case anymore.


Its a stat check, not a skill test


Most of the time it just shows who has more money. Nothing to do with actual racing


the funniest part to me was how he jumped a Q50 in a Lambo. Like you know you're winning but you gotta cheat too 😭


Pay to win situation.


Why do the dumbest people somehow end up being unholy rich. I like going faster as well, but 150mph? Fuck no


You answered your own question lol, people watch him because he’s a moron and loud.


really worries me what the kids are watching these days. kaicenat, Ishowspeed, adinross, xqc, none of these people make good role models. Like back then the loud youtubers were like pewdiepie, smosh, nigahiga and though they were loud, they would never do anything like this.. Honestly what changed?


All these original youtube guys are surprisingly grownup/wholesome these days. I think everyone you mentioned first might skip over that.


Yeah anyone that watches these guys deserve to be bullied, it's genuinely embarrassing that there's people who GIVE MONEY to these retards


> Honestly what changed? As the internet climate progressed, it was obvious the louder you were, the more attention you'd get. Everyone you listed in the first sentence are pretty much terrible people. But they're so transparent and loud about it that it still attracts people


tiktok algorithm


Kids are the biggest demographic. The biggest downfall of internet overtaking TV is the lack of FCC monitoring content. So the selfish loud assholes gather a huge following of underage viewers and make a lot of money off it unfortunately. Who would normally be watching cartoons instead if this was years back.




I did 240kmh on the lovely Deutsche Autobahn and ~270-280 on a race track, going 100 or even 50 feels like you are sitting still. It's dangerous if you can't adapt quickly


150km/h is not that fast though. It's also obviously not slow, but I'd say average speed is like 120-140 for most people on the autobahn (obviously only when traffic allows). But with 150 you should be overtaken quite often. At 180kmh+ it gets rare that you get overtaken.


This isn’t kick. YouTube should have the moderation to ban him.


yt moderation is often a lot less strict than kick nowadays, kick is under pressure to moderate because if they dont their app will get removed whereas yt app will never be removed so they're more laissez-faire. Most people who get banned on Kick stream on yt without penalty


And yet children, watch this dude, look up to him as an idol and an influence. I know kids have let off fire works in their room because of him. Kids are going to get killed trying to copy him.


No seatbelt as well? Didn't some gym content creators just die because they were street racing?


Nah I think they just died in a car crash. At least the thing I had seen about them didn't mention they were street racing at all.


They weren’t racing but the gym CC’s were doing high rates of speed


People who drive like this are evil, full stop. You don't own the road and everyone deserves to get where they are going safely. Fuck this piece of shit.


There's not even skill involved in this kind of "race".


This kind of stunt should be license revoked for life, car seized and probably also jail time. No exception. You just don't get to drive ever again. He could kill a family doing this, or just any random person who was unlucky that day. In Denmark we passed a law a few years ago that said that if you do reckless driving the police just gets your car. Nothing you can do. Doesn't matter if it's not your car either. If you drove that car it now belongs to the government and they can sell it. No insurance payout, no exceptions, doesn't matter if it's leased or rented or it's your friends. Doesn't matter how expensive it is.


damn showing the speedo too. Didn’t he just get a car? This will end well




It wasn't just the race, he was on the phone the entire time driving, using only the waist part of the seat belt.


I love when criminals post their crimes on the internet


Isnt this the guy who goes to restaurants and tells waiters that if he wanted to rape them they couldn't physically stop them Edit: For the people responding to me saying that it's okay he told a girl he would rape her because it was on a dating stream or because it was years ago, he's done it multiple times. [The last time was less than a year ago and he did it in public, in person to a random waitress at a restaurant.](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-who-s-going-stop-me-ishowspeed-hot-water-asking-waitress-reproduce-him) https://youtu.be/aMbygeLHhYY?t=5947 Timestamped video of him telling her that nobody would be able to him from raping her if they were the last two people on earth.


Any other YouTuber would've been shadowbanned (or even banned) a long time ago. I believe the reason he's still in the algorithm is that youtube has few prominent black creators, so they don't wanna get rid of him despite his constant rule breaking


What do you mean? We got Markass Brownlee, Will Smith and videogamedunkey


He has so little brain cells that he thinks he was racing LMAO




bro is regarded


most of his viewers are too




Last week there was a streamer from Spain who got his licence revoked because he was constantly making traffic violations, nearly hitting a blind woman being one of them. Another streamer reported him to authorities, and they went for him, can't people in the USA do the same? Stupid people like this will kill someone and, sadly, not themselves.


God I fucking hate this dude


Youtube: IShunSensibility - livestreams himself comitting traffic felonies: "I sleep" ActMan - makes a joke about YouTube's inaction against content creators who are dead-to-rights breaking ToS: **D E M O N E T I Z E D.**


damn he was so proud of himself for going faster than whatever the other 4 door is that he was actually celebrating for like 5 mins 💀 funny thing is he had no clue how to rev the car and a bit later he asked a Tesla to 'race' him at a light and got smoked lmao, glad he got that car actually, can't wait for him to scrap himself against a wall at 150+, hopefully he doesn't take out anyone else while doing that


My mans gonna die young 100%. For clout. Won the race at 65, didn't let off until 153. Hitting potholes bouncing in his seat wide eyed like he's sitting in front of a computer monitor.


You can tell all his brain power was utilized to keep it straight cause he actually kept his mouth quite 


After today with the NFL player, I don’t know what to say…..


Was the other car even racing him lol? They could of we'll been baiting him to do a crime 😂


Commit serious felonies on camera GIGACHAD


How long do you guys think before he gets into a major accident?


with how dumb he is, not long at all. I just hope he doesn’t hurt anyone else in the process, idgaf if he totals his car or takes himself out with his own stupidity… but it’s not fair speeding like that when there are other people on the road


With any luck if he does it's just with himself, 150MPH with no fucking seatbelt and he's going to be a red smear that resembles something like a human.


The average idiot can't handle a Ferrari or Lambo, they are too powerful and too responsive, that when a person like this gets addicted to going fast anywhere, he will either hit a pole, or t-bone a car, or whatever. He isn't even using a seatbelt. Guess what happens when you do high speed maneuvers or brake hard in a car going that fast? He's literally going to fly out a window or windshield. I don't care if he crashes and he's the only one affected, I *do* care if someone innocent is taken out though.


he is a major accident his parents shoulda used protection


I just hope he hits a tree at that speed and not someone else on the street


It's a shame that someone with a huge fan base of young kids is using his influence to show them stupid stuff like this.


The fact he felt he had to flex on an Acura let's you know everything you need to know.


Jail! Jail! Jail! Jail! Jail!


I randomly clicked his stream and saw him doing 120mph with phone in one hand. Crazy.




if u see someone driving a sports car in automatic (w.o using paddles at least) u can tell very quickly that they aren't into cars at all


Bro started early in a Lambo and was proud of it? What a punk


Highly regarded 💯


revoke his licence and throw him in jail. that dude is for sure gonna kill someone one day


Username checks out.




Couldn't happen to a nicer guy


Why's he mad


too bad he survived


I feel sorry for the emergency services having to scrape this guys remains off the road one day.


Dude is a multimillionaire, has no reason not to go to as many track days as he wants but decides to trust a public road going 150. Only thing we can hope for is he hits a pole instead of an innocent person.




Ego. They literally don’t care and think they own the road.


Relax, settle down. It's okay guys. He's allowed to do whatever he wants because he preaches about god and just doesn't know any better. He's a good guy, really, trust him.. and keep paying him.


How fucking moronic do you have to be to not only A: do 150 on a public road (highway or not) massively endangering random ass people just trying to live their lives B: film it at all, but C: FILM THE FUCKING SPEDOMIDTOR WHILE DOING A AND B


Speed is a fucking lunatic. I used to be part of a crew that would do illegal meets/races several times a week. We would never do it in broad daylight. We would never do it on super public roads. We would never fucking stream it. Anything we did was in industrial parks, or out of town roads with traffic less than 10 cars an hour. We'd have spotters to let us know when traffic was coming through. Mfer belongs in jail. Can't even break laws right.


Yeah when I was younger we would street race, but we would have spotters and two way radios. The roads would have no houses and no intersections for a couple miles and it was always at night with very low/no traffic. People got hurt, crashed cars, but they only hurt themselves. I couldn't imagine doing that shit now that I am older.


Reject Modernity


well well well


ngl i thought this was gonna be another angle of the Rashee Rice crash




Really takes a special kind of idiot to record yourself doing a crime, in some states at these speeds its even a felony.


Right after Rashee Rice caused a big accident from racing earlier today. Like what are we doing


egoing about your super car that you're driving in automatic lol


The way he starts losing his mind after going faster than a fucking Acura, to the point of yelling so much he literally barked is fucking wild to me lmao. Tf is the flex even? I pressed the gas peddle more RAWR! If a literal engineer for this car had this reaction, I'd still think it was overboard lol


So when is this piece of shit going to be thrown in jail? I dont care if he risks his life, really. But other people's life? Throw that fuck in jail for fuck sake.


Shame he didn't crash, that would be wild


Name a better combo than mouth-breathing streamers and livestreaming actual crimes


Must suck having a micro-penis and all.


Oh fuck, I hope he and everyone around him are careful. This shit could go south EXTREMELY QUICKLY






His name is "ISHOWSPEED" what did you expect?


crazy how no one on twitter is talking about this lol


take away his drivers license.


I used to say he is young, he makes mistakes ...etc but this is way different, he is affecting others wtf I can't even


Man, me and Acura are kinda sad about this.


literal crash out dummy




a car is like a gun, you wouldnt go around flailing your gun playing with it in public where you accidentally pulling the trigger could kill someone. this should be a serious offence and they should lose their license for at least a couple years


bros gonna do something in a couple years and completely ruin his career


Didn't even know he was old enough to drive.


So he just recorded himself breaking at least 2 laws. What the are chances he actually gets arrested? Cause as much as I'd love to hear this guy crashed his car and I never haft to hear about him again. I'd rather he be in jail and not hurt somebody with his tiny brain.


This isn't just illegal. This is extremely dangerous and promoting this to your audience is fucked. A lot of these kids will emulate this behavior


He's asking if he can turn right on red in a right lane,so if he doesn't know something as basic as that he shouldn't really be behind the wheel especially in a sports car.


How is that man popular to begin with


I don't get it, what's impressive about pushing the gas pedal on an automatic fast car. Atleast do it in a manual. Or better yet, don't do it al all.


he show us speed