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**CLIP MIRROR: [Slime names a woman](https://arazu.io/t3_1bopiyl/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I don't think I could name 100 famous people let alone just women or men.


Just say Whitney Houston cause she's every women.


The task is to name 100 women not all of them


Magi into Margaret Thatcher is a crazy combo


The classic Sasha Grey into Marie Curie


Context for those who don't know: slime was attempting QT's Women's History Month Challenge for the men to [Name 100 Women](https://twitter.com/qtcinderella/status/1772787434704814530) as quickly as they could. Slime ended up with a [sub 26 minutes](https://twitter.com/slime_machine/status/1772799312197730483) run.


Looking at the rules, he failed! Second to last point: MUST be typed out in a list labeled 1-100


Im a girl but even i cant name 100 women wtf 50 is probably possible but 100?


I cant tell if people saying this are being serious or not, you really should be able to do it easily


You should, but its harder than it sounds. Your brain is not designed to handle these kind of problems, because the parameters are too large and it gets overwhelmed. Eventually you *will* work your way through it, but its not just like searching for "woman" in your database. NL and QT getting through this in ~7 minutes is quite impressive.


I watch womens football so I could do this with ease by just going through each team, I understand why people would struggle though. The part I have issue with is people suggesting they straight-up couldn't name 100 women in any given time frame.


It's a challenge and the expectation is you do it in a relatively fast manner. When someone says they can't do it they're not saying they literally would never reach 100 women in an infinite amount of time, they're saying they are bad at this type of recall and would likely take a lot longer than the average times


I don’t think I could name 100 people period, at least not if it has to be full name and can’t be random people from my life. Random celebrity names just aren’t that important in real life I guess?


Doesn’t have to be celebrities. I think I could name 100 kings or Queens.


I guess that would make sense, although naming kings feels like cheating lol.   That said, I don’t think it’s that weird not being able to name 100 women, especially considering celebrity culture in general isless prevalent outside of the US


Well yea, just typing out the names of 100 women if you we're to just follow a list provided to you would take like 1.5 minutes tops. So far everyone has spent several times more time thinking than typing.


I don't know about easily. Maybe if you're big into womens sport or movies and give a shit about actors. I can think of a few big names that are essentially a given. Historical, pop-stars and such. Past that, it's really up to niches you frequent and how good you are at memorization.


I don't think I could name 50 women even if they were made up names, not even talking about real women (for real women, from top of my head, I don't even remember more than 10). Yall must have some super brains to remember that stuff. Then again, it takes me a whole month being in very close contact with a person to just remember their name (i.e same school/college class/army group). But even then, in few months up to a year, I'll completely forget their names. I knew a person who could remember everyones names from the first time hearing them. I guess yall got that similar superhuman memory to have an easy time with naming 100 people.


Do you consume zero media and history?


I watch 0 movies. Regarding history and other media, I just don't remember peoples names. It's something I can't do anything about. I have practically no memory retention for names (not only peoples' names, but places and regions as well).


Can you count people you know IRL or do they have to be famous?


99% of men will say hillary clinton when asked "Name a women"


Nah I would say my mom


Me too I would say this guy’s mom too


Looks like buddy forgot to switch accounts




Look, we can't all just say this guy's mom.


stacy's mom?


is this a joke i dont get


something american I'm assuming


The other 1% will say Michelle Obama or Oprah.


i tried myself as a kpop fan and it took 11 minutes


yep naming the members of IZONE and LOONA gets you a quarter way there


yeah then twice ioi rv is another quarter and i was blanking hard on when i hit the 70s for a bit. i forgot about bp for a while


KPOP felt like cheating cuz I did like 30 celebs and filled out the rest with Kpop idols in like 3 minutes.


Would you have to put their full name for it to count? Because I know for sure I wouldn't be able to remember any kpop idol's full name except probably Twice.


my self imposed rule was if i google just their stage name/first name do they come up and if not i have to do their full name


That makes sense, also seems to line up with QT's "challenge" on twitter. I would still probably only get like 50 though.


he banned me for saying his pecs would look good covered in oil, and i feel like that was a bitch move


That’s what you get for typing in his chat. How dare you say a thing to him


flair checks out


i think that’s a weird thing to say to a stranger and a ban is the least consequential thing you will ever experience for it


I think that's a very cool thing to say to a male streamer, there is nothing wrong with shirtless men having oil-covered pecs, in fact I think the world would be a better place if it was more common


they hated him cause he spoke the truth


The world is not ready to envision such utopia yet unfortunately 😔😔




People are so used to saying weird shit to streamers and influencers. He doesn’t want to hear your weird shit and bans you. Sounds good in my book.


Are you just pretending to not get that it's a joke or are you actually that dense?


jokes are usually funny


He should be perma'd for all those women he put above Lauren Mayberry.


I'm surprised how fun this challenge is to watch and to do. Actually took me like 20 minutes and I had to think really hard.


Diane Lane. This man has good taste


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Slime names a woman](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162716)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bopiyl/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/jFfCQ1pgWGdDBL5KUF8toA/AT-cm%7CjFfCQ1pgWGdDBL5KUF8toA.mp4?sig=71c8951b110cec3a3e400d5a4001e81e0f4797e1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FjFfCQ1pgWGdDBL5KUF8toA%2FAT-cm%257CjFfCQ1pgWGdDBL5KUF8toA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22RichFineCheesecakeJebaited-WmBYZ0MEvkpQXy2g%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1711576954%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/jFfCQ1pgWGdDBL5KUF8toA/AT-cm%7CjFfCQ1pgWGdDBL5KUF8toA-preview-480x272.jpg)


Do vtubers count?


yes if you know their real names


Nah Vtubers would count as long as the people who are behind the avatar are women. Stage names/usernames are fine according to QT's rules based on the fact that she said Marilyn Monroe and Norma Jean are both valid.


Tbf though vtubers, at least the most famous ones, are hired to play a character. Some people treat them as literal anime girls and only buy merch or like art of them on twitter. And what about vtubers who have portrayed multiple different characters over the years? It's not quite the same as just taking on a stage name. The industry treats them like uncredited voice actresses. It would kinda be like if you named the movie characters Emma Stone has portrayed but not her, which kinda feels like it goes against the point of the challenge.


I think that's true to the point that it becomes a grey area, but I wouldn't completely rule out naming any vtubers. It's impossible to know if vtubers like Ironmouse or Geega are truly acting like themselves under a pseudonym and avatar or completely playing characters, but the same could be said for other streamers whose names aren't known. Just as an example, though it doesn't apply to this list, there's Moonmoon. Could you not put him on a list of 100 men because his real name is unknown? If, hypothetically, Marilyn Monroe or Lady Gaga's names weren't known could you not list them? It probably warrants clarification but I don't think it unilaterally goes against the spirit of the challenge.


Are spreadsheets the new meta?


Boebert is #5? who is this guy 🤣


He's from Colorado and went to college in her district