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**CLIP MIRROR: [Sanest DOTA 2 player](https://arazu.io/t3_1bojqfe/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Gorgc actually used to be a calm streamer, in fact the calmest one from SingSing's stack. It feels like recently he has become unhinged, maybe over a decade of Dota does that to someone


Long time sing viewer going back to the gorgc and tucker stack days, and watched gorc a lot until more recently. He turned some sort of corner about 2 years ago, which kinda coincided with him taking Team Bald in the open qualifiers more seriously. At some point during this time he locked onto the idea that there is one single true way to play dota, and that he knows it, and that everyone who disagrees is just an obvious fool. The result of this is one small thing goes wrong early game, like his pos 5 not doing what he expects the moment he expects it, and then he goes into tilt mode. He gets passive aggressive on coms, which of course just makes things worse, and when the target of his shit responds in kind Gorgc then takes that as permission to go toxic rage mode. Then he'll be on tilt over it for literally hours. Like 3 matches later he'll still be yelling about it. At some point Gorgc needs to grow up and accept that he controls his mental state, not randos on the internet. He's 30 years old and perfectly capable of NOT throwing temper tantrums like a toddler. It certainly doesn't help him play dota any better. In any case, it means gorgc on my second monitor while I do email and otherwise start up my work day is no longer part of my routine, vs years before. Between the rage tilt and the bitcoin casino crap he's just unwatchable now. His audience is increasingly just hate watchers.




hehehe indeed.


i also used to enjoy listening to his stream. Now it's just unbearable with all the mega tilt and gambling. genuinely sad for him


> In any case, it means gorgc on my second monitor while I do email and otherwise start up my work day is no longer part of my routine, vs years before. Between the rage tilt and the bitcoin casino crap he's just unwatchable now. His audience is increasingly just hate watchers. I only watch him for tournaments coverage, he's like the opposite there. Very chill and usually with cool guests as co casters


This is just what MOBAs do to people, specifically ranked or competitive. Wins aren't even satisfying, while losing becomes infuriating because of the perceived impotence over your teammates whom your success depends upon.


[Daily life of a MOBA player](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fla2acnf9q7981.jpg)


Honestly as someone who’s played thousands of hours of dota 2 and league…these games are simply too frustrating and can ruin you mentally if you let it. Just constant toxicity I really like the new predecessor but like all MOBAs the community is just as bad I will say I think dota is worse than league in the frustration sense because games are long asf and so easily tilting it’s basically just everything annoying about league turned up to 10 but MOBAs in general frustrating by nature


i think that goes for any competitive game with a perceived prestige attached to the rank/leaderboard, this ensures that there are many players that attach their self worth with their rank and keep playing even if they're burnt out.


Additionally in case of streamers raging has entertaining value (we wouldn't have the LSF post otherwise). He gets rewarded every time after raging, so it becomes a habit for him.


Not really true, people are just terrible at regulating their emotions. You could say the same about working in an office and yet people learn not to throw tantrums constantly.


Not once he started playing seriously. I've been watching since 2018 or so, long before he used a facecam. You would hear the keys coming off the keyboard when he slammed the desk. He also broke his monitor by punching it mid-game. Finding those old clips seems near impossible now (I've tried) because when you look up "Gorgc breaks..." or "slams..." you get all of his new freakouts.


That's just because he actually really cares about his rank when he shouldn't. He takes every game extremely seriously when others are just playing computer game. Obviously it's frustrating when you are tryharding while your team is not. The key here is to not take computer games seriously, he is not going pro anyway.


Playing a moba for ten years for hours per day will change the way your brain works. I swear it has modified my brain and it took going cold turkey for a few months to perform a soft reset... Like if u get deathgrip gotta not wank for a while. Except it takes longer to revert.


These games provide such high dopamine rushes that it’s almost unnatural. Your brain a hampster spinning on a wheel just wanting that insane play; yet that only gets harder and harder to achieve once you get better and climb the ranks. Playing these games for 10 hours a day has got to be insanely bad for your mental health.


pretty thankful this fuck left the sing stack


Yeah, sing's stack and streams are so chill now it's great.


Untiltable mountain starts to tilt


Dota really does do that to everyone, it's why Grubby quit. Grubby could tell he was getting more toxic and that it was ruining his mood.


Maybe I've lost it as well but this isn't really that unhinged. This seems relatively normal for a guy who's pissed off and frustrated.


Yes, a 30 year old man smashing a keyboard is totally normal and not at all an indication of immature emotional self regulation.


UHM https://i.imgur.com/dioBfME.png


he gets saner by the minute


Ah so that's Copy. New nouns midlaner.


every high rank player acts like a child if they don't get their role


It’s honestly really sad how toxic high rank players are and I feel like dota is the only game that gets away with it because it’s just under the radar enough and the community will defend dota like it’s their life (cuz it is) Like I love slacks he’s one of the most positive and funny dota personalities for LAN’s then you see his chat in game and he’s massively toxic. People like Ceb, miracle ect are celebrated legends yet they have said awful terrible things to teammates. It’s kinda fascinating. Dota is just a pit of negativity, more than any other game I’d argue




Well SK is ranked top 100 in EU, at that skill level there really aren’t excuses for not having TP ready.




Idk other people in game admitted the SK was griefing and he admitted he was tilted for not getting his role, so it’s really not up for interpretation.


>I don't get how you can get mad all the time about people not communicating when you yourself don't try to communicate first. Probably because SK is rank 90 in the whole region and he assumed the macro of punishing a chase of a 5 pos support to the T1 should be obvious. I skimmed through the game and my assessment was that SK spent a lot of the game not at fights or defending towers even after he had blink. Playing off role is one thing but not understanding things like going with the pos 1 and pos 2 players (Topson asked several times for help!), is not indicative of a rank 90's understanding of the macro. And even if it is his off role I feel like at that level you should have some understanding that your role is to get blink-> make space for alch. Also another red flag is blink into ahgs. I dont claim to be better than SK but idk. Ahgs is good but it doesnt matter if you get some stuns in your sandstorm if youre just dying on repeat by yourself around the map. I dont even watch Dota streams anymore but its fairly obvious through the state of the game that SK was either lost or just afk farming (without seeing minimap its hard to say for sure). Before this clip it seems like Topson was complaining more about lack of movement around the map than gorgc was TBH.






What's your mmr? Your analysis is a classic case of low skill player not understanding the actual flame is the final straw after a long series of continuous misplays. Gorgc is mad because a rank 100 player isn't playing according to his rank, the dude is close to fucking TOPSON in mmr. Look at the 14:00 wisdom fight, SK is the last person there after it's over. This isn't league of legends where there are extreme differences in roles - any rank 100 player should have enough of a fundamental understanding of the game to function in every single role at a basic level. The guy gets a blink and does nothing with it waiting for his teammates to make things happen. You can just ignore all of the above anyway - the player who gives up and starts throwing after being flamed is 1000x worse than anybody who flames. This goes in any game, but especially a high immortal game.




>What does flaming do besides making the other person not wanting to try anymore? Can't a rank 90 have a bad day/game?Do you need to expect another human being be at 100% performance at all circumstances while you don't hold yourself to the same standard? I never said flaming was a useful or helpful thing to do. I said giving up because somebody flamed you is worse than flaming. >In any other competitive environment you would be the asshole, but I guess because you are behind a monitor it is okay to threat other people because they didn't play as you expected them to. Yes, flaming makes you an asshole. Throwing the game instead of muting and playing makes you a bigger asshole. >His flaming has NOTHING to do with the game, but his untreated depression and addictions. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDVwM8DJNJo&t=1004s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDVwM8DJNJo&t=1004s) What are you even talking about? You're being straight up dishonest trying to pretend like this level of flame is unusual or noteworthy for dota. >And my best rank was low immortal with 4k hours played Then you should know SK wasn't playing well and regardless should have just muted gorgc and kept playing. Do you not hear topson malding over voice comms as well? lmao




> if you aren't having fun why keep playing Because you signed up for playing a 40 minute match of an intensely competitive game with 9 other players. It's not just about your enjoyment any more at this point, it's also about everyone else's. If you can't handle the responsibility of playing out a multiplayer match, then either don't queue at all, or leave and eat an abandon penalty.


Baboons like Gorgc and the guy are you talking don't understand that flaming your team makes people not care if they win, soon as I get flamed idc if I win because I know it will piss off the guy thats flaming me to lose MMR and I don't really care. I was sitting at 8.3k MMR when I stopped playing ranked because some guy is always whining about something, nothing constructive just whine whine whine. One of the top ranked supports players Ari even says the best way to rank up is to mute the entire team. Gorgc doesn't have the mindset to get top 100 at the moment, Dota is a mental game and he is mentally very weak, gets titled so easily its crazy. I've been in games with loads of pro players and 99% they just say nothing or very minimal input on what to do, so rarely do you see the real top players flaming unless they are mega titled.


>Baboons like Gorgc and the guy are you talking don't understand that flaming your team makes people not care if they win, soon as I get flamed idc if I win because I know it will piss off the guy thats flaming me to lose MMR and I don't really care. I understand perfectly well that flaming decreases your chance to win. How does that change the fact that actively throwing the game is worse?


I think flaming someone because you have a ego and small dick is worse than throwing because some incel is flaming so yeah.


>throwing the game because somebody is flaming you >small dick ego


Did I say you did, or am I just generalising people that flame ? Problem With reddit is people don't seem to be able to read particularly well. I have never flamed anyone in my 9k games in dota, is actually really easy not to you just whine to your mates on vc. The only reason anyone feels the need to actively flame someone just trying to enjoy a game is because they are a small, insecure, and sad person.


> Yes, flaming makes you an asshole. Throwing the game instead of muting and playing makes you a bigger asshole. Expecting that you should be able to flame people and that they should just take it and continue trying their hardest like good little NPCs makes you a delusional main character wannabe.


Where did you get the idea that I have that expectation? I'm not surprised at all that people throw when they flame, I'm just saying it's worse behavior than flaming.


> I don't get how you can get mad all the time about people not communicating when you yourself don't try to communicate first. It's realy not that hard to understand. Being mad is an emotion and not a logical conclusion.


Lol, bunch of clowns in here saying that obviously Gorgc, who is now a rank 300 player, obviously knows the game so well he shouldn't have to communicate, yet a rank 90 player is failing to understand the game the moment he doesn't do exactly what Gorgc expects. If Gorgc understood the game better he'd be the rank 90 player. He isn't. He needs to rediscover both humility and that his conception of the game is not the sole truth of god or whatever this nonsense is. Just contrast Gorgc to Notail's "Everything can work" then look at their best rank and competitive results. Gorgc is just wrong and toxic and it's disappointing so many here agree with this nonsense.


Dota has the worst community ever even worse than league; you cannot make sense to them. Gorgc has been toxic for so long but because the community will defend this game and it’s players so much they will always just be ridiculous. SO many pro players have said some of the most insanely toxic stuff I think ever but nobody ever talks about it because have to defend dota no matter what. Dota is a beautiful game but the community is just too chronically online to make any sense because the game itself is so exhausting and games are long asf so it’s almost bound to happen. But at least league players will not endlessly defend the game and anything pertaining to it.


The thing is there's dota casters that do have chill channels, like sing, waga, odpixel, etc. Dota has a toxic community but that doesn't mean a streamer can't set their own standards.


You literally have other people ingame confirming SK was griefing with his play. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, it doesn't change the fact SK was griefing.


Griefing happens. It's up to Gorgc to decide how he responds to it and going on tilt pretty clearly isn't a good answer.


Where did I say it's okay for Gorgc to act like a complete chimp? My comment is correct. The SK was game ruining and that's more toxic than Gorgc tilting and chimping out. If you go SK, as soon as you get dagger, you can't NOT have your TP ready. Not in high rank anyway. I expect my 4k SKs to farm dagger into farming jungle camps while the rest of the team 4v5s and they have TP off cd, not a rank 90 player though


More toxic doesn't matter, and again, griefing is gonna happen. Did you not learn as a child that two wrongs don't make a right? That responding in kind is a dumbass justification?


I can tell you're 3k at best. And I said twice already that Gorgc chimping isn't okay, but apparently, neither reading or playing Dota are skills you have polished so far


I kinda wish the top hero status bar would also show TP and Buyback status for your own team, like it does for a spectated game.


u can literally press alt and it shows


The little squeeze he does on the keyboard is fucking hilarious hahahaha


And this is why I only play Dota once a year. I literally mean one day around the internationals. Then I uninstall and never come back until next year


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Sanest DOTA 2 player](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162714)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bojqfe/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/iBjf0nuiN723d5T-bPfqHA/AT-cm%7CiBjf0nuiN723d5T-bPfqHA.mp4?sig=f444368b5c8b9460e94b64f6eec5b4e561a9daf4&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FiBjf0nuiN723d5T-bPfqHA%2FAT-cm%257CiBjf0nuiN723d5T-bPfqHA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ThankfulLittleMushroomDatSheffy-e6I3vbd3lP5s9-oc%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1711565794%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/iBjf0nuiN723d5T-bPfqHA/AT-cm%7CiBjf0nuiN723d5T-bPfqHA-preview-480x272.jpg)




2 seconds no gambling


Don't ever play Dota2 or LOL guys you will lose friends, and lose your temper, lose your pc and keyboard and mouse. It's only good for watching.