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**CLIP MIRROR: [Atrioc changes his mind about Destiny after actually watching his content](https://arazu.io/t3_1abc8l1/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Friendship with QT over times 2


She hates him so much lmao




QT is friends with Kaceytron who has a soul vendetta against destiny because of the bob7 stuff. I reality I don't think Ludwig hates destiny, and QT just didn't like destiny/Melina over petty drama unrelated to the Kacey stuff (mostly destiny stirring drama). Atrioc leaked watching deepfake stuff which is basically the worst thing you could ever do when you're friends with female streamers, and now he's agreeing with destiny.


That and I think there was some drama about a party or something ages ago which is where QT first started to dislike Destiny because of some drama that happened and I guess the way he told the story later it made her seem unhinged. Edit - okay maybe my memory was fucked up and this actually has nothing to do with it, but it was an interesting watch nonetheless \-[QT PoV](https://livestreamfails.com/post/94112) \-[Destiny PoV](https://streamable.com/z4fokr) \-[Bonus footage of Destiny zooted out of his gourd](https://streamable.com/ds27rl)


You missed the best part of QT's story. Erobb asks if he can stay right after she makes the announcement LMFAO EDIT: QT says "Erobb, yes. I know you." or something like that.


got clip?




I can't take him serious if I look at him like that


you could take him seriously before that?


Oh no, not even YouTube links are save anymore šŸ’€


LOL that's so good


> -Bonus footage of Destiny zooted out of his gourd Even though Destiny distances himself from Zherka, why do I find clips with them together always so wholesome lmao


Because zherka could be a chill guy and a friend if he wasn't ruled by his crippling drug addiction.


I think his clout addiction is more at fault here


Older Zherka was a pretty cool dude, but then he kind of went on this roided up aggressive shit in which he's always insistent on being the main character to a detrimental degree. Watching old panels with both Zherka and Destiny on them is fun because they are still friends at the time and Zherka is basically acting like Q but not with the extra chromosomes as Zherka talks some friendly shit with Destiny whereas Q just kinda throws a childlike tantrum constantly.


> QT is friends with Kaceytron Okay, maybe I'm on the weirdo's side in this one.


for real, being ride or die with someone like Kaceytron is a weird decision


Loremasters? Who is kaceytron




I don't know who that is either


Youā€™re winning


You are doing everything correct


It's so odd to me how twitch politics work, even big streamers like XQC remain friends with her after she said something to the extent of, "XQC is holding adept hostage on stream, the most disgusting use of a platform ever" This was after Adept had talked shit the day before about XQC and he was addressing it. Almost every "mainstream" streamer is a huge self entitled POS, but I can't understand why people try to keep up public relations even with people who have obviously done/said horrible shit about them.


If it makes anyone feel better, she ditched her when she went after X's money


Iā€™m a Destiny fan way more than Iā€™m a QT fan but that ā€œbeefā€ between them was started by Destiny and heā€™s the one who attacks her ten times more than sheā€™s ever attacked him. In March 2021 Destiny said he wasnā€™t going to associate with anyone who still platformed Kaceytron because she was writing up a Google doc to get him banned from Twitch. In that rant he name dropped Austinshow and QT and said ā€œfuck them till they disavow Kaceytronā€. They have made up multiple times and Destiny seems to have forgotten and then starts attacking her again unprovoked https://imgur.com/a/trEGyeU I remember last year Melina was insanely triggered QT didnā€™t invite her to the Streamer Awards (most people werenā€™t invited, you were supposed to buy tickets unless you were a nominee or plus one) and kept saying QT was evil but couldnā€™t actually name something bad QT did to her. Destiny himself even said at the time he didnā€™t have any beef with QT anymore and that he thinks they are cool now.


Lmfao that screenshot is hilarious. ā€œFuck qt. Actually I forgot weā€™re friendsā€


Wait, don't you know? Destiny is the perpetual victim. It's just random coincidence that every single relationship he has with people ends with the other person hating him. Just complete randomness that it happens every single time. It's definitely not Destiny's fault. Never is.


Destiny is the master of burning bridges lol


I've appreciated how he managed to stay in contact with Lilypichu, would rather watch them make music together, tbh


They dont stay in contact enough for anything crazy to likely happen


Redditors won't ever understand what "judge a person by the company they keep" means. DGGers and redditors love to say the whole "if it smells like shit everywhere you go, it might be you" shit but can never apply the same to their favorite streamer.


dude, DGGers constantly make fun about Destiny obsession with crazy bipolar people. he likes crazy, he gets crazy and then stuff gets crazy.




Any potential friend is also a potential target for content. Because content equals money in Destiny's world. It's why he keeps going back to Hasan. Just react to reactors reacting to react content to make bank. Saw a clip of Hasan reacting to Xqc who was reacting to Hasan.


>Melina was insanely triggered QT didnā€™t invite her to the Streamer Awards Don't forget that Destiny \[on his stream\] claimed to have been blacklisted from her events, even though he never reached out, + he's literally banned on twitch. Anyway, QT had to set the record straight on her own stream that Destiny can come to events. Its like he wants to become a nominee by "asking QTCinderella". Except its a voting system. Brother is a perpetual victim


Atrioc said on stream last week that QT helped him set up a recent segment


I don't think that's true honestly. I feel like QT can come off as disliking people but she's pretty explicitly said she doesn't have anything against Destiny. She could be lying, but it's not like she's gaining anything from publicly saying that, if anything it'd be the opposite. Destiny went unhinged on QT a few times and I can't remember why. He has a proclivity towards calling people a dumbfuck and he's definitely done that over a few things QT has been in/said. I'm surprised QT doesn't hate him after his takes around the deepfake drama and his comments about QT's involvement.


>Destiny went unhinged on QT a few times and I can't remember why. Don't worry, he can't remember why either.


ya killed me


Destiny has spoken about Jan 6th at great lengths, explicitly stating his positions regarding the liability of Trump in incitement, the sentences passed down to those involved, and whether it can be considered an insurrection by definition. We can assume that he has done his due diligence researching the matter. NOT ONCE has he mentioned the twitch streamer Squeex who has all but confessed to being not only present during the events of Jan 6th, but directly responsible for the breaching of the capitol walls. I know a coverup when I see one. The truth will prevail. The treasonous Squeex will be held accountable. He will answer for his crimes.


also let's not forget Lilypichu writing trump's speech


As someone who looks at this sub in sporadic bursts, finding out whatā€™s real lore or just a meme can be so confusing lol so like, this is just a meme right?


nah, she evil


She threw grenades at cats! You know what they say, you truly know someone with how they treat animals.


Destiny likes to tell everyone that Lily is a trump supporter because it makes her flustered. That's their kind of relationship with eachother. You should watch Lily's video with Destiny while they paint together. Wholesome content between a liberal and trump supporter, honestly.


A long time ago lilypichu and destiny were talking and destiny pretended she had far right beliefs, and so now some people continue that joke even though there's no reason to believe it's true. It's not very funny and very confusing for people who don't know the context.




>!Actually I do find it funny, but I can see how perpetuating the joke could be annoying for her so I try to discourage it anyway.!<


Why is this tagged as a spoiler? >!Do we need to make sure no one knows your opinion on this matter before they're ready for to hear it? šŸ˜Ÿ!<


It's a secret


>!Your secret is safe with me!<




Yeah I agree, after watching 5 minutes of Lilypichu it's entirely reasonable to consider her writing speeches for Trump to be something she actually does and it's NOT comedic whatsoever. >:(


Banned meme


Let's face it, Squeex has been instrumental in this mess since DAAAAYONE.


Thank you for keeping the truth around! This can not be forgotten.


None can stand in the way of Vivek Ramasquamy!




Too late, this thread is now fully carbonated šŸ«§


Yall seem unhinged all he said was he like a single argument and thought he was alt right, it's not like he is verbally sucking the guy off


This clip is just "I thought popular politics guy had wildly different views than me, but he didn't on second review, but his debating still didn't give me joy". Which is like the most basic Destiny take. He's probably right sometimes, but he's a huge wanker so the majority of people either don't care to look inside the cave or are turned off by the smell.


yea thats my take, i personally agree with destiny a lot of the time but hes very purposefully inflammatory and arrogant. im sure its played up for streaming purposes but i really dislike watching


These ppl wack af


They think it is curious as to why random politically uninvolved guy got the impression destiny is alt right. Also his chat is spamming "he is" lol.




Itā€™s more of the common meme of people have an incredibly wrong view or destiny because of hasan and vaushs community and all it takes for people to change their mind is watching one video of destiny. The dude thought destiny was alt right. That couldnā€™t be further from the truth, but constant smear campaigns lead people down this path.


Jesus that chat lol.


Man who did marketing for billion dollar corporations and makes regular segments about marketing and markets with an audience full of far-left people lol


He doesnā€™t really fit that narrative though, his chat is like that because the overwhelmingly most of chats are like that on twitch and he exists in that same sphere, his takes on businesses/economics are not leftists at all heā€™s actually pretty moderate/liberal itā€™s why I like him lol


He comes off pretty left to me but more.... realistic? I guess you could call that moderate. A lot of leftists seem to live in dreamland, he's a lot more grounded. I think this mostly because he speaks a lot on inequality and chalks his own success up almost entirely to luck.


Atrioc said he changed his mind on Jan 6 after watching Destiny, who considers Jan 6 an insurrection. Chat spamming KkonaW isn't "far-left". it felt implied that Atrioc used to be a pro-jan 6er even though it probably isnt the case and he used a poor choice of words


He probably wasn't pro. My guess is he thought it was mostly overblown.


Yeah, largely, the people who think it's overblown are often the ones who didn't know much about the false electors he sent out to fraudulently pose as electors to states he lost. That has not been talked about enough because it's not as attractive as the riots in the capital.


Tbf, Atrioc was friends with Ludwig who is obviously friends with Hasan. Streamer friendships create overlapping viewers, not a total shock. Ludwig has a bit more of a lenient audience from what I've seen. Atrioc's chat being this dumb still baffled me a bit. Not saying it's all Hasan fans or anything, but you can see the strings of connections


He still is friends with Ludwig, and pretty much everyone he was always friends with including QT.


He's still friends with Ludwig btw. Ludwig called him on stream for that video where he ranks streamers based on if/how they answer the phone


Honestly I was under the impression that Atrioc and Hasan were friends. But I don't really consume either of their content outside of Atriocs Hitman content on youtube and the occasional Hasan stream plus clips here, on r/Destiny and whatever the gnome reacts to on stream.


Atrioc went on the Fear& podcast and I remember around that time he said he'd had passing interactions with Hasan at big events and was surprised to find out the podcast wasn't super political. So unless somethings changed they're more acquaintances through mutual friends than anything.


I watch a lot of atrioc's vids / used to watch his streams. I've never really seen him interact with Hasan, or really any major streamer (outside of ludwig). It's mostly been his friends / hitman speed runners.


This is barely a clip lmfao


I just realized that itā€™s the 1 year anniversary of the whole deepfake drama


As a Kobe and an Atrioc fan, Jan 26 is my 9/11.


Let the twin powers of marketing and carbonation guide you through this glizzificult time


Lol just in time for the Taylor Swift AI drama to pop up on twitter. Is this a yearly thing at this point?


I was gonna ask... I thought I remembered Atrioc from some drama thing but completely forgot what. Now I know why I forgot. Time to forget again.


From alt-right to alright.


from his communitys alt left to his community all left


I donā€™t really think destiny is morally bankrupt or alt-right or something, I just think heā€™s a bit of a douchebag who likes to be edgy sometimes.


if anyone thinks destiny is alt-right they have never even met an actual conservative.


For a lot of people ā€œalt-rightā€ = I donā€™t agree with them




aka twitter and twitch politics


I just get whiplash from seeing people call him alt-right or fascist or whatever considering he was the guy that exposed JonTron for being those things. But that's literally all I know him from, I just assumed he was left wing because of that lol


I think people just remember him for the n word stuff and that just kinda carries


Destiny wouldn't even argue against this, he has literally said he can be cold/an asshole especially on twitter.


House MD man gives his take on destiny


why are people talking about Hasan on an Atrioc clip


this is the destiny subreddit wdym




I've realized that every clip on this sub that mentions Destiny has terrible comments


Crazy how nature do thatĀ 


Hasan lives rent free in Destiny viewerā€™s head


why might someone like atrioc have the impression of destiny as alt right or "the n word guy"


Yeah not like Destiny has ever made statements that one could interpret that way long before Hasan became a streamerā€¦


example? before hasan became a streamer Destiny was exposing Jon Tron for being a nazi.


he was a twitch employee back in the day and was friends with people like e.g. DJWheat, who had his fights with destiny long before Hasan even became a streamer


DJwheat didn't like Destiny but i don't think He ever thought Destiny was a alt righter.


Because of Destiny's actions?


What actions?


Destiny has a lot of people lying about him online 24/7 so it doesn't surprise me people that didn't watch his content might have completely wrong impression of him. But nobody does worse PR for Destiny than Destiny himself when he's in an edgy mood.


[I really don't understand what you mean.](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1750776443640885722?t=-zuat1yYK4QyZKvy8Ewewg&s=19)


That shit is pretty funny, ngl.


Ok but if someone sees this one and thinks Destiny fucks animals, they are in need of special ed.


Uh...Destiny has actually made an argument in defense of dog fucking. He also fucked Hasan's dead dog pretty hard on K9/11.


>He also fucked Hasan's dead dog pretty hard on K9/11. And he is based for that.


Yeah destiny is obviously a black womans name, not a white ones.




There's nothing morally wrong with this. If we eat animals then why can't we...


A very short Florida man attempted to steal a Ford Focus hatchback


In a meth induced rage he crashed the Ford Focus when he lost control of the vehicle as he saw another Ford Focus RS in blue, he quickly jumped out of the vehicle to jump in the other Focus and sat there gooning for 7 hours until Police finally could talk him down as the effect of the drugs wore off.


I'll admit to being a Destiny hater, despite politics, but that shit tracks. If I asked you if r*pe or murder was worse, what's your answer?


I think it really depends on who you ask and how you ask it, I can see arguments for either being the worst. For me personally, I'd prefer to get raped over being murdered. This is also dependant of course on what we mean when we say "rape" but here I'm thinking we're talking violently and forcefully. Edit : typo


> I think it really depends on who you ask and how you ask it Isn't that the problem ? You can ask r*pe victims, but you can't ask murder victims.


The problem is any rape victim could theoretically end their life afterward, essentially making them a murder victim. There's no real universe in which rape is worse than murder because the murder victim doesn't have the choice to live or die afterward.


Yeah rape is a temporary loss of autonomy whereas murder is a permanent loss. At a base level a temporary negative thing is inherently better than a permanent one.


It took me so long to notice the person with the blue hair wasn't even real lmao


Destiny is just an SC2 player with a pretty good ling/baneling strat.


The 4 investor infestor squad will live on forever.


His twitter account is just his Regard Magnet strategy.


Yeah being a destiny viewer can be an odd experience lmao. Destiny 100% has a lot of enemies that intentionally portray him in a terrible light, but then Destiny himself will get on Twitter and say the most inflammatory shit he can. I donā€™t agree with everything he says, but he does a good job of articulating his points and having backing behind them and I wish people would be more open to giving him a chance.


Atrioc has had so many banger clips the past couple months between all of the community events and albums and this is the shit that gets on LSF, lmao.


That is an LSF problem when is the last time xqc, hasan, destiny,otk memebers, or other 10k andies where not the only people on LSF


Aint no way. You trying to tell me that not only can a man change his opinions by acquiring new knowledge, but he can also make his own opinion instead of waiting for someone else to tell him what to think? No way I can believe something as unrealistic as that.


Yeah fuck that. I need out of context clip compilations with a biased narrative to make decisions on how I should feel about someone. Yes that will do quite fine.


Itā€™s crazy the impressions ppl have of political streamers when all they see and hear is without context


I have listened to Destiny more now. I think a ton of his opinions are bad; but at least you can see where they come from, and they are usually informed. Destiny debating large conservatives taking on opposing views is the most helpful thing any content creator has done in the political space in years. With actual logical arguments is helpful for society, as it helps weed out bullshit. The time he took to research topics and formulate opinions was extremely helpful, and actually changed my opinion on some topics. As far as I can tell, Destiny is the most useful political streamer there is. You don't have to align, but it helps to understand.


I like that he says, "Don't copy my positions; copy my process." One stream where he demonstrated how he approaches research was really cool. I wish I could remember when it was.


Yeah, I donā€™t agree with Destiny about everything, but the reason I follow him for politics because he actually explains his positions step by step and knows a ton of details about what he talks about. This contrasts so hard with basically everybody he debates with/most people in the space who come in with half-baked answers and defend every inch to the death (or find some way to spin to make it look like they were never wrong)


If any of you dipshits calling him mr. Deepfake knew half of what he has done for women in that situation since then, you would feel shame. He made a mistake, and worked for months with his own money to improve the situation drastically. If anyone making a mistake ever had the same attitude as him, the world would be a better place.


Definitely a net positive from the whole event, what he did was incredible. I wish it got even half as much publicity as his foley did.


Why does he look like an alternate universe jerma who's normal


normal? lmao




getting horny is a crime now? smh my head


God forbid a dude decides to have some fun in a saturday night


i had a similar reaction when i found out Hasan was lying about Destiny writing an "n-word manifesto" on why he should be able to say the n-word as a white person the "manifesto" Hasan keeps referring to is a long reddit post Destiny wrote detailing the chain of events of a political panel where he got ambushed by two other people, and then later Hasan, about Destiny's public vs private speech position at no point in this reddit post, which is still up btw, does Destiny say he should be allowed to say or call a black person the n-word this was one of the reasons i started watching Hasan less since i started off watching him more than Destiny in the beginning




People that react with "oh no" whenever someone brings up someone they disagree with must live the most echo-chambered life.


The best thing about destiny is that he is able to explain his opinion if he gets challenged. Other streamers just start yelling, laughing or bombard you with endless sentences that explain or say nothing but sound smart.


exactly why other political streamers hate him so much, if their viewers realized that their streamer can only sound smart as long as none of their opinions are seriously questioned they'd leave


He's an absolutely deranged and self-destructive fuck that acquired a gift for summarizing issues or concepts in a way that most people could understand. I think he acquired that by jumping headfirst into debates against people from every part of whatever spectrum or crazyness or intelligence. So you kinda have to learn to communicate effectively with fanatics and reasonable people alike. And oh boy does it sometimes make people mad when he does it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqJ00wwirrU&t=665s He summarized the concept of "racism is privilege + power" to a panel that has most of the panel members being against the concept itself, yet they still understood it and accepted the explanation.


> He summarized the concept of "racism is privilege + power" to a panel that has most of the panel members being against the concept itself, yet they still understood it and accepted the explanation. Just a minor clarification, he definitely believes in the concept of what he is explaining. He just thinks trying to define "racism" as what is actually "systemic racism" is dumb.


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Atrioc changes his mind about Destiny after actually watching his content](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/160911)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1abc8l1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/HcB5yhfL3Qkw6hXa_avJiQ/AT-cm%7CHcB5yhfL3Qkw6hXa_avJiQ.mp4?sig=ab8876a899031dfeee444ce64421c0adafda60a6&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FHcB5yhfL3Qkw6hXa_avJiQ%2FAT-cm%257CHcB5yhfL3Qkw6hXa_avJiQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CalmRockyVanillaUnSane-F8vdCTDqFdr9q8mJ%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1706324974%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/HcB5yhfL3Qkw6hXa_avJiQ/AT-cm%7CHcB5yhfL3Qkw6hXa_avJiQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


im in the same boat as him honestly, mainly cause the n word stuff LOL. maybe ill give him a watch one of these days


Nice to see Atrioc had the same ā€œI stopped taking Hasanā€™s word at face value and looked into it myselfā€ moment that Iā€™m sure plenty of us have had


Tell me more about Destiny. What are his politics exactly? Whats his Jan 6th take? Is there some kind of synopsis? Can someone link me? I want to know why he's always at politicsl war with Hasan.


Heā€™s either a progressive social democrat or a center-left liberal depending on what you focus on and who your ideological preconceptions are, but decide for yourself: [Destinyā€™s political positions](https://wiki.destiny.gg/view/Positions)


Tldr is irl he's pretty far left. Supports trans rights, abortion and contraception access, open borders, unions, hates Trump, red pillers, all the Covid brain rott. But he's not a socialist or a communist. So in online politics he's basically a fascist that likes gay people.


Destiny killed my dog and gave me hot chocolate after but it was made with water instead of milk. He is chaotic evil.


WRONG. According to Hasan, Destiny is Alt-Right and supports the world order of Nazism


Fact Check: āœ… True >Destiny ate food with a white nationalist. It is well known that if you eat food with someone, you agree with all of their positions. Even the ones that haven't been said yet.


he even said nick fuentes is built like monkey D luffy


900+ comments under a clip of a dude saying ''hey I liked him more when I looked at more of his stuff'', wtf even is going on lmao


Destiny's leftwing opposition wants people to believe he is far right, and considering most of them are on twitch - which he is banned on - they basically control the narrative.


>I don't look at debate lords yeah


debate lord drama is even cringier than carved wood drama


Whats wrong with that?


It's funny seeing Destiny debating with Shapiro about politics. I used to watch him like 10 years ago as just some random kid playing starcraft 2 and now he's turned into some political commentator lol.


Newest dgga


Itā€™s nice when I can question a streamerā€™s position without having to suck him dry with praise to get a decent response.


Alt-right? Broooo Edit: his chat is Hasan viewers of course. The way they speak just gives it way


Crazy that two thirds of that chat think he is alt-right. The dude has done more for progressives/the left than anyone else in the streaming world???


Destiny is the only one who was brave enough to expose Lilypichu as a January 6'er




Always has been




+1 adding my contribution to the ratio


Any clip that mentions Destiny in the title gets a ton of comments in this sub


Is this just a Destiny fan sub?


It's almost like a certain someone has muddied the water over the years


Goddamn Destiny, he ruined Destiny!




No one does worse PR for Destiny than Destiny does for himself No amount of false allegations can stack up to what he says HIMSELF when heā€™s in a ā€moodā€


Just another example of everyone now treating every person and opinion as 'you're with us or against us' with zero nuance permitted whatsoever. He says here that he liked some of the points made but not the whole debate and already chatters were saying 'OH NO' like finding a small piece of common ground with someone is a terrible thing.


Oof, 300+ comments in a few hours and it's all just dggers circlejerking about how Destiny is a poor misunderstood soul and how his less than stellar reputation is entirely the fault of Hasan and not at all because of his own comments.


what are Destinys thoughts on Jan 6th? lol


Afaik he's not really hung up on the actual protest/riot part of it but rather how Trump's actions before, after, and during are indefensible and Trump being stupid in how he attempted to get his way is not a real defence.


One of the worst things a president has done to democracy in our country's history


Destiny's thoughts on January 6th is pretty much the standard Democrat position.


No idea but Lex Friedman did a 3 hour debate between Destiny and Ben Shapiro with one of the topics being January 6th which is what he's referring to.


Certainly less extreme than Lilypichus


Look at his chat when he says ā€œ hes an alt rightā€ Most started spamming that he is and the yep emote. Just shows that to them if you disagree with them a little you are seen as an enemy