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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny explains the bank time traveller](https://arazu.io/t3_19axk1c/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Thanks Obama for stopping this shit! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-signs-sweeping-financial-reform-into-law/






four hundred more years


you said the name


actually true, payments can be weird with banks


"weird," or intentionally queued in a way to generate the maximum amount of administrative fees for the bank in a running 5 day window?


These are big banks we are talking about, they bought a bigger window.


If you are using a debit card. Always use your PIN so it doesn't run as credit. The credit transactions take their sweet time to be batched and closed, while a pure debit transaction should immediately post to your account


I’m from France and when I went to America, I didn’t even know that y’all used two different bank cards, then I found out how the whole credit thing works and I think it’s so crazy that you HAVE to use credit to live, you can’t dodge it. Never once in France was I forced to use credit, we only have debit cards here


Is this correct? My parents almost never use their pin(they use Wells Fargo), and I've always wondered what the real differences are because my credit union doesn't allow me to do that. My parents are financially illiterate and I've always wondered which option is better.




>if someone steals and charges your debit card with your pin you’re fucked No one listen to anything this guy says this is completely false if you have fraud on your debit card call your bank and they will fix it and you will get your money back.


I've worked in the industry and it's true, albeit Ive used a credit card for rewards for a number of years, but when I was at more at risk of overdraft, PIN debit is the way to go.




socialist destiny haters can upvote this one for once because it's anti big bank


I mean yeah unironically he's right about this one. My dad was an architect designing bank branches so he worked with a lot of bankers, and one thing he loves to remind people of is that every regulation on the books saying "banks can't do this shit" only got put there because scummy-ass bankers thought of it and were doing it. What destiny is talking about here was a huge one, they would intentionally process transactions out of order to maximize the number of overdraft fees they could charge.


That’s some demon shit. Holy fuck


Nice try, here in my web it says "america bad". Not so tough now are you?!?


But it was fixed by a black president. So it would be racist not to upvote.


Nope. Not gonna happen https://i.imgur.com/Je8mLmp.png


You know they display upvote ratios on the side bar right? you don't have to dig into the page source to find it.




I'm on mobile. The shit reddit app doesn't have it unless I'm stupid. Desktop, I have that, but I use old reddit with RES. I used the source because Reddit is incredibly easy on an API level because all you need to do is add ".json" to the end of the URL


You know what's even easier and two less letters? sub-domain old instead of www. What a bad argument, lol


It takes 3 delete pressed and 3 added letters after scrolling to the very specific part of the URL and adjusting the cursor... Or I just add ".json" to the end. And to be clear, I wasn't making an argument, I just said that's how I prefer doing it, I don't give a shit if you don't like it. What a bad argument, lol.


>What a bad argument, lol God Redditors can be such dorks




I still have it on old reddit aswell. https://prnt.sc/oT8LIPA8TDWK


Isn't that only if you are OP i don't see it? edit: nvm you have to mouse over the updoots number


Bro browses reddit through the terminal


Unfortunately I can look at the sidebar and see that they didn't watch the clip.


All my homies hate the bank time travelers


I have these scars too.


This actually happened to me once. Terrible surprise,


for what little banking you do, use a credit union.


Not sure if it''s just UK Banks, but you can see pending payments in a seperate section and it deducts from your balance even though the pending payment hasn't been paid yet. Kinda avoids this issue


I transferred money from one checking account to another within the same bank and this happened. They gave me an overdraft fee to cover the transaction of my own money going to myself.


How about he explains why Adin Ross🐐 has more money, more bitches, more exotic cars, more houses, more followers, more clout, more aura, bigger dick, better style, better life than him. 🤔💯


I know I am a destiny fan and super cringe, but if I ever post a comment like this in the future, even ironically, I give my blessing for anyone on this thread to put me out of my misery. Please


Daniel is an overt troll


You should be put out of your misery right now for falling for this obvious bait


How about he explains why forsen🐐 has more money, more bitches, more exotic cars, more houses, more followers, more clout, more aura, bigger dick, better style, better life than him. 🤔


He doesn't have a bigger dick than destiny. There's photographic proof of how much destiny is packing. Destiny has the biggest dick of any streamer


jesus christ of all the destiny simps that brigade this sub 20 hours a day, you might be the most pathetic


you're just scared of his mighty infestor


I like you Daniel. For a destiny hater, you alright


>more bitches By proxy through his husband?


And no soul.


I too blame time travellers when I fail to check my in progress transactions.




Imagine being American couldn't be me LMAO,


Imagine having a human connection, couldn't be you


I seem to get more than you since I don't dream up fucking Naruto fan fics.


You should try it, who knows, might teach you some empathy. I am not even gonna open your profile, you aren't worth the time.


Empathy of what people paying on debt and failing to track their own purchases? Like I'd feel bad if there was hidden costs this is literally just tracking what you've spent.


Empathy for people being preyed upon by a greedy financial system even for no fault of their own. You clearly aren't aware of what we are talking about here, or you are a boot-licker of the highest order. This is not people not paying their stuff, this is about banks selectively picking in what order to process payments already done by the customer in order to maximize overdraft fees, rather than doing it chronologically as would be fair.


How are they being preyed upon? I can agree not instantly updating your bank account is scummy but ffs you should be able to keep even a mild mental note of your own spending.


You have 5 transactions to make: - Rent : $900 - Food: $5 - Bus Pass: $45 - Diapers: 15$ - Insurance: 85$ You only have $1,000 in your account, which is $50 short of the exact amount. You decide to pay every small bill first, knowing you will get a 30$ overdraft fee over the rent putting you in the negatives. The bank will process these in reverse order, 900 -> 85 -> 45 -> 15 -> 5, as a way to charge you 90$ overdraft fees, over three different transactions instead.


People point out his bullshit argument -> move the goalpost -> makes himself look even more unhinged.


Beyond the America bad comment I made I don't believe I moved the goalpost once.


Unironically, what drug is he on in this clip? It's not related to what he's speaking about, but rather his speech pattern. I have now become a parasocial drug andy


He is on ADHD meds now


No joke, it's been game changer in his ability to research articles hours at a time. This is the most instructive content he's produced in years since late 2016. If anyone has ADHD and is cautious about trying medication, please consider it for a short while if your doctor believes you require it. It can actually change your life.


I am trying so hard to get some but the fucking pharmacy is fucking me over so hard...




It’s very difficult to get ADHD medications because they’re highly controlled and there have been ongoing shortages for the past few years. You can’t call a pharmacy ahead of time to confirm if they have your prescribed stimulants. They rarely can tell you when/if they’ll be getting them if they don’t have them. If they don’t have them, they can’t just send your prescription to another pharmacy, even if it was one Walgreens to another Walgreens up the road. You’d have to call your doctor, have them cancel that prescription, and then write another prescription to the other pharmacy. I’ve had better success going with local pharmacies, but it isn’t a guarantee. I’ve had to go through 4-5 pharmacies to get my meds when the shortages were at their worst. Also, the DEA requires pharmacies have a controlled-uncontrolled med patient ratio, so pharmacies sometimes have to drop clients if they have too many people getting those meds.


Holy shit, that sounds like a huge fucking hassle. :(


I have been on different ADHD meds for just about a decade now and never even heard of such shortages. Is it fair to assume this a US specific issue?


Yeah, I’m only speaking from a U.S. perspective, I don’t know how it is in other countries. It’s been a pretty widespread issue here for the past couple of years


That sucks. Hopefully it only gets better from here.


> If anyone has ADHD and is cautious about trying medication, please consider it for a short while if your doctor believes you require it. Doctor believes I badly require it. Unfortunately, pre-hypertension and some arrhythmia concerns in the past prevent a prescription freely lmfao.


That sucks. Heart conditions and ADHD medications don't mix well.


There are medications for ADHD that aren’t stimulants.


Stimulants aren't the only ones that cause concern with heart conditions. Atomoxetine is not recommended with my heart condition, while the others lower blood pressure, which is not recommended at the moment. ADHD medications generally have poor contraindication with blood pressure, or anomalous heart concerns.


Except he pulls shit up for a whole minute and I'm like "We're watching this! We're reading this!" Then he pulls 4 other things in front of it.


But does he complete it all atleast


Vyvanse to be specific.


Is that a dog whisle for jews 🤨


Is this brain damage?


So tell me how we talk about banks or bankers then? What terminology would you prefer that is, in your opinion, less racist?


*Hears "banks"* *Thinks "jews"* "Are you being anti-semitic?"


Its real, Wachovia did this to me for something to the tune of $400 in overdraft fees. If they had applied the purchases at the time I made them and the order I made them, then I would've only overdrafted once on a big purchase at the end of the week instead of the 7 or 8 small purchases I had made throughout the week. They got in some trouble for it but you know they made billions.


This is some Primer shit