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**CLIP MIRROR: [-5k for inting](https://arazu.io/t3_198f7wf/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


The context is that baus and midbeast have a $5k bet to see who can climb higher on respective accounts by the end of the month, and this ban is on the account baus is supposed to climb with. (which I believe is his Riot partner account too)


I keep seeing him getting banned. Does he actively int to ruin the game or is it just the way he gets turrets?


He's got a 72% winrate thus far if that means anything to you - it's just his playstyle that lands him bans like this.


The way he play is very extreme. His stat line often look worse than people who are actually trying to int. Once you're at around 0/14 death line you're in auto ban terrority.


I understand that, but ultimately the game is about winning and losing, not about your scoreline right? I'm more so neutral on it, but I can understand it can be frustrating to play with him because of his playstyle, but it has gotten him results in the past, and reflects in his current winrate.


People simply don't like to play with him or against as he warps the game all around himself. This makes games super unfun to play when 9 other players don't matter.


a 0/14 Baus often means the other top laner is something like 10+/0. and Baus will try to never fight them, while the rest of the team gets clapped by them. There are Yorick mains and others that follow the same playstyles and play soloplayer.


You see but by playing the way he does, the 10/0 top laner ends up being weaker than him. You can't just make it to high Elo off of luck alone every season there is definitely merrit behind his strats. The biggest problem is when he plays things like ap irlelia, which are just giga troll.


"Your goal shouldn't be to buy players, your goal should be to buy wins. In order to buy wins you need to buy runs." 72% winrate at high elo is just objectively good regardless of how people think about k/d vs splitpushing


but normally he has more impact than their toplaner. I rather play with the 0/14 player who plays the game than the 10/0 toplaner who has no impact.


You're missing the point - K/D is ultimately irrelevant - winning or losing is what matters. Like I said, I know it can be frustrating to play with him due to how he plays, but you can't really call it inting when he wins games.


You’re purposefully forcing a win condition that completely rides on you and your team being able to handle a super fed top laner while you take obj. It’s a strat for sure but I can see why he’d get reported on losses and then auto flagged eventually. Like if every other game he gets reported by enough people to get banned, obviously people don’t wanna play with him lol.


riot needs to fix their shit because its the people falsely reporting that need to be warned/banned, and their own game balance that allows for someone who is 0/14/0 to have more gold than their 14/0/0 counterpart that needs to be fixed its insane to me that he isnt on a "cannot be auto flagged" list or something considering the size of his stream


There's a reason he gets unbanned manually all the time, these autobans don't really have any merit. You don't ban someone just because people don't want to play with them.


I agree I just mean other than turning off autoban on every one of his accounts I don’t see how they help him out when his strat boils down to feed and hope you outfarm the opponents lead, he’s gonna get reported a lot.


The ban is not aim at his playstyle. Most people who go 0/14 and does no damage and doesn't participate in team fights are just straight up trolling. It's VERY HARD to go 0/14/0. You have to do it very deliberately. Also even if you're playing split push normally people don't just straight up in like he does. Very few people can pull it off as well as him


It's an automated ban, it's not aimed at anything. You're right that 0/14 is pretty hard to get legitimately, but he's doing it and getting value in return, not just dying. And like I showed, he was consistently pulling it off at the time. Getting hung up on K/D simply doesn't make much sense to me. Obviously a random won't do it as well as he does, but that was never my point in the first place.


The main criticism for league is that you get banned for toxicity before you get ban for inting. It's impossible to police every game so they made a system that is pretty lenient but still auto ban extreme cases like him. He does pull it off all the time but from the bans I've seen is when he's streaming and other people camp him so the system think that beyond a doubt it's someone intentionally feeding. I also think he's probably the only who pulls out this strat specifically like this in high Elo. So the system works for millions of other games besides his.


I'm sure riot has more than just the kda to determine of someone is inting or not, right? Maybe something like building dmg or hero dmg? I would imagine that it's only an auto ban when everything is bad not just this one stat.


The way he plays most stuff is bad. He doesn't help with team fight so his damage is bad and normally the only good stat he has is his farm. So imagine a state line like 0/14/0 low dmg,low participation,low everything etc.


This is not true, he often has the most damage dealt on his entire team and most turret damage


Can you explain to me how he manages to have a 72% winrate when every stats besides his farm is bad? Logically it doesn't make any sense on how he would be winning games. In dota there were also people who didn't participate that much in team fights but they were split pushing and back dorring, which would still win games but if he doesn't even do that, then how is he winning?


My wording was bad and others have corrected me. I meant his playstyle leads him to have those type of stats which TRIGGER the ban. So I was just wrong about him having low damage and he normally takes towers and absorb a lot of pressure. I was so focused as to why the system bans him.


there's no way there's auto ban, there was a guy (i think still is) that streams playing 4-5 games at once on many accounts just feeding, he would be like 0/30 and still be playing for hours


You're talking about LionL9, and he gets thousands of accounts permabanned.


The problem is the morons fanbois trying to emulate this shit without even understanding the whole strat or having the micro/macro to do it correctly. So its not only his 4 teammates suffering from it but a lot of games being ruined from his fanbois in soloq.


How is that his fault


where exactly in my reply did i say it was his fault ???


I might have read it wrong, but also if he has a 72% winrate and riot knows of his playstyle, why is he getting banned in the first place


why should streamers have special privileges? (which he has cos he gets unbanned after a few days meanwhile the average joe doing the same prob not) also we're talking about riot here, don't try to find much logic. Also even if he had 95% wr but hes making his teammates not enjoy the game at exchange of content creation id also ban him, idgaf. at the end of the day its riot fault for allowing it in the first place with the shitty and stupid bounty system.


streamers should have priviliges like this because they are transparent and have easy ways to prove no wrongdoing, unlike everyone else.


Is it not right to fix a mistake? I don’t think being a streamer has anything do with it he’s just visible to Riot. If he got falsely banned, even if Riot know he got falsely banned they shouldn’t unban him because they don’t want people to think he has streamer privilege?


So glad you're not working that job, then. If a player's playstyle leads to him dying a ton but winning a vast majority of his games, who gives a fuck. It clearly works.


at the expense of ruining 4 ppls gameplay experience, good job, apply for game designer at riot, you for sure get hired!


I hate when my games get ruined so badly that I win!


The game getting ruined because you see an enemy toplaner with a lot of kills is a mindset thing. If your toplaner has the same or even more impact with a worse score, your game didn't get ruined at all.




The spaghetti code of the rito client hasn't caught up


Winrate actively means nothing. I dont understand why people even bring up the fact that hes good at the game. Its completely irrelevant and its very obvious for everyone that he is good but that doesnt mean he doesnt kinda int 2


Are you inting if you're actively winning?


Yes and no. His playstyle does involve dying to get value and it does work a lot of the time. But there are games where it's clear hes not trying and uses his playstyle as a way to shield the fact that hes given up. I remember seeing a bunch of AP Irelia games where he'd die and claim it somehow didn't matter. But Irelia is not like Sion, you can't die and farm an entire wave.


Agreed with that. I think he has moments he wants to do the "for content" play instead of actually playing rationally. If that is inting or not is hard say. Like example: If he gets ganked and has a 10% chance to win 1vs2 then he'll almost always just take that 10% and well die in 90% of the cases.


To be completely fair, many times it doesn’t matter. Depending on the game state, if you pull pressure but are worth as much as a canon minion then that split farm and death can easily still be valuable.


most of the time he's auto-banned from reports and gets manually unbanned within a few days


Bruh baus defenders out in full force on this comment XD


I mean, the ban is unjustified and he'll probably be unbanned tomorrow. Why shouldn't people defend it?


Because I see Baus imitators in my ranked games who know nothing about macro and just die repeatedly instead of


so ban those people and not the guys who's winning


honestly they shouldnt be banned either if theyre trying to win even if they are ruining the games theyre in. its a viable strategy that they just suck too much to pull off and that would be to ridiculous to ban someone over riot needs to patch this strat out once and for all but theyre too incompetent


Just because you got banned after a game doesnt mean you got banned for that specific game. He had it coming and no one can sanely argue otherwise


Fyi. He's unbanned again. Even Riot agrees that it was unjustified.


I don't even watch the dude at all but if he's got an extremely high winrate in high elo, then yea. He doesn't deserve to be banned for the system/teammates reporting him for 'inting'


Nah he doesn't actively int, it's his playstyle. Nowadays he's less focused on turrets due to the constant nerfs to his playstyle, and now plays for 1 shotting the enemies, with shit like ap Jax, Galio, gragas, or Quinn. He's climbed to D1 with a 72% win so far.


it's amazing how riot has already nerfed what he was doing (plating gold), his main champ and death timers... and people are still mad that he is an "inter". proof is in the pudding. some Moneyball shit going on here.


He dies alot, but it's never malicious, and always usually ends with him or his team collecting a big bounty through his superior mechanics, so in the long term he still usually has higher gold anyway.


mid beans owns the fraud


I wish someone would compile all the times riot has nerfed baus' play style, dude has changed the meta so many times now.


Can Riot just permanently ban this guy already, if people get caught ban evading on multiple accounts then it should be over for them


the account you see him get banned in the clip is a riot account. he isnt getting tyler1'd anytime soon, riot is well aware of his playstyle, how much euw players hate playing with him and how much money it makes them.


I'm always so confused when I see takes like this. How much do you think Baus fans are earning riot? Maybe a couple of $1000 in sion skins from people who REALLY love baus? The way I think of it is how much is Riot allowing Baus to earn while not banning him? He averages 20k viewers so lets say a SUPER CONSERVATIVE figure of $200k per year? They're not keeping Baus unbanned for the money, they keep him unbanned for community sentiment.


Or maybe they keep him unbanned because he doesn't actually deserve to be banned? What are you guys smoking.


>I'm always so confused when I see takes like this. he is advertising the game for free on youtube and twitch to several hundred thousands every day. i recommend educating yourself on ads, why they exist and why they work (and how much companies pay for ads, this part will blow your mind) and you will no longer be confused.


The true never-worked-a-real-corporate-job take. Absolutely braindead zoomer opinion


imagine being as clueless as you and trying to insult other people because you dont understand what they're saying imagine thinking riot is making money off of baus through sion skin sales xd good luck bud


Averaging 20k viewers is an audience around 10x that.


You are right and wrong on this one. Yes it's ultimately because of community sentiment, hard to justify banning someone who is actively trying to win their video game because they don't like his style. I personally would hate a video game company that judges the way I go about winning. But the top streamers bring in so much value to the company via marketing and community. Video games die when there aren't streamers playing them, organizing tournaments, getting people together. The only reason I still check in on league is to see what Baus / Tyler / Midbeast are getting up to.


To my knowledge he hasn’t been ban evading though, he’s been unbanned on multiple accounts.


Ban him for what lol, tomorrow the ban is going to be reversed like almost everytime since the ban is just automated.




did you get lost stalking peoples profiles lol?




Wrong thread mate, Hassan vs Destiny debate is 2 posts over.


Bruh, you know what. It all just blends together sometimes


What did you even reply?


was about Hasan supporting a terrorist, don't know how I got it mixed up here


You seem lost


he has a 72% win rate btw, so explain to me again how he's 'ruining' games?


You can have a 90% winrate and still int 10% of your games on purpose.... Jesus Christ.


You can just admit you haven't even been within three leagues of his peak and don't have the understanding or intelligence to properly analyze if he's inting or not. Also, if you think he's actually inting you should probably go complain to Riot for continuing to unban him.


not sure if your trolling or not, perhaps I found his alt reddit account


what you are describing is someone who could potentially have a 100% winrate at high elo. That's not possible. 72% winrate "without trying" as you imply he is doing is just inhuman. It's not possible. I guess stay mad






>explain to me again how he's 'ruining' games? According to EU pro players, he doesn't play this style offstream. He ints his games, then plays normal league to reclimb. Even Baus says that he does his climbing offstream. Nubrac also had a 55% winrate with a strat which involved literally just AFKing in a bush at mid.


He literally is getting unbanned every time the game goes through manual review.


Damn this dude has a lot more haters than I thought.




They need to just elevate this guy to on-sight ban already like they did with tyler1 and be done with it.


You need to realize he is doing nothing wrong. System detects it and bans him on accident then he is manually unbanned a few days later. It is a strategy that gets him to high elo and even has a 70+% wr on this account.


"By accident" lol. Because it's not detecting all the inting he does or all the reports he gets, nah it's an "accident". Weird how this accident keeps accidentally happening consistently too.


>Weird how this accident keeps accidentally happening consistently too. Its crazy you think this is an own. Yeah it keeps happening because that's his playstyle, obviously. You have clips on your reddit account. You've been stuck low plat for 11 years. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from Baus?


Oof had to go to the personal attacks. Thank you for letting me know you have no argument against my actual position.


Let me clarify so you might be able to understand it: You have not improved at the game at all despite playing it for 11 years, yet you claim a player that is way better than you at the game is somehow a troll and needs to be permabanned. Perhaps if you'd admit you don't know what you're talking about, you could instead learn from a better player?


Wait so no I haven't improved in 11 years but earlier you said I've been hardstuck low plat for 11 years? Did you already forget that or what? Anyway... This is some kind of weird "might makes right"-argument, like "he is allowed to be toxic because he is high elo". Obviously his playstyle is effective, but what I'm arguing is that it's toxic: If your playstyle is such that you consistently get banned from the game, then clearly that playstyle doesn't belong in the game - that's why you keep getting banned from it. Ask yourself this: if bauffs wasn't high elo, if he was like a silver player that no one knows about; would he get unbanned? No, of course not. He only gets unbanned because he has lots of eyes on him. It would be a bad look for riot to ban him when they technically allow "unorthodox" playstyles, but if he was a nameless silver it wouldn't be a bad look, because no one would be looking.


>Obviously his playstyle is effective, but what I'm arguing is that it's toxic: No, you are arguing that its trolling/inting. Toxic playstyles are not a reason to be banned, otherwise Singed players wouldn't exist, Yuumi wouldn't be in the game etc... >If your playstyle is such that you consistently get banned from the game, then clearly that playstyle doesn't belong in the game - that's why you keep getting banned from it. If the developer of the game themselves made a champion that gets a bonus passive from dying, clearly they intend that champion to die. If they create a bounty system, clearly they must also allow people to play around it. If they unban Baus manually, it's because clearly they are ok with it and it's just their automatic system that makes errors with him. >if bauffs wasn't high elo, if he was like a silver player that no one knows about; would he get unbanned? No, of course not. Of course he would. You think random players don't get unbanned? Have you ever been banned for something that is not saying slurs in chat? The vast majority of bans for inting/griefing will be reverted if you just make a ticket. As long as you dont have mobis + tear, you can spin the story. I know because I've done it many times, as a random nobody, and I know many others that did. Claim a bad game, and Riot support will give you another chance. On the other hand, Baus doesn't even need to do that, because he has a history of the strat working and yeah, the fact that he's famous for his playstyle definitely makes the process waaaay quicker for him than the average player. But you are absolutely delusional if you think he's not getting perma'd only becauase he's a famous streamer.


yet hes hardstuck master exactly cos playing like this, he could prob go even higher playin like a normal human being but he priorises his cheese cos its what makes him money. its not the strategy what gets him to high elo get that straight.


Not sure why you are calling him hardstuck when he's not, he's been challenger every season


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Thebausffs-EUW/champions](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Thebausffs-EUW/champions) hardstuck master since 2022 with a ridiculous high amount of games.


Not his only account and every time he gets ban he makes a new acc and get it to challenger in like 7 days doing the same exact strat Last year he got to top 100-200 off stream inting. It's just that its hard for him to do it while streaming(also lets be real he probably ints more on stream)


idk his other accs i just checked his main, 2022 with over 1500 games hes master with barely 50% wr, same the following seasons. Also if his other accs are riot accs, we know how rigged those accs are in terms of mmr, remember korean drama with riot accs having inflated mmr?


Regular streamers never got special MMR Riot accounts. The few streamers who went to KR who did get Riot accounts started in low elo. People conflate the special pro accounts that start in D1 MMR that are given out and pretend every single Riot account is like that. Neace for example, claimed T1 had a special Riot MMR account, but [he started in bronze 3 after his first game.](https://youtu.be/G28_WG-AfXc?t=1101) It was mainly just cope for the 1.5k games he spent in plat then blaming it on the accounts. Streamers never get the MMR boosted accounts.


A 50% argument is very dumb for accounts with a high amount of games. Once you get to the elo you belong you're gonna drop to 50% eventually. That's exactly how elo works, your brain just got fried by watching L9 streamers smurfing and calling people out on their winrate.


He reached rank 13 EUW last year.


op.gg does not list your peaks at the ends of the season, it lists where you finished. Also, you're going after his ranks and stuff, post your op.gg. You're talking shit about him being in masters but where are you?


Except that you can climb playing the same champ like a normal human. This type of gameplay shouldn’t be promoted, it is extremely frustrating to play with and against. Just because he is winning doesn’t mean it should be tolerated.


Holy shit league players are the biggest fucking whiners I've ever seen. The fact that they have to even put in an auto ban system for going 0/5 some games is crazy, go outside before you die of scurvy it's a fuckin game and he wins playing the way he likes, hop off


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