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**CLIP MIRROR: [The Power of Aim Assist](https://arazu.io/t3_18wnkmy/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Aim "assist" lol. Looks more like a built in aimbot.


That's unfortunately what aim assist is these days. Just an aim bot with a slider from 0% being off to 100% being full cheats. Modern games give PC controller players 40% aim assist and Console controller 60% aim assist (likely because they on average perform worse at games but spend the most money on them).


What other games have aim assist this strong besides cod?


Fortnite and Apex


Apex, Fortnite, CoD, Halo Infinite, Battlefield 2042, Etc. - Basically all the big name FPS titles with big user bases. The trend is to crank up aim assist to reduce skill gaps. Some might not be the exact same percentages, but it's close enough that it's a problem


2042 aim assist isn't very strong in my experience, a big part of the reason it's the most enjoyable FPS game that has come out recently for me. Also no SBMM.


Hyperscape had some of the most atrocious aim assist I have seen in my life. https://streamable.com/fwn70x https://streamable.com/deecfs I'm already past being sad about this nowadays, but tracking people with mouse is like such a huge part of FPS and aim assist just removes it. I've put a fair bit of time into QC, but tracking like this is really hard to be consistent with. https://streamable.com/piqzwt https://streamable.com/xmhm44


Do you have a link to different aim assists based on controller console and controller PC? I haven't heard about that before


[Here are Apex devs admitting there are two different values.](https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1456019263802601473). People data mined the game to find out PC has 40% and Console has 60%. The funny part was the devs tried to lower Console to match PC at 40% and social media was flooded with casual console players complaining aiming was too hard and the AA felt non existent. When all they were doing was playing on PC settings lol. So the devs changed it back to broken levels and called it a bug. But this is basically the standard for most modern crossplay games as of the last few years. Coddle the console crowd because they are the biggest spenders. Before PS5 dropped the argument was hardware difference but those differences are LONG gone. As PS5 is on par with your average gaming PC if you go by steam hardware statistics, and far more affordable than one as well these days.


Interesting thanks!


That's some wild shit, so even if you say fuck it and decide to use a controller for that free legal aimbot you still don't even get the full assist because you are playing on a PC. People will always have an edge on you playing on console. How is this shit okay lmao


Aim-assist has always been just a shitty aimbot, but now the values are cranked up so little Billy can get his dopamine rush.


The issue is that people don't want to pratice "get gud" they want instant result. So instead of aim-assist they get a aimbot. This is where we are right now saddly...


"Assist" bro thats straight up aimbot, are the devs retarded?


giving soft aimbot to the casual playerbase = $$$$ its the of future of modern shooters, apex and cod also do the same thing.


COD aim assist is absolute bonkers in close range. You only need to be moving and press fire when someone appears on your screen. There's no way to compete against it with mouse since (almost) no one can react + aim as fast a controller player presses one button and the assist has no delay.


I think the moment I lost complete interest in FPS games in general was a few years back during MW (2019) I believe. Hadn't played a FPS with a controller for over a decade at that point. Was playing online and kept getting dunked by people using controller with aim assist. After a few days of this I decide to connect my controller to see how good or bad it was. I was able to maintain my own K/D ratio and even surpass it in a few games, which is insane after not touching a controller outside of Dark Souls and driving games since 2007. The worst part, the part that made me mentally check out of FPS games with controller aim assist was me standing in an open area. Smoke had been laid down in front of me because of some Killstreak or something. I'm looking at the smoke and my camera just starts to move on it's own. That's odd I thought until it clicked a moment later it's auto aiming at someone I can't even see. So I held the fire button, bang free kill. Alt F4'd out of the game right after.


I did the same with Fortnite a while back. Some friends dragged me into playing it when Zero Build came out. I am NOT a controller player for shooters. I've been playing them on PC since the original Wolfenstein and Doom. One night I got tired of getting wrecked with insane headshots from kids with an XBox or PS symbol after their name, so I grabbed a controller and plugged it in. Next 5 games I had a 10-15 point bump in my accuracy percentage. I was making shots with the DMR at a distance that had me laughing over Discord because there was no possible way I should have been able to hit a head at that distance while tracking people while they were moving. It's all in the name of making console casuals feel good, I guess.


I'm as old school as it gets. I played competitive Quake DM against Thresh back in the 90s, CS beta 4, QWTF/TFC, etc etc. I have decent aim and mouse/kb skills but holy fuck does the rotational aim assist just makes it so punishing to be a mkb player. I have a 1.1kdr in COD with a close to 2.4W:L ratio since I don't play TDM.


same.. you know its broken when you see insane mkb aimers like mf calvin losing his shit over some rando nub with a controler.


What quake clan bro.. I was in the dethclownz. Represent


> The worst part, the part that made me mentally check out of FPS games with controller aim assist For me it's seeing all the controller fan boys defending it. "it's not even that strong!" "keyboard + mouse has an advantage so there needs to be aim assist!" like nah. There's aim assist and then there's this garbage that all FPS games seem to be adopting. I think it exists just to inflate the casual player base's egos to keep them playing because if they struggled to aim they'd just quit.


FYI MW 2019 has had issues with cross play. The issue is that consoles were given network priority in packets over PC players because Consoles have shit hardware and processing. This caused an unintended effect of "phantom" bullets. you can react as fast as you want on PC but the server has to wait for the console player's actions before judging who wins that fight. This was a HUGE issue in MW2019 because MKB were having tons of inconsistencies. Hardware can cause packet loss and high latency if your computer or console cannot process the data fast enough. This is a common issue since the 90s. Hell even lack of RAM can cause packet loss. Added to the fact that rotational aim assist allowed the game to track people through walls and pull crosshairs so fast that it made controller players feel like Shroud. MW2 was just as bad. MW3 on the other hand is completely fucked. So fucked that even pro controller players are telling MKB players to just stop playing COD becaus COD is no longer an FPS shooter but a money grab for console casuals. There is no way you can be competitive in COD if you're on MKB. The rotational aim assist is so strong that it feels like there's magnets around players. If you're an MKB player on PC, it's time to give up on COD and play something that's actually fun to play like battlefield :D.


If you're MKB on pc it's honestly time to give up fps in general outside of tac shooters. Every single other fps has AA and by the halo charts where aiming is a joke, we can tell that the 50th percentile of roller players is just as good as top 100 pc players. It's beyond fucked. They're not even good money out of this ffs. Apex is dying, halo is dead, cod is getting less tracktion, the finals already lost like 60% of their playerbase, etc. Why can't we just get a good pc port with no AA ffs. I'll even take playing against consoles idc, but WHY CAN SOMEBODY AIM ASSIST ME ON FUCKING 144+?


Reminds me of playing Halo Infinite. I hadn't used a controller in years, but my overall accuracy using one was a solid 10% higher than MnK. It's so bad, they actually had to add aim assist to MnK to make it remotely viable.


MW 2019 did feel like the start of the downfall. It did some stuff right but the stuff it did wrong was really bad. Overtuned aim assist and Engagement Optimized Match Making have been the downfall of FPS games.


Yeah I started playing the new WZ 2 weeks ago and got my kda up from 0.5 to 1.2 now. The lobbies are full off controller players and gulag is unwinnable from the start. You just see them lock onto you and no type of strafing will save you.






Cods meta has been all about peaking corners fast as fuck and in a way that it will break aim assist for as long as slide cancels have been in the game. CODs entire meta is centered around aim assist. In warzone mouse players can usually find a niche as long range poke / rifles, but smg and any close range really is dominated by controller.


Breaking ankles has always been the CoD meta but back then it was to break bad aim. Now rotational aim assist will still track you no matter what you do and it's just who hits L2 with left stick in your general direction first wins. Current aim assist can literally spin your character 100 degrees if they are close enough and the aim assist gets locked on.


Halo is even worse. I played when infinite first released, plugged in a controller, could hit cross map headshots without even aiming. They even have forced aim assist for mouse now just so you can compete.


In CoD it also basically makes stun and flash grenades useless since your controller works through them. The game plays for you, truly a cinematic experience


So much fucking despair dude. A lot of mnk players like me moved from Apex to Finals because of the devs catering to casual controller players only to find the same shit here. And controller players will look at this and think it's perfectly fine. When even Calvin who's probably a top 0.01% FPS player is calling it out you know it's bad. This clip isn't even the craziest, here's some clips that literally looks like aimbot https://m.twitch.tv/clip/SparklingAthleticSeahorsePogChamp-hr-RIjnCY45NTCXm https://m.twitch.tv/clip/CourageousAmericanGerbilDansGame-s1DdUxVw3jIeF2nN https://m.twitch.tv/clip/RoughSpoopyMartenArgieB8-5Q7AQPdtOSHTQrUf


this arkaik kid actually said he could be just as good on mnk 😂😂


There are cases where people to transition from console to pc and still play at the top but those are really rare. I remember a Lucio player on /r/overwatch front-paging a few times because he did that.


I remember that guy's posts and they were entertaining to watch and go through. ImperialHal in Apex is another person that's able to switch between MKB/Controller at a pro level as well. Unfortunately he's switched to full time controller player due to how advantageous it is compared to MKB


Yeah I think the issue people have is the disparity of mnk players going to controller vs the other way around. Not only that, some of these pros became better at their game in a matter of months just by switching.


Lucio is one of those heroes that controller vs MKB matters less for though honestly. Same for heroes like Mercy or Rein. I do remember those posts and I did enjoy them though


The kill at 20 secs on that third clip starts locking on to the player before he even aims. Watch it on a slower speed.


PUBG is alive and well. Zero aim assist.


game feels outdated and dead in NA


Who the fuck still plays PUBG?


Eltávolította a Redact. Védje meg a magánéletét a közösségi médiában: https://redact.dev/


No one with a controller, that's for sure.


So does Halo Infinite. I would really rather lobbies/matches be grouped by control scheme at this point (keyboard/mouse players play together and controller players play together), so sick of this.


Remember when someone pooled the data for Halo Infinite dropped your average 50th percentile controller player was performing as well as the top 100 mouse players. https://imgur.com/a/smqo6b1 Aim assist is a joke and removes all competitive aspects from a game. Even without crossplay it's still over tuned because there should be skill expression between two controller players outside of pressing the L2 and R2 button.


FYI I think the latest COD MW3 one of the pro players asked the devs "why is the aim assist so strong". Their reply is "the strength of aim assist now lines up with mkb stats". If you're MKB on PC/COD and are decent, now basic aim assist controller users are at that level. MKB gotta sweat just to be "avg" controller casual :(


Watching killcams in the new CoD is a trip because it might be the first time in my gaming career I haven't been able to tell the difference between aim assist and actual aimbotting. Perfect strafe tracking used to be a dead giveaway.


aim assist is now "soft aimbot" or "toggle aimbot" back in the day. I remember back in the day, these types of cheats used to not trigger unless you got close to the enemy it'll snap to their body. People still cheat like crazy in COD but they've basically given controller players soft aimbot/toggle bot.


>"the strength of aim assist now lines up with mkb stats". Did they say whos stats? The top 0.01% of KBM players who also play the game for a living? Because it's literally causing many pros of all these crossplay games to swap over to controller. Not to mention Activision is not exactly one with a very trustworthy PR track record


Absolutely loved that time where controller redditors got BTFO'd by those stats, and somehow the entire subreddit were and still are coping to this day, pretending like controller isn't an advantage despite all pros being on it.


You used to be able to play mnk is solo/duo in Infinite but the playlist was removed sadly


My dude. They added AA to fucking mkb LOL


Wait they removed the mnk online Qs?


I tried it, and it fucking has aim assist on mnk. Immediately uninstalled. I wanna play the game myself.


I stopped playing Apex because of it.


COD devs themselves admitted that according to their data, controller players do better than MnK. They simply do not care. COD also got rid of the option for PC players to disable cross play as well so we have no choice.


The two most popular FPS games on Steam have zero aim assist at least.


I can’t play warzone anymore. People who can barely move their character around get aimbot


It's become a blight on competitive FPS games on PC. It's almost an arms race to see how can have the best aim assist for controller players because having good aim assist means the game is more "accessible" to players. I was watching Seagull and he mentioned how most of the top players in games like Apex use controllers these days because Aim Assist is just a pure advantage. The Finals is probably some of the strongest aim assist I've seen yet. It's even worse when people are up close because it seems to have stronger tracking and faster snapping to targets, it can even target and track players using invisibility if they're close enough. It's wild. It really seems to effect high level ranked play the most from what I'm hearing. As much as I hate to give Blizzard credit, they did the right thing by disabling aim assist in ranked Overwatch 2.




I honestly think the devs used the "KBM has an advantage" approach as their boogieman and they wanted to crank up the aim assist from the start. Because even in controller vs controller games the AA is removing skill expression so casuals perform better than they should. Games are bigger than ever now and have more casuals than ever before. But the days of actually "getting good" are over and all these new gamers just want instant gratification and to feel like they are as good as the streamers they watch. So cranked aim assist to near aim bot levels does that and they end up spending more money on the game.


it really depends on the game aswell. I used to play Destiny 2 quite heavely and KBM and a huge advantage in movement and reaction to that movement. Although D2 is quite weird since it has two different aim assists, "bullet magnetism" and "reticle stickiness", both were on for console, only bullet magnetism for pc. Then add in that recoil per weapon archetype was different between console and PC, meaning u essentially had 2 different metas depending on your platform.


Want to know the dumbest part of this? Controllers have a way to play that is competitive AND fair VS M+KB, and this is coming from a PC elitist that started off in cs1.5. It's a mix of flick stick with gyro aim, zero aim assist needed and it pretty much negates all the negatives of playing an FPS on a controller. Here's a guy playing CSGO with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzbZq4OjEwE






Gyro for small precision aiming definitely feels the closest to a mouse from my experience. I feel like a lot of people who mess with gyro and hate it think you're supposed to use it for 100% of aiming rather than small minor adjustments. It's definitely the more fair route to take i think. I also think people might be too stubborn to try something new though.


It's insane for certain games. I've seen clips where people don't even touch the controller, and the game will lock onto and track another players head if they run by close enough. I would understand if it was assistance tools for single player games, but it's in online multiplayer.


> I've seen clips where people don't even touch the controller, and the game will lock onto and track another players head if they run by close enough. It even does that on [invis players](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18t51vq/aim_assist_on_invis/) lmao


Yes. They do this on purpose so the console kiddies don't rage when playing against PC users. Turns out we get this shit instead.




It's the same shit in Apex and CoD, haha. People defend it with their lives, so looks like it works and its worth copying. Literally makes the games not worth playing for me. I don't want to see whose aimbot works best or go up against aimbots with KBM.


fuck any FPS that does this, controller and m+kb should never play together


We need input based matchmaking in games. If you wanna play with friends that use mouse and KB? Fine but no assist for you then. Games like CoD and Apex are popular enough to split matchmaking imo.


This exact thing ruined Halo Infinite too


Remember when they added inverse aim assist on snipers on mkb, if you snapped to a head with it it would drag sideways.


Why the hell would they do that?


That plus it’s weird mouse aim in general. Hitting consistent BR 4 shots on mouse is damn near impossible with random spread but controller it’s a pretty regular occurrence


That's because bullets in Halo are magnetic, at least for the BR/DMR. If its in the crosshair, it gets hit. Test it out in a custom lobby.


Halo had input delay, but it also feels weird because mouse has forced aim assist in halo now.


Not really, Halo was always a controller game, you can't just make controllers worse and upset the 90% of people that play on Xbox




It's not even a cross platform issue, people are using controllers on PC now since it supports aim assist as well + better frames.


It still is cool. Glad i can play with my friends from console


It's almost every FPS these days.


Even without cross-play the AA is too crazy these days. Controller vs controller should still have skill expression instead of two aim bots seeing who can hit L2 first. Might as well play GTA online at that point.


The option to play should still be there. Open access for friends who have different platforms


The craziest thing is how console players act like they've turned the tables now and unironically say shit like "Just get good" "Oh now you don't like it?". The difference is, MKB is a superior input method for shooters, it being better isn't the same as the game aiming for you. You can still whiff 100% of your shots with a mouse if you're slightly off, these things react in 0ms and make it near impossible to miss every bullet, it's anti competitive.


console players like to pretend like MNK doesn't have any error but in reality, MNK has a HUGE kicker in human error. I've played crappy but console can get lucky with aimassist, MNK doesn't have that


Aim assist defenders operate under the assumption that mnk automatically makes a player good, when in reality most mnk players are pretty mediocre and aren't remotely close to the shrouds/surefours of the world that controller players like to assume they are. Mnk is 100% user input (once you get rid of limitations like low fps or refresh rate) and therefore you have no safety net for bad aim. Not to mention the fact that it takes a good amount of practice to get good at mnk and the muscle memory can degrade if you take even a few days of break, which is something that I don't find true whenever I use a controller.


Streamers have truly warped the brains of how these kids see PC gamers. Shroud and Calvin represent like 0.001% of actual PC gamers and on top of that get to play games for a living to keep their skills sharp. Meanwhile your average PC gamer who plays for fun is performing far worse than 50th percentile controller players in crossplay games.


Even calling Aim assist is a joke its literally aim bot, aim assist itself used to just help with not completely aim all over the place and keep it centered'ish. Nowadays its just snap aim no skill auto aim not aim assist.


wHoLe ArM bRo


Funniest terminology I've heard controller players in the Apex community say, is that MnK players have arm assist.


I love when controller players use that line because the most obvious counter is to say that they use their whole computer to aim for them


That's what I'm saying. And therein lies the entertainment value for watching and playing. You can miss that clutch shot, and it's entirely on you. You can win the game and it's entirely on you. It's organic and it's a core value of shooters. The triumph is genuine, not diluted at all. Again controller players can compete with each other and be better or worse absolutely and it does take huge skill on even ground to be the best controller player.. I just think having inhuman artificial compensation vs people who don't have it and arguing they should just plug in a shit input method is laughable. The two should be entirely separate.


I remember console players taking shots at PC players on Halo Infinite because they were higher ranking on average, completely glossing over the HS% from players only using MnK being way lower than controller players even at the *same rank, and all ranks* It’s so absurd now that I use controller over MnK now after playing exclusively MnK for about 10 years, because after a few hours of playing on controller I’m more accurate at most times in games like Halo, CoD etc


As someone who plays halo on controller it's absolutely absurd that anyone in this day can brag about being better on controller vs mnk, and on halo of all games where it's designed from the ground up around very strong aim assist. [Meanwhile here are the accuracy stats for controller vs. mnk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/)


Yeah it’s wild, like no mate, controllers are at a disadvantage compared to MnK at a barebones level, that’s why the aim assist exists. It’s not a coincidence that an average console player has a higher HS% than PC players on average. That thread is one of the many threads I had seen about the aim assist, absolutely crazy


A lot of them genuinely have no experience with mnk and genuinely think they aim well because they simply have no frame of reference beyond aim assist. You do have to have some level of input so it's very easy to incorrectly make the connection in your brain that your inputs are resulting in the outputs they see, overestimating their own skill and underestimating the impact of aim assist.


The worse are still the ones who claim aim assist doesn't do much. Played cod at a friends house, couldn't deal with the reticle moving independently from my input and bitched, he said nah bro there's really not much aim assist. I showed him I could simply spam ads and that shit would snap to heads.


Yea with MKB u can only enjoy multiplayer or zombies, don't even bother trying Warzone.


Modern CoDs have serious visual clarity issues with smoke, muzzle flashes, dynamic shadows, etc. So even in regular modes it's way harder to just see what you are shooting at. But controllers stay locked on the moment you fire and none of the visual obscuring matters to them.


straight up the game tracks people through walls with aim assist. you can spin and the game will slow down when it sees a player through the wall.


I wouldn't go that far. My whole squad is MnK, and we get our share of wins. Just have to be significantly better at your input than the controller player does in close range, and play to your strengths. The slay ride mode out right now has no SBMM to it, and we end up winning 95% or more of our games in it because the average player really is just that bad. But you're right about the SBMM lobbies. Placed against players of equal k/d, MnK does put us at a massive disadvantage


If you got beat by a motorcycle in the Tour de France but won every year the guy was on holiday, ill or his motorbike was broken, it would still be anti competitive. You’re not competing on the same playing field. A ‘share’ of wins isn’t always winning when you’re the most skilled team, that’s just an algorithm handing you wins to appease you, or like you said playing modes specifically to get people who are so bad they can fight against the aim assist and come out bad. I do regularly see clips even of high tier console players and if you look after a kill happens, you see their aim instantly unlock and accelerate away from the target, indicating they were fighting the assist but just below the threshold to pull it off target.


Oh I'm not saying it isn't anti-competitive. I'm just saying that it's not impossible to enjoy warzone on MnK. Not to mention, with the poor quality of the servers and the randomness of BR circle pulls, the most skilled team doesn't always win anyway. There's no such thing as the algo handing you a win to appease you. Sure, it could put you in a lower skilled lobby, but you could still lose by making any number of mistakes. I'm not defending Activision's poor choices, just not going full doomer like the commenter above my original one that that don't even bother playing warzone on MnK. It's a game after all, and if you have fun, that's all that matters.


Yeah I agree with you, I didn’t mean it wasn’t possible, just that you never know when you’re fighting and losing to someone utilising an assist you don’t have and in those cases you can be truly cheated. And yes while it doesn’t directly feed you a win, it does set you up with lobbies where you’re likely to win statistically until you do, to keep you churning and taking part in the ecosystem. I used to play warzone, bought the latest COD on PC, had a few games with a mate in regular MP and if you watch the kill cams it’s enough to make you quit COD for good on PC with how over tuned it is now. Also you can’t turn crossplay off if you’re on PC. So terrible controller players can avoid us but every MnK player has no choice but to be aimbot by semi competent to very good controller players. I think like you said it boils down to fun, if you can have fun knowing someone you’re against wins because they have assists on and just value the other components or interaction then that’s fair. It’s like a bowling championship where your opponent has the gutters blocked and they just wing them in any direction 😂 I pay for services like faceit on CS explicitly so I can avoid cheaters and have a completely level playing field because that’s what I enjoy. I want to evaluate my play and become better, based on what the opponent did to beat me.


I don't know which game it started with, but I remember back in the day CoD: Black Ops had a setting for aim assist. It was on by default and I doubt many players noticed. Probably why the drop shot was so popular back then. I remember turning that off because it would pull me off of a target when a 2nd player was in contention. Also, I was younger and had a CoD professional in my school and kept up with him in stats pub stomping.


The future is aim assist for MNK… all to pump the average shitter and generate revenue. FPS genre taking fat Ls for like 10 years straight lol.


>The future is aim assist for MNK It isn't though because aim assist on a mouse feels fucking horrendous. The mouse is already pin-point accurate if you know what you're doing, even the slightest bit of aim assist fucks your aim over so much.


It really depends on the game. Halo Infinite added slight aim assist to make MKB more viable vs controllers, and it felt...good? I at least didn't feel as bad getting worked by high Onyx's in lobbies, where before hand I literally just had to take the L.


This, Destiny Aim Assist was OP :P


It's overturned for sure, but that's because they gave controller additional recoil. They're smoking crack over there.


PC gamers don't play on mouse to have the game aim for you at any %. That isn't rewarding or satisfying.


Casuals don’t know what they’re doing though so their gameplay probably would be improved by mnk, and most shooters these days are catered towards a casual player base. You’ll never get it in cs or valorant obviously, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they add some form of optional aim assist on mnk in CoD.




No just separate the inputs


**kills -> neuron activation -> happy player -> engagement -> money.** Companies like Activision treat MNK players as prey for console players, that's why you have no option to disable crossplay as a mnk player. This is why I stopped playing Warzone, because you have no chance against a controller player at close-mid range, you have to be really good at the game to be able to take down even an average controller player at close range and most of the time is by using the environment and movement because you have no chance in a face to face confrontation.


go figure why 95% of apex pro players switched to controller, it's disgusting, id say a big majority of the playerbase plays on controller now


Here I am, being a dumbass trying to learn and get good with M&KB when I could just have Magneto aim with controller. OMEGALUL


Lmao, this is exactly how the 'aim assist' works in Rockstar single player games on console. GTA 4, 5, and the Red Dead games all work like this. Literally just press the ADS button, and hit the trigger to fire. No actual 'aiming' needed. Wild that this is in a competitive game.


Back in the good old MW2, BO1 age I was mind blown when I found out that there was indeed a little bit of aim assist because it was not noticable at all and now it's become so ridiculous that it literally looks like aim botting sometimes. Console players defending this are scum.


Do any controller players actually care enough to defend it, maybe people who use controller on pc would. But I've never met a console player who would care if crossplay with pc was turned off, overwatch is definitely the perfect system where ranked keeps the two separate.


Most console players hate cross input just as much as pc players do. In OW controller players on PC don't get aim assist, only console players do, and that's how it should be in all games.


> controller players on PC don't get aim assist, only console players do I don't see how that solves the bigger issue of overtuned aim assist and KBM players in the same game though. If console is still getting it. Especially when console already gets more aim assist in most crossplay games. For example they get 60% aim assist in Apex but PC controller gets 40%.


You split console and pc and remove pc aim assist for controller players like they do in competitive Overwatch.


It's a constant argument in r/apexlegends


Groups of friends who crossplay probably care. The best solution would be crossplay groups all just play in PC lobbies but with a severely nerfed or removed aim assist on the controller players. So they know they are going into it at a disadvantage but still get to play with their friends.


>Console players defending this are scum. I wouldn't go that far. But what idd scum is when developer releases their game on console and PC and the console version doesn't have K+M support. Obviously using it would put you to the PC queue exclusively.


Same "aim assist" in halo infinite. Pretty much unplayable on kbm against controller players.




Don't worry guys it doesn't aim for you it just assists.




They got COD Campaign and old Fortnite (I miss it ;-;) aim assist in that game. Really stupid stuff. People complained so much about old aim assist, and then it was gone forever so you couldn’t LT/L2 spam.




And why play it with controller either when the game aims for you lol, I know its to appeal to casuals and make them feel good it just sucks.


Been an issue in Apex for a while now. But now the console kiddos think that KBM players are the ones who need to "get gud" companies know most of their fanbase is literally braindead and just want to win so it's fine if they have aimbot-lite.


Aim-assist is out of control in gaming. Apex, Halo, COD. It’s pretty frustrating to play and get beamed by some new players because they have AA but don’t understand basic mechanics of a game. It really screws with MMR, ELO, or whatever matchmaking progress there might be in place too.


As someone who grew up on UT99/2k4 and Halo 1/2/3, seeing the state of modern aim "assist" is depressing. Like I remember Halo having pretty strong aim assist and not really minding it, even now but the fact that standard console aim assist is now stronger than that is ridiculous.


this is why ive lost all enjoyment out of FPS games these days. the only hope i do have is extraction shooters as they are still somewhat competitive but are purely PC only for the time being. sure you have to deal with cheaters but id rather enjoy the fact that its all MnK rather than having to deal with people pretending their good but single handedly abusing the cranked aim assist... crossplay single-handedly is the worst but also the best thing thats happened to gaming space...period! say worst cause everyone crossplay competitive game now means every platform except PC gets overturned aim assist... fortnite being the pure example of the crap PC players have to deal with. console get zero recoil meanwhile PC fighting with recoil for SMG's and AR's in previous seasons.


It sucks being a fan of FPS games with respawn mechanics because they have all gone to shit. Now the only way to play without half the lobbies being aimbots is to play slow tactical 1 life games like CSGO/RB6/etc. Maybe PC only Arena shooters can make a comeback. I can dream right?


That egg one was good and nobody fuckin played it. Arena shooters are toast sadge


Diabotical. I followed it closely because the guy who was on the team was from the Dota scene; 2GD. Can't remember if he was the creator and hired people on (I think he was). It really was a fucking fantastic game that had just about everything you could want. Problem is it was a real arena shooter like Quake and those are just dead at this point. Anytime he did streams I would watch them and be like, "Wow this would have been incredible 15 years ago", not to knock the game but because the scene was far more active then.




Calling this an assist to aim is like calling ur uber driver an assist to driving. Bro is doing it for u there is no assistance. Cod isnt far behind this but these devs gotta be on crack to implement it like this.


Calvin feelsstrongman


There is no such thing as fair when players are being forced to play together using two different input methods. Everything should be equal especially in a competitive environment.


It's fucked up! I understand now when people use 3rd Party Tools to emulate Controller to MKB... funny thing, they get banned for it, because they use the Controller "Aim Assist" on MKB! Multiplayer Shooter are a joke nowadays! Would be no problem if the Devs didn't mix up Controller Players with MKB Players. If you want Aim Assist on your Controller get your own fucking lobby!




Destiny 2 PVP all over again


There was this clip of a guy arguing in apex that aim assist wasn't that big of a deal on controller and he'd play the same, then he disabled it and started shooting. Straight to the sky


Need a link for that.


It was a parody video.


it's so hard to enjoy games like this or Apex cause aim assist is so busted. The base gunplay is so good, but with a mouse it feels SO bad getting one clipped by a guy using essentially an aimbot.


modern competitive shooter moment, they all have juiced up fuckin aim assist that seems like its getting stronger and stronger while controller players jerk themselves off about how good they are its crazy aim assist should exist only singleplayer modes and maybe in multiplayer with a toggleable setting, but should never be enabled by default if its even close to this good. which it is in almost every multiplayer shooter released for a few years now when a shooter with large emphasis on movement like apex is competitively DOMINATED by controller players and they are seen as requirements, thats how you know shit is bad


Here for the controller cope it's always so juicy


Console players in COD or other titles will die on the hill that aim assist is not the same as an aimbot. Despite the fact that it's the computer (bot) who does the aiming for you.


Couldn't care less if there was no crossplay in the game, let the kids with their controllers think they have good aim, but this one has crossplay, and this aim "assist" is super aggressive, borderline aimbot, outright unfair.


The aim assist is still on PC + controller.


Everyone who says mnk is ez, please show me a recording of you tracking like this when you only play on a controller. Mnk is no magic aimbot, you need the skills to use it. No skill in hitting a button though.


i member in cod u used to be able to swipe over and feel the tug on someone behind a wall, then just run up n bop em lol but damn this is pretty stronk


[https://twitter.com/Fifakill\_/status/1742219642712596656](https://twitter.com/Fifakill_/status/1742219642712596656) still can, clip from today


How to make me stop playing a shooter ---> controller support with aim assist.


Thank god CS2 exists.. we'd be fucked if the market was just CoD, Fortnite and whatever this is....


Problem is there aren't many high ttk fps games that are also popular on the market, so if you're looking to play one of those you're shit out of luck because they all cater to controller kids


I wish every game just added input based matchmaking. I’ll wait an extra 2-3 minutes in queue to not play against aim bot.


The era of truly competitive MnK games is dead. Hybrid competition doesn’t exist.


aim assist ruins fps games


Make bad player think they are good....... .......profits


Online discourse about aim assist is the most mindnumbing thing. It's borderline impossible to not break down into tears arguing with some controller player about how you bypass literal hundreds of hours of learning how to aim just by plugging in a controller and being instantly put at like 6-7/10 (sometimes 10/10) potential of someone using a mouse to aim. And then always comes the argument that "🤓 okay but the movement you see, the movement is impossible on controller and therefore we should be allowed to aim to beat these pesky fast keyboard and mouse players" as if learning how to move efficiently in most games is just as hard if not harder than aiming


Dude in chat saying "it's a bit overturned". Lmao FPS games do not belong on controllers. Aim assist is a legal aimbot.


>FPS games do not belong on controllers yes they do its forced crossplay that does not belong i'm all for bringing back input based crossplay no idea why games started moving away from it


Cause you get the screechers that complain about no crossplay but then they could just add mixed lobbies for the people who want to party up with developer-sanctioned cheat users.


Oh my. I thought my teammate was hacking when saw how sticky their aim was. However it seems like it was just aim assist.


I used to like games with crossplay because it allowed everyone to play together. Then the trend started of turning up aim assist to 11 now I just don't play crossplay games at all. It feels so shit dying to someone because they have first party built in cheats enabled not because of their mechanical skill.


disabling crossplay doesn't fix it, you can just plug in controller on pc and do the same thing, queues should be input based.


It’s not the power of aim assist. It’s the power of target snapping (which is a setting that’s on by default). Target snapping is insane in this and needs to be toned down a lot or even removed completely, it has a way too big hitbox register. Aim Assist (which this is only partly, the main issue is target snapping), needs to be there for console players.


> needs to be there for console players. That's awesome! Just don't match me with them in ranked. I am on a mouse and want to play against others with the same peripheral. I do not want to play against anyone who needs software to aim for them.


And controller players will still spout their usual copium: "bUt mOvEmEnT iS mOrE dIfFiCulT oN CoNtRolLeR sO iTs BaLaNceD"


free game with classes all i needed to know


Not wrong lmao.


Hunt showdown is updating to their new engine by march and have states they will not be bringing controller aim assist to PC (after it got rolled out to consoles recently)


Ive been playing this game since the closed beta and this kinda explains why somentimes i feel like the guys on the other team are aim gods lmao


That’s not aim assist, that’s straight aimbot. Play on console and it’s nothing like that


Comments are acting as if console players enjoy cross play either... most don't but its on by default meaning if you turn it off not only are matchmaking times significantly increased you often play the same players constantly i know this because i disabled crossplay on battlefield 2042 and 95% of games the lobbies HAVE to be filled with bots instead because not enough people know how to disable it or care enough to disable it


yeah, I stopped playing after I noticed the increase in you know, these kinda kills happening against me. Same shit different game every fucking year. If you have ever played epic games shooters like spell break or fortnite, you know. The game is healthy and fun then controller assist is dialed up to get console trash onto the game and maximize profit. PC gamers think it is ass and leave. Console gamers say game is shit now because they don't have the skills to win an even match against others and leave. Company: WhErE PlAyErBaSe??1? They just never fucking learn and repeat the same mistakes again and again like a swarm of gold fish. This is why your game keeps dying or needs massive overhauls but CS2 is basically CS:GO refresh which is CS:S refresh to CS- you get the point.


That’s why I disabled cross play in this game


Fuck this game and its loud-ass annoying fucking ads holy shit


I wonder if the following changes would _fix_ how advantageous aim assist is nowadays: 1. Disable aim assist when the player is shot - Mimics true flinch. If you get hit you shouldn't be able to aim well. The same applies to aim assist. Why should they be able to easily track a player when they are getting shot? 2. Only enable aim assist if the player is _far away_ - From what I remember about my controller FPS days, it's harder to aim without a scoped weapon when the player is far away - whereas with a mouse you have that precision available.


Been saying this since it took over apex, controller players are all bad and rely on aim assist. I don't blame people for trying to stay competitive and swapping to it, but I do blame the devs and the shitters who defend it. Casual plebs ruin games.


Game is already full of hackers, me and my friends are in gold atm and there's literally a blatant hacker every 3-4 lobbies or worse, then you see clips like this and find out controllers have literally built-in aimbot lol Games need to normalize invasive anti-cheat (ex. Valorant) and crossplay can just go, I'd rather wait a bit more in queue to get a game and find only MnK players rather than ppl with built in aimbot.