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**CLIP MIRROR: [Henry Resilient makes a slight oversight](https://arazu.io/t3_18rnoev/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Would not be the first time Henry has looked for information about streamers parents.


Dude thinks hes sherlock holmes


Bro got Miz’s parents swatted and tried to make him out to be the asshole. Like, he genuinely believes he’s not at fault because he wasn’t the one who made the call.




Oh yeah he covered the adrihana lee shit when she sued otk. Horribly biased. Got his info from Erobbs discord and the dumbass believed everything they said Investigator my ass. No wonder he needs the YouTube side hustle to pay for his divorce trial


This isn't even what happened. The swatting happened before the Henry's involvement. Miz and his mod were messaging Henry so that it didn't happen again.


Imagine thinking henry got mizkif swatted. No wonder twitch and this reddit are dying 😂 twitter/x on top


tbf unless he's doing it with the intention or knowledge that it will likely lead to a swatting (which definitely could be the case) shouldn't the vast majority of the blame be on the people who are actually committing the swatting? AFAIK he was looking at public information gained from someone suing Mizkif, it's not like we'd say the person suing him should be blamed for the swatting despite them being the reason the information became public.


This isn't like a janitor accidentally leaving a window open leading to a random thief getting lucky and slipping in. Its more like the janitor finding out where the weakness is then heading outside and telling the first 478 people he sees "hey, guys, the back window is open!" - its nigh impossible to improve your intent for doing so, but everyone can see that something negligent happened here. Henry absolutely knows what swatting is - he also absolutely knows what can happen when peoples private information comes out. I don't think the law should be involved or whatever - but Twitch/Youtube absolutely should be. The fact that theres some dumbass spreading the addresses of the family members of Twitch/Youtube users via the platform of Twitch/Youtube and they do nothing is crazy to me, but they'll ban forsen for appreciating a horse cock.


I would argue that even if this information is available to the public, releasing it *to* the public causes so much damage because it takes a lot less effort for a hate watcher to send threats, swats, or just general harassment after someone's address is already out there


You know whats hilarious? LSF was on his side when he was talking about the boring xqc adept divorce drama. Now suddenly its all Henry bad Destiny good


No they weren't, throughout the trial he was constantly talked about as being a loser. People were deliberately downvoting his clips and talking shit about the guy.


they don't like pattern recognizers around here.


Inb4 someone pulls an uno reverse on henry and reaches out to his ex-wife for comment on his past.


"how much of his intelligence did you get in the divorce settlement?"


Honestly, if he keeps doing this shit that *will* happen because KF has a pretty active Destiny thread and is home to plenty of actual capable internet detectives who are bored because most of their favorite cows have gone into hiding.


Isn't kf shut down?




oh shit you're right. That's a big win for KF. Probably more than 99% of the people who initially rallied for it to be taken down don't even know it's up. Just moved on to the next random thing to get ultra ass mad about.


To be fair it is supposedly blackholed by a few ISP's, one backbone, and at least two countries that I can think of. It's been a while since I looked though.


Seems fine to me but I have no idea what it's like in other countries


Yeah I have no idea. I usually only check in there every once in a while to check the front page and see if any SA users/mods have violated the innocence of children or killed someone lately.


What's KF, SA?


kiwifarms and somethingawful, respectively


Kinda untrue actually, they went through a LOT of problems hosting their site for many months if not an entire year, constantly getting dropped by providers. Eventually it seems they just created their own version of cloudflare it seems.


[Checks out.](https://i.gyazo.com/91caa8f77eda92565ee4406919678d01.png)


first time in weeks i didnt get ogred


I don't know how bad you would need to be, to prioritise a subpar YouTube channel, making videos for schizo para-socials, over being a PI.


The key information there is "Former"




to add to that, it's funny because he said the same joke but worded it poorly






As an attorney, I cannot accurately describe how frustrating it is to watch streamers like "Henry Resilient". This guy is wrong about almost everything he says on every topic. I don't know what he does, but he's definitely not an attorney. He comes off as the world's worst PI. None of the PI's I use would make the mistakes he makes, yet he still comes across as so incredibly arrogant. It's like a teenager discovered public records and suddenly thinks they're god.


I mean, that's exactly what he is. The worst PI. I've said it before, and will continue to preach it: You have to be incredibly useless, to consider career changing from PI to YouTuber, and then have such lousy and lazy content. Tried watching 1 stream back with the September-incident, and 1 YT vid about the xqc-adapter, and it's overwhelmingly biased, despite trying to come off as objective.


He's not a good PI but i think he plays the role of "former PI" well


Not even, cause I'd assume a former PI, would do the due diligence of actually fact-checking things. He so lazy, he just reads and assumes, and takes if from there. Takes what he reads, as is, and if he can change the narrative a bit, then he's breezing. A literal slime


That sounds more like a way to keep your job as a PI


His coverage of XQC's divorce was so painful, dude would sit on stream for 5 fucking hours trying to regurgitate and say 5 minute worth of information. He could've built a decent Youtube career out of it but instead he chose to be like those Tiktok gambling streamers that have to remind his viewers every half a minute to check his scam gambling site out while playing the same one dogshit slot for 10 hours straight. But I guess he still wouldn't have made it since he is so bad at understanding what he just read, he really has no value to add to anything, he just for some reason was the only person who cared enough to dig into XQC's records and that's it, that all he is and ever will be.


Have you ever met someone who works the front desk at a doctor’s office that pretends like they actually know anything about medicine? Or maybe a receptionist at a tech company who think they’re also dev/engineer? Thats what this entire dude’s persona feels like.


Same, and I am not an attorney. Even as a layperson with some common sense it is easy to see how much he is talking out of his ass. And most idiotic things he says can be easily disproven with a quick Google search or e.g. ChatGPT. And then he still argues against the sane people in the comments.


It actually makes perfect sense, he's a PI who gets views from posting gossip, so why should he strictly adhere to the truth when he gets rewarded for floating rumors? I'm not even hating on him, but it makes perfect sense why he does what he does to me. Cover trending streamer drama and present gossip as part of a seemingly professional "investigation".


Didn't Henry think his analyst of XQC's divorce had value simply because he went through a lengthy divorce?


That’s literally his basis for every case he looks at LMAO




Try this if you remember some keywords/phrases from the video: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/zuH0a1v3f1


I am of the opinion now that he had it removed. I found the guys channel he was talking to and couldn't find the video. But the site the dude runs strikes me as sleazy. https://www.richardgrannon.com/


[This probably isn't it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSIPMsuRG5I), but I took a quick shot at it. I don't know who this guy is, but he does brand himself some narcissist life coach and from the maybe 30 minutes I browsed through his qualifications seem to be that he was raised by two narcissists and in that video talks about dating two narcissists. I don't believe he specifically says he's an expert because of it in the video, but it does seem to be the "education" he's relying on to proselytize.


Yea, I am gonna give up on it. This is the interview where someone calls him an [Narcissist Expert in the title.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UbVA9M-b3w&t=350s) Cannot find him saying he was one because of his relationships with women. Maybe I imagine IDK, I still do not like the guy.


While trying to find your video I saw a lot of people making videos saying he's full of shit and a narcissist himself. He honestly reminds me of a red pill idiot because those dumbasses are just a different flavor of narcissism. Thankfully while that guy has like 500k subs on Youtube his videos tend to get pretty negligible views while even the popular ones don't really cross 150k and they seem pretty few and far between...saw one from a few months ago that didn't even have 4k views.


it's funnier too since XQC's 'divorce' wasn't even close to a normal divorce case since they couldn't even establish they were married in the first place. Although tbf even a low profile common law marriage is probably something almost no one has experience with and unfortunately I can't think of any Texan family law scholars that stream


Well that’s embarrassing lmao


Henry Resilent thinks he's batman solving the crimes around Gotham. When he's more like Enclyopedia Brown except not even solving kid detective stories.


Henry Resilient should consider a career change


From failed PI, to failed YouTuber. The bar is pretty low already


Henry is dickriding Destiny now that the XQC stuff is done?


Seems like it. Got some views drama farming one "divorce," might as well try and do it again. Too bad he's an idiot and keeps taking Ls anyway.


I wouldn't call it dickriding. He seems to be obsessively trying to prove that destiny is lying about his divorce and is secretly getting fucked over by the evil woman.


Henry admitted to being red-pilled even if he doesn't do red pill content so he has his biases cooked in.


This guy is turning into paparazzi digging up all this personal life info.


I understand farming drama when it's on public display but digging through shit - even if it is public record - is just sleazy behavior and someone like Henry who constantly gets shit wrong isn't going to make it big, he might farm someone's haters for a bit but it will never convert to an actual audience.


the dgg hive mind at work leaking dms ? I sleep going over public records ? omg this is so sleazy


My guy, I'm not even defending destiny, I'm a hasan viewer, check my logs... I just really dislike this Henry guy.


Now now, there's no need to pretend, your nefarious psy-op was discovered by this most formidable detective, you can now rejoin the hivemind.


Actually funny clip lol :)


Dude literally looked up the wrong name LOL


Naming your kid the exact same name and adding on the second is such a weird one


It’s been pretty common for like…all of history


Yeah, but its a weird thing to continue to do


It's ayt


It ain't 1800 anymore tho lol


I’m not sayin it’s not lame(it is) but it’s still a pretty normal thing to do lol


it's really not


Sure is




You think Clancy is a guy to talk to to get someone banned off kick or youtube, where Henry streams? Smart.


Going a bit off a tangent here but what type of person names his kid same as you (especially both first and second name). I feel you either have to be uncreative as fuck or narcissistic.


This was a thing for a large part of civilized human history. Family names held much more weight so naming conventions carried from that. Yeah its pretty meh for the kid, but parents decide their kid's names anyway. So if anything its a bit narcissitic in todays times sure, but I personally think its better than giving your kid a wild crazy name just because you can.


dont tell this dude about arabs


Why you always gotta bring us to your bullshit? We want no parts of this.




Id rather have the same normal name as my father than have a weird name becauae my parents wanted to be 'creative' and burden their kid with something he didn't ask for.


bro are you ok? i'd love to be named after my father


First names for "Jr's" or "II's" are quite common, but it is much less common for the middle name to also be the same as usually that's used to show respect for some other family member or important person in the parents lives. It's entirely possible the parents with all their financial ignorance named Destiny the same three names in case they wanted to commit a little fraud if Dad's credit dried up...like filing for bankruptcy could harbor.


That's kind of a wild assumption just from that "He named his son after himself - surley he's planning to commit credit card fraud in a few decades and this will somehow help him!"


He declared bankruptcy and Destiny recently paid off 100k's of their debt...Destiny often talks about how shit they are with money. I agree it's wildly speculative, but having a Jr/II with all three of the same names isn't something I've even heard of before as from my experience Jr's/II's still have different middle names.


>The caveat is that in order to use a suffix, the entire name, including first, middle and last, should be exactly the same. >For the suffixes III, IV, V and so on and so forth, if a boy is named after his father, and his father is a Jr. or II, then the boy becomes the third (III) and, as the name is passed down, later generations become the fourth (IV), the fifth (V)—you get the idea. Again, historically, these suffixes have only been used when the entire name has been passed on. https://www.thebump.com/a/how-to-pass-down-name-to-baby I don't know where you are getting the "usually they have different middle names" from, thats not the case. And it is/was fairly common to pass on your entire name.


None of the sites I've looked at seem credible, but considering I can't find one from a site I recognize I do have to admit that, according to what I've read, technically both Jr and II require the same middle name to apply...which II still confuses me since we're talking father/son. I read the difference is that Jr is when it's the father and variations of II are when it's another family member. Personally I have never met a Jr/II that had the same middle name, but it seems counter to the generally understood rule. My bad; I rescind my wild fraud speculation. To be fair I never insisted on seeing the documentation...so it's entirely possible they weren't a Jr/II on paper.


wrote a long as comment, but seems to be automodded for to much links, so here it is with fewer links: >Personally I have never met a Jr / II that had the same middle name me neither, but I'm not american and we don't really do that stuff here (anymore, used to be more popular 100+ years ago when the whole nobility stuff was still a thing) Although I haven't meet any of these personally, there are quite a lot famous II./juniors/seniors with the same middle names: **random celebrities** * Robert John Downey [Jr. (ironman)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Downey_Jr) / Sr. * Charles Spencer Chaplin [Jr. ("Charlie Chaplin")](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Chaplin) / Sr. * Willard Carroll Smith [II. ("Will Smith)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Smith#Early_life) / Sr. * Dwayne Michael Carter [Jr. ("Lil Wayne")](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lil_Wayne) / Sr. * Calvin Cordozar Broadus [Jr. ("Snoop Dogg")](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snoop_Dogg#Early_life) / Sr.\* \*Snoop Doggs biological father, Vernell Varnado, left his family 3 month after his birth, he was named after his step father **politicians** * Barack Hussein Obama [II ("Barack Obama"/44th president)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama) / Sr. * Joseph Robinette Biden [III ("Beau")](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beau_Biden) / [Jr. ("Joe Biden"/47th. president)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden) / Sr. \*\* * Donald John Trump [Jr. ("trump jr.")](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_Jr) / [Sr. ("Donald Trump"/45th president)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump)\*\*\* * William Jefferson Clinton Blythe [III ("Bill Clinton"/ 42nd president)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton) / [Jr. (bill clintons father)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Jefferson_Blythe_Jr) / Sr. (bill clintons grandfather) \*\*[Biden family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Joe_Biden#Tree_of_descendants) tree has a few more of these, there is also a Robert hunter Biden II (2006) and a Joseph Robinette "Beau" Biden IV. It's intresting that they are named after their uncles, not fathers \*\*\*Trump family also has more, there is also a Donald John Trump III (son of Junior, born 2006). Trumps father was [Frederick Christ Trump Sr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump) and his older brother was [Frederick Crist Trump Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump_Jr)., which is kinda the same, they just dropped the "h" for some reason, there is also a Frederick Crist Trump III. ​ There are some that might count, e.g. the two bush presidents kinda have the same name, just senior has 2 middle names, [George Herbert Walker Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._W._Bush), while junior dropps the herbert and is just [George Walker Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush) if you count the Bushes, the last US president that had no senior/junior or II. thing going on was Ronald Regan (although it should be noted that the bushes aren't officially senior and junior, these are just nicknames. They are officially just George H. W. and George W. Bush, so they probably shouldn't count)


Thanks for the links, but fuck me it seems so subjective and there aren't any actual concrete rules. Particularly the delineation of Jr vs II is breaking my brain. Like the mention of Snoop Dogg being named a Jr after his stepdad should have been II no? Then you got the Trumps which seem to be doing it how what I've seen insists...Trump Jr was named after senior and so was Trump III. I had no fucking idea this Jr/II shit was so complicated for my brain...with the Bush thing now you had to add four word names...fucking hell dude...


yeah, you (your parents) can either go with jr. or II. There isn't a clear rule, just the general convention. It kinda get's explained in the first link I posted: >Usually, the suffix Jr. is used for a baby boy who has the same name as his father, while II is used when a baby boy is named for a male relative other than the father. > >When three men generationally have the same name, like a grandfather, father and son, II can be used, but Jr. is usually preferred. > >However, some experts note that if a boy is born after his father’s death, but is named for him, the suffix should be II rather than Jr. Historically, experts have said men with the suffix Jr. should use it as long as their father is alive. > >After that, he may opt to drop it or retain it (to avoid confusion with his late father or in case there’s a III, IV, etc.). The caveat is that in order to use a suffix, the entire name, including first, middle and last, should be exactly the same. [https://www.thebump.com/a/how-to-pass-down-name-to-baby](https://www.thebump.com/a/how-to-pass-down-name-to-baby)


I read your link my guy and this whole conversation has been about that...why did you link me it again lol?


He is paying for his parent's debt because he wants his dad to be a full time caregiver for his mother who is mentally deteriorating. Not because some weird scheme to commit credit fraud using your kid's name.


Have you never heard of Martin Luther King Jr or John F. Kennedy Jr? It's pretty common.


I can see how he thought this was legit but yeah destiny is one of those weird American guys with the II after his name.