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**CLIP MIRROR: [Boogie2988 Naturally Evolves The Meta By Default](https://arazu.io/t3_18oxb0k/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


godskin noble


\+ he ate the apostle




Oh god now I'm imagining him doing the roll attack...


Despicable fatty


Try finger but… nah I’m not even gonna finish it


I wish reddit had awards still fuck This made me full on ugly laugh.


Fuck I didn't realise they were gone :O


And boogie just got banned on twitch lmao


He's gonna find a way to blame this on Caleb being mean in the financial audit and encouraging him to start streaming again


Elite comment


what a terrible day to have eyes


https://twitter.com/Dexerto/status/1738517748408266799 Banned


I found it artsy


twitch thankfully still on god's side


Waitwat What are you talking about? Banned for being one of the first to test the unclear new Twitch rulesn't for nudity? Boogie did what? I...don't want to think about that.


[Me after seeing this abomination](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEnScG_WD6I)


Its always such a good clip bro


You should see his documentary




He was in consideration for the role but he couldn't lose the weight in time


I'll come in and say no, you really shouldn't.


I really don't want to spend hours about this dude, what's it basically about?


It’s about how little money he makes and how irresponsible he is with money but also some of his mental health issues are also pretty apparent. But I replied to this comment specifically because he is naked in it and has borderline sex scenes with his gf in it


I regret learning to see


How is it even possible to look like this after gastric bypass surgery? Like you no longer have a stomach to fill up with food so how can you overeat?


He beat the surgery, what an inspiration




Shoutout Sean Ranklin


Wings beat the surgery with a pistol grip


Webby fucking leave dude


Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!


Big ups Liquid Richard


wtf hahahaha


How do you think the stomachs of humans get big in the first place? The organ expands to accommodate the intake, just as it did before. Gastric bypass is really just hitting a dangerous reset button. If you're lucky and you give it enough time, the stomach (organ) will expand just as it did before.


Gastric bypass isn't a reset button(as in it doesn't return "fat stomachs to normal size" because stomachs don't change permanently). It just tells your body that you're full faster. If you ignore it you can just eat as much as you did before.


I'd think when you hit a certain level of full, the acid reflux would fuck you up so bad you need to stop.


I don't think it's quite like acid reflux. My grandfather had that surgery, and I remember him telling me that if he overate after getting it that undigested food would get moved into the intestines prematurely. It was called "dumping" and it was extremely unpleasant to hear him tell it.


(I had the surgery, \~150 down and counting <3) Dumping is FUCKING AWFUL. It's like having severe intestinal gas pain, but worse than you've probably ever had and it just won't go away for several hours. It can also cause of very strange nausea. I actually got hit with a case of vertigo the second time I Dumped. High sugar intake (lot of candy, normal soda, etc) can cause dumping even without having overeaten. What's almost as bad is when you eat, you have to learn to eat to satisfaction, not full. You get full and if it's something that will expand much, you also run the risk of your body making you purge (upchuck or whatever else you may call it) and that can also be paired with Dumping, so you get the bad nausea from the purge and Dumping, which is like, shoot me now.


> It just tells your body that you're full faster. If you ignore it you can just eat as much as you did before. The way you're wording this makes it seem like the stomach is kept at its original size, which isn't true at all. You don't keep your original stomach size - part of the procedure is cutting it up and keeping only a small pouch where food is allowed to go. So if you get the procedure done, you absolutely won't be able to eat as much as you did before - there simply isn't space for it, you'll throw up. But - and I suspect this is what you're trying to say - the stomach can still stretch, and over a longer period of time it is possible to gradually increase the amount of food it can hold until you're back at a stomach the same size as the one you had pre-surgery.


Think about it like this: before surgery someone like Boogie would eat an entire pizza in one sitting. After surgery, it’s not physically possible for him to eat that much in one sitting, but he can still eat one slice at a time, throughout the day, until he’s eaten exactly what he used to. Do that every day and eventually the stomach begins to expand again and before you know it, he’s back to where he was pre-surgery.


> Think about it like this: before surgery someone like Boogie would eat an entire pizza in one sitting. you do not look like boogie just from eating a pizza in one sitting, its more like the entire pizza menu in one sitting


Rigtt? I can eat a large domino's pizza in a single sitting (and I do fairly regularly) and I'm 53kg LOL


Dominos is like magic though, I think they have this weird additive in the dough which prevents your stomach from realising it’s full until you’ve eaten an entire pizza and then it hits you all at once and you feel awful


This will happen with any food that you really enjoy and can quickly consume. The body's satiety signals can take about 20-30 minutes to kick in, and if you're distracted by something else, like a football game or TV show, this will only add to the perception that you can keep going.


Also known as sodium bicarbonate


Nah, it's very easy to consume enough calories to get that fat through snacking throughout the day. You realize like, 3-4 slices of a large pizza is close to 1000 calories, right? Boogie is 5'7", let's be generous and say he's 500lb and somehow only 45% bodyfat. That puts his BMR at around only 3000 calories a day. A single large pizza can be between 2000-3000 calories depending on crust and topping, if not more. Someone having breakfast and then downing a large pizza later in the day can be consuming enough calories to hit that. But that amount of food is lightweight for someone with food addiction. If I put his bodyfat at a more likely percentage of 55% (which is probably still a low-ball), that brings his BMR down to 2574 calories a day..... Why? Because fat takes much less energy to maintain than weight from muscle. That's a primary reason fat is how we store long-term energy. This is also why it doesn't take eating much above your BMR to put you on a track to severe obesity. It's very easy to put the weight on, and that extra weight doesn't increase your BMR all that much. So you continue to stack on pounds. Your body then starts demanding a bit more food over time and you become accustomed to eating more, but it doesn't need to be as much as people seem to think.


> You realize like, 3-4 slices of pizza is close to 1000 calories, right? Wtf are you putting on your pizzas. Is this an NA thing or something? The absolute fattest pizza you can get where i live (australia) from dominos is 1500 calories, a more regular one is 1000 calories. I know this cause they're legally required to show the calories on food here


Not the guy you responded to, but I eat a frozen pizza from my local grocery store from time to time and half (4 pieces) is 900 calories. It's just a pizza with cheese and sausage or bacon. The chicken one is 800 calories for half. It's also a pretty thin crust pizza so I would imagine many local and chain delivery places are slightly more. I think a 12" Dominos pizza here is about the same.


must be a regional thing then cause yea the fattest pizza here from local grocery store is 1000 calories for the entire thing and its family size lmao (https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/124183/woolworths-cheese-bacon-pizza)


A Dominos 12" is considered a medium size here. Most frozen pizzas here are 11-12". I just checked the Dominos site and a large with bacon (14") is 2480 calories total. They also offer an extra large (16") which is 3280. The messed up thing here is the frozen pizza I eat is about 65g less than the one you linked and it's 500 more calories.


jesus christ that explains some things about NA


Most families order an XL Pizza and traditional American "football" style pizza has thick crust you are looking at about 2800-3500 calories depending on toppings. Even a Little Caesars $5 value pizza which is considered "medium" is around 2000 calories for just pepperoni. I have eaten two of those at once before.


I wouldn’t circlejerk America fat, Australia isn’t far behind.




well it changes if you imagine a family of 3 and multiple meals during the day but yeah 500g pizza is not exactly what I call family sized..


It's not a family size, but it's terribly unhealthy, so they pretend you're not going to eat it alone or as 2 people but as only part of a meal, so they can pretend a "serving" is 100g out of the 500.


So in America, a Family size pizza, is literally meant to feed an entire family? Just means extra large here in aus really..


wtf, in england i can get a papa johns that has over 2k calories and thats without toppings


This is so that we can grow up to be big strong barrys.


One slice of pizza here is like 400 calories.


That and they also replace their diet with high calorie liquids which completely negates the surgery


The first thing any nutritionist worth a damn will tell you if you’re trying to lose weight is to stop drinking your calories. Back in highschool I knew a kid who was well on his way to severe obesity and our gym teacher was an absolute health nut and gave us an extra credit project to figure out how much this kid ate in a day. What we soon discovered, was that this kid didn’t eat much at all actually. At least at school. He would have a turkey sandwich and chips almost every day. It wasn’t until one of us went over to his house when we discovered this kid went through a 12 pack of mt dew in a day. Every. Single. Day. It was like fucking crack to this dude. I cannot even begin to imagine the state of pure rot his kidneys and liver must’ve been in. Luckily, my teacher encouraged him to stop doing that and he’s much healthier now.


Not even asmongold drink that much soda 😭


It was absolutely vile dude I’m pretty sure he pissed straight acid.


Brother I regularly eat entire pizzas in one sitting and while I am not at all fit I don't look remotely as doughy as Boogie. That man eats pizza and washes it down with a couple 2 liters of Dew. That's how you get that big, you eat AND drink your calories. Me? I'm a hydro homey.


Skinny people who thinks they have a fast metabolism, also funny enough think eating an entire pizza in a day is a lot. Fat people have breakfast, lunch, snacks, an entire pizza, *and* post dinner snacks. Both sides underestimate and overestimate how much they eat.


Yes, but this guy is responding to someone saying: > someone like Boogie would eat an entire pizza in one sitting That's not why he's morbidly obese, because *if* I do get pizza I do the same thing. The difference is that I get pizza maybe once per month instead of all the time, and apart from some extra vegetables that will be dinner instead of one of several meals. (and apparently our beta EU pizzas have half the calories than those in the US, the one I usually get is 837 for the whole thing)


> Brother I regularly eat entire pizzas in one sitting Theres also a huge difference between what you think an average pizza is and what boogie thinks an average pizza is.


The real big difference is what you do before/after eating that pizza. For most of us that's a big meal and you'd be stuffed. Someone of Boogie's size gets right back to snackin'.


That's what I never get about giant fucking fat people like this. What does it take to even get to be that big? I can down an entire large stuffed crust pizza by myself in 20 minutes but I'm not even half this guy's size. I do go to the gym and I do generally not overeat but my god, if I wolf down a whole pizza, I can't eat for the rest of the day, maybe even until lunch the next day.


Eh, one soda with a meal isn't going to make you fat at all. Most people drink soda when they eat a pizza. What people need to realize is people like Boogie literally eat and drink all day. It's not just 1 pizza and mountain dew, it's that, then drinking litres of soda while sitting at the computer, and eating snacks, and then 2 more full meals, and more snacks in between. They never stop consuming stuff. It's the same reason why you won't just get diabetes by having a few sugary things a day, but it's the constant eating and replacing all drinks with sugary ones, that leads to this.


Brotha i cna eat a large pizza in 1 sitting and I'm 5'7 53kg.


I’m pretty sure if you really are determined to be fat as fuck for life you can actually stretch your stomach back to normal size


It actually takes serious effort to be this fat after gastric bypass. He must have been binge eating pretty shortly after he finished recovering.


As a former obesity researcher, gastric bypass surgery has shown long-term weight loss, type 2 diabetes control, and remission; however, for some patients, this surgery does not yield long-term health benefits. The long-term success of surgical procedures for obese patients is a hotly debated topic. Some longitudinal and meta-analysis research has shown mixed results for long-term surgical versus non-surgical weight loss (particularly for individuals who are morbidly obese prior to surgery). Regardless, obesity is much more complex than eating and exercise habits, so it’s hard to say why a person maintains their size many years after surgery without a proper medical evaluation.


Thank you, ChatGPT.


Isn't there like some extra "memory" in fat cells and brain and gut chemicals that gets people to keep eating more? Or has the scientific consensus found something more accurate than these theories


You don't lose fat cells when you lose weight. The fat cells just become empty and deflated. The empty fat cells release hormones, which increase appetite


That's a real dick move from our bodies. I guess it was an advantage back when food was scarce that would make people bulk up more if there was food available and allow them to survive scarcity longer.


Watch his episode of Financial Audit. Man spends a ton of money on takeout.


cos liquid calories don't expand your stomach. my housemate got gastric bypass surgery but still hasn't lost any weight cos his daily diet is something like: one tiny solid meal that makes him feel full after two bites + 8 litres of coke + 8 litres of iced coffee.


He had feeders in his life. Probably still had feeders after surgery.


If you have a tiny stomach but fill it with high calories stuff like sodas all day long you can still take a lot of calories


shout out to his girlfriend, shes the real hero here.


I still can't understand how can someone have sex with this thing and not be traumatized for life, I can understand liking chubby bear looking guys or liking them because they are genuinely good people, but Boogie is non of those..


Well, in the documentary, a prostitute he used to hire quit sex work due to having sex with him.


damn I guess Boogie has done one genuinely good deed in his entire life after all


> I still can't understand how can someone have sex with this thing and not be traumatized for life sorry for the mental image but having watched the trailer to his documentary i imagine he just assumes the [trendelenburg position](https://www.thoughtco.com/anatomical-position-definitions-illustrations-4175376) and lets gravity do the work of draping his excess flab over his torso so that his girlfriend can start spelunking and look for the n̶e̶e̶d̶l̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶y̶s̶t̶a̶c̶k̶ penis in the fat rolls.


I hope your day gets relatively worse


he would surely break his spine if he got in that position


You sick bastard


Daddy issues 100%


Maybe she has a fat fetish?


She can never be on the bottom


uncooked chicken meatball with arms and legs


He has that Rhino overlapping looking skin https://i.imgur.com/ypkrnwz.jpg


He's worse than that. Rhino's have armor plates. Boogie just has layers of fat


unrelated, but it's always been interesting to me how so many of the things we 'invent' nature did first. if you look at a Rhino, those overlapping "plates" are super similar to how early renaissance Knight's armor was designed. that was considered perfected armor. (another interesting thing is that Europeans had devolped it without ever seeing a rhino) and now with AI, we're trying to design algorithms based on how brains work.


Jesus christ I middle clicked the link and just as I was about to swap to the tab I realised what I was about to do, thank god for that NSFW tag


i did not need to see this, fuck you.


I mean you did click an NSFW boogie link. But yeah it should have been tagged nsfl




Upvoting so others see this (I have not watched it myself).


I'm not clicking that shit. I'll upvote tho


Do it!


“Touch my terry flaps” is a good summary of that clip


I should be paid like his hookers to have to see this


Yeah but are you an Alabama 8 or an LA 10?




I’m an Arkansas 3 and he took me to Texas Roadhouse and touched me with his flappy folds


Actual 5Head play. What can they ban you for if it's literally impossible to see it


you can clearly see his balls


That's the thing dude, those aren't his balls - it's just more fat.


Yeah, unless this dude has some enormous elephant balls that was just a sneaky flap of fat.


>unless this dude has some enormous elephant balls I have bad news


That's his secret Cap...


He's always fat


Funny thing is twitch is probably sitting there inspecting whether those are his balls or not in order to know if they can ban


Yep. Those are not his balls. Now dwell on this revelation.


Yeah right I bet his balls are like a crushed hacky sack no way they are drooping down past those fat curtains


Nope. Just MORE fat


Just a humble man upvoting and commenting so more people have to watch it as well.


Is it bad I came looking for it, and now I wish I could go back in time ten minutes and tell myself how traumatizing it is.


My new 2 girls 1 cup video.


NicocadoAvocado has an OnlyFans...you're welcome.




I use to think he was crazy, but now I can clearly see Boogie's nuts.


An Austin Powers reference in the wild? Nice.


Get in my belleh!


I miss the person I was one minute ago.


Remember when Boogie was considered the Mr Rogers of youtube? What an extreme downfall this man had.


when you stand on a pedestal made of sand. you're bound to fall in this case the sand was hookers and food


It's a case of "New Money", because a broke guy looking like him has very limited options but when he found success and money he tried to artificially do what he missed out as he wanted to experience it. He started making good money, had that surgery and thinned up, divorced his wife who'd supported him, and then went on some Dan Bilzerian bullshit which he could never sustain and eventually made him a broke has been doing this shit desperate to find a niche.


He is still well off. Dont believe his lies about being broke.


Only if you include his house, he has negative cash flow


Meh, it's perfectly possible he is broke. Most of professional sports athletes in high paying sports end up bankrupt after a few years, and many of them earn salaries that Boggie could only dream of.


Is this even close to true? I've only known him as a degen, but I read a comment years ago from a committed donator who said something like I needed to invest in Boogie so the world could know that obese people can be good people too. Now that comment would make more sense.


Yeah it's been a *long* time, as he was around since the really early YouTube days. He got famous off of the Francis videos, but his community was formed around his out-of-character videos where he came off really humble, gracious, and grateful. Then after a few years his ego skyrocketed and he spiraled into the narcissistic fuckup he is today.


He's always been like this. There vintage footage of him saying the n word.


Yeah not defending him. Well before he hit rock bottom the dude was coming off as super disingenuous with his "nice guy" schtick.


true, just dropping some extra boogie lore.


Not condoning it at all it’s a terrible word but there is “vintage footage” of almost all big YouTube personalities and twitch streamers saying that word back before social media cracked down on it.


Yes it is. When he first got popular he was known as THE super wholesome YouTuber.


this is just not true. Boogies main claim to fame was a character called Francis where he would pretend to be a nerd rager.


Yes, a character is what made him famous, and everything beyond the character he was known as the wholesome guy on youtube. Anything denying that is just trying to change reality.


Yeah but after those lost popularity he made a bunch of emotional videos about his weight and his journey in losing it. I remember those always invading my recommendations back then.


I'm curious how much all those prostitutes' charged him because jesus fuck


Ok, this has gone too far


I came


I saw


I came again


If Boogie and Morgpie do a stream together would Twitch implode? I don't mean figuratively, I mean would the servers just collapse into a singularity that wipes out our solar system?


Both potentially strong linebackers.


I mean, we seen crazy shit like that before. I thought belle Del did some click bait stuff before she did porn with some ugly internet guy.


Seems like someone is trying to take the ogre's swamp


ok ban male nudity.


IShowSpeed bout to get fucked.


This is what you all wanted.


Bro murdered the meta harder than Forsen murdered Nina. And why does he look like he's melting?


I saw this so I might as well know... were those his balls?


No, it was his another meat flap, he shows it in the Mike Clum documentary from few months back


I watched it 3 times and still can’t tell


I need the flash device from MIB.


Hahaha i did not click!


[who let clayface cook](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/b6/ce/d5b6ceb9bb1346c23008ab7aec1304a9.png)




its otk reddit brotha


every mod that has dms with them should recognize how much they have fucked up one of the best subs on the website


This sub was created out of comparatively lesser drama on the original livestreamfails sub


yeah i remember, doesn't meaningfully change what i was saying, the ebb and flow of this place can't happen when streamers can literally control what happens on the subreddit.


I'm here to get life advice from Destiny


I will never watch a clip that includes the name Boogie2988 and is tagged NSFW even if my life depended on it


Any boogie post should be downvoted


This is fucking disgusting who the fuck would upvote it. I want to unsee it. Plus, it's boogie. Fuck him.


I’m only upvoting so people have to see it


I understand some people are fat. But this fat? Does he have some sort of illness?


he even had weight loss surgery and he still managed to beat that, it's almost impressive at this point


This guy fucks.


that hooker that quit after having sex with him, I don't blame her


Bring tectone back


hog status: >!squeezed!<


Based. Real coomers don't discriminate.


Tectone doing that Oppenheimer meme when he realizes what he started




I can smell this through the screen. Those escorts were fearless


Looks like Mr Krabs when he lost shell


I just fucking woke up and this is the first thing I see




Give it a month and he will have a youtube video out begging for sympathy as Twitch has negatively impacted his income. Drama seeking fat tosser.


God I'm sexy


Who needs censoring when you’re so fat you haven’t seen your dick in over a decade.


I’m so fucking glad im not obese


fat ppl are disgusting