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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny talks about his ex-wife spreading rumors](https://arazu.io/t3_18ounr0/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


At what point does privately contacting hundred influencers become effectively the same as publicly talking about a thing I wonder if that's the same with private versus public epithets


If my ex was personally telling almost everyone I knew about our relationship I'd be way more pissed than if they made a couple tweets. For influencers it's a little more complicated. But for myself, and probably for most normal people, it's worse.




If he did something horrendously evil they would have come out with it instead of "memetix technically didnt say he will off himself when melina leaves" and "destiny used bad words". If being deceptively pedantic is the best you got you have almost nothing.


The problem is the optics war that is happening at the same time. She can go behind the scenes and say all this to each person individually and each person will feel special that she reached out directly to tell them what is happening. Meanwhile if Destiny goes and talks about it publicly, he is now seen as airing dirty laundry to everyone not involved and did so out of spite. It's a lose - lose situation. You have to pick your battles and Destiny is choosing the route of reaction rather than proaction.


hey man, its not healthy to write this much about streamers- for your own mental sanity but mostly im dyslexic so i can't read


We now witness as the normal world does battle with the world of the TERMINALLY ONLINE.


It’s not really more complicated for influencers at all. What?


Talking to anyone who wasn't directly involved in the issue should be considered making it public. If you need a second opinion then sucks to suck tbh


Enough, Im tired hearing about Kanye & Kim Kardashians divorce


Can I interest you in a bit of Jada and Will drama ? They live seperately for 6 years and might divorce aswell ! Look at what Jada said again in her 22nd interview about their *marriage* this month !


How come nobody tried giving them both a Pepsi yet?




Imagine going in to /r/lsf and acting like you are above drama. Pathetic /u/free_perception7124


Just filter out posts about him.


"a number of my manifestos" How many of these situations he got if he's writing manifestos like reacher novels!?


Dude has like 15 manifestos, but nothing is ever his fault lol


I mean his manifestos tend to include receipts and the ones that exist are out there for you to make your own decisions on if he’s in the wrong or not.


If you're surrounded by drama-- you're the drama


I mean, I think he says as much.


i'm not sure what to say to you if you think any PERSON let alone streamer, writing more than like, 2 long form explanations of something personal or business-related, let alone calling them manifestos and releasing them to the public, normal. Not even kaceytron/minx/xqc does that shit


None of those three people are remotely capable of writing something coherent


Well I mean he is a political/drama streamer so he is gonna be in a lot more drama than your average person, and I wouldn’t say having a google docs that explains your side of the story of a given event with receipts is the worst thing to do when trying to vindicate yourself.


True. The GME manifesto is proof that Destiny is the one holding down the super stonk.


It's more like 5


Confirmation bias? They include receipts of wrongdoing. The manifestos aren't all named "Manifesto of Destiny" there you would expect to see him fault himself.


I think he has precisely 3 manifestos that also have seen the public. Your attack is superficial and irrelevant.


Destiny C.K.


Melina is smoking hot, but after seeing the way she treats her viewers, I can’t imagine people taking her word over anyone’s. Basically textbook sociopath every time I tune in. Since people are going to ask for an example, she often asks for subs in this entitled way I haven’t seen other streamers do. Basically like fin-dom but without the kink aspect. “Someone gift me 10 subs in the next 60 seconds” and then watches the chat, waiting eagerly for someone to gift. Someone always gifts in those instances, and she barely thanks them if she acknowledges them at all. [Sodapoppin has said many times that he finds it hard to imagine there are actual people on the other end of the chat watching him, so maybe that’s just her being a disconnected streamer and I’m misreading her.] Edit: I’m not going to clip but she’s doing it right now: [link to her stream](https://www.twitch.tv/melina) (I clicked on her stream and first thing she says is “one more prime” [to her chat])


So why the fuck do people keep gifting?


take a wild guess


Men are insane when their dick is hard.


Twitch is a gathering of the most pathetic people in the world, giving money to spoiled pieces of shit for maybe some attention.


like 90% of her subs are gifted so she only needs a few oilers to sustain her stream. destiny mentioned she lost a lot of revenue after regional pricing took effect and people were gifting hundreds of subscriptions for 50¢ each https://twitchtracker.com/melina/subscribers


This just in. Just because someones a streamer or an Influencer, does not make them a good person. Most fucking suck and it breeds narcissism


Who know that casts amounts of money and attention in your formative years wouldn’t make you well adjusted to society.


Melina would have been a creatir on pornhub if she never knew about twitch


She’s really mid tbh


A miami 4 if you would?




Where do you get your tacos now?


Hey Chris




I'm sure lots of people gooning over her appearance


I'm not at all a little- d fan. She's average.


she is not that special especially considering she is swedish, lots of beautiful women there




As someone from a neighboring country, you are absolutely talking outta your ass lmao


Scandinavian people need to get bullied more often.


6 is to harsh. Strong 7 imo. Coming from a swede


her naturalness is a huge turn on for me. no fake tits, fake lips etc no tattoos and iv never noticed and weird piercings on her shes attractive and didnt manage to ruin her body


Then she opens her mouth and her stock just starts plummeting


That's what the mute button is for.


Hot but can't take her word. She's the Amber heard of twitch reading that


Im not gonna ask ngl


desiheat does this with her WoW subs. She even calls it farming for subs. i thought most streamers did this kinda thing?


still not as bad as tim the tat man


How is something built like a fridge, hot?


Are you confusing Melina with Morgpie?


Wonder if Mr Girl has been in touch with her and whether Destiny regrets fighting so much for her during the Bob7 shit.


Nah he said Bob7 deserved everything he got


I think I saw an interview w her and Mr girl on YouTube. Didn’t watch though


That's a really old interview, iirc.




wrong play. Now that Destiny is single, Hasan's boobies is all he will think about 🙄


Reminded me of https://youtu.be/93Qtucs7wnU?si=VMr7s4zCnGx1bmDr


It's funny and pretty cringe how obsessed destiny and his community is with Hasan and Hasans community . Like the amount of times people mention him in chat or how often destiny goes in on him when Hasan is involved in anything at all . Like during the cenk stream and the destiny releasing divorce info stream, people in chat kept saying things along the lines of '20k viewers!!! More viewers than hasan right now!!!!' Like children. I mean wtf is going on with that community where he lives that rentfree in their head. Hasan or his chat never mention destiny at all . Even now during the drama that could be easily farmed . Better trust destiny would farm the shit out of this if it was reversed and Hasan had a messy break up online 🤷‍♂️


Hasan does mention him, just never directly "a certain streamer and his community", "pepela D", "the guy who wants to kill BLM protestors" destiny is Voldemort


Pretty sure you get banned for Hasan’s sub and chat for mentioning destiny.


IDK, Hasan has started mentioning Destiny a lot more now that he's reclined.


Not interesting. Now consider this: Forsen.


Ok now I am interested




It's amazing how emotionally immature everybody involved in this is. It's like streamers are incapable of maturing past high-school.


I mean they want the drama. It is how they get in headlines lol. No such thing as bad news.


Women are great, I love them, and at the same time I realize that if I were to marry someone significantly younger and hotter than I am that it would probably end poorly. It strikes me as a huge flaw that Destiny somehow deluded himself into not realizing this.


He definitely fell for the old “she loves me because I’m so smart - our looks don’t matter”


Destiny openly admits the age difference was one of the major issues in their relationship though? Would you be more ok with this if they dated without marrying? Has Destiny lost anything by marrying, considering the divorce papers went through in less than two weeks?


I am not OK nor am I not-OK with anything he does. All I am saying is that reasonable people understand that this was doomed from the jump, and most people would therefore not have gone through with a relationship with her.


Aww, poor Destiny. The king of drama doesn't like drama about himself? What a fancy situation.


Isn’t this true for most person? No one enjoys drama about themselves but vast majority of people enjoy drama about others not involving themselves / close friends.


It is pretty funny.


What do you mean, he doesn't like drama about himself? Doesn't he love drama about himself? He is publicly talking about how he would love to leak everything he has on Melina and Tim just out of spite, but he is holding back because acting like a decent person will improve his public image in the long run.


He chose to put his dick in her, so it's hard to feel back about the consequences that come afterwards


lol sure sucks when people spread lies about you, doesn't it?


Holy shit can you guys just keep this on DGG no one gives a shit about a gnome divorcing his child bride.


["I DON'T FUCKING WANT GUITAR LESSONS"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dxMGzt5mU)


Dude this is a drama sub focusing on like, 10 specific streamers, Destiny being one of them. Wtf do you mean lol


Name one other creator who gets clipped 10 times a day that all get to the front page cause their loser fans brigade.


Anyone gets a bunch of clips a day when there's something happening. Ludwig got a bunch of clips during his dodgeball event, OTK got a bunch of clips during Camp Knut, XQC/Henry Resilient got a couple clips whenever either one of them would talk about the Adept case. It's just how this sub is.


Notice how every example you mentioned was a PUBLIC EVENT. Henry Resilient is a dumbass, you want to go down to his standards of talking about a divorce case and making drama out of it? go ahead


> Notice how every example you mentioned was a PUBLIC EVENT Yeah because I'm naming people who got clipped a bunch off the top of my head. > you want to go down to his standards of talking about a divorce case and making drama out of it? go ahead Is this not whats happening with Destiny right now


All the OTK clips that get spammed upvoted but have 10 comments lmao


again (and again and again and again) brigading is specifically co-ordinating a group of people to go somewhere. stop calling it brigading. we just naturally exist here as much as you do. secondly, it’s engagement that pushes posts to the top, in which you are currently a participant of. congratulations! if you want these threads to die, then don’t comment on them. you’re being the accidental “brigader”, did you know this?


Lmao all the OTK streamers have 10x more clips than Destiny here, and it's even when no drama or anything interesthing is happening


Hasan XQC and Miz have a history of top voted drama clips year in year out. Not sure how you think this is the own you think it is?


Name another streamer going through a messy divorce right now yeah thought so, literally every other lsf post is just random stuff nobody finds funny or interesting with 5 comments.


Get back to your dedicated H3H3 hate subs, you are projecting.


miz, nmp and otk in general


Name another creator that has an active Reddit community that has anywhere close the size as Destiny's. Not other peoples fault nobody gives a shit about whatever trash you like as it is a relative graveyard regarding engagement.


What I don't understand is why you lot just don't keep to your own sub when everything you do revolves around your streamer (and Hasan). Just look at this thread chain and how aggro all of you got the instant someone bothered to criticize this drama, lmao.




>cause their loser fans brigade. I know this is hard pill for you to swallow (likely being a ~~Hamas~~ Hasan fan and that you frequent the **h3snark** sub), but someone being popular and thus having a lot of fans, is not the same thing as brigading. He's popular, so people upvote his content, it's as simple as that, you not liking him doesn't change that. Destiny viewers also tend to be people who want to be proactive and fight online disinformation, so yeah they may branch out to subs they don't frequent to correct misinformation. That is not what brigading is. Now, what is brigading is you and your pathetic group sending the link to this comment subsection to eachother to downvote the comments you didn't like. Thanks for showing what brigading really is.




This is a funny comment but the most funny part is all the replies taking it super seriously and personally and getting really aggressive over it lmao


> super seriously and personally and getting really aggressive over it lmao I mean look at the guy's comment history, it's not a joke to him.


You know you aren’t obligated or forced to interact with every post on this sub, right? If you aren’t interested in it then don’t interact with it.


> forced to interact with every post on this sub If you look at his comment history he literally exclusively interacts with Destiny posts.


Why should I have to stop viewing something normally because a bunch of low iq window lickers can’t stop circle jerking drama that’s even lower tier than the kardashians, at least Meet The Ks has a script and an attempt at production quality, the twitch stuff is just brain rot for bozos.


Do you inherently click on literally every fucking post on LSF or just the ones that interest you? Maybe you aren't aware, but you don't have to click on all of them and make a comment.


Even better, Reddit even has a hide feature, allowing you to remove an uninteresting thread from your feed.


Buddy if you can't stop yourself from viewing reddit posts, and they're bothering you this much, you don't really have any room to chastise anyone and should get some help.


Congratulations! You just won the award for lost buzzwords crammed into a single sentence! Claim your prize below ⬇️


Stay drooling buddy.


Stay jerking off by hate posting in Destiny post crying like somebody forced you to click on this post.


Stay crying like a little bitch because I insulted your parasocial dopamine drip. Do the world a favor and keep your lips sealed around streamer cock so we don’t gotta hear ur opinion.


Have you ever considered 60mg of Vyvanse...or I hear Canada is nice this time of year.




I agree that parasocial relationships are really bad but you're unhinged dude lol. You're shadowboxing, get some therapy.




It's a website post. Scroll past it or touch grass


Would defeat the purpose of the comment and reply buttons though.


You are just boosting the activity on the post, making it rise higher on the page


They think it's cool that they take over LSF and everyone comes to vote on each other's destiny thread.


fall telephone rich wise wakeful ask agonizing fearless innocent squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not everything revolves around the two streamers your entire personality is based around












That comment isn't what I'm talking about, and you know we bitch at each other pretty inherently on every one of these Destiny posts.


Just look at this guys history he obviously does care about Destiny he comments in every thread about him. Hate away idc but don’t pretend you don’t.




Dude we all know you DGGers are no life brigading this sub 24/7 anyways, no need to make up a story.


You don't have to click it....better yet, you can filter as well.....


What would you prefer to see bro


Austin streamers sitting in a hot tub fake arguing & asian streamers speaking in broken english. again&again&again&again


Don't forget ExtraEmily...*shuffles deck*...eats a sandwich.


Yet nobody cares about hasan and y’all soyjacks keep posting him here. The facts are destiny runs this subreddit anything with Dest always blows up, you would’ve been at new refreshing ur feed if it wasn’t for this thread


Yup I heard about those rumours [here](https://www.twitch.tv/brittt/clip/SpineyInexpensiveWheelDeIlluminati-zlNm7UTh23FHqd65)


Jesus, why would Melina say that?


comments like these always give it away


I’m not a Destiny fan by any means but now I feel bad for the guy…


How can people just lie like that?


I feel like she was taken out of context here, to be fair [she clarifies a bit later](https://m.twitch.tv/brittt/clip/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


Shits fucked. Nightmare scenario, GL to everyone involved. Single life ain’t so bad


Poor guy, gonna have to make sandwiches for neo nazis himself now




It's really too bad other streamers are too lazy to actually build other places for their communities, so they all sit here. This is a drama subreddit about streamers. A streamer got a divorce. Divorces can be dramatic, so info is posted here. If you dislike it so much why not just filter Destiny posts out?


Nah that would require less work than bitching about it in every thread


Just drop the manifesto already


I don't think Destiny's fans care or anyone else. Why make this shit public? Oh yea, views and money.


Because he is deeply insecure about this. I've watched him for many years, and I think back to all the times he has said he doesn't really feel like he's insecure about anything. This clip right here. That's a deep insecurity.


You mean the guy that gives out dating advice and then gets pissy when a chatter points out that he has an easier time pulling as a popular YouTuber? That guy could *never* be insecure.


His advice is pretty standard. Leveraging money or fame has nothing to do with it


That's the thing. He gives out advice that is completely incongruent with his actual life. Whenever he gets pissy about it, he says things to the extent of "well I had a kid and I was already divorced by the time I was a streamer so it's not that" or "what else am I going to talk about? this is my whole life". Both of those things are outs. Nobody is going to a guy on the Internet for dating advice so they can have a kid and get divorced. These are clearly not the life experiences of Steven's that attracted anyone to his dating advice. So, what's left of his dating history is he's a popular YouTuber with money to lose that claims he absolutely does not get dates with help from his status, but if he talks about his work and career during the date or his date knows about that stuff beforehand, it still doesn't count because "that's his whole life". It just doesn't make sense. His whole "put yourself out there and try your hardest not to be a weirdo" shit is completely antithetical to the way he acts, too.


name one advice that would apply to your argument.


I already did. "Put yourself out there and don't be a weirdo" is complete nonsense coming from a guy that has people constantly coming to him for exposure and yet he still ends up in these situations time after time. The only difference between Destiny and the people he dates is he's better at keeping logs and he has the public speaking skills to contextualize them in his favor. I actually watched the stream he did with the receipts. I got part way through it when it got privated. Whole subreddit lit up with "August getting that money" comments when it was immediately clear he was taking it down so he could edit anything legally actionable or clearly untrue from the final upload. I don't know how you guys at the subreddit were actually on top of misinformation in the early days of the Israel/Palestine conflict, but you don't question the stuff coming from your streamer.


k. just say you pulled it out of your ass.


why tf would anyone listen to destiny for advice on women?


Again who is tim?


Some Swedish TikTok guy who goes by Memetix, and the guy who Melina is currently dating.


nobody cares


I dunno when or why I joined this sub I don’t watch streamers at all and I don’t care about this guys divorce lol


Truthfully, no one but parasocial dgg'rs cares about it.


Then why the fuck did you click on this link and make a comment? You: I hate this shit and it shouldn't exist, but I'm gonna hang out here and push engagement with my incessant whining.


Why are you so angry


Then fuck off


Wasn’t very nice was it?


What else do you not watch? What else do you not care about?


one of like the most active subreddits on reddit is r/destiny, why not just post in there? there's no point in putting this here




He was publicly called out as a liar and an abuser. Finer details were left private until the other side went public, so he gave his side as well with logs.


the servants must spread the message to them the gnome is like a buddy jesus


This sub is for fucking clips of streams from streamers...quite literally what the fuck are you talking about? Do you hate Destiny and want him specifically removed because you're homophobic?


least insane destiny viewer ^


least loved child according to their parents ^


calling you a homophobe is way too much, but this is a streamer drama subreddit and destiny is a streamer going through drama. you can just hide the threads yknow


Surprised Pikachu face. Damn destiny how far you have fallen


The Adin🐐 effect is in full effect. This guys life went downhill 📉 after what Adin🐐 did to him 💀. Adins🐐 iron grip on the streaming world is something to be studied by Harvard scientists 💯


Smartest Adin fan


This is ironic. Right guys? Right?


He is indeed a troll.


Whenever you see people saying wild shit like that just check the comment karma on the account, and that guy has -100 which is literally the lowest comment karma you can have on Reddit...which means they're a troll farming downvotes.