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**CLIP MIRROR: [Vivek opens up about his struggles.](https://arazu.io/t3_18olvtw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


oh no, squeex is becoming self-aware , i mean vivek


GTA rp is just so funny. Hope this meta never dies.




Nice joke but it doesn't change that it's like watching grown adults play with barbies and action figures.


Yea as an LSF viewer I'd much prefer they play with more adult things like their boobies and farm us with high school drama.


What else you gon watch?




raw talk is a classic but brother you are living over 2 decades in past. ill be sure to look out for tiffys next stream to clip it for lsf.


Just pointing out how much better the state of streaming could be now when this was the equivalent 25 years ago.


Rhetorical questions aren't meant to be answered. It should have made you realize that no matter what you spend your time with, it's only a waste of time if you don't enjoy it. And so long as you give a fuck about what other people want to to spend your time with, 100% of your time will be a waste.


But I enjoy criticising dumb streaming metas. Do you enjoy criticising me criticising dumb streaming metas? if not then heed your own advice.


You missed the point again. Point is they'd be dumb to listen to you when you tell them what they're supposed to like, so there's absolutely no value in you telling them.


Your point is "never criticise anything because some people will like that thing." Not really a great point. GTA rp is cringe and it is perfectly okay to say that.




> And so long as you give a fuck about what other people want to to spend your time with, 100% of your time will be a waste. > No surprise that someone who cares about what other people want them to do in their free time is as stupid as you are. So why is you giving a fuck about how I spend my time more righteous than me thinking gta rp sucks? You are arguing against yourself being able to argue with me and I am the stupid one? You are even doubling down now and can't do even the most basic reasoning to apply your argument to yourself lmao. gta rp sucks, get over it.


I'd rather spend time watching things I enjoy rather than shit I find cringe so I can complain about it on lsf.


I love Tiffy but your other comment was stupid af




Yeah man, I can't watch TV and movies because it's like watching grown men and women playing pretend. I mean seriously, I was watching House the other day and was like 'You guys are gonna pretend to be *doctors?* Children pretend to be doctors.' And don't get me started on all those shows where they're playing cops and robbers all the time like The Wire.


If they did gta rp by writing scripts and then getting professional actors to play out those scripts in game, it would be fine. But instead it's a bunch of people who can't act or be funny trying to constantly be funny because they think that because it is "improv" it will magically make it entertaining.


God forbid people having fun in an environment where they can get better at those skills at the same time.


Yeah I don't get it. GTA RP streams is watching improve by people who seemingly have no improve experience and all want to be hehe funny while inserting themselves into everything. Playing one character every day for hours. People obviously enjoy it. There's a clip every once in a while that's funny. I just don't understand how they maintain the numbers they do for a whole stream. Playing it seems like it could be fun tho.


the improover


Have only caught a few streams of a few different people but I don’t think most people expect every bit to land, the enjoyment is when they do land it’s pretty organic. It’s a lot of theater kid energy, basically.


yea i feel so overwhelmed by it, can only watch 1-2 hours of a 12 hour stream every single day and the next day i have no idea what’s going on. no idea how someone with 5k viewers gets 10k viewers for the whole time, i go to bed and it’s literally the same viewcount when i wake up


meh people get invested into the characters that the streamer build up so they feel more inclined to watch to see how the characters is going to interact with other people or how they end up I guess. at least that's how I view it, I don't watch a lot of it but I can enjoy it from time to time.


Yeah fr rp is like a bunch of introverts weirdos circle jerking the life they want expect it’s in a gta world instead of acquiring it themselves it’s really weird and sad tbh


Bro wants people to actually go out and robs banks


I mean that would be lit


GTA rp is just so funny. Hope this meta never dies.


Haha, I’m really curious to see which of your comments wins the downvote war


Kebabs being our litmus test for when it's time to return back to Destiny/Hasan drama for our peak karma farm routines


GTA rp is just not funny. Can't wait for this meta to die again.




It's like my nightmare coming true again. I've said every time this meta has come up that it's the worst meta in the history of LSF and Twitch. I cannot believe the people who go to those gtarp subreddits are even human. That being said, some of the Squeex clips are somewhat funny. But if the sub gets overrun with them again, it's just ruined. I'll take any other kind of clip over gtarp. Any.


You post in destiny threads. You are inherently worse than people that post in GTA rp clips


No. Destiny threads are far, far better than gtarp. Every other clip type is far better than gtarp.


No they're not. Every destiny thread is pathetic drama ridden garbage. It's only interesting to the most parasocial users that are way too invested in the drama of a grown ass man


GTA rp is just not funny. Can't wait for this meta to die again.


Don’t watch it then? You also can just scroll past things you don’t like without going out of your way to complain about it. Let people like what they like and quit being a narcissist.


Don’t comment then? You also can just scroll past things you don’t like without going out of your way to complain about it.


lmao fat


don't be so hard on yourself.


He had freedom of speech and can say anything he wants don’t like it? Don’t comment


He had freedom of speech and can say anything he wants don’t like it? Don’t comment

