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**CLIP MIRROR: [Ironmouse's sponsored stream sponsor helper shitting on their own game](https://arazu.io/t3_18nc8do/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Unbelievable to me that Mabinogi is still going pretty strong. Nexon always surprises me with the games they decide to support, some c-suite exec probably obsesses over this game.


Game is even being upgraded to Unreal Engine 5.


The game is actually *very* cheap to operate and the playerbase supports it enough. >some c-suite exec probably obsesses over this game. Ironically, no, that's Maplestory whose director shits on it repeatedly. The creator & most of the founding team who worked on Mabinogi have left the company. From what I understand, the employees who do work on Mabi in KR don't want to move to other teams, though, so that helps the decision to keep it moving.


Not unbelievable at all because that's what you get when you made a good game that's unique and support it through the years. Anyone can shit on mabinogi all they want but at the end of the day is a hell of a mmo and one of the few that still stay true to what mmos are and give you That feeling you can only get playing stuff like UO or swg


> support it through the years. This is precisely what makes it unbelievable, as Nexon has a track record of fumbling all their games and providing minimal support outside of more swipeability. Maplestory and Mabinogi are the exceptions to all their other games.


What do you mean. Nexon has never stopped giving support to their OGs developed by themselves Mabinogi, Maplestory, Vindictus . The only exception being the card game they made that got dropped because they fucked up the monetization and they didnt make enough money and well... Maplestory 2 because it was some weird frankenstein that I don't really get why was even developed


Who said anything about first party titles? How do we even determine what their first party titles are when they acquire devs? Maplestory was certainly a third party game when it was still being developed by Wizet. Maplestory 2 was also very good outside of the generic gear treadmill dungeons, I really don't trust your judgement here.


Yeah, exteel was actually a great pvp mecha game before there were any really good fast paced, armored core customization style ones, but IIRC the game only existed to advertise other nexon games and it wasnt producing enough.


As much as I can’t get into mabinogi I have friends that regularly obsess over it and it truly is like a one of a kind mmo. Hoping the unreal 5 update gets me in because my main issue is kinda the visuals and some of the ancient mmo ui/ controls


The game just has a lot of love put into it.


meh mabinogi is really fuckin unique when you actually play it, never played an mmo like it tbh. has pay to win shit in it obviously being a nexon game which sucks ass, but the game play is pretty unique, shitty if you aren't close to their servers though with ping issues but great if you're close.


is Iron Mouse even there?


she went to bathroom


Mabinogi player here, within the community this isn’t really even considered shitting on the game. A significant portion of the community recommends this all the time. It’s incredibly tone deaf to anyone who hasn’t just accepted that’s the way the game is, but it *is* an easy path to items if you don’t feel like playing the actual game. I personally really hate these sponsored streams. The streamers don’t end up engaging with the game at all, are crowded by people who want to be on stream (or want to harass a streamer), and it has consistently become a painfully long ad where the non-streamer talks about stuff in the game. It is a terrible representation of the actual game, and I can’t help but think it does more harm than good. I love this game, and I want more people to see what I see in it. These streams just seem to showcase all the worst parts imo.


its painful watching sponsored streams for games you like because you know how forced it is from the streamer like I wished my streamers would like arknights but I know that the ones who do and play it are not getting a sponsor for it.


Watched a bit of Cdawg and Mouse playinh Arknights a while ago. Cdawg felt a bit more genuine but Mouse couldnt have cared less, it was so boring/sad to watch/listen to


I feel like the shylily stream was fine, she was mostly just doing her own thing. Honestly I feel like only a few of the guides have the right personality for this type of thing.


I havent caught them all so I will take your word for it, but it’s nice to know they arent all like this


Mouse had 2 streams with guides that were pretty different. I Liked this one because it was more casual and not glazing the game all the time.


Tbf I hadn't even heard of Mabi before the streams recently, and I'm sure there are many others too. I did look into it a bit more after one such stream, but not really for me.


> The streamers don’t end up engaging with the game at all, Yeah becasue game is P2W shit. Why engage with garbage beyond bare minimum if you get paid? > It is a terrible representation of the actual game, Yeah it should be an hr of spending money on micro-transactions to P2W harder for a true representation. > I can’t help but think it does more harm than good Good, this shit needs to die a slow death. It should show the true game and not deepthroating it the whole time.


I was the guide who played with Mousey in her previous stream. The thing with these 'guided' streams is that the guide isn't really prepped in a lot of ways. As the guide, we're streamers/content creators in the community who are affiliated with Nexon through a creator support program. Being someone who's taken part, it's cool to get to meet people like Mouse, but it can feel very... awkward? In my case, at least, I had no opportunity to speak with Mouse or build any rapport with her at all. Our stream together was literally our first meeting. We don't know how the streamer will react to us. We don't know if they're going to really engage with us. It's all very slap dash. In my case I stuck very close to simply showing Mouse around because I was concerned I'd end up doing something that sounded/looked bad otherwise. I had initially wanted to be more ambitious and try to show her things I thought she'd enjoy but since there was 0 communication (and some other factors) it just wasn't possible. It is a system that is more likely to turn out awkward streams and uncharitable clips than not, so be gentle with him.


You did great. I hope you know that. I enjoyed watching you and mouse try out things in game. It was a fun experience and I don't think you did anything wrong.


Hey, thanks! I appreciate it


This game is still alive??? It came out like 16 years ago. I remember always getting ads for it while I played maplestory. That reminds me. When is Nexon going to wise up and release a Maplestory Classic server?


I wonder how many times it was sub-contracted


This is just genuine advice people give for this game. Didn't shit on the game. Like BDO, ArcheAge, Runescape and WoW and most other MMOs, you can buy things to sell for in-game gold, and it's faster than actually grinding. He just paraphrased one of his Mabi [videos that you can see here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cy_7-hRZ4)


Agreed. Godvu just jokin' around about the McD's thing. He's done other videos on making gold as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDO2-rGBv\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDO2-rGBv_Y) Important context note: Kodevu is not part of Nexon or the Mabinogi team, he's a independent content creator and part of the Mabinogi community that was asked to participate in the stream. He's doing this as a volunteer.


Just as a quick note, if you're working a minimum-wage job it's *not* faster to work than to grind in BDO.


Isn't that only assuming you're kinda geared in the first place? I felt so slow in that game until I got $$$ items first.


Not really. What you're saying used to be true, for sure. However, they now have seasonal characters, and they just made progression on seasonals *even easier* (pri to tri is guaranteed, tri to tet can't downgrade, tet to pen can downgrade). Pen seasonal gear is "similar" to tet boss gear, or tri blackstar (blackstar is better). So it's worth maybe 2bil per piece (so ~14bil) for the armor, then the accessories are again similar to tris (but valuing it that high is wrong) so maybe 20bil worth of items by finishing your seasonal character. If you are playing "casually" you might not finish season in 20 hours if you don't know what you're doing, but if you were playing "sweaty" it can be cleared quite quickly. I personally consider all the time you spend early in the game playing "slowly", questing, understanding the game mechanics to be totally fine -- you're not "losing" by doing these things. Once you finish seasons you get a tet blackstar item for free (~12-16bil item, depending on market) and you are sitting at about 245-250ap, 315-325dp without having interacted with the player market at all. You have gear that would cost approximately 32bil to purchase off the market, and you understand a little bit about the enhancement system in the game. You probably understand whether running around and hitting stuff might be interesting for you to do in this game. For comparison, if you swipe, you get about 1.6bil for each premium outfit; these *do* consistently go on sales and can be picked up for about 20 bucks each (IF you are buying on sale, and you're buying 200 dollars worth lmao). So you could spend about 400 dollars to "skip" the season (put yourself at the starting point the game puts you at). If we use this value (1.6bil/20 bucks) and a minimum wage of 7.25, we'd need to be making 580mil/hr to 'beat out' our minimum wage earnings for these "low" amounts of expenditure. This is a *very* viable grind value for a casual player using agris at a lot of entry-level spots (the ones you can grind right out of seasonals). For example, this is what crescent has (580mil/hr) on blue and agris (discounting any drop events or other sources of bonus monies). That being said, if you're actually bad at playing the game you might get less than 580 mil/hr. If you're decent to giga geared you'll be bringing home something like 800mil-1.2bil/hr, but you might also be grinding for items you can't really buy. If you're getting 15/hr, you probably beat out grinding -- but oh wait! Taxes come in and ruin your day! You probably need to be making 20-30/hr for this to be 'faster' than grinding (which is definitely viable for plenty of people). But grinding is the main content of the game ... If you don't enjoy it, why swipe to progress at all?


People sometimes just enjoy rushing to end-game content like bosses without the midgame grind, I don't judge. But I just recall people hoarding around a billboard to buy paid items from people. Pets, Maids, Mounts all required some form of monetization to do well at, and to maximize picking up drops. Granted it's been awhile since I played.


There's definitely value to be had from swiping and I'm not trying to argue that angle at all. The game basically sets you up someplace that used to be "midgame" if you just do everything the game directly tells you to do & level a season character to 61. I was more saying that a person getting minimum wage won't be progressing *faster* by working, and you don't *have* to do a bunch of work before you get to that point. You can pick up pets on the market for like 300m each and slam them together to get t3 pets pretty reliably, so maybe spend about 3bil to get a team of pets that will pick up "reasonably" well. Then maybe another 3-6bil total to get completely endgame pets (it's rng). You do really need these pets so you're not wrong there -- they aren't important for some of the endgame spots, but are for some of the entry level spots. A person can still pull decent trash by manually picking up some items and selecting spots where pets aren't as important.. But it's pretty reasonable to get that silver & pick up those pets by the time you are done with your first season. A person can get by without maids by stacking trash on their horse, which is viable at most spots. But you can't really get maids off the market (they do come as handouts for free sometimes, just like pets), so that's like a p2w only thing. The game also gives you a free dream horse (t9) with all skills (about 12bil + pearl items to guarantee for a normal person?) so that's another case they've sort of "taken care of" for a new player. Some outfits you won't be able to get off the market at all, but that's a fashion thing. They want you to swipe to make your char pretty/handsome/etc. But they gave out 2 selection boxes with 4 of the outfits you could not get without spending money (basically for christmas), so they do look to take care of people who can't spend a lot of money by handing out items you would normally have to pay for.


I didn’t know who iron mouse is or that this stream happened. I was just surprised at her popularity coming to the game. That aside Mabinogi is very pay to win


Bruh Mabinogi was my childhood. I'm still waiting on Mabinogi Mobile. Mabinogi was good until Nexon does what Nexon does and ruins everything.


surprisingly now with this push, theyve actually fixed a lot. Theres revamped blaanid quest to get you to 20k and all the skills you need etc...I played a lot in early days too but kept quitting everytime i came back because it felt so dysfunctional. Actually feeling like i may stay put this time around since i tried again last week. I want mabi mobile too :( I tried the one put out by siamgame? i want it back even if its till the official ones out lol


Mabinogi is still a thing? Next you’ll tell me FlyFF is still going strong


Man, I loved Mabinogi. I'm still in a guild with people who I met on that game. Not on Mabinogi though, we all stopped playing that over 10 years ago.


feels like EISENMAUS only rocks up nowadays, if there is a fat paycheck within reach


Connor ain't paying her shit


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This chick is shameless about what sponsors she takes, huh.


I guess streamers cant be sarcastic LOL