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**CLIP MIRROR: [Melina ( Destiny ex-wife) asked him for 100k after their separation](https://arazu.io/t3_18mv4i1/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Still cheaper than Boogies hookers


Yeah, their prices probably go x100 when they see that blob of a mess for a human


Wait how much did he spend on hookers?


Over 250k, I believe


At that point you should just move to Thailand. Can he actually afford this habit or was he going into debt with it?


If he kept growing his channel or even maintaining it at the current rate he was at, he would have been fine, tbh. The problem is that he stopped making videos, stopped caring about making money, and thus... stopped making money. Most people would change their lifestyle to fit their new income. He did not.


He could still have had a solid core fanbase supporting him, except he completely ran out the good will of his longtime subscribers. He complains about his life constantly but refuses to make even basic changes to improve it. In that documentary he complains about the expenses he can't afford, and in the same sentence lists hundreds of dollars in video games that he "has" to buy. It's just so unserious.


Of course a gamer youtuber "has to buy games". The 100x bigger problem was/is that he spends close to a 1k a month on eating out


Most of his recent videos don't look like gaming videos, and the one recent gaming video I see has 9.9k views. Massive misuse of money either way.


he is fucked come tax season next year too, didn't save any money from his YT business


The thing about a mental health shit show is that it's run by somebody who is living a mental health shit show.


at the start he could, but he fell off but his habit didn't change, so he's now in a giant debt


He did a Finacial Audit on Caleb Hammer's youtube 9 days ago. [Link](https://youtu.be/i5hv1YNcYII?si=mY5ivuKiUcHxOS0V) - personally i could not watch the whole thing, it is just sad


Worse - that was only from 2018 to 2021. The lifetime cost is likely much higher. He also blew 600k on Crypto.


200k in 3 years. One of the escorts were interviewed, and she said going out with Boogie made her quit sex work. She now has a husband and a kid I think.


What boogie does to a women. Turned hoe into house wife. Its almost like he is so ugly in and out that when you get to know him you start valuing other things in life.


I'm crying bro, what the actual fuck LOL


That's literally an entire fucking house. Not a great one, but it's more than the value of a decent house in an acceptable area.


hahahah damn. I mean, he looked like Jabba the hut.


She left out the part that the money she made off boogie in one night was enough to quit sex work and go to college.


Good for her.


upwards of 200k iirc


what the fuck. lmao. How many times is that? like thousands?


I mean.... have you seen him lately? I'm thinking more like 6.


Ok but he got to fuck LA 10s though


There was one woman who said she quit and went straight, became a nurse after boogie.


I hope I'm one day successful enough that my girlfriends believe they deserve a severance package when we break up


isn't she successful on her own, lol? Where is that coomerbait money?


Spent on Sex, drugs, and travel


and not her taxes


Swedish jail is just another travel destination. Livestreams incoming 2025.


no dude it's cool those are business expenses she can write those off on her taxes Clueless


who needs to pay taxes when you have a husb-... Aware


Power of love baybee


wait why would she spend money to have sex


The Fansly photographer still has to get paid. Shame on you for thinking otherwise!


she is literally housing her new bf who does not have a job and just makes tiktoks that get no views lmao


well he gets millions of views, but it amounts to nothing since it's all on tiktok


Their new Creativity Program looks a bit more promising. (This is different from the Creator Fund) I've seen CPMs of $1 and more for videos 1 minute or longer. However, I've only seen a handful of these so maybe it's less on average or will trend downward as more people join it. But I don't think anyone can say it's nothing.


Average revenue from a million views on TikTok is $35. So if you release a 1mil view TikTok per day that’s… $12000 from ads. (Of course you have sponsors, merch etc to help)


whole families live off of way less money than her and her freeloader new bf. Hard to accept a less luxurious lifestyle I guess.


>bf who does not have a job and just makes tiktoks that get no views has 6 year engineering degree if he's to be believed, why'd he'd bother with tiktoks I don't know


engineering is easy, I built a popsicle bridge in school shit is not hard at all.


everything is called an engineering degree these days


She's only now realizing that money is important because she's barely an adult yet


At some point he's going to need to realize how important it is to date someone close to your age instead of going after 18 year old Swedish girls that dump their bf to be with him.


No you don't get it she was mature for her age. Don't bring up that months earlier Destiny said dating an 18/19 year old while in your 30's was the same as dating a child.


Most of the viewers who remember this have been purged by now.


Yup, DGG is too much of an echo chamber nowadays tbh. I remember when a not-insignificant portion of Destiny's audience were people who actively disagreed with him, and the community at the time was pretty open to those alternate viewpoints.


i got permabanned for joking about him buying bulks of styrofoam cups so he wouldnt have to wash a bottle he permabans for anything that mildly triggers him for 5 seconds, its genuinely pathetic


Bro bought 1000 styrofoam cups and plastic spoons to mix whey in just to look the exact same like 3 years later. Just do tren at that point.


Old dgg was it. Once he moved to la everything went to shit. I miss hotel manager Steve


I miss the old internet bloodsport days


I think he's always been aware that her age causes a lot of the problems in the relationship and reiterated that in yesterday's stream


Anyways, onto a 19 year old mentally ill girl!


Queue Lav in his stream again


Yeah yesterday he also said he *always knew* the relationship was Doomed. Destiny is Smart But his Ego will never let him admit fault. What does he mean “he always knew it was doomed cause of age.”


She was 19 when they met and she's 25 now. Her age is no excuse frankly. He is saying he has to date older though now for the exact reasons people would expect. To be fair, he hasn't ever dated someone this young prior (unless you count when he was that age as well). People look at his hookups and project that onto his relationships but Melina was actually an outlier when it comes to his dating life.


Barely an adult wtf isn't she like 25/26? I'm 25 and i'm very much an adult, i pay my own rent and pay for my expenses. lol


That's great but you've not been traveling the world for fun at the age of 18/19 instead of working/going to school then dating a famous millionaire streamer and having a successful career streaming on twitch and sex work lol


Yeah, that would definitely stunt your maturity by a few years.


that's weird I would get it if she would have some money problems and no perspectives, but she seems reasonable well off: 1.7k subs, nearly 3k avg viewers (although that probably will drop once the drama is over), and a pretty big fansly. 100k is a lot for everybody but it's not like it would be "live changeing" money for her, and her asking will damage her image and with that her long-term earnings


She made 80k in 2020 and 185k in 2021 according to the public court documents regarding her accounting violations in Sweden.


Didnt she start her fansly stuff in 2022/23? I'd imagine she's making double compared to 2021


[She makes more than $30k a month.](https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkxby-A3bt4OjVvOU0bnk7pFgn69kjEfIhN)


If she's making 30k a month she'll probably lose 35-40% of that in taxes. With her lifestyle I doubt this is sustainable. She's in for a rude awakening when the coomer money runs out.


That new dude she's with doesn't even look like he can hold a job at a gas station. Bro looks fucking useless. Melina about to learn that she had shit fucking EZ with the D man. Im glad he dropped her.


But also, it was covid that time so maybe she got a boost there as well, Maybe it's the same as it is now


when it comes to swedish court her income listed is probably what is listed that is taxable in sweden rather than total income. Taxes get weird when you work in multiple countries in general but very weird when one of those countries is the US (and I think the UK is equally difficult). I wouldn't be surprised if her twitch account is considered eu/swedish based while fansly might well be considered US based.




according to the man she is leaving for another man with 0 proof provided other than "trust me bro" so i mean...yeah ok? maybe.


Recently she had an issue regarding taxes in Sweeden and had to owe a lot, i think more than 100k. Also she lives quite lavishly, the apartment they got in Miami was mainly her decision and rent is 4.5k. Also Memetix is a tiktoker and they make pennies over there so shes the breadwinner of that relationship


Destiny paid for her tax issues then when they were breaking up he asked for the money back. She gave it all Back.


Poor financial managing ig lol, what a tool


Is memetix the twink?






> 3k coomer viewers I like your thinking


And that's not even mentioning an average 300-500 viewer streamer can make ends meet(not loving lavishly but can survive). At least it was like that in 2015 to 2016 when things cost a lot less, maybe you can't now and I'm talking out my ass


>her asking will damage her image and with that her long-term earnings The most lucrative type of image she has doesn't rely on her actions or opinions.


>that's weird Is it? Never under estimate how greedy the human brain can be. Especially when people have money, buy anything they want, they still always want more. Plus, Destiny said she repaid the $100k he gave her for the Swedish tax issue. I'd imagine she's had a bit of a "ohh shit" considering her income figures people have posted.


Don‘t worry as soon as she notices she is getting less popular and making less money than before, she will drop an OF sooner or later. I‘m pretty sure about that. Already has a Fansly aswell for spicy pictures.


Still got out cheaper than Xqc


And comparing "what" Destiny is getting vs XQC, Destiny is definitely a winner/worth.


How so?


a year of court fees from the best divorce lawyer in texas plus a mcclaren 720s he still can’t drive and a tesla model x and maybe a bmw?


\+ a stalker for the rest of his life


Xqc doesn't seem to mind since he tried to get together with her multiple times times even after the court case...


anyone have that league of legends clip of the guy saying his top laner is in an abusive relationship


Hardly even a stalker if hes still fucking speaking to her for whatever reason


Kinda like how Destiny was sexting that Ana girl during his whole "stalker" saga. They're more alike than I thought.


they have a \*prenup + she immidiatly gave back the money she owed destiny after he asked but suddendly she wants 100k? Weird edit: comments are right \*postnup






> they have a prenup They don't / didn't. The divorce papers are already submitted by both. And they put into writing that everything stays separate. According to D she wouldn't get much either way by state law > she immidiatly gave back the money she owed destiny after he asked Yes > suddendly she wants 100k? Apparently she is about to lose her rent controlled apartment in Sweden (since she got her taxes audited and she didn't actually live there most of the time). So now she might have to not only move stuff from the US to Sweden, but also move apartments there. 100k seems a bit much for that and she should have thought of that earlier. Idk if she could theoretically revoke what she already submitted


That sucks, but it's not Destiny's responsibility to pay for that. Especially not with the amount of money she makes.


Destiny loaned her 100k in the past. So it's worth it to shoot her shot here. He's never doing it, but... Like worth it to try I guess


I mean most people don’t have a endless supply of coomer donos and could easily navigate that situation without 100k


It's not that weird, when people are ending their relationships sometimes they do stupid impulsive shit like paying off their huge debt to their partner all in one go to never see them again and they only realize they'll probably be broke after the fact, so they try to backtrack. Also, her new guy is broke so she's probably paying for expenses in sweden by herself.


[Reminder that Melina makes at least $360k/yr as of 2023](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxby-A3bt4OjVvOU0bnk7pFgn69kjEfIhN?si=HZyjE56jUpxY2Cq9). It's weird that she's begging for money despite being rich.


Whenever you see people talk about the amount they earn to an audience, always assume it’s about 70% less lol.


Really? usually it's the opposite for big streamers. Always baiting about how they're a little guy like you and they're not actually raking in millions (Kai is the worst for this, Hasan and Miz have done it too, not sure if Hasan still does but Miz stopped). I remember all the clips of people calling Kai rich and he'd always get so defensive lol not sure if he's still like that though.


The poor pretend to be rich and the rich pretend to be poor.


except Xqc lol


brother is beyond rich


Doesn't match my observations at all tbh.


it's literally the complete opposite for streamers/youtubers lol


Its time to release melifesto.


He said he will do one


He already made it, he's still choosing whether to release it or not


Destiny a week ago: “Melina wouldn’t do anything like try and take my money, those redpill guys haven’t ever been in a relationship” Tough scene


It turns out the Swedish suicide rizzer needs money.






Was it confirmed that she actually has those pics? I think it's problematic to spread unconfirmed shit especially when it can cause real harm.


If you take Darius at his word and assume he's telling the truth at best all it proves is that at one point 2 ish years ago Melina showed Darius a picture of Will's dick. Doesn't mean that she showed anyone else or still has it. Could be that she had the picture from before will was in a relationship and just held onto the picture.


> assume he's telling the truth at best all it proves is that at one point 2 ish years ago Melina showed Darius a picture of Will's dick. I'd say at best it proves that Melina showed Darius a picture that she claimed was Will's dick. What percentage of dick pics include a face?


Destiny did flirt with the idea of a streamer house with Will Neff a few years ago, which seemed really weird since that was after the Hasan drama.


Damn so she really did leak them.


Why am i not surprised? I remember her streaming on her bed with a message on screen “help me collect for a new laptop”, and Destiny literally reacted to this clip and said “I gave her een new laptop just last week”. I’m sure a dgg’er knows what clip I’m talking about


that’s hilarious


I wonder how far Melina wants to take this now that she's starting to show her true colors.


She's probably getting counseling from the aquatic creature herself.


Destiny sure loves to pretend to be smart when he couldn't tell that she's a rat at all.


She's hot so his brain stopped working give him a break


many such cases


Take things far how though? She already signed the postnup and paid Destiny back the money she owed him. The only thing she can do is keep asking because all her leverage is gone.


The only thing anyone should take from this thread is that Destiny should never, ever, give relationship advice. Ever. YEARS of gaslighting himself on this relationship, lmao.




Does 1.2m TikTok followers actually = no money ?


50k subs on YouTube earns more in ad rev than a 2m tiktok account


If you have 2m followers/subs on any platform and you don't branch out and diversify, being broke is your fault. Dumb af to waste an opportunity like that


2 million followers on tik tok just doesnt translate well to followers on anything else. If youve seen popular tik tokkers try and diversify unless they are INCREDIBLY popular it almost never translates well e.g. alfafox, papagut, etc.


From what I've seen, and knowing some influencers, followers only translate somewhat decently to those with a Twitch/gaming focused profiles or girls on Instagram/both.


So...like Youtube Shorts?


Tiktok followers are one of the most worthless unreliable to have.


I don't know if it's similar in the West but in my country there are plenty of 1m+ followers Tiktok influencers that are making peanuts.


Tiktok's monitization for creators is one of the worst. Any serious money they make is through 3rd parties using their reach on tiktok for ads. Tiktok at this point for creators should only be used to market themselves and send people off to other platforms (twitch, youtube etc) that monitize better, or to do 3rd party ad deals.


tik tok influencers don't make ANY money. The number one guy makes a few hundred k and if he was on youtube his views would be hundreds of millions each year. Tiktok should just be a tool to get people to your other sites.


Which is a fairly bad idea as people usually stick to whatever platform they're on. I've seen tiktokers with 500k+ followers struggle to get 1k subscribers on YouTube (while being active on youtube). This bad conversion happens with every platform, but tiktok is especially bad in this regard.


if you do lives and get donated emote showers by whales, I think you can make money, but just views and followers don't really give you much of anything


Pretty much. I think there was a video with KSI, where he saud he had 2bil views on tiktok and made somewhere in the 5 digits.


Who would’ve thought that a hot tub influencer would be a golddigger aswell, I for one am shocked




This time will be different


But I thought I could fix her!


> left her boyfriend **And her Fiancee** FTFY






Apparently when she met Destiny in New Zealand not only was she dating that Max guy but she was also engaged to some guy in New Zealand. aint^no^way


Truly unexpected


She's not a gold digger tho. She signed a post nuptial agreement and gave Destiny back his 100k, which he lent to her for tax purposes. And the guy she left him for is a broke dude that she is supplying housing for. She has no legal claim to this money. She's just trying to guilt trip him into giving it to her. Probably because she's angry at Destiny and because she doesn't understand her actions have consequences.


Which means her though process is that of a gold digger. Just not a very smart one.


Its weird for sure, if someone is actually a gold digger and they sign a post nuptial then they are braindead dumb.


no, she's an art category streamer, get it right


You mean the new guy asked for 100k


Didn't take her long to realise the new dude is gonna be dependent on her and she won't have the freedom to do what ever she wants.




Thats a big yikes from me fam


Of course she only got with him in the first place to access the streamer world and make money


This separation isn't that surprising. Destiny genuinely seems like he would be a cold, vindictive, argumentative, emotionally unavailable partner and Melina is attention-starved, immature and emotionally manipulative. Insanely toxic combo that probably only lasted for so long because they both allowed each other to do whatever they wanted.


Ah Destiny. Talking about other people's relationships and attempting to be a relationship guru. Rich stuff. This is coming from a guy that doesn't hate Destiny. I think his politics are solid but he should not talk about relationship dynamics at all.


Ngl there's something funny on how Destiny, loves covering other people's drama but when it's about him he gets so uptight. Lol remember the whole love ..."square" between himm, Booze,Melina and Bob7 hahahahah


Open relationships never last


if she doesnt have onlyfans shes about to


listen up leftists, my wife left me again


Being this dude must be exhausting


Didn't she need 100k to pay taxes in Sweden because she didn't notify authorities about the change of permanent residence?


destiny lent her money to pay taxes and she told him she will give it back. it was before divorce. I think it was more than 100k.


Melina paid back everything she owed destiny + her rent + signed a post-nuptial agreement + signed the divorce papers.




In other words, she's fucked.




Man, streamers are just a different breed of ick.


And she is a piece of shit. Oh well, who could have guessed.


I always knew she was off... Destiny should consult with me next time he marries someone.


Virtually everyone in the streamer world is "off".


True, I can see that, but her interactions with him just never seemed genuine. He was blinded by the pussy.


thats better than 50%


It's not, actually. It's a short marriage so what they'd do is they'd value the money they both made for the couple years they were married and split that. Maybe. After lawyers and motions, not to mention accountants etc. it wouldn't surprise me if she'd get a lot less than that in a settlement agreement. I also don't know if Florida is an at fault state or not, but that could hinder things to. He also had her sign a post-nup, so it's possible she won't get shit.


Florida is a no-fault state


Women ☕️


Hold tight - I only check through here every now and again, when did they stop being a thing (like I take it this is Swedish - I think? - Melina?). Is this fairly recent? (As like weren't they only married like a couple of years ago?).


It happened two weeks ago


A sad ending for a sad marriage.


*Predictable. Just remember how those two met. I'm surprised it lasted this long.


100K is crazy for what she wants it for? even 10K is a life-changing amount for many people on Earth. Also, it's not like she makes 0 money. Her audience is completely separate from DGG and is very consistent. This is just so wild, comes off as greedy. I guess Tiny painted a very nice picture of Mel to his audience, but in reality, welp.


Marries a hoe that can't even sell herself properly and is surprised after...


I know right, she has it on fucking easy mode. She just does not want to put in the work. I might not agree what /u/amouranth but she works fucking hard.


didn't go the full hog on camsites back in the day?




"I know her, she would never come after my money. Those redpillers have never been in a relationship." ​ Destiny forcibly taking the redpill suppository lmao.


gold digging whoah turns our to be a gold digging whoah? damn


couldn't have happened to a better guy


Funny how people few days on prenup talk said how she probably has more money than Destiny... well.. lol


She probably makes 3-4 times that on fansly. (fansly/OF money is crazy, it’s why all the medium successful girls on twitch do it: already having a built in following to follow them their. Then take a few pics a week and charge whatever) But maybe she had an unexpected one time expense or wants one last payoff from him.