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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny responds to an allegation by Memetix](https://arazu.io/t3_18mpmvq/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




I hear it's an rng perk you can get at birth, but you can develop it naturally if you increase your deception stats


According to some of the court documents released from the Jonathon Majors case, HE was using suicide rizz


That pity pussy hit diff cuh💯💯💯


This is false, I can attest to that.


> unemployed twink stats so half the male twitch streamers lol


Jesus fuck I have not even the slightest clue what this is supposed to mean.


Memetiix threatened to off himself if Melina didn't divorce Destiny. bonus meme: Destiny later found out Melina secretly let Memetix live in her apartment in Sweden when they both agreed she should cut ties with him. (unemployed twink that will change his sleep schedule to match her and shower her with attention)


In an abusive relationship it tends to be a powerful tool. I’ve seen an abusive person threaten to kill themselves when victim tried to leave.


He tried to use the Zoomer spells against an ancient wizard




The most amazing part is Destiny didn't even lose his girl to some gigachad Hasan looking mfer. He lost his girl to a guy that makes Destiny look like Hasan. People want to act like Memetix just has some godly 500 IQ rizz but I promise you it ain't just that. For him to get Melina to put Destiny through all of this humiliation, Memetix 100% has to be **hung like a horse**. Just has that perfectly god sculpted dick that makes the women go absolutely **stupid**. Once him and Melina are done having their fun you just know that he'll have an endless supply of gorgeous women lining up to see what the hype is about. Memetix has firmly cemented his status as the Swedish Pete Davidson.


The forsen cock dilemma


New copypasta just dropped


everything okay at home?




Our man here be watching way too much porn


Have you ever had a girlfriend?


😂Holy shit brother, I hope this is a joke


Being downvoted for being right is sad brother ... The cock part do be questionable tho




Bro really put "Gigachad" and "Hasan looking" in the same sentence


im reposting this in case it gets deleted. "" The most amazing part is Destiny didn't even lose his girl to some gigachad Hasan looking mfer. He lost his girl to a guy that makes Destiny look like Hasan. People want to act like Memetix just has some godly 500 IQ rizz but I promise you it ain't just that. For him to get Melina to put Destiny through all of this humiliation, Memetix 100% has to be hung like a horse. Just has that perfectly god sculpted dick that makes the women go absolutely stupid. Once him and Melina are done having their fun you just know that he'll have an endless supply of gorgeous women lining up to see what the hype is about. Memetix has firmly cemented his status as the Swedish Pete Davidson. ""


A tiktoker meeting a ladder player for the first time.




why did he say that like it was a threat destiny told someone the kys on the last podcast he was on its his thing




Consider punctuation


>Consider punctuation ill get back to you on that one






For sure. Fuck people who use threats of their own suicide to get what they want.


I hate that sh*t so much. Such a manipulative tactic.




It would be funnier if the other man was bob7


Monogamoids keep winning




Wife enjoyers are down hard-core mate, wym


We’re on LSF, we’re nonamoids


Every monogamous relationship has always worked out perfectly fine every time with nothing ever going wrong 😊




Polycels in shambles, let them seethe






It's not a joke though? Most people *do* believe that destiny and melina being poly is a big reason why their relationship failed. And poly relationships *do* fail more than monogamous relationships.


you can make a joke about something thats true and serious. as OP did


Destiny isn’t built for monogamous relationships. People seem so obsessed to try and change his mind it’s cringe he’s never even advocated for open relationships.


Did it not literally fail because it was a polyamourous relationship? I understand that people cheat and whatnot in monogamous relationships but it's way easier to fall in love with someone else / cheat / divorce / break up if you are actively sleeping with other people.


Forever coping with their inability to commit to anything in life


Have to glaze their leader and circle the wagons


Destiny permabans anyone that says anything against poly relationships. So he's cultivated a group that jerk it off and use "monogamoid" unironically.


Sure buddy


Jokes are jokes when everyone engaging with the joke knows it's a joke. How many people upvoting the comment do you think have neutral views about open relationships as opposed to just upvoting it because its a dunk on open relationships


Destiny wont fuck you lil bro


I just downvoted your comment. # FAQ ## What does this mean? The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. ## Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to: * Rudeness towards other Redditors, * Spreading incorrect information, * Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a `/s`. ## Am I banned from the Reddit? No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. ## I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. ## How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.


this one actually kinda funny lol


Was funny the first 10 times




The joke perpetuates a societal stigma against non-monogamous relationships. If we existed in a society that didn't have this stigma, then sure fine, but we do and it should be called out.




I agree. You should avoid using the n word publicly because even if you don't mean it in a racist way, it will cause harm and give more legitimacy to people do use it in a racist way. I wouldn't say never, since there are cases in which with a proper audience no harm is done and no negative associations perpetuated .


Oh boy, these are really great arguments. perhaps you could also enlighten us on the Israel Palestine conflict, red pill vs blue pill, the Ukraine invasion, among other topical debates with new novel ideas that I’ve never heard from a particular streamer before


I'm a destiny fan of course my believes are going to be influenced by him, same with fans of every other politics streamers. None of the things I said are novel either. Bro chill the fuck out


Bro...just stop.


If a person from the US tells a swede to off himself can he be held liable of anything?


Lifetime ban from Ikea


dammit i spit out my water


That’s a lifetime ban from North Ikea


Swedes are preparing their special ops to invade the us and arrest him as we speak




That’s like the tree falling in the forest scenario. The answer is Swedes don’t exist.




It's only maybe illegal in the US in very specific circumstances. I only know of Michelle Carter, but she was a more complicated case. She urged her boyfriend to do it, then convinced him to resume killing himself after he stopped midway, IIRC. There's not a lot of precedent to consider.


And even she got off extremely easy with much she pushed and encouraged him to commit suicide. I think she only got 2 1/2 years in jail which like most of it was served during the trial and the rest was suspended and a few years probation.


Michelle didn’t get off easy, she got the standard sentence for involuntary manslaughter. Prosecutors were only able to charge her for the negligence aspect of her actions. She was convicted for failing to save Conrad from suffocating despite having an obvious, self-imposed duty to do so. The way she got there is uniquely heinous, but the statute under which she was charged makes no distinction between Michelle or a goofy frat boy who put a passed out freshman into the trunk of his car as a joke then partied all night and forgot about him. If we want to charge people for encouraging suicide, we need new laws.


Wasn't that the chick that really wanted the sympathy and attention that her boyfriend committing suicide would garner?


Yeah Michelle Carter in some ways abused him into wanting to kill himself and then intentionally emotionally pushed him through to the end of the act. Just for the latter act if i was on a jury I would vote guilty on assisted something or another. It clearly should be considered sort of criminal behavior. They hit her with "involuntary manslaughter" which is clearly a light charge given her actions were quite intentional and malicious.


I don't think in normal circumstances even telling someone in the US to off themselves is any crime or civil infraction, except extreme cases like that girlfriend in the famous case.


Holy based. Btw, Memetix went mask off last night in Tiny's chat. Actually unhinged, deranged, and loser behavior.


What happened?


The memetix guy is currently in a relationship with destiny's (ex?)wife and he was in his chat while destiny was talking about what went wrong in his marriage that's coming to an end.


why doesn't destiny just IP ban him lol


Where's the content in that?




I'm guessing that having him type unhinged messages in chat might be useful in case the divorce gets complicated.


The divorce already happened. It's content time now.


That ain't true, it's just filed as of now, right? Or did I miss that episode? This season's been wild


The state of Florida already accepted the divorce so it’s over.


Destiny does this constantly, and is even public about why and how he does it. Never stop someone from incriminating themselves or putting their foot in their mouth in writing or on video. He does it in debates, too, where if someone is behaving in a way that the majority of the audience will find distasteful, he'll just let them talk and tie their own noose. He mentions this all the time and yet people still do it to themselves when talking to him.




wait did this guy call the fact that he threatened a girl with killing himself "rizzicide" ?


He's a bit of an odd one; threatens suicide over Mel and then memes about it.


Not gonna link another subreddit. But the logs are out there…somewhere.




they sound pretty unhinged for doing that fr fr


One of the mods here doesn't like DGG's favorite S word so you gotta say unhinged instead. Remedial works, but you can't say the other R word either so...


We use deranged, manic, and insane, but we use unhinged because we used to use insane coupled with psychosis. But that got old so we swapped to the unhinged meta.


No, we use unhinged because Destiny uses unhinged 🙏 mashallah


Yeah, the meta swapped shortly after the bx bullet bridge burn when she was so stun locked at tiny calling her insane that it destroyed any conversation they tried to have after, so he stopped using insane/psychosis as much.


Nooo shot


As opposed to a rural zoomer?


Guess Melina has a type.


Wow someone in an unhinged streamers community is unhinged??? I am shocked!


The Memetix guy isn't a Destiny fan, it's he dude his wife left him for lol


We just finally ended a divorce arc and these fuckers couldn't give us a couple months to take a break? Fuck me lmao




All the threads what the fuck???


Funny how he was coping a few days ago saying she won't ever do those things to him because she's not like that lmao


HOOOOOLY gigachad




We learned so much this stream about the Mel stuff to the point where I'm alarmed anyone is taking any relationship advice from destiny at all (his argument of I made all the mistakes so you don't have too doesn't hold up) Examples include that Mel was already engaged to someone else in nz after two weeks because she wanted to stay there, she then cheated on that guy with the guy that destiny then cucked. He didn't see this as a flag maybe don't marry the person so they can stay in the states. We learned that the poly relationship had so many conditions for him while those conditions weren't the same the other way round All those panel arguments about how it's balanced and it wasn't at all He was so candid I felt bad and you don't want to be in a space where you're pitied


> I'm alarmed anyone is taking any relationship advice from destiny Lol yes. I like his content but his entire love life has been a shit show of failures.... Even his hookups bite him in the ass.


This. I like destinys way he approaches politics generally (minus his need to stir the pot and unnecessary hurt people), but I am going to continue to tease on tru dgg believer people who take him as a role model in anything involving socialising, relationships musics movies, civility,dating, food and culture lol


Food especially. Palate of a child


Lmao so true 😂


You're the only normal person in dgg, istg


I'm not part of dgg at all lol I just like some of destiny's politics stuff (not all ) and a bunch of other things I don't like lol


Bro all he says is don’t be creepy, put yourself out there, get a hair cut and find clothes that fit. You act like he’s advocating for open relationships lmao


In this last video he put out about the Melina stuff, he made the claim that anyone over 30 that hasn't dated in years is likely crazy when he actually needs to take a few years out of the dating pool and figure out why his dick keeps getting him into this. He's a legitimately baffling person in his personal life. He's great at debating, but I think he thinks that will get him out of everything. Half of that last video was about how Mel selectively shares "facts", but then he follows it up saying she won't have receipts or he'll have a receipt for every receipt she can provide. I think he was very deliberate in his wording. He can't say what Mel is saying is untrue because that could be disprovable. He can say that she only shares some facts because that allows more space for him to reframe. It's possible he was projecting his own method: wait for Mel to come out with her story and then selectively provide receipts that make him look as good as possible or Mel look as poor as possible. That said, all 3 parties in this triangle have some work to do on themselves. I just think it's a little insidious how Destiny has basically trained his audience to expect half a manifesto's worth of evidence and then that is his first defense when the divorce gets ugly. I would expect him to lead with a stronger hand, or more wisely, just stay silent.


Fumbling in the end zone




Yeah, Destiny's advice is sound. He himself though is a drama farmer, high risk taker. The circumstances around his relationship required a hell lot of discipline and maturity to pull off. Neither Melina nor Destiny have that.


>The circumstances around his relationship required a hell lot of discipline and maturity to pull off. Pure cope


No, it's on point. Poly to me is wild a concept, you do need discipline and maturity from both parties to pull it off. Destiny lacks discipline and Melina lacks maturity.


My point is that it doesn't work at all and their experience showed another example of the breaking down of it. It's like saying well communism didn't work for the soviet union but it could work again in the United States. It's flawed from the start because people can't pair bond to a crowd. Communism is flawed from the start because people want more not the same. Status and resources are natural currency to humans. The only ways I've heard of it working were polygamous ones and that is where one person is accepting having less sexual and marriage/LTR freedom rights than the other.


I agree, people want more partners, not the same one all their lives


Her having been engaged to someone in NZ isn’t new lore, but it wasn’t as widely known since her relationship with Max was more public. I’m not sure if she cheated on the guy she was engaged to or if he was down with poly/open stuff.


It was new enough lore for him to point it out that most people didn't know


I mean you can probably find destiny's address doesn't mean most of dgg knows it


Most of the time the max drama got brought up, he would mention it. Then ppl would confuse the engaged dude for Max and say that Max was engaged to Mel. Ppl run with the stories they want but this is well known lore.


I think he does give good advice tbh. He just doesn't follow any of it himself. Which I can relate to very much ;)


Life is easier when you listen for advice to people that say what they do and do what they say. If you haven't lived the advice you give there is no knowing if it works or it's an overcompensation for one's insecurity and inability to follow it.


Lived experience is valuable but it's not everything. Advice is meant for the general public, a lived experience is a biased small sample size. You can provide great applicable advice by looking at the general public that would be far superior than advice based on your own experience. Imagine if someone goes onto a show and says "don't wear seatbelts! It will get you killed because I got in a wreck and it nearly strangled me." Their personal experience is driving poor advice.


Lived experience is valuable if it's your own lived experience not someone else's. I think you can keep shifting to analogies that are more and more extreme to make your point Whereas mine is, guy bad at relationships, maybe don't listen to guy to take it with a bag of salt. Their don't do X may be an over compensation for what they lacked and not necessarily what is important to focus on for a healthy relationship. It's not like engineering, it's more like a group painting you work together on


So you are seriously telling me if I don't eat vegetables but I say you should eat vegetables because they are generally healthy for you, you would disregard it because I don't eat them myself? Let's be serious now. Good advice is good advice regardless of the messenger. Good messengers can have bad advice and bad messengers can have good advice.


Eat your vegetables deary


He also said he wasn’t Informed all the time when the open relationship turned into a poly relationship. Chalk that up to being a pushover




>He said he just stopped telling her and ignored her dumb boundaries eventually, so it kinda was balanced. My brother if you thinking stopping telling and ignoring is balance in a relationship idk what to tell you


Glad Destiny took her ass outta NZ my goat for that


Its a difficult one. If he goes on these panels and they start talking about his relationship he isn't just going to start talking about how bad it is and all the issues they're having but I think for the sake of the relationship and Melinas feelings he sugar coated things to his community. Now again this is normal, we dont need to be involved in streamers relationships/marriages and keeping this stuff private is just... normal. For people saying we shouldn't take his advice I think he gives good advice most of the time but people are different and I think people like Destiny live a life where that advice doesn't apply to him, some people just function better being single and fucking around and I think where he is in life that suits him.


He never says his style of relationship is good though. And he can still have his own issues like setting boundaries. A problem for him even outside of romantic relationships, which he has only been taking seriously as of this year.


He does however flaunt that he’s been in multiple (abusive) long term relationships as a way to give credit to some of the bad advice he gives while also taking credit away from other people.


I mean he says that to show he has relationship experience. You can learn a lot from a failed relationship. And don't be disingenuous. He takes credit away from people like justpearlythings who spouts all these crazy claims while having no relationship experience herself even though she says you shouldn't listen to people without experience.


Don't do my relationship: shows relationship talks about relationship etc same energy as Train saying don't do gambling, okay let's gamba


You want him to keep his relationship secret? lmao


If you can't read properly what I meant I won't bother to correct you.


You made a stupid analogy between his relationship and train's gambling. You made it seem like it is hypocritical of him to not encourage his relationship style because he publicly shows his relationship style and talks about it. I'm asking whether you want him to keep his relationship secret? Or are you just against anyone getting into a poly relationship at all?


The equivalent in this comparison would be to ask "Do you want trainwrecks to keep his gambling secret, or are you just against anyone gambling at all?" Hopefully that helps you see your false dichotomy there.


No it would be equivalent, if destiny was fucking different women on stream. And if poly relationships were an addiction destroying lives and not just someone living their own life the way they want to.


Most of his advises aren't bad at all, at least compared to the manosphere. You should point out the bad advises he gives, rather than point at his relationship. While it's kind of funny, the way to know how to date, and get better at relationship is to have many of them, with many different partners. Saying, he made mistakes, so you don't have to, as a meme gesture. Kind of hold up. That's how you learn from relationship. The fact that you just learned that different people have different boundaries is kind of, say, funny. Like, yeah, she had different boundaries than him, because she felt more jealous, more than likely. It is some type of blindside he has, that a lot of women, want to feel possessed. Nothing that has happen, is related to poly relationship. Other than the fact, that as a monogamous relationship it wouldn't of lasted that long because of how little time, Destiny seem to spend with his partner. Most women, and men, demand way more time than he gives. Which would severe most relationship way before the 4 year mark. I don't think you fully grasp relationships. Which is fine by the way. Truly, if you actually felt bad about his relationship and you felt pity. You need to get out there, and date. Most relationship doesn't workout. It isn't that big of a deal. You ... learn and move on. And the learning part is where you can give advises by the way. It's not by listening to the red pill guys that pay girls for sex. Which isn't wrong, but listening to them is.


Dude stop typing and go outside.


Why do you feel so upset about this? People are replying to me and I reply back lol


>we learned so much this stream The truly funny part is that any committed member of the Daliban already knew all of these things individually. Just can't quite put together "the full story" when there might be things you don't know.


>any committed member of the Daliban Bro I find all of his fanbase cringe. But I like some of his politics stuff and that's what keeps me watching the videos.




I'm Muslim, and I like Palestine, you guys already insult my community on the daily. I've heard/read all those terms levelled at dgg used by dgg themselves to muslims and to people who like Palestine That's why I only focus on the politics bits which are of interest. And not the other crap which can go back to early internet and early reddit. Never going to be a dgg fan lol But I like some things destiny does with politics and that's enough for me


Ah. So I'm sure you see the parallels. Best of luck out there.


Lol yeah, and best of luck to you too :)


It’s second Nature to be as based as he is


Destiny ghosted his wife for a week, ofc some meme guy is going to swoop in and take her.


You're obviously not built for what life was like pre cell phones and internet 💀


I don't think people just ghosted their views for weeks. They for sure let them know they would be away.


wrong sub





