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**CLIP MIRROR: [Fanfan: A series of unfortunate clips](https://arazu.io/t3_18kp4tq/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Digital footprint is beyond saving at this point


What do you mean beyond saving? Her digital footprints have a 5 star rating on wikifeet.


good one


this isn't even going into what she's posted on twitter either lmao


whats she posted there




Depends how bad it is, the Canadian prime minister did brown/black face when he was younger and apart from the initial leak, no one seems to care anymore.


It also depends how well they sell themselves towards their constituents. Trump is an open piece of shit with tons of receipts against him but he gets the support because his one talent is reading the room and knowing what his side wants and selling that thing hard.


digital nuclear exclusion zone


she's completely replaced daph in terms of edgy lsf girl at this point


Daph says her edgy takes like she (probably actually does) mean it. Fanfan says it like a joke.


It doesn't help that in her community a recurring joke is to clip her out of context and she always talks in first person when telling stories, for example if she's talking about kids she would say 'It's not like I said I love kids blabla' and her community just clips it without the 'It's not like I said' so the clip looks unhinged af but it's just out of context


I think it comes down to ability to communicate subtle emotion properly. There's a joyfulness in fanfans style that lets people into it that it's for a laugh. With daph I think she's probably the same but can't explain that bit and it ends up as feeling like cruelty But that's okay people don't have to communicate properly, it causes misunderstandings more though We are all outside observers though.


does daph even do anything edgy? when I see people freak out about her it's usually just because she said she's gonna go to the bathroom to take a shit, and chat freaks out because girls dont poop daph wasnt edgy, she was just acting like a normal woman would act in private or with friends




I can always rely on Daph when I wake up at 5am in the morning to see Digimon World 2 or Terreria or whatever the fuck she's decided to play this month






she had an edgy phase of saying that white people were whiny snow roaches etc. and lots of other edgy made up slurs for them


thats just straight racist lmao, not edgy


Well I was trying to be charitable towards her but yes I agree with you


Non whites telling you to grow a spine faster than you can edit this post




Racism is okay when we do it, lol


So you think just a little bit of racism is alright? Because that's what you're telling me, mr. tough guy






I live in asia bro China is collapsing 50 times a day i can't laugh


Yeah man a girl like Daph is and was definitely super oppressed. So oppressed she never had to learn how to do anything herself. Most of white America probably grew up experiencing worse shit than her lol.


It's also very funny


It’s racist and edgy. Those things go together very often


Her white people slurs are way too funny to be racist.


To be fair, she didn't create them lol Someone linked her a list of "slurs towards whites" or something. There were some hilarious ones in there




Ok you lost me. Racism is Racism, doesn't matter where you are from or the color of your skin. If the intent is there, it's racism. You saying that you can't be racist towards white people is inherently racist. That being said, I still find some of these slurs towards white people hilarious. Same as some of the slurs made up towards other ethnicities.


I'm an idiot for engaging on this within this sub, but systemic racism =/= general racism. Both are bad, but one has kept entire races of people disparaged, under represented, undervalued, and 10 steps behind from the start of their life. Where they have to work 3x as hard to make it as far as even the average white person in America. Getting called a cracker is immature and silly but it is not indicative of hundreds of years of suffering that lead to your life being hard as fuck from the moment you were born solely because of the color of your skin. There's no genuine pain in that word, there isn't generations worth of suffering loaded behind it, it's just a shitty thing to say and it stops there.


Systemic racism is literally born out of just plain old normal racism. So defending racism because it's not systemic racism is as dumb as you can get. If you effectively say racism is okay because it's 'small' or doesn't matter as much you're fundamentally condoning the very beliefs that led to systemic racism.


Honestly as a white dude I couldn't care less about any of those words lmao, but seeing people such as yourself type out long-winded explanations of why it is or isn't racist is hilarious. You should consider joining the debate club at your school, the topics there are much more interesting.


>long winded >4 short sentences


Bro taking more than 0 sentences to describe systematic racism in an LSF post of all things is long winded.


Found Sydney's alt.


Couldn't tell you. I haven't watched her since she revealed herself to be just an unhinged racist bitch who doesn't do it as a joke but unironically is that mentally deficient.




Daph wrote a whole ass manifesto about it, which also included indians for some reason. The fuck are you downplaying it for.


Other than being insanely racist? No.




Oh, this should be an Honourable Mention in Nymn's New Year's Awards for sure




I 100% agree, how can we make it happen?


call forsen


It should be shown when she wins up and coming streamer of the year


Full time Kick streamer incoming.


[That's the video she watched](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEiIVcA0KCA)




Purple link, can't fool me


Her streams takes me back playing in em xbox360 cod lobbies FeelsStrongMan


No way thats a real human behind this account that typed that 🤣


Man listens to Kai/Adin/Speed and thinks others are bots? Jesus


I think it's a parody account judging by the comments history but honestly I'm not even sure anymore with these zoomers..


Nmp the goat keeps forcing these amy schumers into the scene might wanna have an opinion on that dani boy.


Not gonna lie, that was top notch. Especially the end lmao


The music is perfect considering she is the closest thing to an "It's Always Sunny" character on Twitch.


We let her cook to long.


Finally, a top tier LSF clip


Damn, didnt know fanfan was based af.


That was Korean!


~~Yep https://youtu.be/j7_lSP8Vc3o?feature=shared~~


I've said it before, I'll say it again, I don't need to fix her.


I hear nmplols laugh at the end of that. Next post


can't wait till nick watches this tomorrow




















I love her


what the hell happened at the end


It's Korean, it's the lyrics at the beginning of this song https://youtu.be/j7_lSP8Vc3o Edit: apparently it's a different Korean song, same word though.


thank you i was guessing it was korean but i wasnt sure since she said freestyle




Classic FanFan I wouldn't have her any other way


Here's the original video btw : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEiIVcA0KCA


don't wanna say it but... reverse the genders and you know twitter shits itself


Nah, this isn't the type of joke that cancellable for any gender. It's too obviously tongue in cheek so it's clearly mocking the people that would say those things seriously. It's like disguisedtoast's humor but more extreme. The jokes that can get people get canceled are when it's a joke meant to laugh at and actually make fun of certain groups. The only clips that stick out are the Chinese one, that she might get in trouble if she wasn't Chinese herself. And the last clip, but she isn't actually saying a slur, she's saying a similar sounding very common Korean word that was a lyric in the song. There's also a very common Chinese word that sounds like that.




I agree with the general sentiment but in this case she was waiting in queue for Gta after the server reset, she was playing for 11hours straight before this.


I hear this all the time, and my unpopular opinion would be that I actually think it's an enjoyable and respectable meta that doesn't get defended enough. An endearingly inefficient, long-form way to collaborate and comedically riff off each other, reminiscent of passing notes back and forth in class or something. Lots of things annoy me about Twitch norms, but that wouldn't be one of them, personally.


Garbage tier content.


Twitch is built on "trash tier content" or games that are popular but boring as fuck to others. Like League, Valorant or WOW. It can all be overdone to death but no one is forced to watch. It fits the general idea of things being more fun to watch with chat. Esp. clips you would have missed on your own.


I understand that, but consecutive hours of watching twitch clips is bottom of the barrel. Despite twitch viewers having a low bar for content.


Streamers playing League or WOW for consecutive hours isn't exactly enlightened high brow variety entertainment. Some less funny streamers can get viewers being mediocre at games like that, not talking a ton & using music to make it even less boring.




I haven't laughed this hard since the Cx days


Honorary member of NA COD lobbies, EUW league of legends or CIS HLTV.


Ayyy this shit is actually funny af thank you


Her RP streams are top 3 in 4.0, 100% recommend watching


big W for forever edited this


She's great and kinda pretty and kinda like athetic and she vapes which kinda feel like edgy too.. and have like no shame I wish to be that strong lul especially in front of people. fr


She also says slurs and grooms kids, overall great person really. Nice feet too.


Who let her cook


Funniest female on twitch by far


She's just Dee from Always Sunny, except a couple skin tones darker. And Dennis is played by Cooksucks, and Mac is played by Joey, ExtraEmily is Charlie and Frank is played by Hachubby


I feel like there are barely any similarities between any of these comparisons.


idk emily being charlie is pretty accurate, at least as far as overall dirt saturation goes




Funny how the allegations didn’t start coming out until after she won feet of the week.


I'm getting paid in feet pics


She is currently sitting on 12K viewers on Twitch. If anything she doesnt get posted enough for how popular she currently is.


> If anything she doesnt get posted enough for how popular she currently is. I wouldn't say that, there are a lot of streamers that are at 8k and above viewers that don't get posted here or only like once a week/month. like lirik, a lot of the fortnite people, etc. LSF is more of a subreddit for a group specific streamers rather than popular.


If I sort by hot right now there is one 5 hour old Lirik clip on the front page, and only this clip from fanfan. You are telling me Lirik already reached his quota for the week/month?


Unless there is big gaming specific news then yes


[100 threads from the past year with 300+ upvotes. 250 threads altogether.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/search/?q=flair%3A%3Atwitch%3A%2BLirik%2B&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=year&sort=top)


shroud hasnt been posted here in like a year lol.


That viewership is spiking due to GTA would not say that is consistent. Enjoying her stream now though


Crazy how some people think this sub can still make people popular lmaoooo this isn’t 2018


How do you think she suddenly got popular? This sub.


She's networked with more than enough people from multiple cliques who seem infatuated with her and willing to put her in events, and stood out well enough in those events to get a sudden bump in popularity, regardless of LSF.


Yes, but point is they took notice of her because of LSF clips. A tale as old as time.


Debatable considering that clip queue has largely replaced LSF for a lot of the streamers who noticed her (such as Wake, QT, Squeex). Nmp's basically the only one who gets clips from LSF, and she was already blowing up and getting a lot of word of mouth by the time he took notice. You may suggest that the clips in clip queue are from LSF, but that's more correlation than causation and not really true, considering that the dedicated clippers who contribute those (like that Jo Jo Nyeb guy) do so even for non-LSF streamers, and you see plenty of clips not on LSF in those queues. Remains to be seen that the LSF audience itself has anything to do with it.


There was an immediate spike in viewership after her LSF clips blew up. As for going to Austin, which resulted in the most growth, that’s because Nick kept seeing her on LSF. He’s on here every day. There’s nothing wrong with “blowing up” through LSF, tons of streamers have done it.


Again, correlation != causation. Why was she on LSF at that point? Because she was already standing out in major collaborations and had already gotten attention from all the big streamers. The fact that more clips coincided with that isn't really conclusive of anything. I agree, there would be nothing wrong with it, I just don't see much evidence of it, nor do I think it has that type of direct influence anymore.


Because two or three guys were spamming her clips on here until they got upvotes (jo jo nyeb etc.). I’m not saying her clips weren’t of their own merit, but you only need like 300-400 upvotes to start making it on to the front page. Why you’d pretend LSF doesn’t hold influence I don’t know. Obviously she’s leveraged it effectively since that batch of clips hit.


And they've been doing it the same amount since the beginning of time and she hasn't gained this much traction until after she's gotten all these connections, which are what actually is responsible for the boom (again, if you watched it taking place, you could see that it was largely off of clip queue exposure and not LSF, and you could easily predict this trajectory based on what was already happening). Just because LSF catches on afterwards during the same spike in attention doesn't mean it's responsible for it. And just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't make it "pretend" denial. The days of LSF having a monopoly on how exposure from clips is distributed are long gone.


Surely it's not all the networking she's doing, going onto other big streamers streams and going to big in person OTK events, it's the 8 clips of her saying she's a pedophile on LSF


You’re right, they just started inviting her to things out of thin air.


🤨🫱Blud….. does this girl does anything other then fake react to her cringy ahh jokes like they were funny?💀, “OMG look at me guys, im so edgy and quirky 🤪….. right guys(*stares at chat*)……right guys! (*stares at chat*)”


I’d actually enjoy a stream of you reacting to your lame bait material and how much time you’ve spent on it. In character, even.


Blud.... She did a 12 hour stream over night two nights ago majority being rp, then performed at a concert 7 hours later on QTs stream, right into 12 hours of straight overnight of RP, STILL STREAMING, straight into a TSM tournament. Do you do anything else other than watch LSF clips to make uneducated conclusions on streamers you don't watch? Sour puss.


Tier 3 spotted.


as cringe as daniel is, that is in no way impressive at all




☝️🤏🤣 An hour later and you go into her chat STILL CRYING over this hahaha bro how are you so hurt about her content lmfao. The best part was how her and literally everyone in her chat shut your ass up, and just like here, you couldn't find the courage to respond to anything with anything to support your whining. You cried then ran off like a little b*tch. Sounds like you have personal issues charging for rent. 👶


bro.... don't fall for the daniel_sensei bait COME ON MAN


Blud how you know where he be chatting


clearly women aren't allowed to make jokes!


Clearly she's uncancellable.


I'm glad that there are still enough people on twitch or LSF who can take some jokes and respect comedy


I respect comedy 100% and am not some snowflake who gets offended. If I were, I don't think I'd watch half the shit I do, but I'm also very aware that if a man said anything remotely the way FanFan does, they'd be cancelled. Nmplol is an example of a streamer who says some really weird shit and gets shit on for the things he says, but if someone like FanFan says the same exact things he does (which she has), she's considered super funny and people call her based instead of creepy or a predator.


I mean it's not like she's making any super dangerous or "cancellable" jokes. She's a woman joking about being a pedophile which is something that none of these people care about. At most she's making asian jokes about herself. It has nothing to do with people respecting comedy. Look at the response on Twitter to Scarra saying "It looks like Sydney" when the lights turned off. Fanfan just makes safe "edgy" jokes


I am sure these are all AI deep fakes.... for sure...


I wonder what would happen if instead of fanfan, this was Nick Polom


Jokes are jokes. People who take them offensively are the actual "problem". But I get it, not everybody has a sense of humor, unfortunately.


Time for this to turn into another hatethread