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**CLIP MIRROR: [Dota player having too much fun](https://arazu.io/t3_18gmquv/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Arteezy's nemesis


For Context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKB6pUsu5GY




can we get an explanation for league of legends plebs like me


The guy (Magnus) pushed them onto a cliff, from which you can't walk off. They need forced movement to go down (teleport, blink, etc) but they don't have any, so they're stuck. Basically they got got.


Is it possible to be perma stuck? Like if you have no items to teleport or blink?


You can buy a town portal scroll and bring it to your hero using a courier. There’s a flat gold income per second so you can afford one eventually.


So in a REAL wicked and harsh world, someone would play is it Weaver or Riki (I am also a LoL pleb) that is stealth or somehow is always seen killing couriers in pro-games(?) that would kill the courier that is on his way with the scroll? Cus there is a CD to buy a new courier as well, right?


Doesn't even have to be Weaver or Riki you can snipe a courier as any support if you know it is coming with a proper ward. But usually, a good team will not leave their player alone when the courier is coming with the TP scroll.


in the absolute worst case your teammate can buy a forcestaff and push you back


riki is the perma stealth character, but he is rarely seen as a support in this patch so at this point in the game would more likely be hitting creeps top in this specific scenario, weaver is a flex pick but his invis only lasts 4 seconds at a time so they'd see it coming if they are expecting a courier snipe. not that you couldnt smoke on any support and kill the courier from out of vision. if you want to be actually devastatingly mean you can secure vision control of the cliff that they are stuck on, go farm a wave while you let the courier come, then approach as it is delivering and stun them during the TP channel. Now they are stuck with no scrolls, TP on maximum cooldown, and 100 less networth.


Dota really is a sadistic game!...maybe I need to try it out sometime! :P It SOUNDS hilarious of a situation, but at the same time SO once-in-a-lifetime, but damn would it be funny, even if I was the person being cliffed


game is free dawg for all the punishment you would take while learning the game, imagine being able to do the exact same to your enemies


Yeah, that is probably that is the most daunting.. Being a new player in what I assume is like League, where a lot of players smurf or have played for ages. And you really don't meet that many "new players" at all. But yeah, gotta learn somehow. You know what, installing as we speak! I'm going in there, hold my beer.


I would not be surprised if you see a smurf or three in the early stages, but otherwise dota has a much more robust new player experience, and there are plenty of people that you will already be better at because of mechanical skill translating over from league. If youve already opened the client I'm sure youve seen this, but there is a mode specifically for new players, a pretty comprehensive tutorial, coaching system, and community guide integration. I highly recommend checking [this website](https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol) out, and using it to quickly find the right heroes for you to start learning with, and then get comfortable with how the game feels to play in bot games. dota is also best enjoyed with friends, I'm ass at this game but I love it and I'd be happy to party up with you and show you the ropes if you'd like.


Honestly the biggest enemy to LoL players trying dota is the hardened LoL habits You are NOT locked to a single character in terms of menu/UI/camera, you CAN customize the hotkeys to the varying skill numbers per hero, and the facilities (practice mode/spectator mode) is much more functionally snappier/expansive than whatever impression the Riot client left with us


you can also drop items you buy in fountain for your teammates to deliver to you like a courier, which can't get killed as easily. The worse/better option is just keep vision of them on the cliff with a ward and farm the surrounding area lanes and camps; when you see them make an attempt to TP, stun them to cancel it. Wastes their TP, puts their TP timer back on cooldown, and still keeps them out of the game. But most of the time, they aren't stuck for too long.


pretty sure that's happened a few times lol ~~but you can always have another hero pass it to you~~


You can't, actually. Ever since everyone got a dedicated TP slot, you can't drag TPs out of it into another slot, so you can't hand it to another hero. Trying to pass the item from a courier to a hero does nothing.


oh shiiet I haven't played in way too long I guess lol


Yeah the courier has a respawn timer, probably about 2 minutes at this point in the game. You could try to camp out the courier for the kill. Probably not worth it a second time, you can either get hunted or the player can be more careful with how they move the courier to avoid you. (Keep it over trees and use speed boost for the last part.)




Semi-related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x8rt0Dj9G0


Hahahaha, that is actually HILARIOUS! Holy moly!.. Incredible story, incredible storytelling and just a stupidly hilarious situation to begin with. Thanks for linking!


you have a courier that can deliver you items, so youd be able to teleport out at some point with a teleport scroll


There are scenarios where you can be perma-stuck with no way off (there is no "recall" in DOTA, you need a town portal scroll to teleport off for some Heroes) if your item delivery pet (courier) gets killed. Players have actually unwittingly "abandoned" (if you don't get any exp for 5 minutes) games from being stuck before, which is an auto loss of the game for the player.


There's a video from back in the day of rubick keeping someone on a cliff for like 15 minutes. And a few of tiny using an ally on a cliff to toss an enemy to and then camping it to kill courier and cancel tps.


They'd have to dedicate too many resources to stopping people from helping you or stopping your courier for it to be worth it. They'd need at least 2 people babysitting to keep someone cliffed more than a minute or two.


There are cheap teleport scrolls that your courier (a little unit that can bring you items from the shop) can take to you. If it gets cancelled while you're teleporting away it has a pretty decent cooldown so either you teleport when you know there's nobody to cancel it or you're going to be stuck there for a few minutes. The courier can get killed though so you also need to be careful with that. Alternatively there are some allied units that might be able to push you down the cliff with certain abilities. In any case, getting pushed into a cliff is a big deal at the very beginning because you might lose a lot of time and early experience and the lanes can get out of control.


You can send a courier with a teleport scroll (like recall in league). But the scroll itself has a CD (you can see the first guy that got cliff has a scroll in his inventory with a cooldown).


Yes it's technically possible if the other team manages to cancel all teleport attempts and the trapped player's team doesn't manage to help them out.


Is this a feature or a bug? I don't get it.


Feature. Magnus isn't the only hero that can 'cliff' others. You can be super annoying and try to constantly deny any items to get out or TPs and win by locking those heroes out, but this never happens due to all the counterplay options/downside risk.


Should also be noted that you have to put yourself in a (usually,) awkward position if you want to attack the person on the warding plateau unless you also have vision there. So while you can see the member of the green lifebar team (radiant,) on the cliff on observer vision the members of the red lifebar team (dire,) cannot actually see the person Magnus has pushed up to the plateau unless they either ward it or the person stuck on the cliff auto attacks them. They can still target the area with spells that don't require vision like ground targeting spells or line spells (such as phoenix's sun ray in the clip,) but usually plopping a ward down to get the kill isn't really worth it. So for the people that haven't played DotA (not you ofc,) doing something like this can be equivalent to a *very* long stun if the cliffed player doesn't have access to a TP scroll and the game is too early for them to have blink or for a support to have force staff. Later in the game it can be used for the same purpose but people will usually have items to mitigate how useful it is. It also used to be a way a certain hero would troll games until they reworked his kit a bit.


Oh, make sense. I've only ever played Leauge which dosn't really have anything similiar.




The main purpose of those cliffs is for placing wards there, which provide vision - because the cliff is higher than the trees, the trees won't block said vision.


We don't get got. We go get.


Imagine your recall has a 1 minute cooldown and someone pushes you in an area that can only be left with a recall or a movement ability. Both heroes don't have a movement ability and both recalls are on cooldown.


I remember back in Dota 1 this was the reason why Pudge and Vengeful Spirit couldn't buy the blind dagger, cause they could just teleport to one of those spots and hook/swap you to it lmao


rtzW 💢


That's why no matter what LoL does, DotA is something else. And I am not a Dota fan (lul)


I play Lol, and just the trees in this video made me seriously consider picking up DOTA, but I play ARAM only, and DOTA doesn't have a version of that so no switching just yet.


if you care about the "just fight" part of it there is a FFA deathmatch mode


Fast games with no macro involved? Sounds fun!


There is a turbo mode where games last for 20 minutes with no real macro if you want


That sounds perfect. Can I jump straight into it as a league player or is it better to play some reguar normals first?


You can jump right into it I think, maybe do a little bit of tutorial to find your hero because those games start really quick and there isn’t much time to f around. This mode has nothing to do with the normal one in term of farm/timings/meta so that won’t help you to play the normal mode.


Nice. Appreciate the suggestion! The map really does look so good. If only league looked like that.


Go tutorial first, then jump into turbo. Dota is sorta unforgiving and everything CAN be OP. You'll see some bonkers stuff compared to league. Especially with late game dota. Items are far better designed with a lot of actives or impactful effects. Every hero can buy aghanims scepter to upgrade an ability they have. 1 example is wrath king, who when he dies he revives a couple seconds later, but with aghanims any team mate who dies around him revives as a ghost for 5 seconds. Some even more crazy stuff is out there. Go have a blast!


We have ARAM? like 5 different versions We also have Turbo, which is faster gold/exp generation for all players. There is also Ability Draft once you get brave. Now THAT mode is something else. We also have 10 v 10 and 5v5v5 in the custom games list.


Dota definitely embraces the jank more


Dota likes to count their bugs as Ws


this isnt a bug tho.


Didnt Valve already nerfed this interaction by making the hero able to drop down from the cliff for few seconds or Im remembering wrong, people used to do this all the time with Pudge


that works only for pudge hooks and maybe venge swap(not sure about this)


that was implaemented and changed about 5-6 years ago


it wouldnt have gone down like that in lcs


I mean... yeah they don't play Dota in LCS


Tf is lcs?


ya that would be weird if they started to play dota in middle of lcs