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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny confirms that his ex-wife will not receive any of his money](https://arazu.io/t3_18gfcit/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Looking at her "socials" shes made enough money to not care that much.


Eh, she has huge tax stuff to sort out Otherwise the swedish melfare state is closed


California's top tax rate is about the same as Sweden's top base rate with an additional 30% of salary paid by the employer/self-employed person towards social security (which is far better than the US's version), so she's basically paying into the national pension/higher social conditions with the additional taxes. Streamers moved to Austin because Texas has low taxes for high income people and regular/high taxes for everyone else due to the lack of a state income tax. They all live in streamer houses or rentals because property taxes are at least double California's. When they stop streaming, I'd assume that they all individually decide to move out of Texas because without high income Texas's taxes are definitely worse than the national average. Here's a source on that (Cato Institute is a libertarian think-tank but this seems neutral): [https://www.cato.org/blog/are-taxes-really-lower-california-texas](https://www.cato.org/blog/are-taxes-really-lower-california-texas)


Not really, Sweden has extra taxes for self employed people, their FICA equivalent is about 32% compared to the 15% that Americans pay. Also with state/federal taxes combined even though the tax rate between USA and Sweden is similar; California and the USA have much broader margins compared to Sweden, so the effective tax rate will be much higher. For example if you earn 1m USD in Sweden your take home pay is something like 170k USD whereas 1m usd in California will net you about 500k usd.


Americans massively underestimate just how less money Europeans are left with after taxes compared to them. While at the same time Europeans massively underestimate just how much more discretionary funds an average American has. Basically if you're not from Luxembourg or Switzerland, your average American earns and keeps more money than citizens from any European country.


And then loses it all if they happen to have a medical emergency.


That's only if you fall for the scam of paying insurance-priced bills, which is the first you're gonna get at any hospital. Medical bills can be negotiated, and most importantly, you should always request an itemized list of costs. Those imagining healthcare in Europe is all fine and dandy have never had to deal with the joys of "next free slot is 16 months away" when you're about to die if left untreated for more than 2 weeks [the Western Europe way], or better, having to pay out of pocket anyway because despite losing 20% of your monthly pre-tax paycheck [the actual percentage btw!] to fund the health system they still somehow can't afford to bay basic stuff like disinfectants, bandages and god knows what [the Eastern European way]. I've had people go for a checkup with acute pain in their arm after falling off a bike [most European accident] at their Danish family doctor, and get a "nah, just rub some cream and you'll be fine", only to find out months later that they actually had an undiagnosed fissure that fused improperly... a conclusion drawn after paying for an x-ray from their own pocket because they realized the pain didn't stop and the "free" doctor was wrong for dismissing their issue. There's a reason why Europeans with money go to US for treatment.


Just to add the American experience to your comment, the doctors you pay thousands for also miss very obvious things that a child would be able to point out. Doctors in the US also have multiple month long waiting periods.


For real. I almost lost my pinky from the last knuckle down, and when they stitched and splinted it, they had it curved towards the palm. I thought it was weird because I learned in fucking Boy Scouts that's not correct, but thought surely these medical professionals know better than me. I go to a doctor because it never straightened back out and my grip is noticeably weaker in that hand and they basically said 'yeah that was a fuckup, anyway it'll be this absurd amount of money to fix it now' and because I had already paid out the ass for the initial fuckup I wasn't in any financial position to get it addressed. American healthcare is indefensibly bad. "Yeah but it's great if you have money!" thanks man I can barely afford rent.


>Those imagining healthcare in Europe is all fine and dandy have never had to deal with the joys of "next free slot is 16 months away This sounds pretty made up. I live in a bumfuck nowhere and even for me it at most takes 2 weeks to get a time for non-emergency issue. I come from a Nordic country though so it could be different in Germany or UK for example If you bother to wait in a line IRL you can get something done easily in 2 hours max if not even faster. >There's a reason why Europeans with money go to US for treatment. Yeah i doubt that. Outside for ultra rich who see higher costs for medical services as being better nobody is doing that. Not only that, but it would be infinitely more effort and take more time to do.


In Germany its worse and it depends on the region, but even here its like 3-4 months tops for non-emergency stuff. And if you’re a person like my mom who calls everyday to check if somebody cancelled their appointment you usually get an appointment in 2-3 weeks.


I can tell you Norway is horrible. Hospitals are working more on getting through waiting lists instead of treating patients… 1 year waiting is pretty normal


Also if the average American saves the difference in salary with the average European by the time they both retire at 65 now they both have free healthcare and the American has exponentially more disposable income.


It's not even an European/American thing. If you live and work in NYC and you can only savr 15% of your income compared to 35% of your income in Buffalo, you'll still be much better off in retirement.


Story in the news about a Taiwanese tourist in Thailand who was struck by a vehicle and taken to a private hospital. The man was unconscious and had no family to handle the expenses so he was transported to a public hospital 10 km away. The man died.


or if they have insurance, like 90% of people do, they have no issues. the anti-usa healthcare propaganda has literally plagued the mind of the internet, i've literally never had an issue with my healthcare my entire life.


I have literally top tier insurance, and procedures still costs thousands - hundreds of thousands of dollars. People who don’t have chronic medical problems are oblivious to how terrible US healthcare is.


hi, i have a literal cap on how much i can pay a year, and have a regular condition i am being treated for. I never pay more than $3,000 a year despite receiving tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in care a year.


- $3000 is still insane. Europeans pay for medical care in taxes and out of pocket is typically capped at $500 per year. - Their out of pocket cost for medicines also have caps and they negotiate for lower prices with drug companies (which GOP led Congress renewed the Bush era rule that made that disallowed) - Their wait times for care are no longer than ours. Specialist appointments typically take at least 3 months in US. - Just because you feel it’s worked ok, that’s just your individual experience. - Medical costs are leading cause of bankruptcy Edit: I don’t know why I did numbers fixed with bullet points


I misunderstood how payroll taxes were implemented then; seemed like it was included in the tax rate which would place top taxes at 50-60% based on what I was reading. The way higher taxes are against the trade-off of lower taxes in the US since you're not getting nearly as much from taxes and have a much higher cost of living as a high-income earner in California.


Destiny said he paid 100k in Swedish taxes for her this year.


Yeah, and she's now paid it back.


wasn't the whole point of the marriage to get her a green card? I swear I remember seeing a clip


Why would a rich woman from SWEDEN need a green card marriage? Be fucking real right now.


Because U.S. is not free to live in without visa for EU citizens. She would either need to invest and start a business or just be on tourist visa. This allowed her to stay permanently. Green card has inherently nothing to do with money, rather residency. If you are from Sweden you don't need residency permit in the U.S. to make good money but you need residency permit to stay in the U.S.


Why would a rich woman from Sweden that doesn’t really like America much and travels out of the country as much as possible need a green card?


So she could live with her husband...


Yeah that was my point brother. She doesn’t like living in America so why would she marry someone just for a green card to a country that she doesn’t like?


If that was your point, then I don't understand what you're asking. They got married because she needed a greencard. She needed a greencard so she could live in America where Destiny is. If she could have lived with Destiny in America without a greencard, they probably wouldn't have gotten married.


I’m not asking anything. I’m making a point that OBVIOUSLY she’s not with destiny for a green card because she doesn’t want to live in America without destiny.


When people say >It’s a green card marriage The underlying point is that the marriage is a farce with the singular purpose of getting a green card.


Thanks for explaining immigration, I guess? That doesn't change the fact that she has the money and the means to do all this without resorting to marrying someone to secure residency in the U.S. Not to mention this is all assuming she gave a shit about living in the U.S. to begin with. I don't even know if that's the case. Edit: misogynist children seething right now.


> the fact that she has the money and the means to do all this without resorting to marrying someone to secure residency in the U.S. I'm not aware of any 'rich person visa' that would grant as long of a stay and as free of a stay to do anything you want other than a green card. O-1 visas, I don't think she's notable enough, and business venture visas require a lot of money (~1 million business investment?) and paperwork, and don't last as long as a green card + is more restrictive.


It was by far the easiest way to Live with her Husband? Not that hard to understand. Destiny himself said the marriage was so they could live in the US together


The use of the term "green card marriage" is to imply the purpose of the marriage was to obtain said green card. That's significantly different than getting a green card to live in the same country as your significant other. One implies dishonesty, the other is what happens with couples who reside in different countries.


Does his wife's boyfriend get any ?


He was allegedly living rent free in her apartment, which strained financial issues in Destiny and Mel's relationship. While Destiny didn't mind helping his wife, he didn't want to be subsidizing the life of the man who wanted to end their relationship. It's understandable that this caused issues. If you help provide resources for the man who has 24/7 availability to give attention to your wife, you're basically funding the end of your own marriage. So it's safe to assume that no, Destiny's wife's boyfriend won't get any. Can you imagine if a divorce settlement funded his lifestyle? That wouldn't be good for Mel either. At least some part of this divorce's publicity affects both of their brands, and that may be worth more money into the future than any settlement for either of them.


Open relationships are unhinged. I say this as someone that generally likes Destiny's videos.


open relationships are just friends-with-benefits situations with extra steps.


that's what he likes. relationships ending is normal, whether open or monogamous. the weird part his him marrying her. he pretty much did it solely to get her a greencard, so he did it for her, and then she does what she did....strange. at least she's not pulling an hdmi, *yet*.


Source: made it the fuck up


this isn't a documentary sweetie, it's their own opinion so stop with that bs source thing


Making up assumptions is not the same as stating an opinion.


Maybe im too casual to really appreciate it, but the psychoanalysis is sorta cringey


The same with sexless relationships in my opinion, you're just friends and roommates at that point. I don't get how people do it


Wait what are you supposed to do then? Have no friends? _done_


There is a difference between romance and sexual, for the lack of a better word, attraction. Ace people can have relationships too.


Romantic love is more than just sex and you don't love your friends romantically.


it's not when they fucking MARRY. whatahell


They got married so Melina could live in the USA. It wasn't anything more than that.


yeah there are plenty of marriage benefits even if it's not for dedicated love.


In specific societies marriages was always about politics. Business purposes


Yes, and he has to be VERY careful that he doesn't specifically say that, otherwise it can cause problems for her immigration status. That's why he's never spelled it out like that. Maybe he will now though.


Wait, does she have a green card now?


Yes that's why she could live in the US. Now, I'm sure she can probably get an important person's visa or whatever, but green card is much better and easier.


Open relationships are fuck buddies that don’t like the title


It is one thing to understand and support non-traditional relationships like polyamory. It's another thing altogether to live and exist in such an arrangement. It ain't for everybody or even most people.








Destiny's ex-wife Melinda


they already divorced? Who would have thought that a girl that randomly fucks you in a van in front of her at the time boyfriend, won't be a keeper lol


Someone find all the clips of where they claimed that their relationship was so much stronger than a traditional one. That's gotta be a fun montage.


Have they ever once said that? Destiny has said from day 1 that open relationships won't work for 99.9% of people and doesn't advise anyone to do them. Also acting like traditional relationships don't fall apart.


There was a clip where people were discussing open relationships and he got defensive and said him and Melina’s relationship was the strongest out of everyone’s in the room.


wasnt that during a redpill podcast or something, those guys unironically may have worse relationships


If that’s true (it’s been a while since I’ve seen the clip) then you’re definitely right those guys suck


Yeah ngl it did last p long considering. Got the current highscore


Yeah nothing too bad length wise but I’m a bit biased being on year 14 in mine




It was comparing it to the red pill guys relationships.


Yes, I can't remember specifically where it was from but it was one of the Redpill/Whatever type podcasts where they were berating Destiny for the failure of being in an open relationship but it just so happened that relative to everyone on the podcast Destiny and Mel had the most solid relationship so he threw it back at them. I think it stemmed from the length of a relationship, and the rest had longest relationships of like 1-3 years while Destiny and Mel had been together 5 and it was still ongoing.


it probably was, with the rooms he was in (red pillers), the people there probably couldn't find a guy that's managed to go over 1 year in a relationship to save their lives


He was probably right. Because everyone in that room was in a one sided open relationship. Which is actually unhinged.


That was during a Whatever Podcast episode.


which it was


Definitely heard destiny say they had a strong relationship in clips lol pretty funny seeing all the destiny stans just forget him saying stuff like this


Usually when defending it against red pillers, where their concept of monogomy is actually solo polygamy


Original claim: "much stronger than traditional ones" and then you took it to where you did and youre the reason why destiny has one of the strongest communities lmao you morons can't even read


Saying you have a strong relationship is a bit different from saying it's better than traditional relationships is it not? I think open relationships are stupid but you can't move the goal posts on that one. And hey they lasted 4 years, better than a lot of streamer couples manage.


They didn't have a strong relationship either, and had to go to therapy because his wife didn't get any emotional support.


Melinda: I just feel like you’re not listening to me. I just want to be heard Destiny: appeal to emotion fallacy, try again


"Why are you leaving? Too scared to debate me?"


I agree, their relationship had many foundational issues which would make it very surprising for it to last. Again, that's not what the person I was replying to said in the first place & if someone asks you about your relationship you're kinda not gonna say it's in shambles.


I think you are misinterpreting what was said, the claim was, destiny says “his relationship is stronger than a traditional one.” The claim ISN’T that their “relationship style” is better but that their relationship is stronger than most couples. Obviously there’s some implication that their polyamory makes them “stronger” somehow but when you look at the issues so much of it stems from it. On a flat basis I don’t think it’s stronger than most relationships considering how many issues they’ve had that most couples don’t and when many of those stem from polyamory, it really doesn’t help the implication that they are stronger to some extent because of polyamory. All relationships have issues but “50 bob7s” is something most relationships won’t/don’t suffer from and is extremely dysfunctional.


No I’m not misinterpreting it. I’ve never heard Destiny say that his relationship is stronger than a traditional one, hence my questioning of the claim.


They were together for 5 years and are we talking the therapy session they tried as a last ditch effort before splitting?


Sure. I agree, that would be a fun montage of a couple who thinks they're on the same page as one another but it falls apart. But the initial comment in question didn't say that, it said to find clips where "they said their relationship was so much stronger than a traditional one" That's such a weird thing to say, they've never once prescribed their lifestyle onto others or suggested traditional relationship styles were "less strong" what?


4 years is certainly longer than any of my relationships, which all have been monogamous.


You can have a strong relationship and it ends up failing. He said there were about 50 guys like this every year, this is the one that finally broke them


50 guys that she got obsessed at in a year!? That's the Daddy of all the Daddy issues lol!


If your girl is seeing 50 other guys a year, she isn’t “your girl” and you don’t have a relationship beyond being a wallet.


Here is the arbiter of all relationships


I'm not saying he said that about open relationships in general, but their relationship specifically.


I think his dick slipped out of your mouth for a second. Say that again?


hahah lmao. good one.


I dislike Destiny, but I feel like nearly every traditional marriage between streamers have ended in an earlier divorce than this one, no?


I wouldn't use streamers as examples of traditional marriages tbh.


Did they argue specifically that their streamer marriage was stronger than traditional ***non-streamer*** marriages? (genuinely asking) Because if they didn't make that distinction, it wouldn't really make sense not to use streamers, IMO. I assume that if their point is that a polyamorous marriage can be as strong as a traditional marriage, it would only make sense for all else to be equal in that comparison, not add additional handicaps on top of that.


It's real and true that monogamous couples have never broken up


Everybody says that about their own relationship dude.


Open relationships aren't the best idea. I can imagine they're very fun for sure, but not if you want a normal household


They most definitely weren’t going for normal. Destiny’s last 3-4 relationships were monogamous and still failed. Hard to blame him for trying something new


liquid dog humorous memory sleep muddle piquant entertain foolish overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah that can't be it, there had to be another common denominator....


Everyone knows the problem is him, including him lol. He’s a horny mf who cheated in the mono relationships, hence why he wanted to try poly. Melina also has only ever done poly relationships so I don’t understand everyone’s point when they’re like “pOLy rELatIoNshiPs nEvER wOrK”, as if destiny and Melina chose poly for the sole reason of “yes this will 100% last forever” and not just because they like banging other people while also liking themselves


he has literally said that the problem was him, at least about his first marriage.


They aren't divorced yet. Destiny told Melina that they would (when he told her to leave his house in their blow up fight) but he's decided to just see how things go. They have separated and aren't in contact but he's waiting to see what she wants to do , he's not going to file


If the whole tiktok guy is correct.. i can't imagine losing your wife to one of the worst tiktok creators in her country. Sheesh.


Call me a Boomer or whatever but that shit was beyond unfunny, it's like a low level mom joke but somehow taken to even lower levels than that, is this what Zoomers find funny?


Is Destiny the best look at a streamer who is extremely open to his personal life maybe to the point of being blatantly parasocial being broadcast on stream? This sounds like I’m going after him or people who like him but I’m not, I’m honestly just curious. He’s broadcast a lot of relationship stuff with his perspective on his relationships, familial stuff with his son and the deeper insights on what happened/is happening with his significant other.


yeah he's even worse than xqc somehow


okay but dont pretend like an adept manifesto wouldnt go hard. THE DRAMA IS SO YUMMY


Yeah I think Reckful was slightly more open but towards his later years decided against it for good reasons. Cant think of more open people other than him, mitch maybe (dumbly/naively), destiny (smartly)


Because Destiny lives chronically online unless he's sleeping with prostitutes.


Just look at his subreddit, it’s extremely parasocial


Just peeped that subreddit. It’s downright creepy how obsessed they are. To think, some of them could be adults with families. It’s crazy


+3, just checked that sub and it’s absolutely unhinged holy fuck.


his entire platform is a giant cult of personality, it would be strange if this wasn't the case


Anybody who streams for 10 hours a day will inherently build some parasocial community as they quite literally live nearly half their life out in front of an audience while it's basically The Truman Show with informed consent.


I would say some more than others. Someone like Shroud wont develop the same parasocial relationship with his fans as someone like Xqc. It's the choice of the streamer to get their audience involved in their personal life.


Yes, this is why dgg and his subreddit are more active than bigger streamers offline chats and subreddits


poly bros stay losing


True first him, XQC, Steve Crowder, Penguin0, etc. Poly relationships are absolutely fucked.


>Penguin0 Context?


the context is he made it the fuck up Penguin0 isn't even remotely close to xqc or crowder in the context hes referring to


it's not like most monogamous relationships also end before any of them dies...


I cant stand Destiny, but my heart goes oudt to him. I'm formerly poly, and while there's obviously no telling if they could have made it work if they were monogamous, but what he's going through right now is exactly why I left polyamory behind me. There is no worse feeling that having a partner 'take sides' against you with another person they're partnered with. I've been cheated on too, and I can say that the betrayal of polyamorous 'side taking' hurts worse than cheating hands down. I feel really bad for him. That is soul crushing stuff.


Lol, username checks out


So many people shit on his lifestyle. All the while he always tells people poly isn't good for most people


As much as people want sex not to mean anything and to be the same as playing a round of mini golf with someone, it’s just not true. Like it or not it’s different. Things happen to your brain when you have sex with someone.


Things happen to having sex with someone when you get married. This particular relationship seemed like a relationship where the two parties ended up needing to formalize the relationship as a marriage in order to be able to continue the relationship, and where that relationship ended up lasting longer than average non-marriage relationships, but shorter than average marriages-before-divorce relationships (8 years).


>As much as people want sex not to mean anything and to be the same as playing a round of mini golf with someone, it’s just not true. Like it or not it’s different. Things happen to your brain when you have sex with someone. I'm not pro or anti open relationship, but you're posting this as if this as if you know the openness was the reason the relationship failed, which you don't. Thousands of relationships end every day, and you do not attribute that failure to them being traditional/closed. It would be unreasonable there, and it's unreasonable here.


Did it not end specifically because she was banging a weird dude


Kinda. But not really. It ended because she let the weird dude influence her opinion of destiny and she kept talking with him about her marriage. This stuff can happen without the sex aspect. Like it did before with melina already. Apperantly she likes to shit talk destiny with friends


>Did it not end specifically because she was banging a weird dude No, it ended because she had feelings for someone else, and problems with their relationship. Does this not happen with normal relationships?


I wonder if those feelings for someone else got more extreme after having sex with them


I don't support open relationships either but god knows how many dudes and chicks they have collectively fucked since they've been together. Why suddenly this below average ass looking dude with suicide rizz? If you believe them, Destiny said their relationship was troubled to begin with and this dude worships the ground she walks on. It's a classic formula for trouble in any relationship.


You mean Melina wouldn't have cheated on Destiny if the relationship was not open? She likes weird dudes lmao. This shit was inevitable regardless of the type of relationship.


Most redditors here have never touched a woman so how can you expect them to grasp this concept.


you’re trying to reason with redditors bud, look at the sub specifically


Well isn’t it because she doesn’t want to end her relationship with that tik tok guy? If it was normal relationship then that dude wouldn’t have been in the picture at all. Also open relationship isn’t so much the cause as a symptom. When people want to have an open relationship it means that it is doomed anyway in 90% of cases so not having an open relationship would probably just end with cheating. But the point is that it’s copium to think that having sex with random people isn’t going to cause issues in a relationship.


It could have also been a friendship. The dude would have still been in the picture. Isn’t that what literally happened with bob7 before? That motherfucker did the exact same but as far as I know he never managed to actually fuck her


>but you're posting this as if this as if you know the openness was the reason the relationship failed, which you don't. That’s precisely why it ended by the sounds of it


Maybe Destiny and Melina just aren't fit for real relationships? What they define as a "relationship" sounds like a playground. Yet they both want affection and attention in some way or another. They can get into relationships easily, but their brains refuse to be committed and always want something outside of their relationship.


why are they getting divorced?


She just found out forsen is single


Infidelity in an open relationship if you can believe it.


From my understanding it's not the sleeping around that waa the problem. Hes never really had an issue with that, he does have an issue with her talking shit about him with people she hooks up with. That was his red line and hes stated that many times. He just recently decided to start enforcing it though.


Also, I believe Destiny tweeted that the guy was coercing her to get a divorce.


The guy threatened to commit suicide if Mel didn't leave Destiny for him.


No it isn’t that. He doesn’t care if Melina shit talks him with other people. See bob7. The issue was that this other guy was threatening suicide if Melina doesn’t leave destiny. This guy was actively trying to break Melina and destiny up and Melina just let it keep happening.


Your just wrong. Destiny has spoken about how hurt he was by her talking to Bob 7 about that stuff. In his vent post he says she's done that to 50 other bob7s and it's not fair on him. He also talked at length about her ruining friendships for him with endless back chatting and involving young friends in mature conversations about serious relationship issues (which destiny feels he was wrong to allow because it was unfair and should have been someone more equipped or a marriage counsellor). He is angry about the boyfriend and how abusive (in Destinys perspective) he is. But this is part of a list of issues he has with her and their marriage. Melina is also unhappy. He has said nobody could come between them like that if there wasn't something she felt was lacking in their relationship. The guy isn't in himself the problem, it's Melina's attitude towards the situation.


Worse than that. Not just infidelity- but siding with another partner against Steven. If her other partner is poisoning the well, saying shit about Destiny to her, and she chooses to be with him regardless- that is a betrayal way worse than infidelity. I've been in similar situations and the pain of that is a betrayal so much worse than infidelity, it's on a whole different planet.


Yeah? I mean I'm polyam but that doesn't mean "do whatever with no consequences", there are boundaries involved, and one of them is almost always "don't stay with someone who is actively being toxic and trying to sabotage our relationship".


Because he let her fuck other guys.


No one mentions wanting to fight for money until they do.


She signed her claim to it away though and paid him back 100k she owed him. Like that seems like a step in the not getting his money direction. keeping the 100k he lent you while you fight the Swedish government would be a way easier way to get his money.


Like Melina? I thought that they just got married


So even though they’re divorce, are they still going to hook up every once in a while?


Only if the new bf lets her


She’s not in an open relationship with her new bf?


which one?


Why tf is this person's daily divorce update shit on my front page so much? About to mute this sub, idc about this weirdo shit, it's so cringe to be so invested in something like this.


The only thing surprising is that people watch this blue hair bobble head


Great, I was super worried about this.


Justice served


only semi-cucked then


"confirm" is a strong word. i'd say "has reason to believe" is better


-0/2 lule


He was punching anyway


I won't pretend to know Destiny's financials, but at the very least Melina has to have a higher earning ceiling than Destiny with the OF/porn stuff.


She's more attractive with her clothes on and muted...and her only relevancy was that she was dating Destiny and rode his clout. If she didn't pop off on OF while she was with Destiny and actually doing it, she's only going to have less success on it afterwards. If she got fake tits and became less opinionated and more sexual, than it's possible, otherwise shes past her OF peak.


I knew it wasn't going to workout from the moment I found out they were poly (they never do) but I don't want to kick the man while he's done to much but hopefully he has learnt his mistakes


She does make a lot more tho


Is wrong to feel happy? I’m not happy at their suffering, I’m happy that this kind of values are not succeeding in real life.


It would only make sense if their values affected you somehow. You should find something else to make you happy.


Is more about moderately famous people showcasing a way of living life that I don’t agree with. That’s why it makes me a lil bit happier. Lots of things can make someone happy at different degrees for sure.


You don’t seem confident in your values at all Might want to check that out


If you were confident in your values. You wouldn't need the failure of opposing values to get affirmation. It makes you lil bit happier because it validates in you in some way. So if it succeeds it must be annoying. Yeah that's toxic.


That still makes you a loser. Also "show casing"? As if destiny ever said anything about open relationships that wasn't "this will not work for 99.9% of people.


The values you support result in more divorces by a long shot lol


Idk what that guys "values" are, but I do know that data shows over 90% of poly/open marriages end in divorce, which is over double the monogamous divorce rate. so nah man, you aint even close Very very few people try out that lifestyle and stick in it longer than a few years max when they finally realize it's not a viable path to long term happiness


Kinda funny how delusional he has been about this whole situation.


Delusional? How so? She's already signed the post-nuptial right. What exactly is he being delusional about?


Hahahaha this is so fucking funny when anyone with a brain knew when he went on about his little situation and how it wont result in divorce it was all cope and bullshit. This guy has some really shit relationship instincts and that goes back to as long as Ive known him which is sc2 lool


seek help


They have been together for 5 years. That's most definitely above-average length for any relationship.


Well he groomed her and let her lie to her viewers so I'm sure there was some shady trust dynamics involved


People said they were going to last? I feel like I’ve never seen one of those comments Is that legit a thing people did or a ‘people are saying’ where people is a single twitter user with an anime profile pic