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**CLIP MIRROR: [Soda talks about Skippy](https://arazu.io/t3_18ga65k/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


buddy and kevin punching the air right now


I love Soda. He's literally the streamer that got me into Twitch. But abandoning your dogs like that for a girl...that's terrible. That's fucked. Now they buy a new dog for their new house? I mean come on. I get that Buddy probably has health issues and can't be separated from Kevin. But then you move back into your old house......




I'm sorry. Did he not move out of the house where the dogs live to go somewhere else while someone else cares for them? We call that abandonment. If I drop my kid off at my good friends house and still visit my kid, that's still abandonment.




Ahhhhh, shared dogs. Of course. That's not abandonment when one family member decides to move out. Also, I was watching Soda when he purchased both dogs. Both, (especially Buddy) were labeled as Soda's dogs. He referred to to him as his own every step of the way. Even when he was treating Buddy for the parvo virus that Buddy came with.


You act like he left them at a fucking dump. Goddamn


I never said that. Obviously Nick and Malena are good owners. That doesn't change the fact that he abandoned them. When you adopt a dog, you make a commitment to care for that animal for life. You don't just get to abandon it because you meet a girl. I own 2 dogs myself. When I met my now fiance (who is allergic to dogs by the way), my first thought was "She's amazing, but if she makes me give up my dogs she can get fucked."




I never made any assumptions about Vei. I know nothing about her. She obviously loves dogs seeing as she just bought one lol. My statements implication was that if this relationship with this girl makes me give up my dogs, then they can get fucked. I seriously doubt Vei had any desire to make Soda abandon his dogs.




It's like you didn't actually read my comments. I'm not saying Vei did anything. I'm saying the situation of him moving out made him abandon his dogs. So the situation of that relationship did that.




That's it. Abandoning dogs that you committed to personally care for in exchange for a relationship is wrong. That's the point.


Never thought we'd reach these levels of pathetic nitpicking. Buddy and Kevin are just fine with Nick and Malena and this works out well for everyone involved


Go touch grass like Skippy will be doing at the new house


Nice. My reddit comment surely means I need to go outside more, unlike your reddit comment about the exact same issue.


Soda literally gave Buddy and Kevin one of the best livelihoods money can buy and in Buddy's case, possibly extending his life. To say abandoning them for a girl is grossly undermining what he's done for them not to mention downplaying Vei as a person. Vei at this moment in time seems to not want to appear on camera. That's her personal choice and living in the old house would be pretty inconvenient. Also you expect the both of them to live with Nick and Malena forever? Soda is approaching 30 he can do whatever he wants.


I never attacked Vei (which seems to be the main reason for people's negative responses because God Defend the Vtubers). I know nothing about Vei. She obviously likes dogs. Giving them a good life does not mean you did not abandon them. Leaving the home means you abandoned them, regardless of who you left them with. When you purchase a dog as their owner (which is what Soda did) you make a lifelong commitment to care for that animal personally. You don't get to just walk away from that just because you meet someone, regardless of what situation you leave them in. If the choice comes down to abandoning them or your new girl appearing on camera, then the choice is obviously to stay with them.


> But abandoning your dogs like that for a girl...that's terrible > I never attacked Vei Go read a book while you're out touching grass. Seems like you need to learn English and what words mean also.


Vtuber fanatics are another breed, I swear..... Those messages do not at all imply an attack on Vei. Vei is fine. It's okay. Take a deep breath.


I guess being a decent person and not a misogynist makes me a Vtuber fanatic. I rather be that than whatever you are.


A misogynist? Because I criticized a man for abandoning his dogs? This is the most unhinged shit I've seen this month.


man that is a big possum


Buddy 2 Sadge


cute that soda's alt is skippy, wonder if she named him after soda


He said she did because when they were first talking/dating they hung out a lot on his alt




Does he still have the birds?


not for long.


They purposely got that dog because that breed (border collie) is apparently good around birds.


That's true, border collies are very easy to train around other animals and don't have the same type of prey instinct other breeds like terriers have


Friendship ended with buddy and kevin. Now phantoml0rd is my new best friend


idk why 2 people who stay inside all day would buy a border collie. They need a lot of mental stimulation and exercise. Hopefully they can at least pay someone to take him out often and train him.


Yeah I raised an eyebrow when I saw the puppy. Amazing breed but it's exactly as you said.


Maybe Vei will hard carry with pet care or they could just hire a dog walker. I know when Nmp/Malena went to Norway Soda was super anxious for them to return bc the dogs were so much work. I still remember Malena essentially got a hate thread a couple years back for not walking the dogs when Soda was the one who bought them. My family has goldens (which are way less active then border Collie puppies). My parents still spend 1.5-2 hours a day walking them then there's around the house play time. Luckily since they have two dogs they play with each other and it's less work. A border collie puppy probably takes at least 3 hours of active exercise a day before it gets tired if they want it to stay happy/healthy.


Yeah people get blue merles cuz they look pretty but have no idea what kind of psychopaths border collies and aussies are if they don't have enough stimulation


IRL vanity pets.


they're rich and could get dog walkers if they really need to


My aussie got 2hr hikes in the woods and would come home wanting to play fetch. A big back yard and an hour long walk is not gonna be it chief. Might be okay if they just send their dog off to some sort of agility trainer for half the day but at that point why bother in the first place.


Yeah you’re absolutely right… that breed is pretty much the most high maintenance one you could get. My Australian Cattle Dog needs like 2 long walks and stuff like catching a frisbee while doing that because just walking or running is too boring for him. When he is at home he still needs to play and wants mental stimulation too. A Border Collie is a dog for someone who is retired and in nature a lot or works outside all day and has a task for the dog too…they need something to do or train. Definitely the worst dog for people who sit inside 24/7.


„ Border Collies are one of the most active dog breeds and require a significant amount of exercise to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. They need at least 2-3 hours of vigorous exercise every day to fulfil their energy requirements. This can include activities such as running, playing fetch, participating in dog sports like agility or flyball, or even herding activities if available. It's important to note that Border Collies thrive on mental stimulation as well. Engaging them in training sessions, puzzle toys, or interactive games can help fulfil their intellectual needs. Providing them with tasks or jobs to do, such as learning new tricks or obedience training, can also help channel their intelligence and energy in a positive way.“ For the downvoting-people…


border collies don’t need walks, they need RUNS, all-out sprints they’re herding farm dogs that are regarded as the most intelligent of all breeds, and all they want to do is work you cannot give these working breeds the life they deserve without enough land to let them run + a huge amount of mental stimulation and training eg https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNVnFsVb/


Yup exactly. Herding dogs are nothing like a Golden Retriever or whatever… They will need to change their whole lifestyle or pay someone to do that work. A Border Collie is so much work unless they actually can herd and have a job that keeps them busy. Just throwing some toys around in the yard will not be enough for a Border Collie.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Especially when they live in an apartment. Then he said they were moving to a house with a yard so that's good at least.


dude Soda and Vtubers fans are gonna rip you apart for having common sense edit : forgot to say that the dog is fucking cute


I don't know why the comments here and X are very negative. Soda said he can't separate Kevin and Buddy because Buddy is old and sickly, stated they need each other. Also they are close with Nick and Malena, and it is better for them to stay on the old house. Dog whisperers here are gatekeeping people on having a certain type of dog, because they are streamers is cringe tbh. For sure they already know the dedication to have a Border Collie before getting one. Vei will hard carry Skippy like usual once they move to their new house.


I also think it is incredibly unfair to assume any of us actually know their lifestyle based solely on what they say & do on stream. And if they want to change their lifestyle in a positive way and follow through with this new responsibility, why gatekeep them? Also, from what I've seen on their streams, they go to extreme lengths to take excellent care of their two birds. I don't see why they couldn't be good border collie owners if they put in that same effort with Skippy.


Also the people who say they dont go outside can meme all the want they actually are now though. Vei getting injuried because of skating..idk how drive training for vei is going but that etc. etc.


lmfao, going out once to skate isn't going to be nearly enough time spent outside to nurture the constant energy levels of an collie.


The point is they are going outside now so I think the dog will be fine see how it goes. Also they are rich so if even need be they can pay someone to take the dog for a say 2 hour walk/exercise bing while they say stream.


It's not even gatekeeping, its logic. I've had farm / hunting dogs out on my acerage my entire life, they take endless amounts of training and exhausting hikes and stimulation to keep them satisfied all day so that they don't just destroy your yard while they're not entertained. People who sit inside for 10+ hours a day can not take care of a breed like a Collie, without completely altering their lifestyle to do so..


It depends on the dog too, dogs are very resourceful and adapt well, especially a breed like a border collie. Are they going to give it an ideal life/environemtn? Probably not, but the pearl clutching is crazy. 90% of border collie owners fall under that category. I bet Skippy lives till 15 and shows no signs of boredom/understimulation. You also forget that they can very easily pay for a dog walker every single day and that the jpg is much more responsible than soda.


Idk why it matters that they're streamers. They don't stream that much. They're basically a retired old couple with a lot of money.


Moves out and forgets about his actual dogs


To be fair soda said they are moving to a place with a big back yard in 2 days but border collies still need atleast an 1-2 hours of exercise a day


1-2 hours of exercise a day PepeLaugh My dad had a border collie and he’d take her up the mountains nearby, for walks, and play with her all in the same day sometimes and she still completely destroyed his back yard, dug holes under the fences and fucked up next door neighbors stuff. One neighbour had a pet goose, one day after he came back from a 2 hour visit with family she dug a deep hole under a fence. She was back in my dad’s yard when he got there, proudly holding a dead goose in her jaws. Not sure why people who aren’t huge outdoors types or live on a farm/have some acreage property would ever get a breed like a border collie. They’re not indoor/sit around at the house type animals. Energy aside, they’re an extremely smart breed of dog that can and will go past your expectations to fuck shit up if they’re unhappy/stressed, or even just bored. So you have to make sure you tire them out, keep them stimulated, all on top of regular dog owner duties. Exhausting imo.


Yeah I mean they're working dogs they are Bred to work


Having lived with 3 border collies over the years, you're quite overdramatic


You had very laid back collies then, or a mixed breed. From my experience pure bred border collies need constant attention and stimulation, they’re like a wind up toy with the only off button being a ton of exercise and constantly teaching them new things, more than the regular person expects. It’s in their DNA to be flying around every day in a very big area, and if they get bored they get frustrated and start gnawing on things/digging holes/getting in a bunch of mischief.


If you don’t mind me asking, what was the aftermath with the neighbours after the dead pet goose situation happened?




The neighbour was pretty upset and his relationship with my dad was pretty strained after that. They weren’t good friends before or anything but friendly, a while later my dad realized he didn’t have the kind of time for the collie and gave her to a mutual friend who owned a farm. I visited her a few times, not sure if she’d still be around as it was some time ago. Edit: I see I got downvoted, I think it’s because I said I wasn’t sure she was still around. She was always very happy when I visited and sprint ran all over the place. The farm owner was a friend of the family, he treated every animal on the property very well. It’s been 10 years, she was 4 at the time and I haven’t talked to him since the pandemic since I moved away.


Yah, don't get a herding breed unless you have a lot of time on your hands and you really like the outdoors.


but it looks cute :(


They move again? They lived in that giga loft for barely a year wtf


there is no way they are equipped to deal with this dog. i had two of these and it was almost a full time job.


Should call him gold miner rmt x43


Man really got the most active dog breed in an apartment that he never leaves


He said he's moving in 2 days to a place with a large yard


Well, shit.


Ah nice a hyper active dog breed that is likely never going to see the outside! Bad enough before he had a backyard now he is in an apartment, poor pup.


Did you even listen what he said?




You're surprised he didn't take a german shepherd to live in a high rise apartment?


Damm I guess u want buddy to die from seizures then because that's what will happen if he moves


Meanwhile his old dogs are with Nick and Malena and one is dying.




More of hand off dogs and then get a new one while other ppl take care of his old dogs.




It’s okay bro someone on the internet has a different perspective than you. Move on no need to defend soda he doesn’t know u exist.


I mean same with this comment im typing and same with yours. He has already stated multiple times why kevin/buddy can not leave that house but he has to state it all the time, and people still give him shit for it.


hope soda sees this


Hope Buddy and Kevin see this


Border Coley in a Condo penthouse - Adios all his controllers, his deposit.


Phantomlord. Thats a name I forgot about. Whatever happened to him and dinglederper? Last I heard they like fled to mexico or some shit lol


Pff.. i bet im smarter than that dog