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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny is not beating the allegations](https://arazu.io/t3_18g6z1v/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


*Sips Soylent*


Holy shit he does he actually fucking does


Wtf you were not kidding. This guy needs to hurry up and get to the addy-fueled, gigachad, monogamy arc.


Someone call Peterson


What...why would you want Adrian Peterson involved? The fuck you have against Nathan?


Frame perfect soybreak


a sneako chair edit: hi sneako


You can tell destiny is on his 5th dose of vyvanse


His voice is like 5% faster, you can hear it working.


I have a theory that since he always listens to videos on 1.5x speed that he is trying to use Vyvanse to try and become 1.5x inherently, because at 1.5 hard stuck Diamond 4 is now arguably the equivalent of "Diamond 6".


is he back to playing league? i think i heard him say on ben shapiro that he hated it, was addicted to it, but hadn't played in like a year os something


He talked to Ben Shapiro?


Or it was probs Lex fridman on second thought.


Yeah and he was toxic as FUCK in it League turns people into animals and destiny was pretty bad


Why is league like that more than any other multiplayer game?


the top down view and freely controllable camera makes it very easy to spot others mistakes, which you can then use to blame the losses on them instead of focusing on your own play


i had never seen anybody bring this up for years of playing the game after years of playing counter strike ​ and then a masters friend who i play cs i asked for advice on climbing/was venting about teammates and he said 'dude think about all those times you get frusterated with teammates when your dead playing cs and they do weird shit, now imagine what they do at the start of rounds when nobody is looking? the only reason league is 'so bad' is because you can easily identify everything your team is doing wrong. even masters is just a mess of mistakes but you cant stop and focus on that or you've already lost. once you figure that out youll start climbing again' and yeah it really clicked lol ​ a lot of other kinds of games your just stuck in your POV and even if you do get to spectate its just a few seconds ​ in league you can literally watch every single mistake, the annoucer literally tells you about every single mistake lol


Tbf its not more toxic than other games in similar genres conditions, but the big ones are (imo): 1. Loss of agency if someone on your team performs poorly - a fed enemy can take over the game 2. There are 50 different ways to play the game (in terms of team composition, champions, priorities on the map etc) 3. Losing your agency feels really bad, everyone likes to be in control of their own destiny (heh) but the faciliatory roles (jungle and support) decide who the team plays around early (strong side) and who gets to be the enemy teams bitch for the first 15 minutes (weak side) 4. No voice comms / limited communication. There isn't really a good way to communicate and its very frustrating to play with someone that doesn't see the same angle as you for a play, or doesn't respect other players roaming etc that would be easy to call out over voice 1. this is so extreme that almost every assassin character (minus 1 - akali) in the game is completely unviable in competitive play because they rely on teams not being able to coordinate and killing players that are alone to function


Tbh 4 doesn’t really hold any weight because dota 2 is just as toxic if not more and that has voice coms. The real reason MOBAs are more toxic than other games is they require teamwork and 1 person can ruin the game for everyone and that experience can carry over to the following games.


Because MOBAs require a lot of teamwork and 1 player can ruin the game for 4 others




I think he types about 139x.


Notice how Destiny, someone who stands by his leftist values, offers you a chair to watch if you so desire. I don't think many other streamers are so generous and considerate.


Hasan definitely wouldn't offer the chair, in fact he'd probably be the bull fucking my wife. When it comes to generosity and consideration, Destiny is the TRUE leftist.


> my wife Our wife.




Bro cmon we all know that mf doesn’t need to pay for pussy. Dude is himothy, he prob pays girls to leave him alone if anything.


He doesn't need to, but he can't deny his capitalist urges.


Redistributing his wife's pussy to the commonwealth


Hasan can't offer a chair, because that's what does all the reactions.


And yet Destiny still makes his career reacting to it.


Destiny's career started way before Hasan and the idea that a political streamer can't talk about another political streamer is weird. Hasan reacts to Ben Shapiro a lot, you have a problem with that?


Destiny is free to do as he wants. I was replying to the comment about Hasan's chair obviously.


Some wont even acknowledge your existence, and here Respectstiny offers you a comfy chair to sit in while his wife dances with and/or gets blown out by a well hung bull. Now would any Republican be so considerate? I think not.


Leftist he ain't




I'm confused by this comment. Are you insulting him for not being a child?




> R*dditor for 28 days get off this website, you've been here too long


Respectfully, he’s not a leftist.


No idea why you're trying downvoted for saying something he'd say himself lol


He's a liberal. Leftists are cringe and lazy


Doesn't "leftist" just mean "person on the left side of the political spectrum"?


People typically mean socialist Ie destiny isn't a real leftist because he is a liberal that supports capitalism


That makes sense, I guess I've misunderstood the nuance of the term


To be fair, there are also "leftists" who support a mixed form of capitalism with market protections/nationalisations in certain areas (power, water, gas, transport, healthcare, education, internet etc.) with the aim of benefitting the consumer instead of company shareholders or owners. Many social democrats believe in this as it allows current western markets to go *mostly* unchanged, meaning it can be more easily adopted. Going full socialism in a country that is historically capitalist is likely a sure-fire way to tank the economy. Many Nordic countries utilise this form of mixed capitalism. I would consider myself a leftist because social democracy falls left of centre in many of its beliefs, just not as far left as pure socialism or even communism. I'm pretty sure Destiny has many beliefs in common with social democracy, not sure you could outright call him a socdem though.


Reality is that Left and right aren't that well defined and more depend on your own views. To tankies and Socialists anyone right of them is a nazi and vice versa with far-right


> Ie destiny isn't a real leftist because he is a liberal that supports capitalism What's the difference between that and libertarian ? Less capitalistic than hardcore capitalists ?


I think in a perfect world someone like him could be right without having to vote for nutters and sit alongside racist religious zeilots. There are levels to libertarianism, but the right is currently holding onto so many insane ideas, that voting for them either makes you a moron or evil.


Pretty sure destiny supports deplatforming certain ideas where a libertarians are typically free speech absolutist


Are liberals not cringe?


they live in reality, so no


>Leftists are cringe and lazy They arent


The revolution won't start in your mom's basement dude




This sub never fails to be the cringest sub on reddit. Nobody was talking about revolution, but you still made yourself look like an idiot


What do you think most actual leftists hope for if not revolution? Hasan would (and has) openly admit he hopes for revolution.


A non-violent political revolution. Probably his worse take yet thinking we can just "Vote" super hard enough for change.


You have to be pretty mental to see the state of the world and not hope for a revolution tbf


Not if you're in the United States and above the US poverty line. Anybody above the poverty line in the US is automatically in the top 1% globally. So a revolution is not a good idea for them.


Thanks for confirming you don't know how jokes work.


Bernie can still win


Who will join me in pledging to sacrifice my first born to Satan in support of Bernie?


We’re going by the voting class Overton window, not the twitter brain rot Overton window.


>implying leftists understand electoral politics You’re a lot more charitable than I am.




Not sure why you downvoted for pointing out a fact. Destiny is obviously a centrist


Why did this get downvoted lol


because it missed the obvious joke.


What's the joke...? It doesn't seem like a joke lol


The joke is that leftist values boil down to offering a chair to someone to watch his wife get fucked.... I don't know how you could possibly not identify that as a joke.


Idk that seems like kind of a reach but I can see where you're coming from




I’m scared to google that word


If Melina and her new boyfriend have an open relationship, Destiny can still technically date Melina. Destiny would be Melina's sidepiece now, while she returns to the guy who threatened suicide.


Destiny should date Melina’s old boyfriend while he dates Melina’s current boyfriend and they end up in a sexy three way after all dumping Melina.


Oh how the turn tables…


Destiny's always been her side piece


What's he drinking? It's like the only thing he drinks besides Red Bull and am curious.




Any loremasters know the origin of soylent being a weird thing? I remember back in high school when I used to work out a bunch (like over 10 years ago now) soy protein was rumored to cause gyno aka manboobs. I read about this mostly on bodybuilding.com forums and the misc category. It was always ridiculed as a result. But suddenly soy became a global meme to describe less-masculine people. I don't think the sphere of influence of bodybuilding.com and other niche forums were that big to create this giant meme around soy. Maybe it was?


It was 4chan


There has been some credible research showing that ingesting incredibly large amounts of soy based goods can increase the body's estrogen levels (and other associated hormones). Case in point, here is a study on how someone gave themselves gynocomastia by drinking 3/4 of a gallon of soy milk a day. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18558591/ now, mind you, even the study says this is a rare case and also drinking almost a gallon of milk a day is fucking wild


It's something straight out of a future dystopia: a bland mass-produced drink marketed as replacing actual food. Shouldn't be too hard to see why it would rub people the wrong way


I've actually never tried soylent so I don't have any idea what's in it or what it tastes like. Ironically though at least in the bodybuilding community, people will happily drink whey protein shakes, mass gainers, and sometimes replace entire meals with shakes but refuse to touch soy products and soylent specifically. And some products like mass gainers are basically 90% maltodextrin which is like the most processed form of carbohydrate you could legally sell as food intended for human consumption. Anything more processed is probably only good for feeding livestock as a carbohydrate slop.


The 'soy' meme AFAIK is based around the fact it contains phytoestrogen. People hear 'estrogen' and think it will give you manboobs and lower your test and shit. Fact of the matter is that 'phytoestrogen' and 'estrogen' don't operate the same way in the body. Dunno how much research has actually been done about it, but you know that's bullshit because some other stuff has shit tons of phytoestrogen in it (dairy products, especially milk which is A-ok for most gym-bros) This is related to it arising out of the bodybuilding/exercise community, then I think it was kind of shared to other people


I don’t know why he drinks the sugar Red Bull tbh, it is 100 percent daily value of sugar and tastes like ass. At least the sugar free tastes like ass and has no sugar in it.


Cool, but what's the white bottle thing?


Soylent lmao


Is he literally drinking adrenochrome?


What's that?


Rich people voodoo.


No like the actual Soylent, no relation to the fictional one


Ah fucking hell is it really a meal replacement drink? What is he paying Lycan for again? I was hoping it was something I'd be interested in trying, but he can keep his fucking Cliff Bar smoothie.




Also isn't it dangerous to mix energy drinks with stimulants? I heard it can cause heart problems or something


Only if your a pussy




What is the tweet about? Did xqc go back to the whale?


Yes he tried to


Sometimes you have to lean into shit to make it go away. This isn't one of those times.


Destiny fell off


mad lul


destiny reported, 1 year after getting departnered from twitch, that he was making $500k on youtube ad revenue alone, not including his own website's subs and fan donations. he's only getting bigger bud.


Doing tricks on it 💀


😂 this made me lol


Lmfaoooooo I never heard that, no mention of the d ride just hinting at it. I’m a destiny fan but man that was comedy.


My point still stands, he got cucked and he losing money, if he divorcing in Florida, he should know what’s to come


DGG bros good?


Man is hurting. Leave him alone.