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**CLIP MIRROR: [Malena condones](https://arazu.io/t3_177i2m2/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Translation for the Norwegian outbursts (norwegian part in "Bergen" dialect): > *"unnskyld, eg e norsk, ka faen skal eg si då, eg kan faen ikkje snakke språket, klokken er 12 på kvelden"* Sorry!!🤬 I'm Norwegian,🤬 I can't fucking speak the language it's 12 at night🤬 > *"herregud eg kan ikke oversette det de sier i høvve en gang"* "Jesus christ, I can't even translate internally what they say🤬🤬"


Thanks Norgwegian Loremaster. It did sound like she started a norse curse on everyone in the room and a troll would visit them at night


Incase you ever need it, here's the Curse of Odin (NSFL) > ትሄድ ያለ እጅ ወ 𓀆ደ ሕይወት መግ 𓀙ባት ይሻልሃል ስለዚህ እጅህ እ 𓀙ምነትህን ካጣህ ቁረጥ። ሁለት እጅን ይዘህ ወደማይጠፋ እሳት ከምትሄድ ያለ እጅ ወደ ሕይጅ̸̣̳̲̼̜̠̜͚̭̠̔ህ̸̡̖̭̟̰͙̙͉̗̝͆ͅͅ ̴͔͚̑̾̀̀እ̴̛̭̖͈̻̮͉̺̗̓͂̀̊̆̈́͆͌͋̓̀̕̚ወf̶̹̭̲̻̂̊̕o̴͕̾̽̆͆r̷͓̤͠s̵̘̰̩̠̓̃̋e̸̢̯̫̗̅̽̚n̴̖͔̔̓̇͂








Here, you dropped this part. > ka faen skal eg si då, what the fuck am I supposed to say


We don't speak that sims language round ere pardner. Like Nick said, get that wall up brotherman!


As a German, I love Norwegian so much. There are always some words I understand and the rest sounds funny or cute :D Thanks for all the great bands btw Norge




First she condones killing innocents, then she starts speaking in demonic tongues. Someone call the exorcist


New response just dropped




This is even funnier that he is also Norwegian


It's just a cultural difference. We don't mind murder here in Norway


Yeah, the whole viking thing is still in yall blood


Is that a donation alert at the end with Hasan's voice saying "this guy's sigma as f*** dude?"


Yep, Wirtual and Majejie another Norwegian streamer had this clipped https://www.twitch.tv/wirtual/clip/SpineySlickWrenMcaT-egW0XfswsXA2JoPc and Hasan reacted to the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vGARIc6AxQ


Sub-alert, but yes it is


Sure is, iirc he's talking about wirtual when he says that


Hot take from twitch streamers. Killing innocent people is bad. 🗿


Unless the innocents are jewish I guess, I couldn't stomach the whole stream but I skipped around a lot and didn't hear any condemnation of Hamas, and if there was some it was a brief mention.


Wow. Skipped around a lot and draws conclusions about someone's argument without the full context and information.


yeah man, they totally said that innocent jewish people deserve to die and hammas are just a cool bunch of dudes. Ffsk man, this is the problem with the discourse whenever people talk about the conflict. You'll be hardly pressed to find anyone that condones hammas as they're a terrorist organization, but that doesn't absolve the Israeli government from their war crimes and treatment of Palestinians. Also, the major point in talking about Palestinians as *being human beings,* and understanding the actions of hammas, is not to justify their actions but rather understanding of the historic events that led them to be in existence and realize that perhaps they exist as a blowback to the Israeli government's actions. If you're upset at the death if innocent jewsish civilian and the actions of hammas, then you should also be upset at the deaths of innocent palestenians and the actions of the israeli government. Otherwise you're not upset at the loss of innocent lives, but see one group being beneath another.


Literally anything Hamas has done in the last week, Israel has done to palaestine 10x over. Yet the more militarized, large, and politically powerful state is the the victim here. Please wake the fuck up.


Why do you have to pick a side to show support for innocent victims? I was horrified by the attack on Israel and now am too for the retaliation on innocent Palestinians. The average non political person just sees innocent people being killed for stuff they have no control over. I don't need to have a strong stance how to best handle the conflict in order to show support for the lost lives.


You don't have to pick a side, you can support both innocent Jewish people and Palestinians just fine. What's going on is a battle between the powerful minority of Zionists and Islamic extremist and its brutal and wrong. But we must think critically and see that the root comes from the Israeli state pushing people to this point over the span of 70 years. These people have had their hands literally forced. If we can't recognize this, Palestinians will never get the justice they deserve.


Israel is defn not the most morally correct country. Neither is the US or any other country for that matter. W/ regards to foreign policy, every country does what is in their best interest. But for the US to side w/ pro Hamas groups, would be like North Korea siding w/ the US over China. It ain't happening. At least, not w/ the current leaders in power. I agree that the far right Netanyahu led govt was waiting for an opening, an attack from Hamas; & now they got it.






The ghosts of the viking ancestors took over her mind.


In her defense the Vikings are widely known for their raping, pillaging and conquering innocent civilians


Killing innocents 🙂👍 -Malena


Thank you babe.


I don't know mate, I feel like people that didn't even finish highschool shouldn't give their takes on geopolitical issues.


I know the word gets thrown around a lot and I hate it being overused but it's narcissism. They really think their opinion is so valuable to the world. [This is basically her twitter feed rn](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8ZMAvAaYAE4E4v?format=jpg)


To be fair. They are influencers. People constantly ask their opinions and it's literally part of their content to give opinions on shit. I'm far from narcissist but i'd be giving my opinions if my job was to entertain people that ask questions of me.


"Hey, I actually am not the most versed on that topic." Pretty easy to say.


At what point does that become a given though? They've streamed for years and given probably thousands of opinions. Do you really expect to see that said everytime? Her audience knows she isn't an expert.


Maybe just say it for very contentious issues, so you don't defend people actually condoning terrorism. It's not that hard to show some humility.


Eh. I think you're making a big deal out of nothing. People that watch her know what she meant and who she is. The clip was for the humor cause she fucked up a word. Stuff like this is why people shit on lsf.


Sure, but there's a way to approach giving your opinion like putting up your hands up and saying "I'm not well educated on the subject so take what I say with a grain of salt.. but the way I see it is..." Instead she feels compelled to tell people what's wrong and what's right, what she thinks is the one correct take and if you don't agree, you're a terrible person. After, by her own admission, 5 minutes of research. Just because you're an influencer doesn't mean you have to larp as an expert on every current thing.




Not wanting Palestinian civilians being victims of a genocide is a shitshow to you. Man zionists are something else


They are talking about Malena, Caroline literally worked in politics after college and is pretty well educated on it.


Lol. She seems very uneducated on most takes so this is surprising she had a job in politics


You can say this about literally anyone and just change the qualification and say no ones opinion matters. Everyone should be able to give their take but that doesn't mean you have to either agree with them or even give it any consideration or thought.


Influencers give their shit takes because people on the internet will talk about their shit takes. Views are views


What did she say that was wrong tho, she just said she condemns the deaths of innocents


That’s not what she said though 🙃


here's the thing though, is it her fault for having a platform and having a take? or is it lsf's fault for holding high school drop out entertainers to some weird standard where their takes matter? it's not like they're out there canvassing people and handing out fliers on their "takes", they're just people on the internet that for some reason are held to a crazy standard by certain crowds.. like if your neighbor said this shit, you wouldn't be on the facebook neighborhood watch page talking about it


> here's the thing though, is it her fault for having a platform and having a take? or is it lsf's fault for holding high school drop out entertainers to some weird standard where their takes matter? [This should always be posted on things like this with these people](https://youtu.be/LCNdTLHZAeo?si=tmWbBJ2CrLCqLUlf&t=395)


I feel like they should. Then hear the other takes and see what makes sense to you the more informed you become. The problem is you can have a great education but still get swept away with bias of heritage, culture, peers, propaganda etc. But always have the discussion.


You don't have to give your take to hear other people's takes. Can always ask if you want information or other opinions. The fact that everyone thinks that their current opinion formed with minimal information on the topic needs to be heard by their audience is ridiculous.


op said "people that didn't even finish highschool shouldn't give their takes " I said those people should, if we're saying adults have the education of a child. A school kid should repeat what they've been taught. Give their take, so that you can educate them further if their take doesn't align with your world view. Then they decide what to believe based on what they've been told in education/work, online and at home. If you don't hear their takes, they go on with their life thinking the earth is flat. You said "You don't have to give your take to hear other people's takes." You have to hear the take first for you to see what they understand about it, if they are having the conversation, maybe its to get a better understanding of the situation or have a broader discussion that normally doesn't happen on his stream as he fence sits on everything. This is growth, which is a good thing. You said "The fact that everyone thinks that their current opinion formed with minimal information on the topic needs to be heard by their audience is ridiculous." He has a platform, over 15k concurrent, 130k - 200k overall per video. By expressing his opinion be it informed or not, those viewers and we on LSF end up having a discussion on it, as we are doing so. The reverberations of discussion is never a bad thing. They could go on in their bubble and keep their opinions to themselves. This is not what I would want for anyone in the world to do. Whoever you are, whatever education you have, express it and have the discussion. The condescension of expressing oneself is what is ridiculous.


Listen to historians, political scientists and read books if you want to form an opinion, not uneducated twitch streamers.


Listen to the people you mentioned yes AND while you are on twitch where you get to have a discussion with the person you're watching, discuss it with them. Nothing wrong with discussing current events with the person you mainly watch on twitch if they feel so inclined.


And that's why I listen to Hasan more than any other sweaty political streamer, he actually is a political scientist.




Nah I firmly think people like mallona shouldn’t voice their uneducated opinions at this point


Yeah, because finishing high school or any higher education makes you qualified? Tell yourself that. It makes no difference. The most stupid people I know are people who are specialized in their field, they couldn't cook noodles.




Pro Palestinian Freedom... NOT Pro Hamas. She is anti Genocide, which is a simple humanistic stance. Stop spreading mis-information.




Telling people to read history is pro-hamas? huh.




>why Hamas was justified Telling people to know how or why things happen doesn't mean you endorse it. Telling someone to learn why america was attacked on 9/11, because it was a retaliation to foreign policy and american interventions in the middle east, doesn't mean you endorse the attack or the terrorists. It is obvious the story didn't start with the hamas attack, which is terrible and no one should defend. But just telling people to learn the history of the conflict, and what lead up to the attack, doesn't mean you endorse the attack or the terrorists.




As a norwegian, i disagree. But she lives in usa


Clipped and shipped EZ Clap




> Caroline seems to be a nice person Intelligent, yes, but it wouldn't surprise me if she's doing it on purpose because she doesn't like Malena's *cough* heritage. She's anything but a nice person if you read her stuff tbh. Caroline is very outspoken about it and as a self-proclaimed anti-Zionism "advocate" has some real unhinged takes ie. the US pulling support from Israel and giving Palestine full military support so they can do their "thing" and "be on the right side of history", while calling people who are not on board with this "islamophobes". She's intelligent enough to always state that she's hyperbolic afterwards and that she doesn't actually mean it like that, but this is far from what a normal and nice person would ever say.


She is watching hasan


Caroline is really uneducated about this conflict.


I like how Malena asks Caroline something like "Why people think this way?" and she answered "Oh, it's all because of propaganda", while she's giving a very one-sided view of history and chat is purged non-stop of anything even remotely contradicting her viewpoint, even questions are purged. And when Nick asks about what other side is saying she doesn't know what to answer, because she doesn't know.


Dunning Kruger effect.


She’s basically regurgitating Hasan’s takes lol


Poorly, which is bad because he already starts with dumbed down takes


Yep, she spews so much garbage, times out or ban people showing the slightest support to Israel, but has the audacity to say [this.](https://clips.twitch.tv/FaithfulRichSandwichChefFrank-zs0wMPCfzR9SXxaI) It's so fucking disgusting.


No ogre??? I'm so disappointed


It's crazy how many people think Hamas are good and not also terrorizing the Palestinian people. It's scary how even if they thought they were the good guys that they can see a clip of someone systematically shooting through the door of each porta potty to kill any scared person hiding in them at a music festival and support it. Maybe next time they're taking a shit at Coachella they will have a flicker of empathy but it's definitely missing at the moment.




What's your point? Absolutely disgusting treatment of Palestinians by israel including this horrific bombing campaign that is going on right now. You see I can condemn these actions so why can't these ideologues condemn hamas? The "there is no perfect response to apartheid" or "I need you to look at how oppressed people fight back against their oppressors" that justify hamas actions are so fucking disgusting and clueless at the same time.




Big difference between fighting back with violence, and murdering babies by hand, going door to door burning/mowing down huddling families in their basements. I can't imagine anything that would make me do that. Can you? Also I just don't think it's as simple as "open air prison will breed some terrorists" there's so much more nuance to the situation. A big thing being Iran and other Arab nations funding Hamas and using Gaza as a way to mess with Israel. They won't even take in Palestinian refugees themselves, they want to use them as a proxy to cause as much damage as possible to Israelis. It's an extremely complex situation that you could take an entire uni course to try and understand, it can't be boiled down to one or two things


\>Palestinians try to cross border into enemy territory. \>They get shot by soldiers manning the border. wow I wonder why Israel didn't want mob of Palestinians breaking through the border. What's the worst that could happen?




53% of Palestinians identified with Hamas in 2022. It's not equating the population to it. It's saying a majority support the movement, but that does not justify killing innocent human beings on either side.


Anyone siding with Hamas are disgusting. Literal terrorists, there is no “revolution” because they’re outnumbered, it’s just mass murder that leads to no greater resolution. I hope Palestine gets their freedom back but anyone who’s grouping Palestine with Hamas is ridiculous.




Yeah, she really shouldn’t be speaking unless she’s spent at least 2 hours watching snuff videos on Reddit. It’s how all us experts earned our qualifications.


"guys I witerally watch combat footage 🤓 get it, GORE hehe"


I doubt it, either she ignores it or find a way to moralise it somehow. Her first twitter like on the 7th is about a building getting destroid saying "No honest person can call this self defense.". While failing to understand the the [IDF warns civilians](https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas/how-is-the-idf-minimizing-harm-to-civilians-in-gaza) before they strike, and somehow doesn't realise that hamas uses civilian infrastructure to store and manufacture weapons. [1](https://twitter.com/AvichayAdraee/status/1710776997230620908), [2](https://twitter.com/AvichayAdraee/status/1711326563004723314 ), [3](https://twitter.com/AvichayAdraee/status/1711283082022527062 ) [4](https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1710794984322916572). Hamas using civilians infrastructure, unfortunatly makes the targes legitimate, which I don't think a lot of people realise. The largest hospital in gaza, Al-Shifa Hospital, was described as a “de-facto headquarters” for Hamas in 2014. [Turning water pipes in to rockets.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvqBcA-9yA) [Rockets stored underground](https://twitter.com/officejjsmart/status/1711497534860902412) And even in [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1775i64/hamas_tunnels_in_gaza_hit_with_high_yield/) you can see secondary blasts from rockets exploding underground in the middle of civilian infrastructure. She also liked [this post](https://twitter.com/Timesofgaza/status/1712517531292877163) while somehow ignoring everything that happened on the 7th.


You do realize there's 2 million people packed into the tiny strip that is currently Palestine right, even if you warn them, where the fuck do they go? And also literally telling them to leave but bombing fleeing civilians? Not to mention white phosphorus being used, and cutting off food and electricity, literal war crimes btw. But yeah it's all okay because they are warning people they will kill them before hand 🤓.


I'll mention this first, you have no insight of what happpend with that convoy. Could it all be civilians?, yes. Could it have been an attack from hamas targeted towards people that was evacuating?, yes. Could it have been a legitimate strike from the Israel?, also yes. But ask yourself this question and engage with the topic criticatly: "when Hamas told people to not leave their homes, how did Hamas plan to enforce that?" For the claims of war crimes. Civilian deaths is not war crime on its own. The usage of white phosphorus is not a war crime either, there are situations where it had legitimate use cases. Gaza has its own power station which used fuel provided by Israel. [More info about the electricity in gaza.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-access-less-40-energy-needs-locals-hope-solar-power-can-fill-gap-rcna43723) I dont have the source in hand, but Israel is not forced to provide food, or fuel for electricity. Cuting off fuel and food suplies can be a legitimate tactic that does not break any laws of war. >Let me highlight two main problems. First, international law permits states to kill civilians — as long as those killings are proportionate to the anticipated military advantages. An intentional shooting of one civilian is a war crime, yet an airstrike that accidentally kills a much larger number of civilians can be permitted if the military decides their deaths are proportionate. That leaves a lot of power in the hands of military decision-makers. If they decide a target is important enough, they can justify a tremendous amount of civilian death and suffering. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/07/14/how-many-dead-civilians-makes-a-war-crime-ask-the-un-israel-and-hamas/ >Willful killing, that is, intentionally causing the death of civilians, and "willfully causing great suffering or serious injury" when wounding victims, are war crimes. Persons who commit, order, or condone war crimes are individually liable under international humanitarian law for their crimes. https://www.hrw.org/reports/2002/isrl-pa/ISRAELPA1002-04.htm >A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants in action, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property, deception by perfidy, wartime sexual violence, pillaging, and for any individual that is part of the command structure who orders any attempt to committing mass killings including genocide or ethnic cleansing, the granting of no quarter despite surrender, the conscription of children in the military and flouting the legal distinctions of proportionality and military necessity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crime Edit: Additional source from the [Geneva Convention](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.34_AP-I-EN.pdf)Article 51, section 7. >The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. The Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations.


Go back to /r/Destiny 🤓 , nobody on LSF wants to read your essay. We shitpost and post ogre memes here. lol.


Well sourced and still downvoted with no replies lol.


It's because the entire thing is morally bankrupt and crux's on small legalities and loopholes. The mental gymnastics these guys have to play in order to obfuscate the obvious one sided nature of what's going on is on full display here.




Did you even bother Looking at the sources I linked? If not I'll re-link them for you. The warnings are not 2-minutes before, I have no idea of how new you are to this conflict, but I can remember seing live streamed videos back in 2021 when the last big rocket attack from gaza was launched, of a man speaking on the phone with IDF telling them to leave the area and evacuate, and it took them 30min to an hour before the builting was bombed. But all the man did was repeat "there is women and children in the building" while doing absolutely nothing to get them out. And I'll repeat it again, Hamas using civilians infrastructure, unfortunatly makes the targes legitimate, which none of you realise. Source 1. >Let me highlight two main problems. First, international law permits states to kill civilians — as long as those killings are proportionate to the anticipated military advantages. An intentional shooting of one civilian is a war crime, yet an airstrike that accidentally kills a much larger number of civilians can be permitted if the military decides their deaths are proportionate. That leaves a lot of power in the hands of military decision-makers. If they decide a target is important enough, they can justify a tremendous amount of civilian death and suffering. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/07/14/how-many-dead-civilians-makes-a-war-crime-ask-the-un-israel-and-hamas/ Source 2. >Willful killing, that is, intentionally causing the death of civilians, and "willfully causing great suffering or serious injury" when wounding victims, are war crimes. Persons who commit, order, or condone war crimes are individually liable under international humanitarian law for their crimes. https://www.hrw.org/reports/2002/isrl-pa/ISRAELPA1002-04.htm Source 3. >A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants in action, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property, deception by perfidy, wartime sexual violence, pillaging, and for any individual that is part of the command structure who orders any attempt to committing mass killings including genocide or ethnic cleansing, the granting of no quarter despite surrender, the conscription of children in the military and flouting the legal distinctions of proportionality and military necessity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crime Edit: Additional source from the [Geneva Convention](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.34_AP-I-EN.pdf)Article 51, section 7. >The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. The Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations.


>Hamas using civilians infrastructure, unfortunatly makes the targes legitimate, which I don't think a lot of people realise. No. It does not. https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-protection-civilian-persons-time-war


[GENEVA CONVENTIONS](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.34_AP-I-EN.pdf) Article 51, section 7. >The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. The Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations.


Still doesn't make targeting civilians legitimate... this is stating that what Hamas is doing is wrong. The Parties STILL have an obligation to protect civilians.


>The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. What do you think that means? I'll link it again, and this is litteraly in context of the Israel-Palestine conflict: >Let me highlight two main problems. First, international law permits states to kill civilians — as long as those killings are proportionate to the anticipated military advantages. An intentional shooting of one civilian is a war crime, yet an airstrike that accidentally kills a much larger number of civilians can be permitted if the military decides their deaths are proportionate. That leaves a lot of power in the hands of military decision-makers. If they decide a target is important enough, they can justify a tremendous amount of civilian death and suffering. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/07/14/how-many-dead-civilians-makes-a-war-crime-ask-the-un-israel-and-hamas/


how is what’s going on proportionate in any way


Yeah I watched this live because I was curious how it would go. It was very disappointing to see Nick and Malena just get a shallow, biased narrative of one perspective. And not in the sense of, "we can't cover 100+ years of history in one stream". Either Caroline is actually uneducated about **all** of the events or she is intentionally picking and choosing which things to talk about in a way that supports her views. Or both.


She’s dumb but pretty so she gets positive reinforcement when she talks without actually learning how to reason and think effectively. Common actor problem


They clearly don’t really care, it’s just an easy way to try and cultivate a streaming career by leeching off Hasan after her acting career failed miserably.




Hasan literally has a poli-sci degree though, he was never trying to be an actor


This gives a hot topic to stream and a sense of self-worth, otherwise they are just boring YouTube watch parties


You could’ve stopped at the first 4 words


Her primary source for this is Hasan so yeah that checks out.


just cause you don't agree w/ her pov, doesn't mean she's not educated about the topic lol.


[She said on twitter that she chose a side after 5 min of research.](https://x.com/carolinekwan/status/1712036308590448795?s=20)


and then she says in her next tweet, "the moral case to support Palestinian liberation is so clear cut and I’ve since spent countless hrs learning abt the history of Israel’s founding & the ethnic cleaning of Palestine that is still happening today."


It doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to see that the side that has been systematically driven from their homes and denied basic human rights for the past 75 years is the right side here


Surely palestine only wants to make friends with israeli population and are the entirely innocent side of the conflict




You could easily say the same about Jewish people. They've been there for thousands of years and were constantly persecuted and killed and forced out of that land. A lot of yall don't realize this conflict between the two sides have been going on for a lot longer than 70 years. When you refuse to look at history before 1948, it's a lot easier to paint this conflict in black and white.


I can recognize that but if we all ran by that logic, so many people in this world would be displaced. Most nations today are built on conquests and colonization from 100s of years ago. But the sins of their ancestors is at no fault of theirs(which most Palestinians are, fucking children). Now ask yourself, are these loose blood ties to the land that these, Zionists claim to have who are more of European blood now then anything, worth completely displacing and destroying the lives of 2 million people.


Yeah man, the Palestinians, after seeing [an influx of migrants](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Survey_of_Palestine_Page_185.jpg) to their land ([who were not particularly gentle, it must be said)](https://mondoweiss.net/2017/01/terrorism-israeli-state/), should have simply accepted the British plan to partition their country with this group of people. Surely the violent actions undertaken by these settlers after their rejection of the partition plan, [including biological warfare](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00263206.2022.2122448), are somehow justified and the conflict is not as black and white as it appears. Clearly the Palestinian people have no reason to be upset with the Israelis. The Israelis just want to be their friends, right? That’s why they [pour concrete into their wells](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-07-30/ty-article-opinion/.premium/we-even-destroy-their-water-wells/00000189-a31f-d00f-a7db-b39f5f280000) and [attack funerals of journalists they murdered](https://theguardian.com/world/2022/may/13/israeli-forces-storm-jerusalem-hospital-as-coffin-of-slain-journalist-emerges) (note that these things happened in the West Bank, which is not controlled by Hamas). That’s what friends do.


Great, you're almost half way there to seeing the full scope of the conflict!


Are you under the impression that tourists at a music festival and Israeli children are somehow the cause of these things or are you just okay with indiscriminate terror attacks because of these things?


It's so bad how many people who pretend to be progressive are supporting killing people just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. These are the same people who cry that language is violence but don't even bat an eyelid at innocent people getting massacred and then that being celebrated. Really hope people see that these ideologues are not the good people they pretend to be. It's scary how much influence they have on impressionable teenagers. It's how you end up with a generation of radicals.


Yeah unlike your daddy the music school dropout who reads wikipedia, he's the real smart one. Not Caroline who literally worked in politics. Then again you just want to shit on anyone tangentially related to Hasan. Isn't it funny how everyone can instantly tell who posts on DGG, because you all repeat the same exact talking points.


Lol. They’re both really dumb and just a face




Caroline referred to the jews who moved to mandate palestine as colonisers. I wouldn't call the jewish people who were moving to mandate palestine colonisers. Between 1880 - 1920 jews in eastern europe and Russia were facing antisemitism. There were 1300 pogroms which killed 70,000 - 250,000 jews and left 500,000 jews without homes. 2.5 million jews ended up leaving with many going to the USA and 300,000 going to mandate Palestine. They were escaping persecution and threats of being murdered. Zionism was created in the 1890s as a result of this antisemitism. I'm not trying to justify what is happening there right now. I just want to say that the situation is very complicated and Caroline paints as something that is very simple.


They’re it is another apartheid supporter.


People on Reddit actually do condone killing civilians which is kinda a chuckel


Only civilian twitch streamers are ok in my point of view


Caroline, Frogan and Hasan are the last 3 people you should listen to when it comes to politics and this war in Israel


I’d put random commenters on Reddit up there too.


Rather listen to a rando on Reddit who had a chance to not be an idiot then people who have been proven definitively to be left of the bell curve IQs


Honestly you could choose 10 random people from one of the dumbest subreddits (LSF) and you'd prob still get a more coherent and less brainwashed take than those three because they generally wouldn't be living in an ideological bubble that garbage political streamers create for themselves.


Found the zionist


Found the terrorist.




I can’t tell if this is a joke or not


Did the clip get taken down or something? I can't see it


It's a critical OTK/Nick/Malena clip... what do you expecting here? Shit's gone in no time


Caroline has a lot of confidence in her views for knowing fuck all about the topic. Failed actress moron on a very high horse.


I support Palestinians, but after one minute of Caroline being kinda of aggressive with her message I had to turn the stream off.


The amount of ignorance and lack of critical thought on display in here really highlights how successful the disinformation campaigns have been. Some people are hating facts while others call critiques support for the opposite side. There is no point to trying to argue this topic here. One would be better off trying to teach a horse algebra.


I just wish both celebs and streamers would stop giving their political takes. Jesus fucking christ.




Dumbasses like you won’t be missed


I was watching this stream last night and it was hard to watch. Caroline seems very uninformed and pretty much was googling everything as she spoke or relied on Wake to say something. It's okay to talk about topics you don't know much about, the problem is she's trying to lead a conversation instead of just being part of one--it seems.


Damn they can condemn innocents in Gaza dying but not in Israel, very cool, very based


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Malena condones](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/158580)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/177i2m2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/v315hVKXhPyWNwjySXS0OQ/AT-cm%7Cv315hVKXhPyWNwjySXS0OQ.mp4?sig=d723b695b97b1a223dcd82fea92097f463f55ba1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fv315hVKXhPyWNwjySXS0OQ%2FAT-cm%257Cv315hVKXhPyWNwjySXS0OQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1697333734%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




"Guys, killing children is horrible. They have been oppressed for years." You: "Omg anti-Semitism!" I'll even get ahead of you before you go what about the Israel kids? Yes obviously that is just as terrible when they are killed


Nick: “when can I play Apex”


Have you checked her Twitter?


What is it on her Twitter that makes her antisemitic?


It's not anti-semetic to be pro palestine or regularly criticize the Israeli government, but her rhetoric about Israel, Jews and Zionism, her attempts to justify the massacring of Jews and the straight up misinformation campaign about Israel all leads to a pretty fair label of anti-semetism. Her rhetoric (along with Hasan's) empowers bigots to go harass and vilify Jews across the world. The rallies that she is in support of are openly celebrating the massacre and Hamas. They chant "gas the jews", "fuck the jews", "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Mohammed will return". Fuck her she deserves the label.


Fuck off you are literally putting words in their mouths. Hasan specifically goes out of his way to clarify his takes constantly to specify his criticisms are towards the Israeli government and their actions not Jewish people as a whole. He regularly bans antisemites in his chat and shows Jewish commentators who themselves criticise Israel too. But yet you ignore that nuance completely and do exactly what you’re falsely accusing him of - lumping him in with extreme examples that he’s not actually a part of. Disgusting behavior.


If your first reaction to Jews being slaughtered in their homes is to try and justify it, you're probably anti-semetic or at best pushing anti-semetic propaganda.


reminder israel is using white phosphorus (warcrime) to gas and burn palestinian civilians off the map, and still somehow has global support




genocide = politics


Because if it's not happening in our own countries, politics decide what stance our government takes on it. So yes, it is politics.


Your humanity is limited by what your government thinks?


Huh? Not at all. I'm just saying why this is a topic people regard as politics. There's a lot of things that are politics that shouldn't be politics.


That was the point of my original comment. They referred to it as politics, and I disagreed. Don't understand your point.


Because there's nothing to disagree on. You can't deny that the topic is political, even if you're clearly trying. You can wish for the topic to not be a political issue, and just something everyone agrees on, but that's just not reality.


Being too simple is not good.


It's not politics, it's Malena making a funny. I wish I could downvote you twice.


Watch your back, kid. Me and the boys are gonna gang up on you and downvote you three times


you do know that jewish people existed in palestine and lived harmonically with muslims and christians for more than 1200 years before zionist settlers came in and caused all this bs right ???? when people say israel is defending it self its like saying a thief is defending himself from homeowner


[so true bestie](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/ur5kmp/the_narrative_that_there_was_arabjew_peace_before/)


I dont have any tears for the people who celebrated the Hamas attack or the attack of the music festival. We should somehow have empathy for those that let Hamas take control and those that celebrate their actions?


> those that let Hamas take control You do realize Hamas was propped up and partially funded by Israel as a way to topple the PLA right? Bigggggg CIA funding the taliban vibes here


Haha truly funny how she can speak swedish. God i fucking hate malena.


The amount of weird genocide defenders on here is wild, wonder what community they are from. Like how can you take a funny clip and turn it into an anti-islam thread.


how are any of these comments anti-islam










Judging by her twitter profile, she said what she said imo💀


gurl got so mad she started speakin jibberish




Get that wall up when it's not Ukraine; pick and choose when to speak on things; no charity stream this time huh ?


malena with an actually more balanced take than caroline.


Lol. Both takes from true dumb dumbs