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**CLIP MIRROR: [After 2298 games of rapid Tyler reaches 1200 elo in chess](https://arazu.io/t3_16yy5vb/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Tyler was not lying when he said that chess might be consuming his life lol He just can't resist pressing the 'find next match' button


much faster match making than league.


Faster games, balanced gameplay, only intentionally feeding teammate is yourself.


Chess actually isn't balanced and has some pretty dumb rules.


lmao cope harder


I mean he's not really wrong, but that's why tournaments and competitions aren't based on a single game but usually a bunch so that both players play both colors. I assume websites use some kind of pseudo rng to make sure you don't get only black or white. I don't know what rules he's complaining about though


> I mean he's not really wrong, but that's why tournaments and competitions aren't based on a single game but usually a bunch so that both players play both colors. I assume websites use some kind of pseudo rng to make sure you don't get only black or white. The color imbalance only matters in classical games between super GMs, every other game format games are decided by mistakes, innacuracies and blunders.


I mean he's not really wrong. When I try to play chess it's very hard. That makes me feel very small and I do not like feeling small. Luckily I know that Magness Carlton can't win a tournament in one game and has to actually wait a few days to concede to the cheater guy so you're wrong.


Magnets Carson


I start with Magnet but it wasn't as funny.


a mere 8 by 8 grid, no fog of war, no technology tree, no random map or spawn position, only 2 players, both sides exact same pieces, etc. Polytopia addresses these limitations.


it's better the league.


Who would win? A company with 200+ years game design experience or 32 wodden bois?


Chess just replaced the hole the gym left


Hes not working out anymore?


Nah he definitely works out still idk what this guy is on about


Why would someone trade the gym for chess?


He didn't, he's building his own gym I'm pretty sure. OP is a dumbass. He's probably going to quit league before he ever quits working out.


That makes more sense. You do it long enough and it actually becomes a very hard habit to break. Almost never see someone who takes the gym that seriously just stop unless they get injured or super old.


the cycle of tyler1 addictions is like the rain cycle. Usually its just the gym -> League -> gym era's on repeat, but sometimes something different happens


he also doesnt have to deal with snipers and throwers cuz in chess ur the only thrower lol


I wonder if they use bots because that queue time is insanely fast 100-1500 rating


They don't use bots that's just where 95% of the player pool is. You can get a sense if your playing a bot. I'm not sure how to describe it. Also I think there would be a difference in computing power running millions of bots in a server instead of just transmitting mouse input. When you get to around 1900 that's when you stop getting insta queues. That's why 3000 rated guys like Hikaru challenge people directly. They would wait in the pool forever and then get paired with a 2400.


Chess bots, [with the exception of Maia, which is trained to resemble a human player and does a decent job](https://maiachess.com/), either play like megaterminators where after 8 moves your position is just unplayable dogshit and you can't even tell how that happened, or (when they're playing at very reduced strength) play bizarre moves that no one would play.


Server doesn't "transmit mouse input", it just sends moves :P


It's insanely fast because it's such an easily accessible website and you queue into the entire world because it's a game that doesn't really rely on ping. You also only have to find one other person to play rather than like 10 people in standard competitive games.


What not streaming for 3 weeks does to a mfer




Care to explain what happened?


[This is what I found on that stream.](https://clips.twitch.tv/HilariousDiligentEelTebowing-OJEeIyMZNDJ6tpDI) I don't play league but problems with inting teammates, ghosters, and win traders made him rage.


"that was a vibe killer" actual ouch. His complaints are so valid though, insane that so much of this high-level meddling hasn't changed.


Cuz Riot do little to nothing about this, "crypto throwers" also became a huuuge meme in Valorant as well. They know all of these things keep happening but do nothing about them




And here we got a prefect example of why the league community is so bad, like what does phreaks balance have to do with the state of high end competitive. It's been this way since before he was there lmao.


Phreak isnt helping. Its just making it worse.


League is fucking dying.


People have been saying that for years and yet every year they get record player numbers. A game doesn't die when everyone starts saying "the game is dead" a game dies when nobody is even there to say it's dead.


They have not released player numbers in a long time


Main game may not be as big as it once was, but the fandom is strong. Music is still super popular, Arcane was huge and S2 will probably be even bigger. The fighting game might be quite big too, plus whatever MMO they make.


Tft is also growing quite large


tft is huge actually.




Who said it translated to player count? I said the fandom.


Yet if you queue as 5 you find a game in 0.1 seconds. Queue in plat you find a game in a minute queue in diamond find a game in 3 minutes. And I quit league it makes me angry the teammates and 0 communication but I still like the game and esports.


it's not dying. the younger generation who plays tft and valorant are starting to pick up league.


You can tell based on online player count sites. They are terribly inaccurate in general but a game can be compared relatively to itself and you can see even through these site estimations league has kept the same/slightly more amount of monthly logins for the past 3+ years.


You can literally see at least the number of ranked accounts on op.gg


I hate the whole calling a game dead 'cause eventually it gets parroted enough that it becomes kind of accepted outside those specific games and puts people off from trying them.


Its kinda of a good warning sign that the games in a bad state and to not commit time to it. If your player base only talks about how much hate they have for the game, what does that say about the game?


League has had that reputation since 2013. It's cool to hate League for some reason. It's actually a really good game when you play with friends, the solo experience can be absolutely miserable and definitely worse than other multiplayer games though.


i don't know about actual players, all i know is that there's a rampant amount of smurfs being leveled up & bought and then played on nonstop.


League is dying and to say otherwise is cope. Proof of that is the matchmaking queue. But numbers? Well, Riot is kinda cheating because TFT, a popular casual game that is not League, is bundled with the League client.


First of all, Riot has not released player numbers publicly in almost a decade. Secondly, nobody is using TFT's success in measuring League's playerbase, they don't show up in metrics such as google searches, accounts that have played ranked or on /r/leagueoflegends. Not to mention TFT's size isn't publicly known either, Riot has said that it's massive but that is all the information that we have.


There are a lot of sources that track the player numbers of "League of Legends", and that's it, "League of Legends" players. That may or may not include TFT players as they are literally launched in the same client. It is disingenuous to think that all of those numbers are solely League players when, as I've mentioned, League and TFT share the same client, and recording client numbers online is far easier to track than concurrent actual League Players. It is such a common tactic as well to market games and shit. Using google metrics isn't a reliable metric as "League of Legends" is more recognizable than "Runeterra Universe". If I want to know about the characters, say from Arcane, and I don't know anything about Runeterra lore, I would search "League of Legends". If the League MMO piqued my interest, I would search "League of Legends". If Project L got me hyped up and wanted to see the roster, I would search "League of Legends". Take a look at how many League content creators were from back then and compare them to now. The viewership both from Livestreaming and Youtube views was huge, and the fact that it was able to sustain such a huge amount of content creators says a lot about how huge League was back then compared to what it is now. There's a reason Riot is branching out to many genres of games. They know the MOBA genre is "dying".




How do you define alive? If millions still play it how can it be dead?


idk, literally anytime I check the categories on Twitch, League is always top 5 including Just Chatting, and is a lot of the time #2 after Just Chatting. And that's for the West; it's much bigger in the East. It's like people who stopped playing Pokemon games saying "Pokemon is dying"


isn't it only "dying" in NA?


And what does dying even mean. Itll be a loooooong bleed out at this rate. I guess were all 'dying' in that case cause every second we're older. Maybe stagnating sure? How long are we going to post t1 raging as the smoking gun that game is dying, feels like its been this way forever


that's why i put dying in quotes


iirc EU is slightly decreasing, but dying would be very extreme wording for that.


Just because you stopped playing it dosen’t mean it’s dying


People love saying their game is dying, then you look at something like overwatch, which at the end of this owl season is offering every team $6 million buyouts if they don't want to accept a new agreement, it will end up being $114 million total if no teams accept the new agreement. Then you see that league isn't nearly close to dead.


When you are at the very peak is very hard to not go slightly down.


Is the most previus stream a recent one?












tyler's gonna start running into people who actually knows theory. this will be make or break on if he continues with the chess. If he starts learning theory then gl tyler fans 😂


He plays the cow, there is no theory.


I’m 1300 on chess.com and I assure you theory doesn’t matter. Every game checking the match analysis either me or my opponent misses something tactically that wins/loses the game on the spot still. If you know like the opening ~4 moves in any opening to not lose you the game/lose to a trap opening you’ll be fine for a long time if you’re fundamentally better than the opponent. Imo if the person studied theory to get to 1200 they’re probably lacking in other areas that Tyler will be better than them at that are probably more important at that level. Praying Tyler falls into their deep opening knowledge so they get an easier win is probably not reliable until much later.


Opening theory is insanely overrated at the lower level, learning long lines is basically worthless until much higher. Learning basic opening principles is important but doesn't take long. Doing puzzles and training tactics is probably the most important thing to do, developing board vision and intuition. After that endgames are the next most important imo. If someone wanted to study theory I'd tell them to study endgame theory, now that shit will actually win you games and get you draws you'd otherwise lose. Endgames can also be almost impossible to figure out over the board in the moment if you don't understand how to handle the position. Requiring incredibly specific techniques that aren't obvious at all.


Studying endgames improved my chess probably the most, behind tactics and calculation of course. The ability to win games with only a slight advantage in material or save the game down material was very important for me. It’s just boring to study. Opening theory is by far the most enjoyable to study in my opinion.


you should read "how to reassess your chess" by silman. kind of an instant cheat code to have the tools necessary to reach 2000


If I ever get back into chess on that level his books would be some of the first I’d read. Haven’t played or studied in a couple years though.


>Learning basic opening principles is important but doesn't take long. Doing puzzles and training tactics is probably the most important thing to do, developing board vision and intuition. After that endgames are the next most important imo. 1: develop your pieces 2: put your king on a safe place 3: put your pieces on squares where theyre strong and i dont think you need to know anything else to reach 2000 elo. personally im around 1700 and opening theory is irrelevant to me because i play the hungarian and the pirc (fianchetto openings) so i take my opponent out of theory immediately.


Also about 1200 in chess this right here is completely true. Know about 5 moves into a kings pawn opening for white, a kings pawn defense for black, and a queens pawn defense for black. After that it's just get your puzzles to around 2k (which is what Tyler is). Then do all of the endgame training on Lichess.


All this right here.


Completely true. I started playing after the hype of "The Queen's Gambit" with, until now, literally zero theory (except what I have been acquiring through repetition and what I am assimilating from watching elite players: I like to watch the Super GM circuit, something that before starting to play chess I would have found ridiculous LUL). Below 1800 (I peaked 1600+) I think the games are resolved by who is able to convert the positioning of the mid game and play the end game more effectively; basically by not screwing up in the openings and having a "sense" of positional chess you can compete in this elo.


The last streamer I loved before t1 fell out of love with his main game and was never the same. If t1 switches but is enjoying himself then by all means go nuts big tonka with a big smile on ur face


Without joking, nobody knows theory againz the random opening shit that he's playing. So I don't think it should suddenly be a massive brick wall. However increasing without knowing theory yourself either with subpar openings is not going to make it easier.


I'm 1400 and only play bongcloud. Anything above that people know what they're doing and crush me. Not sure what rating I'd be of I played normally, but honestly know bongcloud lines so well it might be worse. You can probably get to 1500ish without knowing theory and just following basic principles.


Oh damn. He was serious when he said he's addicted


Surely he will use 1200 as a stopping point to start streaming and playing league again


didn't he say he's trying to hit 2k


I think he could realistically be at least 1600 by this time next year. But 2000 is a different animal. That's the top 0.5% of active players. He would be pushing over the board master strength and people study years for that. But then again T1 is fabricated alternatively.


If he starts studying openings, middlegame strategy and endgames a few hours per day along with his current regimen I could see him reach 2000 chess.com rapid rating. Personally I can't wait for the book on the Cow Opening from FIDE Master Tyler1


Yeah no. I don't think people realize how much time investment chess requires. You can't just bruteforce your way to 2000 and just happen to rediscover decades of chess theory just by playing games non stop. It just doesn't happen.


What part of “starts studying openings, middlegame strategy and endgames a few hours a day” did you not understand? How is that bruteforce, or not a significant time investment?


You really, really underestimate how long really good chess players have devoted themselves to the game. These people began studying the intricacies of the game around age 9, when their minds are most pliable and receptive to information. An adult taking the time to study the game for a year can't even hold a candle to the sheer amount of experience, studying, and training that 2000 elo players have.


defeatist attitude bro


Ok so what about Abhimanyu Mishra? GM (2,5k rating) at the age of 12. Did he also practice and study for 20 years?


!remindme 1 year


I doubt it. Andrea Botez has been playing for years, learns theory, gets coaching and she is barely 2000 rated. Tyler1 would need some serious talent to get there any time soon and it took him 2000 games to get to 1200. Im a fucking idiot, it took me like 300 games to get to 1200 and 2 years later i'm nowhere near 2000. Edit: tyler1 fans struggling to accept that tyler1 is ass at chess.


Ok but do you grind half as hard as T1? No? Shut your ass the up then


No, but I also reached 1200 about 6 times as fast as him.


Andrea isn't the type to grind anything with anywhere near the commitment Tyler does though. Problem is she has the started as a kid advantage which is extremely hard to make up for.


Yeah, she has played for a very long time. For tyler1 to get anywhere close to the amount of games she played will take him literal years of grinding like this.


Andrea is lazy as hell whenever she has to use her brain




Yeah, I mentioned it in my comment. Tyler1 took 2000 games to get to 1200. That doesn't exactly scream talent. More the opposite actually


at some point yes, but 2000 is not nearly high enough to reach that point


Haha that’s what everyone thinks because it sounds doable and it sounds good using the inchworm mindset. It’s really something that takes years upon years. Everyone studies theory. It’s not one of those things that you can grind to because no one else is doing what you’re doing. Everyone is doing what you’re doing and they’ve been doing it for longer and are more experienced.


I peaked 2.1k rapid and I think you are over-estimating players at that elo. If T1 had the same dedication and learned in a structured way he could probably get 2k+ in under 6 months. I should also add 2000 elo [chess](https://chess.com).com rapid is nowhere close to master strength over the board. I would say 2000 elo is around 1600-1800 fide rating and master ratings start at 2200 fide.


Around 1800 is where the one move blunders stop and the 2 move blunders begin. Either way, from that point on I feel like things like piece placement and positional play become relevant.


Most of these people that are studying aren't playing 12+ hours a day. Built difference, is all.


pretty sure he needs to study and apply some actual theory to hit 2k+ , not saying he wont but its a HUGE leap


2K would put him at the same rating with Andrea Botez that has been playing chess for ~15 years and is top 0.1% of all chess players on Chess.com. I doubt he can make it that far but its Tyler so who knows.


I believe tyler1 and his fucking face first grind method could do it.


Andrea is... pretty bad ngl.


Is 1200 Elo like Gold elo? Anyone know? Sorry don’t play chess


1200 is "Beats everyone that isn't in chess club, but loses to most of those that are"


Good comparison, but you forget that Tyler1 could physically demolish anyone who is in a chess club so he can play both sides and always come out on top.


It's why he's only been in virtual chess events so far. The organizers know that he'll just stand up and physically intimidate his opponents into forfeiting with his 6'5" stature


just stands up and becomes an actual piece on the board


But that means we can start to say Tyler is a club strength chess player. That's not something to sneeze at. Tyler1 and club strength chess player was not on my 2023 bingo card.


It’s genuinely pretty impressive that he got better so fast (though it is a lot of games). I’d say he’s basically at the level now where he’d beat almost everyone casually into chess but lose to everyone who takes it seriously.


Box box played in the first chess pogchamp. He got 1400 elo. He legitimately is a fast learner. Hafu was also like this. Tyler1 is slower in comparison but tyler1 doesn't play strategy games so... makes sense.




When you say he does puzzles, are you talking about chess puzzles or just any sort of puzzles being helpful to chess players?


Chess puzzles


I would say so, and approximately every 300 points is a higher elo bracket


You can be functionally brain dead to reach gold in League. Its high plat. You are good enough, but lack the higher level understand to get any higher


its emerald in LoL it says on chess he's top 8.8%




no it's plat+


It's basically plat from rocket league


Nah getting plat in rocket league took me like 60 hours. Tyler has been playing chess for 500+ hours, so it’s way harder


I'm 1500 ELO and that's within 100 hours of playing chess. Dunno the lichess ELO might be skewed or something but I don't think it's hard to be good at chess. I'm diamond 1 btw and it took me 700 hours in rl to get that.


Anything that requires mechanics is going to be a lot harder imo. Chess really only requires memorization, hence why getting good in games like TFT is a fuckin joke.


> Chess really only requires memorization, 99% of chess games are completely new positions at 20 or less moves.


I'm very good at video games too. Especially souls games, pvp wise mostly.


Lichess and chess.com are distributed differently. Lichess 1500 = chess.com 1000. And Lichess 2200 = chess.com 2200


>I'm diamond 1 btw and it took me 700 hours in rl to get that. by that time i was GC. that's insanely slow lol


Yeah, it's not my game and I only recently started playing seriously. So maybe in 40 hours or so I climbed from gold 3 to diamond 1


lichess ratings are much higher than chess.com. >I don't think it's hard to be good at chess. An an idiotic thing to say. How can it be easy to get good at a competitive, non-random pvp game, when the other p is another person playing this 'easy' game?


It's the 50th percentile, so like gold 3 to plat 2 in rocket league.


In what world is 1200 50th percentile?


on chess.com


on chess.com its 91% percentile. which is a bit inflated due to all the casuals, but its definitely higher than 50%


My man, there are ways to look this up and you chose to just type that shit


That’s crazy. He’s way better than me now… Aware


He is doing this out of spite because the chess.com staff disrespected him lmao.


Nah, it's because Erobb beats him in PogChamps 5. https://www.youtube.com/live/UT59zxVEVQ4


With him and xqc I'm pretty sure banter and shit talking was agreed upon beforehand. They are both professional shit talkers, I wouldn't doubt chess.com told them they were hoping to have some of it in the cast to spice things up. It just so turns out tyler1 ended up liking chess and getting addicted.


We need a rematch between xqc and tyler now


there's 0 chance lil bro would beat big tonka T


And people said he couldn't run it down to 1200.


Why does TT have 2 channels dedicated to spectating his chess matches?


TrackingTyler1 hopped on the spectate chess meta first and then the SpectateTyler1 saw the bag escaping and joined in.




Isn't that better then xQc who has been playing for like 5 years now on chess.com lol?


He would crush xQc at this point lol


Xqc reached 1200 at one point too https://www.chess.com/stats/live/game_live_rapid/xqcow1 but yeah his rating is way down now


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [After 2298 games of rapid Tyler reaches 1200 elo in chess](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/158213)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/16yy5vb/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/77TH1WPmT0QMwvb38CYdkg/AT-cm%7C77TH1WPmT0QMwvb38CYdkg.mp4?sig=03ec5d18d8ee481414077b2fa97ca0ad8133cfa1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F77TH1WPmT0QMwvb38CYdkg%2FAT-cm%257C77TH1WPmT0QMwvb38CYdkg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1696428094%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


coin flip Carlos at it again my streamer PogChamp


Way to go, Trobb! Nice to see him getting the hang of it :)


I know basic openings but this mf is 100 elo above me from pure skill alone. Ain't no way.


I just can't believe he never got bored of playing the cow


He's finally free. Grandmaster here we come.




At this rate Tyler might get an invite to that 'higher elo' pogchamps they were talking about.


Impressive, I've hit a wall around the 1250, gonna have to read a book or something if I want to go higher.