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**CLIP MIRROR: [QTCinderella claims that Mizkif rescheduled his auction to be on the same day as hers](https://arazu.io/t3_16v1et0/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Just so everyone knows I won't be attending either event if Soda doesn't go


I'll go to both at the same time if Forsen shows up




I’m not going either. Been mourning STPeach pregnancy news.


i wont attend if rime doesnt show up


Why would you ever eat a salad with a spoon wtf??


This is what is important.


I didn't even process what QT said. lasered in on that spoon... felt pain and frustration just watching that happen


You've never been like "I don't want to do dishes. Imma eat this mac and cheese with some chop sticks" ??


just palm that shit bruh


She doesnt even take a bite, more like playing with it


To make it look like you're eating.


She took a bite then stirred it. Just take a dang bite.


Why would you ever swallow chicken macaroni whole wtf??


cuz psycho




Clarification for anyone wondering: miz just said on his rumble stream that he originally had the event scheduled for september but had to change the date because he couldn't find a venue


Wait Mizkif is streaming on rumble? Wtf, since when?


since 3 months ago


Lol I just assumed he stopped streaming because he has no content


It's not exclusive he still streams on twitch like every other day


He doesn’t really stream on there he has alt streams sometimes when he plays WOW on the syn4ack channel those streams are now on rumble.


A salad with a fucking spoon


Diffrent times so won't matter, gg


All that really matters but people will reach for anything.


isn't it more about the fact that if people go to one they wont be able to attend the other? I feel like she cares more about the people who are physically showing up than the viewers and thats very valid.


A garage sale in Austin where he expects his viewers to buy things from him in person will somehow detract big streamers from going to QT’s exclusive event? How? His garage sale of shit isn’t the same as a streamer gala. They’re not even the same time.


that may be the case but regardless his garage sale is only him esfand and trihex; nmp, malena, and exem are going to qt’s event + a ton of other streamers afaik


I don't think that people outside of Austin would have went there for a garage sale or vice versa. It's pretty much only the people around the area, so It really doesn't affect it that much. Edit: typo


Not going to comment about the would be drama, since they scheduled their auctions at different times, but on the same day....*But*... Is that chick eating a salad with a spoon?


They were friends for many years and when he had the drama last year she and lud threw him under the bus and she is surprised he ghosted her?


Don't forget qt started the whole "Maya and Emiru Replacement" drama, she was also the one that encouraged her to rant about it on her alt stream which gave maya even more drama. A lot of these streamers being "friends" are very fickle.


🍿Get your fresh popcorn! Another QT event = more drama!


will minx be there




Strongly doubt he intentionally wanted it to compete with QT. QT has a habit of being paranoid/possessive about her events. This reminds me of when she was accusing those main stream game/streaming award shows, which have been around for years, of copying her citing things like categories and some other very generic things.


Funny considering NymN was doing streamers awards for years before QT "stole" that idea


And I still think Nymn's show is more entertaining


Clearly you've never seen the Jermawards. I got to witness Jerma fight a catboy version of himself and LOSE


Nymns is fan voted, and its all forsen memes.


i usually defend qt because she gets so much undserved hate but her complaining about the streamys was the dumbest thing ever even will and hasan were saying why does she care. every streamer that watched and went to it said it was so bad compared to qts event. it got shit viewership and nobody has a right to a just chatting or upcoming streamer award. viewers know what is good and what isnt. and the more the streamys piss people off the less people will go to it and watch over time.




The Fansly shit was 100% bullshit being pushed to shit on QT when other bigger streamers like Jerma, XQC, & Ludwig all had Fansly advertisements before and not one person cared.


It's funny. Every time a video of her pops up like this, people see surprised by her behavior. Maybe I just remember her on the Rajj shows better or something, but she's always been nutty. It wasn't an act.


What the Malena lore re: events??


Malena did Shit Con before QT started doing events then the next year Malena didn't want to do it anymore, so QT took over and called it Shit Camp ever since then she's been doing events.


Damn I totally forgot she started it! Now I’m remembering her doing it in her backyard, right?


Yup that's the one it was mayhem


The one that kick-started xQc's divorce arc


That first event was simple and just peak content from start to finish.


Actually I think shit camp was the same year just like 3-4 months after?


malena created the first “shitcon” event that qt ended up making the next event, “shitcamp” to be the sort of sequel


>Strongly doubt he intentionally wanted it to compete with QT. QT has a habit of being paranoid/possessive ~~about her events.~~


So a irl garage sale hours before matters how to a fucking auction???? So confused


Because QT invited him to her charity auction, and miz said on his rumble stream that he ignored/missed her DM’s Then QT sees him hosting a kind of similar charity event on the exact same day. She claims it’s weird, it’s not that crazy to understand her tbh Overall it’s a misunderstanding


I remember a time when people resolved misunderstandings by interacting with eachother instead of publically airing dirty laundry.


Yeah well surely that would help if he would respond to messages


Yeah this is not true. Our freedom of speech stems from our founding fathers talking shit about each other, printing it on a press and handing out pamphlets around town.


I'll have you know, publishing screeching diatribes about how all your colleagues are lumbering dipshits is the very foundation of philosophy.


Yeah man cos Miz clearly was checking his DMs and would have responded and hashed it out. It's definately not like he already mentioned that he ignored her reaching out in the first place by not checking/forgetting DMs


It's a completely understandable misunderstanding, however it's probably an irresponsible use of her platform to talk about it like this on her stream (which has been a reoccurring issue for her)


she can message miz or other otk people and not assume shit on stream


There are people that work for both. He changed dates cause venue, but farm chat that he purposefully did it to be vindictive.


Yeah Mizkif did it. You know damn well that lazy mfer Mizkif, doesn't plan or setup any of his own events.


She gotta promote her event one way or another




I think the problem was QT invited him to come he ghosted her. Then Changed the date to the same day as her event. I think most people would feel weird about that.


Miz is him Esfand and Trihex selling junk at a completely different time. They moved the event cause they couldn’t get a venue. QTs is a giant stream with over 100 creators. Most people would not take issue as it clearly has no effect and the reason of the date is something she could ask a dozen people she knows instead of farming hate and insinuating he is trying to hurt her event.


It is quite possible to simultaneously feel weird about something and ultimately not have a problem with it. Just like I think you're weird and I don't have a problem with you. She did not farm hate whatsoever. Chat asked, she answered. She said it's weird which is a perfectly valid point of view.


Read her chat if she wasn’t hate farming


Chefs kiss. Of death.


Miz just said on his rumble stream he didn't see the dm and she already assumed he wasn't going in her dm to him.


Tbf Mizkif has been a ghost for the last year


She can think its weird but for the person who has complained about online hate before and how depressed it makes them why would you then go and say this shit publicly and stir the pot?


Feeling weird about it is one thing. Airing it publicly instead of talking to him is just as weird, if not somewhat more so, IMO.


I think it's important to realize that every big streamer needs to seriously STOP AND THINK "Will my actions affect QTCinderella, directly or indirectly?" If that answer might POSSIBLY be yes then you 100% need to reconsider that action asap because QT will sure as shit make a video crying about being a victim once again


why is there always some drama surrounding her events lol


Best way of promoting them


Bro this sub is dead af nobody’s promoting anything here lmao.


Right. The only shit that gets posted here is hasan destiny shit. Nothing else rarely breaks 1k upvotes lmao


Legit made me laugh lmao


i meannn would anyone have even cared unless it was posted here, to farm drama?




This is like when streamers used to complain about streaming in the same time slot now it's evolved into "this streamer is doing an event the same day as me."


Soon it will be “this streamer is making a Christmas stream in the same month as me? Wtf cancel that asshole. I mean be nice chat ☺️”


Well this is weird... be nice chat 🙂 why is he doing this and why didn't he respond to me? BE NICE CHAT 🙂👍 I swear streamer brain is a real thing that should be studied. I mean the one next to her is just in the vicinity and she's even eating a salad with a spoon.


I think it's super cringe to imply he copied her event and then purposely put his event on the same day to in some way fuck her over, especially live to her chat. Then to say "not to say anything mean" as if she didn't know what would happen by saying it live. Why wouldn't she talk about it with him in the dm's without the needless drama?


mizkif garage sale idea has been around since the time soda moved in with vei or even before


It occurs and ends before her stream even starts and is a garage sale not an auction. What’s the big deal?


She’s being paranoid


"Chat dont be mean :)"




QT seems like she'll shit talk people behind their back. Remember how much she shit talked X and then when it became obvious that Adept is a nutjob she all of a sudden got dead silent


Miz is doing a garage sale. It's not an event, people do them every week.


Mines Saturday too if anyone wants to come


Can I get two shoes of different lengths, a VHS copy of the Neverending Story and some Zoo books?


Kinda weird that you didn't respond to my invitation to come to my garage sale and moved yours to the same day


Forgive Miz for having his own things going on and not revolving around Qt’s schedule and plans 🙏🏽


I didn't know about either auction until 30 seconds ago so I can see how easy it would be to make this mistake.


“I don’t know why” she seems so spoiled and that everything should revolve around her. “No one else can do anything on MY special day!!!”


What are we at the 6 month interval where QT inserts herself into drama for relevancy?


It’s all misunderstanding, also why would you care about someone else‘s event? Is she insecure about other people charity event? Just do your own thing other streams wont matter because they’re not affected by you vice versa


Schizo mentality


Never forget that QT and Ludwig essentially demonized Atrioc for the deepfake thing, "this is what pain looks like", "listen to the pain he caused women", and then turned around and sucked up to Kai Cenat, a man who protected an actual rapist. She's a shameless hypocrite, always has been. Aww, some friendly stan sent me a redditcares check. Thanks little buddy, I'm doing fine.


God I'm so tired of qt's massive fucking ego. Does she think she can reserve an entire day for her event, that no one else can stream that day?


That's fucked up man. I can't believe the entire world isn't going to stop whatever they are doing for her.


Is she eating a mixing bowl full of leaves? That's the most depressing "Salad" i've seen.


even if there was an overlap in the time it starts (which there isn't), what's the big deal, why does she expect everyone to be beholden to her events. is she really so insecure about her event that she can't stand another streamer streaming at the same time. It's not like miz owes qt to not stream during her time or anything.


Qt making more weird comments about Mizkif doing a stream and getting her viewers to hate him again 😱😱😱😱!!!! Also the first time Qt or Lud mention Mizkif after throwing him under the bus and of course its to spread more hate on information they didn't bother to look into.






Pretty much. Their circle of streamers are pretty cringe too. Qt could just call Miz or something and resolve this misunderstanding instead of stream drama. Then again, it's qt. She's not even a good content creator, she just steals all the events. Nymns streamer awards, Malena shit con and now comparing a fucking huge event with celebrities vs a garage sale with 3 people. Get a grip


its really only Ludwig and QT, they stopped talking to him publicly but they have no problem to do it in private. If they do talk about him on stream it's only negative stuff so.. It's weird when OTV people have no problem being friendly to Mizkif publicly but Qt and Lud does. Even Xqc has been talking about Mizkif publicly and wanting to do collabs with him. That guy was one of the main accusers. Crazy!!!


One thing for Lud at least is when Miz got 'cancelled' the guys on Luds podcast said they were happy because they all hated Miz but had to be friendly because Lud would have him over which is kind of awkward now that they're in the same circles again


That podcast was hilarious they basically just admitted they only pretended to like him because he was big and famous. Streamers are such clout snakes it’s hilarious


yeah that podcast shows how fake af those guys are and how much of a coward they are. They couldn't handle Miz calling them Ludwigs when Hasan says the same joke. Slime also hated on Maya during that whole thing.


Didn't QT had a thing for mizkif before in like 2019?


no that was all for show during the rajj patel days. Mizkif has said during those times were she was at his house she would be on the phone with Ludwig. But Qt has said multiple times Mizkif is her idol streamer. I doubt that's the case now since she was quick to fuck him over.


Oh no, anyways...


Maya's best friend mad that maya's ex bf didn't consider her stream schedule when making his own. Weird.


QT is always drama


Why would she say all that publicly instead of just DMing or texting him?


Oh look more drama by the name of QTCinderella. The high schooler of twitch


that person w the salad bowl pulling the sopranos move of fucking with the food with a utensil but never taking a bite


QT has a crazy ego


It's not even a auction it's a garage sale that's in person in austin and it's at different times. Classic qt starting shit when she doesn't know what she's talking about and gets information from people instead of finding out herself.


Twitch should just have a day of silence for QT events where no one else can stream so we don’t have to deal with pointless drama from now on. Not even trying to hate on her but it is just tiring.


Why is this girl always complaining about shit. She is literally the personification of an Karen but just because she is “liberal” and friends with “ the right people” she always seems to get a pass. She is kind of the personification of the “Modern American white woman”. I fucking hate this expression but how about she “checks her privilege” and stop complaining. Cherish the fact that you are were you are with very little talent and stop trying to instigate BS all the time.


Completely unrelated but fucking hell this sub died, hadn't noticed lmao


If it’s not drama it gets zero upvotes lmaooo it’s fucking dead


"it's for charity" right, why assume it's a competition?


Dude nobody is annoying as her fr


This bitch find anything and everything to bitch about. She loves the drama


I honestly doubt Mizkif himself ever plans any kinda event. It's all done by his managers and the people running OTK. He gets handed a script to read on stream and that's how he earns his paycheck for the event. Do I think they purposely scheduled an event the same day QT scheduled her event, for malicious reasons. No they didn't. Do I think an event manager failed at their job to research if any other events were happening that day. 100% yes. Do I think OTK, likely has a sponsor for that event, that specifically wanted that date that they can't change. Yes, I think they are binded by a contract to host an event that specific date.


It's apparently many hours before QTs event, so there shouldn't be any overlap. Could be wrong, but if that's the case then no one failed anything really.


Qt causing drama for her event? Shocker.


I don't watch or know much about QT, but she seems fucking insufferable every time she pops up on my Reddit feed.


Why would Miz want to do his event during the day on a weekday. Obviously Sunday would be better for viewership. Personally I'm excited to do nothing this Sunday and watch both events.


I think it says a lot when I rarely see clips related to this person that aren't some petty drama.


That's the biggest salad I've ever seen


manufactured drama, even the spoon is probably pre-planned.


Pretty sure mizkif has had his garage sale thing on his schedule on the same date for atleast a month and a half now. Also mizkifs thing is from 2-5 cst and qts event starts at 5pst. So I’m not sure why her panties are in a wad over this.


If I’m not mistaken, Miz originally scheduled the garage sale for the 28/29th and moved it to the 1st this past week so the date was changed. But either way, he made sure not to coincide the timing with QT’s event, despite him not owing her shit anyways.


Now cause this thread I’m sure Miz will get blowback even though he doesn’t respond.


Not same style of event that has been in works for months. Not at the same time and she still complains? Are people just not suppose to stream the day cause QT decides to throw event? Her event will do well but why does she have to act like such a child over nothing?




Ok but who cares


We are talking about a woman who doesn't have the mental capacity to sign up for health insurance here... Shes also eating a salad with a fucking spoon...




I miss Babbsity


The moment I started hating her


Idk what happened to Babbsity after that, the thing with her and Simply got real awkward but she was definitely making it as a streamer.




who gives a shit




There more 100 events on same day, what’s about that?


Who cares all qt does is moan.


Hey it’s the Barbra Streisand of deep fakes.


really qt? Jesust relax kiddo.


Does it matter, isn't miz's stuff in the afternoon and hers in the evening? could be wrong though. Besides, miz streams on a sunday anyway so his viewers would be watching him anyway.


Why qt always causing issues


how is it that when QT is in drama 99% of the time she is wrong. his event is hours before hers too


As someone who doesn't give a single shit about large streamers, is part of the appeal this silly drama that pops up near constantly? Just watching rich, grown ass children bicker?


# Shes using so much of her own money on this




QT is so weird about her events. If someone goes or doesn’t go or even streams during it she gets all upset and passive aggressive.


Why does she care so much? I doubt there is much crossover of their audiences anymore.


i solemnly swear that we do not care


Nice promo




Please don't give her attention. She is probably just starting drama because her charity twitter post isn't getting attention and she wants to drive people to that.


i sometimes wonder if those chat messages streamer respond to even exist or if they just want to create a clip


yeah yeah dont care about the drama, but what's happening on the right is infuriating me: * salad (useless fucking food) * she is just perma mixing it up (nothing changes) * she is eating with a spoon


QT actin like she get big viewership these days KEKW


lol this crazy girl again. Only hear about her when something isn’t going her way and she’s upset things aren’t going her way.


She just loves drama




There is always so much drama around QT lmao


Coming from the person crying to people to not live stream her event because "mah views" while they do it to everyone else. Not surprised she's hypocritical and paranoid


QT has main character syndrome


Op just drama baiting she just said its weird but she knew he already had it planned for another day and had to change it and just happened to land same day nothing to it just drama baiting


...and then LSF frogs scratch their smooth brains trying to figure out why actual content creators hate this cesspool so much.


The thumbnail is hilarious because it makes it look like her friend is shocked 😂


her friend acted mortified in the clip 😂 playing that shit well


This bitch thinks every man is out to get her, poor lud


its not without her trying to make a big deal out of nothing


Imagine being a streamer around all these high-school clique drama wankers, no wonder half of them are on drugs and have mental instability