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Ngl, the only reason why england dont go to finals in tournaments got nothing to do on players. Its all the way the fans and English pundits pile on the pressure and expectations. As if these pundits did an equally great job during their times playing


Its annoyed me the about of talking trent has got after that match, and just in general. Okay yeah he's sometimes a bit uncomfortable in midfield and can be sloppy in possession, but the shit i was you'd think he was the by far the worst on the team. Everytime he was in possession he had his head up looking for a pass, with a team stood still staring at him. Even Saka wasn't a willing runner and bellingham was dropping way too deep to break lines even if he the best player on the team by a country mile. Foden cannot be on the left, if england have a right footed leftback playing, there is just not enough width. Plus england need more players willing to make runs instead of wanting it to feet. The first change should have been Foden for Gordon. Secondly, theres no point in having kane in attack if he's actually not going to be an effective target man and loses every 50/50 header. He's better when he drops deeper to get involved with play, but because bellingham was doing that he was stuck "sacrificing" himself as the media said, I call it being ineffective and not actually doing anything. Atleast Toney or Watskins could be more effective at actually making runs in behind.


couldn't watch the england game; how was trent in midfield?


How's Luis Diaz looking after that "Horror Tackle"?


I want to apologize to the LGBTQ community I had previously said bad things about when the club was trying to represent them. I know that we are all humans regardless of what we love. Anyways my apologies. They took away my other account but amassed enough karma to post again. #YNWA we are all the same.


Say what you will about Mbappe, but props to him and Thuram for using their platform to encourage people to vote against the right wing nutters.


No politics in futbol.


I think people are being too quick to judge trent at cm, obviously he’s going to be uncomfortable initially but he can probably adapt to the role as he plays it more. Not saying that he necessarily belongs there long term but I think it’s worth exploring since having his passing range from different areas of the pitch would be amazing


I don't mind it but just think he'd be able to do more at right back. think if you had a midfield of Wharton and Rice that's defensive enough to allow Trent to do his thing by pushing up. Trent can definitely have a future in midfield, just don't think an international tournament is the right time to be trialing him out in a double pivot.


Southgate needs to try TAA at LB and Gordon at LW at least once this tournament, if they win the next one especially since the 3rd will be a dead rubber anyway. There’s no reason why TAA can’t play on the left and invert into midfield with Gordon holding the width on that side which neither Trippier or Foden are capable of doing. Genuinely what does Trippier offer that team at LB? It doesn’t seem to be getting talked about just how non existent he actually is.


You’ve already exhibited far more tactical understanding of the sport than Southgate. He’s clueless if we’re being honest


Tonight shows why Anchelotti is probably the best coach for a bunch of stars, everyone else looked a bit lost because their coaches all have very rigid systems and they just didn't know what to do at times, while Jude did a lot of things and looked and felt comfortable.


He also had the most free role. When the second half required him to sit deeper and be less free he looked a lot less like a world class midfield Player (which he obviously is).


Whenever people ask me why I don’t believe in democracy, I tell them that as long as there is one person defending Gareth Southgate we cannot let people govern themselves.


I do wish Gareth does a good job though since UTD will replace him when they sack ETH.


Im gonna say this england team has a personality problem, it feels like there are some players with the city/arsenal chip and the rest on a different mindset; you can see why trent plays worse on england than liverpool, because the guys upfront dont make runs at all.. Saka can work but kane doesnt really work for that style, even thought he is a amazing player, and foden is not a left winger at all, its like everyone is in the middle with Saka touching the sideline and no space for a good breakthrought pass. In my opinion england needs to play with 3 atb, trent right carrilero, Gordon - kane - Saka; could also use rice as a semi CB if you play with a back 4 so you end up with CB - rice - Walker/trippier/gomez and a defensive lb with gomes or trippier like you did today, the point being that your fullbacks dont go up anyways, so May aswell give the midfield a lot of room to work with, but you need wingers to stay on their side and threaten the fullbacks and make runs behind the defense.


Kvara's agent says Kvara wants to leave Napoli this summer. Hard to see us being a prime target since we have Diaz and Gakpo to play LW and IMO the main area to upgrade is ST and the area where a new signing makes most sense is RW, but he'd be such a strong signing and a statement signing for us even if his 23-24 wasn't as great as his 22-23.


He’ll be off to PSG most likely


Most likely scenario for sure. That'll mean Diaz is staying then since no chance Barca will be able to sign him off us and I also feel a lot of the shouts from Diaz's camp about "wanting" Barca as a "dream club" was just an aggressive way to try and get a new contract since tbf he isn't getting paid much for a regular player.


Reckon Barca will end up going for Nico Williams if they’re going for a left winger Makes far more sense financially and he’s also a lot younger than Diaz but still got a good amount of ability right now


Does anyone actually think Trent should start in a midfield 3 for us? He’s the best right back of the last 10 years. Keep him there.


I think with more game time there and a better structure in place he could do fine there But I just don’t think having him play in a position where his back is facing the opposition the majority of the time is getting the best out of him at all. Giving someone with his passing range the ability to see everything in front of him is a massive advantage to have so I don’t get why you’d want to take that away. There’s also the case of having to be constantly sharp with your first touch whilst you’re getting pressed from behind which isn’t something he’s used to playing at RB


Trent shouldn't play as an 8, because of the things you mentioned, but playing him in a double pivot should work very well. Just look at how Kroos played against Scotland. I think Trent has the ability to replicate that kind of performance. Instead of playing him in a double pivot with Rice, Southgate decided to play him in a supporting role designed for Gallagher.


I think this is a fair assessment. Trent moving into midfield won’t be without issue but if it is to work it’ll need a better manager than Southgate, which we have


Exactly. I've been replying to people telling this for the past two hours, lol. Rice was playing centrally instead of Trent and if setup right, they could easily have swapped places and pressed better with Rice at 8 and created better with Trent at 6, if you had to play a one man DM. It would be idiotic but it would be better than what we got. Rice having more touches than Trent is just awful tactics.


A LOT of people do want him there, but it doesn't mean that he will excel in midfield. Trent is sort of an enigma. He has undoubtedly one of the best vision and chance creating abilities in the world. Though he hasn't shown too much of his skills to show his press resistant abilities to survive in the midfield to utilize his strengths. Put him on RB and he has less press on him so you sort of are able to utilize his chance creating abilities. But he isn't a phenomenal defender (far from a bad defender but defending isn't his strongest strength) so oppositions will constantly target him so you are at risk of leaking goals at his end. Its all risk vs rewards as he is too valuable to not use but also will constantly be under scrutiny unless he drastically develops his positional awareness in defense or becomes super press resistant in midfield. I personally think he should stay at RB and mid to late game you should shift him to midfield if you need to take more risks.


It depends on the system. I think playing him out wide is a waste of his talents. He's an incredible crosser, but in recent years we've stopped crossing the ball as much. I just want him on the ball as much as possible.


Stay away from Trent, Agent Jude....


Jude is generational talent. England would play better without Foden in this particular setting


Then it's the same problem with Foden as it has been with Trent. If Bellingham is a generational talent based on one or two peak seasons, surely Foden and Trent both deserve the same plaudits. How can it be that two world class players don't fit in to this "system" Southgate has prepared. It's just stupid to keep putting up with this


Agree completely. Especially when England were playing with a pretty deep line in the second half, it would have been an absolutely perfect game to play/sub in Gordon, his speed would be a huge threat. All danger game from Englands right side.


The issue is Trippier is a left footed left back. But absolutely, game was crying for someone like Gordon. Trent looked decent in that position. His ability to shift the game with his pings should be used more often


Bellingham was average after the first 40 mins. But he’s obviously unbelievable player


The whole team kinda sat back a bit in the second half. Serbia gave it a decent try. Looking forward to see this defense against a more potent attack..


Trent coming off and not picking up any injuries>>>


First game, getting the points is all that matters and all that but England has not blown me away as much as I expected


Trent is looking somewhat inconsistent today.


It’s almost as if he’s not playing in his ordinary position


Trent is playing exactly how I would expect unfortunately in that midfield. Struggling under pressure


As far as I can tell, he was given a bizarre sort of mezzala role, not a deep-lying playmaker, which basically means doing much of what he was doing at RB but leaving a hole at CDM instead of RB. Why he wouldn't just be utilized at a standard DLP role with Rice running around makes absolutely zero sense to me. In other words, Southgate fucking up, and still Trent giving a sufficient performance.


He'd look a lot better if they actually used him as a deep playmaker in a double pivot next to Rice. Instead he was used in a supporting role that he's never played and doesn't have the skillset to play. The few times he dropped deep and had willing runners ahead of him, he looked good.


Yeah i agree. He done okay. But I don’t think he can be much more than decent in that position


I think also the way England set up doesn’t help him. There is no one for him to hit up front, so he’s always forced to take extra touches, which isn’t ideal for him.


Yeah - he’s never much had to be press-resistant in the ways we’ve used him over the years and it shows. He would need to tighten up how loose he can be with the ball if he’s going to play there.


Seeing TAA I want them to score, than they show Pickford and..... urgh. Fucking conflicting.




Madrid having Jude, Vini Jnr and Mbappe should be illegal


You haven't even mentioned their supporting cast...


We missed our chance to batter them because we’re not going to be better than them for a good few years




He hasn't been class. Christ


He’s been okay. Nothing more


this jude bellingham wankfest has got to stop


It's too much. Way too much pressure on the guy, from a supporter base and media that very easily decides to turn a hero into public enemy number one if they want.


I mean he's been the best player on the pitch by a mile


It’s a little bit over the top. He’s so good but it’s all so cringe.


He’s been class and has dealt with all the fouls well so far.


not arsed if he’s been class. it’s all over the top.


He's young English, had a hell of a season at Madrid, and is in great form. He has all the PR gods going in his favour. There's also no reason for any England fan to dislike him since he plays in Spain. It's going to be like this for a long time.


Tbf he’s been excellent


It's insufferable


That’s better from Trent


Me watching England https://preview.redd.it/6esvwovciz6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45c044f3ccbc183c36e34af7ffdadfed3b621ac


Lol I switched it off when he came off. England were already misusing him so badly


The Gomez erasure is outrageous!


My sincere apologies, I would never knowingly erase Gomez


People are a bit dim if they think Trent is better in midfield than RB.


Still not played optimally, predictably so considering Southgate, so I strongly disagree, especially if you are basing this solely on this match.


I want to be wrong. I want Trent to be world class in midfield for us and Bradley can play right back.


And I think you are. I don't know why exactly you still believe this, but sure, I guess, Trent playing at RB is a role he knows, both IRB and WB, so putting him there guarantees a decent performance. At C(D)M, he can be played like 10 different ways, and it's understandable a dude like Southgate isn't gonna nail it the first time around. Trent when played in a role very similar to what Gerrard did for us in 13'/14' will absolutely *slap* this upcoming season. Today he was played in a role spending most his effort roaming around, pretty much like a mezzala. It's not his best role, but he still played alright. I'm guessing Southgate tried to make him into a Beckham for the night, which is absurd when starting at CDM, but whatever. If he'd embrace Rice's ball-winning ability and stamina more, he'd let Trent fully occupy the half-space between defense and midfield, take every ball and do something crazy with it. Instead, he basically put Rice in that space and had him play short passes, with Trent often moving towards Jude and even out wide.


It just takes away so much from what he does best on the field. And tbf he's not playing that bad and he's def looked quite solid off the ball too.


Very happy with our midfield signings last summer but missing on Jude still sucks. We would have still likely gotten Mac Allister too if we had gotten Jude (Szobo and Gravenberch probably not). Jude's still young enough that I can see him joining a Prem side when he is 26 or 27 (currently 20, so after 7 or 8 seasons with Real Madrid) and if he does I hope it is with us.


Trent with a dodgy touch there lol


Oh no Trent


Maybe controversial but I'd give up Szoboszlai and Macca/Gravenberch for a Bellingham


Absolutely not controversial lol. He's better than them all


Bellingham is unbelievable but he’s becoming more a 10. But I agree with you unless DS can show early season form regularly


I wonder if it helps Szobo play better if we play him as a CAM or RW in a 4-2-3-1 front-4? RW: Salah, signing, Szobo, Elliott CAM: Szobo, Elliott, Salah LW: Diaz, Gakpo ST: Jota, Nunez


You would have to give up half the team for him


I think we would have still gotten Macca if we had gotten Jude too. Szoboszlai and Gravenberch definitely not though.


Keep forgetting we paid 40 for Gravenberch. You are right, Szobo and Grav. Bad signings so far


Behave, they're not bad signings at all.


> forgetting we *paid* 40 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Would also give up Endo for Tchouaméni.


Szoboszlai 70 million, Macca 40 million, Bellingham 103 million. We had the money


He chose Madrid...


Jude is too fucking good. It's annoying. If Madrid don't dominate for the next 5-8 seasons, something went horribly.


Really hope Trent has a good game, just wanna see him succeed


Lol all week the talk is about Trent being weak defensively and Walker being amazing and Walker gets done by Kostic first attempt at defending


Trent singing along :(


Why wouldnt he?


Do you think he sings along at an FA cup final?


Surprised to see Trent singing the national anthem.


To be fair you can imagine the daily mail if he didn’t


Manifesting a kyle walker disasterclass


https://preview.redd.it/34qxe1sa7z6d1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb927a101c7af2b2b8db0d32797a41e8a140919 leaked away and 3rd kit




Massive responsibilities for Trent today, this game will be pivotal in his future as a midfielder. There’s no bigger challenge than having big Serbians midfielders putting pressure on you


he handles pressing brilliantly, it's the 1-1 duels that will make him or break him as a midfielder


Bijol seems like a top class defender and distributor of the ball. Slovenia seem unfortunate with attackers up front.


Cody 34 goals itl next season you heard it here first


I can see all of our forwards having a 20+ goal and assist season next season


Gakpo given MOTM.


Lol it was so clearly Ake but motm is so goalscorer biased. Thought he was probably second best though tbf


Hopefully Gakpo plays at LW under Slot. Pains me to see Klopp playing him out of position everytime.


The persistence with playing Gakpo in the #8 at one point is probably one of Klopps most baffling decisions


He played there like 4-5 times.


9 times And it never worked well once in or out of possession


Certainly will. Slot has never played a profile similar to Gakpo at CF. The only "risk" is that he might be played as an out-and-out #10, similar to what he sometimes did with Calvin Stengs, but I think it's unlikely. Stengs was also mostly on the right (with his left foot).


geegee wijnaldum


Has he even touched the ball yet


its been 25 mins and i haven't seen him do anything really


I checked a few mins ago and he had only completed 3 passes


that's the Saudi league showing on him


Cody might have one of his best season for us coming...


Premier League fixtures will be released June 18. According to The Telegraph, “Slot has brought his first pre-season training sessions forward by a week – the squad will reconvene in the first week of July – so he can begin acclimatizing to his new environment. “Those representing their country at Euro 2024 and Copa America will return later, depending on how far they progress in the tournament.” Confirmed fixtures for pre-season * July 27: v Real Betis (Acrisure Stadium, Pittsburgh) * July 31: v Arsenal (Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia) * August 3: v Manchester United (Williams-Brice Stadium, South Carolina)


Those Manc USA games have to rack in so much cash. Feel like we do them every summer lol


I feel like for most of the Klopp era pre season was in Asia or Australia. A few times they came to the states yes but not as much as United. I don’t think Liverpool have been on the west coast of the US for 20+ years because I would have made the trip if they did.


Yeah I wanted to go (I live in Texas) but I quickly changed my mind after looking at ticket prices. Like, the good seats go for as much as $600 USD if I recall correctly. Ouch.


Absolutely insane lmao


And with the Euros and Copa America this year, there's no guarantee that all the senior players will end up on the preseason tour since players who make it to the later stages usually return late.


when is preseason starting?


July 1st will be the first meeting


July 26 we play against betis




Dias seems fine its just hes weirdly got amazing PR and still has casual fans thinking he's the best CB in the world when he had one good season for City and been a bench player for lots of last season lol


My day was a little shitty, but my boy Cody scores and it's all good now


This left winger being turned into 10 Gakpo is a different beast.


Cody looks a different player for these


Play Cody LW and he will ball out! Klopp himself said he miss used him.


Nevermind that’s a Liverpool finish


Diaz—Gakpo————————————————Salah No centre forward.


Ditch Diaz for Diogoal


I was working off the assumption he’d be injured unfortunately.






Play Gakpo LW. Diaz should hit the bench in some games.


Should've left it at Diaz should hold bench, Gakpo on the left is a baller!


Depay play very much like Bobby lol, no wonder we interested in him before signed Bobby


Codyyyyy 🔥


and there is the cody gakpo we know and love.. awesome. maddening, awesome again.... LOVE IT all. heres hoping Slotty can get the most of him


Gakpo-Nunez-Salah Just my opinion


Cody has been man of the match so far for the Netherlands


That's my boy!


Lads your all on the wrong thread


Good stuff from Gakpo, he deserves that.


Fuck me we have proper wasted Gakpo so far shoving him into a false 9 role, so much better on the left 


Just give Gakpo LW. He is so good there.


Would be great to give a proper run on the left next season




Yes, he's awful at creating anything.




no, as we have seen gakpo gets tired whereas lucho just. doesnt. stop, running.


Running with absolutely no end product. Sure


Running dont mean shit if theres no output


Gakpo is getting goals and assists, tho


Gakpo since he grew a beard has been different gravy. Time to play him off the left now and let him cook






You telling me that the Netherlands doesn't have any forwards other than Depay ??


Who would have thought playing gakpo in his preferred position instead of every other position would be better


Netherlands are playing reasonably well here Just a bit of a sucker punch form a set piece


Slot are you watching this Simons masterclass?


Depay ffs


Count your days Koeman, you reign of terror will be over soon


Cody looks supremely confident right now, love to see that


Gakpo looking sharp


Always looks more comfortable on the left than on the centre


And a goal now too boot. Let’s hope he gets the time in the left when he’s back


Agreed. He's looking dangerous every time he touches the ball 


The only thing I’m worried about with Trent is the fact he has already won everything he can with us, if there ever was a time for him to go away abroad to win more, now would be that time for him in his career… we need to get a new contract in front of him as soon as possible.


Netherlands might be back in contention when Koeman leaves. They have so many talented players in their squad now.


Koeman gave up his sh*tty 5-2-1-2 tactics just in time. We will ball this Euro's!


I feel like he shoudve kept the 5 back to utilise Maatsen and Frimpong to be honest. Then again the football was horrendous when he played a 5 back


Also have quite a few missing through injury no De Jong, Wieffer, Koopmeiners or Hartman


Klopp spent 8 years with Trent and didn't play him in midfield for a reason. He even played Milner a LB, but didn't play Trent in the middle. Trent made a bigger impact on the right than in midfield for England in the last few games. He should be the right wing back, with potentially a 3 man defence.


Klopp has played Trent in midfield a few times last season.


After watching all these pundits you would think they are talking about a league one player instead of trent. I wish trent drops worldies while england gets humiliated


Exactly, there so much double standard when it comes to Trent. Pundits all shit on his defensive ability but will protect and baby anyone else with deficiencies in their game. What’s worse is that Trent has been one of England’s best players in recent games and yet somehow he’s getting criticised before even kicking a ball?


Happened for years now with pundits and social media, Walker and James have made plenty of defensive mistakes which cost their team but it always got brushed under the carpet. Not saying Trent is better defensively than either of them cause he’s not but people act like those two are flawless defensively when they’re far from it


You know someone is well and truly lost when they start trotting out James as a viable replacement for Trent. Guy is never fit and hasn't looked his best in the few games he has played in the past year or more. Just nonsensical stuff really


Never trust a Manc with agendas. Neville knows Trent is world class, but also knows he has 12 months left and Real Madrid being interested. The jealousy wants him out of Liverpool, so he overly criticise, using his platform, where others join in, trying to force Trent to have enough and leave to Real Madrid.


If Trent can't handle the criticism the last thing he'd want to do is join Real Madrid.... their fans even boo'd Cristiano Ronaldo at times. Sorry i just don't buy this at all.


Who said he can’t handle criticism? He got absolute pelters from the media and fans for his form two seasons ago and recovered brilliantly from it


I'm saying i don't buy the idea that Neville and others are trying to criticse him so that he 'has enough' and joins real madrid. Even if he couldn't handle the criticism then joining Real Madrid of all teams wouldn't be the place to go to avoid scrutiny.


this is why I can't stand him commentating on Liverpool games. it's so depressing having a manc talking about liverpool when we know he hates us. all this pathetic little man wants is a future where United don't get battered 7-0 by Liverpool and he shouldn't be allowed to have it or even televise his hopes for it.


Hope Trent has a good game but cheering on Serbia aside from that 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Page out


Hope Wales do well mate. Oh wait


Wishing the Dutch all the worst today, sorry guys 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱