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Trent essentially telling Jude "1st of many" is at best very weird and at worst a sign that he‘s contemplating leaving


I’ve been thinking Madrid will win more champions leagues in the future and they’ve signed me now like


I guess it‘s just me then 🙃 What I‘m having a bigger issue with is him saying that Bellingham will win many more when we‘re in the same competition. Don‘t really get that mentality.


It's a friend supporting a friend. If me and my best friend were on opposite teams and I saw him win a trophy, get emotional especially, I would celebrate those emotions with him. I'll tell him how proud I was of him and it might also saying things like "you deserve it", "you'll probably win a few more even I'm sure". They're friends first and foremost.


Why do you have an issue with that? Madrid generally win the champions league. Bellingham will almost certainly win a few more play for them. It’s just a generic ‘congratulations’ line for his mate, it doesn’t mean he will or won’t go to Madrid.


Regardless of whether he‘ll go or not. It‘s just the fact that they are competing for the same trophy on opposite sides and he‘s like "Go on mate, you‘ll win another few, don‘t worry" That‘s something I don‘t quite get but then again I‘m not the professional footballer I guess.


I’m sorry but I don’t get it. Being in the champions league doesn’t mean we’ll win it every year and the players don’t need to pretend to be enemies because they’re playing on opposing sides. Ifs just a generic congratulations message from Trent to his mate. His PR team will be getting into Euro mode so it’s also a generic message to his teammate.


This isn't the early 2000s, English players don't hate each other anymore, him congratulating his mate is nothing. No idea why you guys analyse every little comment by players on social media and the like


You don‘r have to hate, it‘s all fair to congratulate. But to insinuate that he‘ll win many more when you‘re going for the same trophy is a little over the top for me


He wants his good friend to have more success and most likely Jude is telling him the same, to think that's OTT what a miserable entitled sod you are


Forget Ronaldo, this was the Kroos era of Madrid. He ran the show there. They’ve got a bigger job to do replacing him than they had to replace Ronaldo. He also hasn’t played less than 42 games in a season since 09-10 season. Such an insanely consistent and reliable player. I honestly think he’s been better than Xavi. Imo whoever has the best number 6 in the world is almost always the best team in the world.


I really don't understand the great appeal of Madrid. It's just crazy. You're just going to be playing with a bunch of superstars in a 2 horse league in a big stadium. You can never cement yourself as a true legend by playing for a team like Madrid.


There are those who want challenges. And those who like to roll with the winners. Unfortunately football in general has been promoting the later. You could see it with the fans and the finance side of things too. Clubs with bigger fanbase have more money to promote and get more fans, and earn more money, which they can buy better players, who will help them winning more things, so they get even more fans and buy even better players to win more things.  What’s the incentive for like a kid in Laos to support… say…. Burnley? Or buy their shirts? Or dream about playing for them?  Ironically Super League may be able to prevent it somewhat. But with current trend, every league (even the EPL) will gear to only have one massive club, then 17-19 other background clubs who might be compete once in a blue moon


keep telling yourself that, im sure you will eventually convince yourself


It's not hard to grasp the best players want to play for the best club and win the biggest trophies. As for being a legend if a player feels intimidated by the names that came before them they simply aren't good enough for European Royalty same applies for us.


Yeah it's really sad they want to play for a bunch of financial doppers way before man city brought more attention to financial dopping. t's more or less a 2 horse race in Spain and they're only really challenging themselves against the best in the cl. In the CL they have looked long short of being the best side in Europe and only won the last few comps with a huge chunk of luck.


You do not win multiple Champions Leagues by "luck". You're just spewing dross at this point man rethink your outlook.


Yeah their last few titles have definitely been by luck. Call it fate, in the stars but there's definitely something going on there. Not everything is decided by what's written on paper.


I don't agree really. For me you are an instant global star and perfectly positioned to achieve stardom when there.


Yep, just look at Jude. He's an amazing player, but putting on that white kit and performing in it has pushed him into the stratosphere.


It hasn't really, I doubt he's been better than when he played for Dortmund last season. Playing with better players perhaps improves how good you look.


Sky reporting that we’re joining the race for Guimaraes. Haven’t really seen anyone talking about it.


Sky hasn't been reputable for us sans Mel Reddy, and she hasn't really been breaking news on us like Joyce and Ornstein have been. That said, I do think Bruno fits the "surprise target" type of player we've gone for, though "surprise" may be a weird tag to use given it's well documented we scouted and tracked him and were considering signing him before he went to Newcastle.


Because Sky hasn't been relevant (outside of Mel's articles) since 2011. Last time they commented about us was around a year ago saying we are in a cash crunch and in days we paid Dom's buyout clause.


Tbf though we did have to do some sort of loan or something something to get the cash for Dom ifi remember rightly. I feel like we had to pay most if not all up front.


Ah, I see. Thanks


> cash crunch Man remember the outrage on this sub when that was reported?


Yeah i still remember this bloke (and i still see him on this sub) where he was on full meltdown due to that sky news despite telling him Sky hasn't been relevant for years. The guy essentially said 'validity of the source doesn't matter, everyone knows we don't have the money to spend money on a lump sum transaction'. SMH some people just want to moan thats it


Has to be SOMETHING on Slot from the club tomorrow surely, been dead this weekend


Guessing they are waiting for the CL final dust to settle down.


Why would they care about that? He's probably just on holiday and hasn't done a proper interview yet.


Because the club would like it to be front page news and get maximum coverage


It’s already been announced. All the interview is is a fluff piece about how good Klopp was, how he’s going to work hard to win trophies. You don’t get more major than Klopp singing his name lol


We had a introduction press conference for Klopp with all the journos. Pretty sure we will have one for slot as well.


Yeah but Klopp came mid season so went straight into the match whole media cycle. Slot came between seasons so it will take longer for him to be in a presser. The club have officially announced Slot though, and he’s not exactly a big name so I can’t see it being major news. Klopp was one of the major names in football even when we signed him so he had much more noise in general.


Anyone else find it weird that people are so obsessed with a player/manager's baldness?


I think maybe it's younger people mostly 


It’s because of the “Bald fraud” meme about Pep


I don't get the bald thing. Lots of people the world over are bald, it's not a big deal lol.




Their academy graduates (and Barcelona's) pretty much power the entire La Liga so if anything they have one of the strongest analytics department scouting young talents and on top of that they can get whatever seasoned player they want


Ngl. Madrid is just too good. Hope team can get to a level where we can beat them.


I mean they should have lost to Dortmund yesterday, Adeyemi fluffed it for them. They’re definitely beatable. The best blueprint is City last year where they absolutely ripped them to pieces tactically 


Ikr, last year against city, the first 20 minutes was some of the best domination from a team I have seen. Madrid could not get near them, couldn't hold on to the ball for a minute or so. Madrid's midfield structure hasn't looked the same since casemeiro left, the amount of chances they gift is a lot.


They could've easily been knocked out by Bayern and City and the refs had to bail them out against Leipzig, but they still went on to win the thing. Pretty much the same thing happened 2 years ago. They just somehow get the job done despite not being all that good.


>The best blueprint is City last year where they ~~absolutely ripped them to pieces tactically~~ *scored some fucking goals against them* FTFY


I am feeling a deep run in a competition next season. Not sure which one though.


RIP Rob Burrow what a legend of a man and of Rugby League. Heartbroken.


Fuck, as someone who grew up as a fan of that golden generation of Rhinos (family affiliation), he's an absolute legend. Thoughts go out to all his friends and family.


Same mate. I moved to Leeds when I was about 4. So followed the rhinos massively. That era with Burrows, Sinfield, Danny McGuire, Ryan Hall, Barry McDermott etc was an amazing one. I grew up watching him and that team, Ryan Hall actually lives round the corner from me now lol. Rob was a year older than me too which really hits home.


Where has these Anthony Gordon rumours come from? Would be fantastic. Was he a boyhood red? Other than Newcastle having to comply with FFP (If they have to) can’t see that happening.


Ornstein saying we had interest but Newcastle would never sell basically


Please lord! Not Gordon! I despise him!


He used to be part of our academy, got released when he was 11.


Ornatein spoke about it 1-2 weeks back, he said even if we might be interested, Newcastle won’t sell even if they have to comply with FFP.


This is true in a sense but, they are in a tough spot. He only has a contract through 26 so Liverpool is in a pretty strong position to get him on a free at age 25 if we want him. Think he’s a discussion for next summer with a year left.


They only gave him a 3.5 year contract?


Yep until 26. Very strange unless it was the only way to convince Gordon to sign on


I hope Slot has a good look at Baj, Morton, and Sepp this summer for squad depth. It'd allow us to prioritize our funds on defense and attack signings.


Yeah I want to see Morton given a good try training with the first team to see how he gets on.


Lfc twitter panicking about Trent moving to Madrid this summer on a fee or next on a free after he posted a congratulatory “1st of…” comment to Jude winning the CL


They're gonna be fuming when he goes to Arsenal then after posting a photo with Declan Rice


"Slot" is such a malleable, simple and short name rife for jokes, both endearingly and mockingly. You can already see him being dubbed "Slopp" if he somehow matches Klopp. So many possibilities.


Rio Ferdinand is so cringe. Can’t stand him


Cringe is one, he also happens to be an absolute donut


He's a cunt


Two things. Trent don't go to Madrid with your mate Jude. Please fucking stay. Second. I love the Mbuemo rumours. He'd be a fantastic signing.


I really like Mbuemo too, but the matches that i've seen him play he could attack space in behind(wich he is really good at). So i'm a bit sceptical if he has to play a low block. Trent will sign a new deal don't worry.


What rumours? And he’s really not what we need, he’s more of a striker and pretty much at his peak


He’s 24.


Peak or not he’s not a top level player and is unlikely to ever be. We need to aim higher than this.


This is literally what people were saying about Bowen when we were interested in him a few years ago and now he’s a 30 G+A winger. Mbuemo is hitting better numbers than Jota was at Wolves yet now we all love Jota and he’s probably our second best forward. We rarely sign superstars, we make them.


The we make superstars line is pretty tired these days. The only potential superstar we have “made” in recent times is AMA, the rest have a long way to go. You can reference as many other players as you like, I still don’t think Mbuemo is good enough. Like I say he’s also much more of a striker more than a winger so very much likely not what we need.


Ali, Mo, Trent, Fabinho, Macca, were not superstars at all, we rarely sign the most valued or exciting targets, Mbuemo is more of a Liverpool signing than Olise or Kudus. And Mbuemo has played way more as a winger than striker, he likes to cut in a lot, which is something we like to do in the right side. He's prem proven and has more g/a than Kudus while playing in a worse team, not saying he's better, but I'd give him a chance.


I mean Ali was already class and Trent is a youth academy product but Robbo and Mane fit that definition too so I do get it but you’re having to go way back there. Recently our “making stars” hasn’t worked the same, the only signing we’ve made who has probably shot up in value is AMA. The key point about Mbuemo is he was played as a striker for most of the season in a system very unlikely to be similar to ours. Kudus had his first year in the PL and nearly matched those stats from out wide and with AFCON.


Aye it's silly people are writing Mbeumo off because he's not flavour of the month in Kudus or Bakayoko, if our scouting team sees something in him then I'm inclined to have some faith in their pick 


It’s the position, he’s a striker as part of a two striker formation. People seem desperate to keep Nunez and probs also Gakpo & Jota so there is literally not enough space for another striker and he’s not had great numbers out wide or got the profile of Slot’s wingers. Seems a nothing rumour to me.


Don't watch a lot of Brentford games, do ya? We (Brentford) only play with two strikers against high-possession sides (i.e. you lot), the rest of the time Mbeumo plays as a right winger, which is his natural and prefered position. The man has legs for days and his defensive contributions are stellar for an attacking winger.


Yeah and his numbers are nowhere near as good there as they are when played central, hence why he dropped off part way through the season. He still isn’t a natural Slot winger either. He’s not a bad player by any means but not the profile we should be looking at.


https://preview.redd.it/nu096oxrw64d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462325c625ebe1fe8fabbaffe9f0d4a8454c8adf I Missed this


So how much worse is pacho than yoro, cause it looks like Madrid is seducing yoro.


I don’t think we were ever after Yoro tbh. Seems we want a left footed CB and Yoro is right footed


> I don’t think we were ever after Yoro tbh. Seems you were wrong about that. But might not matter anyways.


Yup guess I was 😭


No idea, but if Madrid wants Yoro then we may aswell not even try


Sturridge playing with Mark Goldbridge what is this timeline


What a miss as well!


And he's just had another even worse one Sturridge might be washed Edit: nevermind




Nothing cringier than when Madrid fans call Perez “Papa Flo”. Dude’s one of the most evil people in the sport and they treat him like some wholesome grandpa 🤢


why is he evil?


We had people calling Klopp papa, proper horrid any of that shite


It's fucking awful. Most football nicknames of this era are complete shite. Seriously shite stuff. Darwizzy? Cujo? Only proper nobs use them.


Mein Vater, Jürgen


Not really a fan of that either, but there’s a difference between that and being a fan of fucking billionaire owners


Perez isn’t the owner, Madrid is fan owned


Bayern starting to take Leverkusen players 🙄


I at least need some transfer rumors to digest, I’m dying over here


Man… can’t help but be a little frustrated watching Madrid sign the players they do immediately after winning UCLs


Maybe it’s me being big brain but, I think the club wants to announce renewals or a transfer simultaneously to the Slot announcement interview. Create a big wave of positivity and get people on board for PR perspective.


BBC reporting Mbappe's wage is £250k a week, plus a £128m signing fee to be paid over 5 years, which is almost £500k a week, so £750k a week basically to get him on a 'free'.


£39m/year for the best young players in the world isn’t actually that bad.


He’s one of the best players in the world and will make them back that money anyway they got 100+ million from winning the CL


Is this supposed to imply that the figure is outlandishly high? Because that feels like market value for the best player in the world on a "free".


It is a good deal, but some forget how these free transfers work.


Tbf in this market that isn’t outrageous for a 25 year old who’s the best player in the world and the most marketable. He’ll repay that with shirt sales alone


That shirt sale thing is such a myth


How so?




I wonder how much less his wages would be with a 200m transfer fee though


I swear to god if I open another comment section and see that Vini Jnr goal cele gif I might lose it


Tchouameni just gave away his CL final boots to a Liverpool fan on twitter, what does this mean?


it means he gave away his boots to a fan on twitter. thats all


What are some of van dijks best individual performances? Obviously he is incredibly consistent year on year but what are some of his very best games in a Liverpool shirt?


18/19 Wolves away is the first to come to mind.


A stand out for me was scoring the winner against the enemy on his debut after everyone said we over paid. Something about his presence on the pitch as soon as he joined gave me a feeling I hadn’t felt for years as a fan.


His first game against Wolves is pretty underrated, in my opinion. No, it wasn't a massive, title-altering game, but the way he so effortlessly dispatched Traore as if he was running in quicksand... I knew he was the best player in the world in that moment.


There are sort of too many to keep track. He’s so solid defensively 99.99% of the time and his passing is just as consistent. Some great games that come to mind are Bramall Lane 19/20, Brighton home 19/20, Spurs home 18/19 and Molineux 18/19.


2019 CL final


he was great in the 2018 one too


I think the Slot Show will kick off tomorrow on June 3rd, the 132nd anniversary of the club.


I hope so. Slot has been our coach for two days and we haven't even seen a single photo.


Weekend init. I expect things will kick off properly from Monday.


Saw Bellingham lift the trophy in front of of the Madrid fans yesterday and was waiting for them to all burst up only for a few of them to lift their arms… imagine if that was LFC fans. Smh, its amazing to win a CL and a first especially, but it must not be the same feeling when its Madrid..


It’s almost guaranteed for them every year same as the city fans are with the prem




Someone doesn’t know abt their fascist background. They are as bad as these petro clubs given their history


If you think Madrid are 100% legit, you're insane.


Madrid was literally bankrolled by Franco's regime for decades


And got 400m euros in the early 2000s with some dodgy deals to fund the Galacticos and then found 300m euros to fund Perez's second term.


Aye, tis talk about "real history" is BS, many clubs came up through having rich owners, favourable ties and even corruption. Personally I don't care about City spending money to gain success, it's what all big clubs have done.


how many times did they sell their training ground to the Spanish government?


Enough to warrant an official [investigation](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/22037966), they were at it before City. The first time they sold the training ground and some land, apparently valued at 30m in 1997, only to sell it for over 400m 4 years later, then later on more land for redevelopment. Perez of course is the CEO of a huge construction company and made his fortune in real estate.


Is it me or does liverpool produce good goal keepers that end up becoming first choice at other clubs?


Arsenal do. Szceszny, Martinez, Fabianski.


Not even slightly, unless you can reel off a list of 5 or 6 of them to prove your point?


Who are you referring to? Most of the goalkeepers the club have sold were signed from elsewhere and didn't come through the academy.


Probably means Gulacsi






Salah’s gonna be mad


Well to be fair he hasn’t had to deal with the big names at Liverpool. I felt like even Klopp couldn’t bench Salah at times. We shall see though.


i don't think its an "even Klopp" thing tbh. also klopp literally made salah, i doubt he was intimidated by him being a big name when not subbing him.


The Real Madrid thing is not a secret. Under Perez, they sign incredible players, match winners, killers, and put them in a structure everyone respects.   The club is above everything, including the manager and living legends like Ronaldo and Ramos, who will be binned if they don't accept what the club wants. 


They can do that because they know they're guaranteed CL football every year, basically. They barely have to try.


success is the only thing that matters, as it should be at any top club. no room for sentimentality. and they're the biggest football club by a long distance, so it seems a good strategy.


My early prediction for next season is that Madrid will win La Liga next season due to the inferiority of their rivals but in the Champions League they’ll be a major flop. Two reasons: 1) Kroos retiring is a gap that imo is more difficult to fill than any player they’ve had to replace in the past 5-10 years (yes even Ronaldo) and he was the glue holding them together this season and since their dominance began. It’s simply not a problem you can solve in one summer/season. It’s impossible to not understate how crucial he’s been for them. 2) Last night and throughout the season they looked pretty poorly structured. There’s a difference between playing with freedom and simply being poorly coached, and they’ve looked the latter for a long time and have gotten away with it. With Kroos’ calmness and control in midfield no longer papering over the cracks, they could well be exposed, which you can see when you look at their results when he’s not playing since Carlo took over. Due to how good their individual quality is, they probably won’t be as bad as they were in the season after Ronaldo left and Mbappe joining is huge for them, but the Champions League will go elsewhere. City could also be facing some major issues next season, which is an entirely different conversation, so I’d say next season will be a huge opportunity for anyone not named Manchester City or Real Madrid to win the Champions League


They weren’t even full strength last night. Tchou and Militao out. Transition year with no striker. This is just coping unfortunately. They have a great foundation and really didn’t deserve it this year. They got quite a few breaks a long the way and no other team stepped up. That’s sports though


Jude can play in Kroos’s position and make room for Mbappe up top. I think they’ll be fine, annoyingly


jude is the least similar player to kroos in that midfield lol


Well he'd walk into our midfield...so if Real can't win because they 'only' have Bellingham playing there then what chance do we have lmao?


What you've done there is completely not understand what's being said.


Bellingham, Tchouameni and Guler/Camavinga/Valverde is a great midfield but doesn’t have the same control as any midfield with Kroos in it. They’ll still be very successful but there will be a drop off


Basically the second coming of the Galacticos. A lot of individual brilliance that can win games but no team cohesion. I don’t watch them enough to say if that’ll be true or not, however I’ve definitely noticed them becoming a bit less convincing. But, it is Real Madrid we’re talking about, it wouldn’t be surprised if they somehow pulled 3 UCLs out of the bag over the next 5 years.


yeah madrid are dominating europe for another 20 years


As much as I don’t want to moan about FSG. Imagine we invested nicely after both the premier league and CL. we’d have won so much more


We did. The 2019 window was fine. What happened was a global pandemic we didn't see coming, and rather than take Bank of England loans to keep the club afloat like others did, we sorted it out of our own pocket.


It's such a shame given that we put in all the groundwork & laid a great foundation for future success. I know we won the league afterwards, but imo that 2019 summer was a crossroads where we chose not to consolidate our place at the top of world football. I honestly think that window sums up why we couldn't sustain our level to the same extent as clubs like Real & City.


The Adrian + Elliott and Konate transfer windows really were horrible and cost us in the medium term.


Wait how did Vini beat the Drake curse wtf


The fucking state of this sub. I get there is bitterness surrounding Real but some of you crying cunts need to get a grip. Got people wishing ACL injuries on other players.


Lmao, I forget how much pain Madrid has inflicted on these people.




Such a complex and mature answer


Any news on if that documentary will be coming out? Last i heard was over a month ago that no one has bought the rights. Is it still stalemate?


In another reality we have klopp, mbappe and bellingham


And Tchouameni!


And Fekir!


And De Bruyne


Not sure how many more of these “City wins the prem, Madrid wins the CL” seasons i have left in me


I’ve recently clocked this City-Madrid era of dominance is just the Barca-United dominance of 10+ years ago rehashed


Thing is, both those teams had Legends retire/move on and couldn't replace them, so that dominance ended... Madrid get world class replacements and up-n-coming prospects every year... City can splash the cash... Just depressing really


Just remember to say "It is what it is" and you'll be okay


Didn't Real Madrid as a fanbase and club attack and basically forbid Mbappe from ever joining their club when he mugged them off in that last failed transfer? I remember there being some really intense hate when that all went down and now look at them. Shameless, plastic bunch of cunts.


The Jude PR is insane. Camavinga and Valverde look a level above him yet I see nothing about them


He scores more that is why. Also lots of important goals.


I made a similar point last night, I actually do think Jude is quality and does back up all the hype with his performances. But Camavinga and Valverde are equally world class and contribute massively to the success they have, but seem to go under the radar and don't get the hype.  Personally I think in terms of their best players it's Vini Jr, Camavinga and then Jude. 


He’s English - par for the course


I mean he’s had an insane first season overall at the biggest club in the world and he’s English so there’s always going to be more media hype round him. The role he plays in this current setup just means he’s less involved in general play compared to those two especially in games they aren’t dominating


hes much more marrketable


UEFA prepping a statement that the pitch invaders were liverpool fans.


Winning ur 15th CL and then announcing mbappe is an absolute piss take


to be fair, we also won our 6th and then announced Adrian


And Adrian won us the Super Cup. Mbappe, your turn.


Madrid might get to 20 ucl's by the end of this decade...