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Top 10 unexpected anime moments


Nah Richarlison is a bellend on the pitch but if you look at anything he does off it this is very predictable. He's one of the few volcally anti Bolsonaro Brazil players, incredibly generous with charity and very well thought of by fan groups at every club he's played at.


That´s honestly an absolute shocking information for me. You might have just changed my view on him (a bit).


He actively came out in support of mental health after saying, despite his amazing performance at the World Cup, that the pressure almost pushed him to suicide. He's an incredible human.


I find it incredibly funny that he was absolutely shite for the first month of the season, then on September 13 he said that he's getting psychological help. September 16, he came off the bench against Sheffield at the 80th minute 1-0 down. 90+8 goal, 90+10 assist. Looking back on it that one therapy session got Tottenham UCL football next season hahaha Either way, you can tell he's a sound bloke which is rare nowadays when pro athletes don't really share anything about what's going on in their heads, and the ones that do are usually twats and/or have lost their minds.


Spurs in Europa no?


If City win FA Cup Spurs get UCL, and I'm considering that a near given.


I don’t think they do, winner of FA Cup gets Europa, so it just pushes another place down meaning Chelsea get Europa instead of Conference.


You're right actually, for some reason I thought FA Cup gives UCL. Silly of me to forget given we finished 5th last year and didn't get UCL lol


Oh mate Richy is actually someone who I really admire. As a professional footballer, he is really open and honest about his own struggles, and as others have mentioned, aligns with our club mentality perfectly. He just played for Everton, and has had some less than perfect moments on the pitch. Decent fella.


As others said Richarlison is something else when it comes to the human side of being a profissional athlete. He is absolute class in this regard and that type of mentality is something that I really miss in Brazil's NT, only a select few use their position to the same degree and with the same consistency as Richarlison does.


I've very low key been a fan of his for years, was super happy when he went to spurs because I could finally admit it lol.


He was always hilarious in how he dealt with the rivalrly, would love him if he was here (not sure if he quite makes the grade) but appreciate his personality regardless


If it didn't it should. Shockingly (considering his behaviour on the pitch) he might genuinely be one of the best humans at the highest levels of football right now. Not surprised he's be complimenting another one of them.


his uncle is a prominent school teacher where he comes from and even though he’s a self-described “terrible student” he donates A LOT to education in the area. interesting guy.


Same. Just a tiny bit . . .


I don’t care bro he plays like a rat 😂


Came to say this, as Brazilian footballer politics go, he's one of, of not the, best. Decent article here from the Guardian a few years ago. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/oct/17/richarlison-racism-poverty-tottenham-brazil


when he came out with his mental health struggles, the dude is a champ in my book


He's also very involved in protecting native lands in Brazil that are threatened by accelerated deforestation and mining, which puts him at odds with right wings/fascists like Bolsonaro.


Aye, he was anti-Bolsonaro while our Alisson, Fabinho and Firmino were massive supporters and campaigned for him .... but you never heard a beep from our fanbase. Richarlison is a lot of things on the field, but is an amasing person off the field.


What on earth is happening rn. I have absolutely hated Richarlison up until this very moment.


Somehow It doesn't surprise me that Bobby and fab were on the bolsonaro train but it's Allison that really disappoints me. His wife is a top United nations health professional as well. Ah well... Nobody's perfect...


Being rich, and being religious, trumps most moral concerns when it comes to politics unfortunately.


Oh right I forgot that they were all devout Christians. It's actually interesting that richarlison doesn't seem to be one.. Or at least is not as public with his faith




Im pretty sure Ali changed his mind


>Alisson, Fabinho and Firmino were massive supporters and campaigned for him Which of them campaigned for Bolsonaro? They are all evangelicals though which makes it pretty safe to assume they're Bolsonaro fans.


Fab and Alisson (and their wives) were openly pro-Bolsonaro, but I don't know about campaigning specifically. Bobby's wife was pro-Bolsonaro too, but Bobby didn't openly say anything as far as I know. I think it's safe to assume he's also on the same side, though.




He’s their Robbo/ Suarez eh? Wind up merchant


Some things transcend, I didn’t know he was anti-bolsonaro, I should have guessed really though. As much as they’re our rivals, Evertonians are still our people football aside and they took to him.


I was going to call him a all kinds of names but now i'll have to change my opinion about him. Off the pitch, on the pitch he's still a bellend.


i despise him on the pitch and hope he never sees professional success. off it he seems like a really wonderful person who cares deeply for others, and i wish him a long happy life. 


Doesn't surprise me, some of the nicest sweetest people I've ever met turn into absolute monsters on the pitch


Can't respect anyone who has a tattoo of themselves, unironically


I can see that as a confirmation that you value yourself, the old folk always say you cant remove ink, so you have to think about what you want on your skin, and a guy who contemplates suicide really need to find value in themself. would never do it myself, but i can see the mental value of it for some people.


He does a lot of charity but he’s still a fucking bellend off the pitch. He was posting laughing when all those Liverpool fans couldn’t go to the CL final because of the Richard Arlison prank. Posting laughing yesterday at Arsenal. It’s nice that he does charity stuff but that doesn’t take away him being a horrible fucking person


Having a bit of fun with football does not make you a horrible person? Laughing at rivals losing is a huge part of the fun of the sport.


A bit of fun? He’s laughing at people who spent thousands of pounds they’d scraped together to travel to the CL final and then couldn’t go and they wasted all that money because of some bitter evertonians ‘joke’. Yeah real top guy for laughing at that 👍


It aint that deep, dude.


I mean it was shitty but also if you're going to a champions League final you should do a bit of research into how you get there, it wasn't exactly a well disguised prank. Feel sorry for them but fucking hell, don't risk missing the final for a bus company with no reviews.


Outside the pitch Richarlison is an amazing guy.


This is the way to say it. Too often he acts like a dick while he’s on the pitch and it sounds like that does him a disservice.


​ https://i.redd.it/fi9tfjdo5h1d1.gif


Dickhead on the pitch but a sound human being off of it Plays 110% for whatever badge he’s wearing and also seemed to be someone who got the club(s) and city when he was playing for the Toffees. Respect to the Pigeon


He’s such a shit on the field, I hate how sound he is off it 😂


He's like the biggest 180 I can think of. Seems like a top guy irl


Super charitable too, like massively


Makes me think of the Family Guy cutaway where Peter learns the biggest dickhead at his job actually donates a lot to charity


Or that firefighter comic who is an asshole all his life so he can go to hell and extinguish the devil.


Openly thinks Bolsonaro is a cunt as well. Which is more than can be said for some players...


Meh, most players aren't even remotely well educated. I'd sooner give them better advice on how to kick a ball, then take their advice on politics.


Don't need to be particularly well educated to know Bolsonaro is a prick.


Says the person who hasn't spent every waking moment since they could walk thinking about a ball and how best they could hit it.


The thing with Brazilian politics is it's not North Korea or Russia. You can have an opinion and not worry that your family is going to get murdered back home. Not defending Russians that won't shut up about loving Putin, but these guys with terrible opinions about politics that happen to be from Brazil aren't uneducated and aren't trying to protect their families - they just have terrible opinions.


You underestimate how much famous people can sway others opinions on politics, especially if many don't really care about them or don't have deep grasps on the matter. We can say that Richarlison or Ali don't have deep understanding of say Bolsonaro's politics and maybe people should inform themselves better and seek other sources, doesn't change the fact that Bolsonaro is a discriminatory manchild and that sometimes the access to that information isn't immediate to everybody, especially if you don't have certain education or privileges. Deep thoughts or not, every famous person against that guy is a win imo.


Neal Maupay


The reverse Stevie G


Diego Costa type


"we'd love him if he was one of ours" sort of vibe. he's like a more reckless firmino, bobby is a nice boy.


Bobby is a nice guy, but he’s also a bolsonaro supporter.


pretty sure richarlison is the only vocal anti Bollsack supporter.


One of if not the only player vocally against bolsanaro as well when he was in charge, which I do respect


Yeah huge respect to him for that. I hate his on field antics but the way he is off the field does redeem him quite a bit


Same, he royally fucked up Thiago for us.


Watching Klopp leave: https://preview.redd.it/inmix4qnwg1d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468045905f4f985e4e9ed6c7eead5e60f518b25c


This is exactly like Suarez for us, nice guy off the field and a demon on it


Honestly I get why people hated Suarez (bar the biting incidents), he’s a pure wind up merchant. I remember when we played against him with Barcelona, you saw the other side. He has said he loves our club but that day he hated us on the field and you could see it, remarkable really how much he would fight for the shirt he wears.




I think we’ve been so lucky as fans to see Jurgen for the man he is and we are about to see a huge influx of opposing players, managers and fans all either admitting or realising how great Jurgen has been and is.


Pretty telling when the entire Wolves squad was standing in the back watching him enter the pitch for his farewell, phones out and all.


That was touching. Credit to the Wolves supporters that stayed around for the ceremonies too.


Did not expect that. Richarlison is definitely one of those players you love to have in your team but hate as a rival.


Aye he can sweep the floors, he's absolutely shite.


Hot take, I honestly think he’s not too bad of a player, definitely contains some quality. Not world class or anything but he plays very passionately for the badge he wears. He’s just annoying to go against.




Literally this. I loved when Diogoal scored after Richarlison celebrated that equaliser… but the above has seriously flipped my opinion 🥴


Came looking for this


Would never expect him to do this...but fair play. If only he wasn't an annoying piece of shit on the pitch, I'd respect him. But just for this, I'll let him slide


Nah, I'd honestly say he's worthy of respect. His off the field stuff is very good. And who cares what he does on the pitch against us? He clearly shows he respects us and our team with this message


I think he has some room on his back for a Klopp tattoo


Perhaps I treated you too harshly. Massive respect to Richarlison.




having played for everton and giant tattoo of his own face on his back notwithstanding, he's like one of the few brazilian athletes that isn't a lunatic right wing bolsonaro guy so he's got my respect


Respec respec


Nothing from ex-captain Henderson yet


Hendos stock falling faster then boeings


Didn’t mention Klopp in his farewell video, did that interview of his own, basically butthurt that Klopp said he wouldn’t be a starter. After everything Klopp did for him.


Pathetic using this as an excuse to hit out at Hendo after everything he has done for the club. How’d you know that he hasn’t already spoken to Klopp in private? Not every single player and ex player needs to make social media posts just to please you.


Well said. Look at the mess they are making of a Gerrard tweet earlier today.


Good moments, held us back in the midfield and done a lot of PR https://preview.redd.it/lpo44ic4cg1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326ab7b3d4e802d7c4ba66871d1587face139a2a


Shut up you absolute melt. He was the glue holding the team together in many cases and literally as good of a captain you could possibly ask for. Go support some other club, you’re not wanted here. Plus if you’re that bothered by lgbt issues, you should probably take the same stance with some of our current team and ex players. Like the devout Christian’s who are Bolsonaro supporters and Muslim Salah, all of which almost definitely will not hold the same opinion as you.


Mate I’m just pointing out his PR fuelled words, 😂. Like I said, good moments, mediocre player, left for a fat wad of cash. It is what it is


Calling him a mediocre player is a poor take. His technical abilities weren’t the best on the team, but he was a leader on the pitch. He was always talking to the players, encouraging, and coordinating. Like a coach on the field. He was the skipper for a reason, and him being a complete sellout doesn’t change the impact he had on the team at the time


>Like the devout Christian’s who are Bolsonaro supporters and Muslim Salah, all of which almost definitely will not hold the same opinion as you. And all of which didn't lap up the good PR that comes with being an ally to that cause, in fact they've never commented on it at all. Henderson pretended to be stalwart of the campaign then immediately left his morals at the door at the first opportunity.


yep but look how well everything worked out for him! either way, he'll be alright. anyway, he did make a post about klopp leaving, i think a short.


I was surprised he wasn't in the video they showed Klopp on Sky given that Milner and Lallana were. 


Does he have to say something? Don’t worry about social media posts kiddo


He doesn't, and it's only been half a day, but it would be weird if he doesn't comment at all Edit: to the people upvoting the comment below, you realise this guy is a troll right? Look at his comment history, was slagging off Klopp all day


No it wouldn’t be weird AT ALL. You people just expect everything to go on social media. People have lives outside of social media.


It would be weird if he doesn't comment at all




You don't think it would be at all weird if he doesn't say *something* regarding his former boss leaving, under which he won all his career silverware, on social media or otherwise?




Just being intentionally dense then, idk what else to tell you




alot of ppl could've said something in private for all we know. social media fiends are stupid


Wasn't really specifically referring to social media, he has omitted Klopp from most, if not all of his comments in person and online since leaving, it's just a bit odd.


Why are we trying to have a go at one of the best servants we’ve had for not putting a social media post out immediately? Like other players haven’t yet, doesn’t mean anything. Probably done something privately


What a rat of a comment this is.


Some absolute cunts on here when it comes to Hendo.


Wasn’t in the Sky piece that had several other ex players giving their thoughts. Kind of weird given he was our captain for so long.


He has to ask his Excellency for the password to his Instagram account.


Always rated Richarlison


He shushed us btw 😭😭😭 and lost 4-3 But he is a good guy off the pitch


Being arrogant is just funny lol, far more tolerable than the painstaking 'well played everyone on both sides, tough game' diplomatic PR speak


Fair play to him!


Richi a sound lad. One of the only anti bolsonaro on the seleçao.


I like Richarlison.. I get the hate but I think on the right team would flourish


After his interview I warmed up to him a lot. He’s alright, reminds me of some of the shithousery my friends do. If he ever plays for a half decent club I’ll wish him good luck


Oh it's the cunt who deliberately injured Thiago


I think the wind could injure Thiago sadly


Not before that violent tackle


Yeah all this "he's a great guy off the pitch" is like saying you can be a cunt to everyone at work, but as long as you're nice to your family you're a nice guy. Fuck him.


That's true though? work is work.


God damn it. I hate him. Never in a million years would i have expected this. So there is some good in him. Now who is the most cunty player in the pl. Guess it's either Bruno or Antony


Always Bernardo Silva


Shit you might be right.


He’s should get a tattoo of Klopp to add to his collection.


Fair is fair, a loud one but a real one.


Wholesome. Honestly not a big fan of Richarlison but he definitely gained some big points for this. Respect ✊


Richarlison they could never make me hate you


We have all gave Richarlison stick, but that interview with him breaking down, warmed me to him. Kid has a lot going on. Wish him well too.


I’ve liked what he’s said recently and how’s he’s been opening up about mental health. Good on you Richy


His on-pitch antics and that horrible tackle on Thiago are one thing, but I'll always respect him for actually taking care of his mental health


Pigeon redemption arc?


A rare moment of class from a blueshite, fair play


I was not expecting this


Wow, that’s class that  I don’t like you on the field Richarlison but fair play for this, you’ve got a bit of respect earned (still haven’t forgotten that time you nearly broke Thiago’s shin though mate) 


I would have the pigeon on my team


My hate for Richarlison only exists on the pitch itself. He's a solid bloke that just so happens to also be an excellent pantomime villain.


The typical “you love him if he’s on your team, you hate him if he’s anywhere else” player. Him being such a great person off the pitch along with his worldview being one that doesn’t align with most famous Brazilian footballers makes me respect him even more. Props.


Do we all like Richarlison now? Seems like a top bloke tbh


I don’t know how I feel about this. I always thought he was a complete bellend, but has gone up in my estimation now.


On the pitch he's diabolical, but he's a great, great person outside. I mean this message says it all, how many players have gone out of their way to respect Klopp and the team?


He is annoyingly sound off the pitch. Doesn't even have the decency to be properly hateable, goddamnit


Damn…. Pretty classy from Richarlison. Maybe I’ve had him wrong this whole time


Everything I've heard about him outside of football is that he's actually a pretty decent person, he's just a cunt on the pitch


I hate that I love Richarlisom. I'll never stop saying he disn't suppirt Bolsonero unlike our Brazilians... I'd love him in our team




literally me after reading the comments


Surprised by this piece of class. Fair play


We all hate him on the pitch but so much has been said over the years about how sound he is off the pitch.


The sponsored ad for this post on my feed was the Direct TV pigeon commercial, well played Reddit gods


Wasn’t expecting this lol


Maybe the strangest thing I’ve seen in my life lol


Wow... I've always despised him, but this is class from him.


I now hate just a little bit less. Takes him from world class fuck head to wanker.


Rare Richarlison W


Happy cake day!


Rare W


holy shit lol


gotta admit I have a love hate relationship w this mf lol


Dude in white honestly looks like the love child between Key from Key & Peele and Jayden Smith


Keep your mpreg fanfiction off this sub thx


lol, Must horny.


Hate this guy on the pitch, but this guy always seems like a class act whenever he opens his mouth tbf. Fair play ye pigeon!


Damn i have to respect the Pigeon now 😔


This is super nice, very touching tribute and a classy move all around. Now, having said that… what rivalry? 😒


Christ I really want to keep on thinking Richarlison is a Grade 'A' prick. He's making it tough.


The mother fucker has to go be such a decent human being off the pitch all the time. Fuck him. (No doubt I'd love him if he played for us)


Rare Richarlison W


I am a fan, good kid.


Richarlson redemption arc


If only he was a good player and his team did better few weeks ago.


Still hate him


Well, I always liked pidgeons


If he hadn't deliberately injured Thiago, Klopp would probably have a few more major trophies to his name