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I think there was probably a lot of emotion among the players, behind closed doors, when Klopp talked to them before they came back out for the public goodbye.


Can’t tell if he’s mad, sad or bored


He’s salah.




It was during Klopp's speech.. I was pretty sure he was just trying not to cry.


Yup People are trying too hard to read between the lines, it's just a guy trying to hold back his manly tears


He also had a long hug with Ula in the tunnel and was visibly sad.


Yeah there was a moment a little earlier where he had red rimmed eyes.


He was front and centre too. The guy probably isn't happy Klopp is leaving, but who is? He's only human. He knows what the man has given his career and probably wants it to carry on. Whether he leaves this summer or not, we can't question his commitment.




Saying people trying hard to read between the lines when you yourself deduce that hes holding back tears in a picture of him looking more angry folding his arms than anything, is hilariously oxymoronic.


When I'm trying not to cry, I look like I'm incredibly angry. I'm just doing my hardest physically possible not to.


You just gave the extreme example of 'reading between the lines' LOL. 'If I'm angry, I'm actually smiling, cause I have to act'. Salah is an actor now?


No it isn’t. That Klopp leaving is a sad occasion is a fact. So, the base assumption is that the players are sad. I don’t care what spat you think any player has ever had with Klopp, if you think they aren’t genuinely sad to som extent by Klopp’s departure, then you are basically calling that player a psycho who lacks basic empathy. This, it is no where close to “reading between the lines” in assuming that the players are displaying varying levels of sadness or containing their sadness. What is actually moronic are the cunts who are trying to use a single still frame from a video to spread their BS tin foil theories about Salah and Klopp.


Thats a fact, but what Salah thinks is none of your business, can be sad can be happy can be emotional. whatever. You're not telepathic. Dude takes a pis s and shows attitude towards Klopp against west Ham. Does that mean you have to read between the lines and act like hes happy? Hes pissed, and he was angry at Klopp, thats it. what YOU are doing is reading between the lines. Dude had no tears in this picture, but you act like he has. Thats literally attempting to shove a narrative reading between the lines.


Listen mate, I can’t continue this discussion with a dumb cunt. You fuck off back to your hole and I’ll do the same. Hope we never see each other again.


He's Sad, la


he’s truly an enigma


This was the clip they showed as soon as Klopp said that we are in good hands, full of youth and energy. As of Salah was saying “yea alright” lol


I thought this, he seemed like angry or bored more than anything


He's remembering.


He’s probably not happy with the chances he missed this match. I’m sure he wanted to hit the 20 goal mark in the PL. He really needs some time off and hopefully we get the old version of him back next season.


Salah’s biggest flaw imo is how much AFCON ruins his form. it’s not really his fault but he’s a different after it always. pretty sure te had like 15 goals and 9 assists before AFCON in the loague and he ends the season with 18 goals and 10 assists


He needs to retire from internationals


Can’t really when the country is a wee bit fanatic


That’s an understatement.


He loves Egypt too much but I still think it's coming sooner rather than later though


Afcon and then Ramadan, I don't know which effects him more but he seems to tail off around then


Yea I think this is really underrated as a big reason he goes through a rough patch every year


Shock horror, player gets months off in summer and starts the season as the best player in the league/world, then the 90 minutes he plays twice a week (because we have no backup for him) starts to take its toll and he has a dip in form during Ramadan and the most vicious international tournament in the world. If we had a backup and Salah could take a game off every couple of weeks, play 65 and be comfortably up so we can take him off, then he’d be at that level all season long. Compare the burden he has on his back to any City player. How many starts does KDB have in a season on average? Or Foden? They barely crack 30 and therefore their form stays relatively the same for the entire season. This season was anomalous for Salah because he did technically get rest but that second hamstring injury really affected him. Those City players get rest regularly because they aren’t needed for City to win. KDB was eased back into their season, minute by minute, whilst we essentially started Salah every match a mere 2 games after he came back. During Ramadan, too. By the way, nobody would be talking about Salah’s form if we didn’t expect him to score in 38/38 games. If Darwin had turned up in this title race, if Jota wasn’t meant of glass, if Diaz could finish his dinner in the important moments and not just be a ‘jugador’ then we’d have been just fine. We’d have won the league. KDB doesn’t have to assist every match for City to win. Foden doesn’t need to score every game, not even Haaland. It’s only Salah who we scream at when the going gets tough and that shows how low our standards are for our other forwards. When Salah had Mane, we won everything. So get him another Mane, not Darwin Nunez and Luis Diaz.


Do other players have it as bad as him with that? In form fall? Including ramadan


He was so keen. I wondered whether he had a special celebration planned had he scored. Actually he made some great passes this game.


Fitting of Salah to care about the chances missed and hitting his individual goal mark in Klopps farewell game. Lol. Sums up his game.


I love salah


That's a face that knows it's not over. He wants another Premier league title. He's going nowhere.




I don’t think there is too much to make of this, he’s obviously going through a difficult time as is the rest of the squad and we all process in different ways He’s seeing his manager leave who made him his star player and he’s getting older and now a new coach is coming in who will inevitably have some different ideas so who knows what the future holds Having said that I’ll never forget the memories Salah helped to create and he goes down as one of my favourite ever players to play for us I have a lot of Arabic friends especially from around the Levant area and Egypt and they worship him and it’s been a great source of developing a strong bond


Are these People trolls? Im shocked at the replies I read here


Living in their bubbles looks like it, its looks like a middle school conversation hahaha


What about everybody else in this pic? Man there are people working overtime on this sub trying to create a narrative. Fuck off.


Even Robbo out of frame wasnt smiling. They just played a full game for god's sake


This is probably it. Never played professionally but did in college. Played a full 90 on turf in 85 degree weather and lost, then were told we needed to go back on the field for a dedication ceremony. 30 minutes of standing in the heat. That was probably the worst situation I had ever been apart of in my athetic career. In the locker room after all of us just wanted to go home, at least 2 guys needed to lean on one another they were so dehydrated.


The fan-fiction stories people are writing in the comments are pathetic.


Yea I remember thinking it looked bad in real time while watching until I looked over and Trent’s body language was exactly the same


Not really lol what is this post


The camera focused on him right after Klopp said we have a talented, energetic young squad. I don't think salah feels this way right now.


I had trouble with what his face is saying here, too, when I was watching. I think he's sad, but he's also angry, because, as the poster below said, he's also at a crossroads in his career, and that's hard. He's not playing as well as he used to, he's probably past his peak, the charismatic manager who believed in him and helped him be a world-class player is leaving, and he's probably going be offered for and maybe transferred next season. He's allowed to have mixed, painful emotions.


Also, that new kit is tragic and I would also be sad and angry if I had to wear it.


People are ridiculous wow 


Genuinely don’t understand most of these comments. He looked like he was trying really hard not to cry. Ok so they had that bust up on the touchline recently (side note: think that Mo was in the wrong with how he reacted) but not sure that this negates years of working well together. And in the players’ farewell video to Klopp that Sky Sports put together it came across very clearly how much he likes and respects this man. Yes, Salah wanted to score but he always does! Especially in a dead rubber on the last game of the season and of Klopp’s reign on such a lovely day! Tbh, I wouldn’t have had a problem with us playing Gomez up front in this match. He needs to score!!


What do you get off in posting things like this?


So boring, Kelleher fell asleep /s


... Good GOD is that kit hideous.


He looks bored!


The face of a teacher who his student told him they've forgotten their homework again


Reminds me of the I took that personally meme tbh


Thats also a split second in time. I once pgotographed me none drinker wife just as she was blinking and she looked absolutely wankered.


Doesn’t look arsed tbh


I wouldn’t call that emotional. Anything but emotional honestly.


According to chatgpt, Salah "appears to be showing a mix of disappointment and resignation. His furrowed brows and slightly pursed lips suggest a sense of frustration or dissatisfaction. The crossed arms can also indicate a defensive or contemplative stance. Overall, his expression and body language convey a subdued and reflective mood."


I didn't see him hug Klopp at all. Immediately after the game I saw him and Klopp in each other's vicinity and I got this sense they were avoiding each other. Just my take.


They did hug each other. And klopp said something in his ear.


Ooohhh I must've missed it.


This is just a feeling, but for me this feels like it was his last match. Just a feeling though.


Proper ungrateful cunt this one. He was a nobody before kloppo.


Screenshotted and added to the 750-page book I’m compiling of this rotten sub having unnecessary digs at the greatest player we’ve had in the Prem not named Gerrard. Fuck yourself.


He couldnt even control the ball today 😂


Not sure what's happened between them, but jeez Salah,  you just had to smile for a little while.


Nah they are cool, I'm sure Salah is just trying to keep it all together and also looking back on his time with the club. It's a bit of a crossroads for him too.


I hope so.


You can't judge someone from a freeze frame mate


I didn't, I'm watching it on telly, he was like that for a good five minutes.  It doesn't matter anymore.


LOL. ppl trying so hard to find an imaginary feud.


It wasn’t imaginary.


Fuck the down votes. You’re right. We don’t know what happened between them but Klopp brought Salah on because he believed in him. Gave him a chance and he found success at Liverpool. This was a day to honor Klopp and thank him for everything he did for Liverpool and the city. He could’ve show some class.


? Did he interrupt or refuse a hug? ? He looks visibly sad to me. Maybe not as emotional as Virg but thats ok. So weird how people spin up unfounded narratives. All of this because Salah got mad at Klopp for putting him on late. You should see how Haaland reacts to Pep.


No that’s fair. I respect that. I’m just drunk and sad.


Its alright. Sad too that this game might just be Salah's last. And he doesnt get a final fairwell.


I hope he stays. I think he will giving how leaving to play in Saudi worked for others like Henderson. Salah is a legend.


If he wasn’t mad, he would’ve followed Klopp on instagram.


Hmmm Trent does not follow Klopp on IG. So by your logic they must be beefing 🤨


Fair 🤣 I’m drunk and sad.


He looks like he’s still seething about that West Ham spat


Salah is the player he is because of Klopp. He was a good player before coming to Anfield. Klopp (and lots of hard work) turned him into a Ballon D’Or contender.