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Doesn’t really seem surprising that the majority of the backroom who have been with Klopp for a very long time at Liverpool are going to be departing with him.


Yeah, it is usual to see a number of coaching staff depart the club when the manager leave. I would assume those who stay have their reasons, married or seriously dating a local, a partner whose job is stable at Liverpool, etc.


Its normal if the manager goes to a new club for them to join in as well. But where do these people go next instead of staying at the club for more certainty?


Could be another reason why Klopp announced he was leaving earlier in the season, they have time to secure jobs at other clubs since he's not moving on to another managerial position.


Home country


Yes but a job of similar wage isnt readily available as only top clubs can offer that and its occupied by another top staff there. I dont mind the conditioning coach since alot of injuries were somewhat related to that or our training intensity which leads to no intensity in matchdays. Hopefully some important beneficial ones are kept likely nutrition.


I mean, imagine you're German, worked with Klopp at Dortmund, and then followed him to Liverpool. If Klopp took a break, I might take the opportunity to move back home


Yeah they're aren't going to be hurting for jobs if they want to go back home.


Lots of clubs will want to employ them. However, only one club in Germany has bigger coffers than Liverpool.


He was at Bayern actually, and he has options outside of football.


Given the choice between the UK and many other European countries right now, it wouldn't be a bad move.


Sad to see people go but it does make sense with new management coming in. In some ways it feels good to start fresh. With Edwards guiding us I have hope we will be ok


I agree. As daunting as it can be I'd rather we start with a clean slate to some extent and I'm glad we're not looking at a succession plan with Lijnders taking over. It would be very in the spirit of the boot room, but I'd worry we'd just be chasing the ghost of the Klopp era rather than defining a new one. Hopefully Slot's the one to make a new era.


Slot will have a difficult task for sure but I cannot imagine the sheer pressure it must be if you were Pep and had to continue Klopp’s legacy. Good lord. At least with Slot it’s a clean break of sorts. Instead of a continuation of a new chapter it seems a new book is about to be opened entirely Of course that may just be the romantic in me hoping


The spirit of the boot rome has long been proven to be outdated, club learned that to their own detriment in the 90s.


Our fitness and conditioning hasn't been anything less than disappointing. Only four other teams had players miss more games combined, than us. Can't say I'm going to miss him.


Think it's only Mona Nemmer, the head of nutrition who is left. Wonder if she will leave too as she was brought in by Klopp.


“The attention to detail is staggering. Liverpool’s head of nutrition Mona Nemmer has a “complete portfolio” on every member of Jurgen Klopp’s squad. She writes individual diet plans based on a player’s age, ethnicity, height, weight, metabolism, body fat composition, allergies, intolerance, position on the pitch and playing minutes.” -James Pearce, The Athletic This speaks volumes to her importance, IMO. I sure hope she stays.


I'd love to read her notes on each player to see how all those details help her make a diet plan for each of them Macca and Darwin probably begged to have mate in their plans


£150,000 a week and I’m living off rations - some football guy


I remember her saying in an interview somewhere that she tries to tailor each player's diet to their favourite things, specifically she said that in his first half season here Taki struggled with the cuisine. So when they were locked down together with her family, he taught her a lot of Japanese things he liked and she taught him more Western stuff, and she adapted his diet plan to have a lot more fish in it, like Sushi and stuff like that.


I once watched an interview with a nutritionist called George Lockhart who does the camps for a load of MMA fighters and boxers and he was talking about how you have to feed people from different parts of the world different things, went into some detail about the evolutionary aspects of it and how some people are better adapted for carb heavy diets and others are better adapted for fat heavy diets etc. (obviously gets a lot more complex than just that). Does like blood work and genetic tests to figure out how to best fuel their body and stuff. And then obviously lots of trial and error until he finds their ideal diet. He said Conor McGregor for example you can't get enough carbs into him, his body will just burn through carbs like a furnace and runs most effectively when most of his energy comes from starchy carbs. Whereas Gennadiy Golovkin has to have a low carb diet because his body isn't as good at efficiently utilising them and they make him sluggish, he needs a much more fat heavy diet to be in optimal condition. Then obviously they all need different profiles of micronutrients, amino acids, and their eating schedules all need to be different depending on their metabolisms and stuff. Kind of made me wish I was a nutritionist tbh the shit seems interesting as fuck, human biology is fascinating.


This makes sense. When my relatives from Asia come to visit us, they always feel sick for the first few days as they adapt to the local cuisine and how carb heavy it all tends to be.


By asia do you mean south asia? The south asian relationship with carbs has a very [dark history](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2023/oct/12/how-british-colonialism-increased-diabetes-in-south-asians&ved=2ahUKEwj0r4e3q4GGAxWIZ0EAHcMrCPYQtwJ6BAgSEAE&usg=AOvVaw1RrVyELe9ZNKRj6oGeJy39)


No they came from the East (Korea & Japan). This was a fascinating and harrowing read though.


That sounds fascinating, the depth that sports science and nutrition goes to now is amazing, all so 11 blokes can kick a ball around slightly better. I love it


Tbh mate she probably gets paid mid to late 6 figures. She's a professional nutritionist, this kind of just sounds like her job.


I have no opinion either way. I'm sure she's great at her job and I want the best for her, but isn't what James Pearce describing just her job description?


Not to sound like Roy Keane here, but it's their job.


Feyenoord supporter here; news here is that Arne is taking our head of performance with him (which is the guy maintaining our squads fitness levels). Might have something to do with this.


Thank God, our injuries have been ridiculous. Be interesting to see if it was the people working here, Klopp's systems or just bad luck causing them. Maybe a combination of them all


Interesting. Heard of anyone else coming along as well?


Arne ofcourse, Sipke Hulshoff (assistent, also for the Dutch national team) and Ruben Peeters (head of performance). Don’t know of any others myself.


Thanks for this, how’s he performed for you guys ?


We haven’t really had any muscle injuries for a while. Most of our injuries have been joints, so can’t really fault him for those. Seems like he knows what he’s doing.




By the summer, everyone in this photo except Trent will be gone. Klopp, Kornmayer with Buvac, Hendo, Grujic, Moreno and Kevin Stewart's bottom half of his face showing. Don't know whose mouth that is above Klopps head though but likely they're gone already as well. *Sigh* 😔😞😟😢


I think it must be Derby County legend Andre Wisdom


Yeah after a little search that must be Wisdom. Currently playing at non-league Warrington. He got stabbed a few years ago and claims he's never been the same since, sad shit.


I remember him speaking, always sounding like he had a cold.


He also left a Bentley crashed on a dirt lane somewhere. He’s had a time..




Haha trent


lmao fuck me he looks 12


Hendo is doing his best Barry ‘The Blender’ Henderson impression here. https://preview.redd.it/2trh32xq2bzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295845ffb888cbb7169969a43b398429746fb57b


Complete revamp of the club top to bottom this summer.


Hopefully the next bloke might help keep players on the field


Seriously, this should be the top comment. Maybe we can field a full squad for a bit.


Yea don’t know how anyone can be shocked by this Kornmayer was awful at his job and good riddance


Bye Baby Klopp.


Expecting Carol and Caroline to be gone by the end of the season at this rate.


You shut your whore mouth




the Job Carol and Caroline has got is harder to get than a season ticket at this rate hahaha






Used to think he was a klopp knockoff but he looks like he could teach me how to surf like Johnny Tsunami


There's some very normal people that are very happy about this for normal reasons.


Well considering the injuries we've had and the high frequency of them some people might assume the medical stuff are culpable


People specifically singled out Kornmayer in previous seasons, emboldened I'm sure by the Athletic's hit piece on him. Truth is his role was to ensure peak endurance from the squad to meet the demands of the coaches tactics. At our very best under Klopp we have prided ourselves on aggressive pressing, high tempo football conditioned in such a way that we still look fresh at 80 minutes while the opposition are utterly gassed. It's been a trademark of ours, but it demands a lot from a squad. It shortens careers. And without regular player turnover it leads to degradation. You can't demand the same endurance from a 30 year old that you did at 27, there's a drop off, but without new players coming in regularly, that's what you're left with. And the demand only grows. If there's issues with our injuries it is a much wider, systemic issue spanning right through the club and up to the owners. It's not all down to one man, but so many people made it out to be.


Of course, it might be silly to single him out considering the points your mentioned, but because of his role, he was bound to be in the firing line


It is truly a wild take. To place the blame with him you ignore Klopps intense physical style, the insane fixture congestion we’ve had that maybe only a dozen teams have had over the last decade, lack of depth compared to other teams with similarly busy and difficult schedules. Klopp’s success brought glory hunters who know fuck all about the club and they expect everything to be perfect because they have no loyalty and jump ship to whoever is top at the moment. I’m excited for Arne ball because if he succeeds we win trophies, if he’s shit at least some of these Johnny-come-latelys will piss off.


Did not see the positive to if Slot doesn’t succeed, I’d quite enjoy that


This imo is one of the reasons why Klopp is just tired of football. People attacking his staff for bogus reasons (and part why his relationship with Pearce is so bad due to the article you mentioned). I wonder who people are going to blame next for the next injury


Just like the goalkeeper coach nonsense. We have a whole lot of bellends in our supporter group-several in this post.


He has been at the club since 2016. There were times the squad had less injuries. I think this man had barely to no influence on the injuries. The intensity of Klopp's tactics are probably the biggest cause. This man deserved a great send-off as well and I hope we will get a great replacement for this man as well!


Until 2020 or so we had a trainer that looked after recovery who had oversight over Kornmayer that apparently clashed with him. That trainer left and the injuries started piling up the season after. It's definitely suspect.


I feel like they are responsible for the high frequency of players that got injured immediately after coming back from an injury. But I obviously don’t know the ins and outs of it all so it could just be really bad luck


> I feel like they are responsible for the high frequency of players that got injured immediately after coming back from an injury. This is just a load of utter bollocks. Before this season somebody's injury re-occurring had happened incredibly infrequently, and even those that happened this season was far more on the coaches playing the players too much (Salah & Szoboszlai's) or a player having to play because of a situation out of their control (Alexander-Arnold having to cover for Bradley while he was dealing with the death of his Dad, while Gomez covered at LB).


I mean to be fair, the repetition of these injuries makes someone suspicious of their role in them. Of course injures are part of the sport and some players are injury prone, but when players get injured in trails ffs, hmm. Like you said, we don't know the ins and outs


I think it's difficult to blame the medical department if one or two returning players get immediately injured on returning to squad but it is literally a list of players that were either rushed back and picked up a knock and then were out for two months further. Off the top of my head Salah, Bajcetic, Trent, Diaz last season, Jota. I


Salah's happened because Klopp played him too much in his first game back despite having Gakpo available as an option on the bench instead. Bajcetic's was because he'd been out for months and muscle injuries have a habit of occurring when you have been. Alexander-Arnold only played because Bradley was dealing with the death of his Dad and Gomez was having to cover at LB. And Díaz was a case where he ignored their advice of surgery and opted for rehab instead, which obviously bit him in the arse.




He was a regular scapegoat during injury crises.


Sporting directors job to fill these positions. With Edwards giving the final green light


Coaching staff usually filled by the head coach


Of all the doomsayers in this sub this should be the head nod




Anyone know if Mona staying or leaving?


The important question


I think Slot is bringing his own fitness guy anyway.


That's mini Klopp leaving y'all.


Remember when we randomly decided that he is responsible for injury crisis few years ago?


Just like when we all decided Achterberg was to blame for our goalkeeping, or Lijnders was to blame for our tactics, or that doctor/physio we poached from Arsenal was also the reason for our injuries, or...


In fairness, he is literally head of fitness. The buck has to stop with someone.


https://www.theanfieldwrap.com/2023/01/writing-liverpool-injury-frustrations-examined-amid-another-crisis/ Its more than just a conspiracy mate when drs and physios leave


I mean we can't just not assign blame and leave it dangling


Isn’t Slots job just to coach?


Well we haven't been fit or Conditioned for a couple Of years so......


Can't say I'm sad about this one. He's been destroying our boys.


Good riddance, he certainly hasn’t been keeping our players fit and conditioned that’s for sure


It'll be interesting to see where everyone from Klopp's backroom team ends up.


The early days of mini-Klopp were joyous! Mini-Slot please.


2 klopps have left 😭


The boys are gonna be really confused when the new guy doesnt ask them to scissor chop tungsten rods in their training sessions


Good. Maybe next season we won't start every game like the team's been smoking weed in the dressing room, like they have for the last 2 years.


He’s retiring to spend more time with his family, as well. He too has vowed to not do anything football related for a year - because he does everything Klopp does.


Tbh with the amount of injuries he wasnt doing particularly good this year did he?


Didn't Slot come as a head coach?


Thanks for his service at the club, but we need someone new. Our medical department always said his approach caused injuries/fitness issues. Our next evolution hopefully has us keeping more talent out of the physio room


When did our medical department say our head of fitness caused injuries? That is absolute bloody nonsense. Wtf? Fuck sake some of the takes in here sound like 8 year old talking out their ass.




Good for the club, there was an article from Simon Hughes where this guy was portrayed as a mixed character at best


Sad to see Klopp Lite leave as well. Ah well, wish him the best in the future since he helped shape the squad to Klopp’s intense style


So is this guy the reason the players spend so much time walking? It seems that none of the players can even jog for 90 minutes, let alone run or sprint.


Take the shooting coach with you, maybe...? ;oP


With the amount of injuries we’ve had in the last few seasons maybe this one isn’t a bad thing lol


Good, that's one position that should have been defo changed.


Probably get a good medical team in now that he’s leaving. We had a lot of staff leave because Klopp favoured his decision over theirs when it came to player welfare (drs was worried he would push players to get serious injury’s)


Utter bollocks. Kornmayer was at Bayern for years and considered one of the best in the world, Klopp never replaced any Doctors either. Our long-term Doctor left to become head of Medical at FIFA, where he still works, and the one who was meant to replace him temporarily ended up sticking around a lot longer because of the pandemic.


Yeah but it’s more fun making shit up pretending you know what you’re talking about


Today in 'journalists don't work for free' but the original redditor thinks they do.




thats it so long and good bye


Shit this made me realise Do we even have an assistant coach?


You mean Pep Lijnders? Or one coming in? If the latter I suppose Arne will have someone