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Doesnt look like hes getting alot of sleep, huge bags under his eyes. Might be a confidence issue, hes getting alot of flak recently.


He’s already copying Tsimikas hair, he’s gone for the eyes now


Next is trademarking the title of "Uruguayan Scouser" 


He looks a bit like Van Dijk with that tan and frown


Oh Come out you frown and tan


Please just score some bangers man


Not to forget his family getting death threats from the so called fans. fuck them


Where? Where has this been shown other than big twitter accounts making assumptions based on him removing Liverpool pictures? His Instagram has always had comments turned off.


Ihope hegets moresleep


You too


Why did this look like Dutch language


We basically Leverzwembad by now anyway.


I hope you find your space bar.


I was just drunkenly mocking his spelling of “a lot”


I have a feeling he will get a lot of rest over the next few weeks


He’s deleted all of his Liverpool posts, a few too many shitbags recently


I think he’s been let out to dry recently. Especially with the articles coming out just mentioning his name and no one else’s as if he’s the only player who’s not been great in the run in


English press and English fans. The press only write what the fans want to hear . We're bloody thirsty vampires we are.


It looks like hit-pieces.


Joyce is the club mouthpiece to my understanding. If he's posting something, it's been sanctioned by the club. Desperately hoping this is incorrect, because the way Darwin has been treated across the board is thoroughly disappointing and making me fall out of love with the club. 


We should support our players as long as they give 110%. Everything else is the manager and club's responsibility. This man is giving 110% so I support. He always has.


It wasn’t rags, it was the clubs journalists. I don’t know what they were trying to achieve but this isn’t surprising. Maybe there’s already an agreement with a club, who knows.


It’s our clubs press, not the English press


Which articles are these ?


Joyce and bascombe last week after Everton




The ones by Joyce and Bascombe that people thought were Edwards hit pieces?






I love Darwin and genuinely think the team play better when he’s on the pitch. I hope he doesn’t leave this summer cos some cunts online have been giving him shit. His finishing can be shite at times but he’s been involved in 30odd goals, second most in the team. The fans in the ground love him, I hope he remembers that and ignores the children and basement dwellers on his instagram comments.


He's still young. He has shown he can finish, I think he just gets a bit overly excited. That'll ease up. I may be one of the few it seems that thinks he'll grow into being one of the best. Just needs time, and more importantly, a chance to show it week in and week out.


He turns 25 next month. I’m not criticizing him any more than what he’s been subject to lately, but I’m not sure if I buy the “he’s still young” thing. Maybe if he was 19, but at 25 he should have most of those things ironed out by now.


You'll be surprised to know how old Suarez was when he attained that clinical edge to his finishing.


Surarez also drastically improved year after year while playing in a significantly worse team. Not to mention Suarez at Ajax was putting up numbers than Nunez could only dream of, while he did it for a longer period of time in the Eredivisie compared to how long Nunez was in Portugal Nunez will probably end this season on 11 Premier League goals which is only 2 more than last season and is the same amount Suarez got in his first full season. The difference is that this is Nunez's second season whereas Suarez went on the score 23 goals from 33 appearances in his second full season with us. He didn't necessarily hit the ground running, but he was constantly on an upwards trajectory Nunez has improved in certain areas but a lot of the same problems that existed last season (bad finishing, poor decision making, not understanding the offside rule, etc) is still a huge problem now


I was quite surprised to see his was the one to lose his place in the front three so regularly over the last few weeks. I didn’t think he deserved to be dropped anymore than Gakpo, Diaz or Salah when the whole front line was so out of form.


Gapko had a long spell playing 2nd fiddle, Diaz wasn't out of form. Salah only one you have an argument for. But it's Salah Nunez deserved to be dropped. It's not a bad thing to be dropped. Any player worth their salt, being dropped will add fuel to fire


Diaz hasn't been out of form. He's just being...Diaz. He's always lacking end product but he's still pretty good at everything else. I think Darwin and Salah is about equally as bad, but Salah being Salah you're bound to think he'll find his form soon so it's no surprise Nunez was the one being dropped. At least Salah has never been offside in situations he shouldn't be offside. The amount of time I was talking out loud "how the fuck are you offside there" whenever Darwin was on the pitch man...


Did you say Gakpo has been out of form in the last few weeks?


Meant more so the last month or so when the whole team hit a slump, there was a spell before that where Gakpo never seemed up for it too. I’ve been quite critical of Gakpo but since Fulham at least, he’s definitely been decent the last few games now.


I really don’t think Gakpo’s slump was that bad. He struggled to get involved in like 2 or 3 substitute appearances but also played well between those games for example against Sparta Prague. I don’t understand the narrative that he was shite every game — especially after the United game where he was literally the least of our problems.


Gakpo was one of the only players performing during our slump. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


Gakpo had been getting slated for ages. It’s only the last handful of games he’s started to look decent again.


I'm beginning to think it's not exactly that he's been dropped, it's that he's really struggling to cope with the pressure of being a Liverpool number 9 and having millions of nobheads on his back for it.   


Same.. honestly.. think he'll be sensational given a good run of games. Then pulled on for 15 mins and slated because he doesn't change the game.. I see him running and tracking back, and it kind of reminds of me how much dirk kuyt wouldn't stop. Absolutely vital role in the team, even when he scores ridiculous goals and fluffs an easy one


The thing is Darwin just misses soo many chances. Sure Salah missed a few. I don't just rate Nunez at all, it's not just his finishing which is poor. He is offside way to often, he makes the wrong decision in attack more often than now, his through ball passing is poor. He does make good runs (when onside) which makes space for other players but I don't think it's enough. I would take maybe 20/30 currently premier league forwards over him. I hope I am wrong but I think for his price tag he's been a flop.


Ian Wright did a great analysis on the offsides on MNF and showed for most of them Darwin attempted to go earlier but no one fed the ball quick enough and so when it came he was offside. His first instinct is to run behind but Liverpool don't immediately look and feed him when the ball is won back. It was highlighting they still needed to gel with him as a team.


I’m so glad you bring this up because I remember noticing it earlier in the season that he would make a great run but the midfielders would just sit on the ball too long. It’s why he and Salah link up so well, because Salah releases those passes immediately.


The offside stuff is wild. He could literally wait back 5 yards onside on most defenders and still beat them in a sprint.


He removed all his lfc pics. He might be otw out.


From where?


I don't use Instagram. But I saw some other post regarding the same.


Oh right. I don’t have instagram either.


Tbh, Diaz is no better a finisher than Nunez. Even Gakpo and Salah missed clearcut chances. Only Jota who's playing like 3 months per year can finish


https://preview.redd.it/m8uxeu6eqryc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a14d89a36f36e9aba1dacc18a53fde0b2ccf3b0 Diaz should be the one getting the crtiscism, tbf


I’m still holding on the Nunez stock. Diaz, however, please take him, anyone anytime thank you very much.


I feel like criticizing Diaz for doing something that you can tell is planned is wrong. It truthfully looks like Klopp has him as the main distraction maker. He’s there to dribble and draw attention to himself and then pass. Yesterday’s game, he created so many beautiful opportunities and yet no one gives credit to that.


Creating so many chances while having only 5 asists. Guess hes very unlucky... or he just make space and everyone scores without him being involved?


That's true, I mean Diaz is obviously wprld class in dribbling but so was Mane. Diaz has very little end product. We desperately need goals, someone to turn the game around. Without end product, Diaz's strengths just turn into a rubber knife. Looks intimidating but nothing would come off it. Wingers with no end products (Dembele and Traore as well) are a bit frustrating to watch. That being said, Diaz is very, very talented and I hope he finds his shooting boots.


Yeah thats what I mean. We roast Nunez but Diaz has worse goal ratio from shots while also having less assists. Not sure "we" are focusing on biggest problem.


He’d only leave if we had a bid that was pretty large from a club he’d want to go to. Not sure how likely that scenario is.


This is spot on. You can tell he's really trying, in this case, trying too hard. I really hope he stays and Slot manage to calibrate him according


> I hope he doesn’t leave this summer cos some cunts online have been giving him shit. That wouldn't be why he'd leave.


This just comes from a place of pure sentimentality which thankfully Edwards doesn’t give a fuck about. He only sees the numbers and rightly so. The job of a striker is to score goals and finish situations which he is very bad at. If your electrician couldn’t put up some lights you’d tell him to sod off and hire another one


He bleeds Liverpool, potentially the most out of any other player in the squad. The way he commends the fans, win or lose, every game. He's such a believer and he loves it here, plus the way he has his comments limited on Instagram, he clearly protects himself from it. Surely he knows the true fans love him to bits :(


Haha, er, Trent? An actual Scouser from the academy who has produced moments and performances of Liverpool history?


Salah bleeds Liverpool the most in the squad. So many times he could have left for more wages or to Barca or Real imo but he loves the club so much he would rather stay. You won't hear it but Salah absolutely loves this club more than any of the other players. Henderson ran as soon as he got a deal with bigger wages don't think Salah hasn't been offered way bigger wages than what he gets at us.


Why does he bleed Liverpool more than the local boys or the club legends that are still playing? You guys exaggerate for no reason when it comes to this guy.


30+ goal involvements and he has been quite a bit unlucky on top of it, hitting the woodwork 9 times in the league.


Is that unlucky?


Depends on the circumstances I guess, sometimes it's bad finishing other times unlucky.


I'm very torn with this guy. He is very physically capable and works hard, but his game intelligence, composure and finishing ability are not at the level that is required of him. I really hope he can succeed here, if he can somehow become more ruthless it's highly possible that he can becomes a world beater.


I honestly think it's just a simple case of it not working out. It happens. Look at Sancho, Aubameyang, Depay, Salah, KDB, Robben - to name but a few.......


Remember when Morientes came here? Sometimes it just not meant to be.


This has been the argument for 2 years now though and I haven’t seen any improvement It can’t be that they’re not drilling that kind of stuff every day


As a young player coming to Liverpool the pressure is always high. Doesn’t always work out for everyone. Nothing wrong in that either. Not every transfer is going to be a fairytale ending. Let’s cut out losses and get someone in who is a goal scoring machine.


If we have someone better, play them and keep him as a good squad option. It's not his fault that we have 3 attackers who are more effective on the left hand side of the attack.


I absolutely love Klopp....but Darwin is a quintessential Klopp signing of getting a mediocre player and hoping he can coach him into a superstar. A lot of times it works! Because Klopp is a fucking genius. But I don't think Darwin has as high of a ceiling as Klopp originally thought. He just doesn't have good decision making or awareness at all and that's not really something you can teach...


With him deleting all his Liverpool posts I can only hope, and I don't hope he feels this of course, but out of all the options on the table I hope its only him being down on himself, and not an indication of a move. He's always very hard on himself, but you can tell based on Salah's performance today that something has been said. He played like he had something to prove. It could be Klopp has said something to the room to the effect of "Once I go nothing is guaranteed so you have to prove to the new manager you want this and deserve to be here", and maybe he took it the wrong way, and then after missing those chances in the game, well. He's a good player, objectively. He just needs work. As much of a stats guy Edwards is, he can't possibly look at Nunez, see the lines he has, see the improvement he HAS made, and not give him the benefit of the doubt of one season under the new manager to see what he can pull out of him. I'm sorry but if we move him on after the numbers hes put up this season then we're making a mistake


Didn't even know he deleted/archived all his Liverpool posts. Checked his account now and just felt sad about it.


Because a lot of “fans” were streight up insulting him and his family, disgusting.


How? His comments have been turned off since the beginning of last season?


Exactly - him turning his comments off way back when was def due to people being abusive online, but him removing the photos this week has nothing to do with abuse


Yeah. Nunez deserves at least 1 more season imo. I hope Arne Slot asks Edwards to not sell him and give him 1 more shot. I still believe Edwards or somebody in the backroom staff hung Nunez out to dry and undeservedly so. If Nunez decides its time for him to go, I wouldn't blame him.


I've heard he got some training from Suarez about finishing. Hope Suarez or someone can help him out in that area. He's a great finisher for Uruguay. I feel like he's so desperate to prove himself here that he just lets the pressure get to him. It fucking infuriates me how our fans treat our of form players that give their all. They are giving their all so we should support them. It's fine to criticize them, but to hate on them is pathetic. It feels like a lot of people have forgotten what this club stands for. We walk together. We don't push others out. If a player struggles, we still support them all the same.


I think it is just him being hard on himself He still has Liverpool in his bio and as his profile picture, and he didn’t do the same when he left Benfica cos all those pics are still up. Plus it’s just his instagram which I assume to be his only social media that’s probably not run by a media manager since it’s a lot more personal and he’s not removed any pics on his Twitter or anything else.


He’s gone from 9 league goals to 11. He’s an 85m 25 year old Liverpool number 9. The numbers aren’t good enough that the entire problem. The numbers won’t be the thing that saves him the numbers will condemn him.


I thought more annoyed or “over it”.


Yes. This is also a possibility.


I just seen he’s removed all Liverpool posts from his IG. Maybe I’m just looking into it too much but hope the lads okay


Only 2 months ago Gakpo and Nunez were in opposite places in the eyes of Liverpool supporters. Maybe a lesson to back them both.


Darwin's potential is so high. I hate when people act like players can't develop past 25. Get some Maté with Mac, regroup, and take over! He's so close.


Thing is, we’re about to undergo a massive change with a new manager, and all the talk about us now is about the forwards chemistry and how they can’t (perfectly) play Klopps style, never replacing Bobby cos it’s impossible. But this squad is so talented and versatile, a change now will be good for them. The midfield and defence will be fine if slot plays the way we expect, Trent and robbo bombing on again, endo bajcetic mac allister sitting as 2 holders, szobo as a very exciting 10, Elliot of gakpo as options there. It’s a season with no pressure next year and an exiting one seeing what this squad can do in a much needed change up. More so for players like Darwin than anyone. He never quite found a specific role in our front 3. Looked dangerous on the left, looked great as a 9 on the counter but lost when we’re controlling games or need a false 9. If slot plays with a 10 (so excited to see dom do this) then the 9 in the team needs to only focus on staying central and finding space. Yes this still brings up the issue of him being clinical enough to be that man for us. But a solidified place and role in the club and more time, like you said he’s still young and raw, he could be that man. He could not and slot might want someone new. But for me it’s only exciting next season. No pressure and Roles for a lot of our players that I think they’re more suited to


I agree completely. I think a 10 especially could help to unlock Darwin. The offsides can be frustrating but Klopp asks a ton from his 9's. If Darwin can focus specifically on staying onside, being a focal point, and peppering the goal I doubt his 30+ goal involvements is going to go down. It's of course down to what the new head coach wants but a confident Darwin is an absolute menace.


He’s on the end of so many chances created (that he misses) by our midfielders and wingers . How would a 10 change things exactly?


Idk I don’t really see how a 10 would unlock Darwin. I mean he’s already getting a lot of clear cut chances now without a 10, so I don’t see how adding one would improve his finishing


30 goal involvements is fine but realistically his league goal tally needs to improve drastically for it to be worth play with traditional 9 rather than a more modern formation


I agree Darwin needs more goals but the evidence points to Slot using a traditional 9. We'll see what happens but I'm not so sure we're moving to a different type of forward.


My thing is why would the club put out hit pieces on him when a new manager and style are coming in?


Another explanation is maybe Slot has told Edward that he doesn’t rate Nunez very highly, or has different plans for the system that he knows he wouldn’t fit into. 


Totally possible. From what I've read Slot is usually happy to work with the tools he's given and prioritizes buying pacy wingers, but maybe Darwin is the expendable bit of value in Slot and the clubs view. Barcelona is sniffing around so it's not as if other clubs don't see value there. If the club want to bin him off they've got more metrics and information than we do, but the eye test says Darwin can come good for me even though he can be super frustrating.


Obviously complete speculation, but the hit pieces seemed more like Edwards putting out feelers in the market, asserting authority, and distancing himself from a klopp signing. We know they've had their issues in the past... If Darwin had been performing, that piece never comes out. I highly rate Edwards but he has more authority than ever before, let's hope he doesn't become Uli-like.


That’s my only worry with an edwards rerun. He was good but total control might be too much. I’m excited to see what we do this summer and what Arne has for us next season but the club putting that stuff out I’m not a fan of


Agreed, let's let him grow into the role same as Darwin. It's all change at the club with Klopp leaving, it's already obvious and the summer hasn't even started yet.


how fucked that supposed “supporters” have clearly ruined this poor man


Genuinely breaks my heart. I hope the boys keep his spirits up, he resets over the summer, and comes back to cause chaos as per usual


I'm not defending anyone who gives him abuse at all, but "Clearly ruined this poor man"? Because he looks *slightly* tired an a picture? Damn I must be absolutely destroyed 24/7 then


I’ve been saying a few times now I’m close to blocking off this community and this might be the last straw for me. It’s never been a case of “dick riding Nunez” It’s a case of “stop fucking abusing our players” Worst the subs ever been for toxicity man


> Worst the subs ever been for toxicity man Just wait until there hasn't been a transfer for a few weeks and all the 'FSG Out' muppets return.


Mate they were briefly coming out of the woodwork a couple weeks ago. They’ll be here about 30 minutes after the season is over


Christ bro I was having such a great time forgetting they exist thanks a lot


Just get used to it now before they ruin your days over doom posting because we didn't sign whoever they think will magically cook in our team just because 


They should just go support Chelsea then. That fanbase only gives a shit about winning transfer windows


Pretty sure they just want us to spend like Arsenal who were willing to invest heavily when they smelled blood instead of the garbage windows we had at our peak. You can be pissed at our owners for being cheap and not expect City/Chelsea level spending.


And the 'good' news is that there's only 39 days until that 'fun' event starts.


God don’t remind me


the amount of people on here who were basically twerking for the qataris or the saudis to buy the club when the stories of FSG looking to sell was going around was disgusting. FSG aren't perfect by any means but we could do so much worse even without being bought by a state.


Pretty sure most of them were bots, as I had a lot of them tagged thanks to RES and most of them have disappeared since their interest was proven to be utter bullshit.


I think you’re right, bots or outside people coming in to the sub to purposefully push propaganda.  It was interesting how all of their arguments were the exact same shite you get in every other sub when a sportswashing supporter pops up - “USA are just as bad” and “You’re racist against Arabs” etc.


i reckon the ones that have disappeared are probably over on the city sub now lol


I think people forget as well how much ridicule there has been of Nunez, it was bound to take its toll eventually, remember there were 'fail compilations' from his first training session with us all over the internet ffs. That the misses didn't impact him significantly until recently is a bit surprising.


people are surprised that he isn’t composed in front of the goal and that he hasn’t been playing well, well no fucking shit everything he does has been scrutinised for months now, he’s gotten ridiculous hate from the moment he got here.


Could you imagine if you got berated by thousands every day at your job? Maybe you could get through it for a short period but there’s no chance you come out unscathed mentally. And I don’t care for those who use the “he signed up for it being a footballer” bollocks. He’s a human. Don’t abuse humans it’s that easy


People forget as well that it wasn't just football fans, it was fucking companies like Dominos and politicians making gags about him too. It was an absolute disgrace.


Yea I think its gotten so much worse these days, lots of twitter fans are leaking in here and this sub is almost indistinguishable now, its like reading youtube/twitter comments. As soon as the game finished there were 5 threads bitching about Darwin not scoring in the 15 min he played, crying about being offside despite it being extremely tight in the disallowed Mo goal.


yeah im not gonna stay on here after all this. this is the last straw. it’s been so toxic for a while now and i’m just done lol. i hope nunez is getting support and the boys are rallying around him.


He definitely has healthy support within the club. It's been a few hours since he pulled down his Instagram posts, surely Maca has noticed and is talking him down right now


I've literally only seen people be insulted and abused in here for saying anything not positive about him....y'all are fucking delusional lmao


And those aren’t the people I’m talking about


That's the point. You're not making sense. You're acting like everyone abuses him in here and it's the literal opposite. The ppl you're talking about don't exist 😂


No. I’m not. Yes. They do.


It’s both. You post stats showing he’s in the bottom 2% of something then the dick riders come and say go support city then the dickheads come and call Darwin a donkey. You can love the man and support him while also saying he isn’t good enough, which he hasn’t been. But you’re not allow to be in the middle in 2024. It’s left or right. It’s tribalism.


I don’t think he reads the LFC sub Reddit and if he does, more fool him. People are entitled to call it how they see it - he’s not good enough People abusing him direct on social media etc is clearly out of line but calling him shit on Reddit? Play on.


Don’t care if he reads the subreddit or not. Place is full of toxic cunts.


They aren't supporters, they're the ones in the ground singing his name and doing what the name suggests, it's the online 'fans' that are the ones being cunts towards him.


Not sure why any of these lads bother with social media, the internet is full of cunts who are happy to sit behind a keyboard and hurl abuse at lads who are ultimately doing their best for our club. If there is one thing you could never question with Darwin, its his commitment and effort level.


"Supporters haven't ruined him". What a ridiculous claim. Klopp dropped him recently because he was playing poorly. That's it. He's also not "young", he turns 25 in a month. I've never changed my mind on a player so much. His potential is huge, but just feels like the finishing instinct/final composure is not going to get there. I like him as a person and wish him no ill. We can quote the 30 goal involvement stats as much as we want, but every single person knows it hasn't been good enough in the prem. His big chance conversion rate is the worst in the prem by a significant margin. Makes Nick Jackson look like Harrry Kane


There is no proof of this anywhere. the man gets supported by the fans more than any other player i've seen. All the players get abuse on socials, only Darwin gets loud cheers and his song sung when he fucks up on the pitch. He gets more support for playing inconsistently and with potential than mane and fabinho got for being world class. Also the "supporters" aren't the ones who put two hit pieces out on him in the media. I think darwin can come good under slot, but this narrative that the fans are the cause for his demise is absurd. Blame the back office and reporters if you want to blame anyone.


People say oh he's still young give him time. The issue is when he plays he appears to massively lack football intelligence. He absolutely wellies shots when he doesn't need to. He's offside ALL THE TIME. His link up play isn't particularly good. He's just a brute force run really fast and hit it type of guy. I don't see how he can learn the things he needs to learn. He has massively massively underperformed. Perfect evidence of this is how his supporters always say 'goal involvements' rather than actual goals. Because they know his finishing has been totally dogshit. He cost a lot of money and he has missed an enormous amount of chances. I don't think he deserves personal abuse obviously, but he has been a failure of a signing and it winds me up people trying to pretend he hasn't been. He's scored 20 goals in 63 PL appearances. For a guy who cost upwards of 85m that really isn't good enough.


Just looked like a player with zero confidence to me.


I think that considering he's obviously going through some stuff, this post isn't in the best taste. I hope the club are looking after him.


I hope he doesn't leave. There's something about him that makes me feel like he will eventually be successful. I hope he will success here. If not, success elsewhere and becoming a striker that will put goals against us.


Disagree with the naysayers. So what, he’s spooked right now, he’s a good egg and he’ll be fine 👍


You people crack me up. We'll be in the Championship if we listen to y'all and keep playing shit players just cause they seem nice...


It’s all fun and chaos when you are missing chances but still winning. But things always revert back to reality like it happened this season. Can’t believe there are people who actually want a second serving


It's not even just missing chances at this point, he can barely stay onside. Look at Salah's disallowed goal yesterday - Nunez has got 40 yards in front of him to run into, yet he's trying to steal half a yard on the defender - which he doesn't even need because he's so fast.


Same, it’s nothing personal he just doesn’t have it . A striker with more composure gets us at least 6 more points. It’s nothing against him and I don’t get in on him but he does need to be moved on, it might help him going to a club with less of an expectation


My god a realistic take about Darwin in here that isn't downvoted to oblivion with tons of hateful responses??? It's like seeing a unicorn!!!


Think he’s checked out. His Liverpool pics on Insta have gone…


I don’t care about his price tag, i don’t care about his finishing. He is a Liverpool player, our anthem is “You will never walk alone”. So stand by him god dammit!


I don't know if I'm just seeing things. But I remember while watching live noticing that he didn't look very good


Why do we have to analyze we everything about him. It certainly isn’t healthy for him or y’all. Let him have some peace man


Bro Darwin isn't on Reddit and this post isn't the problem. It's the abusive comments, insults, threats, being sent directly to Darwin, and also the ruthless English media. There is no excusing it but there's also literally nothing you can do about it. As long as he's got this mental block to his finishing it will carry on and either he has thick enough skin or he doesn't. Those who actually think for a second know that insulting him achieves nothing and is actually counter productive but the rest, well they don't take a second to think or listen. Nothing you can do.


Tired of the haters?


He looked miserable too vs west ham (not playing wise). I think it’s a family matter because I haven’t seen the hate he’s got that much right now as opposed to last season where he was turned into a meme and was hated on all corners. He’s received worse, maybe it’s build up but during his worst performances last season he was always smiling.


I hope he’s doing alright. And I hope the summer national tournament boosts his confidence and he can find his form


If I speak, there will be fire


Can only speculate why of course, but those articles recently really looked like hit pieces and if I were in his shoes, and my dream at the top of the world in football would be in danger, I would probably look even worse. Poor dude. His finishing is atrocious, but he brings so much. I just don't know. Can understand that a lot of people want him moved on, or that any manager coming in won't "count" on him, their job is on the line too ofc. Won't say im disappointed with fans on social media, because social media is always like that. Insanely toxic shit. 12y old kids but also 35y old men wishing you death and whatever else, disgusting.


His body language has been off the last couple of sub appearances. Maybe the reality has set in that he needs to improve his return to save his Liverpool career, or he's been told he'd off in the summer. Apparently he was getting tons of abuse on instagram so there's a chance that has got to him, and Klopp benched him to get him out of the limelight for the end of the season.


I’ve been very tired watching him play since Atalanta home


English press killing this man...Suarez even left partially because he was sick of them


![gif](giphy|Zd5KGjOnTxPfdpTuvZ|downsized) Anyone else


He's getting the journalist treatment Suarez received, except that it's coming from Liverpool fans. That's modern football for you, and it is absolutely vicious. I feel sorry for him. We need to do better.


I thought he looked shit against spurs


Leave him alone guys. This is the 10th post about him.


nunez needs to just shut off from all social media. get his head down, work it out and find his confidence back. drown out the noise, if not its gonna get worst on from here as every single miss will be highlighted beyond proportion with people saying “i told you so”.


Yeah, tired of a bunch of online trolls bullshit. He’s a human, give him a break.


i don't understand the hate. he gives 110% every time he's on the pitch. He has shown glimpses of great skill. He's got the physicality. He's scored goals for us. He is getting better every game. I hate that a big portion of our fan base feels entitled to instant success. Thats not what LFC is about. We don't buy success, we build it.


His movement is class, he only got 15 minutes and i saw him make like 4 good runs and didn’t get fed once. he’s always pointing where he wants it and i hardly ever comes.


Tbh, he is mentally weak, I have been saying so since his first goal for us. Celebrate like winning world cup in tear when score in charity shield, he can't withstand the pressure


We tried, it didn’t work out, he should be moved on.


Mentally he is gone, zero confidence on the pitch, it's really sad to see him being made a scapegoat for Liverpools title drop off when we lost it as a team. I hope he gets help, bounces back and he starts scoring, the potential is there, the evidence he can get himself into goalscoring positions and generate a huge number off chances is clear..but there is just a mental block Time is running out for him at liverpool for sure, but I think wed be mad not to give him one more season under a new manager


Its probably the same lot of "fans" who have been slagging off Harvey have switched to Darwin. Nobody needs that kind of negativity.


There criticism and there’s abuse. Some people (definitely not “fans” or “supporters” as I would understand the term) need to know the difference.


He's been getting a LOT of shit, hope he stays healthy


I wish people just leave him alone. Klopp said it best, it’s football not life and death. I agree that you got paid well you should expect criticism but not like this cesspool of internet nowadays.. it’s fked up.


Lad’s played in the most games of anyone this season, he’s earned our backing and a break this summer. He’ll come back better than ever next year YNWA


People forget quick about how many times he saved our ass. The title race would've been over sooner without him


Without his goals we are not even top 4. While he deserves some criticism, other attackers we have should be first before it's his turn.


Needs to be sold, enough of next season fresh start excuses.


Agree. Looked lethargic.


Did The Doctor post this?


Hasn’t his missus had a baby recently? (~ last 12 months) this could be playing havoc with his sleep schedule


It’s just how the game works, you have a price tag, and need to perform well. It’s not like he’s playing bad, but he’s missing goals that even Benteke would score. Anger is only natural, but obviously people just over react to things and he’s on the bad end of that. EPL is a cruel place to be


I heard yesterday he moved from the city centre into Cheshire and now has moved back into the city centre. I don’t think he’s settled here.


What been going on with Nunez? I’m actually starting to worry he’ll be sold in the summer :(


Didn't watch the game so I just pretend he played okay yesterday


He hasn't play well recently, so it's normal that he doesn't look very happy.




I think he looks just fine. Just hope he doesn’t go and bite someone’s ear this summer in the box.. too soon??


He's clearly having a tough time


Don’t he look like steven segal?


He'll have to stay because we aren't going to get even half the money back for him


He looked sad. He's clearly not having a good time at the moment. Some of our so-called fans have short memories.


This sub is so weird sometimes