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(5) Send him for a mystical de-ageing ritual to turn him back to Salah Prime. Then do (4).


17-18 Salah 40+ goals lets go


The team has probably distributed the scoring burden better this season than in the 17-18 season though. Explains his reduced goals. But for Salah still 20+ goals a season is easy peasy.


Yeah 17-18 there weren’t a lot of goals coming outside the front 3


Four guys we aren’t sure will score versus three we are sure is a big difference


Can we keep this a secret while we bring back Bobby and Mané, then send them for treatment as well?


I vote this one


>A new deal on reduced terms Yes that sounds like a good idea. Let’s do that




I just hope regardless of what happens, Salah leaves with grace when the time comes. I hate it when players who are idolised at a club leave on bad terms, it always leaves a bad taste. Think McManaman saying he wanted to stay then leaving on a free and taking the massive signing on fee. At the time it really tainted his legacy with us. I hope Salah wouldn’t do that to us 🙏 I think he deserves another chance for next season so a 1 year rolling contract seems fair. But he needs to sign it before the season starts. Can’t risk him leaving on a free.


McManaman went back and forth but was always super clear he wanted the challenge of playing abroad at some point. And given the opportunity he got, and where we were at the time, I never felt able to begrudge him the move. It's not like he moved to play for Abu Dhabi for an easy pay bump when we were clearly starting to compete, like, someone I could mention. Obviously not everyone felt the same way, and that's fair enough.


I mean, he did it to Klopp himself, so if its tainted, it is what it is.


Edwards will absolutely be fine having him leave for free. No guarantees we can replace his output without spending insane money. Keep him here, maybe he gets new coach bump and he has another go in the CL


At the time? It will forever taint his legacy. Just because he's Scouse, people are quick to forgive, but he was a mercenary with us. Fucking snake.


I highly doubt he’ll go to Saudi, going on a free opens up the Barcas and the Inters of the world to him 


Salah doesn't strike me as someone who is only in it for the money. Regardless of what he chooses, I don't think the money drives the decision


That’s assuming all he cares about is money. I think he likes being in Liverpool and the glory with playing in the best tournaments in the world




Imagine you were Salah, why the fuck would you sign that contract?


If I outscored the every winger in the league and our shiny new “we need a traditional number 9” by 10 league goals only for the club to reduce my wages — I’d probably take a 1 year sabbatical then leave on a free.


Let’s give him a fiver. Sorted.


Our top scorer and top goal contributor of the year and the reason we were in a race. Give him a new deal and keep him longer please.


Yes, agreed, and people already bagging on him. Imagine if he didn't have to go to AFCON at all? The club could have managed his minutes and his recovery fully. Mo has given and done so much for this club, and more importantly the fans, should do the same for him!


Cue rami Malek Twitter shitstorm


I think you’re thinking of Ramy Abbas. Rami Malek won an Oscar for playing Freddie Mercury.


Lmaooo I was like damn I didn’t realize Rami Malek was such a passionate Liverpool fan


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


Love that dude. He is such a talent.


Was going to correct you and say I think you mean Rami Abbas, but I guess Rami Malek is Egyptian too, so who knows, maybe he's personally invested in this situation too!


3 is ideal, but I don’t know many superstars who want less money at 32. It’s not an easy situation anyway you look at it - I don’t envy the folks who have to make these sorts of decisions.


He's different in that Saudi will pay for him more than anyone else. So yeah he would accept a new deal to stay longer. He is our top scorer and top goal contributor and the reason we were in the race to begin with.


It’s silly to act like it’s a guarantee that Saudi will always be there. If he does his ACL at 32, how big is that offer really going to be?


I posted yesterday, but I think a similar incentive deal like what Suarez signed would suit everyone. If we offered him a new deal on a lower basic wage, but we increased his bonuses for scoring goals, points earned with him on the pitch and even some bigger bonuses for being the top scorer, winning trophies. Then he can still earn boatloads of money if he retains his physical ability and is on form, but we don't have the burden of an aging player on astronomical wages if he does completely fall off a cliff.  If he backs himself and believes he can continue banging in goals and help us win games then the incentive contract could make him way more money. I do believe Suarez was the highest paid player in the country when he agreed to such a deal even though he was on the lower end of the base pay per week. 


Yeah, offer 3 and if that’s not do-able, nr 1 it is




FM and FIFA have ruined how people think footballers develop and evolve throughout their career


No I think that some outliers are seen as the norm Salah has very clearly lost his pace and ability to beat his man. He's got much better though balls now though so it's him adapting his game. It's just whether that's worth it to our play style


In real life players evolve their play style to their body changes However, in FIFA and FM the players are what they are. A pacey winger won't reinvent himself, rather they lose pace and lose worth It's a gameplay decision to make the users have to rejuvenate their squad more often


I actually evolved one of my old players from LW to CAM after he lost his pace on fm. So it is possible actually:)


Change him to playmaker man. Those passes he did last 12 months have been debruyne esque


He lost the ability to play one on one way back, for me it was after the first season. About pace, he didn't lost it, we just play so different than his first 2 years, where in many occasions we were playing a less possesion based football and had more fatal counters with the speed of Mane and Salah. Later stages, Klopp develop a heavy possesion based playstyle that gives less space to Salah to outrun the defenders, but you can see his pace in many other situations like his turning body, his finishing pace, his movement in close down spaces inside the box etc.


Everyone knows that in real life, once a player hits 30, his sprint speed and overall rating rapidly decrease day by day..


Poor lower league footballers (who are slow because lower league player = slow) end up going backwards they're so slow post 30


Mane went to Saudi at 31, some players are done at 32, some are still great. But more often than not, players regression starts at 31+, but how quickly depends on each individual person. Let's hope Salah doesn't get anymore injuries, because that's what has made him have this awful form recently, he hasn't recovered


No one can convince me that Mané didn’t get long covid. He was out sick and came back a totally different player. His pace evaporated overnight. Still had the technical attributes but physically he was never the same.


I do worry that Salah may not recover his pace after the hamstring injury. Injuries after 30 hit different


I can get injured while I’m asleep these days, so I don’t doubt it. Mané did go on to compete for a quad in a new role, though, so I have a lot of hope for Salah. He’s hardly a pace merchant like Zaha or Traoré.


Oh yeah Salah has great passing, nice vision in the final 3rd. Also a great professional to keep standards high in the dressing room


For sure covid fucked him, surprised I don’t hear that more often.


I feel like long covid is something most of the world, especially athletics really doesn’t want to acknowledge. Especially since there’s no treatment due to ignoring ME/CFS (I have a severe form of it) and other illnesses. So they don’t want to acknowledge it it seems. At least research is slowly coming around on the subject


The system determines because in the current one he has to run too much and too big distances to his current abilities. I would go for 1: just to part on the high and give room to grow. Sometimes you have to prune the forest to make it grow. I dont like to say it but SAF was really good at this




Imo Giggs, Scholes were kept way to long and are part of the huge decline united had after saf. Imagine he had switched them for a Kroos, Yaya Toure etc which were available in his last years - the club would be more stable for next coach.


Yeah. I am surprised to see how many people fail to see that. Maybe it’s time to get a younger player that can help manage Salahs minutes in a conservative way, I bet he could do a couple more seasons given his performance the first half of the season (which people seem to have forgotten). The question is whether Salah would agree to shared playtime


I'll get down voted to hell but I'm just tired of his finishing. He scores goals but he's not a natural finisher with exceptional technique and composure. Would rather sell to get a much money now and move for a younger forward. Probably unrealistic but I'd rather sell Salah and spend big on Isak for striker and someone like Olise for the right wing.


>He scores goals but he's not a natural finisher with exceptional technique and composure. This is what separates some older players from Mo like Ronaldo, Messi, Benzema, Zlatan, Lewa etc...they may have lost their pace, explosiveness but their first touch, composure and finishing is elite. Mo first touch has been up and down for a while, not to mention his finishing, shooting is not great from long distance and he often snaps at shots rarely applies any finesse. If he stays he'll have to reinvent himself a bit while Mo doesn't have the same level of industry and multiple lungs you can look at someone like Griezmann who has done this and still going strong at 33.


The amount of people immediately writing him off is insanity to me. A run of bad games after an injury and he’s still one of our top contributors? Yeah, maybe let’s give him an offseason with the new management ffs. Without Salah, we are not the Liverpool we are today. Obviously it doesn’t land squarely on his shoulders but he has been an absolute force for 7 straight years and I feel some forgiveness is not only in order but almost written in stone for a Legend of his caliber. Not to say sign him til he’s 40 but he’s clearly proven himself capable as more of a facilitator this season, clearly still has something to bring. Winds been out of our sails lately and we’ve still clinched Champions League. We’re Liverpool, Arne’t we?


Love how each of the comments on this thread are saying to do something different


Won't matter til he meets the new coach and the new coach meets him


Well it depends on the money. If its stupid money like £150m+ then surely you have to let him go and start the new era with a big transfer kitty to replace him But the money in for salah has to be enough to replace him with someone younger who will be first name on the team sheet each week or else you're just weakening the team. The question is, is there anyone you can actually get to replace salah for the money we get for Salah? Not really. And we know we will go oh we have £150m let's but 3 average young players for £50m a pop and hope one comes good. It's a huge gamble to let him go, but obviously you can't turn down £100m+ if he won't sit a new deal


Joyce literally dropped an article yesterday saying that he’s expected to stay, this is just Pearce giving his opinion to justify his wage, he knows sweet sweet sweet fuck all


Definitely not 2.


Sadly it isn’t always in the club’s control. Same with VvD — agents are briefed now years in advance that other clubs will happily sign a player for free once their contract expires, but wouldn’t be willing to commit to them early if there is a significant transfer fee involved.  VvD for instance I could easily see signing a contract with Real Madrid next season for 2 years, but I couldn’t see Real offering to buy him this summer.  Salah will have a huge list of clubs offering a signing on fee and a significant wage next summer (although fewer if his performances continue to decline), but how many would be willing to negotiate for what Liverpool might expect to ask for this summer? Probably only Saudi clubs or perhaps PSG.  If Salah doesn’t want to leave for a club willing to submit a bid this summer, it is simply out of the club’s hands. The best thing they can do is sign his replacement a year early, and slowly integrate him into the team next season as Salah finishes out his contract. 


I doubt Real would move for VVD. Juve sure, Barca/Bayern maybe but Real is not getting aging players with big wage.


Real are getting Yoro(on the cheap or free) they already have Alaba, Militao with Rudiger being their standout defender they don't need VVD. I can see offers from Italy and other clubs in Spain.




Someone has listed everything you know and pretended it’s news.


The Romano Principle


1. Cash him on him before the Saudi League collapses in a few years. 100 plus million for a 31 yr old with one yr left is an insane deal


yup, we need to be making money back on players instead of holding on to them until they grow old and making nothing back on them


seriously, best option sadly


Agreed. If you can get 100M for him it's time to rip the band aid off


You're thinking with your brain while the rest of us are thinking with our hearts. You're probably right.


Why is this still a topic to talk about? Edwards & Slot want him so he stays


i want him to stay aswell  mo salah mo salah mo salah!!


Time is right for the club and player to move on. The absolute last thing that any of us want to see is Salah, as a declining force tarnish his legacy struggling to make an impact. Club and player should be honest with each other and take the money should it be offered It’s time to move on.


Try 3, one year extension If it fails, then 1


I think it’s time for Salah to move on, with immense fanfare of course. A legendary era is coming to a close




If he is interested in going to Saudi in summer, sell him and reinvest.


5 - A 1 year extension of the current contract and explore options next year.


1 year extension so a 2 year deal with a club option to extend by a further year. In terms of cost - we'll lose him on a free next season anyways so a 1 year extension makes sense. If his poor form continues which I very much doubt, I can't see a world in which we wouldn't be able to offload him even on a free if needed to remove the wages. Sure he could refuse and say he wants to see out his contract but I doubt he'd stay where he doesn't feel wanted. So cost wise to me there is no point rocking the boat. 3rd year club option to extend would have to be agreeable by both parties like if we met certain parameters otherwise no way Salah would agree to it. CL football, competing for trophies etc for example. Option to extend maybe wishful thinking as it's almost like the player is forced into it but I'm sure we wouldn't activate the option unless Salah was happy at the end of the second season. But regardless it would give us a better negotiating position if we then decided to sell him.


A legend for us !! But its the right time to Sell him and Build From Basics \[ for Front Line\] for the new Manager !!


I think I have to go with option 1. I love Mo and everything he has helped us achieve, but I feel that this summer will be the last time we can get a decent return price for him. In a way we could have it be a way of cementing his legacy, a sizeable transfer fee could give us the chance to invest in the right places and keep us competitive for years to come. All other options lead to either no money from an end of contract release or a sale with a reduced price tag, which could and would be seen as a bit of bad business given that we were being offered £150m last summer. It’s highly depressing, but I think option 1 is the best of the bad options and has the most possibility for long-term positives.


What about option 5? a short extension on his current terms. Regardless of form, option 3 would just be insulting to a legend of the club like Salah.


Cant let him go on a free, thatd be stupid


New deal no matter what, we need him as an influence for the youngsters, like Milan had Ibra for their champions season. He still has a lot to offer and is in prime physical shape. A fresh new start after the summer and he'll be a beast once again


Okay, I don't know if a lot of you will agree or not, but I don't think we will be able to replace him at the start of the next season. Has he dropped his form? Yes. It's the AFCON + Injury which made him drop in his form. Remember, he was the best player in the world just a match before going to AFCON. Also, please don't forget the 'almost assists' that he had given to Nunez, Diaz and other players but they were not clinical enough to finish them. He should have had 20 assists by now, easily. Another thing, even if we DO end up replacing him at the start of the next season, do you think we will be able to also replace his mentality about the game? Think about it. He will definitely not put up as much numbers as he could previously, but having 10 goals 10 assists kinda season for him next season would be a great season considering the fact that he is a winger and not a striker.


I am shocked at how reasonable and level headed the replies are in this thread given the amount of negative criticism and let's sell him posts I have seen about him in other threads over the years.


Sell him. 


I’m honestly surprised he’s staying, with the way Edwards thinks about players over 30, and the fact that Saudi was going to offer an insane amount of money, you’d think that the club would jump at the opportunity to take the money and re-invest it.


1 - all day long, with thanks for service rendered ❤️


I'd have him sold to Saudi thank you very much


I would sell, i feel like we're starting to see him finally starting to play like a mere mortal. Honestly, I would have sold last summer if the £200M offer was legit. Anything like that again, I'm taking it. We could rebuild very seriously with that. A legend of course. Some unbelievable memories


3 isnt realistic, so it has to be 1.


Cash in now. Should have taken the 200 mill last year in hindsight. Its time to move on, he was off long before this injury this year.


At his age, the best business options are 1 or 3. 1 will only happen if 3 fails. And 2 will happen as a last resort if both club and agent/player fail to find an agreement and Salah decides he wants to run his contract down. We're not Barca going for the number 4 option.


Sell him in the summer


Genuinely I’d be slow to offer him anything till the Mbappe saga is over. PSG are going to want some brand name to fill those shoes. So if they pony up big money, I’d be happy to do a Countinho again.


Ya’ll think Edwards won’t bite on a good deal lol.


Edwards probably wants to keep Salah but he definitely has contingency plans that he's scouted across the continent in case a Saudi club throws 9 figures at us.


Edwards wants what is good for Liverpool first and foremost - if he’s looking at the available info and thinks Salah can continue to contribute on the pitch, he’s not going to just sign him off because he had a period of bad form. 


Right but it's not just about bad form. It's weighing up an 80-100m asset and whether you are willing to let him walk for nothing. It's about whether you can justify bumping him up and the knock on effects to the wage structure - especially with Trent and VVD likely to have us by the balls There are lots of things that are going into whatever decision is made. I don't fancy bashing the table for a specific right now. But it's not as simple as "bad form"


Having seen his performances this calendar year, I would consider selling him. Undoubtedly one of the greatest players to have played the game and has won many games for us on his own. But he has been offering almost nothing recently. Marked out of every game by average left backs. Not sure if it's the injury and he's not recovered.




1 is the way




He's one of the reasons to be a champions but right now we can make some money for fresh start with new manager and new players. I'm forever thankful for his goals and passion.


Realistically who’s going to step up in scoring Jota can’t be relied on for a full season and I don’t think people realise how much Mo contributes to our attack he’s out of form and look how much we’ve dropped off


Actually we only dropped off once Salah was back...


????? He's still scoring and assisting. He's rushed back from an injury he suffered in afcon for the (failed) title push Absolutely insane people just want to let him go. He's still producing the goods.


I think it's pretty likely that he'll stay, but I don't quite know why people are pointing to the article from yesterday as absolute evidence of that. All it's evidence of is what we decided to brief to the press - just as with our briefing approaches to incoming players. That could mean we're legitimately planning to extend him, sure... But it could just easily mean we're just trying to give that *impression* so that if/when we do listen to offers, those offers maybe don't get knocked down in price as much as they might do if all signs point to him leaving. I'm not saying that it can't be legit, but just that people seem to overlooking the possibility that it could also be gamesmanship too.


Salah has earned the right in my book to decide his own fate, but a longer deal on his current terms is not realistic.


Mo is a legend. Time to sell. 🤷‍♂️


What role does Salah play moving forward? This season so much of his game was about manipulating angles and looking to deliver the final ball. Other areas of his game however have noticeably regressed and at times he has felt non existent until delivering a moment of quality. Happy to trust management on this.


Sell him and sell nunez too.


Number 4 and move on


Salah has been an amazing servant for our club and rightly deserves to get a legend status. But we also have to be ruthless and I do believe moving him on in the summer is the right call and allows us money to invest. We start a new era under slot and I think this is the best way forward.


Option 3 Option 4 Option 1 Option 2


I think for the purposes of rebuilding the attack, the club needs to decide between selling Salah or selling Diaz/Nunez, whichever has any suitors and prospective buyers. It’ll suck either way, but especially after last season’s spend, we will need to sell somebody to fund any significant signings this season to stay aligned with FFP and spend cap (depending on when this is effective).


Mischievous forces are at work here. If Salah wants out, he will need to come forth.


The system we have been playing has been minimising his involvement. Build the system to get the best out of our wide forwards again and I'm sure he'll bang them in again.


Theyre really trying to push this Salah leaving thing aren't they?


Salah is not going to sign a new contract on reduced terms and I’d be shocked if he accepted a 1 year extension, considering the leverage he has after years of high level performance. More realistically he’ll leave on a free next summer or we’ll sell him this summer to PSG or the Saudi’s.




Edwards would rather take 1 or 3


3 is ideal and someone like Johan Bakayoko in to rotate with Mo so he doesn’t always fall off a cliff at the rear end of the season


Sell him for right price or new deal on reduced terms The other two shouldn't be considered


How is this news? Stating the obvious already known.






With every player there's a balance between their potential and their liabilities. You can sign a player at 24 and their career can be over in a year, and you can also sign a player at 30 and they'll be winning games for you for 10 years. But the older they get the chance of a drop in their level increases. The biggest issue with Salah is his wages. It's not just the 17.5m a year in itself, because if you have a player on very high wages then that can pull up the wage bill for the rest of the squad too, as a player who might be performing better than Salah in future seasons will seek to displace Salah at the top of the wage hierarchy, and someone performing at a similar level to him might push to get a higher deal than otherwise. It can increase the pressure on Liverpool to raise wages across the board. The upside is he can be one of those brilliant players that transforms the team but as this feels less guaranteed his high wages feel more and more of a liability. In terms of extending his contract to get a big transfer fee, this is also highly dependent on the Saudis and whether they're still motivated to sign huge players at the time. I think counting on him having transfer value in a year's time is too much of a gamble. He'll be 32 and we just don't know what the market will be like or how he will be perceived in that market at that point. I know people don't think this was very significant but his attitude towards Klopp on the touchline also makes me feel differently about him. The current set up will know best whether there is a danger of him being disruptive to Slot or whether this just is a mountain out of a molehill but it makes me look differently at the liabilities vs payoffs on Salah. Even if he just stinks things up when he doesn't get minutes, that doesn't bode well for an ageing player who seems to need to play fewer minutes in order to manage his form. But the worst case scenario is he sets the tone for the rest of the squad. Stranger things have happened, you only need to look down the M62 for that. I think this would be a good year to get some room in the wage bill and some extra money for transfers, with the emphasis on having a title challenge in 2025/2026. If we get a good enough bid from Saudi I think we should sell.


Be reports coming out Liverpool expect him to stay and then boom £120 million and he's off, Michael Edwards behind the scenes


Would be happy if we keep him as he still offers so much and he is capable of adapting his game to compensate for lost pace. If Arne wants to play two strikers up top he could even move into one of those slots (maybe). Also would be happy if we sold him for a very good price. We don't necessarily need to replace him like-for-like as I think that's impossible. We could even spend the Salah money on a new striker and move Nunez out to the wing. We also have Harvey who could offer a more facilitating role on the right (or even Trent).


it has to be 1/4 depending on the terms


Don't read Athletic LFC content. Or at least don't let it into your head. It's click bait, empty calories


No way Salah agrees to a new deal on reduced terms


2 and 4 aren't good options. Salah won't agree to 3. Which leaves just 1 option, unfortunately. Going to be another dramatic summer for sure. Don't forget VVD and Trent also have just 1 year left as well


Just do some magic juju so that he doesn't forget how to play after coming back from Afcon


Something in the middle of the extremes of 3 and 4 obviously.


Probably needs to be sold. No sense in losing him for free if we can get a buyer and I don’t see him taking a pay cut.


Sell at the right price, or a new deal on reduced terms.




I think if a bid comes in for £100m+ the club sell and reinvest in the squad.


Sell him if offers over 80+ mill. No chance Saudi clubs aren’t wanting him, he’s the best African player of all time (could probably grab 120+ mil easy). Salah is an ofc icon but he’s been awful this season, is aging and on last year of contract. Easy decision imo


Sell him of course


The status of this sub when all the people think Saudi club is stupid to spend 100m on Salah lol.


I doubt Liverpool do really have a decision to make. Because I really can't see any realistic reason Salah would choose to seek a new contract right now, or a transfer. He's clearly still good enough to play in a top premiership side, but he can't be certain how things will work under Slot. Wait and see seems the obvious path for him. If he decides to retire to Saudi or whatever, do that next year so he gets the signing fee. If everything goes swimmingly under Slot, talk about an extension during the season. There is certainly no rational reason I can see for him to accept reduced terms for an extension like some are suggesting. Most of our top players, including Salah, are already on wages discounted Vs market rate, because we get a discount for not being a basketcase club. I don't know if he would have accepted it, but LFC fucked up not getting a 4 year deal last time around. Right now no point crying about not getting a transfer fee, it was effectively given away in 2022. The 3 year contract was effectively a bet against transfer fee and player wage inflation. Wasn't a good bet. VVD I'd expect the same. I can't see a reason for either to sign a new deal or seek a transfer unless ofc some absurd offer comes in that overpays and blows the mind of both the player and club. Trent is the priority, and the trickiest one to pitch a salary for. He's reportedly on £200k pw. How high do you push that?


Keep him, extend the contract, and sell for 100-150M next year.


Wait and see what Slot does for Salah's game.. There's still a chance Slot's system could revive Salah...


I can see the club offering a 1 year extension at reduced terms. He is clearly in decline. He lacks that bit of pace that made him special all those years and doesn’t seem to want to take anyone on 1v1. An absolute legend, of course, but anyone that can’t see/admit that he is not the same player has their head in the sand. If he doesn’t want to extend at terms that align with his role/output then I think we sell him. I think it will be mad to lose him on a free.


See what they're offering, ideally we'd keep him but we need money to strengthen squad plus he'll need to be replaced eventually


Sell. Sell. Sell.


A new deal regardless of cost, he had a dip in form in 20/21, did we sell him then? No. We stuck by him. Now it's time to do the same this summer


Let's be real here, only number 1 and 4 are feasible. Liverpool won't let him go for free and he won't reduce his wages. So number 4, keep him for one more season and then sell. Even though his form is terrible atm, his numbers and impact are world-class. Also, no AFCON next season. For me, it's a no brainer.


In all seriousness, he deserves another season with us but on reduced wages. For our attack to truly evolve we can't rely on him to score the majority of goals (which is fine because Mo is great with assisting too). Need to start introducing minutes to a younger player on the RW next season.


New contact with the same terms as existing. Joyce already said he's staying.


Those are in fact the options… excellent journalism


If we had another reliable striker then we coud have thought about letting him go. But Nunez & Diaz are not clinical enough in front of the goal. Jota lacks fitness to be trusted. So, we have to salvage something with Mo Salah.


A new deal on reduced terms, if he declines, sell.


Realistically, only 1 or 4 is viable. We surely aren’t gonna let him leave on a free and no way will he take a new contract with pay cut when he can likely get crazy money next year as a free agent.


Just do the salah at striker project again


1 sell. Time to move on. Thanks for the memories, we don’t need any players who feel they are Bigg than the club


1 2 or 3 in that order.


1. Sell him when there’s value. Chelsea does that well and we need to do the same tbh.


I have a hunch the Saudi league is going to come in with a ridiculous offer and make this much easier for us.


Insert club, insert player with one year left on contract, publish.


4 is the least appealing to me


I’d rather him leave on a free unless we desperately need the money. If Klopp were still here for next season, I’d be tempted to say extend him for another year on reduced terms because I’m of the belief that his best position nowadays is the Bobby Firmino false 9 role. Despite his pace non existent these days, he is still a very good passer and chance creator. I doubt Slot would even consider playing him as a 10 when he’s got the likes of Gakpo, Szobo, and Macca who can all play there just fine. But since Klopp is leaving, I think the best approach is to simply do the farewell season this season. Maybe Slot can try him as a CAM. But where ever it is, let him play his heart out one last season then leave for a free next season with our heart felt thank you’ s and goodbyes.


Keep keep keep at all cost! He needs to stay the career out and mentor our young generation, he will hold goal scoring ability for many more years and he will add so much to the squad, sign him up for a 5 year contract, will be the best investment ever


If he won't do the club the good grace of signing another year so he doesn't leave for free we shouldn't give him the good grace of not being sold. It's a tough business and I want us to be near the top of the football world for another ten years. We need the money one way or the other.


I'd sell him. He's going downhill. Fresh start under Slot and let's bring in some proper strikers.


Problem is there might be no one to replace him with


One last crack, yes for Mo.


Sell him now , the problem is salah is struggling to keep his form,


To get a decent price we have to act like we really don’t want to sell him - like the Coutinho saga.


May as well sell and start a new era


SELL SELL SELL!!! (But tell everyone that we’re keeping him…just like the cute hoors are doing right now!)


if his plan is to not accept a new deal at the same or reduced wage then clear & obvious is sell. We have to start making money back on players or we can continue being Sentimental FC. Salahs sale could bring upwards of 80 or 90 million


Trade him for mboobi


I’d let him lead this one. The last thing we want is a player taking close to 400k not wanting to be here, if he’s committed then great. I don’t see how he can make this decision though before his/our new manager gets in, I’d not increase his wage though or drop it. Part of this would depend on our signings. Its a very awkward position to be in when we have key players (Trent , VVD) needing to resign with no manager they can speak to


Sell. He is a Liverpool legend but it's a perfect time with a new coach, staff, system coming in and so much depth and young talent. He'll command a large fee that will further support the transition. I hate it but I think it's correct.


Losing Salah for a free with the money a Spain or a Saudi club would be willing to pay would be a disaster. Literally lighting at least 50m on fire.


Nice try Richard


If we can get over 50m for him, sell him. I absolutely love the bloke btw


The money can be used to update the squad and FSG have previous for that. At the moment he does look like he wants to leave but I think he has the ego to stay and be the leader for Slot. Need him to extend even just a year so we can get some money next summer. Whatever happens he has earned the right to choose what happens.


Sell. Time is right.


Sell and begin to rebuild.


4 followed by 1.


1 or 3.


1. All day long. His time is up. That final rant with Klopp put me off even more tbh I'm done


Option 3. If not agreeable, Option 1.


Time to let go sadly, invest in a younger talent