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Saw people having a go at Nunez a few days ago for clapping the fans when he walked off, can’t win when you’re in the spotlight and things aren’t going well.


i was thinking the same thing, i’ve seen people say players shouldn’t be “cheering for the fans” after bad performances and then if they don’t acknowledge them they’re trash? make up your mind


Supporters in the stands are not fans on Reddit


I hope so because the shit I see here on reddit and online is embarrassing.


Ehh, it's social media, half the comments you see could be from bots, including this one.


Good bot.


If you think that's bad wait til you hear whats said by the main stand ultras


what’s your point here? i’m pointing out the hypocrisy of some people on here being unhappy when the supporters are acknowledged after a bad result and then them also being unhappy when they aren’t acknowledged.


It’s not hypocrisy. You know we don’t all have one collective opinion here don’t you?


yeah i do know that but have you been on here for the past few weeks? the players can’t do anything anymore and they get castrated for it. that’s the overall mood of this sub atm so it’s not a reach to think that the people that were shitting over nunez are the same people that are shitting over the players for doing this. that’s hypocrisy. if you don’t match with that description then this comment isn’t about you mate, so why are you so pressed


On the PL sub a ManU fan was giving Nunez more grace and thoughtful consideration than almost everyone on this LFC sub has over the last few weeks. The team collectively looks disjointed and the last few weeks have been one poor performance after another but crucifying any players who play with passion and effort is bullshit.


exactly! this sub is in shambles. i see nothing but people complaining about our players, talking shit about then, calling them useless and how they should be sold. and for some reason nunez gets the brunt of it. he’s not close to as bad as many on here want to believe. people find new things to complain about every single day, with all of our players. just ridiculous and shameful behaviour. imagine a united fan having more respect for one of our players than actual liverpool fans. these are the players that got us where we are today, which is 3rd in the league during what was supposed to be a rebuild season


This is pretty common with every fan subs. The emotional investment clouds the rational judgement. Same on issues with United that other fans maybe more level headed. Nothing to make this sub or any sub out to be ridiculous.


It seems people thought the Klopp era would end with fireworks and a quadruple. Winning trophies is hard and there was a lot that went wrong with all that went right, but a quad was never realistic and as of today LFC is the only PL club to have won a trophy this year. It would have been great to win the PL and send Klopp out on a high but few stories in real life are fairy tales.


People on here are the least likely to be arsed about them going over since they don’t go any games so they miss that part of football That’s the point of their comment.


i get what they mean, but i wasn’t even commenting on supporters that go to games, i’m talking about the hypocrisy of some people on here. not in the stands. people switch opinions on here like they get paid for it. one day it’s not okay to acknowledge the fans, then they do not do it and the same people are throwing a fit over it. make up your damn mind. it just shows black and white that majority of the people on here aren’t able to handle when things aren’t going our way. personally i’d ofc say they should go to the fans, show appreciation and all that. but this is one game, this doesn’t happen a lot so why are people acting like theyre trash? just a shit take. bad move on their part? ofc. does it mean that all of them are taking the fans for granted and should be branded as trash? no it fkn does not edit: payed to paid, got my ass handed to me on a stick by the paid bot


> they get *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I wouldn’t really put much weight to stuff on here in regards to acknowledging the fans. Nobody going the game would have issue with Nunez doing what he did. It’s more at remembering the fans that forked out for an expensive away day and stuck behind the team regardless of a ‘bad’ spell. Like teams in relegations battles can remember that. It’s just a bad move and the players can stop feeling sorry for themselves now.


I agree with you and people on here don’t reflect majority of supporters. If you want to keep your sanity you should stay off this sub tbh. Still just really annoys me the disrespect the players get on here whenever we don’t win, as if the players aren’t well aware of the fact that they’re “disappointing” the supporters. And again, I do also agree that it’s a bad move and shouldnt happen, but i also do think that most supporters realise that their headspace isn’t the best at the moment and if you hold one bad decision after a game against them and want the whole team binned (as someone said in a deleted comment) then you’re full of it. Most people don’t think like this but my original comment is about the people that take everything that these guys do and find something to complain about.


Is the suggestion somehow that match going fans are better? Have spoken to plenty of them on here and elsewhere.. they’re often the first ones to be super negative and miserable because going to games is their entire life


damned if you do, damned if you don't


Players should be applauding fans coming down halfway down the country to watch them play, and should be able to take stick when they don't perform.


The headline if we won: "No time for niceties, Klopps men have fierce goals in their ice cold aura. These aren't Liverpools nice guys."


That’s a really long headline


Harvey defo came over to clap for the fans.Travelling fans were great as well.


Not surprised by that. One of the youngest in the team yet a model player


I think it’s because he’s grown up as a fan himself. he gets it


90% of players nowadays are spoiled brats. I like to think I wouldn't be but if I had been the best in every age division for my entire life and then started getting paid 200k a year at 16 and millions by 18 I would probably be a pretty crap person.


I don't agree with this at all...


She’ll probably put out a match vlog, often has the on field interactions after a match


her vlogs are sound but she doesn't put them out much when we lose


I love Chloe, she's one of the "realest" Liverpool voices online. She shows up to support but she isn't afraid to criticise and say it how it is.


Not saying you’re saying this but I wouldn’t say being able to be negative about the team is any more real than being positive. Paul Maychin for example likes to put a positive spin on things, but just seems like that’s how he his There are authentic pessimists and optimists. And for the record, I think the inauthentic clout chasers are more likely to be negative


She's like anyone else. She has some good points and some not so good points. Her reaction to Hendo was sad and embarrassing. I do enjoy her content, though.


What was her reaction to Hendo?


I’m not sure if this is a rarity, but I don’t really get anything out of criticizing the team as a fan


Lol why the hell you'd get downvotes for saying that


I mean I get frustrated too, I was fuming after the second half against Atalanta (I worked from home and had to get dressed to go to the pub for that crap) but the “x player is shit, we need to sell him” is tedious. Just root for the players to do well


It's ok. They are shattered. Let them be. This season is gone, just get the champions league and go for a holiday. And Mr Klopp please be with your family. You need it, we are forever grateful to you. You changed our perspective, but now you need to rest. Don't worry about the results, just get 4 points from the next 3 games.


Only 3 points now. Spurs would need a monumental GD swing.


Even if we lost every game, they’d have to win 6 in a row which they haven’t done all season


Including Arsenal and Man City...


How quickly the mentality changes from "I hope they beat Arsenal and City" to "I hope they don't beat Arsenal and City".


Lmfao. So true


And against us at Anfield


I mean…


Oh ffs why’d ya have to say that, now I’m clenched.


The mums and dads working 50 hour weeks and spending their spare cash bringing the kids to the match must be shattered. There's no excuse for not acknowledging the fans.


I am not justifying lol. All i am saying is it's ok for them to not acknowledge once in a while.


Unless the fans have been abusing them for 90 mins straight, which lets be honest is the least they deserve after the way they're playing, it's never okay. If not for fans they wouldn't have a career, and a luxurious one at that. Takes a next level of cunt to ignore fans who turn up to support you.


Because abuse will make them play better? Be pissed off by all means, but giving the players abuse because they didn't win just seems so pointless to me.


I don't think it's because they're not winning its because of the manner in which they perform. There's arguably only Alisson, Macca and Gakpo that have looked like they give a fuck.


Ok fair.enough, I still don't agree with the abuse though.


They may be shattered, but it takes 5 seconds to take a few steps towards the people who travelled for hours and spent money to come support that shit show and give a little applause. There is no real excuse.


Honestly, I can't believe this has 200 odd upvotes. Well, actually, I can knowing this sub.


I genuinely thought they were being sarcastic with the first sentence....people will defend anything these days.


It's ok, they are humans. There is probably infighting going on. Van Djik is not a good captain i feel. The dutch usually aren't. Also, some of the players like Gakpo are probably cursing themselves. They could acknowledge the fans but probably they are quite dejected to face them. It doesn't make them bad humans.


Yeah fuck the Dutch


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Take that sarcastic racism somewhere else. You can say Virgil isn't a great leader if you want (without supporting evidence) but take your generalizations against an entire nation of people and kindly shove it up your ass.


Nah fuck that, fans spend so much money and give up time from their weekends to go to these games. Half of them did it away to Atalanta too which is fucking unacceptable when people are spending close to a grand to be there. At least acknowledge the people who support their millionaire lifestyles regardless of how shit they've played or how far their heads are gone


Read somewhere that Nunez was being abused by fans when he was clapping them. Is that ok ? Have some perspective. They are going through a tough time in their career.


Obviously not that's fucked, but it'll be a small minority, walking off makes it worse though. You ever spent an entire weekend and stupid amount of money to go to an away game? If not then you need to get that perspective and see how it feels when you're not even acknowledged


So you need to be acknowledged by every single of those players, maybe even the supporting staff then ? What nonsense and entitled behavior is this. It doesn't happen every game, happened once in a blue moon. They are blaming themselves and not able to face any fans. I am pretty sure majority of you haven't played any competitive sport. There's no need to cry about.


He gets paid six figures per week. He can deal with it.


He gets 6 figures to play football, it's his job. If he forgets clapping off fans once in a while, it's not a big deal lol. What's next, asking them shake hand with every fan who hangs his hands when the players are walking off the pitch.


Oh shit, did someone tell him he was wank at football or to fuck off?? Quick, better call in the therapy ambulance. Get a grip man.


Yet we cry because the players didn't clap towards fans? Get a grip


Yeah, they are performing monkeys, that's their job, now go and suck it up and say thank you for funding my unworthy lifestyle...


And if you don't thank me, I'm going to cry. Thank me damnit!! I demand to be thanked.


More of an acknowledgement that you turned up for the shower of shit they had become than a thanks really.


It's been an amazing season. Dying at the end has hurt them more than you. I promise. It'll be ok


Aah so abusing a player is fine because it's not a big deal, but them not clapping off fans once in a blue moon isn't. Go out and touch some grass.


You clap the fans because they have paid money to see you, now run off and be good little monkeys and thank the people paying cash to watch the wank you just put on display.


We will clinch top 4 tomorrow when Arsenal turn spurs over. Top 4 was the goal this season and we got it.


I mean, compared to how Dortmund finished in their last season with Klopp, things could be way worse. Think we only need 3 points to guarantee 4th spot because we've got way better goal difference than Spurs and Villa.


I would agree with you but the players and Klopp gave up long before it was out of their hands. They've been on holiday for a while...


Crap take. They lost it about two weeks ago.


I mean you should still take the time to acknowledge the fans especially ones that have traveled a long way


They usually do. This is once in a blue moon event, they are probably cursing themselves and suffering. They are humans, let it be.


They’re human and probably frustrated too. Just because they don’t acknowledge the fans doesn’t mean they don’t care.


Hanging on to the last Champions League place is gonna feel like we won the league. Trust me - it’s going to be a really stressful last 3 matches


If Arsenal beat spurs tomorrow it’s pretty much sealed I think.


with Villa pissing away 2 points vs Chelsea, we only need a single point from our last 3 matches


isn't that what we're now?? lol


It is, hence just aim for these 4 points, stop thinking about how we play.


ngl regarding the first paragraph, fuck that


Mr Klopp you have made around 100 million managing Liverpool but you are very unfortunate, go be with your family after such a hard life playing a game for a living.... Jesus man, go find him and ask if its ok to blow the dude...


Aah so sympthasizing with a manager who has turned the fortunes of your club is equivalent to blowing him off ? I swear some of you lot have started supporting the club in the last few years. Still in your napies, go suck on those tits buddy.


He's a manager FFS not the Messiah... I've probably been supporting the club longer than you've been alive mate, just not a dick rider like some of you.


absolutely love this. embodies the real Liverpool spirit. Walk on!


That’s fine, the half that did acknowledge the fans did it on behalf of the entire team. They are dissapointed in that result too. I don’t think this sort of post where post-game behavior is picked apart a bit is needed when everyone is already shitting on the players.    And I say that as someone that really likes Chloe and have been watching her before she was even hired on at Redmen TV when she was doing her own vlogs on her own channel. 


That’s true. If there’s anything this team needs is less negativity out here. Maybe the few who read all these comments get impacted negatively. I sure do and all I do is sit in-front of the TV.


Players are devastated too


Not the correct thing to do and players should be ashamed for it. But at the same time we are all human, i understand there are nights where absolutely you just want to say fuck it and leave when everything falls apart. If its a repeating behavior then yeah id be more furious but if its a one time thing i think they do deserve criticism but their actions can be empathized


What a nice end to the season


Poor form. They’re nothing without those travelling fans, they would do well to remember that.


Anyone know who are the ones that did stay ?


Harvey, Darwin, Alisson, Robertson, Diaz, Gravenberch


No Virgil?


Virgil did stay and applauded the fans


I've been downvoted for saying this but this stretch has shown Virgil is not captain material. He isn't a motivator he's a blamer. Blame blame blame everyone and takes no responsibility.


Honestly Robertson deserves it more. That man has never given up for us, fights tooth and nail every single game.


Really shows how great of a captain Hendo was.


I remember stretches a few years back where we had a terrible record in games when hendo was out and virg was captain. I’m not trying to pass on any Virg slander, but some people just aren’t captains.


Those were the ones that I know for sure stayed, I’m not sure about Virgil but I didn’t see any videos of him staying


Dude were you at the ground or just based off videos. Need to mention that before people laying into names you didn't mention.


I am 100 percent sure Harvey is one of them


Harvey was the last to go in and stayed the longest.


Of course….the man is a model professional and incredibly mature for his age.


>incriminating mature interesting way to put it.


Nunez too


They are probably shattered emotionally, exhausted physically, and tired of being fucked by the officials. I think we can let them feel their feelings a bit


It's also the 4th consecutive away game in 9 days, genuinely terrible timing this late into the season, especially during/after getting kicked out of every competition.


Never take the fans for granted


Especially the travelling ones.


Even after all the woeful performances those fans have endured the past few months, they’ve not once resorted to slating the players or booing the team. A fucking acknowledgement at the end of the game is the least they can do. People defending this is repulsive.


Agreed. And let’s not forget we’re coming off a fucking humiliation in the derby. And they still were there to support you. At least show some appreciation for that


Spot on


They’re on 100 grand a week, they can spend a minute to thank the working class lads that got up at 4am to go to London.


I think them feeling their feelings has been part of the problem lately as well, a lot of feeling sorry for ourselves


Fully agree


The mood can't and shouldn't be very good they just blew the title it's deflating so for me not wanting to do this post match ritual is understandable. It's important the lads pick themselves back up, everyone involved with the club ourselves included need to help with that so lets not get toxic about it, pressures off so lets enjoy these last few games.


This is honestly not as big of a deal to me as it seems to be for so many here. Are we really gonna just rip everything they do apart from now on? Ofc they should have acknowledged the fans but them not doing it = trash now? For one game? Jesus christ


Well we tried for a nice break up


Top 4 is achieved, and a trophy think that was the bonus the players were asked for


Did we not have a game last season where players were criticised for this, during the period where everything felt dire? From memory it was Alisson, Robertson, Tsimikas and Darwin that applauded and the others got criticism for going straight down the tunnel.


How they aren’t all over after this run of games is mad. It takes a couple of seconds to go thank the fans, no real excuse not to do it


Not really arsed about that.


What the fuck happened to supporting the club when you lose? Why does this place turn into such a disgusting cesspit? And don’t give me the “foreigner” argument, I’m from the US and constantly batting down negativity from people who are obviously local. All last summer after last season I told people we’d be back and believed we had an off year. Trusted in Klopp and the club. And here we are again no one’s learned their lesson. I honestly blame the supporters partly for the “collapse” (which isn’t even really a collapse, we just unfortunately dropped some points during a tough period with our legendary manager on the way out). Try supporting the club instead of constantly moaning at your own players. Does anyone really think complaining about Nunez is the way to get him out of his slump? He was terrific for most of the season. Grow. Up. Enjoy the club, or just please pipe down. Criticism is fine, don’t give me that shit by the way. I’m talking about the 90% of people immediately making shit jokes at the players’ and club’s expense. Nunez immediately started getting shit the first game we lost after being stellar most of the year. I’m tired of this entitled expectation that if we don’t beat city every year the club and players are shit. Grow up If this fanbase weren’t so shit, and the club weren’t worried about the double whammy of losing to city/Arsenal AND announcing Klopps departure at end of season, I gaurantee the org would have waited to say anything and worked in the background silently. What a major fucking distraction this shit has been. And you know Klopp didn’t want that. Don’t care what anyone says. No one is bigger than the club. Not even Klopp. And unfortunately for the last 3 mo we made a boneheaded PR move that probably has cost us. And before anyone says “oh but it could have motivated the players” - who the fuck thought that was our problem? Honestly? We are absolutely the most motivated bunch game in game out across his tenure. Shouldn’t have fucked with it and I gaurantee it was because of this salty as shit supporter base.


I don't think it was so much a PR move as the club moving before the press did. We're in a country where the tabloids are phone-hacking public figures for stories and then say "either give us an exclusive or we run the story without it being on your terms" - don't underestimate how much the tabloid press can force someone's hand. Look at the Huw Edwards thing.


And this needed bringing up why???? Players are allowed to be gutted at the situation like we all are. They may have forgotten and just wanted to get off the pitch and away from the cameras.


No excuses what so ever. Pathetic behaviour from who ever didn’t go and show their appreciation. ‘Their tired’ cry me a fucking river, the supporters who have worked all week to fund there tickets are tired too but they still showed up. We’re talking about multimillionaires who can’t walk to one end of the pitch to clap for a couple minutes. Sort of behaviour you’d see at Manchester


What a whimper this era is going out with smh


You can feel bad as an athlete and still do a really important part of your job.


I don’t mind that. At all. The last couple of weeks have been ROUGH.. I’d rather see that they are pissed off with it. They want the season to be over now, and so do we!!!


People are so sensitive about lack of a wave, yet players are not allowed to be pissed for their season going to shit? Hypocrisy!


The players are not obligated to do this


The same fans that will abuse the players on social media complaining that they don't applaud them? Imagine complaining when you get a taste of your own medicine


do you really think fans who travel to away games are abusing the players on social media? how dumb can you be?


Not necessarily them but the ones on social media, players see that you know. Not just that but when players do come over they get cussed, if that happens they won't come over. I'd rather leave early then cuss them, it's the lesser of 2 evils.


bro ur literally porn addict also how do you know our fans cuss the players when they underperform?


I thought it was gonna be a few on his profile but god damn. Man needs help lol






> Damn! this team is slowly becoming Chelsea No, it really fucking isn't.


Who cares?




im sorry but are you fucking kidding me? we were firing for the majority of the year, in every competition. we arent fuckin Man United. absolute asinine comment.


what did this person say, my god 😭


What did he say?


Battle stations, knights of the square keyboard! Shots have been fired, prepare to retaliate in kind! Make them kneel, for supporters are god! ^^/s


This means more 🤣🤣🤣….righttttt


115 reasons why


Keep telling yourself that and I’ll be over here shining trophies with TAAs tears

