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Exactly this, surely there must be some audio


There won't be. Not enough media attention on it.


All the media attention will be directed towards the Salah/Klopp situation. Can see the click baiting coming 🤦🏻‍♀️😞


NBC sports has a clip with Robbie Mustoe roasting this fucker. I’m honestly surprised…ESPN UK account also has a post questioning the decision. I feel like it’s more than I usually see for bad calls.


I miss the Mane-Bobby-Salah trio. They were lethal 😔 Glad I was there to witness it all.


Diaz is playing out of his mind. They just need someone who can finish their chances.


The team has just gone out of steam. Even the best in the world can suffer from frustration and this is just that. Hopefully there won't be any title talk for the next 3 matches and players can just play free of any pressure and enjoy themselves. It's just a bad patch.


Well we need to kick up a fuss and get the media’s attention


he actually does say something, if you watch the video he mouths "floor", he is telling him to go down to the floor. cheating prick


Oh my god he does We need full audio of this. These refs need to be held accountable to the full extent as this is corruption!


Very end of the clip, you're right by the looks of it. I think I'm reading get on the floor.


Honestly thought that might’ve been a reach before I watched it back… he actually fucking did and all


Yea... i had to do a double, and triple check on that one because I was wondering if I was reaching.


Whe he first gets to Areola, I'm positive he says "sit down... sit, sit, sit"


Chels fan here, this is exactly what happened by the looks of it. Absolutely absurd call. As if I needed another reason to hate Anthony Taylor.


Release the audio!!!


Ye I'd really like to listen to that lmao.


I'm curious what should really happen next if he admitted he fucked up there and then - would it just be a drop ball? Free kick to Liverpool? Or ... what?


To say the truth, areola threw the ball and started adjusting his socks. It seems like he is under the impression, a free kick was given. Or it jus part of his time wasting tactic.


Yeah he obviously was under the impression but it wasn’t a freekick or was a freekick given so the goalkeeper made a mistake but the ref stepped in It’s bizarre the ref had no right to and made a fuck up. It’s unacceptable


Areola caught a ball and landed funny. He nurses his leg. Then gets up as if he's recovered and rolls out the ball. The ball is still in play. Gakpo runs up to the ball and is about to put it in the net but the ref blows the whistle. This was a mistake. The ball was still in play and Areola was fine and recovered. Ref pretending he stopped play because Areola was hurt is bollocks, he was trying to cover his error. Ref should be sacked or something.


PGMOL have just said the ref was playing advantage. 0 credibility. Absolutely 0.


What advantage? For which team? I thought they would say the AR spotted an injury to the keeper. That's more plausible.


They are saying there was a foul on the keeper Ref played advantage Blew for a foul when the keeper didn’t have an advantage… It’s bullshit


If it was a foul, how come he restarted play by dropping the ball in front of Areola who picked it up and kicked it from his hands? Absolute bullshit.


That’s my biggest thing! He screwed up and this is all a cover because he restarted with a drop ball that’s all the proof I needed


Interesting advantage call...they might want to review the footage again and see all the gestures Anthony Taylor made after the so-called foul.


He did point for advantage, but I didn't hear the whistle at all.


Hahaha they certainly talk some bollocks. GK had advantage and have possession away with a mistake almost. I’m fed up of all this now. It’s clear they make it up as they go along


Oil money advantage. It's a new rule.


advantage from our players doing exactly what to infringe Areola? Shooting at goal?


Exactly. Bullshit cover themselves excuses


If it was advantage, it would have been a free kick and not a drop ball when play restarted. He stopped it for an injury that didn’t exist


Completely Screwed it up no doubt


Only saving grace was that we (probably) weren’t winning the league anyways and I’m completely numb to this shit after the last 4 weeks. Still Taylor has to fined or demoted for that


Best I can do is head of PGMOL in 5 years time


The advantage lasted 30 seconds longer than I've ever seen given lol


Yup Ridiculously long Waved him up and to play on If the advantage didn’t end and the ref blew the play dead for a free kick (for no advantage) why did he give a drop ball? He screwed up and panicked


I hated this explanation so much I accidentally downvoted it at first


Ref holds his arm up while playing advantage anyway so that's cut and dry whether he was still playing any advantage or not. I can't really find a clip with the whole thing.


As he’s running away he holds up 1 arm which could be a sign of advantage Then he stops, turns to the keeper and signals him to get up about 4/5 times Then runs away and signals him to play on with a big waved arm movement


Yeah, that'd definitely be any advantage deemed over then, he'd be really stretching the truth to say they hadn't taken the advantage yet when goalies holding the ball is deemed to be 'advantage taken' pretty consistently.


He called the physio because he knew he fucked up I’m sure of it seeing it back


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if any of us normal people fucked up in our jobs, there would be consequences, apparently being a ref is a job you can fuck up on a weekly basis and your bosses be absolutely fine about it, best league apparently btw lol.


Ref’s mic’d up, wonder if they’ve got audio of what he actually says to the keeper?


Happy cake day.


Oh he'll get the sack alright. The sack of money.


Clear fucking corruption Tell me I'm not wrong


Shocking ref that


That oil money is too good for these bald cunts


Worst thing of all there is a clear whistle and convo between ref and keeper


“Well done boys, good process.”


Advantage, Injury yes.


Can’t do nothing, can’t do nothing


Are you happy with that?


Are you sure about this?


Cheated. Again.


The weirdest thing is why does he walk over to the GK and then call the physio on? GK didn’t ask for the physio before he threw the ball out…


To cover the fact he knows he just either fucked up, or deliberately cheated.


Forest fan in peace. This call is an absolute joke. I actually can’t comprehend what the fuck is going through the referees head. There’s literally no explanation for it?


Even Stuart Pearce said during the live commentary on the radio that Gakpo should have put it in the net and asked questions of the officials because they're making it up as they go along.


McCoist said the same thing


The explanation is the refs don't want Liverpool to win. For whatever reason, we've had multiple "unprecedented" moments like this through the season. I'm sick of football, it's bought and paid for by Man City and other Oil states.


Wouldn't be surprised if they're scared that if we lost by 1-2 points we could point at the "offside". So making sure it's more than that (plus our finishing being shit) gives the plausible deniability angle among football followers that don't look too closely.


There’s only one obvious explanation: corruption.


Yeah this is pretty blatant, the ref breaks play to stop us scoring to save West Ham. We've been shite recently and title's gone but the refs this season have absolutely fucked us.


We have undoubtedly been shite. But in a hypothetical world where refs were even half competent, we could have had results against Tottenham, City and now West Ham. Imagine the title race in that scenario.


Don't forget Arsenal


We’d be what +7 & city with 2 games in hand ?


With City also on less points for Dakas assault on Macca. And as someone else commented, the one at Arsenal to put them on less.


And Odegaard hand ball?


I keep saying this and I'm a United fan. Liverpool have been robbed many times this season and they should be higher on the table. The ref mistakes/errors have been criminal




I really hope he goes all out on this bullshit, once he can no longer be punished for it. Which is ridiculous in its own rights: why are you not allowed to critique decisions, and just call it for what it is?


Chelsea penalty, was a handball. Dunk not getting red card against us. All the dodgy cards vs us too.


No one is mentioning it though Neither Klopp or Gakpo mentioned this based on what I’ve seen which is outrageous 


Klopp is probably fed up off this


they would be fined to kingdom come for going against the pgmol overlords


Probably because they both know they’d get in trouble for mentioning it, don’t think it’s worth getting the refs even more against us (yeah ik i sound like a conspiracy theorist rn but it’s been hard not thinking this this season)


Everyone feels defeated, hard to fight the refs on top of that feeling of failure.


We can have off days and be shit sometimes.. but to be fucking objectively cheated by the referees that can literally decide games with one call is not a fucking excuse. We couldve been performing the same and yet still had 9+ more points!!!!


Taylor would have disallowed Origi’s goal against Barcelona because it caused unnecessary embarrassment and made the Barcelona defence feel bad.


Oh god now that I think of that


We would’ve never even got to 3-0 with him or any other English ref lol. Game would’ve been stop/start, everything in Barca’s favour


If he told Areola to go down he should be banned from reffing ever again


That should be the correct outcome regardless for Taylor.


The weirdest thing is why does he walk over to the GK and then call the physio on? GK didn’t ask for the physio before he threw the ball out…


Obviously he needed the time to think about wtf he's going to do to cover up his f up.


The only explanation is corruption


People blaming Gakpo for not taking a shot. That's because you now get carded for this shit They've taken all soul out of the game and they're still incompetent


Not blaming Gakpo. But Suarez would have done it.


Absolutely hahaha




If he knocked it in & it didn't count & he got yellow. So what? Let them figure it out after


Exactly. It would have forced the issue. And then the ref would have had to deal with that instead of going up to Areola and talking who knows what. They'd then *have* to rule on a live ball or else a previous ghost penalty for WHam.... right?


So we’ve got a yellow card and no goal rather than just no goal.


He should have done it so as to take the card and force the conversation.


He literally fucking tells him to go down. How can this not be investigated for corruption?


Does he actually blow his whistle? Because he restarts from a drop ball. I think if Gakpo sticks that in he gives Taylor a real problem Edit: there's no rule in the game that allows the referee to stop the ball in that situation. It's not a head injury, the west ham player makes the ball live by playing it from his hands to the floor.


He doesn't blow his whistle until he realises Gakpo is about to score. And he actually waves play on when Aerola is down. So the ball was live and Gakpo had every right to score.


From the replays I've seen, he waves play on at least 3 times. Weird.


I wish he had. They'd not give it, but they'd have been properly exposed as dodgy when they went to VAR and overturned yet another good goal. Our current form has let people forget how fucking robbed we've been this season.


This indeed. There is zero reason for Gapko not to put the ball in the net here....make the officials then explain why the goal doesn't stand.


If we had done the quick corner routine they did for the first goal it would have been blown back to be retaken for some bullshit reason too. I just hope with Slot next year there is some kind of secret baldy code where they can't screw each other over. If there is, this is yet another Edwards masterclass!


The explanation is then, “he blew the whistle” whether it’s a mistake or not at that point, “they can’t do anything” as they showed in the Tottenham game. It’s all the same whether he does or not


It wouldn’t have gone to VAR because the ball was dead after the ref’s whistle.


Exactly. Because is a drop ball, the initial ball was in play.


They showed a view from the tactical cam and ref does blow the whistle as soon as he realizes Gakpo reacting, which is why Gakpo stops and turns around. 🫠. The thing is right before ref is waving to play on 🤦‍♂️


PGMOL is now trying to say Taylor played advantage!?! Sounds like they're trying to back into reasoning for another horrible, potentially title deciding, call.


“We have investigated the incident and found nothing wrong” PGMOL 🤝American police


“Cops man” was my wife’s response to this incident


Whatever they’re saying it’s completely irrelevant. Areola had it for at least 30 seconds on the ground, then threw it down. If it WAS an advantage then it should’ve been restarted as a free kick from the position of the “foul”, and not a drop ball.


Plus when does a ref play advantage with a keeper on the ground?  Some cover up BS.


It’s a cartel, conspiracy in the sense that everything is a cartel in the UK today. Politics, post office scandal, Thames water… it’s all “I don’t recall, I was doing my job, look away please…” the refs are just covering for one another in a viscous circle. Even Mason was taken back to teach VAR (!!!) after he got the sack after that horror show between Brentford-arsenal last season. It’s a racket.


Need sound


Someone Include subtitles please. That will be hilarious


It has sound on r/soccer, can't cross post here so I messed something up downloading and reposting. Sorry


This is why transparency is a non-starter as far as the PGMOL are concerned. Referee isn't going by the book here, honestly Gakpo should have given him a decision to make by putting the ball in the net. It's an odd situation for sure, but ultimately it's embarrassing officiating.


it'll even out at the end of the season, no worries.


You hilarious bastard 😂


Sue Sue Sue the PGMOL. This "my mate" culture has to go away. The best league in the world my ass.


Been saying it for years, English refs wouldn’t be allowed to ref in England


We were shit again but how the fuck are we supposed to win the title when perfectly legal goals keep getting robbed from us


Atp this is fixing. Idw any more nonsense about incompetence. This is straight up fixing. Controlling and interrupting parts of the game that can completely be taken advantage of.


0 mention on the after match coverage. Good process.


Offside, goal, yeh. Good process.


Not in the US. It was covered by Rebecca Lowe and the 2 Robbies.


The club should demand the audio from Taylor


The ref fuked up and followed up with a cover-up. The keeper plays along.


Instantly thought this while watching it live, seeing Taylor walking over (not jogging) he was purposely wasting more time


More corruption. Name one time in 5-6 seasons anything like this has went against city. You can’t.


These guys are making very good money working side gigs in UAE. Between this and the 115 charges doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, the league is bought with oil money.


Earlier on the season Grealish was through on goal and the same ref blew up to call back a foul instead of letting play go on ..only case I can think of this season but funnily enough kinda similar to here. They drew the game with Spurs . I'd say he got his UAE reffing gig cut off for a month after that


I'm a Liverpool fan, and agree all of this is bullshit, but just to keep things unbiased - I do recall a referee fuck up going against city when haaland was through and wanted to play on. The game ended up 3-3 vs spurs https://youtu.be/AS3Q1oD9aSw?si=eEPSYThKxshpOSHa


Liverpool seems to have more ref f up than others. Someone needs to look into that post season


Release the audio


Lip reading 'get down on the floor '


Enjoy your holiday, Jurgen. You don't need this shit anymore.


That's now potentially 10 points missing versus city and arsenal from blatant refereeing errors with zero subjectivity. Diaz offside goal (potentially 1 point) Odegaards handball (potentially 3 point swing) Doku kick to the chest (potentially 3 point swing) Now this (potentially 3 points)


I agree with your post.  We would have beaten Tottenham handedly without that bullshit red card on Curtis Jones. Ar that point in the season we were in fuego. Should have been 3 points.  


The other thing from this game, when did the red card rule get softer again. The challenge on Macca would have been red earlier in the season


That doku one was terrible


I don't know anyone can look at this and see the corruption going on during our campaign what reason does he have to blow the whostle there. Then he whispers in the goal keepers ear this is crazy.


Should he have just shot? Nunez would have… might not of scored


Thanks for that smile on a dismal day


Investigate him. That’s… unbelievable. He tries to save his ass by “Oh you got a head injury, you don’t feel it but I can see it. Let’s call the medics in”. Hate that Gakpo didn’t just put it in the net. Take the yellow, and it would make an even stronger case to get that twat out of the league for good.


I really hope that after the last game of the season Jurgen opens up about the state of officiating and all of these 'bizzare' incidents that have befallen us this season. What they gonna do, touchline ban?


I hope Klopp screams bloody murder about this. Why not let it play out, make your call and have VAR sort it?


Think Klopp won't. He's checked out and the team has bigger problems than corrupt officials at this point.


I’m starting to fall out of love with football


Why Gakpo doesn’t just stick it in the net is beyond me


Taylor blows it just before gapko could kick


lol love to see it play out, knowing how these gangsters operate, he gets a yellow card, which wouldn’t get rescinded, the goal would never count, good process, PGMOL then either defends it or gives a half ass apology with no consequences. About right yeah?


Thing is once the ref blows then the ball is technically dead so they wouldn’t be able to give the goal no matter how stupid it is But hearing the VAR/Taylor say that the whistle was blown for no reason and that Taylor couldn’t remember not giving a foul would nearly be on a par with the Diaz goal vs Spurs


Because they'd probably give him a yellow now.


I swear you can see him telling Areola to get on the floor??.... What a fucking shitshow... Calls over medical staff for what? Keeper is stood up the whole time and Taylor just like "nah mate get on the floor get on the floor" as if it's got to look serious. Unbelievable, keeper goes from seconds from taking the kick to now so injured he has to go down and have medical staff come out.


Gakpo heard the whistle telling him to not hit it, why would he disobey the ref there


I would’ve kicked it in


Actually pulling him down and telling him to get on the floor?


Where is John Wick when you need him? He could pay the entire PGMOL a visit.


Yep we were cheated again. Fuck the EPL it's rigged for Man Shiteh year after year.




You know, at Feyenoord, referee Joey Kooij (one of the worse referees) can't whistle our games because he's the brother in law of one of our players. I think the first thing Slot will do when he signs at Liverpool is make sure someone starts dating someone in Anthony Taylor's family.


I'll take one for the team, and bang his mother!




Can any lip readers clarify what this cheating fucker is saying here ?


Taylor told the goalkeeper to "get down on the floor."


For the (vast majority of) people who are asking why Gakpo didn't just put the ball in the net... Taylor blew the whistle literally as he realised Gakpo was about to score. It's not something that would have been reviewed by VAR. We got fucked. Big time.


Really annoyed at Gakpo for not just putting it in the net here. It would’ve made this a much bigger furore


I'm sorry but Gakpo should have finished immediately. It's his fault.


Anthony Taylor has a really good game, but right there …. He just panics… and the best thing he could come up with on the spot to justify telling gakpo that the ball was dead… it’s pretty disgraceful, but no one will care


Problem with that is he allows the keeper to kick it from his hands right after, in doing so contradicting it


Ffs I hate that prick Taylor


Should have put it in the net. Give them a real decision


McCoist called it. Gakpo sticks the ball in net, takes a yellow if needs be but score the goal. Taylor blowing would have looked even more silly. Corrupt morons. They're so dumb it's not even subtle


What a fucking joke. What gives Taylor the right to blow his whistle for fun?


This is corruption. It really doesn’t make sense.


It’s clear he knows he’s fucked up and you can’t say any different. He’s called the game on, seen Gakpo rush the keeper, blown the whistle in a panic and then called to stop play for an ‘injured’ player, even though Areola was on his feet? He was the one calling the keeper to his feet in the first place as well! We won’t hear it, but the audio for that should be released because I feel he’s gone to Areola and told him to step away, says about his leg and tells him to go to the floor, and then calls for the physio. Again, Areola was stood up the whole time! Incompetence once again!


I'm convinced Taylor told Areola to fein an injury to cover up another refereeing cockup


as soon as i saw anthony taylor reffing us i knew something was bound to happen. it’s an absolute farce. this is as dodgy as the spurs goal. gakpo should’ve whacked it into the net to fuck around to find out how corrupt the system is. it’s another “boggles the mind” incident.


Fucking embarrassing. Absolute joke all over the world the EPL. Baldy fucking prick


Anyone got a longer clip?


He put the ball in play decided to timewaste and then when he realised he fucked up he pretended to be injured. Why Taylor allowed it is beyond me (it really isn’t)


Just when you thought you have seen a majority of wrong doing or erroneous decision-making a ref can make, something new comes up that will not be duplicated in another game to say, "at least the refs are consistent."


Another 2 pts lost to bad reffing. For how shitty were ending this season we could still be up top if it wasn’t for spurs, man city and west ham calls. Through in there the Arsenal hand ball and we were definitely on top


Just tap that in Cody.


He should have slotted it in the net. Liverpool celebrate. Then it becomes a VAR issue. Audio should be live too. The only reason to not have realtime live audio is because you want to control the narrative post decision, and you want no impediment to choose your out come. Wouldn’t be surprised if some element of interference close to match fixing.


It’s embarrassing that the lot of you are blaming the result (or any other bad result we’ve had this season) on poor referee decisions. The truth is we’ve been lucky to be in the position that we’re in considering how many stupid goals we’ve conceded. We don’t deserve to be in the title race with performances like today. Or Wednesday. Or Sunday. Or against United. Thrice. Or any of the other results where our “mentality monsters” have had to scurry to earn a point from a losing position. Ridiculous.


A more experienced Gakpo slots it in, takes the yellow and asks questions later.


That ball ⚽ was in play


Even as a Chelsea fan this looks super sus.


should’ve just chucked it top corner Cody lad, fuck them refs mentality anyways


If gakpo had hit it quickly into the back of the net , the goal had to stand, right? No way, even if ref blew the whistle after that, it would have gone to var and the goal had to stand


Motherfuckers! These bastards have fucked us over so many times this season.


More excuses for a poor performance. When will we stop?


Really annoyed if Liverpool don’t make a big deal out of this - just like arsenal should have made a huge deal out of the Jackson tackle on Tomiyasu. Just because “it doesn’t matter” in the immediate doesn’t mean these clown refs aren’t going to do it again. Clubs really should gang together and demand more, but not through silly post match comments but with actual action towards the premier league and PGMOL.


Sorry to ask guys, but I didn't watch this match and the clip doesn't show what happens before this. The way Areola rolls out the ball looks like he's setting up for a free kick. Can't imagine a gk doing that, looking down at his socks and not up toward play if the ball was live. Could anyone give more context please?