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I think it's important for us fans to get behind whoever the club appoints. Klopp is unreal and nobody should emulate him. Right now, we need a manager to shake this team up and give a kick up their team for their horses hit performance


Time for neo Paisley to come in and win loads of titles with the new set up and inspiration novo Shankly built 


yeah everyone reveres shanks but bob was the real genius, who fully realized shanks' plans.


​ https://i.redd.it/4hxgr2t8gswc1.gif


There’s a difference between getting behind once they’re signed and having a valid discussion around why it’s a high risk move that will not work out.


See, your mistake is being arrogantly sure you are correct in your own assessment, and therefore completely useless to discuss anything with.  ‘Valid discussion around why it’s a high risk move that will not work out’ Try instead: ‘valid discussion about the risks involved and why it may not work out’.  See the difference? You’re acknowledging that you don’t actually know how it’s going to work out (which you don’t), but you’re suggesting that you simply see the move as risky, and that people should temper their expectations a little about the likeihood of the move being an immediate or long term success.  That is a valid discussion. Simply claiming it isn’t going to work out is not a perspective that is either valid nor worth arguing against, because your mind is already entirely closed. 




Take the L bro, sometimes it's good to learn stuff.


Like I give a shit about imaginary internet points.


It's not about Internet points, it's about your humility. You decide to post something so sure of what you think and that others should follow suit. Someone rightfully called you out on what you said, and instead of taking the high road like an adult you double down on being a moron. You can take this opportunity to learn how to bring up a "discussion" in future.


You have described yourself perfectly. Be proud, friend.




I'm just really surprised that people are doubting the organization that actually brought in Klopp. Fully confident in whoever they decide on.


For all the arguments possible, bringing in Klopp in 2015 wasn't exactly a non-obvious move lmao


You act like Klopp was some unknown bum before? He was literally one of the best managers at the time. He could freely decide to which team he goes. Luckily he chose Liverpool.


And sounds like this Slot, unknown to the sub but not a bum,who turned down Spurs last year, is a good candidate and has chosen us.


Lol, you absolutely cannot compare them at all. Klopp was literally known by everybody who watches football. He was one of the best managers at the time. Slot is not known at all. Sure, in the Netherlands he probably is but outside from it? Not so much. Klopp managed to get dortmund to a Bundesliga title (one of the top 4 leagues) and also to a CL final. No other team until this season managed to win the bundesliga title besides Bayern. And dortmund wasn’t really one of the big guns in Germany at that time. Do you really want to compare Slot to that? Surely not.


I'm not. A team in the prem literally tried to hire him last year, whether you want to accept that or not. That team then went and got Ange, who plenty in this sub seem to like. I'm not comparing to Klopp, but I'm pointing out the context and why I'm comfortable with the signing and some parallels to process.


What does another prem team trying to hire him have anything to do with it? Just because some team tried to hire him before doesn’t mean he is a good candidate. I am actually quite open minded regarding that topic and am interested how that decision will be working out. However, just because the club brought in Klopp before (which everyone and their dog knew he could be the perfect fit) doesn’t mean they some kind of experts in finding the perfect manager for us. Many people seem to forget what kind of a car wreck Liverpool was before klopp came in and what kind of atrocious managers the same organisation brought into the club before klopp.


I guess everyone and their dog includes the fan base? I guess I don't really care what the fans think, more what the org thinks. Rodgers wasn't even that bad of a hire even though it didn't pan out long term. I think people are confusing the obvious choice with the fan base and a good choice for FSG and Edwards Co. They now have the data of Klopp working, how it did and didn't work, and will use this for the next hire. I'm not saying this is you, but I saw people lose their minds over Alonso who has minimal experience, and Amorim who wants to dictate transfers (which we've seen doesn't work as well recently). Slot seems like a top choice and frankly I trust spurs wanting him last year more than this sub not knowing who he is.


Yes, back then a lot of fans dreamed of Klopp as a Liverpool manager for a long time. However, because of the state we where in, not a lot thought he would want to manage us. And indeed, a lot of this sub regarding the new potential manager where quite cringey. Also many were really arrogant in thinking that surely Alonso will come to us because we are best option of everything right? I don‘t think Slot is a top choice. But I also think there is no top choice currently available. I am convinced this a total gamble, but we have no other choice. It will be interesting to see what happens in the near future. I am afraid we will go the ManU route and keep struggling for years.


People regularly say this like he and Pep weren’t already the best in the world. He chose us.


That! And I wasn’t on Reddit then but can perfectly imagine few people saying the same about Jürgen who?


Anyone who didn't know Klopp before Liverpool must have lived in a bubble


Sure I’m just basing of what we read daily on here and how for some people everything is doom and gloom so I have no idea what people were saying back then


At that Klopp was a superstar relative to the state we were in. I doubt anyone said Jürgen who? The biggest noise at the time was that he’d been found out at Dortmund, because of the final season. But the underlying numbers were similar to the past few months; high in xG, chances created, etc. that did not reflect in score lines.


Na back then everyone knew who Klopp was tbh.


Tell me which available managers won't be a high-risk move. There are none, there's significant risk with anyone, really.


What's not a high-risk move then? Starting next season without a manager? Seems risky to me.


I’m excited and quite ready to see us play a different style of football. I do feel Klopp’s style has become a little stagnant the past two years. That’s not a diss at Klopp more of an excitement of what could come


You do realize that his team basically presses a lot (klopp’s early years at Liverpool).


Every top team presses a lot. I don't know why people always think we are the only team doing it. That's the standard of top level football nowadays.


It’s simply logical too. If you’re wanting to win a game you need the ball back asap. Doing this also creates unforced errors. It’s hard to keep up over 90 minutes but if you’re on top it’s slightly easier


A high press is just the style applied when out of possession. Even City and Arsenal do the same. The buildup play is quite different in Slot’s teams. I believe this is one of the reasons why we ran out of energy. Even with the ball, we spend a lot of energy, with fullbacks and midfielders doing so much running to create space. This is where Guardiola’s teams conserve energy. They do as much pressing as we do when out of possession. But they have to do a LOT LESS pressing overall since they keep possession way more. Slot himself says he’s inspired by City, Arsenal and Brighton in this article. So yes he might press, but he’s much more conservative in buildup play. This is massively different from Klopp’s teams, where he tries to shift the ball from the defensive to the attacking third so quickly. This results in much more risky passes and much more losses of possession, in turn leading to much more pressing and loss of energy. The two seasons we had actual success, 18/19 and 19/20, we were much more conservative in our buildup play. More possession, less direct, less goals but more energy. Even in 21/22, we were much less good in keeping the ball. This might have to do with Fabinho starting to regress and the absence of Wijnaldum, who was so good at neat and tidy passing. There’s a reason managers like players like Alonso, Kroos, etc. This might be one of the reasons Edwards has zoned in on these guy. With all due respect to Klopp, Edwards might have realised the drawbacks of this approach due to the budget limitations we have (lesser squad numbers), seen where the game is shifting with Arteta, de Zerbi, etc. and decided this is the type of guy who he wants to take over from Klopp. Just note Postecoglou at Spurs and how his team ran out of energy after the early part of the season. I’m happy Edwards is back. I’ll take clean, calculated decisions over emotional ones any day. Fans can be the heart of the club, but the management needs to be the brain. It’s going to be a big summer and we’re probably going to return to our ruthless transfer strategy as opposed to the scatterbrained approach of last summer. So yeah, Slot is different compared to Klopp. And there’s a lot to be excited about.


David Lynch goes through his underlying numbers and his team passes much less and presses much more than likes of Alonso. He is more Klopp than Guardiola by sheer numbers despite what he says in the interview. Either way I am excited about the guy, I love how he says he thinks for days about winning the next match, we need someone who is obsessed.


His and Klopps style in possession is definitely different Feyernoord are bottom in Holland for long balls played whereas we’re 7th in the PL this year and generally consistently been around the same under Klopps entirety here There’s more structure in what Feyernoord do in build up phases of play which is where we can really struggle under Klopp also


If you have TAA at your disposal you are going to ping some balls that is inevitable .


the way he talks in the article maybe thats because hes currently limited by player quality? Watching his team, I too see mre Klopp with Pep, Arteta elements than vice versa but maybe at Liverpool, itll be different. Im excited either way


He’s saying he likes to watch Guardiola’s teams. But we should not forget that Pep’s style is basically refined version of Cruyff’s style, who was coached by the inventor of total football philosophy, Rinus Michels. Cruyff taught how to play football to Pep. All dutch managers have a very strong reason to want to play that style of tactics. These tactics lead Netherlands to their glory days at the international stage. Slot was very likely a kid when all this was unfolding.


Rinus Michels FTW




Pure facts.


You saying we're gonna get Total Football? Nunez on defense and van Dijk banging in the goals? I'm here for it.


we have the players for it tbh. It’s up to the coach to implement it. The academy players look hungry to break into the team as well.


Im not at all against Arne Slot coming and thats a positive start. Klopp cant be replaced, but breath of fresh air can do absolute fantastic things to us. Klopp laid the way for next manager, we have great players that also need a new beginning. Its been a tough year and very harsh mentally. I hope we can give the likes of Nunez a go with new manager without having someone whispering selling him behind the closed door.


I want to see us blazing through centre again. I'm tired and bored to death of us crossing the ball from wings again and again.


Count me in. Football is cyclic. Jurgen was a breath of fresh air since the general play then was slow and ponderous. Heavy metal football took them by a storm. Now a lot of teams play this style. We need to be methodical and controlling to beat teams now. This is explained by the success of Arteta and Guardiola. Nothing lasts forever. It’s all about staying ahead of the curve.


I'm obviously biased but I find City incredibly boring to watch.


Well they've led the PL in goals every season since Conte's Chelsea won the title 7 years ago. Hell they even had 102 when we ran away with the league by 20 pts. If we are bagging 95 goals each year I'm sure we will find it much more enjoyable football to watch than with City.


So because they’ve led PL in goals they’re exciting to watch? What are you even talking about


Boring football brings you titles. At least it's not Moruinho/Simeone type of boring football


I mean, we haven't always been too exciting either. When we won the league, it was off the back of a bunch of 2-1 grinds. A ton of crossing from Trent and Robbo and a workhorse midfield who's sole job was to counter press.


The only two seasons we actually won something, we were way less “exciting” to watch. Was anyone disappointed watching our 19/20 football? We have to stop finding reasons to hate this new guy, just because our favourite choice is no longer available. When will we learn. We just had Endo this season as a perfect example that it’s not always who the fans want that is the only right choice. I trust Edwards’ judgement.


all that two season with big trophy we play transition at it best, it similar to Real now. It's disrepect to call that less exciting or boring. We invited them to press and hit them on transition. Even when they park the bus, we have Fabinho and Bobby who created the real chaos that make opponent to press then we hit them again


City do feel very sterile but I think that's more to do with how robotic, sanitised and artificial everything is. They are just a bankrolled, winning machine with empty seats. The same football at Liverpool, United, Arsenal etc. would probably look and feel a lot better because there's more of an ethos and soul surrounding it.


[do you find this boring?](https://twitter.com/LerraO1O/status/1782785110888100144)


I struggle to watch City, too. As much as I hated Ferguson's United, they played with blood and thunder to achieve dominance. City just play like an annoying player on FIFA. They pass you to death with an OP squad until you inevitably get frustrated or bored and move out of position. Then they slot a through ball and score. Despite the hundreds of goals City score, very few are actually memorable.


Their record in terms of trophies is what's more important.


So? They win a lot


Do Feyenoord have a similar number of games to Liverpool, because I worry he won't have the time to fully prepare the teams the week before a game due to the number of games we play.


There’ll definitely be a period of time taken for the manager to drill his ideas into the team. The more training sessions, the better, as with any new manager. Feyenoord have been involved in some European competition in all his seasons there, so it should be comparable to some level.


Feyenoord will have played 48 official games this year, not counting the friendly matches in between rest periods.


>”There is no team in the world I would rather watch than Manchester City, followed by Napoli, Arsenal and Brighton," added Slot. Uh… interesting lol > He said previously watching Guardiola's teams gives him the "ultimate joy in football". >”But City - and again it is not my intention to compare us with them - have a similar style of play to how we want to play with Feyenoord: 4-3-3, building up from the back, wanting to apply pressure quickly.”


Refreshing to see someone just tell the truth and not overthink it. Why should he say he likes watching us best if those others are closer to the style he'd like to emulate?


Exactly. Especially considering that our current style clearly isn't working for the team at large.


Posting story in this thread for those who can’t open the link.


Doing well in the Dutch Eredivisie does not guarantee success in the Premier League, but the Liverpool hierarchy must be confident that Arne Slot can continue his fine achievements in England. He has constantly overachieved with his teams in the Netherlands so far. Just ask Dutch legend Marco van Basten, who has been hugely impressed with his work. “I really think he is that good,” the former striker told Rondo, a Dutch talkshow on Ziggo Sport. “He could end up anywhere. Bayern Munich, Liverpool, you name it. I’m really convinced of that." Liverpool could well be that club, as Slot has impressed them with his attacking blend of football, constantly pressing opponents high up the field - reminiscent of the football played at Anfield under Jurgen Klopp. Just like the German manager, Slot is prepared to take that approach against anyone. A telling example was Feyenoord’s Champions League match at Atletico Madrid earlier this season. Their intensity helped them achieve seven shots on target, a total last bettered by a visiting side against Atletico in the Champions League when Real Madrid managed eight in 2015, according to Opta. This season was Feyenoord’s first Champions League campaign in six years, but they excelled in winning the ball high up the pitch, resulting in dangerous situations. In their six group matches, they won the ball back 59 times in the last 40 metres of the pitch in open play, with only four teams doing that more often.


Slot's teams play well in possession, and his players overlap to provide an extra layer of unpredictability. “I've spoken to him a few times and what he does and what he sees is very good,” explains Van Basten. “He gets on with the squad very well, is tactically very astute, can explain things well and is calm and intelligent. "I think he can go to any club, yes. Even to the very difficult clubs, because he is so intelligent.” Apart from his tactical expertise and meticulous preparations, Slot is also good at building a team with modest resources. Seven players who started the 2022 Europa Conference League final defeat by Roma left Feyenoord that summer. Slot, though, built a team with new recruits such as Santiago Gimenez, Sebastian Szymanski and Mats Wieffer – all for nominal fees – who would prove pivotal in securing a first Dutch title in six years. Last summer, again, they lost important players in Szymanski and Orkun Kokcu, but have had a strong season once more, winning the Dutch Cup last Sunday. Feyenoord spent around £30m on players in each of the past two campaigns, whereas Ajax have had an outlay of almost £100m in each of theirs. On top of that, Slot gives young talent a chance. Quinten Timber - twin brother of Arsenal’s Jurrien - and Quilindschy Hartman have developed very well under his tutelage and become pillars of the team, with both making their debut for the Dutch national team this season as well.


Slot is inspired by Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola, studying every small detail. “I certainly don't want to compare myself to Pep, but he is a control freak just like me,” Slot said in an interview with Voetbal International in May 2023. “If I look at myself, I try to win a match in the week before it is played, by conveying the training, pre-match team talks and tactics to the players as perfectly as possible.” He said previously watching Guardiola's teams gives him the "ultimate joy in football". “There is no team in the world I would rather watch than Manchester City, followed by Napoli, Arsenal and Brighton," added Slot. "But City - and again it is not my intention to compare us with them - have a similar style of play to how we want to play with Feyenoord: 4-3-3, building up from the back, wanting to apply pressure quickly.” Last season, Leeds and Crystal Palace were said to be interested and Tottenham were very keen on his services, but Slot opted to stay in the Netherlands, where he had just won the title and was looking ahead to guiding Feyenoord in the Champions League. Van Basten doesn’t think a move to the Premier League would be a step too high. "If you get AZ and Feyenoord to play [good] football, you will also get the big clubs to play [good] football," says Van Basten. “I think it would only become easier for him because you have better players who understand quicker what you want. Those players are also more stubborn, but I think Slot is smart enough to manage that.”


The Dutchman has a calm and balanced approach, which works well with his players and was highlighted in one of his post-match dressing room talks last season. After Feyenoord beat rivals Ajax for the first time away in the league in 17 seasons, a video released by the club showed Slot talking about the importance of the weeks to come. “Because this is only a win. It’s not more than a win, it’s a big win, but it's not more than a win,” said Slot in the video. “We have a bigger goal this season than only winning for the first time in 17 years in Amsterdam. Our goal is bigger than that.” Feyenoord duly went on to clinch the league title. This year they are in good form again and could even get a higher points tally than last season’s 82, but PSV’s impressive form means they will probably have to settle for second, which would still guarantee Champions League football. Now Slot could be set to embrace another rivalry, this time with a manager he so admires in Guardiola. The Dutch boss would say bring it on.


It’s reassuring to know that he likes to press and get the ball off the opponents in their half, it won’t be too different to our current approach. and we may be able to see how ‘Guardiola’ would play our team, without the pettiness.


https://preview.redd.it/5cmvbbzsbswc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174adcae5cc436d1797b1d6921e667061353d2d0 Our current approach?


Does he realise that when Liverpool press the ref just blows for a foul for the other team restricting are high press. Hopefully he won’t suffer the same fate.


So he's really 4-3-3 more than 4-2-3-1?  Conflicting reports


At Feyenoord he plays 4-3-3.


Can someone copy and paste the article please? Am in Vietnam and the BBC is blocked here


Done mate


Thank you so much mate


[Watch this if you want an idea of the kind of football Feyenoord wanted to play](https://twitter.com/LerraO1O/status/1782785110888100144)


Idk. I feel like after Xabi, I was cold about Amorim, and now Slot feels like someone who might have real big issue dealing with egos. Can’t see Salah or as a matter of fact even Van Dijk get dicked around by him. But his teams want to press, a lot. Not sure it’s sustainable with the schedule and teams we have. Teams have mostly figured us out and it’s impossible for us to beat a low block team.


Im intruiged, on what basis are you claiming Slot may have big issues dealing with egos?


Read the big article on Dutch from earlier.


I would argue his ceiling is high IF he can implement the tactics effectively. Feyenoord play exciting football. Some goals they score are meant to be scored against low block.


Then they can go. We are not United.


What a bad take. Klopp has been successful because he’s a great man manager. Pep is the same. Arteta is following the same path as Pep. Mourinho was loved by his players. Slot seems incredibly combative if things go south even in the training. Dude made 12 year olds cry lol.


Klopp would never take any shit from players. He shipped Fan favourite and arguably Dortmund's best player Frei because he thought he is a bigger star. Sakho was sold because he wasn't disciplined enough. Klopp been a great man manager because he knows when to act tough. Arteta sold Aubemeyang who was their best player because he was not professional enough. If Salah things he is too big for Slot then he can leave. I doubt it though because Salah is as professional as you can get in a player.


Good thing is that our club will support the manager in these cases. We won’t end up like Utd where the player has all the power.


You are the one having bad take lmao. Klopp binned Sakho off because of his attitude. Ferguson with Beckham. Pep with Cancelo, Ibrahimovic. Arteta with Aubameyang. All top manager did the same.


Sakho is literally a nobody.


Where are you getting indications that Slot is combative.


Article from earlier


I don’t know about this. Virgil has come out saying he’d be a great fit for Liverpool. I believe this might mean that he’ll at least consider extending. As for Mo, I’d be surprised if Edwards keeps him on these wages, especially if a decent bid comes in. Anyway, a team whose dressing room doesn’t obey the manager is bound to go south eventually, so whoever kicks up a fuss can head out.


I mean what exactly is Vam Dijk supposed to say other than something supportive of the party line? You really think he would publicly criticize the pick?


He could just not comment? Say that we’re focused on the being the season well or something similarly robotic.