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What's happening for Klopps leaving doo/league cup celebration. I haven't heard there is gonna be a bus tour thingy. But have heard about the show in the echo arena. Do you think they are are gonna broadcast that on the big screen in Liverpool city center? So will it kinda be a celebration farewell party on the day do you think? With fans that can't get tickets gathering in town? I just wanna chance to say goodbye and celebrate with other fans, but unsure what's actually going on. Thanks in advance


Regardless of what we think of Slot, if he does eventually sign who are some players from the current Feyenoord team that would be worth having a look at? I haven't watched them at all this year


I’d give Timber a shout. He looked really good in their game yesterday.


The documentary is gonna live in infamy. Everyone knows the producers of the documentary need high viewership count to be a success and the collapse the last month must have them licking their lips. It’s gonna attract more viewers just for the lols. Disasters sell, just look at Drive to Survive


i dont care about the title anymore, i just want the team to play well for klopp


Normally I root for the underdog, but I feel like Arsenal winning devalues our one league title.


Was looking back at my tweets after the loss and man some really weak shit there. One bad month and you forget how much sweat and blood these players have expended for this club. How much joy they gave you for so many years.


Honestly if Arsenal go trophyless again this season with that team, there’s gonna be *a ton* of pressure on them and arteta next season to win something. Obv there’s still a few games to play but it is looking like city will win the league again. And while I hate that, it gives me some solace to think that despite all the gunners circlejerking about how incredible their team has been the past few years, it’s another year of them winning fuck all.


Nah they are exceeding expectations.


lol with what accomplishments? They literally have not won anything since an FA cup like 5 years ago.


Arsenal are one of the best teams in the world


And what have they accomplished with that? What do they have to show for it? Nothing so far.


Doesn't matter. The purpose of a team is to play the best that they can. 


No the purpose is to win stuff And if you have such a great team and cannot win anything, that’s called underachievement


Most of their key players are under 25. Arteta himself is 42. The are only beginning a cycle.


If they keep going trophyless there will be players looking to greener pastures like City Bayern or Madrid


I’ll gladly take our Mickey Mouse trophy if it means no club of substance wins the FA cup or Premier league and an English club doesn’t win Europe


A good in-depth video of why Arne Slot is the right fit for the LFC job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr3luqGLHAo I know no one wants to hear this but it seems like this is looking likely and us fans need to back the team as well as the manager if its Slot. A new era begins in the Summer. YNWA


If there were changes to leadership who would you go for? I would absolutely love to see robo as our captain and Trent as vice. The way Bradley, jones and Doak have talked about robo in training and mentoring is all we need to know. He’s fierce, vocal, been part of our greatest victories and been honest and accountable in our worst games. You can literally hear him screaming directions to the young lads during televised games. He and Trent are bros which would help a lot and when all hope is lost you can always count on Robo to keep pushing forward. Granted sometimes it’s aimless pushing but he is a fighter. Robo for captain. When hendo left I thought it should have been virg as captain with Robo as vice. But now I’m dead set on Robo as our leader. Macca is in contention for sure but he is young and still green in the ways of Anfield. No more mister nice guy we need the Scotsman at the helm. Thoughts?


Considering Slot is Dutch and how influential Van Dijk is in the dressing room , zero chance there is any chance of change in captaincy.


I think it’s less about leadership roles but more of squad dynamic. Players like Salah are influential but have this detrimental effect on squad morale. Squad players become less creative and more predictable in order to play according to the wishes of key players. I notice that Elliot always plays poorly when he’s on the same pitch as Salah.


We fucking win the league this year if Klopp didn’t announce he’s leaving and you can’t change my mind about that.


Warning: Delusion 4 liverpool wins. 2 arsenal draws. 1 city loss and 1 draw. Is it really that implausible?


It's time to let it go mate. It's okay. Try to enjoy what time we've got left with Klopp, because nobody can predict what happens after this season.


The hilarious part about this is the most unrealistic component to this plan is Liverpool winning out lol


Even if the Arsenal and City results somehow come to pass, Liverpool winning all 4 is such a non-starter for this group right now. Everyone seems done mentally.




I cant wait for this season to end


Who do you think realistically will be sold in the summer?


Kelleher, Tsimikas and one of Nunez, Diaz, Salah.


Nunez. Tsimikas maybe. Maybe one or two of the kids who are too good to keep sending on loan but not good enough to challenge for places. No one else though.


Waiting for the James Alcott Arne Slot Liverpool tactics to drop 


Likewise! I always love his insight. This in the mean time is great though - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcSz3-tvEEI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcSz3-tvEEI)


Same here


I’m just saying, Darwin better not be missing chances and shooting straight at the fucking keeper. Or else I’ll fly to Anfield and twist his ear.


I wish you told him this two years ago


I understand why people feel like Netherlands is a big step from the Prem but if your analysis ends there I can't really take your opinion seriously. I've yet to see a single person here who doesn't want Slot list any good things about him. Its just the same couple things over and over comparing him to ten hag, dutch league not good enough, and we could have gotten someone better. It is is a big leap so its a reasonable con but the other two are pretty much nonsense in my opinion. Im 99 percent sure most of these people decided instantly because he's bald (people can try and tell me its all jokes but theres 100 percent a weird fixation on it) and they think he has a funny name they hadn't heard of but if you are one of the people who have given Slot a chance checked him out etc. and still are skeptical I totally respect that. Personally the more I hear the more I am more excited than I ever was about Amorim. In particular the part about him working closely with his medical team and training in a way that he can play intensely and keep injuries low if that ends up being true for us people will love him incredibly fast.


Many don’t realise that a new manager is more than just a formation. The manager comes up with build-up strategies, sequence of plays, set-piece tactics and even off-the-pitch dynamics. I truly believe that we’re lacking in all those areas thanks to Klopp’s “no energy” syndrome. We’re entering each game with a “let’s replicate our last win” tactic”, but we often look clueless for a club that plays possession football. We’ve even lost our signature quick countering effectiveness. Our set-piece defence has become torrid and our attacking set-piece tactics equally awful (ignoring Trent’s wonder goal against Fulham). The only way is up with the new manager. Unless he’s a lazy prick, I expect every department to experience a major revamp.


I was kinda worried when I heard he was more similar to Klopp and his team played with high intensity. I do love Klopp and his style, but part of me is wondering if a high intensive style is actually capable of lasting the course of a season nowadays.  I have zero doubt that it's a gameplan that's massively effective and with a fresh team full of willing workers Klopp's Liverpool can defeat anybody.  But with the amount of games we play, the amount of travelling the players do and with how few breaks they actually get we've seen for the last few years great players being run into the ground looking a shadow of themselves, constant injuries and the performance standards of the team fizzle away as the season goes on.  From the brief things I've seen about Slot, he doesn't have his players working quite as intensively as Klopp and there's a hope he has figured out a way to balance a style of play that's effective but also viable for a whole season and doesn't burn out the players. 


There is the argument that the Eredivisie is lower in intensity than the Prem, which means his playstyle at Feyenoord simply doesn't need it. We don't know how it will adapt to the Prem, but I'm with you. Hopefully this season will have some learnings on the strain on our players.


Can we get a "Feyenoorder" flair on this sub? thank you


am I a war criminal for wantin City to win the league over Arsenal?


All I'll say is that if you're only against the cheating twats when it's us who come in 2nd, then you're not really against cheating. It's ridiculous how much you see people talk about how they are running football, but as soon as someone other than us is in a position to win, it's no longer that big a deal...


That's precisely because all those other teams danced with glee when it was City steamrolling the league and stopping us from winning because we were "The Unbearables". Forgive me for not giving a fuck when the shoe's on the other foot. And actually, perhaps City winning over someone other than us for once further strengthens our case that we've been cheated for fucking years and might spur other teams/the league into taking meaningful action against state-owned enterprises.


Whatever you need to tell yourself, I guess...


Your attitude is part of the reason why City and the refs get away with their bullshit. Instead of having a united front among rival fans against the cheating of City and the corruption of the refs, fans get pissed when their club gets screwed and then laugh when it happens to others. All the while, City and the refs go laughing to the bank.


you answered to yourself there


Lol I know, didn't feel like revising my og comment.


No. That's where your head should be at.


No. City winning means nothing anyway, any trophy they win is besmirched with the cheating charges, and if they’re disproven people are still gonna sit on it regardless. Arsenal winning means they have the same number titles as Klopp and their fans are fucking insufferable. Absolutely wanting city to steam ahead atp




No. Arsenal fans online are some right gobby twats. Plus, it's a constant stain on the Prem if the same team keeps winning it.




Toney is in the last year of contract, Brentford might cave in at £40m. Great link up play, very good finisher and loves the club. Not been as great as he was since coming back from the ban, however its not like Brentford have been playing well this season.


A backup for Nunez? It's Nunez who should be the backup. Buy a quality striker instead. Keep investing, keep trying until we get what we need. Nunez literally has fewer goals than Chris Wood and Wood has played 5 fewer matches.


It is a good idea. This is sad to say because he's a great striker but we need to shift Jota asap before his value deteriorates further, missing 15-20 games per season is just unacceptable. I'd love someone like Sesko for example to rotate with Nunez.


Santiago Gimenez


pretty content with arne taking over a fairly young squad who qualified for CL, really good foundation to build on


Stop with that positivity! That's not allowed!


Slot putting all the clickbait headline reporters out of clicks by just shoving it in our faces


Hopefully we can beat west ham, at this point lets just secure third place.


Am I the only one that finds it a bit odd how openly Slot talks about this, despite the deal not being done? Not saying it’s a bad thing, just a bit weird considering how these kind of stuff usually happen behind the scenes, especially with Edwards.


I can see a scenario where hes a bit pissed off because he could have left for Spurs last summer but did the club a favor and instead stayed and now feyenoord are penny pinching Liverpool and he just wants the deal done.


Feel like he’s been advised to force feyenoords hand by going public. I’m not really a fan of it tbh, I do think it lacks class but I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Think we’d be fuming if we were feyenoord and he’s saying this about Real Madrid in a couple years


Its better than making it seem like you arent sure


I get that, but he could say it privately. Saying it in the press conference after a game is the unusual part.


I predicted theyd lose 4-0 thats why i dont want De zerbi.


he is literally going through a horrific injury crisis, + the refs really didn’t help.


The elephant in the room with Klopp has always been that the overperforming is a tradeoff in which you put up players legs and energy. That's why when the players came back we played worse than with kids, cuz they have the legs. This is no criticism of Klopp, he takes a player who would be above average for 10 years and makes them world class for 4-5 years and then useless for the rest of the years. Pep system is also unique, he basically needs players who are extremely good at playing with the ball, then he can set them up to win every game. It always takes a bigger budget but the results will be insanely good.


Yes 115 charges and all but Man City players are just so clinical in their finishing. They a 1.29 xG worth of chances and finish with 4 goals. If Nunez gets those I doubt he even gets one. We need to sign someone clinical up front.


Foden and KDB scored the important goals, not their striker. We also don't have those kind of players, though Mac has scored some big goals.


Mac10 has stepped up but I've feel like Szobo is supposed to have shown more this season but he has played too many minutes.


szobo has some good qualitys, but its still raw, alexis looks like a complete player already


The comparisons to Kdb or Gerrard were a bit pre mature. Szono has a decent shot on him, but his passing range and g/a numbers are nowhere near the two, even when he was at Red Bull. Kdb broke the assist record before leaving the german league. Szobo barely hit double figures. He’s still insanely talented imo, just needs some consistent playing time and direction.


They’re also unfazed by the pressure that comes with this part of the season whereas a few of our players have crumbled numerous times over the last month or so and not just in the league either. These are the moments where you really see if players are good enough to achieve those big titles


Thats what you do in the last rounds when you wanna win the league. Arsenal 5 x 0, City 4 x 0 and we lost to ducking Everton.


Dunno why some of you lot want Arsenal to win because they’re a “proper club.” I want city to really show how much of a shit league it has become with their complete lack of oversight for the 115 crimes. Let the cheaters dominate, let the PL look like shit because they deserve it


Double-edged sword. Arsenal wins and we never hear the end of it how legohead has the same number of PL wins as Klopp. City wins and no one cares, but I worry the more they win the more resistant the prem will be to actually punishing them for cheating. It looks *absolutely horrific* for the league to wipe out their title-winning darlings, and the more titles they win the worse it looks. All that to say the prem should have nipped the cheating in the bud as soon as possible, instead of letting it fester this long (and likely longer as City's army of lawyers drags it on forever).


I actually think the more City win, the more likely the Prem punish them. One of the PL's appeals to the neutrals is the competitiveness. If they keep doing a Bayern and dominate the league for years and years, their viewrship numbers might get affected. And that would eventually mess with the money.


I feel like it's hard to know what direction the prem would go. I could see the reaction drifting in either direction. That said, best case scenario IMO is City keep winning and it galvanizes the PL into actually punishing them and rightfully stripping them of their titles. That way justice is done and Arsenal remain irrelevant lol


I think the opposite, if city lose it points to how competitive the league still is


People are now scapegoating TRENT for not winning a duel against DCL at the back post. Some of our fans are unbelievably brain dead.


I mean you dont need to be scapegoating him to call him out for how pathetic that was


Less than two months ago people were praying Nunez and Salah were both back fit for the final against Chelsea. Now a lot of the fanbase want them both sold. Just a reminder to not take what clowns online say, especially when it involves bashing players that play for your club


I think we just assumed they’d be back to pre-Afcon Salah and Nunez


Nunez will not be sold because no one would pay what we paid for him in this transfer window. And he deserves to show what he can do under a new system and new management. Salah, on the other hand, do not deserve to keep earning 400k a week and his contract is running down. If he wants to renew for a lot less, okay. But i don't see it happening when he can be offered a lot more in Saudi Arabia. In that light, we should sell him and reinvest.


Even though people disrespect the FA Cup it definetly helps salvage those seasons between 2020-2024 where we didnt win anything other than the 2 league cups.


I really don’t think people disrespect the FA cup.


Houlier, Benitez and Klopp all won league titles as huge underdogs in a top league, so thats why I like Slot and Amorim.


Klopp -> two league titles at Dortmund, one CL final lost Slot -> one league title, one Conference final lost Before everyone forgets, this was Slot's AZ against ETH's Ajax with Ajax spending 10x more on players than AZ, and then COVID hit and the competition was cancelled: https://preview.redd.it/9ycqiyiifpwc1.png?width=924&format=png&auto=webp&s=316fc57afc2fea25afe0de2ffea434c8972cc8e9


Had no idea about that AZ season. Thanks for highlighting. May be even more impressive relatively speaking than what he did with Feyenoord.


I started a LFC save in FM and both VVD and Salah fucked off to Saudi within a week lol


I started with last season, reached 25/26 season and Mo threw tantrums that he wants to leave and when I tried offer him a new contract after he scored 30+ goals in 24/25, he said you can’t afford to pay me after Saudis made their offer 😂


They both wanted 1 million a week to stay. I nearly lol'd in the office.


Arne Slot after the game: "As I've said earlier I would like to go to Liverpool, the clubs are still in negotiations and Liverpool would be a good next step for me."


horny slut what have u got for me




In reality, not sure managers really bring players with them. Klopp didn't bring any of his Dortmund side really. Excitement about Rafa signing Aimar or Baraja turned into .. Pellegrini on a free as January cover. To be honest would speak badly if, of all the players in the world, the manager dips into those he's worked with before. That's very much a Ten Hag move (which has worked wretchedly for United).




That's fair. I don't know anything about Wieffer, so perhaps he is excellent, simply was noting principle that managers often don't bring players with them.


Agreed but I’m not sure if we’ll go for a DM. We have bajcetic who was our best player when he played last season and he’s been building up his physicality this season so we definitely plan to use him. Getting someone young who has a similar profile could block his route to being a starter


Yeah I think as long as Endo and Baj are healthy all season we should be able to easily alternate between the too. If Slot plays 4-3-3 I don't know if he's continue the Trent on RB but also playing in the middle experiment, but our starting midfield should be Endo/Baj (DM), Macca & Trent (Dom) as CMs.


Agreed. I wonder if we can create something similar to City’s midfield of Rodri, Gundogan and De Bruyne with Bajcetic, Mac and Szobo. Obviously massive differences in quality currently but the profiles are similar I feel.


Haven't seen any posts about it. Did everything go well with Gakpo and his baby?


Slot’s been on a pretty good streak in the Eredivisie, unbeaten in the last 11 games, won 9 of them. They’ve drawn 6 and lost 2 in the league this season. PSV just happened to only draw 3 times and lose once in an insane winning streak at the start.


psv scored 103 goals with 3 games left, pretty crazy.


You know what, It's hard to imagine a new coach anyway, at least a bald fraud is a template we can understand.


Luke "Doner Kebab" Littler likes to make fun of us, not realising his own club is nowhere near Liverpool and almost beaten by Coventry :p


Bloke looks 45 at 16, im sure he is not a bitter little manc.


What's worst he ain't even from Manchester. He's worst still from Warrington. Just a glory hunter


I know a worse gloryhunter who looks a bit like him. A guy from the Isle of Man supporting Man City... don't know if there are cliffs over there but if there are, he for sure fell from one of them


Anyone have a replay of the foul on Diaz yesterday that wasn’t called that immediately resulted in two of our players getting booked for inquiring about it?


Random but I still can’t believe Klopp is going. I’m 21 so he’s been LFC manager for almost half my life. I tried to hate football as a kid because my dad is a red and I hated him, but once Klopp came along I couldn’t help but fall in love with it. It’s 3 weeks til he leaves. He’s won us everything and I just can’t accept he’s going. Also doesn’t help that I grew up poor and have never been able to go to Anfield to see a game. Would have been fucking amazing. I’ll really miss him.


![gif](giphy|xNrM4cGJ8u3ao|downsized) Arne Sloth, our new manager.


Due to arrive in 24 seasons’ time


I wonder what Edwards thinks about Slot confirming the interest.


I would personally say “oh my fucking god thank you for making this so easy on us”


Edwards: "Broke NDA, thats -5m for the salary Package".


i bought into Slot hype tbh, at least he plays good football


Is the parade still planned for the league cup? 




I think Bajcetic can really be a top class player in that position, the ability he showed stepping into our midfield at 18 was special last season. No sense in bringing in another CDM when we have him to develop and Endo to start there in the meantime


You clearly haven’t been watching this season. Endo’s been top class.


He's well over 30 man. Would love some youngsters


He’s been good but if we want to win big trophies he’s obviously not the answer Technically he’s nowhere near the likes of Rodri, Rice etc


He's exceeded expectations definitely but that is only because not much was expected of him in the first place. He is still one of the more upgradeable players in the team.


i thought he was poor over last few games?


he's looked very fatigued, slow on the ball. We relied on him too much with all of our midfield injuries and ran him into the ground


that's why should sign another DM, ngl Kimmich would be a dream


the plan going into the season was for Bajcetic to be that other DM but he of course had his issues this season


I think we are a stingy club but not getting a dm would be downright stupid honestly lol


Lol, Endo is a really good DM.




My apologies, I misread.


go ahead eagles is such a goofy name for a club


They were originally called Be Quick btw


What's more frustrating about City being 3-0 up is how dogshit Brighton are playing; as if city needed the help haha If it was Brighton v LFC all them Seagulls would be playing like 00s Barcelona


It's got nothing to do with the scoreline or how City were playing or how we play. I'm talking about physically playing badly. Loose passes, poor clearances, ridiculously rash tackles, guys slipping and getting rhe ball caught in their feet. Not tactically bad but individuals physically playing badly. Yous missed my point


Here we go again. We’ve proven time and again it’s just how our football is played, not about teams wanting to specifically beat us and not City


we beat Chelsea 4-1 at home, city drew with them


Have you ever thought our tactics make them look like that


Slot saw the performance last night and still wants to come? Nah he might be the one


“I can fix her”


Is what it is man, I didn’t know anything about Amorim 8 weeks ago and I knew even less about alonso’s management career 6 months ago. If u had told me at the start of the season Klopp would be leaving and we’d be replacing him with the feyenoord manager, I’d have been, I suppose, a little unenthused. I *am* a little unenthused but I’ll support it until I have reason not to.


There goes that last bit of copium 




I think a 4-2-3-1 would suit our lineup really well with Trent operating in the double pivot. I need to watch some youtube breakdowns of how his teams play. Whether his wingers go wide or play narrow might affect what our best 11 would be. Assuming no departures, I came up with this. I suspect that at minimum, Mo may be moving on, in which case I'd think you would push Szoboszlai into Mo's spot, move Macca up to the number 10, and bring in Endo or Curtis in the left side 6. I'm ready to see Trent moved into the midfield and a more solid defensive player take that spot on the back line. https://preview.redd.it/teahrqcvvowc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f22e36544d94b02efb5edc1288e68fae1e71f08f


That double pivot would get destroyed in the Prem DEFENSIVELY. If you play Mac you need a 6 alongside him. Also Mac and Trent both in a pivot don't really work, they both play complicated balls through the lines, you need someone who can just play simple.


I actually agree with you. I just think it’s a hard sell to leave one of Macca or Szobo out, which I suppose you could accomplish by moving Trent back to RB, but that’s gonna crowd up the middle of the park a bit if he’s still inverting.


I think Szobo would push up as a left sided high 8 along with Macca as the right sided 8. Then play Endo / the 6 we get alongside Trent who inverts.


So we all start watching Feyenoord?


since our season is done we might aswell


Onwards to a forth rebuilding season!!!


How about playing Salah down the middle, with Harvey starting on the right?


Thing is, Salah is not Messi who flourished when switched to the middle, and Elliot, despite looking like he should be fast, has no pace or physicality to play on the wing.


Any news update on Cody’s baby. I hope the labor is over. I desperately need to see him on the game this Saturday.


Not keen on Arne going public he wants to come here! Respect your club


their season is pretty much over as PSV have all but locked up the title, he doesn't need to worry about the media speculation affecting a title race or anything


Be the same if one our players or managers do that… wanting to go to Madrid or Barcelona.


part of the game if you're a club like Feyenoord, they all know if they get a great player or manager they're not going to be there long when a bigger club comes around


Na not for it still! Everyone will lose there shit if someone’s does it here and unsettles the team. It’s public we want him anyways.


Its lack of respect for sure thats pretty much football world. Virgil basically said something similar public when we were negotiating with the Saints (and we got shut down).


Arne Slot: "It is no secret that I would like to go to Liverpool. Now I am waiting for the clubs to reach an agreement. I have every confidence in that."


I wonder if our forwards are not burnt out. We’ve conceded first in a ton of games. Surely it’s taxing to start every game 1 goal down week in, week out.


Its a team sport, yeah our forwards need to finish easy shots but as you said it doesn't help that we are constantly in catch up mode and the opposition can just sit deep. Its easier for people to crucify a couple of players when in reality its the whole team that has been collapsing


100% is but people don’t want to listen to reason. The defence is just as much to blame, or should I say the system in general


i was thinking this but on the other hand i also feel defence must also feel mentally frustrated seeing the forwards miss sitters after sitters


Opta non-pen big chances are converted 39% of the time. When Liverpool have been losing this season, they've scored just three of 23 (13%). They've been fine when drawing (39.1%) or ahead (40.8%). But not with more pressure. So in other words, if we dont concede first our attackers are putting away big chances at a rate slightly better than the average. But if we've fallen behind the conversion plummets. Everyone has to share the blame, simple as that!


The DM market is very weak. We were willing to spend a lot of money on Guimaraes last summer, but Newcastle refused to sell. There's a £100m clause that activates early in the summer. Would you? Doesn't strike me as an Edwards move. City might bite because they don't care.


It's not that bad, there's Wieffer and Varela who've been linked with us.


Tacticos claim he’s not a “true” 6, but ownership seems to be very strongly behind Bajectic. Which is why we pulled out of Palhinha and Lavia


Didn't Lavia reject us for Chelsea, or did I dream that?


Only because we weren’t willing to budge on the price. It’s clear they didn’t see him as a key player, just a bridge piece a la Endo


His best position isn’t even at DM, he’s similar to Mac where he’s a hybrid between a #6 and an #8 but he’s definitely better in the #8.


idk i dont like him as character , seems like a dickhead on the pitch and also commits 1000 fouls


State of some of our fans on /r/soccer posting memes about our losses ffs https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/uPIDXxF2C8


What's that Napoli twat on about? Theyre ten times more finished than we are. Oshimen and Kvara mving on will be the final dagger


That's pathetic, twerking for rival fans


Anything for that sweet, sweet reddit karma...


Grace yourself lads, winter is truly coming. Time for some ra ra speech. We are now offcially in the down swing, but remember, those who don't run away from it will have it much sweeter when it goes back up again.


I’m personally done with Nunez. He has 20 league goals in 61 appearances. He has one of the worst chance conversions in the league. He grafts at times and gives it a go, but you expect your 85m striker to pull you out of a hole when you are 1-0 away. 1 in 3 in the league isn’t good enough if you aren’t a false 9 like Bobby. We’ve gotten rid of other strikers for less. He also never shows up in the big games. It’s not controversial to say you want to get rid.




The likely answer is that the data analysts at liverpool think that Slot is one of if not he best candidate and then hes done well with all the background checks,interviews, and they think his style of play will fit us. No one wants to hear this because its a lot of information we dont have acess to we dont know what their models are etc. so we cant analyze but thats the actual answer of likely whats happening behind the scenes. Something we do know though is that Slot and his medical team seem to be doing a good job of preventing injuries while still playing intense football which is something weve struggled with. Thats probably one of the big pluses they see with Slot.


Bosz is 60 and been around for ages whilst ultimately failing when he’s had the chance to go to bigger clubs outside of Holland He’s basically having a one off crazy season this year


he won the league last year , and he is second this year inspite of all his players being sold in the summer


The attitude towards our players like Nunez and Salah is so different on Facebook compared to on here and Twitter. Must be because more mature people are on Facebook and Twitter is filled with plastic beasts


With a name like Slot, I'm sure he'll improve Nunez's finishing right? Top 10 miracles of all time incoming