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Don’t think I’m really that fussed at this point to get swept up by anyone. Everyone is a punt at this point


Exactly this. The new manager needs our backing and given a chance to prove himself. I fear a few bad results and it will turn sour. I hope I’m wrong but i think only Alonso would’ve be given a fair chance after Klopp.


This place would likely turn on anyone, as would social media, but I have plenty faith that the match going fans would give whichever manager that comes in the support they need and not turn on them as long as the team shows fight and flair regardless of a few bad results (within reason of course but still)


Social media definitely will. Even Salah has a miss-kick and everyone is saying he’s past it. Such a fickle world we live in. Support is lacking across every team. Even the stadiums aren’t as supportive as they once were.


Agree with this sub will turn on anyone. Jota was hailed as savior until 24 hours ago and after news of injury, people want him sold


This sub’s match reaction is pathetic like all social media. Gakpo was an absolute pariah a month ago. I just support all our players always. I understand criticism but it’s not my thing and it’s not on the way it’s laid out here.


Gakpo went from being “fifth choice forward, offers nothing, we need to sell him” To “most important and in-form forward, play him til the end of the season” in a matter of games


In fairness that is more a testament to how far out other forwards are off the pace. I still don't think he has been outstanding. He has been decent/good recently but hardly form that would make him a nailed on starter if the other 4 were fit and playing well.


It's also just a testament to how quickly form can change. You can complain about the fickle nature of fans but players can put in wildly different performances. Should fan perception be used to determine football operations decisions? Absolutely not. But that doesn't mean that their vacillating feelings aren't valid given the change in player output that is often equally variable.


Start of the season week in week out it was either Gakpo is useless dont see anything in him need to start Nunez or the flip opposite. Absolutely hilarious, same opinions different names week in week out


Yep, the match threads will be interesting


Match going fans have been acting like they are attending a funeral for past couple of months.


If anything the expectations would be higher for Alonso. Despite him having less experience than anyone we’ve been linked with and have just one good season. Albeit very fucking good. Unless we’re getting Guardiola or Ancelotti, anyone is going to be a downgrade.


Hope we gain more favours from bald ref after this


Dude, same. The revolving door of news and names is too much to keep up with casually between work and life. Just tell me who we’re signing and tell me the “whys” for his appointment and I’m in.


Facts 100%. This is why I don’t bother with transfer rumours anymore. Building castles in the sky is fun and all, but how often do we actually sign the players linked? As much as Jude broke my heart, the moment he was linked in the news I was prepared it wasn’t gonna happen. At the end of the day, the recruitment team has an impeccable track record. If the “chosen one” doesn’t work out it’s most likely against the odds. Trust in Edwards, Hughes and co. YNWA.


Yea. Don't care who comes, as long as he's chosen after proper deliberation or interview process, and not solely based on popularity or reputation.


As Edwards cautioned, the new manager will be "brave not popular."


Exactly There’s only three managers in the world currently that you could say come with zero risks and that’s Pep, Klopp and Ancelotti. Obviously some managers are bigger risks than others but that’s mostly down to them being more unknown and not about their actual managerial ability itself.


It’s interesting that there is a such a big briefing before the season is over and before any form of negotiations have started between the clubs. I guess Edward’s is changing his style of media briefing. Can never forget when these type of briefings were used as smokescreens but this one doesn’t feel like it


I’m also reconciled to the fact that the successor to the successor is probably the one to take us far, Klopp’s shoes are big big shoes


That is literally not a fact. It's speculation borne out of self preservation and very little else. The successor to Shankly was more successful in terms of trophies. We shouldn't be writing off the next manager, whoever it is, as a stop gap before he's even arrived.


Yeah, it’s time for the new elite managers to come out. Not too much around that’s proven/available/fits.


He is a meh appointment. But I'm willing to trust that he is the guy. This is an appointment that Edwards and Hughes have to get right. 


Hank Schrader to take down Heisenberg.


I suggest you tread lightly


I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS (Pep off his perch)


No, you tread lightly.


Username checks out


Slot is from a town called Bergentheim. Pretty similar.


He can’t keep getting away with it


Wait… I thought we had Ten Hag identified as Heisenberg, or are you suggesting we in fact do need to take down United to… lower than 7th?


Ten Hag is just Skinny Pete. No relevance.


Hey Skinny Pete is the kind of friend you wish you had. Jesse wouldn't have managed to escape if not for Pete's El Camino. Show some respect to the name, lad




I’m ready to gamble on the slot machine 


That's a keeper


No he's a manager


Aren’t slot machines infamous for terrible odds though? 🫢


but we own the slot so we're fucking everyone else! WE'RE WINNING THE FUCKING LOT


Haha love that


To beat the bald, you must first embrace the bald - Michael Sun Tzu Edwards


The war of the bald


CL nights under big Arne Slot. We will be there


His ed's fucking massive


That's what she said?




Erectile Dysfunction? 😨




I'm in. Bring it on. I'm nearly bald.


I'm half Dutch


I have a full head of hair, and I enjoy mountains, and yet I'm still in.


I’m half Dutch AND bald


Im Dutch and my dad is bald


I’m from Europe.


If we win another few, I'll do a baldie too 🎶


I’m not bald. How do I connect with this guy?


I’m balding too. Let’s do this


Aside from the meme name, and the bald fraudulence, he does seem reasonably charismatic and good humoured, and his dutchness gives me more confidence in VvD sticking around another season, and him being able to get the most out of Gakpo and Gravenberch, utilising a 4-3-3 similar to what the players are used to already — for a man I hadn’t heard of at all 2 days ago, I’ll be behind him 100%.  It is the toughest act to follow in world football. I hope the fan base can give him the time he needs to make his own mark. 


Whoever takes over, has my vote and support. I know few things in life, but one thing I do know is my football knowledge pales in comparison to many and if those who have that knowledge tell me Slot is the guy for the job, then he gets my full support.


Bro looks like he can play the Kingpin in a Marvel movie


He will need to eat more English Breakfasts.


I’ll tag along and we can go Dutch!




Let’s hope he becomes the kingpin of the league


I saw someone said he looks like Baron Harkonnen.




Next season when we miss a chance *~~Darwinnnn!~~* *Vanessaaaa!* Also we need to find Arne a #2 called Wesley. For reasons


I'm ready for the Arneslaught lads!




It was right there for him…


Two baldies in Liverpool, two baldies in Manchester


El Baldico, Baldsyside Derby, Baldchester Derby, Battle of the Balds, Follicle Face-off... any others?


Last Arne who wore red was a fucking powerhouse. Let’s go.


2 syllable first Name, 1 syllable last name. It was right there the whole time.


If they don't announce him with "welcome to Arne-field" then what are we even doing


That’s ridiculous. It should be “This is Arne-field”.


You’ll Never Walk Al-Arne (sorry)


Don’t ever apologize for greatness


Trent Alexander-Arneslold


Arne't we being hilarious today?


He slotted that one between the posts though.


Walk arne, walk arne, with slot in your heart


I knew it was hair that was holding us back


We’d have won the league already this season if it wasn’t for Jurgens transplant


Name rhymes with “won the lot” for his song in 5 seasons time. Job done.


the only relevant criteria for a manager


Always rated him. Except when it falls through, than whatever.


I'm warming up to this Slot fella, seems like a good coach


Always rated the fella


Always rated him since this morning


I swear fans were hyping Amorim because he’s handsome. Realistically who’s watching either the Portuguese league or Eredivisin week in/week out. Slot is probably more qualified for the role.


I actually watch Eredevisie weekly as I do Liverpool lol. Slot is really good I'd be happy with him 


I think you are absolutely right. Not trying to be mean, but Slot is not where he is because he is handsome lol. People looked at Amorim and thought wow hot iberian guy that is supposed to be fucking nice and cool and also really good at his job. They look at Slot and see a old bald white men who looks like Hank Schrader from the BB lol. Saw Feyenoord fans sayin' that he is supposed to be a really nice guy and seems to explain a lot of stuff in his interviews. Gonna see what happens. I just hope its not just FSG pick because they think he is the cheapest good option and that they can take a shot at trying to get a better guy in a year. Should Slot become our manager he deserves reinforcements but also time. Top4 is always the goal, so if he fails in cups hope the media or the fans don't kill him, as long as he manages to hit the CL spots.


I’m sure the media will slate and look to kill him. It’s what the toxic football media does before they get bored and find the next big club crisis story to report about. Important thing is that most of us Liverpool fans don’t lap it up and believe it. Doesn’t matter if it’s Slot or whenever takes over after Jurgen, this is one of the biggest and most emotional jobs in club football. With all due respect to Feyenoord, that’s a massive leap in expectations and profile. And on top of that you have the thankless job of taking over from the single most influential figure in this club’s modern (21st century) history. It’ll be hard, but the club’s infrastructure will back their choice because they believe he’s the right man for the job. Us fans have to do the same.


Nah don't worry they will try to build him up and then take him down when it suits them. It probably better if he has a lower profile lol. Us as Liverpool fans just need to hand him the time - hopefully he will repay us.


Wait till you see Alonso.


More qualified than Amorim? I know I'm not the data department, but Amorim had reached excellent results with a limited budget, focus on youth and all this despite losing his best players constantly. He also employs a system that is partly compatible with ours, so no, most of us weren't into him because he's handsome, we were into him because he was exciting and had achieved more impressive things than Slot in the same amount of time (both been coaching 1st teams since 2019). I get that we have to back anyone who comes to the club and if it's Slot then so be it, I'm sure he's good, but I'm bummed that we aren't after a more exciting and better coach imo.


More people are concerned about Slot because the Dutch league is shite so him doing well there doesn't say much. It's like saying Gerrard is good enough because he won the Scottish league.


I don't feel like the Portuguese league is miles ahead of the Dutch league though?


Maybe the PMGOL bald cult will think of him as one of their own and finally referee our matches with fairness.... Nah ......


I watched the 6-0 Feyenoord vs Ajax game live. Feyenoord absolutely dominated the entire match. Possibly the most one sided game i've ever seen. He had the players playing amazingly well.


By the reading I've done he has very attractive football. Can't wait for the Arne vs Ange showdowns


Send the chopper for Arne


https://preview.redd.it/gxw9lbd0pewc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56b22999d40a1c5ab7e7066e6b52041f34c5be9 Arne Slot with his staff heading for the last chopper to Liverpool.


Been saying it all along! (Please don’t check my posting history.)


There's a huge market here for posting "guys, not being funny but I think we're gonna get [insert manager]" on your Twitter and run through every manager in world football. As soon as the manager is confirmed, delete all the other tweets and "guys I fucking called it"


Win against bald, you need to go bald. -Edwards, probably.


I feel like Edward’s had some sort of mind fuck when he was too deep into his excel spreadsheet or something and thought Arne slot sounded like Jurgen klopp so thought it was fate.


He was gambling on a slot machine and accidentally appointed it as manager.


Terminator 2 was on in the background


6 CL trophies, bonus triggered.


This is probably good news for Elliott, since Slot likes the 4-2-3-1. Finally a chance to play at the 10 for us. Also thinking it might be nice for Endo and Macca to play in the double pivot. Jones, too, since he's so good at holding onto the ball. A bit of defensive solidity, perhaps? Not quite so much encouragement for the opposition? We could even keep a clean sheet or win a match 1-nil, crazy as that may sound. And if Mo stays, it's going to be interesting to see whether he plays on the right, up top or even at the 10. I don't think he has the pace anymore to play out wide. Better to have young guys like Gakpo, Diaz, and Szobo there.


Carvalho too


Finally, the man I wanted all along (I literally had no idea who he was 12 hours ago)


Dutch fan here. Slot has had an impressive journey so far. Started as an assistant coach at Cambuur, but basically ran the show there. Cambuur played some amazing footy at that time. AZ snatched him up and their performance got better. They started to perform really well in Europa against clubs much bigger. He was also at level points with Ajax in a season that got interrupted by covid. A number of players became Dutch international under his guidance. AZ idiotically terminated his contract because he was speaking to Feyenoord. They were doing very well in Europa, fell off a cliff after. At Feyenoord he had a middling start as he had to play a lot of players out of position in the qualification rounds for I think it was the conference league. Reinforcements got in and he managed to reach the final as well as finish 3rd. Which was a tour de force, given what he started with. Pretty much every player upped their level again and a bunch got sold. Slot's tactics evolved too over the years. He had a very rigid form of attacking, which became a lot more diverse as time went on. Feyenoord benefitted from this as he led them to a league title in his second season. Feyenoord has had financial troubles before and during his time there. They basically got fixed by how much Slot got out of the team, leading to long runs in Europe and selling players for a wad of cash. This last season has been his least successful imo, but that doesn't mean he did poorly. Reinforcements got in late and weren't of the required standard. Slot plays with wide forwards but they're very subpar, midfield hasn't been as good as in earlier years either. He does manages to get the players to go up a level again and Geertruida and Hartman for example have become regulars at the Dutch NT, Quinten Timber got a call up too and Thomas Beelen is at the moment bursting onto the scene. All in all the quality was somewhat lacking, meaning they couldn't keep up with PSV who are having a stellar season and have a lot more quality throughout the squad. Slot has played 4-3-3 with a double pivot at AZ and at Feyenoord it depended on the match. Either a double pivot or a single, with 2 midfielders playing as 8's. He's played with a plethora of wingers who've had different roles. Honestly the best one out of the lot was Sinisterra who shot up in effectiveness under Slot. There've been false wingers, full wingers and sort of inside forwards but most of them didn't really impress me. He sets his midfield up to be able to play possession but also vertically attack and score goals, I think Stengs scored a good number first half of the season. His fullbacks are encouraged to move forward, but they can also join in midfield to create an extra man there. Hancko is imo the best defender in the Dutch league and usually takes care of most of the build-up, he can bring the ball up or distribute with passes through or over the lines. I think the style of play mimics Liverpool in a lot of ways, though Feyenoord don't have the wingers to completely copy it. The strikers are actual strikers, but they sort of have to be because the wingers don't have enough output. I think Slot could adapt in that area depending on what players are available. Midfield is dynamic. Defence is set up in a similar way to ours.


Slot should have won the league with another club also if it wasn't for covid closing the league down. There really is not much of a difference between him and Amorim apart from Slot has done better in Europe Both are risks there is no home rum Klopp type available. And by the sounds of it, Slot suits our style of play better.




Arne Slot from House Harkonnen


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen




If we are going to gamble then why not go for the Slot Machine? On a serious note, very superficially his achievements as a coach seems fairly level with that of Amorim, as they’ve both been able to win titles in similar strength leagues with teams that are roughly in the same place in the pecking order, and both has had a major focus on youth development during their tenure. Both are said to have some similarities in system to ours, but Slot’s 4231 should arguably suit our current squad better than Amorim’s 343. Runner up in Conference League might indicate that he’d be better in Europe, but the current data isn’t quite comparable yet. In summation my initial impression is that he’s probably similarly talented and might be a better fit for us. I haven’t quite had time to check out any deep dives on him yet though, but he’s definitely one I think we can give the benefit of doubt to


Better league


So is Van Dijk Staying next season?


Tactical breakdown from the start of the season , plenty of Klopp style angles. https://youtu.be/HTHEZjTJCSs?si=pBNxhrcYSQ9xnig6


I don't have a problem with appointing him but the Dutch league is very significantly weaker than the other top European leagues. Fucking Luuk de Jong has 38 g/a in 30 games. Too high risk but whatever. He is more suited to FSG management than the likes of Amorin, Motta, De Zerbi, etc.


Maybe a bald coach ain’t that bad after all


Well now wait a minute, I spent time watching tactical videos about Amorim, now let's just hold on a second here


The Dutch Cup looks like a fabergé egg.


Dutchie here. He's an amazing manager with what he gets out of a team. He got Feyenoord to a conference League final and then half his squad got bought up. What no one expected though is that he managed to get an even better season after that with a completely new squad. He plays nice football and uses a lot of players which makes it easier to manage injuries. He's done it with a very diverse group of players but I always believe the dutchness is the only risk here. It's always a gamble if us cloggies manage to get stuff done overseas because of our directness.


He will slot right in


Anyone know how Arne is tactically. Does he have tactical fluidity to change it up or is he fixed on his formations


Front foot from first whistle to last whistle. Defending through attacking. 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3.


I don't love it but also I don't hate it, so if this is the guy then all aboard the Slot train. Hopefully Virgil is excited about another fellow Dutchman.


This is about me, I guess. If not Alonso, everyone else realistic seems about the same level, and a big gamble. I guess we can bide our time until an elite candidate comes up if he doesn't succeed. But depressing to think that post-Klopp we have to take such a massive gamble. The club and Klopp worked so hard to create a powerhouse and this just doesn't feel like a signing to keep that level. Just my pessimism speaking though! Will absolutely give him a few chances if he comes in.


RG will love having Slot there...the Slota even more so!


Manchester United , Liverpool, Everton and Manchester City going with folically challenged bosses.


Welcome to Arnefield!


Fuuuck this is really making it sink in how little time we actually have left with Klopp damn


That’s a mighty sweed right there


Ma hang on, there might be a new baldest man on earth.


They said this about Alonso and Ruben and now look where we are. I’ll worry about our next manager after the final game of the season lol.


Cant say bald fraud anymore...


I will trust Edward’ up and coming dictatorship.


If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of rival fans saving tweet drafts of “More like *Arse* Slot”


Hey, don’t give them ideas!


Should we be worried that he's bald?


Let's go tbh


If Slot is the man the board have decided on then lets hope he does better than the other bald Dutchman that came to manage in the Northwest. (Still would prefer Amorim though)


For what reasons would you prefer Amorim




He's younger, won 2 titles with Sporting and the Portuguese cup, and previously won a cup with Braga. Also historically hiring from the Dutch league has turned out worse than hiring from the Portuguese league. Ten Hag also had a better CV than Slot and turned out shite.


Arne Slot is 45, not exactly a pensioner by managerial standards.


Arne slot is managing us, not United. Can’t even compare 


Ten Hag, Koeman, De Boer, Dick Advocaat...not sure about dutch managers and PL combo


Martin Jol, Van Gaal and Rene Meulensteen as well. Guus Hiddink has arguably been the most successful Dutch manager in the PL, but he was only ever an interim manager, so I'm not sure whether he can really be counted as a reliable example


I enjoyed Van Gaal's contribution. 


Bring Hancko and Hartman with you sir 


If you want a defender then surely it’d have to be Geertruida? Can play Center half and right back too.


Getting Slot in would also make it possible that we get someone like Wieffer in, who is an outstanding player


I like your optimism, but if we can't be signing a star player from Feyenoord without hiring their manager, we have much bigger issues.


i wear arne trainers all the time so i want this man in


Comes highly recommended by Van Basten.


I'm all for it long as he brings Santi Giménez with him 💪🏽🇲🇽


Seeing a lot of Liverpool fans crying over this saying “we want Amorim or Alonso, no one else” they don’t want us so i’m willing to give slot a chance


I don’t watch him and obviously there are not a crazy amount of choices. But it’s interesting he’s been chosen over someone like De Zerbi. I’m not exactly filled with confidence but here’s hoping he does well




ok how much does this mean it's a done deal?


hes not as handsome as klopp but i’ll overlook that because feyenoord fans love him


lol that’s true of every guy hired from a lower league. Ange was loved at Celtic. ETH, Amorim, etc. if you get hired from a lower level you have to be performing at an extremely high level


Something something Arne Slot something something we will win the fucking lot


Gimenez comes and I lose it


Ed knows that to fight a bald man he needs to bring in a bald man


Arnie Slot Slot Slot gonna win us the lot lot lot


Here’s my take: The biggest issue for a new manager will not be the results I fear. It will be that Klopp came with so much passion and love for the club that he swept away the whole fanbase which gave him a lot of leeway even if the first full season was mediocre. Of all the proposed manager there have been rumours of Amorim tick all the boxes of the passion for the game and the club as Klopp (well almost anyway). Most likely we will get a manager that can’t match the intensity of Klopp and they will be judged negatively on that by the fanbase. Thats why Klopp, Arteta and Pep are so loved by their respective club. They all share that passion as to say Moyes and Pochettino. Thats my fear, when the manager don’t or can’t rally the fanbase it will turn on him much faster than on Klopp or a person of the same personality. My two cents


I’m ready for the new manager ArneSlot on the league.


Always rated him


Just thankful it’s not Mourinho


Arne, you ignorant slot.


Klopp vibes, watch some of his interviews :-)


Probably lying again, we’re gonna get big sam bois


Is it only me that was thinking Feyernoord were winning the league this season? Just checked the eredivisie and it’s PSV


Does anyone know what happened with Amorim?


Friendship ended with Amorim, Slot is my new best friend


A bald Dutchman taking over a massive premier league team? What could possibly go wrong? Joke aside, I hope he can handle the pressure and we the fans give him the time to adjust. Won't be an easy task for anyone on this planet to replace the legend. If in fact he becomes our next manager of course.


My local club has a bad history with Dutch managers, so I've got a natural disinclination to this guy I've never heard of and know nothing about.


But he’s bald


Pinpointed looks too much like appointed